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12197619 No.12197619 [Reply] [Original]

How old is Marisa?

>> No.12197633

Old enough

>> No.12197639


>> No.12197692 [DELETED] 

dubs of truth

>> No.12197699
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, marisa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her and Reimu are least 16 in current canon.

>> No.12198102

15 years and 10 months.

>> No.12200433

Somewhere in their 20s. It's been 12 years since EoSD, and besides ZUN can't show them drinking alcohol otherwise.

>> No.12200442

She looks 13 in the games.

>> No.12200454 [DELETED] 

Dubs grant it.

>> No.12200460
File: 98 KB, 500x500, 1295182440974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she first appeared in 東方封魔録 ~ the Story of Eastern Wonderland 1997, so about 17 years old now

>> No.12200470

Old enough to be tried as an adult for all the stuff she steals.

>> No.12200472

And she was just born when she appeared there, yeah?

>> No.12200474
File: 74 KB, 410x424, marisastaple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12200475
File: 272 KB, 1300x1426, f1bbb957-9879-45f2-9d94-a4d3d7c6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old enough that I can hang out with her with her and no one will get suspicious.

>> No.12200478

as a fictional character? yes
at least this is her public visible age, it may be possible that ZUN created her long before TH02 as a fictional character, but we don't know that

>> No.12200487

Didn't Zun once say he came up with Touhou in High school from playing many arcade games or some thing?

>> No.12200495

that doesn't mean he created all characters in high school
for reimu this might be true but marisa wasn't even in his first games, he needed a big boobed blonde bimbo for better sales

>> No.12200502
File: 371 KB, 784x1065, 592045fd-7b0f-4159-a60d-4bbbe7ecd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Marisa is not a bimbo!

>> No.12200508

``Bimbo'' was a male term until Americans started misusing it in the 1980s.

>> No.12200511

Marisa does not have big breasts.

>> No.12200515

Personally I kinda like the idea of her having at least a decently sized chest but that's just me.

>> No.12200520

I like the idea but she just does not have it.

>> No.12200529
File: 591 KB, 700x1400, 1373303822613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, bimbo meant something like "a tough guy" originally. in japanese context it is a term for discribing poor people.

>> No.12200534
File: 161 KB, 700x880, 00f94211-9a3a-4b2c-bb34-d7b8b5e6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa is very modest about her average sized adolescent chest

>> No.12200542
File: 184 KB, 670x600, 1299292071423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there is a proportionality between breastsize and age, marisa is about 5 years olf

>> No.12200546

That means girls with big breasts are old ladies!

>> No.12200550

Old enough to take dick.

>> No.12200551
File: 462 KB, 472x700, b3242327-ce03-45d6-b2d7-bbd21d939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa is pure!

>> No.12200553

or two at once

>> No.12200555
File: 287 KB, 1050x1504, sepia_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much for her own good.

>> No.12200556
File: 213 KB, 640x640, 1298496277714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's true and this thesis is biological verified since mature woman who are ready to mate need big boobies to attract males and to nourish their babies
if their grow too old, the breasts will begin to be sacky and shrivel down
but this theory only holds for normal humans, no obese fatties - obese fatties are a product of the current generations because of the oversaturation

>> No.12200562

Ban this sick filth

>> No.12200566

I wish she was my girlfriend

>> No.12200595

needy bitch

>> No.12200601
File: 281 KB, 591x858, 62f4e69b35c4636c9d78a04e6839a9e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was her.

>> No.12200640

> Nourish their babies
Chest size has nothing to do with that. The breasts are fat sacks on the body, while the mammary glands are actually behind all that fat. The breasts are just to make the nipples more accessible.

>> No.12200670

But you don't feel a romantic attraction towards her?

>> No.12200683

of course there is, i'm not talking about boobs that have been make bigger by plastic surgery

>> No.12200694
File: 335 KB, 800x1000, 1395168904655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I do. So much so that I want to literally be a part of her.

>> No.12200849

but their japanese and the drinking age is lower there/not as policed as is here.

>> No.12200879

Same here.

Dibs on the butt.

>> No.12200917

she's 2488328456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264284564253872642845642538726428456425387264

>> No.12200964

Same age as Reimu,
They can be as young as you want, it's all up to you.

>> No.12200998

Can she be a timid but cute girl who is junior high age but likes to hang out with this one high school age guy but doesn't do naughty things with him because that would be immoral?

>> No.12201003


>> No.12201006
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>> No.12201031

Same thing, but 10 and 24.

>> No.12201056

>the stapler to her cheek.

That's pretty cruel.

>> No.12201129

If you want.

>> No.12203767

But is she poor? Bimbo is also the Japanese world for poor.
