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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 266 KB, 780x970, 1255986012391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12186599 No.12186599[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God dammit /jp/ I'm going to have a kid. I still spend my nights here, drunk, arguing about things like the the legitimacy of various strains of otaku culture, and here I'm about to have a fucking child, god dammit my room is full of porn posters and doujinshi stacked all over the fucking place, don't ask me how I've got a partner it's a long story, but she's pregnant now and now I'm having a kid. I'm barely even able to talk to real people other than her, much less raise a child, holy shit how is this happening.

Fuck /jp/ what the hell do I do.

>> No.12186615 [DELETED] 

Get out normie.

>> No.12186624


>> No.12186629

There's bound to be someone on /jp/ who would kill to adopt a little girl

>> No.12186633


>> No.12186635

Are you going to name her Marisa?

>> No.12186636

what kind of FUGGING NORMIE talks to real women, let alone lets them touch you, let alone fucks them

get out of /jp/ normie scum

>> No.12186637

Which character of 2hu you will name your son/daugther after?

>> No.12186638

Shoulda kept it in your pants, like how did that happen...?

>> No.12186639

if you know you wont be good parents to the child talk to your gf about aborting

>> No.12186640

Well you should get rid of the lewd things , slowly but surely , other than that there is no reason to get rid of other things , kids in japan dont become insane because they see anime , and since you are keeping the baby , the girl will have to get along with what you enjoy in life ( but sell your porn and whatever , that's not where you want to raise a kid , also if you are able to sell them you ll make a bit of money , i guess ) , being able to talk to people who cares , it's your child , it's not a random stranger and before he will be able to talk you ll be used to him , and remember you are not his friend or whatever , you are his father , you must teach him things , be stern when necessary , and so on .
Japanese culture is getting more and more people to know it over the years , raising him with your passion ( Please forget the porn and so on ) is okay , as long as you dont force it into him

>> No.12186641

You're a fucking idiot and you deserve all the hell that you're going to get with a kid. Enjoy.

>> No.12186642

There's a manga about this.

>> No.12186643

You're a disgrace to /jp/. If you don't put the newborn in a blender, you will NOT reborn in Gensokyo after you die

>> No.12186644

No more eroge for pops

>> No.12186645

In case this isn't a synopsis of a manga at least op can get to name his child after a touhou.

>> No.12186647

You do realize that only wizards and those aspiring to become one are allowed to post on /jp/, right...?

>> No.12186649

He should go with "Wriggle" if it's a boy

>> No.12186653

But ZUN has a kid.
Does that mean even ZUN himself cannot post on /jp/?

>> No.12186654

fucking breeding normie shitting up /jp/

>> No.12186656

He doesn't, so I don't see the problem yet.

>> No.12186657

You should tell us about how you ended up in this situation just so we'll know how to avoid it. Sounds fucking scary how some guys suddenly ended up having knocked up a girl without any of their own intention.

>> No.12186661

ZUN's wife is a programmer too.
Their child is virtual.

>> No.12186666

Quads for naming the baby Komachi if its a girl or Wriggle if its a boy

>> No.12186667

ebin :DDD

>> No.12186668
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>> No.12186670

I'm gonna have to revoke your /jp/ license, please hand over your membershit card

>> No.12186671
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>> No.12186673
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>> No.12186676

Nah, Wriggle a shit.

>> No.12186677

>Giving your kid a Jap name
top kekels

>> No.12186678

NSFW picture and hey look a totally offtopic OP. Is this a new form of shitposting?

>> No.12186680


you mad waroshitter?

>> No.12186681


>> No.12186682

It would be, if the regular topics discussed on /jp/ weren't shit.

>> No.12186683

>new form

>> No.12186684

cross your fingers for a miscarriage

>> No.12186687
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>> No.12186719
File: 1.24 MB, 900x1200, 1342135916766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand. I really do believe in the dream of living on one's own, enjoying media, and being content with a simple life. I've believed in this for over a decade, unironically, since before /jp/ existed.

But, when someone suddenly comes along who will push you from behind, help you live a functioning life, where you can earn the money you need to pay rent, and to buy the things you want to buy, and this person treats you kindly, like family, like your own mother or father would, you really can't turn her down because of some kind of silly otaku pride.

I don't believe that everyone will meet someone like I did, in fact I think that most people won't. And I count those people whom I think won't ever have a partner as my comrades, I can't give them up. I spend almost all of my time at home here posting with /jp/ers, pretending to be a lonely single NEET, advancing the otaku culture.

I need to see proof that the otaku lifestyle can result in personal fulfillment, otherwise I feel like everything I believe in internally will crumble. But, I can't provide that proof for myself, because I'm living a "normie" life now, and I can't go back, fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.12186748
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I wish you the best of luck. You might feel a bit different when its born, especially if the mother is someone you genuinely care for. Good luck and raise him/her to the best of your abilities. Don't worry too much about fucking up because no one really knows how to properly parent efficiently. Ganbatte.

>> No.12186761

Did this guy jack off inside a sleeping woman or something?
How are you "not able to talk to people" yet knock someone up?

>> No.12186765

Maybe he was raped

>> No.12186768

he's got a hard case of niwaka

I don't even get mad at these type of people anymore, they are obviously even more dysfunctional than the culture they are trying to emulate.

>> No.12186774
File: 30 KB, 503x340, 1395619985462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw eberyone getting torlled by op

>> No.12186776

This cult girl showed up to his door and saved him from his hikiki ways then stole his semen in his sleep and impregnated herself so they could be bonded 'til death.

>> No.12186777

that is my fetish

>> No.12186779

How do I prevent the same thing from happening to me?

>> No.12186782

Cut your dick off.

Become infertile

>> No.12186787

You would have to cut off your balls, not your dick.
Come on man, don't you know how your body works?

>> No.12186789

That poster is probably a girl

>> No.12186792


>> No.12186803

I'm well aware how the body of a male works, I'm just thinking that it might be best for everyone if you'd just cut your dick off

>> No.12186805

I hope no one that's passed the 4th grade still thinks semen is made in the penis.
That's the same kind of person that still thinks babies with normal sized heads comes out of the stomach.

>> No.12186809

Are you a real girl?

>> No.12186811


They don't come out the stomach? Does that mean the stork brings them? I knew people were trying to trick me.

>> No.12186817

Yes, wanna make me pregnant and fullfil your dream of being a normal person?

>> No.12186819
File: 28 KB, 217x316, 1390197717194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm a girl too.

>> No.12186820

Old hags aren't allowed here.

>> No.12186821

Stop blogging and force her to miscarriage, you dumb cunt. Failing that, murder. Getting 5 to 10 years is sure as hell better than becoming a woman's slave for life, or at the very least having to waste 20 years to raise a child, believe me.

>> No.12186825

That's pretty sexist, everyone should be allowed on /jp/ who is willing to put the effort into being a good poster, unless they are faggots like OP

>> No.12186828

Old hags are meant to be impregnated

>> No.12186830

It's not sexism, it's ageism.
Please learn your discrimination terms.

>> No.12186831

He should name the child Rika Nipah, or Kinzo.

>> No.12186835

This. If she's not far into pregnancy force those day after pills down her throat, or grind them up into her food. If she is, then try the good old trip down the stairs trick, and if it knocks her out punch her in the stomach a few good times. You could also try alcohol poisoning, or bleach. Hell, if you know the right people you could hire a bunch of crackheads to beat her up and rape her. If you've been here long enough to consider yourself one of "us" then you should've at least read a good few snuff, guro, and rape doujinshi to know what to do.

>That's pretty sexist
Yes, and? Women aren't allowed here, this is the boy's club.

>> No.12186841
File: 140 KB, 428x333, 1391097935740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully us girls.

>> No.12186842

Seems like a weird Welcome to the NHK fanfiction.
Some random girl magically appears in this guy's life and fixes his NEETdom and then he knocks her up. Seems too far fetched.

>> No.12186844

Go back to /lgbt/, tranny scum.

>> No.12186851

/jp/ isn't some kind of club nerd, it's a home for people like us, without putting silly things like gender or age into consideration.

We are all equal

>> No.12186852

Do you think the purple haired girl is posting here right now?

>> No.12186856

"People like us" means "men that are into otaku culture". F*ck off with your equality bullshit, dorkmeister.

>> No.12186860

What is a man?

>> No.12186863

What the frig Janitor if you're going to delete shit delete this thread.

>> No.12186864

well you can always use my plan B,run and join the french legion,the test is not that hard check their page

>> No.12186865

That's a huge injustice.
Why would such a thing even matter?
On the internet nobody knows you are a dog.

>> No.12186866

I only hope you got her pregnant because you wanted that kid.

Godspeed OP, its time to work.

>> No.12186867

Miserable pile of hair and semen.

>> No.12186868

It shouldn't, but spewing things you found on knowyourmeme does.

>> No.12186868,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12186869

>That's a huge injustice.
"Justice" is for dweebs.

>Why would such a thing even matter?
Because you're not "us".

>> No.12186870

Would you say it's a 'social' injustice?

>> No.12186871


>> No.12186872

>stop blogging and force her to murder. failing that, murder.

?? ???? ?

>> No.12186873

Sex before marriage is a sin.

>> No.12186876

I must have missed that voting that made you the king of /jp/.

Is that really a meme?
I wasn't aware of that.
I just find it a interesting concept.

>> No.12186878

"Nobody knows you're a dog" has been floating around the internet 1993.

>> No.12186879

king of /jp/ doesn't post here anymore

>> No.12186879,1 [INTERNAL] 

good god this board is so shit

>> No.12186879,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12186879,3 [INTERNAL] 

What a thread.

>> No.12186879,4 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't get a response.

>> No.12186879,5 [INTERNAL] 

God damn fucking shitters ruining the jay. These are the type of subhumans the faggot janitor probably wants around.

>> No.12186879,6 [INTERNAL] 


It's long ruined.

>> No.12186879,7 [INTERNAL] 

So, what're the rest of you going about your life with now?

>> No.12186879,8 [INTERNAL] 

That is one awkwardly constructed sentence.

>> No.12186879,9 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to go pretend to be a girl in a different thread.

>> No.12186879,10 [INTERNAL] 

Have anyone on the W ever been to /hikki/?

>> No.12186879,11 [INTERNAL] 


Funny thing is, this is the kind of thread you'd find in proto-neo Jay

>> No.12186879,12 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck OP pic is gross vagina blood is gross I hope I never fuck a virgin

>> No.12186879,13 [INTERNAL] 

Don't you know? Most girls lose their hymen before they have sex through "sports" or "tampons" or "masturbation". You useless imbecile. I don't think there's much blood anyway. Virgins usually get very aroused too so if you take it slow it shouldn't snag on your dick and rip. The only thing to worry about is penis girth but I don't think that's a problem for you, needle dick.

>> No.12186879,14 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah of course... kinda like my post says...

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.12186879,15 [INTERNAL] 

Uhh this is 2014 the year of the post-post-Shoa

It's rare to find a thread that would have been in 2009

>> No.12186879,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12186879,17 [INTERNAL] 

can i borrow your child later so i can fuck them
pedo right now 2015

>> No.12186879,18 [INTERNAL] 

LOL people are actually jealous that he's gonna have a kid?

>> No.12186879,19 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even mind that this norm is having a kid but
>I'm barely even able to talk to real people other than her
Why do they always have to sprinkle in shit like this to pretend they aren't normals

>> No.12186879,20 [INTERNAL] 

NEET is not a status symbol.

>> No.12186879,21 [INTERNAL] 

>that warosu feel when you well never fall in glorious combat fighting back against the homo horde

>> No.12186879,22 [INTERNAL] 

Uh I never mentioned employment, kid

>> No.12186879,23 [INTERNAL] 

OP seems like me in a few years. Ended up becoming a semi recluse living with a girl who strangely likes being around me.

>> No.12186879,24 [INTERNAL] 

What is a normal

>> No.12186879,25 [INTERNAL] 

My partner is asking me when we'll have children but my biggest dream is still to become a girl. Or at least escape into MMOs and be one in cyberspace.


>> No.12186879,26 [INTERNAL] 

Do you even know how fast you were normaling?

>> No.12186879,27 [INTERNAL] 

>"semi recluse"
Here we go again
Fucking summerNEETs I swear

>> No.12186879,28 [INTERNAL] 

My work doesn't give me a summer holiday so I just NEET it up at the weekends

>> No.12186879,29 [INTERNAL] 

janny will never have a gf

>> No.12186879,30 [INTERNAL] 

he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket

>> No.12186879,31 [INTERNAL] 

My sister's actually pregnant for 4 months now

Also my mom noted how I refer to the child as "her", I think they know...

>> No.12186879,32 [INTERNAL] 

i searched for a mention of loli daughters but there weren't any results, the hell /jp/?

also, a hymen isn't something that a girl "loses", it's a membrane.

>> No.12186879,33 [INTERNAL] 

why is there hymen reconstructive surgery then

>> No.12186879,34 [INTERNAL] 

Because it's broken, not lost.

>> No.12186879,35 [INTERNAL] 

tghats what they want yuou to think
