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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 239 KB, 600x450, taitl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1218868 No.1218868 [Reply] [Original]

I find this visual novel to be very engrossing. What do people think of it?

>> No.1218893

It helped me get in touch with my inner loli.

>> No.1218910

It turned me into a pedophile.

>> No.1218920
File: 106 KB, 810x648, 1201970420952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i respectfully disagree with the law

>> No.1218923

Nice and all but i wanna understand the lolis ;_;

>> No.1218925

I want to play.

>> No.1218926

It was nice and short.
None of the three girls were especially interesting.
Disliked the art style.

>> No.1218931

You were already a pedophile, you just didn't know it yet.

>> No.1218936

Why did you play it in the first place if you weren't one already?

>> No.1218947
File: 269 KB, 820x660, pet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex scenes and art were good as usual, but I kind of prefer the simplicity of their previous games. It's just a bunch of sex with little girls, why complicate it by adding all the choices?

>> No.1218953

Why not add Loli Futas ;_; ?

>> No.1218958

I'm sorry, but that is NOT where a vagina is on the female's body.

>> No.1218960

It's called shota, tard.

>> No.1218969

Cut them some slack, its not like the creators have ever seen a real girl up close before.

>> No.1218978

Not when they have both a penis and a vagina (and no balls).

>> No.1218986

It came from Japan, they could have studied some legally-downloaded CP before making the game.

>> No.1219032

The characters were too static and the storyline non-existent. Sure I've been fucking Kaoru up the ass for the last two months, but what do I really know about her except for her inability to ride a bike and her tendency to spray urine everywhere in the throes of passion.

Frankly, I expect more from my visual novels and would suggest something like Planetarian over this any day.

>> No.1219052

Wait... you expected WHAT from this game?

>> No.1219082

Don't gift wrapped naked little girls just scream deep and involving plot line to you?

>> No.1219094

No, it screams "I'm gonna fuck me some lolis"

>> No.1219102

And if there is anything that Lolita taught us, it's that, "I'm gonna fuck me some lolis," makes for a deep and involving plot line.

>> No.1219124
File: 53 KB, 248x400, chara_kyouko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I found it gave me exactly what I wanted: loli sex scenes.

PS Which of the three lolis was your favorite? Mine was Kyouko.

>> No.1219140

I couldn't get this game working, and it pisses me off.

>> No.1219167


>> No.1219193

sauce? inb4 lurk moar...

>> No.1219209

Imouto Petto ~Repure~ (Little Sister Pet ~Repure~)


>> No.1219210


>> No.1219211

Imouto Petto Repure. Well worth downloading.

>> No.1219219

Thanks, searching and downloading.

>> No.1219226

is there a CG somewhere?

>> No.1219235

Mine was Kyouko too, only one I got all the H-scenes with.

I hate it when people make Lolita out to be just loli sex. It's an amazing book, the writing is some of the best I've ever read.

>> No.1219240

Just search さくらんぼ on TT, and look for "Repure".

>> No.1219242

What? I said it had a deep and involving plot-line, didn't I?

>> No.1219249


>> No.1219260


>> No.1219266

They really don't do the games justice. There's a lot of zooming with hi-res images and the whole thing is voice acted too.

Also the zooming and scrolling makes it hard to make sets for. The set someone made for Kodomo Milk Parfait is missing all kinds of shit.

>> No.1219347

The voiced narration was a little creepy. Kind lady's voice reading things like "you put your penis all the way into her little girl vagina."

>> No.1219418

That was the best part. Do other Sakuranbo games have that too?

>> No.1219439

No, none of them.

>> No.1219456

You never read it, right?

>> No.1219463

I did read it. I was mostly joking.

>> No.1219883

i just wish translators wouldnt spend their time on shit like planetarian and hurry up and translate stuff like this

>> No.1219896

Way too obvious, try again.

>> No.1219905

Oh, you.

>> No.1219915

You'd better be joking, nigger

>> No.1220770

They also fuck up how she pees in the scene with the water fountain. Looks like it comes out of the bottom of her vagina or something.

>> No.1221123

If I want a good story I can read a book. A few translated loli games would be nice.

>> No.1221147

It would be nice, but it's just for fapping so being able to understand all of the script really isn't that important. You can't appreciate things like planetarian at all without a translation.

>> No.1222020

What ever happened with that Rin VN translation?

>> No.1222059
File: 390 KB, 806x644, HAPPY END.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was stalled for a while by a lack of translators. Don't know if any progress has been made since they found a new one.

>> No.1222063

VN = plot + pictures + music.

You would be surprised how much music adds to the story.

>> No.1222095

why not get a good story+sex instead?
it's really not that hard. the kodomo-h games are just fap material which are hit or miss depending of the year. also you gotta love piss to really enjoy them to their fullest extend as there's 90% piss everywhere.

>> No.1222097

>>music adds to the story

>> No.1222105

you sure they actually found a translator?
either way they're kind of slow for a 4K lines game. they seem to have made around 400-500 lines in about a month.

>> No.1222115

there are a few loli games that actually have a story beside URRR LET US FUCK THE LOLI ASS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE

>> No.1222122

A wild translator appeared last week, but I have no idea if he actually did anything. And the person who's doing the project is not on irc right now, so I can't ask.

>> No.1222141

well as long as the site isn't down there's still hopes

>> No.1222159

It does.

>> No.1222169

No it doesn't, you fucking deaf bitch.
ANY VN you can play right now SUCKS for the music, since it doesn't add a real flavor like jRPGs or any other game like that.
It's just, repetitive stupid loops, even when I played Kagetsu Tohya, I had to fucking quit playing, because my ears get stiffed by the amount of BULLSHIT.

>> No.1222176

Planetarian wouldn't be nearly as touching without the songs playing in the background. The music sets the mood, repetitive or not.

>> No.1222179

>doesn't add real flavor like jRPGs
◕ ◡ ◕

>> No.1222180

BAAAW, look how that character dies, but first listen to that that fucking loop.

>> No.1222182

>music adds to the story

>> No.1222183

stop playing crappy games with crappy musics. /thread

>> No.1222187

Maybe if you read faster, it wouldn't loop so many times.

>> No.1222202

Right, because a song that loops a few times is more annoying than the same battle music starting and stopping every 3 steps you take.

>> No.1222209

>>1:30 max

>> No.1222210

Oh, wow, someone didn't play Dragon Quest.

>> No.1222226

This game is awesome,that's all I've to say.

>> No.1222260

If it takes you one hour and thirty minutes to read a page, it's no wonder you get tired of the music.

>> No.1222272

Could you help me with Kyouko? I can't get one of her H-scenes. I've managed to get both blowjobs, and the scenes where you have sex with her in her bed whilst she holds her dress in her mouth, and where you do her in the ass at the end (I'd post a pic showing what was missing, but on another comp). Could you tell me how to get the one I'm missing? (I think I saw something with her at school in another thread while back which I haven't done, but I might be confusing her with another one of your Imouto Pets.)

>> No.1222282

Minutes for the loops, motherfucker.

>> No.1222287

Enjoy playing just Dragon Quest I guess, most (other) jRPGs do have this problem.
Looping songs aren't exactly rare in jRPGs either.

>> No.1222313

You missed the first one. Before you start tutoring her you can visit her at school once, she'll show you around and you'll have sex in a classroom.

>> No.1222334

Awesome, thankyou. I will be fapping to this later today.

>> No.1222452

if it wasn't actually for the knowledge it'll be piss overflow I'd probably actually install it

>> No.1222476

What? That's what makes this company so great!
Besides, this hasn't really got that much urine in it; and the girls don't seem quite as embarrassed as they did in Kodomo Milk Parfait when they pee in front of you.
Hell, sometimes you put it in them and they don't even pee at the end.
Besides; it's not like it's much of a surprise when they do pee; it's always at the end of a sex scene a few clicks after you cum inside them; they don't just suddenly start peeing in the middle of nowhere. If you get your timing right and cum when the main character does, it'll be fine anyway.

>> No.1222637

I don't like piss and mostly all the newest games are all about that. Add the tumors in some of them and it's total fail.

>> No.1222638

Once you get into a H-scene with one of the characters, as deducible from the save name, does anything you say or do affect the end result of having sex with the character?

>> No.1222640


>> No.1222643

These girls are absolutely flat. Can you see tumours in the OP pic? Sure, I can understand you feeling that way about Kodomo Milk Parfait, one of the girls had somewhat got breasts, but the other was mostly flat. As for the others I'm not sure, but from what I've seen they've been fairly flat.

>> No.1222670

I'm NOT talking about that game. I'm talking about some of the previous games. The worst one wasn't Kodomo Parfait, but it was pretty bad already.
Fortunately it seems like the peoples there finally figured that small breasts were disgusting and that they should go back to DFC.

>> No.1222675

so am I the only one looking for a loli game that's not only about fucking the loli after the least amount of text possible?

>> No.1222681

I would also like a loli game with a storyline.

>> No.1222682

Oh, OK then. Just out of interest, could you list which one's you think have breasts larger than KMP so I can avoid them? I'd like to grab the others before I go to uni so I have enough fap material for next term.

>> No.1222714
File: 302 KB, 806x646, yumloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

savedata for op game
looking at http://zip.4chan.org/jp/src/1220058905905.jpg
I can say from top to bottom:
dfc or breasts

>> No.1222719

technically the only 2 loli games being currently translated have a story-line (at least I'm guessing the kodomo no jikan doujin game should follow the story of the manga)

>> No.1222838

This is relevant to my interests. Tell me more.

>> No.1222851


>> No.1222879

both around 10%

>> No.1222899

I wouldn't recommend waiting for them.
Fry's dog .jpg

>> No.1222912

actually say that again when there'll be a prologue cocktease patch. like before the end of the year. probably.

>> No.1223069

>Before the end of the year.

>> No.1223074

actually I do intend for this to happen. it'll all depend on how long it'd take for the script editor to actually be compatible with the name script.

>> No.1223101

Fuck it, I'll just take the CG set of the OP game kthx

>> No.1223147
File: 339 KB, 806x646, pic11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time I checked the cg set isn't out yet.

>> No.1223158
File: 388 KB, 985x1400, 1218920869105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1223163

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4N1628JE ?

>> No.1223169

ok fine, I forgot I wasn't actually downloading anything beside DOUJIN CGS on share

>> No.1223170

Also you will miss out on hawt voice acting, narration, and zoom and animation if you do find a CG set. Just download it; if you're really allergic to the slightest bit of work for your loli porn, download a save; this game has a CG gallery(?- is there a more appropriate name for this feature) which let's you jump straight in to the start of a H-scene.

>> No.1223201

Everyone is; it's just most people never realise it.

>> No.1223228

No John, you are the pedos!

>> No.1223332

how about you give us part one

>> No.1223346

fapping at the idea of those 2 translated

>> No.1223356

Wait, are you involved with the translation project? Which one?

>> No.1223452

it's a good question. I don't believe there's a prologue in the Kodomo no Jikan game.

>> No.1223634

yes sensei da-isuki 2.

>> No.1223657

Awesome. Thankyou for taking your time to do this project. My Japanese isn't good enough to deal with anything but mostly plot less H-games; I can choose between •中に出る and •外で出る just fine, but anything more complicated just goes past me. I should really get to work on setting Rikaichan up with my H-games; that might help a bit, but it'd still be a pain to figure out porn with plot.

>> No.1223710

no problem. it did take a while to find translators though... some actually disappeared with all the script files since I didn't bother asking them to send them my way once done.

>> No.1223723

It's actually not as much of a pain as you would thing.

You'd probably be able to figure it out pretty well.

>> No.1223727

the fuck did that g come from? oh god I fail.

>> No.1223830

what's this supposed to mean anyway? (not the person who you were talking to, but still curious)

>> No.1223859

He means presumably that I can get through H-games with plot by using Rikaichan without considerable difficulty. Well, you've given me hope, Mr. >>1223723 ; I shall try getting through Little Busters Ecstasy as a test some time next month.
Hopefully the H-scenes won't contain anything vital to the plot; as I've noticed my reading comprehension drops markedly when I reach such points.

>> No.1223868

I didn't have much confidence in my ability at first, either, but when I actually tried, I found it actually not a problem at all unless they start waxing philosophical or giving technical lectures, and I could even understand at least the gist of those pretty well.

>> No.1223900

The H-scenes are the easy part, AGTH or rikai can't help you but everyone with a semblance of Japanese knowledge can get through.

The only thing machine translation really sucks at is everyday conversation.

>> No.1223957

I still want to know why the fuck there isn't a CG set for this game on /rs/.

>> No.1223970

Because God hates you.

>> No.1223975

Sounds hopeful then. Would you say it's improved your Japanese at all using it to play through H-games, or are unfamiliar kanji soon forgotten with only very occasional encounters; without using rote or other kinds of memorization?

>> No.1224008

I'd say it's certainly helped with my understanding, and has definitely helped a bit with kanji.

It helps more if you actually try and read as much of a line as you can on your own first, and then only use rikaichan or whatever dictionary on the words you don't recognize at all or want to double-check.
Because otherwise you can find yourself reflexively looking up every single word, and that doesn't help anything.

>> No.1224013

Because this game has so much more than pictures.
Seriously, download it, it's only about 800MB I think; doesn't even need a disc once it's installed, then download a save game/ whatever other data is appropriate. Use the event viewer, then as advice dog says, fap like crazy.

>> No.1224035
File: 117 KB, 805x627, NnJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator for Naisho no Jikan ran off, that's why there's no progerss right now. Actually I do have one guy who'd translate but his English's terrible and I'd have to guess what he's trying to say 90% of the time.
Yeah, so if you're interested in translating, visit kodomo.scarletdevilmansion.com

>> No.1224041

I looked for a download of the game once and couldn't find it, but I probably just fail.

>> No.1224051
File: 167 KB, 800x600, EV_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there are more important games by Kidnap Company that need to be translated, anyway.

>> No.1224064

What game is this?

Or at the very least, is there porn of the miko?

>> No.1224067

There sure are, but I'd hate to just let Naisho no Jikan die because a lot has been done already.

>> No.1224079

Walking kind of funny? Oh ho, my curiosity is ... aroused. Pun unintentional.

I'd help if my Japanese was better, but I still can't read further than the first 3 grades of educational kanji; and I haven't started learning vocab by rote en masse yet, nor more than basic grammar. I meant to learn the whole of the primary school kanji list his holiday, but 2 months in and I've only managed 440, and I still have most of my uni work to do in my last month.
Still; if you're still stuck in a couple of years, I might be able to do a little.

>> No.1224084
File: 148 KB, 800x600, EV_209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there is porn of the Kagami.

>> No.1224094

Is she raped by that schoolgirl?

>> No.1224098

I always knew you were a pedophile, Nipaa.

>> No.1224100

I hate these VNs. Little girls can't decide something sucking a dick voluntarily, that's really, really retarded. Games like this should be banned.

>> No.1224101



>> No.1224102

well you can always kind of stall it or help a translator willing to translate that other game especially if the person who mentioned that game can translate

>> No.1224107

Thank you, God.

Link to CG set, please.

>> No.1224108

He made his trip Nipaa~, what the fuck did you expect?

>> No.1224112


Huge Forehead is Huge.



>> No.1224117


>> No.1224118

440 is still pretty impressive.
I had a similar goal this holiday and only bothered to do 200 (and 700 the heisig way, which doesn't really count), the urge to procrastinate is just too big.

>> No.1224119
File: 158 KB, 800x600, EV_347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's molested by you while trying to sell a charm to that schoolgirl.

Also, both lolis get pregnant.

>> No.1224138
File: 321 KB, 1280x1024, nezumizan_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I hear pregnant lolis? MAI FAMILY

>> No.1224159


I cried if someone not translated this.

>> No.1224161

>Length Short (2 - 10 hours)
NnJ is really short, a good translator could translate all of it in weeks. I just want to get it done already.

>> No.1224188

Inded, and if you try and do too much you just run the risk of falling into a lull and undoing your efforts entirely; especially when what is already stretching you just gets harder when you need to start adding in more revision cycles for kanji on 1, 7, and 30 days after learning; though it is much easier to revise than learn anew.
Yet if you do to little, it's too easy not to take it seriously enough and drift to nothing. Getting it right is a difficult balance to strike, but I'll at least take lessons through for learning in the future.

>> No.1224193

I wouldn't really trust that database though. there's quite a few bs on it. also it's the number of lines that matter. Sensei da-isuki 2 for instance has 30-33K lines.

>> No.1224201

>pregnant lolis
This is an abomination. Lolis do not become pregnant, and if they do, it means that their breasts grow. This is just wrong.

>> No.1224202

NnJ is less than 5000.

>> No.1224211

Then you do not need to get that ending. You can choose one of the others.

>> No.1224235


I prefer my lolis around 11 and 14

>> No.1224237

Oh God, must download.
For the anon asking for sauce, tis from みこ☆かみ (Miko kami)
I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when I get back to uni and am firewalled and unable to use Share.

>> No.1224239


>> No.1224249

>I prefer my lolis around 11 and 14
also in the world of anime all lolis look below 10, dfc but are actually 18 and can get pregnant.

>> No.1224259

I have little to no knowledge of Japanese. Is this advice still applicable?

>> No.1224269



>> No.1224271

I could enjoy these like 10+ years ago and at this point I had zero knowledge of loli, but the demo's moaning of the games were hot enough

>> No.1224276

Yes, listen to the voices and fap. Nothing to it.

>> No.1224286

it's true, just look at >>1224138
or go on concept.product.co.jp and find the wallpapers, she's still flat even when pregnant

>> No.1224288

Excellent! Now to download it...

If I can find a place to download it from. Erm, fuck.

>> No.1224299

Hongfire has it. They're a very valuable source of H-games, and HF-loli is neat too.

>> No.1224304


not all lolis, you can have your little dwarf while I fap to my lovely Ren.

>> No.1224311

14 is definitely not a loli. Pubic hair disqualifies candidates from being loli, remember.

>> No.1224322


Do not mix 2D character with real life anon.

Loli =/= Pedo

>> No.1224326

If you want to find more stuff like this, join Hongfire, log in, and do a search in their forums. They have a lot of things there. You don't have to make an account to download AFAIK, but good luck navigating the forums without being able to search.
Search either the romanisation or the original kana, something should show up under both.

>> No.1224328

/jp/ = /l/

thx moot

>> No.1224331

Cut it out. This has been discussed too many times already.

>> No.1224342

never said they were all lolis
also concept loves preg so even girls supposed 10 or 8 will get pregnant anyway
find me a 14 year old anime girl that's dfc and small sized.

>> No.1224351



>> No.1224359

Kogami Akira from lucky star

>> No.1224367

People, this is supposed to be a thread on loli games. If you want to argue about the finer points of loli, make a new thread and argue it out there. Keep this a nice, happy thread.

>> No.1224370

>Lucky Star

They're all flat and small. Except for the token healthy girl.

>> No.1224371

If the loli's are not anatomically correct then forget it.

>> No.1224373
File: 86 KB, 480x480, 14yold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1224378

Ha, newfag.

>> No.1224380

Wrong game, but thanks anyway. I was actually after Sensei Daisuki 2, only I cant find it with the romanisation and as I said, my Japanese sucks. Anyone willing to offer the Japanese translation? (and after this I'll stop asking questions)

>> No.1224388


>> No.1224390


>> No.1224391

Only in real life does age matter, so when anon said he likes his lolis 11 to 14, he could only have been referring to real life.

>> No.1224397

Oh damn, I misread which post you were quoting. Not sure if Sensei Daisuki 2 has an event or CG viewer even if you get a cleared save game. But if you want the phrase to search for,

>> No.1224400

Don't bother. Hongfire doesn't have it.

>> No.1224402


No I'm not. What I mean that I only like loli that looks around that age. and 3D pig disgusting. trust me.

just leave this thread and if you want to troll I already make a new thread.

>> No.1224403

Yeah it does, I just found it on hongfire. You must fail it.

Though it's not like the torrent is seeded...

>> No.1224418

Strange, I haven't been able to find it either, but those 30 second waits make searching variations strenuous.
But if it's not seeded there, there isn't much hope of finding a torrent. You'll have to learn to use Japanese P2P.

>> No.1224444

Hongfire's search is gay. Use google site:hongfire.com

>> No.1224454

>loli that looks around that age.
Any loli that "looks" 14 wouldn't actually look like a loli. Stop being retarded.

>> No.1224462

Thanks for the advice.
But yeah, no seeds so whoever it was that was asking for it, looks like you'll need Winny or the like.

>> No.1224473

And if you look such a place, be sure to search with ~, not ー.

>> No.1224724
File: 108 KB, 805x625, rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just bump this a few times for potential translators to see.

>> No.1226038

don't bother with him. he's part of the newfags who call strike witches a loli show because most of the girls are around 14. and there's no dfc there. fucking newfags.

>> No.1226046
File: 146 KB, 600x449, 1220161548414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno she looks pretty flat to me, brah.

>> No.1226052


>> No.1226114

actually even her in the anime has small tits. but then again it's GONZO. Remember Copa with C-cup tits in the bath scene? And she's supposed 10. Fuck the real ages given. They don't even fucking matter anyway.

>> No.1226136

I remember a time in anime when "flat" actually meant "small".

Like Lina Inverse.

>> No.1226174

well it can be said to peoples who don't have too much breasts obviously.
it really depends what you're talking about.

>> No.1226427

/jp/ is full of lazy peoples who would probably not help you.

>> No.1226655

I've been posting in loli thread forever so it's not as if I ever tried keeping it a secret.

>> No.1226662

I've been posting in loli threads forever so it's not as if I ever tried keeping it a secret.

>> No.1226663

By the way, for those that can't use torrents, here's the game on rapidshare:


>> No.1226676

At least they took out the scaled wait between downloads, else that'd take about a month to download.

Too bad they reduced the download speed to the point that it'll still take three days to download.

>> No.1226951

that's why I prefer megaupload. at least the maximum is higher (1GB).

>> No.1227687

If you can't use torrents or any kind of P2P; it might be worth buying a rapidsearch account. Or even better some sort of shell account you can tunnel various P2P to with SSH.
If I was at uni 12 months a year rather than having to come home for about 5 months a year; I'd pay either for a shell account to do this with. Hell, I'd pay the extortionate rate mobile phone companies are demanding for their mobile internet with extortionate rates for going over their incredibly stingy download allowances. I just wish there was a true unlimited mobile broadband company in England.

>> No.1228808

Does this have a CG? I want to see that.

>> No.1228978

obviously it does

>> No.1229344


>> No.1229512

kind of seconded

>> No.1229613

Any CG set for this thing would be big. There's like, 800mb of CG. So many variations...
