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1224124 No.1224124 [Reply] [Original]

A private soldier doubtless suffers less
from his privations than from ignorance
of what is going on; in terms of chess,
he is a pawn. But the significance
of our deployment on the forward slopes
of this position was not lost on us.
No purpose served consulting horoscopes
at Delphi; students of Herodotus
would know withdrawal to Thermopylae
and putting up barbed wire could only mean
fighting a rearguard action Q.E.D.,
as Euclid would have put it.
We had been deposited into the warlike lap
of ancient deities. I said to Blue,
my Aussie mate, "There was this famous chap
Leonidas, he was the Spartan
who defended it with just 300 men
against an army." Bluey took a draw
upon his cigarette. "Well stuff'im then!"
a pungent comment on the art of war.
Foreboding we looked back across the plain
which we had crossed, towards Lamia, towards
the north just as the Spartans must have lain
with spear and sword and watched the Persian hordes
amassing for the battle long ago.
It was deserted, a proscenium
where once Leonidas heard trumpets blow,
a theatre whose auditorium,
the home of gods, was mountains, and whose stage
was lapped by Homer's wine-dark seas as blue
as lapis lazuli, where in a rage
Poseidon wrecked Odysseus and his crew
and siren voices tempted. In the wings
of history we waited for a roll
of other drums and strident trumpetings
to usher in the gods of war.

>> No.1224143
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The soul of Sparta stirred, could but the brave
Leonidas renew his mortal span
instead of merely turning in his grave,
and all his hoplites, perished to a man,
but resurrect themselves. . . . I said "They wore
long hair, the Spartans, a visible proof
that they were free, not helots, and before
the battle they would gravely sit aloof
and garland it with flowers." Bluey spat.
Continuing to watch the empty road
across the plain he took off his tin-hat
(a proof that he was bald) and said "A load
of bloody poufdahs!" Thus he laid the ghost
of brave Leonidas. Herodotus
informs us Xerxes, leader of the host,

>> No.1224145

Error: Field too long

Why'd you shorten the fields, moot? WHY?

>> No.1224150
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And later with our cigarettes concealed
behind cupped hands we peered into the night
across the darkened plain and it revealed
first one and then another point of light,
and then a hundred of them, moving down
the distant backcloth, shining off and on
like tiny jewels sparkling on a crown
of moonlit mountains, a phenomenon
caused by the winding path of their descent
round liair-pin bends cascading from the heights
beyond Lamia, our first presentiment
of evil genius - they were the lights
of Hitler's war machines! So fate had cast
us in the role of heroes in the same
arena where the heroes of the past

>> No.1224181
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I said a private soldier suffers less
from his privations than from ignorance
of what is going on, but we could guess
that some extraordinary circumstance
had made the sergeant, full pack, rifle slung,
rise up before us blotting out the sun.
Phoebus Apollo? Götterdämmerung
the Lord for it and meanwhile Bluey cussed
and our lance-corporal said he'd been outflanked
at Passchendaele and got away with it.
As Bluey put it "if some bloody mug
brasshat had only warned us, used a bit

>> No.1224191
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The Servant went down to Rocco's, he was looking for a facial peel
he was in a bind cause he left cash behind: he was wantin' to make a deal
When he came across this young man cuttin' on a hairdo and makin' it hot.
And then Archer jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what:

"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fashion stylist too.
"And if you'd care to cut some hair, I'll make a bet with you.
"Now you work a pretty good clipper, boy, but give yourself your due:
"I bet a curler of gold for a free hair roll, 'cos I think I'm better than you."

The boy said: "My name's Shirou and it might be a sin,
"But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best that's ever been."

Shirou you polish up your comb and work your scissors hard.
'Cos hells broke loose in Midgard and that Servant styles it hard.
