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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12240094 No.12240094 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone from /jp/ ever been to one of the parties in the mogra club in Tokyo or to one of the parties of the netlabel Maltine?

They play anime/akiba rave/electronic dance music, crowd consists mostly of otakus.You see people in the hallways and in the back of the dancefloor playing 3DS and PSP, talkin about anime for hours and so on. The events are pretty much sold out everytime even though it's still a niche scene in Japan.

They usually stream the parties as well on http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mogra1 . Other than that, there are lots of people there with their laptop, they just dance in the crowd hold the laptop above their head and stream for those who don't come out.

check out
http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/48215696 (e.g. skip to 01:29:00 to hear something familiar).

A lot of the music the djs play comes from the netlabel Maltine Records, they put all of their releases, more than 130 so far, up for free download on http://maltinerecords.cs8.biz/
maltine parties:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rml0WmCZ6h4 (remix from 16:50 onward is fucking amazing)

Made this long post because it blows my mind, this community which is known to be reclusive and socially awkward as fuck coming together for events like this. Takes a lot more guts to go out to a nightclub than to con. At least I can get some kind of idea how it feels to be there from watching it alone at night in my bedroom on the internet and post about it on /jp/.

>> No.12240118

articles about djs from LA and London who try to make it in this scene in japan



>> No.12240285
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There's 2 types of otaku nowadays.

1. normie otacools
2. hikki otakus

I belong to the group of REAL otaku who take pleasure in the things they're actually obsessive about instead of looking for fuckbuddies 24/7 because they feel their hobby is so boring without 100 people surrounding them at all times. Can you guess which one I am?

>> No.12240292


Can you guess which type is the ones who make doujin games, music, organize events, etc.?

>> No.12240295

Who cares?

>> No.12240300

If you have the fancy dream about OTAKU, and, want to realize about truth of OTAKU still.
I will fix you.

>> No.12240347
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I wish I could go to a club and be able to act normally. I wouldn't mind having real sex and moving away from moeblob. 3D would be less gross, but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I don't like their face. It might be otacool or normalfag or fakeNEET, but I don't want to be a hikki or a NEET anymore. I really need to feel good about myself gain some self esteem. I'm not giving up!

>> No.12240353

I don't understand. The combination between the otaku crowd and parties in a club just seems so odd.

It's like Hummus and Ketchup.

>> No.12241173
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>> No.12241182

I went to an IOSYS show a couple years ago. It fucking ruled. Something like a thousand touhou nerds sweating it out for a couple hours. Luckily it was a smoke free environment. The mogra events aren't, as far as I know, so that's a no-go for me.

>> No.12241184

That sounds so disgusting I think I could puke.

>> No.12241188

Real otaku sit on their asses and leech.

>> No.12241193
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I've always wanted to check out the otaku rave scene in Japan, definitely on my to-do list if I ever actually buy a plane ticket.

I'm big into the doujin music and the western electronic music / rave scene so I would probably be in heaven.

It's strange, everything about interacting with people outside scares the shit out of me but as soon as I go to a club or venue that is playing music I'm into all that fades away. I guess it's cause I know I for sure have something in common with everyone there and it's comforting.

>> No.12241252

The majority of male otaku look so fucking gross.

I want to be around people who are nice to look at

>> No.12241576
File: 980 KB, 699x1303, 1404358271976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could hang out with cute girls. One of each archetype. And of course they must all be virgins with some exceptions (10-24 virgin only, 25+ may be nonvirgins).

>> No.12241597

>meishi smile

my niggaaaa

but no, no i haven't. i like club music, but i don't like clubs.

>> No.12241768

I've only been there once.
I usually go to see "地下アイドル" (underground idol) groups at clubs though.

I also used to go to an all-macross all-night club party held about twice a month. Many people cosplayed there. Dancing totally drunk with a bunch of hot girls in macross cosplay is fun, even for an awkward person like me.

>> No.12241826

have you seen especia? are they still considered underground?

>> No.12241848

Haven't seen them live yet.

I wouldn't really consider them that "underground" though. Seems like they are getting more popular.

>> No.12241885

This is what I was thinking. We're on the same wavelength dude

>> No.12241930

Dancing with 3-D 2hus!

>> No.12241980

Maybe I'm going tomorrow to Aninight in club mogra, since I'm in Tokyo for this week.
Will anyone of you be there?

>> No.12242021

>with a bunch of hot girls

>> No.12246430
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>> No.12246927

I don't know if this is true. A lot of content creators are introverts. I think conflating DJ with Doujin Artist is pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.12247377


the former for the first two, latter for the last one

like the other guy said, people who create things, whether Japanese or otherwise, generally have introvert tendencies to an extent

>> No.12252007

does anyone know when the next mogra event will happen?

>> No.12252545


Mogra usually has events which are listd on their site: http://club-mogra.jp/

If you are looking for huge events, usually it's their anniversary (last weekend of August) and New Years Eve along with special guest and themes.

>> No.12252565

i have a professional recommendation fpr you, stop being a jealous fucker and start doing hella drugs

>> No.12252761
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>I remember, 5AM, champagne everywhere, dancefloor full and yet at the back 15 guys in a row leaning on the wall, each with a 3DS and another 5 or 6 guys in the hallway playing Monster Hunter. Stuff like that. Put Monster Hunter down and go get a couple shots and then it’s game on again.

/jp/ meetup

>> No.12252768
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>Some of the best moments I’ve had there are raves finishing at 6AM, going to get sushi and then going straight to an internet café with 10 people so we can all watch this girly anime that starts at 10 past seven in the morning, and then that’s the end of the night, once you’ve watched the episode.

>> No.12252773

This stuff looks so normie, it's like hipsters and art.

>> No.12252782
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Asuka is a TRUotaku.

>> No.12252796

>instead of looking for fuckbuddies 24/7
Only normie retards go to parties for that reason; there are plenty of otaku-related parties in Japan like denkyun which are frequented mostly by otaku who don't go to normal parties. And even outside of Japan people who go to niche parties go to dance, not to fuck. That said, I don't go to clubs but I know plenty of Japanese otaku who are reclusive throughout the day but go out when there's a anison/erogeson/denpason party since they can be open and expressive about their hobbies there. Just be open to correcting your prejudices.

>> No.12252799

if i won the lottery the first thing id do is mail drugs to everybody on /jp/

>> No.12252802

I'm just subscribed to their ustream channel so I get an e-mail whenever an event starts.

>> No.12252809

Only psychedelics please

>> No.12252912

What are the 'normal' nights like? If I'm bored can I just go to any of these one night?


Maybe next week or something ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.12254040

You can also watch online here:

>> No.12254055


What days / time does that usually broadcast?

>> No.12254105

I went to club mogra last saturday, to Anison Matrix.
It was good, I enjoyed it.
The music was good and the people friendly.
I danced till late at night, and got pretty drunk.
Next time I'm in Tokyo I will go again, hopefully by then I will speak enough Japanese to hold a conversation.

>> No.12254119


What are the demographics like in terms of age / gender etc.

>> No.12254126

Nice, I'm jealous.
How big is it? In the ustreams it looks kind of small.

>> No.12254133

What's the point of doing otaku things if you don't know Japanese? Why didn't you already learned it?

>> No.12254174

Cool normie thread!!

Can i join in?! xD

>> No.12254242

I want to actually go though, not watch. In tokyo all the time so just wondering if going on any random night is usually good.

>> No.12254308

I don't live there so I can't go, but I watch it often. They have several DJs in a single event who play different stuff, but it's mostly otaku-related. It's quite enjoyable. I just suggested the live stream so you could see if it suits your taste before going.

>> No.12254553

see >>12240285

>> No.12255266

the demographic consists of people over the minimal required age for drinking.
The male to female ratio is quite high, but there are some females.

It's rather small, but I found it to be big enough for what it was.

I don't know why I still haven't learned it, I really should start when I'm back from japan.

>> No.12255272


Dick spammer?

>> No.12255305

Can you make friends at these events? My Japanese is simple and I don't have a lot to talk about. I don't know what I'd do on my own.

>> No.12255326

I'll pass. When something doesn't appeal to you in its core (parties), it doesn't really matter if it caters to your interests or not.

>> No.12255380
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are there cute otaku girls that go to these parties? are they normally dtf? how open would they be to drugs? otaku girls willing to go to these parties wearing their sexy clothes don't mind taking random drugs from shady dudes right?

>> No.12255483

Does anyone know if you have to book in advance or queue for hours or anything for the big mogra events?

I'll be in Tokyo next new years and I know where I want to be. I've watched the stream every new years for a while now, it'd be great to go.

>> No.12255498

Being not awkward around people is pure experience. Most clubs you can just stand to the side with a drink and observe

I wouldn't say it's particularly enjoyable, but you won't get anything out of it unless you try

>> No.12255512

No it's not “experience”. Some people are just naturally good at socializing.

>> No.12256700


>> No.12257139
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I've been to Mogra once, I was on holiday in Tokyo and I checked the schedule and they had an anisong event. There was like 10 people in the whole place. Not sure if I went at the wrong time or what but it was around 9-10pm iirc.

I also went to Re:animation new year party which was at Joypolis, that was fun as fuck, pic related.

>> No.12257147

looks like a normal stripclub to me

>> No.12258090


My social aniexty just skyrocketed from looking at that pic.

>> No.12258107

I'm so afraid of other people that I can't even do normie things around non-normies.

Besides, it just seems like a gateway into normieism.

>> No.12258543


I'm so sure.

I've never gone to one of these events for the purpose of getting laid. I go to make friends. And it works, too. I have enough friends in Tokyo now that I'll probably never need to pay for a hotel room again.

>> No.12258605


Are you a girl?

>> No.12261340 [DELETED] 


>> No.12263580

>I've always wanted to check out the otaku rave scene in Japan
Why are there people like this frequenting the jay?

>> No.12263581

Probably because you're here.

>> No.12263582

Makes little to no sense.

>> No.12263584

Think about it long and hard, cakeboy.

>> No.12263591

All I ask is you and your people stop ruining a perfectly good board.

>> No.12263602


Who are these people I apparently belong to the same group as? Oh wait, you were going to say normalfag weren't you, it's okay, just let it out. You will feel much better.

Do it faggot

>> No.12263604

>Do it faggot
Aren't you presuming too much?
There is no need to be malicious.

>> No.12263609


Yea? Well I have a big wet cunny and its all for you

>> No.12263660 [DELETED] 

>all these normalfags

It's not normie if there's anime grills!!! Ur just jealous Im le otacool :^)

>> No.12267040
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this word ALWAYS makes me wanna barf

>> No.12267047

Board was ruined ages ago,

>> No.12267296

ye music has dominated the top of my japan seems pretty alright list for a long time now

(that dont mean i havent slept w/ a daki for my entire adult life trust me im fucked u cant normie shame me)

>> No.12267451

too cute fo you

>> No.12267452

Nice sage

>> No.12267515

I've attended a lot of EDM events here in America/the west, from big mainstream stuff like EDC to a few events in warehouses and the like. It's a wonderfully accepting and fun environment.

The idea of this mixing with otaku ideals is wonderful, and I've got a Japan trip planned for next year, so thank you for turning me on to the existence of this!

>> No.12267564

Here is a set by DJ Wildparty who I think owns or runs Mogra


>> No.12271452

it sounds disgusting and not cute. like putting blush lines on a lotus pod

>> No.12271511

same here, i thought it was just me

>> No.12271892

Yes, but you don't have to be one. Most girls that go to events like this are super friendly. If you can string together enough words to keep a conversation going and don't creep on them you can usually find at least one person to hang out with all night.

>> No.12271934


You're missing the point that was trying to be made and that was females have an exponentially easier time and effort in socializing and building relationships to generate social capital.

>> No.12271961

>social capital
The most valueless form of imaginary currency.

Belligerent sage.

>> No.12271976

>If you can string together enough words to keep a conversation going and don't creep on them you can usually find at least one person to hang out with all night.
If this is the mindest you adopt when you set out to interact with another mindless, disgusting ape you've already failed the interaction.

>> No.12271981 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.49_[2014.07.16_03.02.28].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it'd be hard for an average /jp/ girl to socialize with a cute /jp/ boy?

>> No.12272008

Well... i just found myself being VERY interested...I live in denmark and I do have a dream about living in Japan someday! I'm a 22 year old male...Love games and anime and so on~ I also always wanted to get a japanese girl friend I could chat with who live in japan. I' so curious about the life they have there and how everything is like! even what games or animes there is IN at the moment!

Please! If you're a female and wish to chat with a 22yr male from Denmark. Please add me on Skype¨

Naru_kiss -skype

>> No.12272009 [DELETED] 

Please don't bump the blatant viral marketing thread.

>> No.12272018 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 604x657, 1405502251686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otaku nightlife
That's an oxymoron, retard.


>> No.12272023 [DELETED] 
File: 582 KB, 531x711, just one touch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's a legitimate question! I don't want to come off as a creeper or anything when I go to the next /jp/ meetup at the night club parties. I'm just looking to get laid.

>> No.12272030 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ boy
Those don't exist though, at least from he standpoint posited by western gender frameworks.

I'm reporting all of your posts, btw~

>> No.12272032 [DELETED] 

Y-You too...

>> No.12272037

real friends and girlfriedns you dont find in any clubs.
U need to get yourself together and get other hobbies than your NEET ones.
It does not necisserely have to be a sport, but I would reccomend it.
Because when you do other things like thay, you meet new ppl and get to know all kinds of girls too.
I started martial arts because of Hajime no Ippo, now I already do kickboxing for 5 years and have a black belt in taekwondo and I got to know this (8/10) /fit/ taekwondo chick I met in the dojo. We practice a lot outside of training hours (preparing for the national tournements). Also we go on runs together, we also play a lot of basketball in our free time. So there is potential in that too.
Stop hating yourself and work hard to become what you want!

>> No.12272038


>> No.12272039

Me too, and not only that, it's like having a giant banner that says "IM A CROSS BORDER GUISE" hanging halfway out of your ass.

>> No.12272042 [DELETED] 

>>/jp/ boy
>Those don't exist though, at least from he standpoint posited by western gender frameworks.

what the HELL does that even mean

>> No.12272044

Hey, c'mon now. I'm sure awkward /jp/sies want friends too.

>> No.12272051

Magnificent post. The craftsmanship and dedication at play here is truly a glory beyond words.

The absence of grammar, intelligibility and conventional formatting are all features I'd like to see as posting standards for the board. This is the formula to break /jp/'s inexorable stagnation, surely.

>> No.12272056 [DELETED] 

Members of the male gender, by definition, do not post on /jp/. We are all females by categorical necessity.

>> No.12272063


Maybe if you still live in the 1950s then yeah guess you're right.

>> No.12272066


Not trolling but could you elaborate on this?

I think be able to hold smooth ongoing conversations with a person for the duration of a night is admirable.

Or am I missing something you intended to imply.

>> No.12272072


You'r much worse considering you're using an ad hominem attack on his post instead of addressing and refuting the points raised.

>> No.12272079

You're a filthy, blatant nip who firstly needs to refine your grasp of the language, and then consider how ineffective your marketing campaign is going to be when you know literally nothing about the demographic you are targeting.

The morons at >>>/a/ will be a bit more receptive to what you're attempting to do, I assure you.

>> No.12272080


What marketing campaign???

>> No.12272229

Especia is not an underground idol group.

>> No.12272232

Neat. Considering going to one of these mogra events but I need someone in Tokyo to stay. Trains back to my city stop pretty early.

Unless the sets go until like 5am then I'm good.

>> No.12273448

So the real question is how tough is it to get molly in Japan? Or into it

>> No.12273451

What are you, Miley Cyrus or something? Dweeb.

>> No.12273455

What the fuck.

>> No.12273513


Completely not worth the risk regardless, Japan has some of the harshest drug laws in the world and peoples general drug knowledge is incredibly inaccurate and blown out of proportion. Even smoking weed is incredibly taboo

Please use drugs responsibly anon, MDMA can be relatively safe if you don't do too much at once and give your brain 60 days to regenerate seratonin and clear toxins from your system. Don't become like the hordes of retarded ravers in the U.S that have lost the ability to be happy from doing it too much.

>> No.12273519

People inject weed in japan

>> No.12273575

I'm a very responsible MDMA user, don't worry. Test kits and long breaks.

Also ugh, Japan's laws don't sound worth it.

>> No.12273635

Smuggle it in your butt

Drugs in japan are around 4x more expensive than in USA

I don't know what their customs are like but going off the price increase it's probably more involved than australia's

>> No.12274091

Is this at a mogra event or something else?
