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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12211772 No.12211772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>But women in Japan are often encouraged to leave their jobs after having children.
>Abe has long vowed to take steps to mobilize the working power of women to revitalize the economy and offset a big, looming labour shortage.
>Japanese officials on Friday condemned the heckling of a member of Tokyo’s city assembly, during a debate on support for working mothers, by male members who ridiculed her and called on her to get married.


>My girlfriend's family is from Japan. The reason they left was because of the incredibly sexist culture.
>As a woman in Japan, if you're not married by 30, you're considered unmarriable, a spinster, and doomed to be looked down on forever.
>Also, dudes are NOT subtle about checking girls out there. It's like strip club behavior sometimes.

>And this is why feminism exist.

>It will be hard to change the way people think.

>> No.12211776
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>> No.12211778

>considered unmarriable, a spinster,

isnt that true though?

Most women who do complain about this are in-fact feminist spinsters who are angry because they are too old?

>> No.12211785

Pretty much.

Women just don't want to accept that no one wants to marry a "career woman" who hasn't touched a man since she was in high school, if ever, and is already developing wrinkles and nearing the end of fertility/

>> No.12211788

I thought the new trend was the "tiger" women or something. Women are looking for suitable partners, but are too aggressive for most guys.

That and a lot more of the younger guys are into 2d only, so they don't even bother with real dating. It's why Japan's birthrate is so low.

>> No.12211789

*tips fedora*

>> No.12211791

The only fedora tipping going on is the people saying there's nothing wrong with women waiting until 35 to have kids. There's a reason the children of career women are always fucked up and have autism and become NEETs.

>> No.12211792

Men are naturally attracted to younger women. Pedophilia (which is an inappropriate and unfair label) is the normal state of mind for males, those who likes older women simply suffers from oedipus complex.

>> No.12211793

*tips fedora*

>> No.12211797
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Unlike reddit, we can use image macros and gifs to express actions rather than typing them out. Here's an gift for you, pretty epic, huh ;)

>> No.12211798

Outside of old film noir and Indiana Jones movies, I've never seen a fedora tipped in a manner that wasn't cringeworthy.

>> No.12211799

*tips fedora* Monsieur

>> No.12211804

I'm sure they'd be much happier in a progressive society free of hate where females can chase alpha dick with impunity in their 20s just to end up childless neurotic wrecks in their 30s.

>> No.12211808

>implying they wouldn't just find rich chumps to divorce rape

>> No.12211844
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Maybe if women over 30 weren't so stuck up and acted like spinsters they wouldn't be treated as such.

>> No.12211847

Please don't use Yuno to propagate your over-generalized views.

>> No.12211925

>Men are naturally attracted to younger women.
>those who likes older women simply suffers from oedipus complex

pft. Bullshit. I like older women as well as younger women and women the same age as I am. If I find them attractive, then I find them attractive. Age isn't a factor unless they're a bent-over raisin. Men liking younger women is more of a social norm thing rather than a natural one.

tl;dr I would marry this Ayaka Shiomura lawmaker lady (if I weren't a beta faggot shut-in)

>> No.12212017

I bet she's a bitch who expects way too much of her future husband and will probably cheat a lot anyway.

>> No.12212021


just fucking get out

>> No.12212031

Shut up, virgin.

>> No.12212034
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How rude.

>> No.12212068

not /jp/ related

>> No.12212081


>> No.12212131
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>women stuck in denial of their feminine nature because being a wage slave is apparently more important for them than natural order of life
>complain when (yet) sane society decides they don't worth a shit

>> No.12212141

>looming labour shortage
Booming youth unemployment and a labour shortage all at the same time!
It's amazing what these capitalists think of. Yes, there's always a labour shortage. Imagine, we have to pay our employees nowadays, that shit sucks. If we had people fighting tooth and nail just to get a $4 an hour job so they can eat, we'd be raking it in!
Goddamn socialists commie scum trying to get in the way of the free market

>> No.12212153 [DELETED] 

What are you trying to say? They're right, Japan is quite feminist compared to the west, this isn't news. And take this to /pol/, this is not the Japan board.

>Goddamn socialists commie scum trying to get in the way of the free market
/pol/ killed 4chan, and it's now coming for /jp/, I fucking swear.

>> No.12212166

Fuck off.

>> No.12212172


>> No.12212176

/pol/ killed 4chan, and it's now coming for /jp/, I fucking swear. Report and move on.

>> No.12212184

"We need more feminism. And immigration" said no sane person ever.
