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File: 58 KB, 656x522, jpchoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1221888 No.1221888 [Reply] [Original]

Who do i choose /jp/ ?

>> No.1221892

Pleyan Harvest Moon on my DS.

>> No.1221896

Why in the nine hells did you blank out the name and replace it with anon? Also, whats the best version of Harvest Moon to get?

>> No.1221900

Wait, You noticed my awesome paint skills?

>> No.1221906

Depends on what console emulator you want or what console you have.

>> No.1221910

I'm playing Back To Nature which has always been my favourite for some reason.

>> No.1221911


back to nature

>> No.1221916


SNES original
PSX (upgrade of N64, but character personalities downgraded, ported to GBA, PSP)

Those are probably the best. MAYBE the PS2 one. I didn't like it much.

>> No.1221918

I'm playing Back To Nature which has always been my favourite for some reason.

>> No.1221919


Any bar Xbox.

>> No.1221922

Choose Karen

>> No.1221925


>> No.1221934

I find the Rune Factor stuff for the DS quite nice, PSX and N64 are good. But the SNES is just classic.

>> No.1221931

Probably 'Back to Nature' and Mineral town.

>> No.1221936

The shy one with the glasses, obviously.
Stop being a faggot.

>> No.1221939


If you pick Mary you're no better than that faggot Gray. Karen/Elli or GTFO.

>> No.1221949

Not the one in your OP.

>> No.1221955

Ann is the only wife that has a benefit, IIRC. She takes care of your chickens or animals or something.

>> No.1221956

I chose Mary every single time save for exploring the other girls' routes

>> No.1221963

this is how you spot a VN player

I didn't choose anyone and let them marry their prospective husbands. Then I played the girl version and married the chink who still charges me for things.

>> No.1221972

But if you did that in a VN, you would get a bad end.

>> No.1221990

I usually get Karen because fuck yeah, underage drinking!

>> No.1222012
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Best wife. I would kill 50 animals for her anyday.

>> No.1222027

I never married in any harvest moon.
It seemed to kill the enjoyment for me.

I simply spend three years wooing each girl, unable to decide.

>> No.1222030


If you get all the girls to max out their hearts and fall in love with you, you get a playa ending where you walk down the street and all the girls want you. Forgot which version though.

>> No.1222039


I believe that was the first one.
I didn't get that, but I did get the ending with the protagonist sleeping against the cow with his dog.

It was oddly fulfilling.

>> No.1222042


Goddamn you and your painful, nostalgia-inducing post.

>> No.1222048

Rune factory's a fun balance between OCD and ADHD, but broken due to crop levels.
If you have a friend, you can keep trading your crop seeds back and forth until they get to level 10.
Then all your crops will be worth 10x their normal amount.

If you don't have a friend, you'll be locked out of fake loli route.

>> No.1222070

I fucking loved harvest moon, but it's a huge time sink. I could spend a whole weekend just watering fake crops and wooing 2D girls ;_;

>> No.1222088

I remember playing Friends of Mineral Town.

I kind of explored all the girls, but never really found one that was exceptionally awesome.
Then I discovered the Harvest Goddess.

Once you go Goddess, you do NOT go back.

>> No.1222102



>> No.1222117

>it's a huge time sink

Do you REALLY have something better to do?

>> No.1222118

She does. She rapes your character off screen.

>> No.1222119



>> No.1222153

He does, but he won't do it.

>> No.1222164

Karen took care of the eggs. Not that it meant much since time stopped in buildings anyway.

>> No.1222200


What? Is this Mineral Town we're talking about? Hotty drunkard Karen who I always pick is actually useful?

>> No.1222247
File: 19 KB, 150x420, 1220105326702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyepatch moe?

>> No.1222254

Rune factory is exactly what I wanted from harvest moon all these years, the ability to kill things.

>> No.1222353

Rune factory is exactly what I wanted from harvest moon all these years, the ability to marry DFC tsundere.

>> No.1222372


...Uh, ever heard of Karen? Drunken moe is moe.

>> No.1222380


Karen is one of the few tsunderes I like. Perfectly executed. Not like that Akiha bitch.

>> No.1222385



>> No.1222390

How is Karen tsundere?
She's just a drunk tomboy.

>> No.1222397
File: 241 KB, 1153x845, 1220106740260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drillhair tsundere is superior.

I'm thorn between her, brown elf and eyepatch moe.

>> No.1222405

Also, Popuri is easy. lolflowers.

Needed more drunk scenes.

>> No.1222407


N64 Karen has some tsun before you get to the drunken dere. And no, don't call mai waifu a tomboy when you've got that Ann running around.

>> No.1222402

Did anyone play Harvest Moon DS Cute, you're a cute girl there.

>> No.1222412

Rune Factory. When will be the second released in English?

>> No.1222416

Natsume's speed is like Message.

>> No.1222430

Harvest moon Island of Happiness came out last week for the NDS. Seems good enough, and I liked this edition spin, to try to renew a deserted island into a bustling town.

Wonder how many hours have I wasted total taking care of a fake farm...

>> No.1222457

I liked Rosetta better, but her tsundere ratio is lacking.
Nowhere near the proper 6:4 ratio.

>> No.1222461


I believe you meant 4:6, you masochistic faggot.

>> No.1222470

have a boku.

>> No.1222473


But Rosetta isn't tsundere. She throws herself all over you.

At least I think. I never went for her.

>> No.1222478



>> No.1222490
File: 103 KB, 693x514, 1220107737730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve

>> No.1222503
File: 686 KB, 1280x960, 1220107871422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Harvest Moon talk makes me wanna play Kumatanchi ;_;

>> No.1222500


Holy hell, those are DS graphics? I thought it was like a slightly more powerful SNES.

>> No.1222511

That damn monkey...

>> No.1222512

DS is about on par with N64.
PSP is about on the PSX level.

>> No.1222515

She'd daydream about you and then get flustered.
She's more like the childhood friend with a secret crush archetype.

>> No.1222521

I always liked Popuri or Mary... I'm a huge sucker for magane-ko.

>> No.1222525

Rune Factory Frontier is for Wii.

>> No.1222529


>> No.1222562

why don't just say 3:2

>> No.1222586
File: 381 KB, 1423x1400, 1220108865878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just referring to the good old Kokuhaku CD

>> No.1222823

Rune Factory Frontier is being released by XSeed in Q1 of 2009. Which we all know means Q4 of 2010

>> No.1222841
File: 111 KB, 256x229, 1220115242790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lack of talk about the newest one that game out 2 days ago, Island Of Happiness for DS
They fucking changed the way crops grow in this one

>> No.1222849

Oh wow, a Harvest Moon game on DS? I'm gonna "buy" this right now.

>> No.1222854

Link to the game.

>> No.1222859

Unless you get to marry/date another cute girl or at least a trap then I'm not interested.

>> No.1222890

How do you play these files again?

>> No.1222892

Just so you know, it's stylus only....no d pad control

>> No.1222898

>I'm a dumbass from pooshlmer

>> No.1222926

Okay, first you'll want to extract the rar out. It'll do you no good if they're still zipped up, right? Next, you're gonna have to find the game file. The filename should end in .nds or something. Next, click on it. CLICK on it, and HOLD the button down. You got it? You still following me? Now drag that motherfucker out of the window, and while you're doing that quickly grab your DS with your free hand. (If you were using two hands for your mouse you might want to not do that.) Now THRUST your DS with ALL your might into your cursor. This is important. You need to crash the two together so that the DS accepts the file through your monitor. What are you doing, don't stop halfway through like an idiot! The DS has to fucking TOUCH the screen. If this doesn't work the first time, keep going. You will know when you are done.

Enjoy your game.

>> No.1222928

I was never told. Is it virtualgameboy, or something else?

>> No.1222934

The first one on the DS was amazingly bad, sadly.

I don't even know WHY it was bad... it just didn't feel like the SNES/PSX/N64 games.

I guess I'm gonna try IoH and hope it's better.

>> No.1222940

lol'd more than I should have.

>> No.1222941

So, if I don't have a DS, I'm basically fucked.

>> No.1222945

No,no. Then you have to jam your NO$GBA.exe into the file.

>> No.1222946

Well I guess you could get an emulator or something.

>> No.1222947

It's better then the first one, but Rune Factory is still better.

>> No.1222951

The minigames are "mostly" gone, there's a couple animal ones but I only encountered it once (I think you need to leave them starving for a while)
However growings crops isn't simply water them everyday until they grow anymore, they need a certain amount of water and a certain amount of sunlight exposure to grow properly, and your stamina is so low that you can only water around 32 tiles before collapsing, and you also have a hunger bar now

>> No.1222975

sounds like it's shit

oh fuck it, I'm just going to start playing HM SNES on my DS again

>> No.1222977

Harvest moon is getting more real, unlike visual novels.

>> No.1222979

Try the new one it's not so bad as it sounds :P
But yeah the SNES one with the emulator is the best.

>> No.1222988


>> No.1223007


>> No.1223035


>> No.1223037

64 and Back To Nature are by far the best in the series.

>> No.1223052

Yeah, I made countless new games on Back to Nature. I even remember back then when my PC wasn't strong enough to emulate PSX properly, so I played it on my PSX whose memory cards slots were broken. I got to Year 3 by playing it for 40 hours or so straight, without saving once (since I, well, couldn't).

>> No.1223540

Goddamn, all the torrents for Back To Nature are dead ~~

I want to play this one, Iv played the original HM and fell in love with it :P

>> No.1223566

There's a direct download available on some sites, if I remember correctly. I got it through that when my PC couldn't read my copy anymore.

>> No.1223617


>> No.1223623

Karen or Poppuri. Fucking Kai.. thinking he can just get a girl by showing up in the summer and then just doing all this shit off screen.. fuck you, you get no wife.
Oh poppuri ;.; The 64 version was a perfect you. I'd imagine myself gently caressing your beautiful naked body after spending nearly an entire game year wooing the hell out of you.

>> No.1223641

Funny how by quoting the emotes your actually making emotes.

>> No.1223653

> upgrade of N64, but character personalities downgraded

to which extend?

>> No.1223661

I've still got an iso of back to nature on my pc, completely forgot about it
I too love back to nature, it seems like the best one
Island of Happiness seems alright so far, but it just doesn't have the laid back style of harvest moon....

>> No.1223667

The dating part in Rune Factory is stupid.

Hey Bianca!


>> No.1223688

for some reason this thread makes me want to play dawn of war

>> No.1223701

why is there no porn for harvest moon?

>> No.1223707
File: 37 KB, 500x590, 1220128100146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose Mist because of her mikomiko sleeves.

>> No.1223712

Killing the character events made it quite bland, only complaint I have from the game.

>> No.1223714

How about getting an emulator that doesn't just stretch from 320x240 to what you select?

>> No.1223742

Only one Harvest Moon game has yet allowed players to pursue the possibility of living with someone of the same sex (termed the "Best Friend" system), the Japanese version of Harvest Moon DS Cute. The feature is removed from the US version and Natsume refuses to comment on the matter. A special friendship ceremony can be performed between the main character and another of the special girls instead of marriage with one of the men in the game.

Screw you Natsume!

>> No.1223767

nvhentai.com is adding a harvest moon porn gallery

>> No.1223791
File: 19 KB, 704x396, 1220129549975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screw you Natsume
well screw you too

>> No.1223832
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>> No.1223953

No one can resist the lure of delicious armpits

>> No.1225868

Emuparadise has it.

>> No.1225949

What? Did they rip out dialouge between the N64 or PSX versions or something?
