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12235748 No.12235748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's Canada Day, /jp/! Which touhou is the most CANADIAN?

Also truNEET feels when there are Canadian fireworks all night and you just want to catch some sleep.

>> No.12235758

You just post the bitch.

>> No.12235761

Happy Canada Day.

>> No.12235815

It's a massive country with lots of forest but relatively few people so 2hus who like the woods and quiet would be happy

>> No.12235817

I read that in Rick Moranis' voice from Strange Brew

>> No.12235820

So tengu country?

>> No.12236077
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When I was still roaming Tokyo arcades some Canadian guy mistook me for his countryman, because I was wearing Momji cap... He did not seem to accept the explanation I gave.

>> No.12236077,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get lost, smugglers and synarchist shills.

>> No.12236131

It's also very cold.

>> No.12236210
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Definitely Momizi!

>> No.12236213
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If I were a Japanese person how would I be able to distinguish between a Canadian and an American?

>> No.12236221

Are they eating poutine? Canadian. Do they get upset about hockey? Canadian. Do they know the name of the American Vice President? Canadian.

>> No.12236244

I'm Canadian and one of my relatives in Japan spent a whole day asking how to say things in "American" (no matter how many times her parents corrected her). It was pretty cute.

>> No.12236244,1 [INTERNAL] 

Canadians are infinitely more passive-aggressive

>> No.12236244,2 [INTERNAL] 

Americans are generally more loud, Canadians just keep it to themselves. This distinction has really started to disappear though, as people from Toronto are literal subhumans ruining our public image.

>> No.12236275

was it a younger relative who didn't know better or an older, senile relative?

only the former would be cute

>> No.12236292

It was the former, but doddering old Japanese people can be pretty cute sometimes. Sometimes.

>> No.12236332

Pretending to be Canadian is a great way to win favors in Japan, as well as to avoid being American while still being a white foreigner.

>> No.12236346

I'm OK with this, please don't give us a bad rep though.

>> No.12236382

20 minutes till we start the barbecue! I'm hungry, I want dinner now!

>> No.12236385

But Japanese people love American people.
Why do you think Metal Wolf Chaos was made?

>> No.12236404

Too bad I'm not in Japan
But Canada is a great place

>> No.12236405
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If I don't eat dinner soon I'll eat my hat!

>> No.12236406

>being a truNEET
>sleeping at night

>> No.12236417
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>But Canada is a great place

I hate my province.

>> No.12236419

Me too. Overall I think we are a pretty nice country.

>> No.12236420

Do you live in the middle somewhere? If so, you have my sympathy.

>> No.12236424

QC. I dislike the politics, they won't let us take it easy.

>> No.12236430

It's illegal to buy lolicon stuff here. Fucking gay. You Americans are lucky, in a way.

>> No.12236431

They like Americans at a distance, like all foreigners.
To be honest, I don't actually know if they dislike Americans more than other white people. Someone did tell me that some English schools discriminate against Americans when hiring teachers, but that doesn't mean Americans would get more hate from average person.

>> No.12236433
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I wish I could leave.

>> No.12236438

I will spend all day playing 2hu and sleeping!
Be happy you're not in southern Ontario! That place is a degenerate shit hole!

>> No.12236442

Understandable, but at least you have good food and a couple of reasonably nice cities!

I'm sorry, you'll make it to a nicer part of Canada someday. I believe in you.

>> No.12236458

They're on the grill right now. I snuck some buns and cheese so I can have seconds when they aren't looking.

Mom won't let me have two :(

>> No.12236467
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My papa lets me eat all the burgs I want!

>> No.12236487

>a degenerate shit hole
I don't understand why you say these mean things...

>> No.12236489

Because it's true!

>> No.12236499

It's not. It can be a nice place to create lots of warm memories.

>> No.12236502

I'm jealous.

>> No.12236513

Prove it!

>> No.12236516

My mom would feed me five burgs a day if she could!

>> No.12236528

Here is my life and the love I have built up in it, growing up in this area of the world. It's only feelings and memories in the end. Proof is for logic-based things. I don't think logic is applicable to emotions...

>> No.12236529

I think the other anon just wanted to make some happy memories together with you.

>> No.12236533

America's silly hat, which makes America a Touhou.

>> No.12236537
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I wish we had an american touhou. It'll be like G gundam

>> No.12236548

What city do you live in?!

>> No.12236565
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I'd rather bang a slim american hottie than a dorky canadian nerd any day. Just saying.

>> No.12236575

I'd rather bang you!

>> No.12236576
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>> No.12236577

Great, more for me then!

>> No.12236584

No! You will be mine!

>> No.12236617

Southern Ontario isn't so bad if you live in the GTA

>> No.12236619
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Whatever you say

>> No.12236619,1 [INTERNAL] 

No your problem is that you don't, in fact, keep much to yourselves. Keep your B.S. and your contraband, please. (We already know you won't.)

>> No.12236660

But the GTA is the worst part!

>> No.12236663

Is London good or bad?

>> No.12236666
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We all agree that Metro Vancouver is best though right?

>> No.12236670

>82% white!
It's alright I guess!
>41.7% of the population were of visible minority origin
That's not alright!

>> No.12236676
File: 390 KB, 992x1404, 犬走椛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canada is probably my favorite american country

>> No.12236680

>That's not alright!
Bitch please, why do you think we have such tasty food?

>> No.12236711

America Day is pretty soon and I'm not looking forward to the fireworks and drunken yelling either.

When is Japan Day?

>> No.12236712

There are no real differences.
Some of the regional dialects can be distinguished as Canadian. Quebecois is easy enough if you're French and some of the Atlantic Canadian dialects are fairly recognizable.

But some shmuck from Calgary or Toronto is nigh-indistinguishable from his counterpart in St. Louis or Cleveland.

>> No.12236722

My pets are frightened by the fireworks. We have no drunk shouting people, so that's a plus. I hate when stores are closed. I wanted to go shopping today but I can't...

>> No.12236727

Where I live is 98% white and is just as bad as comparable cities with more minorities

>> No.12236738

You're just saying that!

>> No.12236754

Please do not bully me with all of your brazen accusations.

>> No.12236757

Well what city is it?!

>> No.12236769

St. John's

>> No.12236771

But anon how can that city be as bad as a city in southern Ontario?!

>> No.12236777

Well where do you live then and what don't you find to your satisfaction? I live in Hamilton and the city is boring is hell and has shitty restaurants. Other than that I can't think of anything to complain about.

>> No.12236779

Well I dunno, I've never been to Southern Ontario.

>> No.12236780

But I imagine that you probably have similar problems with poverty and unemployment. Just that your problems have darker skin tones.

But still I am happy with my station in life, you too should try and see the bright sides of your place rather than picking out every little flaw, learn to take it easy and graze the danmaku society throws your way

>> No.12236785

On a related note, I feel strange but privileged that I am most likely the only Touhou primary fan for many many kilometres.

I am particularly drawn to the faeries because they are the most Newfoundland 2hus, local legend in my province held that if you were to wander out into the wilderness the faeries would disorient you, spirit you away, or drown you in the bog. But they too were fantasical creatures that could be appeased with gifts of food and rum.

>> No.12236788

I live in Toronto! Too many sjws and browns!

>> No.12236789

You sound fantastical, dude!

I hope you meet Letty in a cold breeze!

>> No.12236790

Man if only southern Ontario could be as cool as that! This place reeks!

>> No.12236826

I like all kinds of people, as long as they don't try and bully me

But in all reality if you live in a really big city you are going to be living amongst the bully...I recommend finding a simple life in a smaller town

>> No.12237000

>No shitposting
>Complaining about respective locations

God, this place reeks of canadien

>> No.12237021

The fireworks have begun...

Alberta is the nicest province in Canada. In just a couple hours drive you can go from warm plains and oil country to the fresh wild mountains.

Are there any hiking otaku?

>> No.12237026

Mine have ended long ago. It's midnight so it's not allowed to be so noisy because most folks are in bed.

>> No.12237028

>Which touhou is the most CANADIAN
Well, if Marisa is America, then probably her hat.

>> No.12237100

Anyone living in Mississauga?

>> No.12237157

July 1st was also the costliest day for the British military in their entire history.First day on the Somme,look it up.

>> No.12237163
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>/jp/ meetup

>> No.12237168

I'm the only guy that has never blazed living in Hongcouver

>> No.12237172

cananda day is over.
time for quiet.
mississauga is a bad place full of chinks.
move to a better province.

>> No.12237174

I thought it was called Vancouver.

>> No.12237176


>> No.12237187
File: 10 KB, 257x196, Rowsdower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Momoji cosplaying as the One True Hero of Canada
>pic so related

>> No.12237194


>> No.12237194,1 [INTERNAL] 

>know your place
Sure, that's a solution to racism.

My ass.

>> No.12237426

Well, in BC you can go from beautiful seaside to world-class skiing in a couple of hours. On the right day you can even enjoy the beach and the slopes! It doesn't get too hot or too cold in the lower mainland, and we have great food! Your mountains are very beautiful though, and some of our best ones for skiing are more accessible from Calgary than Van. And you have lots of oil money.

Well I've never blazed either.

>move to a better province.

>> No.12238886

Oshawa fag reporting in, please kill me

>> No.12239050

Victoria, BC here! Let's be friends!

>> No.12239059

Is that Larry Csonka?!

>> No.12239072

Nothing's worse than Brampton. Nothing.

>> No.12239082

fuck off of /jp/ kudasai
