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12238374 No.12238374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was just approved for SSI benefits for Schizophrenia. Fuck yeah. However. My cunting shit fuck cum guzzler of a doctor made them give me a
>Representative Payee Service
To manange my bills and finances for at least a few months. The guy at SSI said I'd get a "weekly check/allowance" but online it says the faggots put my extra money in a trust. And directly buy my clothes/food/shelter and education/medical shit for me.

Anyone else forced to have a representative payee? How does it work? I want to buy things with cash when I want. not to have to talk to some govt employee to approve my purchases.

>> No.12238391

Fuck fuck fuck. I have schizophrenia and am trying for SSI. I hope they don't do this to me.

>> No.12238393

I wish I could get autism bux,

>> No.12238396

Where the hell are you reading that online and why are you believing it over the SSI representative?

>> No.12238401

If you're so mentally fucked-up that you can't work then you cannot be trusted to make sound choices. It would not make any sense to just throw money at you. If you were able to make your own choices about money then you would be competent to work and thus would not qualify for assistance.

>> No.12238411
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Heh, idiot. Schizophrenics are prone to do really stupid things with money. You should have gone on it with dep&anx like most of the fakers. They don't control your finances and just throw money at you.

You're probably retarded as well and said you smoke, gamble, do drugs and drink irresponsibly.

>> No.12238414

Not faking. Actually have schizo. Doctor knows ive been sober for 7 months now.

>> No.12238419
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Then you deserve some actual help. truNEETs like myself are just in it for the free cash. I wish you the very best.

>> No.12238426

I have a schitzotypal personality disorder and this is my second time applying for SSI. Do they really deny you the first TWO times? And has anyone heard of someone like me actually getting the autismbux?

>> No.12238451

how are you all going to move to Japan if you depend on benefits to live?

>> No.12238454

Being a shy nerd is not a mental illness.

>> No.12238463

It is if it impedes you from functioning in society.

>> No.12238468


>> No.12238469

I got mine within 3 months of applying. I have schizophrenia and bipolar. I'm OP. I was invol commited for thinking the CIA was trying to assassinate me or brainwash me and i fought a bunch of co ps and got the shit tazed out of me.

Involentary commitment via tazer and police during a psychotic break is a sure fire way to get it.

>> No.12238475

Why would you be important enough for the CIA to care about doing anything to you?

>> No.12238476

You're lucky the pigs didn't take the opportunity to kill you.

>> No.12238477
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>and got the shit tazed out of me

Did you squeal like a girl?

>> No.12238482

I was psychotic at the time. But I thought it was cause I was selling meth and heroin. My dealer was actually watched by the DEA which fueled my psychotic break when i noticed narcs outside my house. Thought the cia put cameras in my vents and inside my TV and cable box and ripped my room apart.
They almost did. Tazed me so many times in the hospital that when they wanted to arrest me for battery on a peace officer the ER doctor told them to fuck off and that tazing a psychotic patient inside a hospital is a no no and he'd be backing me up. Cops cowered after that and just let them take me to the ward.

>> No.12238497
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You sound like a turbo normie.

>> No.12238505 [DELETED] 

Why would you be important enough for the CIA to care about doing anything to you?

>> No.12238525

Not really. I watched porn and smoked meth and played video games and went on 4chan and didnt leave my house other than to get/drop off a bag of meth or to get money for more meth for 3 years. Literally, never went out once with people.

Normals don't like me. And neither do neets.

>> No.12238531

Does meth make those things more fun?

>> No.12238537
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It's not fair to get autsimbux when you're the one that ruined your own life doing drugs. All I do is watch anime and jerk off and video games. That must be why everyone gives me a hard time! They feel sorry for fucking addicts. FUCKING ADDICTS before me! And they refuse to give me money because I'm some sort of faggot in their eyes.

It really is convert or die in this time. And every time I talk about my paranoia people hit me with that stupid drug sidetalk. I try to ignore that and focus on the true answers and no one cares! It's such a passive suppression and I can't stand it!

>> No.12238548

How do you even get into drugs being an introvert?

>> No.12238549
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They fucking American government couldn't give less of a fuck about the way I feel. They'll only come after me if I'm some kind of Arab terrorist. If not, I really think they wouldn't mind it if I blew up a bunch of normies for my own American Rebel reasons. It's a fucking show, or a joke, a reason the reinforce the police with apcs, wire taps and their twisted attitude.

They're against us. They don't even need to fight us like they do the Arabs because laws will be passed to slowly take away our rights. If you survive you'll turn into an agent for the government or some company that could use your person to infiltrate and eliminate your own cultures further. Or lock you up and covert you the perfectly acceptable normie drug culture after you get out of jail a faggot with a widened asshole. We're all going to turn into robots. Mechanical gears in the system with no threat to anyone. They'll see you coming from a mile away and you won't even be able to move anything in the sauce they keep us in. Like hammerheads or dolphins or something they'll read you before anyone else does with their sonar fucking microwave bullshit.

And technology systems get more and more complex. Programmers dedicated to the newest languages that are dependent on the older anyone wanting to have a real reach and a real web like SHODAN or something will never have the ability to comprehend enough to fight back. Any hacker will be seen by someone and no one will have the ability to be invisible. It's just the levels of security that determine if you can penetrate something or not.

All the iphones and wireless networks will be like candy to any punk on the street that has the desire to take a look into a network.

>> No.12238561
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This is what they want, because they'll sell more shitty devices and charge for protection. Dumbass normies are so worried about hacking and the execs just don't give a shit because they know it'll all be shitloads of money, control and power.

>> No.12238570

>you can't work then you cannot be trusted to make sound choices. It would not make any sense to just throw money at you.
If you forget about the MI, then you described the complete opposite of the current welfare system.

They give nignogs money and they can't handle it either.

>> No.12238654

Leave America, move to Sweden or something.

>> No.12238704

So were you schizo before or after the retard crystals?

>> No.12238729

I don't know what to fake. I have severe depression but all this gets me is people trying to fix it.

>> No.12238741
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a girl who I always run into at the supermaket got pregnant to get welfare. once she had the baby she got pregnant again to keep collecting the money. i stopped counting at 3 kids

it's so little you can't even feed a family with it, much less pay rent, in fact where I live people on welfare usually form groups of 15 or 20 and pool the money together to rent an apartment or house and spend the rest on food, clothes, games, internet, booze etc. there's a place like this near my house, i pass by every time I need to get groceries and you can see people sitting on the curb at any time of day drinking and listening to music. sometimes they puke and poo right next to the porch, maybe because they have 1 toilet at most and there's so many people living there. the smell is pretty bad. the girls who grow up in those houses usually get pregnant at age 11 or 12 to collect the money. it's crazy

>> No.12238750
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What a bunch of subhuman degenerates.

>> No.12238757

I want to get Renge pregnant

>> No.12238761

How does one become truNEET? Is it just an ideal?

>> No.12238765

Easy. Talk to shady looking people. I'm an introvert, but not overly shy. Even easier. Use TOR and buy drugs with out even leaving your house and get them mailed to your front door. You can buy them on credit card too. It's pretty nice.

>> No.12238772

I don't think they're bad people, sometimes the girls ring my doorbell and ask me to do their children's homework so they obviously care about how their kids are doing in school.

>> No.12238774
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So do you actually do it?

>> No.12238775

If they cared about how their kids were doing in school they'd ask you to tutor them or something, not do it for them.

>> No.12238783

yes, sometime ago I wrote them an assignment about the world wars and they were pretty happy with it

>> No.12238789
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What do you do for a living, dude?

>> No.12238797

I'm a NEET as well, but I told them I work from home.

they probably have a good reason not to.
maybe the men they live with in the crack house are very territorial

>> No.12238800
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wow dude your like an angel
watching over the degens

>> No.12238821

do their homework is code for fuck the children

>> No.12238828

I lent them money once too.

this girl from the crackhouse just rang my bell once and said she needed 50$ real quick, I'm a hurry etc.. So I gave her the money but I never got it back so now every time they ring and ask for more I tell them I'm broke

>> No.12238836

>the girls who grow up in those houses usually get pregnant at age 11 or 12 to collect the money
Be honest, how many have you knocked up?

>> No.12238839

I suspect I have paranoia. I also suspect it's recently starting to get worse after being a near shut in for a year. Can I collect money from this or will they just drug me and make me go outside?

>> No.12238846

They're probably all brown and ugly.

>> No.12238847

He probably is too.

>> No.12238850

I'm virgin

>> No.12238853
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Indeed. I must have mistaken him from a non-brown because he seemed intelligent enough to do the homework of an elementary schooler. There's no saying that he did them right after all.

>> No.12238861
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Please don't be mean to allegedly pure and innocent /jp/sies.

>> No.12238877

Severe depression and anxiety only gets you a doctor who tries all different kinds of meds on you. At least that's how it was in my experience. Denied twice, but dim hopes for the third. So, if you're really hoping for the cash, you'll probably have to fake something, since going in honestly doesn't seem to do any good.

>> No.12238883

walk into a hospital, tell them you want to kill yourself. makes the process easier from what i've heard.

>> No.12238908

America is truly a degenerate country.

>> No.12238922

Just a country that doesn't care about health/mental health and only knows how to throw money at things
