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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1223438 No.1223438 [Reply] [Original]

give some exercices to pratice martial arts ....

>> No.1223447

Hit the air 100 times/day and you'll turn into a super saiyan in no time.

>> No.1223455

ok so im in school and this kid i dont like his name is shawn he starts botering me because hes a jerk and he alawys picks on me like pushing me around and stuff anyway usualyi dont usualy do anything cuz i get scared but that day he was pushing me into the wall while i was walking to class with my friends and everyone was quiet cuz no1 wanted to get picked on but i was starting to get angry so i said to him stop it already, shawn and he's like f*** u, dork make me and im like fine thats it!!!11! so he pushes me and i fall on my face and evry1 around gets in a group and starts going fight fight fight and shawns like get up you b**** so i get up slowly and im REALLY angry and i turn around and i feel like theres this power inside me so i start screaming at him like goku so evry1 in the group backs up and looks scared and even shawn started to back up and look scared so i yell at him you shuldnt have messed with a sayian!!!1! i put my hands back and go kameeeeeeehameeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa and i try to shoot it i dont see it but i could feel the forc e of it (im training it now so i can see it) and shawn backed up a bit so i coul dtell him i hit him wiht it too then he turned around and walked awya cuz he was scared and evry1 in the gruop walked away too and my friends all come up to me and start saying stuff like good job and my friend chris says dude your hair turned gold for a second and im like really and hes like yeah and then all my other friends are like yeah i saw it too so thats the story of how i learned that i was a saiyan

>> No.1223459
File: 8 KB, 184x185, 1220124665397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jump of the edge of a cliff.

>> No.1223467

Calisthenics should do.

>> No.1223522

Id love to see that happen. I just love that CP.

>> No.1223545


>> No.1223587



Copy Pasta.

>> No.1223593

What's that?

>> No.1223598

No one calls copypasta CP, type it out moran.

>> No.1223614

Kopipe also works, if copypasta is too long for you.

>> No.1223622

> ....
Please go back to /a/ and never leave that place.

>> No.1223627

CP is reserved acronym for Child Porn

>> No.1223629


Things can have a 2nd meaning.

>> No.1223635

A more relevant link:
