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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 500x296, Japan-v-Colombia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12218059 No.12218059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's watching the game tomorrow? J-Japan might pull it off...

>> No.12218062


>> No.12218071

They'll probably lose but just don't be embarrassing like Korea.

>> No.12218104

Don't stutter it's stupid

>> No.12218111

You're stupid.

>> No.12218123

japan a shit

>> No.12218126

pull what off?

>> No.12218133

Getting into the knock-out. If Japan wins their game and Greece wins (but not by a lot) or ties, Japan will go on.

>> No.12218135


Have you seen Japan's matches? They're playing like absolute ass, they couldn't even score against Greece.

>> No.12218136

>and Greece wins (but not by a lot) or ties
No way. Japan is out.

>> No.12218142

If Greece fails or scores too many goals then Japan will be de facto not qualified.

I'm following the games with 2ch but no one really believes in the miracle and admit their team (Kagawa included) is shit. Instead they're happy about South Korea getting blown by Algeria yesterday.

>> No.12218143

colombia will destroy japan

>> No.12218148

Why do the japs hate South Korea so much?

>> No.12218176

Immigrants, economic rivalry, historical issues, etc.
I don't think it's necessarily hate (like the netouyo) but for them every occasion is good to belittle Koreans that's for sure.

>> No.12218208

Kimchi bastards.

>> No.12218222

nah they are done.

nippon needs a new generation to win da world cuppo

>> No.12218271

basedball > divegrass

>> No.12218276

kimchi my anus

>> No.12218300
File: 27 KB, 819x365, jE8j0IN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets get some hype videos in this thread.



>> No.12218316

Colombian here, i actually hope that our team loses, if they lose that means no celebration party and no celebration party means less public disorder, less robberies and less murders.

>> No.12218322

Why the fuck should I care? This isn't /jp/-related, fuck off cocklicker.

>> No.12218327

>Japan isn't /jp/-related

Did that happen with your first two wins?

>> No.12218328

>>Japan isn't /jp/-related

Glad you get it, /jp/ is for OTAKU culture.

>> No.12218330

If /jp/ wasn't the Japan board, then it wouldn't be called /jp/, weeblord.

>> No.12218332

the board names do not mean the content on the board.

That is left to the description, in this case Otaku Culture

>> No.12218341

Japan is otaku culture.

>> No.12218342

>Did that happen with your first two wins?
Yes, for some reason my people go apeshit whenever a football/soccer thing pops up.

>> No.12218353

>I'm following the games with 2ch

Links please.

>> No.12218358

South Korea to Japan is like Mexico to the USA

>> No.12218362

That sucks, sorry to hear that. Ever considered moving out of Colombia?

>> No.12218365

But a lot of people in the US were cheering for Mexico, including me.

>> No.12218369

But the Japanese are worse hotheads than us, they truly are human scum

>> No.12218371

The thought goes through my head almost daily, but unfortunately i cannot leave this place.

>> No.12218375
File: 41 KB, 477x427, 1380467183572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like soccer nor my country, so not me.

>> No.12218385

But you like Japan, right?

>> No.12218389

Stay strong, weeabro ;_;

>> No.12218393

1/3 reasons to watch it is not enough

>> No.12218395

-サッカーch board under the 実況 category. Goes ultra-fast (>80 posts/min at 6:00am on the Croatia vs Mexico thread), not recommended unless you have some real time thread watching tool and live in Japan/have a synchronized stream.

-日本代表蹴球 comfy board, I follow this one

-ワールドカップ comfy also, for teams other than Japan

>> No.12218399
File: 361 KB, 174x172, 1394309639632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, i will manage my peaceful lifestyle someday.

>> No.12218423

/jp/ isn't the Japan board you stupid fuck, go back to the shithole you came from and never come back.

>> No.12218426

Why is neo-/jp/ so full of weebs?

>> No.12218462

>real time thread watching tool

What do you use?

I know there is http://www.nicort.jp/ but I haven't really tested this out yet.

>> No.12218473

It always was you new shit

>> No.12218504

It wasn't faggot, fuck off to Gaia or something.

>> No.12218523

Sorry I can't really help you.
I'm using 2chMate on Android with a 10s auto-refresh and scroll.

>> No.12218525

Fuck off fucking retard.

>> No.12218542


I see. Thanks. I'm surprised you use it on a mobile device though.

>> No.12218572

Nope, that isn't true. You guys should fuck off if you don't like it.

>> No.12218578


>> No.12218585


>> No.12218594

Seriously, go back to /a/ kid.

>> No.12218601

What's so funny?

>> No.12218609

I'm not from /a/ you fuck head. You should seriously leave /jp/.

>> No.12218615

2chMate is pure gold and I'm using it on a tablet, you can read threads while going to the toilets, killer app right there.

I don't know how nicort fares in a live situation, with that P2P dat sharing technology (in the video it's a replay), but it seems like something you would want.

>> No.12218618

Get the fuck out, newfag.

>> No.12218620

Get the fuck out of here you non-/jp/ shit.

>> No.12218632

I've been here from the start, stupid motherfucker.

>> No.12218634

The very start? Well so have I.

What was the very first picture posted on /jp/?

>> No.12218638

Can you ask a harder question? Stupid retard. There is an archive, fucker.

>> No.12218641

Someone who goes around giving orders calling others new shits and thinks /jp/ is the Japan board most certainly isn't from /jp/. I report you.

>> No.12218642

Okay, what was the first game /jp/ played together?

>> No.12218656

Just shut your trap new faggot

>> No.12218672

Wanna fight you queer?

>> No.12218673
File: 46 KB, 509x667, 1396651518856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12218678
File: 301 KB, 400x400, 24242424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you get out first!

>> No.12218681

I could, but your face is going to be a boody pulp. You sure?

>> No.12218697


>> No.12218852

>you can read threads while going to the toilets,

Well Im sold.

>> No.12218858

So what is this thread about again?

>> No.12219433

that happens with everything don't fool yourself.

what would come out of us losing would be the fact that we don't have to fight Uruguay anymore and face an early certain elimination.

>> No.12219438
File: 654 KB, 1108x2781, jp hates japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a flood of people came in in like 2012 and apparently the janitor as well since they just started breaking the rules with things like roleplaying fumo threads and japan generals that had nothing to do with ''otaku'' culture.

>> No.12219568

>that happens with everything don't fool yourself.
i know, but what i'm saying is that it would happen to a minor degree.

>> No.12219579

I bet you think /ck/ stands for cock too.

>> No.12219886

>to a minor degree.
as in, people die here all the time, in fact that night people died less than usual since it was only 8.

>> No.12219905

I am going to watch it.
If Japan does well enough, can they steal place 2 and get in to the top sixteen?

>> No.12219906

You know Brazil will win.
I am saying Brazil will take dat shit.
Argentina second and Germany third.
I am calling it now and it will be so.

>> No.12219910

>It was only 8
You know that's bullshit a lot of shit is left unheard if you only get that number from the news.

>> No.12220027
File: 62 KB, 773x553, silver-worldcup-matrix-groupc[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan would need to beat Colombia by any amount and Greece would need to beat Ivory Coast in order to have a tie breaker in which Japan advances on goal differential for 2nd in the group.
3.89% chance of this happening.

>> No.12220041

3.89 is more than 3.88.

>> No.12220069

If Japan got +2 against Colombia and Greece/Ivory Coast tied, Japan would go onto knockout.
