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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1280, 00L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12183207 No.12183207 [Reply] [Original]

tinyurl dot com slash dollfaq

>> No.12183906
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>no replies

>> No.12183943 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12183955

why must those have been boys... why

>> No.12184020
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Doll meet last weekend again, short picspam

>> No.12184022 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12184025
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>> No.12184028
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why did I tilt the camera like this in all these pictures...

>> No.12184031
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>> No.12184034
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and a group picture. Went to convention with 3 dolls, came back with 1 doll and 1 floating head :< but then again the one that I have left now has been pretty much the only one that I pay attention to anyways

>> No.12185017

I'm about get my first dollfie, but I can't decide between Miko and Mayu. The decision is killing me. Anyone have a DDS and DDDy and mind posting them together?

>> No.12185052

That guy between the doll's legs

>> No.12185900
File: 395 KB, 875x1463, 5668795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Alice today, now I own all my grail dolls. Feels good.

There are some comparison shots between DDDy and DDS bodies (and DDIII as well) in DD forums. http://www.dollfiedreams.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=3791

>> No.12186148


Shame Alice didn't make it to the meet! Where did you get Momo's glasses, by the way? They look real nice, unlike some I've seen.

>> No.12186342
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>Someone else started the doll thread

I was starting to feel so alone!

>> No.12186346
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>> No.12186531
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Thank you! Momo's glasses are from Dollmore, but they seem to be sold out now. Ebay might have some similar ones.

>> No.12186609
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>> No.12187192

Thanks man, I thought to look there after I posted but I missed that one.

>> No.12187209


One thing to consider is how clothes fit the bodies. Neither sister or dynamite do very well with regular SD13 bjd clothes that are sold everywhere - most clothes end up fitting a little loose on the smaller sister body and either poorly or not at all on the dynamite, mainly thanks to the super wide hips and thighs. But if you're willing to invest in Volks clothes made specifically for Dollfie Dream there's no problem with either. Some third party vendors provide (mainly sexy) outfits for dynamite, but I've never seen anything specifically made for sister bodies.

>> No.12187274
File: 1.23 MB, 1333x2000, runchan02-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that clothes made for SD10 sized bjd's fit DDS body the best (at least up to M-bust). I have couple SD10 clothes for my girls and the fit is great, much better than in SD13 clothes. Similarly, I've heard that SD16 sized clothes, or at least pants, fit DDDy the best.

>> No.12188276

Or you can learn to sew and make your own clothes. It's a skill that can get pretty useful anyway.

>> No.12189208

Has anyone bought anything from http://cls-doreen.taobao.com before? Been thinking of buying a pair of boots for Miku when she arrives.

>> No.12190395
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>> No.12190396
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>> No.12190493
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Never bought from Taobao, but Miku a perfect.

>> No.12190729

Does anyone here makes their own clothes for their dolls?

>> No.12190804
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Haven't bought from the shop you mentioned but I've only heard positive things about it from others. Especially the boots seem to be good. And from personal experience, everything I've ever bought from Taobao has been great in terms of quality.

>> No.12190809
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>> No.12192714
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>> No.12192925
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There seems to be a lot less interest in dolls on /jp/ than there was last year. Is the down economy causing interest in dolls to fizzle?

>> No.12192981

Very pretty.

>> No.12193863
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I'm not sure, but I think having a thread constantly up drains the talking points away until there isn't enough to keep a thread going besides image spam, which isn't very popular around here.

I learnt Mirai Suenaga is now here thanks to the novel of visages. Missed any sort of pre-order function, though. I guess it was some fightclub-level operation that you had to be there for. Not that it matters because it's the manual version only and, as cute as she is, I'm waiting for the proper smart doll's release.

Hopefully the android-based version is more readily available though as I really do need one of them at the landing of my town house to scare away unwanted friends / family members / evangelicals / housing inspectors / police and/or government agents / etc.

>> No.12193900

I just lurk the threads and don't post because I'm too poor to own one and can't really contribute. I only post now to say that I like these threads even if I can't participate in them and hope to see the posts continue.

>> No.12194313


Same here. I've been lurking these threads since 09 or so.

>> No.12194437
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>> No.12194450

I need to know where I could buy a doll, I live in Mexico and I would like to order a doll without paying a fortune for the sending, I've seen the prices at http://cls-doreen.taobao.com/ and seems affordable but it's too far.

>> No.12194502 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12194514
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>> No.12194521
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>> No.12194529
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>> No.12194545 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12194548
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You can find a lot of images in this blog http://blog.livedoor.jp/azure_toy_box

>> No.12194553 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12194555

Keep it coming, I'm enjoying this.

>> No.12194591

I'm considering spending 7k on a doll.
That's like 1/3 of my life saving.
What the fuck do i do?

>> No.12194601


These are beautiful

>> No.12194635
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>> No.12194639


What the fuck kind of doll costs 7k? Unless you mean 7k of some crappy countries' shekels.

>> No.12194640
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>> No.12194643
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>> No.12194651


>> No.12194656

Probably a love doll

>> No.12195037

How much the smart version is supposed to cost anyway?

>> No.12195063

This looks like she's on her period.

>> No.12195397 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12195656
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>> No.12195664
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>> No.12195731 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12195995


Is that your doll?

>> No.12196011

It's some japanese guy, his photos are posted here really often because of their quality.

>> No.12196016

Ah, neato. I ask just because I have her pasted on one of my payment cards. Do you know the name of the doll/photographer so I can find more?

>> No.12196026


>> No.12196262
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>> No.12196377

To simulate skirt peeking?

>> No.12196956
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Posting superior photographer.

>> No.12196968
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>> No.12196978
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>> No.12196993
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>> No.12197038

Who's the photographer and where did you get those pictures? share it please.

>> No.12197978
File: 525 KB, 599x800, Hadaly (butterfly-furs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while.

Have been busy and out of touch with this and other things. However, Hadaly might go through some changes soon and I might take to a couple new places (doll love is far from dead in me).

Until then, keep your dolls coming.

>> No.12198500
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Here, have some sauce:
Though you could have just done a reverse image search.

>> No.12200325
File: 1.83 MB, 1927x1277, 29L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are lovely, thanks!

>> No.12200827


Do not give money to Danny Choo.

>> No.12200830
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Always happy to help another anons collection grow.

>> No.12200836
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>> No.12200841
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>> No.12200900
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Seriously. Why in the world would anyone purchase something from Choo?!

>> No.12201243


>> No.12201914
File: 45 KB, 540x960, 10361302_660108064068278_5586335972869590110_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please provide me details of alternative current or near future purveyors of intensely creepy robotic humanoid dolls.


I have a strong need for an intensely creepy robotic humanoid doll such as the one promised by Danny Choo; and your demand lacks authority without a supporting statement. Please provide a supporting statement.

>> No.12202389
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>> No.12202447


One of those fully functional models, huh?

>> No.12202529

How can I give life to my doll?

Do I have to cum inside her 1000 times? Offer the blood of a young goat?

Please help.

>> No.12202534

>Offer the blood of a young goat?
blood of a young girl seems more likely

>> No.12202551
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No anon, do not do that. Simply buy her nice clothes and wigs, and get her delicious looking re-ment accessories and she will love you forever.

>> No.12202612

>Please provide me details of alternative current or near future purveyors of intensely creepy robotic humanoid dolls.
Making your own?
At least it would be a fun project even if the results were shit...

>> No.12203672

That guy is really the bestest.

>> No.12203676

He apparently went very seriously about this.

He also pretty much ripped of Volks' design so her doll is really beautiful.

As the other Anon said, the robotic premise is damned attractive... but this isn't that, however; it's just animatronics and I don't know if they perform anything above the level of that creepy dance we've seen before.

>> No.12203939
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He seems like a pretty cool dude to talk about cute dolls with.

>> No.12203948

The customization and poseability of dolls is just amazing. I WILL have one, and sooner than later if everything goes well.

>> No.12204956

How often do you need to fuck a doll?

>> No.12204976

As often as you want, but you should never fuck them after midnight.

>> No.12205028
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>> No.12205032
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>> No.12205036
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>> No.12205108
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Speaking of re-ment, which of their accessories are suitably sized for dolls? Some are figma sized, I know that much, and I'd rather not want to buy those by accident.

>> No.12205424
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I think almost all re-ment are 1/6 by default, if I'm not mistaken. However, with items like sweets and plates/bowls, the items don't look to out-of-place. Especially when you consider that, in Japan, sweets are often much smaller than in other countries. So a re-ment 1/6 size cake doesn't look strange in front of a DD - it just looks like a cute mini cake.

They look even more in-proportion to MDD.

Alternatively, you can get Japanese molding plastic (I'm sorry I forget the exact name of the product) and make your own foods. Y!JA might also have hand-made replica foods like the kind you find at doll conventions.

>> No.12205543
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That's good to know. I do have some random decoden sweets/cakes/ice creams which I hoped would have worked too, but often times they are too small. Might buy some re-ments later now that I know more about them.

>> No.12205563

sculpey. It also comes in a transparent liquid, so if you want to make bowls of noodles and stuff, bake them off, then fill them with the liquid and a tiny pinch of orange paint and bake again, you've got bowls of ramen or udon or whatever.

Same for teacups, if you wanna make doll-sized teacups full of "tea"

>> No.12205630
File: 119 KB, 450x600, 06closed001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible for me to create my own photospace, akin to the ones at volks stores/dollpa? Anyone know what they're set up on? I'd be wanting to create an idol stage similar to pic related.

>> No.12205854
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It's not sculpey. It's some sort of polymer that you need to heat up to make it mold-able, and does not require baking to set. The colors are very bright and can be translucent, and there are a lot of blogs/tutorials on Japanese sites about how to make little cakes and snacks.

Very frustrating that I can't remember the name. I was searching for this stuff forever, gave up on ordering it online (website all in Japanese, couldn't find it for sale online anywhere). I think I just deleted the bookmarks since I figured "eh, I'll never get my hands on it"

>> No.12207098
File: 194 KB, 1000x666, ninestyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The displays at Volks were just tables or counters with a wall or temporary wall/board behind them- depending on the store.

I liked the setup at Ninestyle Cafe much better. It was this weird shelf-thing that was great for lighting and storage/display

>> No.12207462

>ninestyle has a cafe

Hory shit. Do they actually allow pictures inside, unlike Volks?

>> No.12208458
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>> No.12208524
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Mirai is now open for general pre-order, for anyone interested. Pretty steep at 58k.
Does anyone remember the proposed price for the automatic version? can't find a mention of it anywhere in the new smart doll page.

>> No.12208560
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I'm not a fan of how fickle Miku's haircolor is. Sometimes it looks just like the original art, sometimes it's basically blue. I think more often than not it's simply blue. I'm both excited and anxious.

I can't find it either, I asked in this thread before and nobody replied yet so I guess it was never announced.
I vaguely remember something about it being about 100k?, but it's probably speculation or me mixing shit up.

>> No.12208565
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Wait, I'm pretty sure I already complained about it. Sorry.

>> No.12208619

I seem to remember something akin to $1500, but my memory is pretty hazy so don't quote me on it.
I'm getting less hyped as time goes on - video's showing the movements seem so limited. I had to fucking mute the audio whilst watching this because it was too cringey.

>> No.12208637

Aha, found it
>Smart Doll Automatic version will launch in December 2014 at a retail price of 900 USD.
Still sticking to my previous statements though, all we've seen that she can do is nod her head/look down ever so slightly, raise her arms and move them side to side. That is literally it.
The legs are supposed to have movement but this hasn't been seen in action yet.
>the motors in her legs burnt out
fucking danny choo, get your shit together when you're trying to advertise something.

>> No.12208659

>under the condition that I sell 1 million Smart Dolls by Feb 2018 and the points below cover exactly how I'm going to do this.

>Smart Doll Manual version will launch in May 2014 at a retail price of about 600 USD.
Smart Doll Automatic version will launch in December 2014 at a retail price of 900 USD.

...that's a lot of money.

>> No.12208669

For the manual version I agree, but for the automatic version - not really. If you want to see alot of money, go take a look at how much the white album, sasara and beatrice dollfie's are going for these days. now THAT'S alot of money.

>> No.12208673


yes. In Seoul. And they have way better setups. Those little booths, all those lights, lots of room for a cafe, and then a shopping area.

>> No.12208675

post more pics pls

>> No.12208678
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Opps dropped my picture.

>> No.12208695

Woah, that IS nicer.
Fuck, I want to make something like this now.

>> No.12208706

I meant in total. He's expecting to sell nearly a billion dollars of those? Is the entire industry even worth that much?

>> No.12208712
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I honestly don't think there are 1 million DDs on the market.

I have a few more.

>> No.12208716

Ohhhhh. Now I feel dumb.
Well, he's been trying really hard to market it to normalfags, after all. They clearly have money to burn given how they all lap out iphone #103. It seems danny intends to milk his product in the same way, he's already stated there will be updated versions of the same product.

>> No.12208723
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other side, the cafe area. Apparently you're not suppose to go and not buy a drink, but I'm pretty sure I spent so much all the time no one minded.

This is my annoying roommate. When I shopped this time with her, they rang up the price on a calculator and passed it to me. My look of shock. I hand over my card. My roommate leans in to see the cost on the calculator. I hurried up and pushed clear and looked angry. The cashier was laughing so hard

Then my roommate insisted on being in photos.

>> No.12208748
File: 41 KB, 255x314, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being self conscious about how much you spend
>spending time with people you don't like
>letting said people push you around
get a load of this beta faggot

>> No.12208759


>> No.12208779
File: 178 KB, 1000x666, dollfree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, there's not much prideful in spending tons little doll outfits. I mean, just think of all the other things you can spend. Way better off investing money. And unfortunately, when you live with people, sometimes you have to spend time with them. She was like a lost puppy.

Hey, I still lived in Korea and Japan. I hold Volks Memberships in three different countries.

Here's a doll convention in Korea.

>> No.12208786
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Azone in Akibahara also does not allow photos in the stores, short of in their display cases.

>> No.12208788
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I really wanted one of these little guys, but every time I held one they were just too small for me to justify. I couldn't do it.

>> No.12208789
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>> No.12208798
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Here's some more Doll Free from Korea.

>> No.12208803
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TTYA booth.

>> No.12208808
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Stylin boys.

>> No.12208818
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Here was the SQlabs booth. They were selling only bodies. No heads. Thought that was weird.

>> No.12210077
File: 62 KB, 600x400, DSC04845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I might be adding this to my bucket list instead of visiting Volks' HQ.

How is the exchange rate of USD to WON vs. USD to JPY?

Do they have a (poor)English-speaking staff on-hand like Volks?

I'm living vicariously through you, jp-doll-thread-san. Never leave us!

>> No.12210401

where in seoul? I was just visiting the volks store there, I was staying in hongik for a week. It's still a bus ride away and I've got a lot of time to kill before my flight...

>> No.12210458

One fast question: if I want buy 1/6 dollfie dream with body, wig and clothes how much it'll cost? 20k? 30k?

>> No.12210494


Hongdae. You need to come out of the station and go straight, then make a right, across that main street and down into what seems residential. Google for more info-- when I was there, the landmarks changed too frequently to be useful.


USD to Won is the best. I bought a DDS Mayu in Korea along with new eyes and an outfit and she came out to $490 USD. I don't think you can beat that. As far as staff, I didn't really interact much with them. They were out of the way, younger girls, teens-to-twenties, but they seemed friendly enough and we could transact. I don't know about asking questions/then answering though.

Originally I could not find the store. Getting to the building was easy, but it is on the third floor. On the second floor, there is a sign that says Ninestyle and the door is always locked. You actually need to go up to the third floor-- but it's a very odd, inside stairwell and it looks like nothing is upstairs at all. After I didn't make it there, I emailed the company and the owner offered to stand outside on the sidewalk to meet me, and take me inside. Very sweet.

>> No.12210519
File: 244 KB, 1024x683, 14265256778_db4d0a20dd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/6 DD's have been discontinued and I don't think they're ever more than $200 USD.

>> No.12210576

wow, 1/6 scale dd's are actually a thing? the only 1/6 doll I've seen volks produce are those ghastly who's that girl/century model lines.

>> No.12210751

You mean dollfies without the dream part, right? They never had 1/6 DDs as far as I know.

>> No.12210763
File: 177 KB, 480x640, 5326194664_93670877bc_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, that's right. They were just called "Dollfie 1/6 model" Pic related.
