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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12192665 No.12192665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Onigiri is a new Cyberstep game in beta right now. It is pretty much Devil May Cry.

The beta was extended another week, so it goes until the 19th. Anyone can join in. Then it will open for real on July 1st.


>> No.12192668

Is there a /jp/ guild?

I'll join. The Alpha test was cute but impossible to play through without people to play with.

>> No.12192691

Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.12192700

it's in japanese?

>> No.12192707


>> No.12192730

It's in English, but it has the original Japanese voice acting, like all Cyberstep games.

It's kind of silly to dismiss a game for being an "MMORPG" when that's such a vast genre. It's like saying you hate all food. Your reasons for refusing may very well not even apply to this game. Still, you're free to do as you wish, I suppose.

>> No.12192743

>Still, you're free to do as you wish, I suppose.
thanks for the permission, commander

>> No.12192780

How graphics-intensive is this? The anime intro video didn't really show any gameplay.

>> No.12192819

No way am I playing Cosmic Shit mark 2. Go away, Tempura.

>> No.12192860

You're quite welcome. You'll find I treat my people well.

Much like their other games, it isn't at all. I could even imagine my old computer from ten years ago running it. That isn't very helpful, though, so I'll just paste the system requirements:

OS Windows XP(SP3)32bit
Windows Vista /7 32bit or 64bit
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 and above
Memory Windows XP:2GB+
Open HDD Space 20GB+(NTFS format)
Monitor Resolution 1280×720 or higher
Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce 7800GT
Or similar class cards, and above
Sound Card DirectX Compatible Sound Card (DirectX 9.0c and above)
DirectX DirectX 9.0c and above
Internet Connectivity Broadband (ADSL, Fiber Optic, etc.)

>> No.12192862
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Like Scarlet Blade with anime characters.
Another dress up simulator with a ridiculous cash shop probably.

>> No.12192865

I don't see the point in passing judgment on a free game before you've even tried it. Especially when it takes so little effort to do so and you have tons of free time.

>> No.12193195
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How's the gameplay? Is it flexible and engaging? What about the pvp? Does it take skill or is it a stat comparison chart type of game?

>> No.12193225

Let's just say there is brilliant GAMEPLAY,
if you know what I mean?

>> No.12193228


He was just being polite.

captcha nigger ituasi

>> No.12193231

Played the beta until I got to Kyoto. It had potential but is currently a bit of a shitfest.

I did most of my leveling before they doubled xp rates, so I was pretty screwed out of levels. It seemed like it would have been mostly fine if I'd made a new character after the xp rate change, but I didn't because I was anticipating the beta ending yesterday. Also getting to Kyoto gave me $5 worth of cash shop cash, so I wanted to get that posthaste.

The gameplay itself is pretty fun. It's just really goddamn messy. Hitboxes on everything are absolutely atrocious. When you learn how to get around them it opens up and becomes pretty fun though.

But the problems lie within its utterly fucking retarded systems for a lot of things. Skills are tied to weapons, and skills level up on use. What this means is when you get a new weapon, you probably have a whole new set of skills that are rank 1. Rank 1 skills do shitall, and high rank skills outpace everything. I was using a level 9 sword all the way up to level 20, when I was fighting recommended level 34 bosses. It outpaced everything.
Getting new weapons is pretty bad. The curve for availability is really wonky, and the levels you get new weapons at are stupid. Generally drops are for 5-6 levels ahead of what you're fighting.
Back to skills, when you finally get to equip your shiny new thing you +30'd and have had waiting for you, it's actually a useless piece of shit. Higher ranks of skills cost dramatically more SP/mana, and your pool is generally not high and has to be regenerated with regular attacks, and durability costs to your weapons are also through the roof.
When I hit 19 and equipped an axe I'd been excited for for 7 levels, it boiled down to "I could keep using my level 9 weapon, and do 2400 damage for 24 SP and 4 weapon durability, OR I could spend 48 SP and 14 weapon durability to do 400 damage with this new guy." Pretty clear cut choice.

>> No.12193245


The thing with durability is most weapons have between 800-900, approaching 1000 if you get lucky with Great Repairs or rolls. Higher rank skills costing more durability, in addition to dungeons being longer and bosses gaining sudden huge spikes in survivability, and towns being further from dungeons, means using higher level weapons not only lowers your damage and skill availability, but also means you're going to be slogging back to town after every dungeon run. So basically using anything new means you're going to be a weak piece of shit and you're better off just +1000ing your kikuichimonji and calling it a day.

Saying the game is "pretty much Devil May Cry" is a pretty huge insult to DMC. Combos are irrelevant, movement is clunky and restrictive, and enemy hitboxes are off the wall stupid.

The game does have a lot of potential. If they fixed enemy attack hitboxes and rolling, so you don't roll away from attacks targetted at the beginning of your roll and get hit at the end of your roll, smoothed the weapon curve out, and made higher rank skills not huge downgrades from lower rank skills, it could be a really fun game. It's more like Monster Hunter Liteasfuck than anything.

The world's kinda flat and empty but it still looks nice, because it's thematically just pretty as hell. Plus you can make some pretty cute characters.

It's engaging enough, and pretty fun at its core, it's just really clunky. It's mostly about waiting for opportunities to unload on things and backing off. It's all really easy to cheese with ranged damage though. Melee hits ridiculously hard compared to ranged, but the risk of something stupid happening and you getting oneshot is high. Blocking is a little more reliable than dodging but the things that break through guards are oneshots.

I don't think there's any PvP currently, duels may be added later. They want to add some MOBA thing though, which looks stupid.

>> No.12193262

Last one, the devs for the English version have said they plan on "making the youkai and bosses more balanced," which presumably involves fixing the hitbox issues. I hope they do, because the game could end up pretty damn fun with just that, and if they fixed some of the latency issues everybody complains about like movement continuing for a half second or so when you release the movement keys and rolls seemingly just not updating your position until the end of the roll. If they did that, and fixed balancing issues with weapons and skills, I'd really like it. It was fun being an oni and chugging sake and blowing shit up, and the story was actually at least entertaining. Momotarou has autism and I want to fuck Ibaraki Douji, and I'm at least 80% sure you can. It honestly feels like some guys were making it a single player game, and Cyberstep came along and were like "Oy vey, we can help you monetize the absolute hell out of this little project of yours," and slapped cash shops and MOBA PvP and MMO onto it.

I was really hoping they'd take it down yesterday as planned, and fix most of the shit people have been complaining about all beta long, but extending it a week is a really stupid, foolish decision because content ends at Kyoto anyway and they need a lot more dev time than just until the 1st.

It has a lot of problems, but I'd say it's worth a shot.

>> No.12193460

Lol, I saw this game in the E3 Sony press conference

>> No.12193946

>It honestly feels like some guys were making it a single player game, and Cyberstep came along and were like "Oy vey, we can help you monetize the absolute hell out of this little project of yours," and slapped cash shops and MOBA PvP and MMO onto it.

They actually do have a single player mode in Cosmic Break and GetAmped 2. I wouldn't be surprised if Onigiri added one eventually.

>> No.12194034

I hope there'll be english SEA servers soon, lag makes it pretty unplayable now

>> No.12194062

This is that game that looks like shit, right.

>> No.12194090

There were already threads for the closed beta and it was agreed to be shit.

I wouldn't bother if I were you

>> No.12194543

Did /jp/ always bitch this much about MMOs they don't play? I remember the Mabinogi threads back in the day where people actually discussed the game.

>> No.12195145

Is that $5 thing exclusive to the beta? And is there anything else for getting that far? All I could find was the rewards in Onigiri/CB/GA2 for hitting level 5. Not sure if I need to bother aiming too high.

>> No.12195159

Oniggetits may look and feel like an MMO, but I think it's a "singleplayer game with MMO elements slapped onto it".

>> No.12196443

regardless of whether you like it or not, there was a period of time when mabinogi was worth playing

this game is not and will never be worth playing

im not telling you this to hurt your feelings i am just trying to save your time because i have played it and if you think its good, you probably havent.

>> No.12197474

CS always completely resets your data, including in game cash money. All that carries over is the stuff they mention, which is total ass even when compared to what they gave out to CB beta players.

>> No.12197512

I just barely started. How do I get a bow?

>> No.12197515

I'm on the fence about this one. I've never played a CS game before, but the artwork for this game is at least somewhat appealing.

Looks like a lot of posters think it'll be/is shit though.

>> No.12197537

The artwork is ALWAYS appealing when it comes to CS shit, the only problem is that things like CosmicBreak turned into a pissing contest once the mods stopped caring about holding real events and the cash shop became literally the only way to play.

Onigiri simply by the way it works can't turn into the same shitfest, although in this case the gameplay is flawed but apparently is getting worked on, so really there's no way of knowing how it's going to turn out right now.

>> No.12198338

A lot of posters on this site think everything is shit, but they don't actually do anything so it's not like they'd know. Don't let them influence you too much.

The artwork is not very representative of the in-game models though, so you shouldn't necessarily be playing it for that. Still, you can have plenty of fun for free if you're willing to give CS' games a chance.

>> No.12198351

I don't hold in very high regard the opinion of someone to whom the concept of uppercase letters and apostrophes is apparently completely foreign.

>> No.12198365
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>ridiculous cash shop
Don't be silly. CyberStep doesn't do cash shops much at all.
Have fun gambling away your life savings for any/everything of value though.

>> No.12200016

It's not like people are forced to use the cash shop.

>> No.12200103


I wouldn't say DMC, it's a lot more like PSO

>> No.12200430

I played a little and just didn't like the combat much. It's unfortunate I'd probably be playing the hell out of Tera or FFXIV if I met people I liked in it. It's all just people who want me in their voice server 24/7 gracing them with my comedic stylings.

>> No.12200528 [DELETED] 

Unlike PSO you can just hold the button to attack. There's gotta be something better to compare it to.

>> No.12200531

Unlike PSO you can just hold the button to attack. There's gotta be something more appropriate to compare it to.

>> No.12200610

How about Dynasty Warriors (online)? Although the "jump" action in Oniggertits have little use in combat.

>> No.12202276

Isn't there already a Dynasty Warriors MMO out there? Well, that may be close enough.

>> No.12202294

Poor OP, marketing this shitty game no one wants to play. /jp/ is still solely funding CB, no money to waste on this shitfest.

>> No.12202693

I'm pretty sure there are more people that enjoy CB on /m/ than there are on /jp/.

>> No.12203657
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>> No.12203693

Are there more outfits to buy later? In the Alpha version you could buy better outfits the further into the story you progressed. In this Beta it looks like the weird fat lady tentacle monster mirror thing sells the same shit no matter where you go.

>> No.12204003

Looks like a quest line or something silly like that.

>> No.12204610

I haven't run into any yet. They might be saving that to bring it back for the official release. I think they actually don't want people to progress very far in this beta, what with the experience stuff.

>> No.12207107

Last day. Soon, we must bid this game farewell until July.

>> No.12207107,1 [INTERNAL] 

I have a voice changer for TERA just so I can get free shit.

>> No.12207107,2 [INTERNAL] 

wow, r u a girl?

>> No.12207107,3 [INTERNAL] 

And how have the people not picked up on this bul*shit?

>> No.12207107,4 [INTERNAL] 

But Devil May Cry sucks.
Why would I want to play a game where all you do is press x?

>> No.12207107,5 [INTERNAL] 

You're thinking of DmC not Devil May Cry
