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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12242790 No.12242790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most sick/weird doujinshi you've ever read?

>> No.12242795

if I say one I remember, someones going to think Im not cool enough and they had le epic fap to it or something
What's the point

>> No.12242812

poor anon, we love you no matter what your dick doesn't like

>> No.12242813

There was this cute couple and holy shit they said they loved each other while having sex

>> No.12242814
File: 64 KB, 800x473, 1403552203703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like something is inherently sinful about straight shota. With every motion, I feel that I'm doing something irreversible.
That and Fatalpulse.

There's certainly sicker stuff, but I wanted to talk about the sickest stuff I can still enjoy.

>> No.12242816

You must be gay son.

>> No.12242854

>Making request off of /r/ is a banable offense, so please link me to all the weird doujinshi you know about because I'm a sick and twisted pervert who doesn't know how to google.

>> No.12242855

I don't know???

I read some fucked up things, but there isn't a filter in my mind that actually registers when I read something like that. Nothing surprises me or offends me too much.

>> No.12242861

woah, normalfag

>> No.12242863

you know... this is actually pretty rare. I don't think I've ever read a doujinshi where a loving couple has consensual sex with no psychological or overtly perverse behavior

>> No.12242871

...true. or at least where the girl isn't some insane dere

>> No.12242884

I don't think I feel sickened by hentai. Western art makes me puke but that's different.

There is plenty of stuff that is weird and sick but fappable.
The japanese artist that I haven't been able to fap to is NIJIRO MASK.
He does many erotic things but it is so uncanny that I can't feel aroused.

His stuff deserves to admired in the same way as Bekinski or Giger.

>> No.12242891

That one where the girl got put in the barrel with concrete; jacked off to that. Only one that comes to mind

>> No.12242902

The one where konata rapes her baby self was kinda sick
or that guy that makes the sad ones, where it doesnt turn into normal liking it

and I think anything scat is horrible

>> No.12242906

probably that one about the spirals
you know the one

>> No.12242908


>> No.12242929

You jacked off to Junko? Fucking disgusting

>> No.12242931

They look like Picasso blue periods

>> No.12242947

Is making shitty 'post your' threads with Microsoft's new marketing tool the latest and greatest viral advertisement strategy at Microshit headquarters?

>> No.12242951

Uzumaki's not a doujinshi

>> No.12242953

That blue syndrome or somethong one... you know which...

>> No.12242956


Yeah I guess, I don't remember what it was called.

>> No.12242978
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>> No.12242985

Thats what I thought of, but didnt want to search
very sad

>> No.12242996
File: 60 KB, 283x246, ie_blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is too lewd

>> No.12243007


psst... i don't think they're buying it... let's move on to market C...

>> No.12243012 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12243019
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ie is lewd.

>> No.12243025

the one about obese hawaiian was a fun fap

>> No.12243027

I..I'm sorry that I'm too dumb to be trolled properly

>> No.12243031
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would you exploit her backdoor?

>> No.12243049

Which one?

>> No.12243087

I don't know, I tend to not read anything featuring a fetish I don't like and I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to my tastes. I guess incest?

There's one about a writer who visits a mountain town filled with youkai who all want human dick and he has to pick one to marry, at this point in the story he had already fucked several of them and gossip was starting to spread when he encounters a widow youkai with two boys. Anyways he fucks her and the kids come into the room and see it then he ends up practically forcing her to suck them off.

Pretty tame I guess by most standards.

>> No.12243110

Where is this semen demon from? Google gives literally 5 results, 3 of which are /jp/.

>> No.12243160

Is the internet explorer logo that hard to see

>> No.12243323

Please listen to my story. I'm a fan of touhou since 2004, amateur of shmup, I find a site that offer to try the doujin game “Perfect Cherry Blossom”. At first I thought it was strange, a shmup with badly drawn little girls. But the music and patterns hooked me.
The years pass, we are in 2014 now and I’m a Touhoumaniac. My favorite on is Sakuya, a quiet and elegant maid.
Maybe i’m strange, but when i love characters, i do not like to think of sex has their respect.
But I’m a man, i spoke earlier of Sakuya, and just recently I was like "Come on, let yourself be tempted by an erotic doujin about her, it can be arousing"
I try the first one I found with Sakuya on the cover.
And there it’s begins:
The story of that doujin is that: I do not know why but Rinnosuke is with Yukari and Eirin, and theses seem to be sort of slaves subject.
Rinnosuke blackmail Sakuya by threatening Remilia, the maid has no other choice but to be raped by him. And there are comments like she’s going to broke. Oh my god it’s awful…
It's horrible ... I know, some people like this kind of stuff, but I did not think the dream world of Touhou was touched by this kind of thing
I cry, it’s a fictional character, and some could laugh by saying that characters of Touhou are poorly written and developed. But I cry.
It’s now hard for me to think about Sakuya, I always disgusting pictures coming into my head.
I feel a kind of sadness since.
Sakuya is an important part of my life is nothing will ever be the same.
And yet I know that this is just stupid doujin! But I cannot do anything about it.
All I wanted was a little blush before a slightly naughty Sakuya.

>> No.12243331

Probably the DEEP STALKER series.

>> No.12243343

One time I saw a doujin where a guy had sex with a little girl! It was fucking sick, man...

>> No.12243371

I don't know if you'd call it "doujinshi" or just some random internet shit, but one thing I read had a bunch of gore/cannibalism and like fucking giant bugs or some shit.

>> No.12243402

I hate masturbating especially cumming. Feels so GROSS!

>> No.12243418


I don't know about sick/weird, but the one I remember feeling the worst for reading about was that one with the 2 mangakas who travel the country raping lolis.

Its fairly infamous, and used to be posted on /jp/ from time to time

>> No.12243423

I have no morality left.

Nothing shocks me anymore.

>> No.12243428

2hu-wise, every once in a while, I re-read Udonge Childbirth drug training.

>> No.12243433

I like reading vore but I don't get snuff/cannibalism. The ones where people get carved up and cooked is weird

>> No.12243447

Anything by Henmaru Machino. Also, I have a love-hate relationship with ero-guro, sometimes I get aroused (mostly lighter stuff), but most of the time I just end up really disgusted.

>> No.12243460
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>> No.12243471


>> No.12243500

le rustle face

>> No.12243522
File: 1.46 MB, 3970x1981, babbies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall niggas are babbies

>> No.12243524

>Anything by Henmaru Machino.
His weird stuff is pretty weird but they usually have pretty funny jokes.

I don't remember what it was called or who it was by because I don't really want to remember it.

I didn't really read anything in it, but picture wise it was about some loli who visited some goblin and got a penis attached to her. They would jack off using some, I don't know, cheese log looking thing the goblin gave her mom. They put it in some box and let it get rancid and would take it out and smell it while jacking off. Apparently it wasn't enough, cause they were walking around later and found a dog poop on the ground, and after finding it sufficiently stinky, used it to lube up a hole in a log and then fucked that. Then while they were in their post cum dazed phase, they scooped up the poop and cum and tried eating it. This resulted in them puking everywhere, as expected, then trying to scoop the puke and poop and cum back into their mouth.

I don't remember anything else but it ended with them having like 3 giant dicks and jacking off while the goblin laid a huge turd on them.

Pretty weird, all in all.

Weirdest that I could actually fap to was that K-on doujinshi with the fat mio being bullied by nicovideo. Something about them tears and crushing reality.

>> No.12243529

My favorite ;_;

It turned me pro-life (well, I always pro-life but this convinces me more)

>> No.12243536

I'm only pro-life if the child is a girl.

>> No.12243547

Well, the babby rabbit was killed too fast so it's hard to see it's a girl or boy ;_;

>> No.12243554


>> No.12243786

Ahh, this one was great. I don't know if guro counts, but I like the Touhou snuff series and other works by Harasaki.

>> No.12243805

3 guys 1 hammer

>> No.12243846

why is she so perfect?

>> No.12243856

anything with people raping lolis. loli's are meant to be loved tenderly, not violently raped. please do not hurt the lolis and make them cry.

>> No.12244043
File: 211 KB, 394x296, I UNDERSTAND NOW, BONER_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



My fetish is happysex

This series sent my dick to another dimension

>> No.12244073

not doujinshi but a manga, would be really happy if someone can tell me the name of this. there were many chapters and it was kind of a horror manga, but the first chapter was where this girl had constipation or something and it got so bad maggots were crawling in and out of her asshole. she shit out lumps of shit and they were all covered in maggots. i think there was someone helping her. anyone know the name? (that was just the first chapter)

>> No.12244105
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>> No.12244113



>> No.12244125


No, you leave! I'm not giving into your "le 4channers only fap to the most fucked up shit" meme! I like happysex! I like love and romance and sappy shit! So deal with it, nerd!

>> No.12244127

Same as you here, anon.
Thou art not alone.

>> No.12244129



>> No.12244132

I think he told you to leave because of your reddit image.

>> No.12244133

I want to leave.

>> No.12244135


What does that even mean? How would one even know what is and isn't a reddit image unless they browsed reddit?

>> No.12244147

nevermind, found it


>> No.12244162 [DELETED] 

Schoolgirl Encased in Concrete. I remember that one. I'm not sure if I've ever felt that guilty in my whole life.

It was based on a really true real 本当現実 real story.

>> No.12245132

And in the end, they're committing suicide (offscreen)

>> No.12245135

fuck that doujin

>> No.12245211

I love this one so much and the artist as well.
My all time favorite artist, both his artstyle and the fetishes he covers match with my tastes 100%.
I wish all of his stuff was translated though, such a shame.

Speaking of which, he's actually streaming right now as we speak.
His new work is the second part of the Momiji book.
So pretty much vanilla /ss/, with a possible hint at Nitori NTR.

>> No.12245227
File: 9 KB, 233x189, Yankee-go-home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I would stick large knives up her anus until she dies

>> No.12245237 [DELETED] 

wow RUDE

>> No.12245345

>Yankee go home
She's not even American.

>> No.12245439
File: 661 KB, 572x800, 43341866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this still not uploaded yet, I ask?


>> No.12245499

I just finished Loli Friends and the two Geiger ones, but I have to draw the line at the Reisen doujin. I felt so bad just looking at the cover, I couldn't make it past that.

>> No.12245520

You don't know what you're missing dude.
It's hot as fuck.

>> No.12245577

The worst for me was one called Secret Flower Garden or something like that.
It was about a loli that find little parasite monster thing that ends up acting like futa cock.
The content isn't anything mindblowing but there were little thing that really made me dislike it. Like how the loli main caracter starts raping her school friends into whores and that those girls used the sperm of all the sex they were having to fertilize the parasites eggs and get pregnent of other monsters that looked like shit out of fucking Beserk.
But the worst of all for me was what happend with the girls after they gave birth. They had this weird wave belly like their skin had been really pulled, sort a real person would, don't know why that bothered me so much but it did.

>> No.12245608

bad inori, giving our info to the feds while we fap on you

>> No.12245643
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>> No.12245696
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>> No.12245745

What is this?

>> No.12245750

Try a reverse search.

>> No.12245800 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 863x1200, 1404593181778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has always been my favourite. It's obscene, yet cute.

>> No.12245806


>> No.12247526
File: 176 KB, 1591x930, 07_Reisen_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, fuck you Tewi.

>> No.12247615

I hate Tewi a lot.

>> No.12247655 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 841x1200, udonge-childbirth-drug-training-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's plant a bomb inside Tewi together.

>> No.12247664 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 841x1200, 1404631063324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Tewi just trip and fall into the sun?

>> No.12248329

Probably Juan Gotoh shit and Radiohead's Golden Week. the latter was absolutely crazy, but I fapped to it a lot of times.
this was over the line.

>> No.12248351

Did you see the one where there were people that got turned on by dying and then that kid's sister was an executioner for that shit and then he gets his head chopped off as he cums from fucking his sister and they somehow keep his fucking head alive so he can watch his sister get killed as she fucks his headless corpse?

That one was pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.12248409
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In case you missed it, this doujinshi has been shared on the Jay recently.

>> No.12249275
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That's mean.
