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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12191949 No.12191949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12180835

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12191958

Playing: Oretsuba
Looking forward to: Robotics;Notes Elite
Finished: Baldr Force two weeks ago

>> No.12192013

Is Katahane worth playing for the story?

>> No.12192042


>> No.12192078

It is, but you may need to build a certain tolerance towards a certain lesbian couple.

>> No.12192203

What are some notable PC98 eroge developers that aren't Fairytale/Elf or Alicesoft?

>> No.12192342

Silky's? Cocktail Soft? Topcat?

>> No.12192481

Another update. http://www.c-d.co.jp/qualia/

>> No.12192595



>CG and script finished, VA recording started.
>Script much longer than expected.

Oh you. At least it's done, right, right?

>> No.12192850

If they can finish recording in 2-3 weeks so they can actually send the game for printing, sire.

>> No.12192954
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, IM_Memoria_13062014_115939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how producers think that just because they're both girls it isn't rape. She just appeared but I'm already agreeing with the guy that said Valefor was terrible, I hope there's an option to kill her for touching Sully.

>> No.12192957

Valefor is great though.

>> No.12192966

I really can't see why. She's a lesbian, her voice is terrible, and to make matters worse I bet she's not even going to be that useful in battle(at least the other thieves weren't).

>> No.12192967

>I bet she's not even going to be that useful in battle(at least the other thieves weren't).
She actually trivializes the entire game

>> No.12193084

Have you guys played Flowers yet?

Surprisingly it's got a few good ratings on vndb. Is it Innocent Grey fanboyism? I'm a fan myself, but with those tags...

>> No.12193101

Mine was taxed and I need to stop being lazy and go get it already. I'll report when I finish it.

>> No.12193103


VNDB ratings for untranslated games are mostly just for the artwork or a possible anime adaptation.

>> No.12193144

In the original there was no vile threesome with the character she is very loosely based on, he just pushed her to the floor and raped her then and there.

>> No.12193148

That sounds a lot better.

>> No.12193156

She can solo the entire game.

>> No.12193172

Do people seriously rate titles just because htey found the art to be pretty?

>> No.12193173

The mysteries weak, but they're kind of secondary. I liked it overall.

>> No.12193198

Great art and nice music as always. The overall atmosphere was quite good. It had some 'mystery' solving elements in it which were kind of silly but could lead to bad ends. Sometimes it felt a little pretentious by quoting lines from books like Nostromo, which I didn't feel were all that relevant to the story itself.

Basically it's the slice-of-life bits of Yukari and friends in Kara no Shoujo 2 with the yuri dialed up to 11, or Maria-sama meets Hyouka. If you are into that kind of thing then you will probably enjoy it.

Didn't Innocent Grey say that they are doing 4 FLOWERS games in total anyway? This one was for spring, the other three for the other seasons.

>> No.12193202

Is that Magical Charming?

>> No.12193210

No, it's Muramasa with the title bar photoshopped to say Magical Charming.

>> No.12193216

The VNDB userbase is very special.
You have people voting on unreleased games with no trials, people that only vote on translated games + untranslated games with an anime adaptation and people that make 50 new votes everyday for months.

>> No.12193232

Also people finishing 5 games on their release day every month, I wish I was that good at multitasking.

>> No.12193240

There are still some users who clearly know japanese, just that the majority is made either of people who rate based on the CG sets or of retards who use machine translation

>> No.12193241

Also good to remember that some vndb users have some seriously questionable voting criteria, like that guy who read one route in muramasa and gave it a 2.5 because it was "one fourth" of the game or something like that.

>> No.12193249
File: 496 KB, 1022x1600, 172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you don't have a setup like this?

>> No.12193323

He gave it 2.5 because he only liked one route, not read.

His opinion is invalid anyway since he used a machine translator.

>> No.12193325

Well, that still sounds stupid. I know ratings are generally subjective, but there's a line you shouldn't cross. The Machine TL part just makes it worse.

>> No.12193334

Actually, does Erogamescapes rating is credible? Shit likes G-senjou rated 85 there.

>> No.12193340


Stop being so counterculture, anon.

>> No.12193341

The numbers themselves are a lot less useful than the comments.

>> No.12193342

If it's over 70, it varies, however under 70 the games are irredeemable shit in 99.9% of the cases as long as they are not nukige.

>> No.12193343

hahaha, I didn't even notice the bar.

>> No.12193344

EGS ratings can a bit weird. There's a lot of stema, and Japanese taste is often pretty different than Western taste. But it has reviews, which is nice.

>> No.12193345

Isn't loose boy one of the highest "rated" writers in EGS? That's what I remember from 2009, at least. If he still is, it's seriously no surprise G-senjou is rated so highly.

>> No.12193350

Someone should do that with two contrasting titles to confuse the EOPs.

>> No.12193434

G-senjou is a well liked game. I'm not sure waht your problem is here.

>> No.12193443


So, what's your opinion /jp/ ?

>> No.12193446
File: 232 KB, 1019x721, we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you one of those who think if a game is translated it became shit? Or that gets pissed because the writer uses the format of his history to mislead the reader?

Anyway compare g-senjou with the fucking average game you get every fucking month that have a good average, like pic related, do you seriously think that g-senjou is that low when compared to those titles?

Either way you should read more titles before coming here to sprout such bullshit such as I don't like this titles, why is so popular.

>> No.12193453

What's there to talk about? Post the link once again when there's at least some sort of trailer.

>> No.12193455

Iroseka doesn't really count as it's a re release with barely any votes, but otome riron is better than it.

>because the writer uses the format of his history to mislead the reader?
There was no misleading the reader, misleading the reader means the reader shouldn't keep believing what the writer is saying because the other option is completely evident and directly refuted in the routes that aren't the main one.

>> No.12193459


What's the oldest you guys can handle?
1989 is when it starts to look playable for me.

>> No.12193474

I'm capable of playing some ancient shit, but the oldest I would bother with other than for pure novelty factor would be about '87-88. That's also about the time frame video games in general started getting pretty cool.

>> No.12193478


>> No.12193485

The PC-98 version of Doukyuusei is probably the oldest I've played.
Older than that and it's not so much the art that bothers me but how short things in general are and the fact that the "common sense" I've developed from playing newer titles doesn't really apply.

>> No.12193519

What's so good about G-Senjou? I don't think its deserve something more than 4 stars.

Certainly,Irosekai and Otome riron is better than g-senshit by miles

>> No.12193523

>What's so good about G-Senjou?

Hell if I know. People are all over Looseboy's poor excuses for plots for some weird reason.

Dem twists, I guess.

>> No.12193532

Hey, Gleam Garden was fine too.

>> No.12193539

Haven't played it.
School days got plot twist too! The only thing that i remember about g-senjou that it was so boring. Honestly, the mystery there doesn't piqued my curiousity at all.

>> No.12193544

By the way anyone think that key art is one of the worst out there? They should hire a better illustrator.

>> No.12193559

Nah, I think you're definitely the only one in that thread who would think that.

Oldest I've played is 1996. Don't think I'd go much further than that, unless it's a critically acclaimed title or something.

>> No.12193593

I generally don't have problems with artstyles and can take bad. Weird or odd-looking on the other hand is just off-putting, like, it's not technically bad but there's something horribly off.
By age, the oldest I've played is doukyuusei 2, wasn't too bad.

>> No.12193632

It wouldn't be Key without the down syndrome art.

>> No.12193661

Are you judging them based off of their 10-15 year old games?

>> No.12193665

It's not like their newer games are much better though.

>> No.12193672

Clannad already has 10 years, damn, time flies.
Wish they'd do something next year for Air's 15th anniversary, but with Misuzu's VA dead and all I doubt it.

>> No.12193686
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, 21073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except unlike other companies, their art has barely changed since Clannad.

>> No.12193701

Why change what's perfect (read:popular within its fanbase)?
I had more issues with the ugly CG backgrounds than with the sprites in rewrite.

>> No.12193769

Looks a lot different to me. Maybe you should get your eyes checked.

>> No.12193780

Key is overrated.

>> No.12193793

I hope there's option to kill you for using hongfire machine-tl (obvious since you call Shuri "Sully").

>> No.12193795

Water priestess sully®

>> No.12193803

I used that because it was the first result when I searched for "Ikusa Megami shully". You do realize not all names are a straight katakana>romaji conversion, right?

>> No.12193865

Why do you guys say that? IM has always been pretty easy if you just level a little, what does she have that makes it even easier?

>> No.12193867


get rekt

>> No.12193872

No idea, I didn't find Vale much useful except her item-gathering skills. And you definitely couldn't solo book bosses and two final dungeons with her, even regular monsters will get her in two rounds at 200 lvl.

>> No.12193874

Yes, some random france guy is totally relevant to girl from Dir Lyphna universe.

>> No.12193876

His link proves the translation is valid, which goes counter the other guy's "obvious".

>> No.12193883

No, it doesn't prove anything. That guy is not related to Shuri in any way.

>> No.12193896
File: 935 KB, 1024x576, everyday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12193897

Why are you using hongfire machine translation?It's Diru Rifiina, not "Dir Lyphna"

>> No.12193909

I thought my short statement would suffice and you could think of the rest yourself, but apparently I overestimated you.

See, the Latin alphabet does not have uniform, translingual spelling rules. So when you try to transliterate something as comparatively rigid as katakana, there will always be many ways to go on about this, each influenced by the language using the Latin alphabet of your choice. English and French in particular have some very peculiar spelling rules.

Now, Eushully frequently makes use of terms of French, German, or other Indogermanic origin, not exclusively English. If you take then a name like シュリ, which certainly does not correspond with the sound value of the name Sully in English, you also have to consider other European languages in regard in light of the information I mentioned in the previous sentence. The example I posted proves that there is in fact a relation between シュリ and Sully in French, so having thus the choice between a perfectably sensible name like Sully, and a complete and utter nonsense term like "Shuri", which could only ever be the result of an unreflecting slavish dedication to an accurate transcription of a foreign tongue word, said choice should fall rather easy. And I really do not believe that one of the more well known fin de siècle writers proves for an obscure reference, not that I am holding much literary expectations in these circles here.

>> No.12193912

This doesn't strike me as a female name.

>> No.12193918

This is definitely a lot better.

>> No.12193922

The artstyle seems neat. What VN is this? I failed to see any obvious source with google

>> No.12193945


>> No.12193948
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x576, lightnovels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is nothing special but it isn't bad. Personality-less MC and their usual suspects heroines, no tsunderes though. The jap is easy if you care about that sort of thing.

>> No.12193960

Why people here are so bothered that someone using machine TL?

>> No.12193967



>> No.12193973

We want to encourage them to learn Japanese but we're too insecure to do it nicely.

>> No.12193974

Reading Akio's route in Harumade, Kururu

After the shit bricking moment this route has been pretty dull and doesn't hold a candle to the first one or the end of the prologue.

>> No.12193978

Please don't reply to yourself.

>> No.12193986

I've just learned that badly written kissing scenes are the most mind boggling boring thing which can happen to an eroge, especially if they drag on and on. First time I've used ctrl because I literally almost fell asleep.

I couldn't care less about the ways people use to ruin their fun, but it seems pretty retarded considering that machine translations are about as accurate as guesslating.

>> No.12193994

I can stomach kissing scenes if they are a few lines and I like the heroine. No one needs to read 10+ lines about kissing.

>> No.12194000

>No one needs to read 10+ lines about kissing.

You wish. It was almost 5 minutes long.

>> No.12194006

Well-written kissing scenes can be quite hot.

>> No.12194020

I feel nervous when I hear kissing sound effects. It just feels strange.

>> No.12194022

Because they misunderstand plot and then keep posting utterly retarded "critique", which is most time nothing but lack of comprehension of things which are openly stated in the game.

>> No.12194036


I can't stand the typical fuck sound effect in eroge. I dunno who decided that splashing through mud is in any way erotic.

Dry slapping sounds are pretty hot though.

>> No.12194044

Kissing is my super fetish

Penetration isn't nearly as exciting anymore

>> No.12194048

And Celica doesn't strike me as a male name. This is however a fantasy setting, and the writers getting creative in the naming department there, for better or worse, is par for the course.

>> No.12194051

What about kissing during penetration? What about that?

>> No.12194053


Nothing beats the electric chair scene in euphoria.

>> No.12194054

Whenever I think of sound effects in eroge I am reminded of that one South Park episode where they use use a mayonnaise jar and a fist to simulate the sounds of having sex with a corpse. Makes me laugh.

I love voice work though which is why I mute effects doing ero scenes

Now that is a good fetish. Also impregnation at the same time is good. Pregger sex is nasty but the actual moment of impregnation is my fetish.

>> No.12194063

Yes, surely "writers getting creative and using french male name" is more probable, than using common japanese female name >>12193945

>> No.12194070

Ikusa Megami sure uses a lot of Japanese names, unlike european ones.

>> No.12194073 [SPOILER] 
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, 1402712833518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I didn't care for the first two routes as much. I really enjoyed Fuyune's though, and Shizuka's was also good. It only gets better from there, so don't worry.

Pic is from near the start of Fuyune's route.

>> No.12194088

It's not any "male name", it was a nickname. And are you really going to tell me giving her a Japanese name was their intention? Do you not know her surname? She is clearly supposed to be a "foreigner", from a Japanese POV. In fact, off the top of my head I can't think of one character in the setting with a Japanese name (that is not just a title) but that elf in IM0, whose name was descriptive iiirc.

>> No.12194153

Logic isn't your thing, is it?

>> No.12194158

That's about as good as it gets, but it's relatively rare from what I've seen, considering I look for this shit

>> No.12194165

I feel it comes up every now and then when you have a heroine with multiple H-scenes and at least romantic undertones with the partner in question, though mostly just in text and not depicted in the CG.

>> No.12194470
File: 339 KB, 1028x580, capture_001_14062014_122019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, Akira is really a badass

>> No.12194485
File: 120 KB, 1200x900, ev_fd_etc02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they just cropped the CG to make it widescreen for Trinity. I'd rather they just keep it the normal resolution.

>> No.12194550
File: 659 KB, 808x651, QQ截图20130319033642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's pretty much just an asshole/Kaito hater when he grew up ...

>> No.12194566

Hum... gold hair?

>> No.12194582


No, he's pure jealousy, not hate.

>> No.12194692

Senshinkan Vita port's OP song is really cool
Hopefully one won't have to go through hell to find a download for the single album once it's released like with Akebono no Hikari OP.

>> No.12195020
File: 299 KB, 1291x758, ---.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is hilarious

>> No.12195074

>Innocent Girl

>Protagonist with a face, Non blood related brother/sister incest
..... forget it. Even the trap and yuri tags can't save that.

>> No.12195075

>Protagonist with a face

Since when was that a bad thing?

>> No.12195133

How the hell do you understand her when she's speaking in Japanese like that?

>> No.12195143

He's butthurt he won't be able to self-insert.

>> No.12195162

How does one self insert for a faceless protagonist? I can't do it, because I can't imagine myself having no face. I mean, it's easy to imagine being a hero saving the world, a ninja, battle butler or a captain of a spaceship, but why would one want to be a hetare faggot with a heavy genetic condition?

>> No.12195204

Holy fuck, I hate it when the noise background is blatant when a character starts speaking.

>> No.12195235

It was simply the first tag on VNDB, I got as far as the second tag and NOPE

>> No.12195264


>> No.12195281

It's because you can imagine the guy having your face and your voice. Then you give him a generic personality, put the story in a high school setting, don't have anyone voice him, and tah-dah. Bonus points for mediocre grades and 鈍感っぽい personality.

>> No.12195464
File: 174 KB, 1200x675, eva2171AIC_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan should make more non-nukige NTR

>> No.12195471

America should translate Totono.

>> No.12195488

I wonder why shit like Rewrite get fully translated. While most Kamige does not even have translation project.

>> No.12195493

It has a super-secret translation project.

>> No.12195501

Please, tell us more anon.

>> No.12195511

I can't tell you, because it's secret.

It's probably been forgotten about and dropped by now anyway.

>> No.12195514

Only Americans like NTR.

>> No.12195522

you forgot the yasashii. dont forget the yasashii.

>> No.12195526


Like seriously

If women liked nice guys

We'd all be drowning in pussy right now

>> No.12195529

So if the guy from Isla Vista played eroge, he would be still alive and posting in this thread now?

>> No.12195532
File: 499 KB, 959x1400, img000010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'll ask here I've been readint the manga.

Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki

You can get the Nurse in the VN?

If that is so. FUCKEN RETARDED.

>> No.12195535

I don't know about you, but I'm kinda of an asshole or so some of my friends say.

>> No.12195539
File: 569 KB, 956x1400, img000012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how everyones at least a fucken D cup or more.

>> No.12195540

I don't think I had anyone ever call me a nice guy. I was under the impression that title was reserved for boot-lickers and the like, you're not one of those, are you?

>> No.12195544

Being a "nice guy" sucks. If you ever get called one by a woman, be sure to change how you act. Women's definition of a "nice guy" is someone who they can walk all over easily.

>> No.12195546

What if they call you a 正義の味方?

>> No.12195549

Those don't exist.

>> No.12195550
File: 1.08 MB, 1934x1398, img000013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12195551

I would take it as an insult.

>> No.12195556

Oh, come on, I'm sure you would've wanted to be one at some point in your life.

>> No.12195560

Kageaki, please.

>> No.12195569

You sure that you are as nice as VN protoganist? Well, for sure i am not someone who will save a puppy from got drowned into river or risk my life for some random girl even she is pretty. How about you?
Admit it most of people now will think twice getting involved in someone else business especially if its risky for ourselves.

>> No.12195571

He was right in that regard, a hero in someone's eyes is just a devil for another and all it does is creating an endless spiral of war and revenge.

>> No.12195576

I might risk it for a cute puppy but the bitch is on her own.

>> No.12195582

I like animals, so sure, I'd save a cute puppy if it's not horribly dangerous.
That said, the cunt could be arsed to do so herself instead.

>> No.12195610
File: 531 KB, 788x590, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About that, you know...

>> No.12195624

The best part of Kiritsugu is that, had he won the war, he'd have despaired EVEN MORE than he did because of what the grail would have done.

>> No.12195683

That reminds me of real life story. Child fell into the river and mother cried for help. Man nearby jumped into river and managed to carry child back to the bank, but he himself lost too much strength and was unable to get out of the water. Mother got her child and instead of helping the man immediately left and man got washed away and drowned. When that woman was asked why she's not helped him, she said "It's not my concern".

>> No.12195806

the tear falling from her right eye looks like snot. dog disgusting.

such is life in the third world.

>> No.12195847

So, did he die?
Well, driving a car to college is enough to make me hate people, fucking bikers. Really, i won't bother if some random kid is drowning or some random bitch got raped in the alley when i was passing by.
You got sued for saving lives these days.

>> No.12196326

No one was talking about translating kamige, just totono.

>> No.12196330


What kamige do you want to see translated? I mean, is that really such a good idea?

>> No.12196343

I disagree about Rewrite being shit, I can name countless titles are way shittier than Rewrite and got translations, now going back to the point, it's hard to say what is a kamige and even those, who are regarded as one by almost everyone (i.e Muramasa), it would be extremely hard to translate.

>> No.12196348

What's a kamige anyway? Just another pile of words and strings

>> No.12196350

What's a human anyway? Just another pile of meat and fluids

>> No.12196355
File: 85 KB, 800x600, capture_080_22042014_152045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamige are titles where God is a main theme, silly.

>> No.12196368

Kamige is sarcasm for kusoge.

>> No.12196369

Like this, you mean?
It has five gods. It must be a super-kamige.

>> No.12196372

Classics like YU-NO and Kanon that defined the medium. Then there's modern stuff like Cross Channel, Muramasa and Sharin.

>> No.12196374

Actually kamige means hair fetish related games like http://vndb.org/v14838

>> No.12196378

You have too much translated titles on your list

Please revise it

>> No.12196379

Everything that I like is objectively kamige and good

>> No.12196380

Is G-senjou no Maou considered a Kamige?

>> No.12196381

Depends on how stylish the hair of the characters are.

>> No.12196382

For some reason, yes.

>> No.12196387

Translated, no

>> No.12196389

Really? I always figured it was stuff like Dungeons & Dragons or tic-tac-toe that you play on paper.

>> No.12196390

Following your logic, SAO would be a "神本".

>> No.12196391

It's shit.
What reason? Please be specific?

>> No.12196393

Nips really like loose boy for some reason

>> No.12196398


fucking chinks that block me

>> No.12196406

Exactly. Why do you think most of us hate the kamige label?

>> No.12196409

Because tweeests

>> No.12196410

Probably because you all can't read Japanese.

>> No.12196411

I have a bad habit of just finishing one route on a VN and feeling too apathetic to read any more of them. Is there any way to fix this, /jp/?

>> No.12196418

That's better than being obsessed with going through all routes. I can't stand having a single locked CG.

>> No.12196419

G-Senjou is a boring pretentious piece of shit Period.

>> No.12196420

play better games

>> No.12196423

that's the right way to read them.

>> No.12196428
File: 515 KB, 640x480, literallyeveryday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time playing a VN past the intro scenes, other than Ace Attorney, if you count that. Holy shit, does it get better?

>> No.12196431


>> No.12196432

It's kanon, it's a classic VN that's been copied and improved on so much there's little reason to play it.

>> No.12196439

Well, at least he's getting it out of the way early so it won't feel quite as shitty. I'd like to go back and play some of the old classics, but I feel like I'm too spoiled to really enjoy them now.

>> No.12196441

Should've picked a more entry level VN like Muv Luv.

>> No.12196442

It's the other way around, silly.

>> No.12196586
File: 120 KB, 1279x717, 2014-06-10 000254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man why do I get so attracted to sub characters. Same thing with the maid in Hello Lady, or the kaichou in Cocoro@Function. This is suffering.

>> No.12196598

That's normal. Writers don't have to cater to the majority with sub-characters, so they're free to give them more distinct, interesting personalities.

>> No.12196600

Or you only think they're more interesting because you don't spend as much time with them.

>> No.12196614

This could be it, I mean it even happens in real life.

>> No.12196627

>Goddess of Weather
>Personality: Tsundere


>> No.12196638

I agree with him. It's the same reason "main girls" are often so uninteresting, they're made to appeal to the largest possible audience. Other characters have the freedom to be interesting.

Besides, think of it this way: if you saw a cliche moeblob or tsundere without a route, and a seemingly interesting character without a route, which of the two would make you think "I wish she had a route"?

>> No.12196641

I always thought main heroines, considering there's one main author in the game, was the guy's favourite archetype or just fitted the best the main route.

>> No.12196667

Perhaps I have a massive fetish for moeblobs or tsunderes. Interesting is subjective, so of course I'm going to have an interest in the characters I find interesting.

>> No.12196702

Interesting in this case means not following an archetype as overplayed and formulaic as the moeblob or the common tsundere.

I can't see that happening outside of doujin games.

>> No.12196710
File: 263 KB, 1279x717, 235623462346456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the tsundere, but what's your problem with moeblobs?

>> No.12196712

Why not? I mean, if you can write your own game, you'd put your more 'favorable' and liked character traits in the heroine that you're going to write about the most, it makes sense.
Why would you make a main heroine a character you just hate and hate writing about?

>> No.12196726

I don't have a retard fetish.

It's mostly about what the audience expects. They're too used to some things to accept new ones, and if the game doesn't sell it doesn't matter. Interesting characters can be written after that.
It's the same reason as many other things, such as why nobody moans like a human being during sex. It's what the audience expects, and is accustomed to.

>> No.12196753

>They're too used to some things to accept new ones
>It's what the audience expects, and is accustomed to

But change and new things are fun! It almost sounds like you are trying to say that the audience has autism.

>> No.12196764


>> No.12196798

It's easy to give a character a gimmick that sets them apart from every other character ever written, that doesn't make them interesting. There have been interesting tsundere characters before.

>> No.12196818

Hence why I said 'common', it is possible, albeit so rare that she has to work hard to prove she isn't.
Also, going for the opposite extreme doesn't help. It's not about gimmicks, it's about characters we don't see in 90% of VNs.

>> No.12196828

All that's setting most side characters apart at all is a gimmick that wouldn't work for long if it was forced center stage.

>> No.12196834

But that's wrong.

>> No.12196839

Bunny Black?

>> No.12196844

No it isn't.

>> No.12196845 [DELETED] 

You called?

>> No.12196850

How droll.

>> No.12196853

So every character apart from your favorite tsunderes and/or moeblobs is gimmicky and uninteresting.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.12196874

So the only characters that can be interesting are the ones you never actually get to know.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.12196883

You seem to be following a different discussion in your tsundere-fueled rage. See the second part of >>12196638, and >>12196598's post.

>> No.12196912

Thank for your condescension, but I've been the one responding to those post from the beginning. Your assumptions that I have any fondness for tsundere characters or that I've never wanted a side character to play a larger role are mistaken, but it doesn't seem that you're able to see past your own preconceptions.

>> No.12196928

You can't try to pretend to be sane after >>12196828, it's too late. You may have been reading the conversation, but that doesn't necessarily mean you understood it, otherwise you'd be saying relevant things.

It's like >>12196753 said.

>> No.12196983

It's clear you're just going to keep ignoring any arguments made, so I'm done. You win.

>> No.12197008

Well, it was clear from >>12196874 that you hadn't even gotten the point of the discussion (I wasn't exclusively referring to characters with no route), so I can't win if there was nothing to win in the first place.

inb4 backpedalling.

>> No.12197033

The whole discussion was about characters with no routes from the beginning. If you failed to specify what you were talking about that's no one's failing but your own.

>> No.12197056

>It's your fault I failed to understand your post!

I clarified it in >>12196638 (see the part about the main girl right there?), not my fault if your autism-fueled rage prevented you from taking the hint.

>> No.12197069

What a pointless discussion. I mean, even more pointless than the usual pointless discussion.

>> No.12197080

>I clarified it in >>12196638
>without a route
>without a route

>> No.12197090

Then talk about something else, the thread's just going to sit around dead otherwise.

>> No.12197097

That post is split in two parts for a reason, genius. Also, main girl=/=heroine with a route. Two different things. One is *the* main girl, the others are, well, the heroines with routes in general.

Are you really that thick, or are you pretending in order to cover up your failure?

>> No.12197194

I solved this problem. Characters with no routes are interesting because they have interesting personalities and they have no routes because its extremely hard for writer to come up with route for them. In other words, such characters have interesting 'front' but nothing beyond that because of realization trouble.

This problem is not related to characters only. They have the same issue with jokes or even plot happenings. Just try to remember any fun moment from the game. Characters start acting up and when fun goes to the peak the scene is abruptly terminated as if nothing had happened. See? "Hard to follow up" problem. It is very easy to put up interesting front but actually realizing it fully is extremely hard. And there is no point even trying because leaving to reader's imagination work like hook of empty expectations.

>> No.12197206

What vn are you spoiling, /vg/?

>> No.12197241
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, Luna Clear with Haishera's looks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys were right about Valefor being fucking broken. I stopped using her after she made me get 12 防回 stones from a single battle, which would pretty much double what Celica currently had.
I also really miss Naberius and Rita, this game has too few magicians.

>> No.12197272

For the normal gain indeed valefor is broken, but she has a low life that she can be easily take one hit and bite the dust, being such a pain that in the last dungeon I had to put some life accessories so she could maybe survive one hit. In the sequel there will be the goddess and Ekria

>> No.12197314

It doesn't really matter if she dies, she is fast enough to get the broken spell in before anyone else attacks.

>> No.12197328

For making money, certainly. But broken it's the fucking kami mode that Shully has, that shitty is op as fuck.

>> No.12197342

>this game has too few magicians
Did you get fairy queen and abiles?
There's enough to fill whole team I believe.

>> No.12197348

I'm still in chapter 6, I guess there's more characters than I was expecting.

>> No.12197569
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 269eb928-585a-447e-a43e-cf7ce90ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think my favorite OST is saya no uta's.

What about you guys?

>> No.12197581

current favorite

>> No.12197588
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, I did defeat it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like IM is a hard series anyway.

>> No.12197593

True, but kamidori was way more broken, god damn grinding for ex 90 dungeons.

>> No.12197634

This song is surprisingly better than I've thought

>> No.12197672

I enjoyed the hell out of it, but the mysteries were simply not up to scratch. They were atrocious and completely unneeded. The yuri parts though were very well done. Had a nice solemn atmosphere with some surprisingly well developed characters.

>Didn't Innocent Grey say that they are doing 4 FLOWERS games in total anyway? This one was for spring, the other three for the other seasons.

Yep. Summer is next and will take place from Erika's POV, which I'm pretty excited about.

I wonder if Mayuri will eventually return. That cliffhanger was pretty harsh.

>> No.12197798

That title which had a really good soundtrack, but the game was bad. What it's name, /jp/?

>> No.12197832


>> No.12197838

Fortissimo, though I consider it average.

>> No.12197904

Vanitas no Hitsuji

>> No.12197906

Take your shit taste someone eles anon

>> No.12197910
File: 986 KB, 2420x1530, 470913382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12197933
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, CD_27052014_103358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no need to be mad, the ost is the best part by far of that, otherwise, average game, at best.

>> No.12197956


>> No.12197994


>> No.12198006

I wonder who's going to make music for Necromancer though. It's not Vio's title (all of them sans Gekkou have BGM by 平田博信 from Swinging Popsicle) so I'm hoping they'll use ZIZZ again?

>> No.12198018

Didn't fit your generic moeshit taste?

>> No.12198022

Three of the characters really got on my nerves for some reason.

>> No.12198153
File: 174 KB, 812x638, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what I'm reading but this girl is really cute.

>> No.12198180

It's finally actually happening?

>> No.12198181

They made a tumblr for it, so yeah.

>> No.12198193

The official Google+ and Tumblr have been regularly updated for the last two months so... yes?

>> No.12198265

I don't really come here often but i have been getting into VNs a lot recently,

Loved: Ever17 Clannad (them feels on almost every route) Air, Cross Channel, YU-NO

Good: Grisaia, Hoshizora, Sharin no kuni, Narcissu

I want some reccomendations based on that, i have played more but cba listing everything.

English only

>> No.12198270

What proxy do you use to surf egs?

>> No.12198274

Whatever works from proxynova.

>> No.12198275
File: 151 KB, 700x982, cdfcbfb4-2c71-4f51-a645-12f3828c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should play Little Busters if you loved Clannad.

Same studio.

>> No.12198280

Here's recently translated masterpiece for EOPs: http://vndb.org/v7707

>> No.12198301

He >>12198280 thinks he's funny

>> No.12198304

I hated the anime though with a passion so i am reluctant to i did finish kanon aswell as air, rewrite and kanon

>> No.12198327

I'm not sure why a composer would only work with one particular script writer, it's not like they're bound by contract or something. That said, I'm always ready for more ZIZZ goodness.

>> No.12198336

>>English only

Go here:

>> No.12198346

/vg/ is /jp/-lite now anyways.

>> No.12198349

Yeah, I know. It's not really surprising, considering the frequency of new English translations.

>> No.12198357

Wow, you are right. All the screenshots were in Japanese in that thread.

>> No.12198362

I frequent both. This thread is no fun allowed, while /vn/ is a mix of shitposting and discussion. The best kind.

>> No.12198377

I don't like /vg/, I've been spoiled bij unmarked spoilers there too many times already.

>> No.12198390

Not to mention le epik surprise boxes leaving you unsure if it's an actual spoiler or just someone trying to be lolarious.

>> No.12198446

It makes me wonder where do EOPs actually go now.

>> No.12198449


>> No.12198535
File: 627 KB, 1280x720, なでなで妊娠.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical Charming has some hilariously short and out of place joke bad ends.
-Protagonist spending the rest of his life naked as Orietta's familiar
-Protagonist turning himself into a girl and getting thrown out of the school
-Protagonist becoming a lecherous student council prez and turning the school into his personal harem, accompanied with a short group H-scene

Himeyuri and true routes left. Orietta has easily been the best girl so far.

>> No.12198824

Yeah, I got the streaking end pretty early, that was great. I've had the Traffic Hermaphrodite card for a while, but haven't used it for anything yet. And I was wondering about the context of that h-scene, thanks. What card/whose route activates that?

>> No.12198842
File: 735 KB, 1280x720, capture_047_15062014_213958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What card/whose route activates that?
Pretty early in Himeyuri's route after the sunglasses mini-CG scene, pick 生徒会 in this choice.

>> No.12198868

Ah, thanks. I don't think I have that card yet though, so that's step... two. Step one is finishing Orietta's steady mode route. I haven't had the time to finish it, but I left off after her second h-scene.

>> No.12198872

>1位.天秤のLa DEA。 ~戦女神MEMORIA~(エウシュリー)
>2位.ランス9 ヘルマン革命(ALICESOFT)
>3位.PRETTY×CATION(hibiki works)

>4位.D.C.III P.P.~ダ・カーポIII プラチナパートナー~(CIRCUS)
>5位.Love Sweets(MOONSTONE)
>7位.デモニオンII ~魔王と三人の女王~(アストロノーツ・シリウス )
>9位.空飛ぶ羊と真夏の花 -When girls wish upon a star.-(Navel honeybell)
Kinda early this, was just going to check the page and it already was there.
hope nobody is going to argue about which one of the first 2 is better again

>> No.12198883

IIRC you get 生徒会 card from one of Himeyuri's earliest events so you shouldn't even have to finish other routes to unlock it.

>> No.12198889

Alright, sounds good.

I was planning on doing Himeyuri's route last, but I can probably just do her route up to that point, then go back and do Fuuka's and Tokine's.

>> No.12198931

Which game are you spoiling?

>> No.12198938

I think there should be a message in the OP saying joke spoilers should be avoided.

>> No.12199012

Everywhere. Any thread is good for lurking. Every thread is horrible for discussion, even VNTS.

>> No.12199171

So how many endings does Memoria have?

>> No.12199178


>> No.12199299 [DELETED] 

There should be a "no abuse of spoiler tags" for all of /jp/.

In fact, there should be one for all of 4chan, since it's clearly detrimental to the purpose of the spoiler function itself. But that would require the mods to act, which doesn't happen easily.

>> No.12199306 [DELETED] 

No, I don't give a fuck if people use spoilers outside of threads where spoilers aren't pertinent, and I'm pretty sure 99% of the whole site doesn't, either. The problem with this thread in specific is that, without proper context, you don't know if the spoiler box might contain an actual spoiler or not.

>> No.12199330 [DELETED] 

The spoiler tag was created for a reason, and if you support newfags misusing it you will be grouped with them.
Also, in boards that do have the spoiler function, spoilers can literally be anywhere, so it's not about pertinence or lack thereof. It's always pertinent.

>> No.12199333 [DELETED] 

I don't support them, I just don't care at all. It's not like I have interest in any thread other than this one in /jp/.

>> No.12199336 [DELETED] 

>and I'm pretty sure 99% of the whole site doesn't, either.

>> No.12199338 [DELETED] 

I said that because I doubt people really care in any board about people using spoilers for joking.

>> No.12199340 [DELETED] 

>you will be grouped with them.
oh no

>> No.12199341 [DELETED] 

When it isn't in threads that spoiling is important, of course.

>> No.12199346 [DELETED] 

And that's what I answered in >>12199330. Non-newfags do.

It was a warning, but if you take it as a threat, it says a lot about you.

See the second line of >>12199330.

>> No.12199351 [DELETED] 

>It was a warning, but if you take it as a threat, it says a lot about you.
it's more of a not-giving-a-shit how you classify me sort of a thing

>> No.12199353

Okay, okay. Now I just hope OP adds a small note about spoilers.

>> No.12199357 [DELETED] 

You're only digging yourself deeper.

>> No.12199359 [DELETED] 

is that a threat or a warning

>> No.12199361 [DELETED] 

A statement. Also, capitalization and punctuation are your friends.

>> No.12199364
File: 119 KB, 1279x717, ebin surprise box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the easiest thing be to just not read any spoilers that you aren't sure belong to something specific? If it really is a random spoiler for something you won't end up spoiling yourself because the guy posting forgot to mention what he was spoiling, and if it's just a surprise box, you're not missing out on anything.

>> No.12199365 [DELETED] 

I ain't digging myself into shit, you can go and play board police over "abuse of spoilers" in threads where nobody cares. The mods aren't on your side.

>> No.12199367

I honestly don't understand how people even end up getting spoiled, unless it's X person dies. I usually just hover over and read segments of it very fast, that way nothing sticks, and at the same time I know what VN the spoiler is about.

>> No.12199374 [DELETED] 

-I can see your not-giving-a-shit status by the constant angry and offended responses to posts that were not offensive to anyone except newfags.
-Your support of le epik surprise boxes pretty much outs you as a newfag, as does your ignorance of /jp/s disapproval of them.
-And the above two prove that yes, you are digging yourself deeper.

The easiest thing would be to not use surprise boxes.

>> No.12199390 [DELETED] 

Well, good luck trying to convince anyone to stop doing it, never mind the majority of the site. Putting anything in the OP asking people to stop is just going to have the opposite effect.

>> No.12199394 [DELETED] 

These threads (and the nukige threads) are clear of that sort of newfaggotry. As for the rest, it needs the mods to actually do something, but the occasional reminder as to why it's called the spoiler function wouldn't hurt.

>> No.12199397 [DELETED] 

>le epik
epic ironic memespeak m8

>> No.12199413 [DELETED] 

The nukige thread is like a little slice of /vg/ already, surprise boxes or no.

>> No.12199415 [DELETED] 

>constant angry and offended responses
We can't all be dispassionate dispensers of 4chan moral authority like you.

>Your support of le epik surprise boxes
Your use of "le epik" shitposting shows everybody what you are. But it's okay because you were only shitposting ironically.

>> No.12199425 [DELETED] 

>your ignorance of /jp/s disapproval of them.
Two autistic fucks who continuously whine about "abuse of spoiler tags" does not constitute the whole of /jp/.

>> No.12199427

more like 1 and three bonus scenes

>> No.12199449 [DELETED] 

One post is enough, two means you dig yourself deeper at twice the speed, self-exposed newfag.

>> No.12199470 [DELETED] 

Somebody has to point out that you're a shitposting retard incapable of doing anything but regurgitating the same non-points and it might as well be me.

>> No.12199473
File: 180 KB, 1020x575, 2345324645734536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, what about them cute girls?

>> No.12199480 [DELETED] 

-I see you're not denying the samefag part.
-I see you still haven't come up with a response to >>12199374, and have to result to petty, vague insults.
-Trolling is not allowed outside of /b/, don't do it.

>> No.12199525

is that best Fureraba

>> No.12199532


You really should have put them into spoilers, you know.

>> No.12199536
File: 173 KB, 640x568, 4365876546758567657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Fureraba is vegetable-sempai.

>> No.12199542

Just stop this shitposting, Lets share best openings instead of it ;


>> No.12199550

I'll post what I posted last time.


>> No.12199556

Then I'll just post something different


It's not "very good" but interesting for sure.

>> No.12199557

As dumb as it is, I like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip88JW04tqQ

>> No.12199558

The 家族計画 OP is probably still my favorite. I don't really like most syrupy hyper tunes most moege use.

>> No.12199559

Maybe one day I should go through polyphonica

>> No.12199565

I hadn't even noticed how fun this OP was before someone else posted it.

>> No.12199570

Not an opening, but this is the best ending I have ever seen. Video is really simple, and the song fits it pretty well.


>> No.12199575

I love Tsui no Sora 2's ending very much.

>> No.12199582

Might be the right time to ask. I had the 刃鳴散らす ost ages ago, but my HD crashed and I never was able to get it back. Most of the songs are on youtube anyway, except for one (hidden?) track which sounded like 80s rock with male vocals. I'd appreciate it if some gracious soul could point me to that song.

>> No.12199590

The whole soundtrack is great, one of the only ones I still listen to.

>> No.12199593

do you guys prefer boke or tsukkomi protagonists?

>> No.12199596


I hate the whole concept of boke and tsukkomi.

>> No.12199598

I used to dislike it too, but it grew on me after several hundreds of hours in exposition to them.

>> No.12199599

Same. It's the worst part of Japanese humor.

If I had to pick, boke.

>> No.12199600

Tsukkomi is definitely better, sometimes comedy in this case is actually good.

Altho Narita would probably qualify as boke, yet he's best protag in recent years.

>> No.12199603

Tsukkomi. I love the whole concept of boke and tsukkomi.

>> No.12199605
File: 80 KB, 800x600, Akatsuki_Goei_FD_01062014_225905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when they adapt to the situation.

How are you still playing VNs? I stopped hating it on my 20th, and now Ii can even laugh to it.

>> No.12199606


Tsukkomi without doubt, I don't like protagonists being too serious, but if he's the boke he's a complete donkan or retard, either way I dislike it.

>> No.12199609

>How are you still playing VNs?

By avoiding games whose humor isn't on boke and tsukkomi level.

>> No.12199613


Sorry, it's late.

>> No.12199614

Gotta be fun playing 4 games a year. VNs aren't exactly a high quality medium.

>> No.12199615
File: 635 KB, 1024x768, mai sistah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsukkomi, especially when they even tsukkomi inside their own minds but can't bring themselves to talk because the situation is that baffling.

>> No.12199616

How come you didn't play VNOTY?

>> No.12199622
File: 522 KB, 1280x720, ハロー・レディ_02042014_145820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you said recent years and the context was heavy use of boke/tsukkomi so I was thinking about older ones / more oriented to the comedy side. I agree with you about being one of the best protagonists regardless of his boke.

>> No.12199633

This for me too >>12199598

Comedy and what people find funny is heavily influenced by culture. Just like how the japanese think アメリカン・ジョーク are terrible, most westerners think boke/tsukkomi are terrible too. Once you get used to their culture you will find their jokes funny as well.

>> No.12199635

It's useful to start by pretending you find it funny. Eventually you'll fool yourself and actually find it funny.

>> No.12199638


Guess I have to wait 7 more years then.

>> No.12199666

I personally liked 未来戦姫スレイブニル's OP. Only for those who like that sort of music, of course.


>> No.12199676

Anyone know where I could get はるまで、くるる's soundtrack? Or a tool to extract it even?

>> No.12199787

Wow, I've posted thing in a spoiler hoping that people won't argue about it and they've started arguing about the use of spoiler function instead.

>> No.12199838
File: 564 KB, 1280x720, capture_046_16062014_075226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Magical Charming.
For those wondering if they should try it out, I'd suggest not playing the game *solely* for the True route and expecting to be completely blown away by it or something. It's no Princess Witches or even Twinkle Crusaders when it comes to amount of plot and tweests, but if you're looking for kilotons of sugary ichaicha and you happen to like the heroines (especially Orietta is pure love) then I'd give my recommendations. As for humor, I'd say it was your "regular moege" level and I only cracked out to few lines. Overall an okay ride.

True route grumble:
Having to collect familiar cards for Sharon fight and expecting the player to remember the magic type power levels / rarity multipliers / Hebrew numbers by heart against Mary when they're only mentioned once in the entire damn game were total bullshit. I'd imagine many people giving up if not for walkthroughs since especially for the former you're not even told where to look, or why you failed in the first place if you have no familiars at all.

Also I was actually expecting a super tragic end or something since the "special ending song" name was so ominously sad, but apparently it was for some specific bad ends that I didn't encounter, not the true end. Not sure if I should be disappointed or happy about it though.

>> No.12199842

Sugary ichaicha is my fuel, sounds great.

>> No.12199939 [SPOILER] 
File: 575 KB, 1280x720, 1402899777295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>エル route

Damn, I kinda expected it, just not so soon.

>> No.12200031


>> No.12200055

It's either the OP (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndZ8L0ixYEc)) or the final boss theme in Kaigen Seito. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysyra2d73tA))

>> No.12200083


>> No.12200203

Admittedly, I already read true route spoilers, but I picked it up simply because Orietta is so adorable anyway (despite having shit reading comprehension in moonrunes).

>> No.12200308

I really should get a psv and play the port of that game.

>> No.12200533


>> No.12200787
File: 736 KB, 652x930, main_cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Daitosho anime site was updated with this picture. Who's ready for cabbage quality anime? Because that's what I'm expecting after seeing this picture.

>> No.12200801

Her hair does not look that orange in the game. What the hell.

>> No.12200810
File: 286 KB, 375x419, haa....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that the novel is anything great or anything, but yeah, they're going full cabbage. I suppose at least it's better than if Eustia had gotten an anime and get this treatment, would be infuriating.

>> No.12200821

Who is gong to voice kakei?

>> No.12200853

That looks awful.

>> No.12201004
File: 236 KB, 1348x3104, vns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my VN folder.

Do you guys think I need to download more? I don't know if I have enough yet.

>> No.12201005

Don't use kanji count to decide if a VN is hard to read or not. None of the VNs in your list are hard.

>> No.12201011

Well, that's good news. But I have and need to sort by something.

And some are definitely easier than others.

>> No.12201020

Sort it by "Very easy, easy, normal", then? I'd put White Album 2 on Normal, maybe Grisaia (I've heard there's some military jargon), but that's it.

>> No.12201025

I'm not very confident in my Japanese yet, so so far I'm only reading my 'easy' and 'very easy' titles. But you're right, there's probably not that much difference anyway between my tiers.

>> No.12201030

I would say remove any translations. Just spend more time reading moon ones to improve your Japanese, it is really one of the best ways to learn.

>> No.12201034

It's much easier to find titles known to be harder, than the opposite. Throwing everything that isn't WA2 on the "easy" folder shouldn't make that much of a difference. And even then, I guess I've heard people saying it's easy before? I do believe it's harder than your common moege, though.

>> No.12201041
File: 106 KB, 554x439, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard: Grisaia
>Medium: White Album 2
>Easy: tsuritou

>sengoku rance translated
>sakurai translated
>fsn translated

>> No.12201049

Change all the translated ones into the original version and improve your Japanese with easy titles so you can read them, instead of wasting time reading what a 15 year old translated.

>> No.12201055

You're right. But it's probably best if I up my grammar skills first, but that shouldn't take that long.

Huh, White Album easy? Isn't it supposed to have pretty good writing? Because when I read something that's supposedly good, I'd like to be able to not only understand the writing, but also actually enjoy it.

Anyway, I still have a ways to go until I can join you guys in keeping up with the monthly releases. I've also promised myself to read that Grisaia spin-off about Michiru as soon as it comes out. With two more months to go, I should definitely be able to read it no matter what, right? With some help from ITH, probably.

Well, I'm mostly guessing with the difficulty tiers. How am I wrong about Tsuki ni Yorisou Otome no Sahou? And what's sakurai?

>> No.12201058

I still haven't read White Album, but good writing doesn't necessarily mean it is difficult. For example, Eustia had much better writing than Fortissimo, even though the latter was harder.

>> No.12201064

Well, I've just heard a few people saying it's hard, but the feeling I got from reading a bit of it was that it's pretty much harder than anything you have in your list, at least from the untranslated side. Also, if you really want to play translated games, please, at least remove Sakurai.

>> No.12201066

I mean, *I've just heard a few people saying it's easy

>> No.12201069

While this is relatively entertaining and I got my laugh of the day, I have to ask when did this thread become the 'Japanese for dummies - please ask all your Japanese related questions here' thread? Wasn't there a separate thread just for this?

>> No.12201071

No, I don't mean that it will be difficult. I mean that I would like to be able to appreciate good writing and not just understand what something means.

But which game do you mean with 'Sakurai'. It's an abbreviation, right?

>> No.12201073

That Asairo thing was much worse.

>> No.12201075

Sakurai is the write of the "What a beatiful" series, known for it's great writing.

>> No.12201077

Sakurai is the writer of the - what a - series, which are made by liaR soft.

You both are completely wrong. Do you guys seriously think that when you have to look (often) up for kanji that you don't know equals higher difficulty in understanding the text?

>> No.12201078

Ah, right. Well, good thing I haven't started them yet. I'll delete them know and won't download them again for a very long time.

>> No.12201079

I don't see how the second post you quoted implies that unique kanji number means something is harder to read.

>> No.12201083


Thanks for the try, but that's not what I was looking for. I guess it was only on the ost CD.

>> No.12201090

Reading fortissimo, it's like inflicting cancer upon yourself, so I just assumed you're a retard too, especially for using such comparison.

>> No.12201104

Eeh, Tsujidou is kind of easy to read. I recommend you try fureraba since its easy and fun to read.

>> No.12201106

If I recall correctly tsujidou probably only has a high kanji count because the MC won't ever shut up about what food he is going to make for dinner.

>> No.12201113


As far as I remember, the game even uses the ateji for coffee which I've never seen before.

>> No.12201116

but 珈琲 is really common

>> No.12201117

More good news. Thanks.

>> No.12201120


Not in my porn games.

>> No.12201122

Uuh, I'm going fast-click mode every time there is food discussion in vn.
The game itself mostly SoL mixed with some delinquent speech and slang, far from hard IMO.

Hapymaher is kind of hard, i wanted to play it so bad my moon skill is not enough.

>> No.12201123

I'm quite certain I've seen it used a lot

>> No.12201135

By the way Kanojo to koibito to, Is a borderline nukige that defying all logic. I recommend you uninstall that shit if you want "plot".
But its nice if you only want it for fap.

>> No.12201136

Uncommon ateji is stuff like 加利福尼亜.

>> No.12201137


Might have something to do with our different taste in games. I think I've seen it one or two times since then. Hell if I know in which games though.

>> No.12201169

I know, but I like Purple. Definitely wasn't expecting plot from that one.

>> No.12201180

Dra Koi is kinda hard, but it's in the English section and makes up for its difficulty by being very short

>> No.12201181

When we decided to cater to those people and make a chart giving people an official list of "easy" VNs. Or maybe a few months before that.

>> No.12201183

That's another game that would be better off being read in Japanese. While its translation isn't as bad as a lot of the other ones out there, the writing style in it still doesn't resemble what haganeya originally wrote, and a lot of the references were kind of mishandled.

>> No.12201189 [DELETED] 
File: 450 KB, 1280x1440, 1363540731626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While its translation isn't as bad as a lot of the other ones out there

It pretty much is though.

>> No.12201191

That isn't Dra-Koi

>> No.12201195


You're right. I always mix Dracu Riot and Dra-Koi up.

Now I feel dumb.

>> No.12201199



>cabbage quality anime

Don't remind me, that cabbage vs HD picture is rather infamous. It will take some used to for the anime art for me, and they probably cast Kirito's VA for Kakei (my guess).

>> No.12201371 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 1402963600795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, being Celica is suffering. The guy doesn't get a break, does he.

>> No.12201384
File: 54 KB, 256x365, majo koi nikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is the Japanese in this game? Can I read it if I can read Flyable Heart?

>> No.12201404

Easy, probably harder than FH but easy.

>> No.12201410
File: 428 KB, 1280x720, capture_001_16062014_172637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The text is kind of plain, and is really easy to read. I guess there are a couple short parts that might be a little more difficult, but it's stuff that everyone should be familiar with to be honest.

>> No.12201436

I need the nodvd patch for Eustia but all links are dead, can someone help out?

>> No.12201444


>> No.12201448
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, eustia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a bunch!

>> No.12201456

>レミニセンス Re:Collect

So hyped. I hope it won't get delayed again.

>> No.12201459
File: 428 KB, 725x517, top_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already マスターアップ so it's probably not going to be delayed anymore.

>> No.12201463

What if they decide to 超マスターアップ it?

>> No.12201502
File: 317 KB, 477x650, koakumathiiri1_cov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of Kinugasa, master of delays and shitty endings.

This reminds me, I was planning on giving his light novels a try. Might be interesting to see if he can end it better than his eroge endings.

>> No.12201512

Re:Collect will have proper endings.

I believe in Kinugasa.

>> No.12201527

danganronpa - psp emulation - ppsspp

drawer in the room where you wake up after being hit is mapped to the lint roller - what do?

>> No.12201562
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, Reminiscence0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't, but I will still enjoy the ride till the eleventh hour.

>> No.12201693

We're page 10.

Next thread:
