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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 180x256, whatthefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12218884 No.12218884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's not an english VN, it has cirno and it is about lolis and it was translated to english recently.
Are germans and japanese the same tier, because of axis past and all?

>> No.12218923

if thats the truth...then i have to download it!

>> No.12219032
File: 110 KB, 1200x675, ev_0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if thats the truth...then i have to download it!
What I forgot to mention is that Unteralterbach threads are ban on sight on /v/, so it's the only solution to discuss it here.

>> No.12219048
File: 126 KB, 1068x655, threadbanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unteralterbach threads are ban on sight on /v/,
That's not even a joke.

>> No.12219071

It's a nightmare-inducing piece of shit.

>> No.12219163

How many threads are you going to make about this?

>> No.12219367

As a native German, there are only two things I'm not proud of concerning my home country:
National Socialism, and this.

>> No.12219379

it's an OEVLN-tier VN filled with german board culture memes
that's even worse than Uncle Mugen's crap

>> No.12219380

What is unteralterbach

>> No.12219384

german meme

>> No.12219385

Okay, but what does it mean?

>> No.12219398

The meaning of "Unteralterbach" is actually a plot point in the early parts of the story. Just play the game.

>> No.12219408

All the people I talked to about this in the VN general liked it.

It is genuinely funny and well written.
It would appeal to /jp/s sense of humor if we still had any left.

Who did the translation?

>> No.12219409

Why is it banned on /v/?

>> No.12219413

Wild guess? How about sex with children?

>> No.12219415

"Unteralter" a 1:1 translation of the term "underage".
under -> unter
age -> alter
This word doesn't exist in the german language but for some reasons some idiots think these 1:1 translations from 4chan-terms are funny.
Don't know what the additional "bach" means, but whole terms basically tells you you're playing some kind of pedophile who likes childporn.
In short: shit.

>> No.12219418

Sounds like no big deal compared to the shit you can do in most video games normally. /v/ mods sure are prude as hell.

>> No.12219419

They're also based on real little girls.

>> No.12219425

Did they trace cp or something?

>> No.12219432


>> No.12219434

I still have it on my hd. If anyone has a link to the patch then I'll give it a try and report back on the translation quality.

>> No.12219435

It's not a patch. Just download and install the full game from the website. It's not compatible with your old saves.

>> No.12219440

Ok, thanks.

>> No.12219448

Ah, I see, thanks.
Is Krautchan really that weird?

>> No.12219476

You miss the joke. Unteralterbach would work perfectly as a real village name. It just means "under old river" unless you know krautchan speak.

>> No.12219539

Wow, get out of your you selfloathing nazishaming lestists cunt, people like you are the reason why I am not allowed to yell at minorities, fuck you

>> No.12219541

You are right about the underage part, bach is just the word for river and probably intended to make the whole name sound like a city name since that's fairly common.

So basicly the name means "underagevillage"

>> No.12221471

faux-Japanese stuff goes on /vg/ last time I checked. I mean I seriously do not care, myself, but I think that's where it goes.

N.B.: Also, I might be wrong, but I'm under the impression blatant loli porn discussion is a no-no outside of /b/.

>> No.12221476

>I'm under the impression blatant loli porn discussion is a no-no outside of /b/.
Bloody fucking hell. Are you a janitor by chance?

>> No.12221484

Okay I'm playing it
I must admit its the best looking western vn I've ever seen. the humor is stupid but spot on. no idea why they used this whole pedo soup but whatever, it woeks fine
holy shit /jp/, the best we have is Mugen
possible that the people here can't do something like that? I feel like if there's a challenge being issued

>> No.12221489


>> No.12221612

man the jews sure did a job on you

>> No.12221619

Geh heim, Bernd.

>> No.12221626

Not /jp/. Germans are certainly the other weird porn producer besides Japan though.

Advertising is not allowed on 4chan and non-jap VNs go on /vg/.

>> No.12221732


The way I think they came up with that bullshit word:
"Unteralter" - Literal translation of underage
"Bach" - Deliberately missspelled "bitch".
I have a friend that visits Krautchan and uses those "memes" rising up from there.
It's not funny at all.
They just take words that are in use on english imageboards and either translate them 1:1, which is stupid because it leaves all the context and actual meaning of the word behind, or they don't translate it and change them in a stupid fashion. Most obvious examples for this would be:
"Faden" - Literal translation for thread
"Säge" - Used in place for sage, means saw

Krautchan is a board full of subhuman scum. Wouldn't recommend reading anything that comes from there.
The art style looks like shit, too - Absolutely not /jp/.

>> No.12221774

liking anime lolis ironically or nonironically is OK at some point, but these animations are based on 3D childs and that's just disgusting western shit
how is that even allowed in germany

>> No.12221845

>The art style looks like shit, too
The screenshots I've seen make it look kinda flash-porny in a way that reminds me of furry porn and some Japanese flash cartoon beast porn.

Still, this thread makes the whole thing sound like an exercise in false-flag internet dumbassery. So if it includes an executable instead of just running under something else, do keep it in its own isolated sandbox.

>> No.12221856

>Krautchan is a board full of subhuman scum.
Hey. Fuck you. KC /int/ alone is better than all of 4chan except /jp/ combined. The rest of KC may or may not be full of subhuman scum, but since it's in German, who cares.

>> No.12221885

Stop defending dumb image board culture. It's strange.

>> No.12221888

>The art style looks like shit, too
I'm surprise no one mentioned this. Especially the "tumblr nose" term, its totally acceptable in this situation since it stands out so much and adds to the shit meter. I guess no one brings it up since they're dirty naziboos or whatever.
Guess I try it since there's always a lot or praise for it.

>> No.12221895
File: 235 KB, 1074x828, OTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only true /jp/ approved /int/ board is Ylilauta, fug off assburger :DDD

>> No.12221907

It's an ebin krautchan mene to take English internet terms and translate them literally word for word to German. Some more examples:
Gesichtsbuch - Facebook
¨mgw" = mein gesicht wenn - my face when
das fühl wenn - that feel when (not so much of a stretch since this originated on their /int/)

They are also huge faggots and you shouldn't go there.

>> No.12221912

Am I gonna get put on a watch-list for this

>> No.12221914
File: 46 KB, 1304x892, eel_threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC /int/ is literally the worst of /r9k/ combined with the worst of /pol/ plus a population of about 30% Russians posting garbage via google translate. It's an irredeemable shitheap of a board.

>> No.12221919

I still chuckle at that stuff even though it has been years since I first read it.
Maybe it's just me being an autist though.

>> No.12221941

It's funny in a goofy kind of way, but we must resist and try to take ourselves seriously now.

>> No.12221946

There's nothing strange in shitting up the offtopic thread.

Finnish rangeban on /jp/ best day of my life.

Russians are the soul of KC /int/. Well, it's nice to know that we won't meet there.

>> No.12221949

You seem like the kind of person that eats drama like it's cake or something.

>> No.12221950

When the ¨soul" of your board is illiterate Putin shills who speak English at a kindergarten level it kind of makes me glad I don't go there anymore.

>> No.12221963

t. Finn

>> No.12221983

If there's no drama going on naturally, it has to be created; gotta entertain ourselves somehow. How's your first summer on /jp/ going? I see you're getting the gist of the board already.

The pleasure is all mine.

>> No.12221997

How's the story? Is it moving in any way?

>> No.12222074
File: 82 KB, 584x389, spoon-feeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking read it or don't.
I swear you guys get more retarded each summer.

>> No.12222182


>> No.12222192

Anytime at your service. Post some more dumb shit when you want to have a chat, chances are I'm feeling like preying on grasshoppers.

>> No.12222543

Been playing for 4 hours and no porn.
Have I've been too much of square or something?

>> No.12222553

The first one you should get is the one in the OP. Something with strawberries.

>> No.12222555

My guess is that its being spammed there. And we can't have non-Steam threads when the sale's happening now can we! /v/ is so stupid.

>> No.12222557

Not him, but it'd be nice to know if the story's any decent. The art style's not really my taste so if the story isn't good then I won't bother.

>> No.12222565

We know it's hard for you to get a grip over there.

>> No.12222574


>> No.12222576

The first one I got was the Aisha one in the dream.

>> No.12222578

I found it funny.
Some average pathetic chan lurking NEET moves to some small town, since this is Germany the government or something makes him get a job. Thought it was something involving Oktoberfest, found out he works for the German version of the FBI, and his special sector involves locking up CP traders. Some blatant implications that his coworkers aren't serious about the job and actually wank to the stuff, and the rest is him exploring his new town and the people.
Okay kinda sounds creepy when you think about it, but I'm >>12222543, and kinda quit when it started getting too text heavy and no lewd, I guess my first words made me too serious or they did something to the English version.
Either way, there's a thread on /vg/ for it already, which is probably a better place to discuss this than /jp/. Probably.

>> No.12222582

Might be some small spoilers, but it happens early on, but don't forget it turns out: The little girls are the ones who film the porn, and brainwash/erase memories of the men who fuck them.

>> No.12222584

How do I reach it? I've gone far to the part about some old plastic hag's castle. Don't know anything about strawberry part, and couldn't get anywhere during Aisha's part, been saving like crazy and still getting stabbed by a guard. Even the two witch girls scene didn't bring anything

>> No.12222586

You're stuck on the loser path already. Time to restart. Make sure you don't do any MILFs, and try not to let Bernd act like a loser.

>> No.12222587

You're right, anon. That was some spoilers. Thanks a lot, JERK.

>> No.12222588


I'll be damned if that link goes through.

>> No.12222591

Walkthrough for >>12222584

>> No.12222592

did you fuck the woman at the very beginning? Pretty sure that locks you out of like everything. I'm not very far though.

I spoiler tagged it friendo!

>> No.12222600

Also, seems to be A LOT of jokes and jabs at some German political or social figures that I bet went way over my head.
Noted, thinking about it, and thanks.
The fat angry ginger lady? No, not at all. But I think it has to do with how I mostly choose the polite choices.
Also, I ain't your friendo, nerdo.

>> No.12222607


>> No.12222631

Make sure you arrive for work on the first day on time, or you autolose. Just don't browse the internet at night, and ignore fat angry ginger lady. The rest is just being nice.

>> No.12223079

Yeah,don't fuck the grandma even though there's an achievement for it.
