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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 168 KB, 1280x720, iispelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12201717 No.12201717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Momoiro Clover Z General. Ierro & Peapol Edition.

New to Momoclo? Watch their subbed 2011 Summer Dive concert, http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=522838

Upcoming Releases/Events
June 18th - Mugen no Ai (Emperor Style) remix release on Itunes
June 21st - Reni's Birthday
June 21st - Saint Seiya Legend of Sanctuary Movie Release, Aarin voicing Athena. http://saintseiya2014.com/
June 25th - White Hot Blizzard Momoiro Christmas 2013 Concert Blu Ray release, http://momoirochristmas2013.com/
June 30th - Tsukino Usagi Birthday Party Sailor Moon × ViVi Night http://sailormoon-official.com/special/
July 12th - Deko's Birthday
July 26/27th - Summer Concert at Nissan Stadium
July 30th - New Single "Moon Pride" from the new Sailor Moon anime. They are also doing the ending theme. Guitar in the song is being done by Marty Friedman (source @marty_friedman). Small preview here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoxVaV6mAFc

Watch the Father's Day Special Music Video of 泣いてもいいんだよ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMLCyqC8jfA

VODs from their 24hr UST are available at their ustream channel.

>> No.12201718
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No Takagi No Life

>> No.12201791
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>> No.12201827
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so Kanako is 20 next month. Damn

>> No.12201843

Chinese, japanese, dirty knees, LOOK AT THESE!

>> No.12201888
File: 14 KB, 720x384, I Saw The Devil.mkv_snapshot_02.21.02_[2014.01.19_20.09.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you OP. Watched the 泣いてもいいんだよ video. Im gonna beat you to a pulp for makin me cry

>> No.12203160
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Have you prayed to kanako today?

>> No.12204035

I'm looking to buy one or two concert blu rays, which are their best concerts in your guy's opinion?

>> No.12204079

Very cute.

>> No.12204139

2013 summer dive. I could watch their concerts all day, they're so good.

>> No.12205769


I own every momoclo concert bluray an have enjoyed them immensely making that question is extremely hard to answer Since its hard to link will post names as from Amazon JP of those I feel stand out.

ももクロ夏のバカ騒ぎ SUMMER DIVE 2012 西武ドーム大会」 LIVE BD-BOX - this is two concerts in one boxset (only in expensive version) you get the arena show and the day before stage show which is fantastic and more intimate. The best summer dive concert. Probably there most popular concert sales wise for good reason.

ももいろクリスマス2012 LIVE Blu-ray BOX
Best Christmas concerts, fantastic outfits with lots of bright colours. Image quality on bluray is fantastic since they went with a higher encode compared to older releasers with one concert split across two blurays! Can buy each day separate which have comparable content or the box set which contains both.

JAPAN TOUR 2013 「5TH DIMENSION」 LIVE Blu-ray (2013) - People either hate of love the second album but this is a must have if you like it since they sing all the songs from 5D in order in one concert + old favourites afterwards. My most watched momoiro clover concert.

You cant go wrong with any of these three concerts. If you come back and ask any questions about these or other concerts I will respond.

>> No.12206284
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Who would be the best gundam pilot?

>> No.12206309
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Best idol.

>> No.12208668

They're on music station tonight (20:00 JST).

>> No.12211180

thanks for creating a new thread.

>> No.12211218
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Happy Birthday Reni,

People on 2ch were pretty butt devastated last night because of their music station appearance. Reni seemed pretty disrespectful, and trying too hard to be funny. I wonder how much was kwkm telling her to do that shit, and how much of it was just her being insane.

>> No.12212048

>Reni seemed pretty disrespectful
w-what was she saying?

>> No.12214183

There was some american disney singer on music station. Reni was doing some weird smelling motion towards her in the beginning of the program. Then she did some lame gag while they played part of the fathers day naitemoiindayo video where she was putting in fake tears. She also talked a lot in general.

>> No.12215652

Nickelodeon, not Disney, but not important.

The smelling thing was pretty weird. I could see doing it once, but she did it like non-stop. Other than that though, you can't really complain about everything else she did. She was sat next to Tamori, so it's pretty clear that the conversation was going to focus on her.

>> No.12216165
File: 32 KB, 640x359, 10300897_516365601819438_8464963628179703226_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what's going on in Kanako's head here

>> No.12216605

Kanako really does have a huge forehead.

>> No.12217194

and that's why we love her.

>> No.12221097

How do you guys feel about Kanako getting her teeth fixed?

>> No.12221339

what the fuck, did she really... photos..?
her teeth were perfect :(

>> No.12221725
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i´ve never seen deko wearing braces or the like, but in OP´s screencap her mouth looks different if you compare it with how she looked in the Momoiro Punch era.
Maybe anon is talking about a hipotetycally "Kanakoo getting her teeth fixed somewhere in the future?" Dunno, but i love how her canines stand out

>> No.12222968
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>> No.12223003
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In other news, Momoka seems to have lost weight.

>> No.12223007
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>> No.12223020
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she looks so much cuter now

>> No.12223076


>> No.12223080

oshi giant plate of gyoza
momoka for best waifu

>> No.12223097

Too bad her cooking is awful, did you see the episodes of Momoclochan where she was cooking?

>> No.12223153

don't think i saw those.

I did see her turn that piece of beef into shoe leather on the 24hour ustream though. :(

>> No.12224450

Yes, Kanako get her teeth fixed. I have mixed emotions about that news..

>> No.12224519

Anyone know the name of the songs during Peach for the Stars Concert?

One during opening promo and another during credits.

>> No.12224560


it's all over

>> No.12224578
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I feel sad but at the same time I'm kind of okay with this

>> No.12225685
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what did she do? did they took all of her teeth and replace them? You´d think the way her teeth were before, she would have to undergo years of orthodonthic work.
I guess whart was cute when she was 16 was getting annoying now she is (almost) in her 20¨s from her point of view.
I just hope Momoka dont follow her footsteps and do something to her face. I would hate to see dumpling face no more.
Aarin on the other hand could use some fitness regime. The "is she really the youngest of the group" comments are getting tiresome

>> No.12225698
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Agreed. Aarin should grow muscle

>> No.12226124

It's okay. It's not like Kanako has a boyfriend or something.

>> No.12226651

It's highly probable that she does, considering that she goes to university and all.

Does stardust care if idols date or fuck?

>> No.12227220

weekend heroines can't have boyfriends.
that's common knowledge.

>> No.12228212

Kanako goes to University? I know Momoka does, but Kanako seems so dumb.

>> No.12229060
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go home google, you are drunk

>> No.12229065

Idols like to play dumb to up their cuteness factor. I thought this was common knowledge. Of course, being dumb is only cute in Japan, while in the west, being smart is actually cute. Probably because we have so few smart women.

>> No.12230103

But Kanako seems to actually be kind of dumb. She definitely struggles with a lot of more uncommon kanji, and says a lot of dumb things seemingly unintentionally.

>> No.12230486
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Momoka actually admits she is a "bit stupid". But Kananko is the leader so she should be more intelligent because that´s what´s expected from a leader.
Personally i think Shiorin is the only one that behaves according to her age. Even if she is called the crybaby of the group

>> No.12230530

That's just her idol persona though. Momoka and Shiori seem like the smartest members in actuality.

>> No.12233670
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Roudou Sanka in Peach for the stars volume 1 is amazing. They will never top that concert finish.

>> No.12234140

Moon Pride


>> No.12234145
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Their costume designer is fucking up so hard.

naitemoiindayo's costume made them look old and fat, and this one is awful too.

>> No.12234153
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Compare this costume to Otome Sensou, it's pathetic.

Song is alright, though its very Anime OP like.

>> No.12234163
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Otome Sensou for reference.

>> No.12237116

Why did Kanako have to go and ruin her teeth?

>> No.12237250

I wonder if she thought of it/brought it up herself, or if someone planted that horrible idea into her head. :~

>> No.12239357

My 2013 Christmas Blu Ray came today. The Picture Book smells like peach, what the fuck man.

>> No.12239415
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i really dont know what to think. On one hand, i will miss her crooked smile, that makes another step away from the Momokuro i fell in love with ( kinda like Akarin leaving, Shiorin cutting her hair, etc..)
On the other hand, i just saw a vid of deko promoting the christmas dvd and i just gotta say.. i never had a sexual tought of Kanako ´til then

>> No.12240199

feels bad mang

>> No.12240695 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 480x595, 1404423299684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reni sure has a big pussy

>> No.12240827
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Reni's cute pussy!

>> No.12240834

Reni's big butt.

>> No.12241421

Why do people have to age? and change?

Why can't things just be an endlessly circling loop?

I was so much happier before I discovered idols and could still enjoy 2D moe.

>> No.12243389
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>> No.12243396
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>> No.12244398

ustream live now!


>> No.12244808

You can report it when you go to her page and click feedback

>> No.12247232
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>> No.12247451
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>> No.12247455
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>> No.12247500

Sailor Moon OP

Sailor Moon ED

>> No.12247521

The music is okay, I guess, but creating a Sailor Moon show in two thousand fucking fourteen is such bad taste that I want to vomit right here.

>> No.12250419

is closer to the original source (manga) so i dont think is that irrelevant. By the way, this is /jp/, not /a/

>> No.12250454
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>you will never embrace kanako

>> No.12251872


The ending theme is quite nice, can see it being a nice live concert slow song.

>> No.12252103


>> No.12253589

I will only ever hear the Yabai in Wani to Shampoo
as Ya Boy. Momoka is a gangsta.

>> No.12253829

Are Kanako and Shiori lesbian?


>> No.12254703

Good news, guys. We got ourselves a (provisional) board over on Tohnochan.


Don't be put off by the /akb/. It's for all things idol.

>> No.12255604

/akb/ for all things idol...

>> No.12256332

There's like 4 people that post in this topic. It might even just be me and one other guy. No one wants to go to your shitty board, we don't have a Jurina spammer ruining our thread.

>> No.12257325

Pretty sure it's just the spammer posting that so he could reply to himself and annoy people.

>> No.12257833


New CM. Why couldn't they use a cute costume like that for their sailor moon costume?

>> No.12258287
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i think its weird that some of their "concert" clothes are cool, yet since Mugen No Ai there hasnt been a single costume for the MV that make the girls look like Kyary Pmayu Pmayu on acid

>> No.12258289

>MV that make the girls look

doesnt make. My mistake

>> No.12258347
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Why is Shiori so territorial?

>> No.12259523
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>> No.12259527
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>> No.12259534
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>> No.12259626

lol momoka's headshape :~

>> No.12259668


>> No.12259879

ah, didn't know syachihoko showed up at this year's 24h stream. lol

>> No.12260214

I wish I could go to their Nissan Stadium Concert, but my piece of shit boss refused to let me take time off at the end of July because of large projects at work, even though my department has nothing to do with it.

Have any of you guys gone to their lives? How awkward is it being a gaijin?

>> No.12261627
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>> No.12261643
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Reni is the best.

>> No.12262221
File: 505 KB, 854x475, kanako1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 20th to my favourite girl

>> No.12262919


>> No.12263386

i want to lick her teeth!

>> No.12264517
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Kanako's dimples are most powerful

>> No.12264521
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>> No.12265120

Can anyone point me to a HQ download of Mirai Bowl and Pinky Jones, the ones on youtube are atrocious and they aren't on H!O

>> No.12265159

i dont know about Mirai bowl, but Jpfiles had Pinky Jones not long ago...

>> No.12265549
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>> No.12265575

I hate living, why can't I be a cute girl?

>> No.12265597

Save your money and live long enough and you may be able to.

>> No.12266238
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>> No.12266242
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>> No.12266892
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Would you give Kanako your white cream?

>> No.12267518

plz don't sexualize the momoclos

>> No.12268115


>> No.12268132
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Akari was obviously a bad influence on them at the time

>> No.12268350
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>never go to /jp/
>want to have a nice momokuro thread
>search for momokuro thread

This is the best board

>> No.12268364

Despite “general” being in the thread, this isn't an actual general. See, we hate generals. This is just a regular thread. PS: No green pls.

>> No.12268373
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God dammit, /jp/ is still pretty cool i guess.

Reni > Shiorin > Kanakooooooo > Arin > Momoka

>> No.12268395
File: 106 KB, 1400x600, Momoclo Santen (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanako > Reni

>> No.12268406


She has her moments


>> No.12268423

Who is that guy?

Kanako is very close to him ;_;

My waifu ;_;

>> No.12268427

T.M Revolution.

Don't tell me you haven't watched their christmas show?

>> No.12268494

What do you mean? She completely pales to the voice of that homo-looking guy next to her. And by pales, I mean that she's completely devastated.

>> No.12268505

I mean that it was fun to watch.

>> No.12268544

Why are they so good?
I feel physical happiness inside watching their concert and I cant explain it.
No group made me feel this way before.
Its a different and better feeling than the shivers you get from listening to some amazing piece of music.

>> No.12268569

Because catchy music, cute girls and good performance.
You should watch Momoclo-chan

>> No.12268617


>> No.12268630

because the girls themselves and their friendship/relationship is so great.

>> No.12268642

(cont) it's a different feeling and atmosphere from all the other idol groups I've been a fan of in the past. I just wish momusu's Maachan was in a stardust group or could hangout with momoclo for a few days. they'd be best friends and things would be upped to a new level of retarded. :~

>> No.12268691
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>no green

>> No.12268704
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>no green

>> No.12268911
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yo yo yo~

>> No.12268954

I wonder how long T.M.R spends on his hair everyday. There's no fucking way that shit is natural on a 43 year old man. He must have extensions and work on that shit for hours.

>> No.12268984

It's hard to tell if Momoka is just really introverted, or if she kind of hates being an idol (or the other members) sometimes. She never talks whenever they're on a big variety program, and she spent most of both 24 hour streams staring at an i-pad (looking at comments?).

It's also hard to tell if Reni is actually mentally imbalanced, or is just trolling. She used to show a more serious and reserved side back in the day that is never shown anymore.

>> No.12270101
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>> No.12271570
File: 183 KB, 1440x1072, Momokuro Shiki Kengaku Guide Momoken!! #13.mp4_snapshot_03.41_[2014.07.15_20.41.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've pinpointed the moment Aarin went full fat.

>> No.12271871

the day A~rin turned into a cream puff

>> No.12272182
File: 721 KB, 1920x1080, shiorin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you downloading Momoclo-chan?
The latest episode isn't on jpopsuki, yet.


>> No.12272259

That's もも見 from 2012. Episodes 11-13 they made cream puffs.

You can watch the last episode of Momoclochan here http://vimeo.com/100859149 (that use of 翼をください was fucking hilarious)

Momoiroclover.net usually has a streaming link to each episode of Momoclochan before it pops up on trackers.

>> No.12272272
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it was just the date you took the screenshot.
I thought it was the date of the episode.

>> No.12272568

The only one that looks like a little fatty to me is Momoka. Those puffy cheeks, plus that undersized frame.

>> No.12272670
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I ripped all my blurays and am getting close to filling up a 3TB HDD. Want to keep the discs in good condition plus its nice to just randomly watch songs from various concerts at any time.

>> No.12273140


Wow. Including Nakano Sun Plaza? I watched last night and was glorious.

>> No.12274123

Momoka has lost like 15 kilo.

>> No.12274146
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>> No.12274274


Who is that?

>> No.12274338
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there used to be 6 in the group

>> No.12274766
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>> No.12274926



>> No.12275089

some gaijin troll

>> No.12276583
File: 66 KB, 480x640, 0c083a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12276610

What the fugggggggggg

>> No.12276635

Why do people on 2ch call Momoka たむちゃん?
I don't get where tamu comes from ariyasu momoka.

>> No.12276759

so why did akari leave?

>> No.12276766


>> No.12276772

because she was a liar that broke our hearts

>> No.12277114

>Why do people on 2ch call Momoka たむちゃん?
Team Ariyasu Momoka (T.A.M.)


>> No.12277119

>she's always been a crybaby

>> No.12277124
File: 77 KB, 1418x716, 1405645895929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12277322

more chibi ariyasu


>> No.12277339

chibi arin


>> No.12277576


>> No.12277586

lol hinata's hair constantly stabbing herself in the eye.

>> No.12277589

angel a~rin dayo~

>> No.12277641

Reni overtook Momoka in the crybaby stakes at White Hot Blizzard she couldnt pull her shit together through the last songs.

>> No.12277668

In Momoclo Natsu no Bakasawagi SUMMER DIVE 2012, Momoka starts crying 30 seconds after she comes on stage. That's literally three seconds after she begins singing. I don't think anyone could possibly top this.

>> No.12277794

Why is she even crying all the time?

>> No.12278509

because it's her party

>> No.12278520

Is there any footage of reni chan as a youngster i'd love to see that, and Momota too..

>> No.12278999


>> No.12279165
File: 69 KB, 853x480, shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh every time I see this.

>> No.12279167
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>> No.12279291
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I've been wondering this for a while now.
Who the fuck is this handsome fellow?

>> No.12279320


>> No.12279329

Gradients are killing anime.

>> No.12279561

Shigeru Matsuzaki

>> No.12279628
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, now everything makes a lot more sense

>> No.12279673

Post more Arin being Arin. Loli Arin is fine too.

>> No.12279748


He sang this song with the girls on Peach for the Stars day 2 which was cool. Couldn't find a link though except this.


>> No.12279753

>Not available in your country
Fuck you, Jewtube. Hitler was right after all.

>> No.12279760


nvm found a way you can listen to the actual song though the sound quality is poor.

Go here
Click "Ai no Volare" on side bar click play on the inbuilt player.

>> No.12280052
File: 454 KB, 1920x1080, iamthecutest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole episode

>> No.12280234

I have to say, i think reni chan is the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. I definitely didn't expect she would have looked like Kanye West when she was a toddler.

>> No.12280469 [DELETED] 

street performance before they got popular


>> No.12280475

before they got popular


>> No.12281318


there are some nice remixes I like this one.

>> No.12281372

manami and miyu ;_;

>> No.12283727

lel http://evilline.com/momoclo/global/

>> No.12283733
File: 899 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20121121_192131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

momoclo a shit.

once they gained a Z they've been all about the ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

>> No.12283776

the jay is a bully free zone. please leave

>> No.12283878

hey look a faggot

>> No.12283999
File: 1.08 MB, 400x225, tamataka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reni chan has the most gorgeous smile

>> No.12284049


>> No.12284051
File: 33 KB, 469x428, momoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12284268
File: 2.58 MB, 519x291, kanako.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12284561
File: 549 KB, 1920x1080, severaldegreesofwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12284647
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, reni5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like her at all a few years ago, now she's my favorite

>> No.12284922


>> No.12285046
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, 140592571197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12285381
File: 1.99 MB, 250x180, kanakodance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7th Momokuro Chan sub, momoiroclover.org for the other subs



>> No.12287034

Momoka looks like she speaks some mean kansai-ben in private.

>> No.12287609
File: 2.85 MB, 512x288, 14059416074.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12287611

Troll'd again. Seriously, Reni is awesome.

>> No.12288275
File: 2.46 MB, 512x288, 1405817559028.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12288384



>> No.12289751
File: 76 KB, 600x800, BtMUSyOCYAEWKJf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, the Nissan Stadium Stage is going to be fucking crazy. Looks like they really want to makeup for that embarrassment last time.

>> No.12289841
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 14060137744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289993
File: 19 KB, 500x281, pumpkanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12290084

momoclo on tv right now


>> No.12290555


I heard Summer Dive 2013 was shit live, but the bluray was pretty good since you where getting close ups and not sitting a huge distance away. They need to reduce the shitty guest appearances though, the running guy and TV lady with bad teeth where pointless and terrible respectively. Sailor moon promotion was a time waste. Hotei was awesome though and was cool when they sang Bambina.

>> No.12290604

I hope they sing もリフだョ!at the latest live would fit the theme, They only ever sang it at Summer Dive 2012.

>> No.12292459

This. I´d rather see them performan obscure song than having the random guest onstage playing an older song that breaks the dynamic of the set.
I also wish they had another "each member solo song" cd like the bonus on Battle & Romance or the Momoclo All-stars cd

>> No.12292552

Thank you for this. Post more subs.

>> No.12292571

poor momoka

>> No.12292663
File: 86 KB, 480x640, mcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All subs can be found here:


Get some tissues for sub #14 to catch all the feels

>> No.12292834
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>> No.12293031
File: 101 KB, 686x686, reni3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reni is perfect

>> No.12293233

lol, hilarious

>> No.12293558


>> No.12293580

~7:30 ahahahaha

>> No.12294634

Found this randomly on youtube, weird cooking show show with Kanako as guest. Not sure why the female host speaks english.


>> No.12294868

oh sumire, she's on nhk world sometimes.

>> No.12294978

Does Nissan Stadium have a retractable roof?

>> No.12295445



>> No.12297481

Guys, why have i never seen this in the past year of momoilo khulobah obsession...
Four minutes of the girls in sexy biker outfits licking ice cream suggestively.
This is so hot

>> No.12297517

That was already posted before, buddy

>> No.12297611

im not against the girls being sexy, but no wonder why no one remembers this video, its weird even for Momoclo standars

>> No.12297661

Didn't they stream some of Nissan Stadium last year? I wonder if they will again.

>> No.12297669
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>> No.12297670
File: 142 KB, 1024x576, Btc38W2CcAAy7VE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder why they have so much extra space in the arena.

>> No.12297674
File: 102 KB, 768x1024, momokawater.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want some Ariyasu Water

>> No.12297675
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, Btc4QXDCUAASARv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more shot of the arena

>> No.12297680
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>> No.12297690
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>> No.12297725

Momoka doesn't have any fans. As expected from the worst/fattest/ugliest Momocro.

>> No.12297764
File: 561 KB, 1600x1200, NEC_0738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, people on 2ch saying A-rin looks thinner, wonder if its true.

>> No.12297824

They sang Lost Child, that has to be the first time since 2012.

>> No.12297828



I get how yellow become jerro but how does one fuck up purple that badly?

>> No.12298242

Today's concert looked amazing.
I want to go just once in my life.

>> No.12298651

>Guys, why have i never seen this in the past year of momoilo khulobah obsession...
because most fans don't want sexy suggestive momoclo. We try to forget kimi to sekai and blame starchild being dumb.

>> No.12298854

ever heard a nippon speaking english on real life?
dont go too far, why do they pronounce "punch" as "panchee"?

>> No.12299135

i swear none of you fucks have cock and balls

>> No.12299186

ladies and gentleman , today's product of society when you let morality go out of hands

>> No.12299337


Capacity is 72K


>> No.12299340


How someone like her managed to enter the idol industry is beyond comprehension.

>> No.12299347


This fandom and obsession is still essentially sexually driven though.

Make no mistake about that.

>> No.12299612


Concert looked crazy.

>> No.12299623

this explains this

Giant festival parade going through that space.

>> No.12300142

Why? It doesn't fit their image. If you want bikinis and underwear, AKB is more than enough. I like AKB too. But I like Momoclo because they're a different kind of idol.

>> No.12300196

Dang Momoka's lost a lot of weight.

>> No.12300276

Issues with thunder storms today, concert is being delayed.

>> No.12300335


Damn that sucks.

>> No.12300505

Concert's starting under heavy rain it seems.

>> No.12300606
File: 3.52 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2014-07-16-04h24m55s58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think they announce xmas concert tonight or is it too early?

Would seem too late to announce only one month before at women festival. Announcing at Chibikko festival wouldn't make sense.

Also a possibility they could skip it or downsize it to a hall event but really hoping not.

>> No.12300635
File: 183 KB, 474x350, tumblr_n4cdet5RlW1sd2bbjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disagree, its more that they're fun and would be awesome to hang around with

>> No.12300700

Saitama Super Arena
December 24&25

>> No.12300716
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2014-07-20-04h46m57s236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes yes yes, fantastic!

>> No.12301709

which episode was this? i´ve fallen behind like 2 months of Momoclo.chan, but i´d like to see this one

>> No.12301835


>> No.12301996


>> No.12302180
File: 170 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankyou so much

>> No.12302364


Gonna be a painful wait for the bluray release.
Feel like this might be there best concert yet.

>> No.12303090
File: 94 KB, 480x480, aarinyasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12304574


at 1:37, lol the explanation.

>> No.12307841
File: 64 KB, 220x391, ahrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12309544

Wonder what the "big announcement" mentioned at the end of yesterday's momoclochan was.

>> No.12309611
File: 32 KB, 778x475, 1406675717984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it said to check the show site but i don't see anything mentioned.

>> No.12309688

It'll be announced August 4th at 10AM

>> No.12310955

what could it be, a new album? Gotta be something good right? They wouldn't leave us in suspense just to tell us someone's graduating would they

>> No.12312254
File: 662 KB, 464x406, 1406725068218.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12313050

New single is bombing hard in sales. That's what happens when you make a shitty generic anisong, tied into a half-baked project that doesn't even air on TV. Doesn't help that their sailor moon costumes are disgusting aswell.

I don't know what's going on, but they need to rethink things. Their costume designs lately have been awful. Naitemoiindayo and Moon Pride are both boring songs that don't fit them at all.

I don't want to see them fizzle out like this. They need some new, good songs. Everything to do with EvilLine Records is complete failure. They need to distance themselves from the retarded management that have bombed their last two singles.

Their costume designer needs to get their shit together too. What the fuck have they been thinking.

People on 2ch were speculating it was just going to be a move up in time slot, or announcement that it would be airing nationwide. Any speculation seemed to die as soon as Moon Pride's sale numbers were released and it's been a shitstorm of the downfall of Momoclo ever since.

>> No.12313055
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, glorious2013costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More costumes like this please.

>> No.12313060
File: 98 KB, 1024x575, awful2014costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And cut this shit out.

>> No.12313062
File: 127 KB, 730x486, awful2014costume2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is awful also, but at least it doesn't have disgusting giant shoulder pad, or make them look 40 years old. But none of this shit either please.

>> No.12313311

fuck you "expert". Natemo Indaiyo is a great song
Caring about singles "bombing out" as an indicator of a gropu success when they are filling arenas

>> No.12313974


Management doesn't really care the major income sources are advertising tie in for products. That is why they are doing new promotional tie in on a weekly basis. Second income maker is concert sales and merchandise sales at concert. After that DVD and Blu-ray sales. CD is least important for them, the purpose of song is promotion / advertisement for products,cd sales is bonus. This is reality of Japanese music industry just look Perfume, Kyary, Miwa, Denpagumi all have 100% song ratio tie in with products in recent times.

That said the new songs haven't been the best but the B sides have been much better and the last Christmas venue exclusive CD was good.
Doudou Heiwa Sengen is well loved.

>> No.12314245

Yeah, it seems like momoclo is reverse akb, especially in regards to cd sales. Concerts, concert goods, DVD/Blu-rays rank way above cd's as money generators.

>> No.12315868

upon rereading my post, i see i got carried. Anon has a point, the costumes they are wearing since Neo-gate are so weird Kyary Pamyu Pmayu wouldnt touch them with a 10 foot pole.
What i dont get is how every single since Otome senso has Momo-kuro fans bitching on how "They should make another Hashire, this single bombed, Aarin used to be thinner, this single sucks"
Stop the "i dont like it so it will be a failure" attitude. How can people say " Momoiro latests bombed" when not even a week has gone since its release? "But other releases debuted at an higher chart" So?
Consider Momoiro a failure when they stop selling tickets for their concerts, Momoclo-chan gets cancelled, they stop putting dvdv/br of almost every arena concert event

>> No.12315920

They have 15 bluray concerts in top 100 on Amazon music bluray charts. Many years old. They keep selling for a long time.

>> No.12316025

I liked the 5D era costumes. The 5D Live Blu Ray for example, all of the costumes there are great. It's definitely the starting point of their costume designer going off into full retard though.

Their costume designer just overdoes everything these days. Occasionally it looks cool (like the russian style costume from the beginning of Christmas 2013's concert).

I don't think there was a single costume from Nissan Stadium this year that wasn't over elaborate. A few of them looked cool, but most of them just looked like trash.

>> No.12316025,1 [INTERNAL] 

why was this deleted
