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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12199712 No.12199712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Found this article that I thought was interesting. It's in German, but the main point is that the problems Japan is facing with the declining birthrate, loneliness, lack of opportunities for young people to find partners, might be in Germany's (and the Caucasian West's) future too.

The author's thesis is that Japan is so rich that, for the first time, it's possible to live a modern technological life without working because the previous generation (post-WWII) did such a good job rebuilding and making a productive society. Now, everyone is either working too much to find a mate, or not working at all and living off their parents and the state welfare. Women aren't interested in the later, and never get a chance to socialize with the former. Unable to achieve their goals, people are simply turning away from love, sex, and reproduction.


>> No.12199716

>it's possible to live a modern technological life without working


>> No.12199718

They mean in the first world.

>> No.12199719

In Japan it is, if you have parents who can at least partially support you.

>> No.12199724

>Women aren't interested in the later, and never get a chance to socialize with the former.

Nah instead they date foreigners like black, white and Koreans. See the exponential increase in interracial marriages between Japanese women and foreigners.

>> No.12199727


I am aware of that.


Thats hardly unique and most of all relevant and applicable to the thesis presented at hand here.

>> No.12199728

The INCREASE might be exponential but I imagine the absolute numbers are still very small. I expect Japan to simply whither away to nothing rather than let in foreigners.

>> No.12199740

>Caucasian West

Last I checked they had been accepting mass waves of immigrants especially from the Islamic Arab world.

As a result you can already see a "different sort of decline" in demographic society.

>> No.12199758 [DELETED] 

I thought their main problem was host clubs. Why bother getting a real relationship when someone can tell you you're handsome/pretty and interesting?

>> No.12199759

They mention at the end a cafe where you can sit down and a girl comes and pretends to be your girlfriend.

>> No.12199819


>black men defiling enchanting japanese girls

Nothing of value was lost. Once you know its a trap, you'v won the game.

>> No.12199833

Yep. Japan's value system just isn't conducive to the propagation of their race.

>> No.12199855

Who the fuck cares god damn

>> No.12199865


You mean social rejects.

>muh mouse utopia experiment

>> No.12199866

It's not possible to live an independant life without working, but say, if your parents earn like anything above minimum wage, all they really have to do is pay for your food, which really isn't much. Live with them, and with free entertainment online, and you're living without working.
The parents have the house and all you really cost is a little extra food
And their dignity perhaps, but whatever.
It's totally possible to live without working, just not by yourself.

>> No.12199896

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12199899

this is really evident near Sasebo and Yokosuka NAvy bases. A lot of the women even say that they don't want to date Japanese men because they're all about work and never give any time to the girl

>> No.12199933
File: 13 KB, 221x255, who could it be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demographic crash eh? Don't worry go-er, I mean guys, we don't need to worry about that! We can bring in these fine people from the middle east and Africa to boost the birthrate! It'll boost the economy! They'll do the jobs that you don't want to do! hehehe *rubs hands*

>> No.12199949

Sorry merchant, but the thing here is that all the jobs to maintain society are already being done. Japan isn't falling apart because of a low birth rate, it's stabilising.
It's the hyperinflation of population that the rest of the world has that's falling apart.

>> No.12199968

But it does suck for the young men and women who don't have resources and expectations which align, so none of them end up hooking up. They have a generation who are virginal and celibate.

>> No.12199974

What good is being a non-virgin if you're breeding your children to their deaths?
Africa is a good example. Mass famine, but the nignogs still fuck over eating. You give them food, or teach them how to make it, and they just reproduce until they're all starving again.
This is the future of the west, but Japan is fighting it.

>> No.12199975

This is clearly men's fault.
We should introduce a tax on every single male to encourage marriage.

>> No.12199978

You can have a sexual partner without reproducing above replacement rate--or at all.

>> No.12199980

Completely cutting out sexuality from the human experience is objectively worse than a life which has a fulfilled sexual component.

>> No.12199981

I hear them JAVs are boomin and is popular with gals young and old

>> No.12199984

Not when women will only sleep with people they consider worth reproducing with.
Which is not everyone. This group becomes less and less as society evolves.

You're part of the problem. I hope your children die starving and hungry because you brought them into this world against your better judgement.

>> No.12199987

At the current rate of population decline that won't happen for another 1000 years and it would be stupid to assume that the rate would remain constant over such a large period of time.

>> No.12199988

active sexuality does not equal having children. Have you heard of birth control? I fuck my girlfriend every day and we have no plan to ever have children

>> No.12199993

Hahaha, I will very much so laugh when your children are born.

Born into suffering because you can't keep your todger in your pants.

>> No.12199995

The only places that are over populated are Africa, India, China, some places in the middle east, some places in central Asia, and some places in South East Asia. Europe is not over populated at all. North America is not over populated at all. South America isn't even over populated.

>> No.12199998
File: 61 KB, 764x1052, 1352934933377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy those who can have children.
Me and my waifu are trying for years without success.

>> No.12199999

Not gonna have kids, bro. We have the birth control pill and legal abortions. Sorry you live in a shithole without these scientific wonders

>> No.12200001

You're in for a rude awakening when you find out just how wrong you are.
Learn what powers and feeds agriculture.

>> No.12200005

Unless you are medically sterile, you will have children.
Your girlfriend will soon make an ultimatum- no sex or children. It will happen, and your children's eyes will hold the hope for the future, picking worms out of the dirt to feed themselves.
My only regret is I won't live to see it.

>> No.12200007

>legal abortions
Stop trolling, no civilized country has legalized murder.

>> No.12200009

I am not. My people are really small in number and have very low birthrates to boot.

>> No.12200015

>women, choice

>men's fault

>women, choice


>> No.12200019

I fucking love murdering fetuses. I love it. I love squishing their brains and killing them. It gives me an orgasm every time. God I love killing babies and eating them

>> No.12200064

Migrant populations from Asia have a higher birthrate but I believe it is an illusion to think they will 'eclipse' the rest of the world.

As economic and social development occurs, fertility will be in natural decline. It already has begun declining in developing parts of Asia.

Europeans did not used to be as numerous as they are today; there was a time when having many children was seen as a sign of prosperity and good for the economy even among populations indigenous to the most developed nations today. It's quite natural for most humans.

Africa isn't there yet, but just 100 years ago they were just tribes. Africa may be absolutely fucked up today, but compared to just a century ago, there has doubtless been significant progress.

The only thing we have to fear is self-imposed backwardness. For example, religious hardline communities that insist on maximizing childbirth rates. But without this, and with reasonable immigration, I don't think any population need go extinct.

>> No.12200090

Well OP isn't the only factor, in developed countries in our current times couples never consider more than 2 children

>> No.12200092

The problem is feminism.

>> No.12200093


It's not bullshit. It's actually possible to live a comfortable life in any first-world country without working (USA obviously doesn't count as first wolrd).

And it should be. Human needs haven't gone up that much since a hundred years ago, but human productivity has risen by a factor of ten thousand. We could enjoy a 15-minute "workday" in this age - the only problem is that our societies are still built on assumptions from centuries past.

There's also a lot of psychological baggage and kneejerk reactions preventing necessary reformations - people like >>12199716
will reflexively dismiss the idea that work has become essentially worthless, without examining the facts.

>> No.12200097

The problem is that traditional values are dead. The whole "work hard to support the next generation and continue the family line" idea has given way to "do whatever the fuck you like because nothing matters".

Which for us consists of sitting around and jacking off to eroge instead of going out and becoming successful society people.

>> No.12200099
File: 19 KB, 403x403, 1381045501343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12200106

>We could enjoy a 15-minute "workday" in this age
Not for the highly technical jobs. How good is an engineer going to be if they only work 15 minutes a week?
Highly specialised fields require the time input to understand and become good at them.
Sure shit like flipping burgers you don't need much training, but for shit like designing engines, creating new medicines, operating extremely complex machinery, hell even farming nowadays, you need to put lots of time in.
Still, I think we could halve the work week of most of these high end jobs and replace it with two people instead of one. They won't be half as bad since they'll work more efficiently because of their downtime.

>> No.12200159


No the problem is we are told to do mundane tasks, that can easily be automated or replaced, for the majority of our lives. People aren't stupid, this leads to a lack of self worth and people not wanting to deal with society.

"Work" doesn't work any more.

>> No.12200387

>They have a generation who are virginal and celibate.
This is a good thing.

>> No.12200514

Japan usually catches the brunt of popular focus on demographics because unlike other highly developed countries with comparable birth rates they have a pretty hardline on immigration making their demographics more stark and thereby newsworthy.
This is a problem that eventually every country on Earth will face, the fifth stage of the demographic transition.

>> No.12200614

In my humble opinion, the problem lies in how the japanese society has changed some parts while mantaining others. These have brought a profound contradiction bettwen what men and women expect from each other.

Society in japan, as you may know, has bound men and women in such fixed roles that changing that is creating great coonstraints and tensions, for example, the whole celibacy and lack of sexual drive i the youth.

While young girls try to get out of the traditional housewive in Japan they haven't recognized the possibility that the man isn't the wealth provider to the household. Nevertheless, this isn't as extreme as it sound, provided that most women are educated with child beaing and household administration in mind. Mst women would be hapy with a man that truly recognizes their effort in the house and/or gives then freedom to decide getting ut of it.

The main problem, in my opinion, rside in men. As the domminant genre, they fear change in the genre roles by default even if that would make the happier on the long term. It's probably known already but the whole idea of "do you want to have dinner, have a bath or have me?" isn't a joke. It's is expected from the woman to satisfy every need of the man, even sex if he wants, in the traditional roles japanese assign to men and women. Men aren't really interested on getting out of that paradigm.

The conssequences are fairly obvious: Women don't find japanese men atractive due to their conservatism and when they find a liberal guy, they most of the times dissapoint him by not being reciprocal to his good will. Western men are used to deal with this kind of women so they get into the situatioon I described at the end of the last paragraph more easily. While men cant find their dreamt Yamato Nadeshiko anywhere because those kind of "trained" woman doesn't exist in the cities.

Mix into the formula the whole "purity before marriage" stuff that still goes (hipocrithically) strong in Japan and there you have it.

>> No.12200617


This is only my opinion so please take it with a grain of salt. I''m not trying to say this is absolute truth.

>> No.12200631


All I'm hearing in respond from you people is "parents, parents, parents" and that's really the outlook, of a 6 year old.

Have yet to hear any substantial arguments and btw welfare doesn't count because you receive a pitiful amount.

In particular >>12200093 I like to hear what endeavors have been made to live a comfortable life without working.

Human needs haven't gone up but human wants, desires and greed have. It's simple supply and demand ... you really think that economies haven't scaled and adjusted if the demand haven't gone up.

>There's also a lot of psychological baggage and kneejerk reactions preventing necessary reformations - people like >>12199716 #
will reflexively dismiss the idea that work has become essentially worthless, without examining the facts.

This makes zero sense relevant to the concept that you have been arguing for,

>> No.12200650

There is absolutely nothing wrong with never working and living with your parents forever. The only people affected by you being lazy are the big guys at the top controlling everything, they don't want to lose power. That's why you hear so much about it and why it's "bad", because the people in power want you to think you have to work work work.

>> No.12200676


As someone who has lived on the streets for 6 months I can assure is perfectly feasable to live without even a roof more or less decently.

Homeless shelters and public charity provide you food and housing while public libraries give you enough entertainment, including internet.

The main problem is that you'll allways live in an insecure environment and, if you ever aspire for something more, you'll never get it.

>> No.12200728

People are only starting to recognise this now? I've always regarded Japan as us 10 years in the future in some trends. This is further exacerbated by the selfish/casual sex culture we have one one hand and shit like http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-27831626 on the other.

I myself never do not intend to marry or reproduce partially out of selfishness, but also I do not like the slutty way most women today behave. 2D > 3DPD.

>> No.12200750

Can you elaborate that hipocrisy you're refering to in your last paragraph?

>> No.12200758

Not that guy but it's probably the pretty basic "Men are encouraged to sleep around because getting lots of sex is manly while simultaneously telling women to never have sex with anyone but one person ever" thing.

It's a pretty major social contradiction that is actually pretty harmful to both men and women.

>> No.12200776

Oh wow, exciting discussion of gender roles versus traditional values on /jp/. I'm glad this is here because otherwise I'd have been too lazy to visit /pol/ or Jezebel on my own.

>> No.12200793

This is otaku culture.

>> No.12201074

There's not someone for everyone. I don't see the point in wasting time pining for something that isn't there when you could just focus on enjoying your own life. Plus it's not like less population is a bad thing.

>> No.12201821

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with never working and living with your parents forever.
Nothing inherently wrong, but most people enjoy the independence that you can never have if you live with your parents.

>> No.12201858

tfw no gf

>> No.12201860



>> No.12201895

>might be in Germany's (and the Caucasian West's) future too.

This should've been obvious from the start.

Any advanced economy can have an underclass of non-producing consumers (NEETs, Hikkis) because production is at such a scale that there is no economic backlash for not contributing to production.

>> No.12201905

but there is a backlash for lack of children

we're at negative childbirth if it wasn't for immigrants

>> No.12201928

Nothing wrong except no one in their right mind would give you a job since you're almost 30 and completely unqualified. Socializing is a huge part of the workplace, too. Be too reclusive at work and your colleagues will begin to avoid you and you're basically fucked.

>> No.12201937
File: 307 KB, 968x634, 1395432182460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the previous generation (post-WWII) did such a good job rebuilding and making a productive society
I laughed.

>> No.12201945

>"Men are encouraged to sleep around because getting lots of sex is manly while simultaneously telling women to never have sex with anyone but one person ever"
That's not a contradiction you fucktard. No-one wants a wife who sucked hundreds of dicks and will be unfaithful the moment a young mailman comes.

>> No.12201977


Wheres that pic from? /pol/?

>> No.12202002

Believe it or not, images that you may not like do not always come from /pol/. That image is old as fuck, and from /new/.

>> No.12202003


Anon, you find the woman you love, you make her love you and she'll love you in return.That's how stuff works best, not relying on a repressive tradition which condones men's adultery. Women are the most interested in finding a stable and faithful partner and they thenselves try to be faithful. You ask why?


inb4, all women are bitches who would sleep with anyone.

And so are men, on their 20's. Once mean and women reach their 30's they start to seriously want an stable partner and maybe have children.


That pic is so captious and full of bullshit it actually made me smirk

>> No.12202011

>year 26 of the heisei era
>still believing malthus
unless you're ready for logan's run you can't just downsize your population without serious repercussions.

>> No.12202015

>No the problem is we are told to do mundane tasks, that can easily be automated or replaced, for the majority of our lives.
Life has been like this for 99% of people for 99% of history.

>> No.12202021

But for the first time in history we can just let a robot do it.

>> No.12202026

You've always been able to get out of working if you have enough money. These days it just involves buying a robot instead of paying a person.

>> No.12202030

>she'll love you in return
until someone else comes along

>Women are the most interested in finding a stable money source

>and they thenselves try to be faithful
Not sluts.

Men and women are not the same. Deal with it. Women can tolerate men fucking around with other bitches as long as the provide the resources, but men can't afford to let their bitches fuck around and possibly waste their resources on someone else's kid.

>> No.12202038

That's not what I meant.
What I meant was for example Walmart replacing cashiers with do it yourself check out machines where you scan what you're buying by yourself, thus completely getting rid of the cashier.

>> No.12202040

The row of ten cashiers has been replaced by a row of ten machines and the one guy making sure you don't steal shit, but so what? The oxcart replaced like ten field hands, too. It's not new.

>> No.12202044

My father had a stroke a few years back and my mother is working full-time and taking care of him on top of that. Go on, explain that shit.

>> No.12202048

Exept many women prefer career over a family now.
You have to admit previous generation did a bad job at both economics and social policies in many 1st world countries.
>Once mean and women reach their 30's they start to seriously want an stable partner and maybe have children.
Once women reach christmas cake zone it's almost too late, they know it well and thats why they are so desperate.

>> No.12202055


And here we have one subject of the Homo Japonica.

Or virtually, this train of thoughts is what has brought the problem we are discussing in this thread.

>> No.12202059

Servility and fear of independence.

>> No.12202062

Fat virgins who've never talked to a girl besides their mom, discussing and analyzing women. This kind of shit gives me some good laughs, keep it up.

>> No.12202063

Most interviews I've seen with Japanese so-called herbivores don't feature them whining about bitches and whores. It's more of a mendokusai kara yada kind of thing.

>> No.12202065

>Servility and fear of independence.
Servility to what? A stroke victim who would probably die of health complications if left alone for too long?

>> No.12202069


>The Christmass cake zone.

Do you actually take seriously that recurrent joke in anime and manga?

>> No.12202071

>Fat virgins
You might want to go over there >>>/r9k/

This. I don't know from where the anon talking about men & patriarchy™ came from the the Japanese lifestyle is way different from the West.
Over there the young men are encouraged to sleep around because they don't have any kind of interest towards women. The problem here is that women are actually complaining about that, telling that they can't find a "true man" (the irony).

I'm always joking about it but I was actually surprised when I see some guys over their 30s with genuinely no interest in women and who has been going out with their Nene wife for like 3 years. You'd probably be jailed or sent to psychiatry in the West for this.

>> No.12202074

Nope, but does it really matter?

>> No.12202075

That's not a joke and not only in anime & manga.
Bitches over 30 are getting inceasingly desperate as their biological clock kicks in. This is a fact.
No wonder men want nothing to do with them other than a quick fuck, since they grow on you if you don't keep the distance.

>> No.12202078

Meant to >>12202069

>> No.12202083


Isn't it more like the expectations society has over a couple and what a man must do for the relationship is what really make the males find a pain in the ass having a relationship.

I wouldn't discard though, that there is a hint of misoginy and irreflexive patriarchy in the mind of those guys.

>> No.12202088

>You might want to go over there >>>/r9k/

This whole thread might want to go over there, seeing as most people on this board have little contact with women in general and don't need to devote their energies away from their hobbies toward whining loudly about them on the Internet like the rest of 4chan.

Where are you people coming from, seriously?

>> No.12202090

But women will line up around the block for a chance at some dude who stuck his dick in anything that would stand still long enough and is destined for a midlife crisis which will cause him to cheat, or at least try to?

>> No.12202093

As a young man with a decent stable job the thing i want most is a wife and kids.
Here in New Zealand that wont bring happiness only divorce with the courts heavily favoring the women.

>> No.12202097

>As a young man with a decent stable job

What do you do?

>> No.12202098

Women only want to fuck men that fucked other women.
-It means they're not a virgin and can please them
-It means they're no some undesirable creep with personality problems
-If they're with her now, that means she's better than the other women he's been with.

>> No.12202101

I work at a chocolate factory

>> No.12202103



What as a production line worker?

Sorry chocolate factory sounded so cliche at first.

>> No.12202104

Sounds like a bit of a contradiction there.

I don't see how you can possibly expect to have a functional relationship if you go into it acting like you're just waiting for your partner to be unfaithful and/or leave you. If you're honestly pushing that shit in her face or being passive-aggressive about it, you're essentially daring her to leave. What's more important, being happy or being able to go into MRA threads and post "I WAS RIGHT"?

>> No.12202106

Mabye he's a chocolate scientist, pfft

>> No.12202107

It's times like this that I'm happy to be a white, blue eyed, hairy Marine. The future is bright, friends.

>> No.12202108

This also applies with the sexes reversed.

Purityfags only want virgins because they need someone who won't have a comparison how inept they are/have any reference against which to judge that their bullshit is unacceptable.

>> No.12202109


>This is a fact.

Anon, not counting that most men that want to have a family look for women close or over 30 due to the maturity and economic stability they bring the way you talk makes it difficult to not think you are just blurting whatever preconceptions you have.

And even if it is true, it just shows just how men dooom thenselves by picking youth and looks over maturity and faithfulness. Most women are fine people, as well as men, but men fall so easily for the femme fatale (and women for bad men too though less frequently)...

>> No.12202110

Why do people want relationships? Why not just make fuckbuddies? Why not just hire maids to cook and clean for you and suck your dick on the side if they're into that?

>> No.12202111


Isn't the future in your line of work only bright when there is an outlook of war?

>> No.12202113

Why would you willingly choose a woman over 30 to have a child with? It's unhealthy to have children at such an advanced age.

>> No.12202114

>Where are you people coming from, seriously?
The reason these threads are such shit is because it makes them crawl out of the woodwork.

The appropriate policy is indifference. Stop spending time commiserating with other MRA activists and go do something you actually enjoy. Unless that's something you enjoy, in which case do it somewhere else.

>> No.12202115

Machine Operator, I dont eat candy any more

>> No.12202116


emotional intimacy

>> No.12202118

>This also applies with the sexes reversed.
No, it doesn't.
Bitches with personality problems still get fucked. A woman can get away with the weirdest hobbies and still find someone willing to fuck her.

>> No.12202119

>They want virgins because the more relationships a female has had, the more emotional and mental baggage she acquires.
Sounds right. You never hear guys hating all women because they were slighted by a couple of them, after all.

>> No.12202120


I'll say it once just in case you aren't just trolling. Not everyone here is a basement NEET with full neckbeard.

>> No.12202122

That just means guys have lower wud-fuk standards.

Well, they should work on that.

>> No.12202123

>A woman can get away with the weirdest hobbies and still find someone willing to fuck her.

So what this all comes down to is this: Anon is jealous because female weeaboos can get laid but he can't.

>> No.12202124


No but he is right on one aspect. Absolutely no contact with women I would consider suitable partner.

>> No.12202125

I noticed and it's fucking awful. You people stick out like a sore thumb and your threads are terrible. Please leave any time.

>> No.12202127

>seeing as most people on this board have little contact with women in general

You assume too much. And you know what they say about what happens when you assume.

I suggest you remove yourself to another board, any other board, if you're completely unable to participate in a civilized discussion. You have plenty to choose from.

>> No.12202128

>female weeaboos

>Bitches with personality problems still get fucked. A woman can get away with the weirdest hobbies and still find someone willing to fuck her.


>> No.12202129

There are many fish in the sea.
Man have more time to find a young AND responsible woman, instead of hastily setting down.
Also, age matters. For a woman every year increases the risk of an unhealthy child quite a noticable margin. There is even a fucking social taboo about asking a woman's age.

>> No.12202131

Thanks for making my point for me.

>> No.12202133

>And you know what they say about what happens when you assume.
He was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

>I suggest you remove yourself to another board, any other board, if you're completely unable to participate in a civilized discussion.
I can suggest that you kill yourself, but you probably won't.

>> No.12202134

No, the simple fact is that the more sexual partners a woman has had, the chance of divorce increases once she settles down with someone.

>> No.12202135

Only even lower class women wants to marry to lower class scum.

>> No.12202137

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it's because women like that don't exist.

>> No.12202139


I wish I had such a warped perception of reality. Would solve alot of issues.

Also meant to say women my age.

>> No.12202142

Why do you assume that every women is desperate to have kids?

The main complaint I'm hearing from the normals I know is that they keep getting into steady relationships that go south after they express their desire to have kids and the women are adamant about not wanting children.

>> No.12202143

Mate i live is a peasant country still beholden to Queen Elizabeth II

>> No.12202148

Stop with the strawman.
Women past 30 unless they are horribly fucked up hormonally start to get the urge to have children. That's a biological fact.

>> No.12202150

>Stop with the strawman.
The term you're looking for is "anecdotal evidence".

>That's a biological fact.
It's a biological fact that as young virile men, we should all be going out and hunting girlfriends and looking for wives, but here we are shitposting on 4chan instead.

>> No.12202152

You could still find a maori or some polynesian qt.

>> No.12202153


Do you even know what either of those words mean?

>> No.12202154


Not him but I thought we were seriousposting?

>> No.12202156

Seriously posting off-topic isn't quite shitposting but it's not that far off.

>> No.12202158


I honestly don't even know what the original topic is.

>> No.12202162

Japanese sociology, which looks kind of on-topic if you squint real hard and don't think too hard about it.

>> No.12202165

>hunting girlfriends and looking for wives
We are looking out for sex and suitable partners and we are finding them in waifus. Women are more complicated since they are the ones who have to deal with pregnancy.
The urges of men are easier to "deceive" with substitutes, becase they're simpler.

>> No.12202167


Nice normalfag meme, gaylord.

>> No.12202261

You sound like you've got some mental problems dude.

You do realize that a lot of women in this day and age don't want children, right?

It's not murder. If abortions are murder, I'd hate to know what you think of eating animal eggs.
It's about as much of murder as wiping up your semen with a tissue dude.

>> No.12202297

Animal eggs are typically unfertilized, dude.

>> No.12202325

You can say the same for just about every thread that exists

Imagine if you can if futaba had a board called "nerd culture"

>> No.12202343

>Still, I think we could halve the work week of most of these high end jobs and replace it with two people instead of one. They won't be half as bad since they'll work more efficiently because of their downtime.
if only. you know once that happens, they'll also cut salaries in half, meaning nobody will be able to afford the increasingly expensive housing, taxes and all other bills.

and then faggots will start complaining and the system will go to shit.

they tried that here once, change 8 hour wordays to 6 hour ones and add an extra shift, but people started bitching so hard once they heard their salaries get cut the whole plan got scrapped.

>> No.12202393

I've dated and had sex with quiet a few girls before starting on the downward spiral into neetdom.

The thought that I might have ended up with one of them if things had went slightly different is downright terrifying to me now.
I would still like to have a meaningful relationship, but I realize that that would be like winning the lottery. I don't have the grid or determination to wade trough idk how many females on the off chance to find the winning ticket. And that's assuming anyone would want me, which they have really no reason to.

It's just easier not to play that game at all and seek happiness elsewhere.

>/jp/ - my blog

>> No.12202396

>>/jp/ - my blog
Acknowledging a problem makes it okay!

>> No.12202401

That's what I thought~

>> No.12202412

i am one on the inside.

>> No.12202734

Yeaahhh you're dumb.

Think about this logically.

The ratio of men to women is basically 1:1, for every man in the world there is a woman.

Men are largely encouraged to find many sexual partners, they're not manly if they don't get lots of sex from many girls.. except wait, women are largely encouraged not to have many sexual partners, in fact they're socially shunned for it.

So in other words, for men to be manly according to society, they have to destroy women socially, because it's not like there's a whole lot of extra women out there.

>> No.12202745


Not the guy you are talking to but I don't believe that ratio is right. At there is like .06-7 more males than females.

>> No.12202753

She's old, therefore have no other place to go. And what do you expect of her in such situation? Ignore him? Kill him? That will made her the worst scum in everyone's eyes. Of course she don't want that.

>> No.12202755

Other way around.
But it depends on the country. China has more males than girls because of the whole one child thing.
No I'm not implying that women can magically choose what gender kid they'll have.

>> No.12202780

There are statistically more women then males because males are more prone to kill themselves with diseases and risky behavior, like driving under influence, getting into drugs, crime, suicide, etc. In reality there are more OLDER women than males, because men don't live as long as bitches.

Dude, stop preaching feminism here. It's a waste of time.

>> No.12202817
File: 184 KB, 490x495, Screen Shot 2014-06-17 at 12.36.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok, there is a cure for /jp/ coming


>> No.12202823

Every single "durr Japan low birthrate send me there I'll fix it :)" thread has people that pointed this out about most Euro countries. It's just westerners are in massive denial because of insecurities.

>> No.12202827

It's better than pretending that there isn't one.

>> No.12202832

>And what do you expect of her in such situation?
Back when he was just recovering and taking care of him was a full-time job in and of itself she thought about sending him to long-term care. He's better than he was, though.

>That will made her the worst scum in everyone's eyes.
I thought people were saying that women didn't have standards.

>> No.12202838
File: 543 KB, 700x500, Japan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Germany in the future? I quite like Germans. They should breed more.

>> No.12202846

Shut the fuck up you racist piece of shit no they don't. The world is over populated enough already. They should just continue to bring in fine people from Africa and the middle east instead like they do now.

>> No.12202874

You'd think that all the censorship, jew fellating and farming simulator playing would've made germans mindless robots, but looks like they've still realized nothing matters.

>> No.12202912
File: 154 KB, 999x1000, 1393318190534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
Wait. There are people genuinely interested in women in /jp/ ?

Wait. Why are we even talking about them right now ?

There's a whole dedicated board for that.

>> No.12202954

Japanese youth have grown up their whole lives in a recession (or at least in a culture with a recession mentality). They're neck deep in the alienation of hyper-modernism and we're not far behind.

>> No.12202993

Most people here can barely pass for "otaku" status, or whatever. Basically normals with an interest in epic for the win 2hu that like to procrastinate here.

>> No.12203001

yeah /jp/ has never been much more than a random board with a sort of otaku/japanese theme to it.

>> No.12203029

Thank god someone finally said it

>> No.12203049

Except that nobody is willing to pay for job training anymore so even if some neet tried to go and get a degree or some shit no company is willing hire someone who doesn't have work experience somewhere else.

You can't just blame the autists for this problem, because they aren't the only ones at fault.

>> No.12203057

>dominant genre
>genre roles

>> No.12203162

>Thats hardly unique
Japanese culture stresses protecting your children's reputation to maintain your own reputation.

>> No.12203191

>This is the future of the west, but Japan is fighting it.
No, it's not. The future of the west will be like Japan: low birthrates to maintain wealth and a shrinking population which may or may not stabilize. Japan is just an accelerated version of Europe.
In regards to Africa, people reproduce because mortality is so high and they want to be sure they'll have some children that can care for them in old age. As regions like sub-Saharan Africa and India become more developed, birthrates will go down.

>> No.12203199

>Your girlfriend will soon make an ultimatum- no sex or children
A lot of women aren't having kids now because they don't want the financial burden and because for the first time in history, it's becoming culturally acceptable to be childfree.
This sounds like Redpill bullshit to me.

>> No.12203209

Well for some it's more of an issue of one's own offspring being used as a financial cudgel against the father.

Also the child possibly becomes really screwed up because of broken families.

>> No.12203211

>The oxcart replaced like ten field hands, too. It's not new.
Computers have automated our tasks to a ridiculous degree, much more than any previous inventions have. Human labor has never been as unnecessary as it is now.

>> No.12203214

How the hell do people come to the conclusion that this is some kind of social construct?

It's the instinct bestowed upon us by evolution due to our differences in reproductive roles. For the prehistoric man, the best way to increase his chance of passing on his genes would be to teach as many women as he could the pleasure of being cummed inside. Even if some of them don't turn out to be good mothers, every women you're willing to kiss the womb of will increase your chances. But for women, it's a lot more complicated. Letting a guy paint your womb white implies a huge risk and investment of time. If you just jump on the first dick you see, you'll likely be suffering some kind of disadvantage from it, like ending up lending our your internal real estate to incubate worse genes than what the other dicks around can offer.

Of course, just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's inherently right, that's a completely different argument. But it's pretty stupid when people start treating what's an universal tendency with logical basis as if it was invented at the caprice of the patriarchy to oppress women.

>> No.12203225


I'm sorry anon, but the first jerarchical human societies were based on matriarchy, not patriarchy. Women were regarded as providers both of life and food given they were more proficient at gathering fruits and cereals and at resource administration.

The paradigm shift came with agriculture and animal domestication. Once private property was created, the group needed to protect it from other animals and humans and the best suited for that, given his fisical progress, was the male.

So yeah, it's a societal construct.

>> No.12203234

>You never hear guys hating all women because they were slighted by a couple of them, after all.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

>> No.12203234,1 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when thread 404s right as you're about push submit on the post that will completely rek the other guy in an argument

>> No.12203234,2 [INTERNAL] 

Post it now fag.

>> No.12203234,3 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly. Post it here so that we can all have a laugh.

>> No.12203234,4 [INTERNAL] 

I don't feel like it anymore. What's the point, knowing that no matter what I do, that fag will sleep safely tonight under the mercy of jannybro, not even aware of the wrath I was about to unleash on him?

>> No.12203234,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12203234,6 [INTERNAL] 

If you're trying to make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone, you are moderately successful.

>> No.12203234,7 [INTERNAL] 

So you we're just bluffing like a little pussy. See you around then.

>> No.12203234,8 [INTERNAL] 


yurop is awakening

sieg heil
