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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12238449 No.12238449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you guys realise in Japan "otaku" is basically a word for nerdy losers, right?

>> No.12238452

You're living in the past. Modern otaku are greatly revered in society and hold high positions in the government.

>> No.12238455
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"geek" was also an insult in the west in the 70s but now it's a whole culture that's respected and well understood

>> No.12238459

It's a real shame Japan isn't the West then isn't it?

Seriously though, obsessing over anime is seen as a hobby for losers in Japan just like the rest of the world, people will think you're weird over there too.


>> No.12238462
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/jp/ - otacool

>> No.12238465

Good. I don't like them either. If they think I'm weird they'll probably stay away.

>> No.12238466

Has warosu crapped itself again or it's just /a/ bestowing its infinite wisdom upon our lost souls?

>> No.12238467
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otaku culture is celebrated in japan

you're just an angry normie who's a wannabe nerd and mad he doesn't fit in

>> No.12238470

We wish.

But in reality, being "otaku" is now a cool trendy thing normalfags do, and the entire culture is dying because of it.

>> No.12238473

Citation needed

>> No.12238479

Look up Otacool and Danny Choo

>> No.12238480

>a bunch of losers who sit in their apartments all day watching anime instead of working are celebrated in Japan

Japan values hard work, they don't have time for your shit

this is what faggots actually believe
