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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 170x170, pixiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12221328 No.12221328 [Reply] [Original]

We’ve now released a new function to handle animated illustrations called Ugoira which makes your series of illustrations into an animated one.

Any thoughts?

>> No.12221335 [DELETED] 

Are you talking to me?
Are you talking to me?
There's no one else here so you must be talking to me.

>> No.12221357 [DELETED] 

I think she was talking to me.

>> No.12221363 [DELETED] 

That's a poor interpretation of one of the best moments in film history. Kill yourself.

>> No.12221363,1 [INTERNAL] 

was this guy being ironic?

>> No.12221363,2 [INTERNAL] 

We may never know.

>> No.12221573

I have ifficulties in doing not eyebleed drawings, figure entire animations

>> No.12221577 [DELETED] 

>Best moments in film history

>> No.12221583 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1280x265, nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels profound.

>> No.12221591 [DELETED] 

At last! Your ridiculous gOD disproven by one simple click! I rest my fedora, m'ladies. In this moment, I am euphoric.

>> No.12221599 [DELETED] 


>> No.12221600 [DELETED] 

I'll just stick to >>>/r/atheism. At least there's no retards there.

>> No.12221616 [DELETED] 

How can retards not be there if you're there?

>> No.12221913

That means just about nothing for the tags I browse.

But good for Pixiv, I guess.

>> No.12221922 [DELETED] 

Sure told him, buttwiener.

>> No.12222335

You can't save them.
Beyond garbage.

>> No.12222347
File: 38 KB, 370x277, Wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck didn't they simply add gif or apng?
Why did they had to animate each frame on JS?!


>> No.12222371

Don't question Japanese programming.

>> No.12222397

Alright, so now we need someone who can make a script that
1. Downloads all the frames of a given animation
2. Obtains information about the timing of each frame
3. Uses the information from 2 to compile the frames from 1 into a webm

I know tons of you guys are studying programming to fight the crippling depression of your unproductive NEET lifestyles, so how about putting that knowledge to use to salvage this blunder?

>> No.12222401

apng would be better since it's loseless.

>> No.12222420

Would be a nice bonus to be able to share on 4chan, though

>> No.12222422
File: 7 KB, 500x29, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first need to persuade moot to stop sucking dick all the time and implement apng.

>> No.12222454

Well, maybe this way it makes harder to "steal".

>> No.12222462

Does 4chan even support variable framerate webm's?

>> No.12222464

Speaking of this, why moot is so against apng exactly?

>> No.12222474
File: 18 KB, 1501x205, moot-the-faggot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot hates nice things.

>> No.12222484

They always supported gifs and animated png, actually. Or at least did not stop people from posting them.


I wonder why it never caught on, and I wonder whether this will.

>> No.12222784


>> No.12223255

It's some dumb animation in a wrapper. It looks like each frame is just a png in base64.


>> No.12223287

It never hosted them. Whenever people wanted to post animated pictures, they either had to submit each frame in manga mode, or submit one frame and link to an external site holding the actual animation.

Hard to say if this will catch on, though. On one hand, it's a really horrible solution which is inconvenient to the uploader, host and viewer at the same time, and it's limited to 50 frames total. In order to make an animation, you'll most likely be using a program dealing with frames, and any such program will easily be able to compile them into an animation image, so having to save all the frames separately and upload them to pixiv is a pretty annoying extra step. On the other hand, Japanese people have this weird habit of just picking whatever tool is most easily available to them even if there are superior options out there, so they might be willing to settle for this out of some twisted concept of convenience. And to people who haven't seen apng before, the resolution ugoani allows might seem impressive compared to gif.

>> No.12223936

>It never hosted them.

Yes, it did. I don't know what restrictions were in place or why some people preferred to post animations on external sites, but submissions like
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=43132445 clearly show it was possible to put them on pixiv if you wanted to.

>> No.12224037 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.86 MB, 732x1003, 1403776646606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking to get all the image frames, using something like RequestPolicy in firefox should show a zip file request tailed with the image dimensions.
ie. i2 dot pixiv dot net/img-zip-ugoira/img/2014/06/25/23/51/05/44310619_ugoira1920x1080.zip
Or just find zip in the page source.

<- Too lewd for work by the way.

>> No.12224362

I just get 403 forbidden

>> No.12224375

A lot of Pixiv is protected with a referrer check, so you will have a hard time using just your browser to get what you want. Just script it, way less headache.

>> No.12224378

4chan pretty much is the only website in existence that doesn't "support" APNG (actually actively scans PNGs for animations and refuses them)

APNG is 100% backwards compatible with normal PNG. Normal PNG support = APNG support.

moot truly is a faggot.

>> No.12224390


I'm unfamiliar with this; is there a link that can show me how to do so?

>> No.12224403

Probably because APNG is terrible? Just a guess.

>> No.12224422

Sorry friend, if you don't know what a referrer check is, chances are that you wouldn't know how to write a script to circumvent it.

>> No.12224725
File: 558 KB, 1109x802, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this happening to anybody else?

Some pictures refuse to load and I've tried opening them on multiple devices and clicking into enlarge and everything and nothing.

It's always the same ones too.

>> No.12225206


>> No.12225460

Try on pixiv.net instead of .com

>> No.12225517

That fixed it.
Wierd though, never had that issue before.

>> No.12225524

He does have half a point.
4chan as a site is good because it is consistent and only changes when it is convenient for everyone.

>> No.12226184

They're the animated illustrations.
pixiv.com uses a different interface which probably hasn't been updated to handle them yet.

>> No.12226223


>> No.12226641

How do you save them?

>> No.12226881

I must have had some pre ugoira cookie that stored referrals, since that isn't working now.

That said:

Shove that into a bookmark and use it while on the page.

>> No.12227729

Animated GIF only supports up to 256 colors. APNG is not supported by most browsers without installing some extension or plugin. Both are lossless, so filesizes can get very large for low-contrast, high-detail images. Basically, Pixiv wants MJPEG, but I don't think that's support out-of-the-box by most browsers either, so this was their solution.

>> No.12229647

Well, this doesn't actually work anywhere as poorly as I thought it would.

It's still a stupid idea.
