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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 640x480, higuban001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12174096 No.12174096 [Reply] [Original]

Remember /jp/ used to play MMO together?

>> No.12174131

/jp/ will play Tales of Savior together.

I guarantee it.

>> No.12174152
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, 2013. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never play your favourite mmo with /jp/ies
Quoting myself, I guess.

>> No.12174157 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 578x615, hamburger biting vita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do...

>> No.12174157,1 [INTERNAL] 

i remember the chats being indistinguishable from your average /v/ or /a/ circlejerk

>> No.12174172

You could not pay me to play games with /jp/

>> No.12174215
File: 94 KB, 250x250, 1379185566610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no more mmonetoge otakus left in /jp/.

>> No.12174229
File: 63 KB, 578x547, 1400840702869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you.

>> No.12174235
File: 364 KB, 752x800, 1346815486928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, thank YOU.

>> No.12174276

I'll play, but you'll have to be my sugardaddy and supply me with everything.

>> No.12174287

Tree of Savior hype thread

>> No.12174287,1 [INTERNAL] 

banned for burgers. This is worse than the shoah

>> No.12174330

No, they didn't used to play them together.
MMOs all are retarded since you mostly pay2win, can't even play on your own and the gameplay is pretty much non-existent. And of course before playing you need to download 40GB of empty maps on you PC. Literally a game designed for normies.

>> No.12174330,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty sure Kigmod made it clear when he public banned and locked a burg thread???

>> No.12174330,2 [INTERNAL] 

what did burgers do to him anyway

>> No.12174330,3 [INTERNAL] 

He simply doesn't like this meme. Rmember, /jp/ means Janny's Playground.

>> No.12174330,4 [INTERNAL] 

burgs are not allowed but spaghetti is fine lmao

>> No.12174330,5 [INTERNAL] 

I guess burgers just remind how FAT janny is lol

>> No.12174710
File: 611 KB, 1600x856, jp village 2011-07-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ played Haven & Hearth together, it has no premium features, you can play on your own (the majority of my H&H playtime has been as a hermit) and it has tons of varied gameplay. It requires no download to play (though you'll want to download a custom client). If there's any game that fits 4chan's definition of 'autistic', it's Haven & Hearth.

>> No.12174747

I can't play subscribe games

>> No.12174749

I miss Mabinogi

>> No.12174753

Oh christ, that was the most painful game I ever tried. I did hermit up to a brick wall and steel, but the fear of getting permanently smashed by any of the large factions finally got me to quit.

>> No.12174788

We can play Onigiri again. It's in beta and since it's from Japan it can't be removed for not being /jp/

>> No.12174793

But this is not Japan General

>> No.12174801

Well, according to the mods MMOs can't be talked about on /jp/ unless they're from Japan.

I didn't make the rules man.

>> No.12174814

Her somewhat long face and laid back expression really, really REALLY fucking turn me on.
I can picture a (hypothetic) 3d girl with the same appearance who is really hot.
I guess I've always had a huge thing for girls looking like this, but it is a very specific fetish and I don't think it has a name. I'd have to come up to with a specific example of girl who has that look and I can't remember any... Also, weirdly enough, it is borderline ugly because if proportions get just a little bit bigger then the girl becomes ugly as opposed to perfect.
Sorry I can't give a more satisfactory explanation...
PS. you have to enlarge the picture to perceive it.

>> No.12174821
File: 577 KB, 3000x3000, 1388528506266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like girls that make this face

>> No.12174836

I think her face is too serious.

>> No.12174838

Ask me again when the Pokémon-MMOG is finally released that i'm looking forward to play for about 17 years. That's the only MMOG i would touch.

>> No.12174840

I played EVE for two years, some /jp/sie wanted to blue up but he was in some shitty alliance in the south that probably doesn't exist anymore and I wasn't very interested. Then I realized how all the fun of EVE online died once I knew how everything worked and I quit playing.
you can't have all my stuff

>> No.12174856

I didn't know there was a Pokemon MMO to be released, ever.
I actually never thought about this before, but did no one ever make a Pokémon MMORPG?
I know that it might be hard to make into an MMORPG, but I think it's doable and based on its fanbase it would probably be insanely successful (even if it was shit).

>> No.12174862

There was a really shitty one I played as a kid. I got a virus from it somehow and I was banned from using my Dad's computer.

>> No.12174863

That's the point, there never was a MMOG and everyone is asking for it. I guess GameFreaks just don't want to put effort in their games because (except the latest game), pokémon is basically 1:1 the same shit just with different monsters and from time to time they add some new features like the breading stuff and EVs.

>> No.12174955

That's a dude.

>> No.12174971
File: 300 KB, 620x992, 1384209788084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was away from /jp/ at the time, so I probably missed out on playing with /jp/ in PSO2.

>> No.12174976

If you go ask /vp/ they'll make a tl;dr list exaplaining why a pokémon mmo wouldn't work.

>> No.12174980

Also XY almost basically does what a pokémon mmo should do already without lag and with offline function.

>> No.12174982

Some of us still play Tera.

>> No.12174991

with the 3D-models from the latest game, they could probably do it
i would like to go fishing with my parasect and other /jp/sies like in the zelda games and put moe accessoires on them

>> No.12175099
File: 241 KB, 1684x942, DhE9PLw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing FFXIV a few weeks ago, but from reading almost every MMO thread over the last year I've never seen much interest in it unfortunately. Being p2p probably doesnt help, but if anyone wants to play im on Behemoth.

>> No.12175103


Hi Hanazawa.

>> No.12175167

MMOs have only brought me misery

>> No.12175251
File: 343 KB, 330x814, 1390178041884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What netoge is /jp/ playing right now?

>> No.12175369

Is /jp/ going to play arche age?
How about elite dangerous?
Black desert?
Has /jp/ given up star citizen yet?

>> No.12175381

I'm looking forward to Elite Dangerous even though I don't know much about it.

Just that it's space, looks great and has good VR support.

>> No.12175384

Archeage looks really disappointing from what I've seen.

Haven't heard of elite dangerous

Black Desert Online is the best mmo I've seen in a decade

>> No.12175402

star citizen is pay to win bullshit. I've come to terms with the fact that the space fleet genre will only ever exist to con money out of middle aged nerds.... All I ever wanted was to captain a space ship....

>> No.12175412

ALL MMO players are elitist faggots, no matter where they come from.

>> No.12175418

If all mmo players are elitist faggots, then none of them are.

>> No.12175444

No. I don't like the looks of it.
Maybe, I don't know yet.
I had to look that one up. Sounds rather generic.
The only "real" MMO games I'm playing right now are Ace Combat Infinity, because I like it, and Wildstar, because I have to.
I do have FF14, and I really liked it, but nobody I know plays it, so I stopped.

>> No.12176206

Then play it again.

There aren't any new cute 3d anime mmos that aren't also stupid overly kawaii chibi shit. Nexon will probably kill Peria Chronicles.

>> No.12176237

MMO's are dead.

I'd rather spend my NEET time shitposting and watching Anime than to waste hours on a MMO grinding and farming.

If I want to own nOObs I just play a game of Dota.

>> No.12176240



Anyone gonna play Civilization Online? It's like Civ, but moe, just like your Touhou Civ mods.

>> No.12176242

Wow dude that's really moe for a Civ game.

>> No.12176426

That sounds great. Maybe they will allow such things in later Pokemon games...

>> No.12176522

I'm playing Tera and I wanted to join the (what I assumed to be) /jp/ guild but then I noticed they had 300 people and there's no way there are actually that many tera players on here. They declined my app anyways, I just wanted to take it easy.

>> No.12177195

>They declined my app

Wow dude that's harsh.

>> No.12177582


I still go online from time to time to look at the cute girls with animal ears.

>> No.12177802

Many years ago, there was a browser based pokemon MMO, probably the most fun I've ever had in a browser based game, save for runescape. Unfortunately, the creator had to go to college and abandoned the project. I suppose all good times come to an end.

>> No.12177925
File: 772 KB, 1600x900, TERA_ScreenShot_20140607_050828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your app was most likely ignored, rather than declined. We don't accept the ones that don't include something that might identify them as being from around here, and if they don't try to contact us, we eventually delete it. It's just to keep the randoms out.
I can accept you if you give me your name, or you can re-app with "/jp/" or something and you'll get in with no problem.

There're 295 people on the guild roster right now, but that's just the accumulated total over the past year and a half we've been around +alts. The actual number of currently active members is only a fraction of that.

>> No.12178221

I can't get into it, I wanted a successor to XI but XIV feels like something for the younger crowd who haven't yet gotten tired of typical fantasy MMO mechanics.

I can't get immersed by running around doing trivial quests and killing random mobs over and over anymore. I mean I could if I really had nothing better to do, but there are more interesting pursuits than that.

My hope is that Oculus Rift will inspire the creation of some alternate worlds that are really worth escaping to. MMORPGs should feel like a semi-realistic reality, not a multiplayer game.

>> No.12178254

Nice pay2cute outfits.

>> No.12178294

Thanks. Mine are 100% bought with in-game currency though.
The way TERA's cash shop works is that people are able to sell cash items on the broker for gold, so people like me are able to have all the paid cosmetics, without paying a single cent.

>> No.12178341
File: 1018 KB, 295x293, 2ec55af0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who WOW here

>> No.12178348
File: 469 KB, 702x1003, 860486046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WOW here but only on WolTK Mid/High Molten

>> No.12178371
File: 86 KB, 600x800, 1397084533379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corecraft when?

>> No.12178388
File: 491 KB, 800x600, new place 2014-06-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me want to play Haven & Hearth again, so for the people who also want to play again or want to try it together with /jp/:


During character creation, DO NOT climb the ladder. Instead go to the character in the corner and enter 'okazaki' as hearth secret. This will let you spawn near my hearth fire (instead of some random place in the huge world).

I make no promises of activity, maybe everybody quits playing again after a couple of days, but we might as well try. Just took some random spot near where I spawned, so we're too close to a river and I have no idea about soil or resource quality. Let's just take it easy together.

>> No.12178394

There was this pokemon mmo I tried some years ago, which required a soulsilver or heartgold rom.
It was really good and felt like a real pokemon game, but I'm not really into pokemon anyway so I dropped it. It's called PokeMMO I think.

>> No.12178411

Why does it look so heartless? It doesn't look like a fun and interesting place to be. Is all of Tera like that or are there cozy places in it?

Like look at >>12178341. That's some nice looking open wilderness area.

>> No.12178447
File: 336 KB, 800x600, SHEEP EVERYWHERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, there's a weird abandoned place just north of home.

>> No.12179034

Don't girls get embarrassed to be seen like that?

>> No.12179041

I probably have to save up for boatmaking.. it's so expensive but i'm looking forward to fishing.

I also saved a block of wood q 66 for anybody who'll put it to good use.

>> No.12179068

Breasts look kinda weird without nipples. Like two lumps of flesh. Still, those are two shapely lumps of flesh.
I wonder what it says on the charms.

>> No.12179074

I tried playing the successor of H&H a few weeks ago but it was pretty shitty. There was some catch-22 where you had to buy things with real money to progress.

>> No.12179081
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, ffxiv_0607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing since beta alone

There's a lot of things that piss me off about it, but I still think it's the best MMO out right now. Not including the random f2p ones.

>> No.12179118

I've played Tera religiously since the beta and I just quit about a month ago. I regret everything, I regret it so much. Don't waste your time on that stupid game, its terrible.

>> No.12179121

What made you stop?

>> No.12179123

Salem sucks. Last I checked, even the creators abandoned it.

>> No.12179155

Guild leader kicked me out, group split and other things. Wasn't fun. Also I quit because the reaper just came out and everyone was circlejerking each other about it.

The game is bland, boring, and unfair. The entire world has no diversity, all you do for quests are kill monsters, gather plants, and kill one BAM. You turn in the quests and move on to another area all the way until you reach max level. From there you realize there's no late game. All the 60's either do battlegrounds, grind for the best gear, dungeons, or sit outside level 12 towns talking to other 60's while you kill everyone leaving the town, which all get boring really quickly. You should play the game for at most 3 months before you realize that there's nothing left to do. I don't know why I stuck around for so long.

>> No.12179339 [DELETED] 

Why does everyone who plays FF14 always start on a different server?

>> No.12179957

What does this mythical end-game MMOers always lament the lack of consist of?
What's there to do after you hit max level in an MMO and can beat the hardest content?
What do you expect? Another set of leveling? For it to segue into a card game only max level types can play? What's there to do in a game based on advancement once you can no longer advance?

Can someone describe some end game content that isn't just ganking people or grinding the same hardest level dungeon/raid/boss/quest?

>> No.12180004
File: 545 KB, 1600x900, TERA_ScreenShot_20140607_180145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of cozy wilderness areas. It's a huge world with all types of varying scenery.
I would've taken a screenshot of a region with wide open plains like that picture, but personally, I don't find that too interesting. It does exist here though.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience with TERA, but it sounds like you were taking the game a little bit too seriously.
PvP is the current "serious" endgame, like in most MMOs, but if you were to have asked me, I would've told you that cosmetics and idling were the true endgame experience.
Just relax, run some dungeons and make a bit of money to buy the latest costumes, help out new members, sit and chat, complete a few of the huge number of achievements there are, form raids and PvP together, and just all in all, take it easy.
If you're still around and on MT, you're welcome to come hang out with us sometime.

>> No.12180032 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna download Tera overnight. I'll probably gonna make a Lancer on Freya, which is from what I remember the most active EU server. Not sure if there's a /jp/ guild there (or even an /a/ one), but if there is then please post it.

>> No.12180040 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna download Tera overnight. I'll probably gonna make a Lancer on Freya, which is from what I remember the most active EU server. Not sure if there's a /jp/ guild there (or even an /a/ one), but if there is then please post it. That being said I don't plan on sticking around for too long, I just got bored waiting for the Archeage beta and there's nothing else for me to play.

>> No.12180042
File: 562 KB, 1776x1028, 67UBvcn - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that WHHM run went okay
I thought I was going to get back into the game but I ended up buying FFXIV the same night so I don't think I'll be playing TERA for a while. It's probably okay to remove me from the guild if you haven't already. I dont think theres anything left for me on TERA, until I upgrade my computer maybe.

>> No.12180047

I'm gonna download Tera overnight. I'll probably make a Lancer on Freya, which is from what I remember the most active EU server. Not sure if there's a /jp/ guild there (or even an /a/ one), but if there is then please post it.

>> No.12180065

People always talk about buying costumes. Is that the only way you can get new outfits in Tera?

I play Mabinogi, another fashion centric game but they add clothes to dungeons and give them out in events too, in addition to whatever new item of the month is. They even very rarely put things in NPC shops to buy, although there's a lot of that to begin with.

>> No.12180068

Forgot to say that I don't mind playing on another server if it's well populated enough and has a /jp/ guild. But it appears that all the Tera players here are in NA, unfortunately.

>> No.12180086


Right now? Only Dota 2 and I'm quitting after TI4 because I'll never be good.
I used to play FFXIV but after lvl... 25? Marauder got too boring.

>> No.12180115

Killian is the most active server on EU last time I checked.

>> No.12180130

If I was still playing Tera, I would join your guild in a heartbeat after reading this post. This is what a /jp/ guild should be like.

>> No.12180172

Started playing this game for the first time today and I don't really know what I am supposed to do

>> No.12180202

Is it? It's been a while since I played so I wouldn't know. I think I'll be going there then since it's also a PvP server. I also found out that there was an /a/ + /vg/ guild on Killian but after paying a visit to their IRC channel I learned that everyone stopped playing save for one person who plays in NA. That being said I plan on switching over to Archeage when that's out anyway, so it's not that big of a deal I guess.

>> No.12180208

I don't understand why they don't just make the endgame player driven.

>> No.12180211

Here's a newbie guide: http://www.havenandhearth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19114&sid=4b9bfa2fcafa5e4f4738900d8f96d5ae

The wiki is also an essential resource: http://ringofbrodgar.com/wiki/Haven_and_Hearth_Wiki

>> No.12180219

I used to feel like the internet (in particular MMOs) was the only place I could really be myself but looking back I hardly made any friends in my decade or so of playing online games.

I only remember making one friend that we did cute stuff together as girls in PSO2, then we started talking on Skype and realized we were only compatible in game while affecting cutesy girly personalities and being around each other in real life (we happened to live nearby) would be depressing compared to in game. I think MMOs really make me feel dysphoric and split-personalitied. It's probably best that I stick to games that don't involve socialization and self-expression like WoT.

Does anyone else have this kind of problem?

>> No.12180220

I played World of Warcraft from 2005-2009 and I never made a real friend ingame. I knew people and was friendly in guild chat, but I didn't keep in contact when I stopped playing.

>> No.12180248

Market research shows that 65% of MMO gamers play them as if they were single-player games. Most of the remainder group up to play casually with friends.

>> No.12180250

>It's probably best that I stick to games that don't involve socialization and self-expression like WoT.
Similar to H&H, WoT can be played both solo and with other people. If you platoon with people, you'll find there's a lot of socialization in WoT. There's also clans, but I can't speak of how social those are as I've never joined one (except I think /jp/ used to have a clan way back in beta, I chatted with /jp/ players back then at least).

In-game chat can be as social or non-social as you want it to be, especially on the lower tiers.

>> No.12180252

>I think MMOs really make me feel dysphoric and split-personalitied

I absolutely have this but it doesnt really bother me or feel like a problem. I think everyone has a split personality when playing MMOs, at least to some extent

>> No.12180270
File: 145 KB, 620x388, image3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one went beta a few days ago. It plays like PSO from Dreamcast, the world feels kind of dead and empty though.

>> No.12180274

The thing is, I want to be sociable, but I guess I expect too much. Honestly my main motivation is to escape the 3D world and immerse myself into an alternate reality where I no longer feel like I'm a guy behind a screen talking to other people behind screens and instead can take on a cute, charismatic alter-ego that I can't in real life. Maybe Oculus Rift will make things better. Then again maybe taking this kind of thing to extremes isn't healthy.

I really liked FFXI because despite being a mostly solitary player I could lose myself in the immersive zones and overarching storylines. When I play games like WoW or FFXIV I don't have that same sense of suspension of disbelief. I couldn't care less about grinding for XP or gear or being the first on the server to clear some developer-created scenario. It just feels too meta. On the other hand EVE was just /too/ lonely for someone bad at socializing like me and Second Life just seems like a glorified chat room.

>> No.12180277

That's probably quite accurate. I played as though it was a single player game most of the time, though admittedly I was quite young and so paid attention to the funposting in trade chat and that sort of thing. I also used to run instances all the time because I was under the impression that was the best way to level.

>> No.12180281

I feel this makes it impossible to really have a fulfilling real life though. Interacting with people offline just ends up feeling fake and dull. Then again I always felt like this so maybe it'd be best to lose myself in virtual worlds for the rest of my life.

>> No.12180312

That sounds a lot like what RP'ers in mmo's do. I learned to stay far away from them. Some of them are okay, but most of them are annoying.

>> No.12180325

I was thinking of joining a RP linkshell in FFXIV, but I was kind of nervous about the prospect of RPing in a second language (since I'm in Japan I don't use English much due to time-zones). Maybe I should just take the plunge.

To be honest I'm not exactly sure what RPing in an MMO would involve. But yeah I worry I'd end up finding it stupid and annoying.

>> No.12180360

Maybe you should try D&D instead of MMOs.

>> No.12180369

What happened to the RPG in MMORPG?

>> No.12180453

Died with the concept of everyone getting the same items, doing the same storyline, with the same builds and equipment.

>> No.12180474

Remember when people thought that piece of shit show Higurashi wasn't fucking awful?
Sometimes old mindsets are bad.

>> No.12180510

>Remember when people thought that piece of shit show Higurashi wasn't fucking awful?

No. I remember when people thought Azumanga was good though.
I'm glad everyone finally realized 4komas and groups of girls talking about nothing at school anime are shit.

>> No.12180521

Screw it, it's a waste of time just sitting on my hands waiting for some corporation (probably headed by a suit who doesn't even play games) to deliver my dream next-generation MMO. I'll just have to do it myself.

If anyone's interested in MMORPG design and development, email's in the email field.

>> No.12180545

The MMO market is already declining. Even the most stupid among us have begun to realize that playing an MMO (and PAYING for an MMO) is a destructive waste of time, effort and money. Every new game that hits the market is less of a honest effort and more an attempt to make as much money as possible with as little time invested as possible.

What could you possibly create that would stem the tide?

>> No.12180558

Disregard that I'm too much of an idiot for correct a/an usage.

>> No.12180567

The market is declining precisely because companies keep pumping out poor quality generic game after generic game in a lazy attempt to make money as you said. I think there's still plenty of demand for real quality. If you look on MMO forums there are plenty of people complaining about the current state of the industry. That's a niche right there. Take just Square Enix for example. They completely threw away the niche they had with FFXI when they failed to retain their own customer base with FFXIV in an attempt to achieve mass appeal.

There's no need to go for a lowest common denominator approach try to match WoW profitablity. That's obviously never going to work.

> Even the most stupid among us have begun to realize that playing an MMO (and PAYING for an MMO) is a destructive waste of time, effort and money.

I fully disagree with this. Playing a game you don't enjoy is obviously a waste of time, but if you really enjoy it, what better use of time can there be? Yes, the problem with a lot of MMOs is they're addictive but not particularly fun or satisfying in the long term.

>> No.12180571

Also Oculus Rift is an obvious opportunity to take advantage of.

>> No.12180584


>> No.12180637

It's been in development for so long that its now hyped up to be this new game that will save the MMO genre but realistically it's going to be another disappointment.

>> No.12180658

The problem with MMOs is solely in that there are too many and no one ever leaves tehir old game except under extreme circumstances. If old defunct MOS actually shut down, there'd be a huge wave of players looking for new games. Instead new ones grab some $$$ and shut down in months while ones from 2005 and before still chug on.

>> No.12180662

The worst is when they make sequels without ending the earlier game because they want to keep the old base but get a new one. Outside of lineage and everquest, has there ever been a truly successful sequel to an actual MMORPG? (meaning ones not based around hubs and instances)

They should just settle down and make/update their games instead of even trying sequels.

>> No.12180666

It's still an MMORPG when it has hubs and instances.

>> No.12180672

What's so great about Tree of Savior besides it's so-retro Ragnarok Online style? How is it not going to be a boring modern MMO with a bunch of boring quests? Will you get to just spam mobs of mobs instead of depending on quests and instanced dungeons to level? Will you be able to kill steal and loot anything because items drop to the ground? Will it have a faster paced click-to-use-skill instead of a target-enemy-and-smap-f-keys battle system?

Will it have something to do besides collect hats and kill cacti that make furiously annoying noises?

>> No.12180676

It's as much of an MMORPG as a DotA clone or Cosmic Break.

>> No.12180753

Are there any high budget MMOs where I can make cute characters where the focus isn't on mindless killing?

>> No.12180762

It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.12180767

What's a high budget MMO? The only "low budget" ones I can think of would be stuff like Graal or Runescape or Tibia. Very few MMOs don't focus on mindless killing that aren't about something completely different, like Pangya.

Mabinogi, Eve Online, Second Life, Peria Chronicles when it comes out, are about the only things I can think of offhand where killing stuff is optional.

>> No.12180785


>> No.12180809

Peria Chronicles looks nice, when's it out?

>> No.12180812

Jews realised that MMO is the best medium for money milking. To get even more shekels they had to widen the userbase. To do that they have to simplify the genre to make it more appealing to anime addicted horny kids and housewives. And here you have it.
You don't have to grind , you don't have to calculate what gear/runes/talents/skills/stones w/e is better. You don't have to tactics. You don't need organisation.
Just mash your buttons ( all 3 of them ) when something "red" get in front of you. And that all.

>> No.12180815

No idea. It's still in development. Pray for it, that it does not get scrapped.

>> No.12180823

Too bad there's no /jp/ to play with, (/v/) crossies will have to do.

>> No.12180829 [DELETED] 

>Pray for it, that it does not get scrapped.
Nice grammar.

>> No.12180856

The more I read and watch about Peria Chonicles the more I want to play it.


>> No.12180862

I've been greatly enjoying FFXIV.

Currently maxed out 4 classes and am finally trying to clear the Extreme Primals.

>> No.12180917


>> No.12180961

Well, you - could - focus on the Crafting and Gathering type jobs in ARR, but you still have to do some mindless killing before you can unlock them.
It's simple, but actually quite entertaining, more so than some of the battle classes; kinda like Monster Hunter, just without the monster hunting. You collect all the shit, and then you spend an hour or so trying to get the most out of the materials you gathered.

>> No.12180966

How's the economy in ARR now?

>> No.12180971 [DELETED] 

I'd recomend US server. Tera eu publisher is a big shitter and many EU bros including me prefer US.

>> No.12180976

I'd recommend US server. Tera EU publisher is a big shitter and many EU bros including me prefer US.

>> No.12180989

It sucks.
Also depends on the server, sure, but you won't pull in the big bucks until you get to the high level stuff, and even then, it's highly unlikely you can undersell your competition - mostly guilds who have way more resources and work force than you do - without significantly undercutting the average price, in which case you'll likely be bought out and your wares are being reinstated at the respective price.
So actually, rather realistic.
Pretending to be a cute merchant girl like the ones you meet in the Atelier series is nice, however.
tl;dr If you don't want to do it just for fun, don't do it at all.

>> No.12181002
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I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

I'm going to make one as well, but there's just so much trouble associated with making one in your spare time.

For one, it'll take decades to make everything yourself. At least for the kind of MMO I'd want.

So you'd need people. And if you can't pay them, you're asking them to spend a couple years, probably more,
of their life working for free, on a project that might not make any money in the end. I wouldn't be able to
find that many trustworthy and dedicated people. I can't even find a single close friend.

So I'll try to work my way up instead. Right now I'm creating a small single player game. It's small enough for me
to get done by myself without getting bored and abandoning it. Yet interesting enough where people will want
to buy it. Not going to make much money, but enough to spend a little more time on my next game.
And so I will work, slowly increasing my assets game by game, hiring people when I can, until I can fund a proper MMO.

Then I'll become an eternalNEET, living my life in a world of my own making. Or I'll have found something else I want
to do with my life, but even then I'll have enough money to do it. Probably. But I think with Oculus Rift, and whatever
future accessories will come from this development, a great MMO would be an absolutely fantastic way to spend time.

>> No.12181019

There's a point where a dream becomes so massive, its foundation becomes brittle and its seams start to fall apart; sustaining it is a exhausting task at that point.
You sound determined, however, so I wish you the best of luck and success on your journey.

>> No.12181024

Rid go to bed already. If you sleep sooner you can log back in sooner it is that simple.
Can we also declare on Panzer pretty please?

>> No.12181066

Procedurally generate everything according to scripts. And let "modders" contribute+upload most of the art and quests.

Then it just becomes a very do-able technical chore, you just need to come up with a scripting language or tool that other people will enjoy using, and a sprite/texture/decoration editor. An rpgmaker for mmo's, only a little bit easier and even a tiny bit more lego-ish

>> No.12181090

So something like byond or well of souls?

>> No.12181104

I figure I can save up a few hundred k by myself and add a few more skills like art ability on top of my programming and Japanese ability by the time I'm 30 but yeah, I don't see myself being able to achieve much by myself in the end. If someone doesn't create anything that I really like by then then I'll probably give it a shot.

There just aren't many highly motivated, skilled people who are obsessed enough about things like MMOs. All the type A personality people I meet tend not to be into stuff like that.

>> No.12181126

Or secondlife or whatever. But it's nice I'm not the first to think of things.

Speaking of secondlife, though, you'd have to make sure people didn't start uploading too much unacceptable pixel porn, and driving out all the other users.

>> No.12181156
File: 436 KB, 1600x900, TERA_ScreenShot_20140608_004223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I don't think you have to worry too much about getting removed from the guild. I generally go through the roster by activity and make space according to last log-in dates.
You'll be fine, as long as you don't make it to the bottom of the list, where around 250-300 characters would have logged in more recently than you.

It's the only way to get the specialized cosmetics, like school and maid uniforms, swimsuits, ninja costumes, etc., which most people find appeal in, but there are also plenty of different clothing and armor sets that fit the setting of the game more closely, and they're all gotten through dungeons/shops/quests, with relative ease.

I really do need to sleep earlier sometime, but who is Panzer?

>> No.12181190

Yeah, I remember hearing people say the same thing about the previous EU publisher as well. Enmasse does seem to be handling stuff a whole lot better from what I hear, though. But anyway I uninstalled the game before I even got a chance to play because I lost my patience with their shitty launcher stalling every time I try to apply a patch. I might give the NA version a go but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lag a lot seeing as I'm not even from Europe.

>> No.12181195

I keep forgetting my Tera password and it's to much hassle to reset it every time
I hate when clients don't have a remember password option

>> No.12181197

If you're not chinese or indo you'll be alright.

>> No.12181198

An internet friend just started playing NexusTK again. I told him it wasn't 1997, but he wouldn't believe me.

>> No.12181213

Well earlier I found out that my country is no longer IP blocked in the NA version, so I'm gonna try and get it. Things don't look too promising though, this Happy Cloud thing is not even close to maximizing my download speed. I'm downloading 31.9 GB @ ~350KB/s. Luckily NA got a streaming client so I won't have to wait a whole day to start playing, but if it ends up making me lag even more then I'm gonna find something else to play.

>> No.12181221


Ooooh, looking forward to that too.

The only other MMO that I have an interest in is PSO2, but I don't want to deal with the lag.

>> No.12181253

Just as a word of warning, there have been people who've used Happy Cloud, only to find their game files later became corrupted so they had to redownload the whole thing anyway. You should really just let the whole thing download overnight.

We'll definitely play it together, but it may not be for long, depending on when it gets released. Archeage should be coming out at the end of this year/beginning of next year.
If ToS doesn't get released before then, it's going to be extremely hard for it to compete against Archeage for player loyalty. Archeage would need to fail pretty badly for ToS to even stand a chance at stealing some of its players, otherwise ToS is most likely going to be just another FotM.
Both of these are still quite far off though, so I'll be playing Tera in the meantime.

>> No.12181460
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>> No.12181525

I'm not gonna bother then. This downloader is fucking atrocious, it's not even using half of my download speed. I just came back to my PC to find that it only reached 6.5%. Also the estimate was 1 day and 9 hours so it's not just a matter of letting it download overnight, otherwise I would've done that. Guess I'll have to look for something else to play.

>> No.12181533

PSO2 is absolutely terrible, and it's not even an MMO. It supports a few small sized groups per instanced zone with a lobby that supports a couple hundred people. The gameplay itself is ridiculously dumbed down and repetitive.

>> No.12181595

I haven't seen Graal mentioned in such a long time.
I actually used to have a lot of fun playing this (back in 1999/early 2000s; only ever played on Classic) and I feel like it would be relatively easy to make, or at least make a clone with a different focus. It even had a relatively simply level creator/scripting system that would make it easy for people to be part of the content-creation team.

>> No.12181605

I don't want to believe it's not 1997 either. The years 20XX suck.

>> No.12181940

I play mabinogi, but it's hard to do things without people and the /vg/ group is annoying as fuck.

>> No.12181958

Someone should make a game where you can't use any of your abilities unless you're teamed up with other people

>> No.12182380

But why? What about the people who don't have any friends?

>> No.12182385
File: 57 KB, 403x683, 1402207517984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have any friends then why are you playing a game genre that was invented for people to play with friends?

>> No.12182419

mmorpgs is originally for people who want to roleplay with others on a large scale

it's not about if you have friends or not

mainstream games like wow ruined the genre for the original audience and turned it into a group based "challenge dungeon" session and dailies.

>> No.12182424

This is probably just me wearing some nostalgia goggles, but one of the reasons why I thought Everquest (before its multitude of expansions) was so great was because it had a certain point where soloing was nearly impossible. Or, if you did solo, it was incredibly boring and time-consuming. But even with a group, it was still difficult to just grind levels, much less seek out boss-type enemies for rare items and whatnot. I really enjoyed the fact that everyone in that game had to be part of the community of players, that everyone in a group really had to play their roles and play them well, and that getting a high level actually meant you've invested a lot of time and work into the game.
I have not felt any MMO I've played since then has given me the same feeling.

>> No.12182480

FFXI used to be like that, but the current generation of players think the joy of MMOs is to spend a few days arbitrarily soloing to cap, start on the "end game", then continue to live from patch to patch of linear content that becomes a few months after release. I hate them, they completely miss the point of the genre and have had a terrible effect on the industry. You can't have any immersion around these kinds of players either because they treat it just like any other game like CoD or whatever.

>> No.12182485
File: 915 KB, 1286x828, 鬼斬_2013-02-07_11-34-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been browsing 2ch and futaba's netoge boards a lot trying to find a game that's worth playing but I think mmos are just dead now.

I played it in the Japanese beta and I remember it sucked.

>> No.12182511

I wish FFXIV had better character creation. Its restrictiveness is like something from 10 years ago.

I shouldn't have to choose hairstyle and face from a list.

>> No.12182515

Your fault for playing on Alexina or Mari.

>> No.12182531

Not to defend WoW but it has RP servers speacially for those kind of people where everyone had to roleplay.
It may be just my impression but earlier MMOs had almost nothing to do with RP, and even less than WoW and co.

>> No.12182546

I think early MUD-variety MMOs certainly were RP-oriented.

I think there's two kinds of RP. The kind where you feel you're just being "yourself", but in a way you can't in real life (due to limitations and restrictions in the real world) and the kind where you're just acting out a character for fun. I have no interest in the latter but MMOs wouldn't be fun for me if they didn't provide a good avenue for the former.

>> No.12182559


Even if I don't talk to anyone, any other server is too dead for me.

>> No.12182584

Those "RP" servers in WoW are a joke. No one does any "RP" except maybe a bunch of night elves played by 13 years old teenage boys doing what they do best.

Oh, and if you ever played Ultima Online: It had an extremely strong RP scene with hundreds, if not thousands of well-populated servers solely dedicated to RP.

>> No.12182587

So you want to be surrounded by people all the time, you normalfag extrovert? They're probably annoying to you because they ignore you.

>> No.12182592

>hundreds, if not thousands of well-populated servers
What is it, some sort of pso style hub game?

>> No.12182595

How do people RP in MMOs anyway? Is it full of really stereotypical D&D style dialogue? Or just talking like normal people but avoiding references to the outside world?

>> No.12182599


Yea, you're probably right.

>> No.12182612

d&d style for maximum lulz

>> No.12183220


I have literally never seen a game where hairstyle comes from anything but a list.

Facial structures can come from sliders though.

Can I have an example of a game with non-preset listed hairstyles?

>> No.12183328

Allowing hair length at least to be slider-adjustable is just such an obvious design choice I don't know why I don't see it ever.

I guess MMO devs are just bad software developers.

>> No.12183391

I can't think of a hair length slider in anything. But MMO designers are pretty bad. Even when it's not just 5 faces, 5 eyes, and 10 hairs, maybe color selectable, at best you get a slider that makes you boobs/chest from huge to HUGE and a body scaling slider. Never alternate body bases unless it's a different "race", never the ability to be flat as a female, or make a shota type.

And the game that do let you have "lots of customization" it's all in the fucking face. 500 cheek sliders to make you not have big dumb asian cheekbones, but the rest of the body is like a hip slider, a waist slider, and a height slider. Can't they even make a seperate slider for the ass and the hips and the thighs?

Then when you get to the clothes, if you even get to see them, they're almost always a full clothing item instead of a top and bottom so you can actually customize anything. And in the end, for all this limitation, stuff still noclips through each other like fuck.

>> No.12183401

My personal want is to be able to make cute, androgynous characters. I can't self insert as typical male avatars because they feel too manly but then again it doesn't feel quite right to have hips and boobs either.

>> No.12183424

Play more asian mmos. All the guys in those look like girls and probably have outfits with skirts on them.

>> No.12183528

Yeah I do. I can't play western MMOs at all. In EVE even the women look like men.

I'm hoping I'll be able to make a cute character in Peria Chronicles but pic related is worrying me.

>> No.12183533

I want to create a cute girls MMO but I lack the artistic power. I have the programming power, though.

>> No.12183535
File: 336 KB, 1352x1271, 20131105050454a0dmgm5lwoxeucij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.12183537

me too

>> No.12183553

Would you not prefer being able to play a cute character of your own gender?

RL females are pretty plain when you take away fancy hairstyles, makeup and forced cutesy voices so I don't see why moe should be gender specific...

>> No.12183566

>nobody on /jp/ remembers Hotlgue because /jp/ is shit filled with underage erp fags.

>> No.12183717

>nobody on /jp/ remembers Hotlgue because Hotglue is shit filled with circlejerking fags who turned it into some Steam chat based clan.

Classic Hotglue pretty much died around Aika. Couldn't take it easy anymore and certain people took the "neets who grind all day and become top of the game because of it" as "extreme pwning guild" and stirred up too much drama, bringing tards into /jp/ because they weren't content whining on their forums.

Although Hotglue being the name of THE /jp/ guild instead of the name of A /jp/ guild was already the problem. No one remembers Rapethemaids and the other names is the sad thing.

>> No.12184063

MUD-style "RP" was probably the worst thing I've ever seen happen in any videogame ever. Between the god-awful elementary school level character fanfiction with lots of colorful text that people would write in the RP notes and the players that actually tried to act out their character's chosen persona, there was nothing left but shit. As much as I enjoyed my MUDs back in the 90s, I'm almost glad they're gone.

>> No.12184081
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yeah dude right on let's do our dailies

>> No.12184091

You played on the wrong MUDs.

>> No.12184102

RP'ers are disgusting. I can't believe there are so many people on /jp/ that do it.

>> No.12184108
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I would play with you but I am on Famfrit.
No one is ever on Famfrit.

>> No.12184479

I RP but to myself. Usually that my character is some loner archer, or a magical girl if the game has a decent mage system and cute clothes.

>> No.12185102

I'd probably add options for both. Still, no art; I know a few musically talented people and some people of high creativity, but there's always the art.

>> No.12185210

My experiences playing MMOs with /jp/ have always been the same. Game starts, open beta or whatever, and a guild is formed. Guild is full for a week or two while the members level it up to allow more people in. Play on my own in the meantime. Finally get into the guild, don't talk to anyone, then uninstall the game 2 weeks later.

I can never work up the courage to socialize in games. The best I can do is watch everyone else have fun together and pretend I'm part of it.

>> No.12187272

I saw that Kingdom Under Fire 2 is in open beta in the west now. Has anyone tried that one yet?

>> No.12187351

I want to play an arcade style beat-em-up with people.

>> No.12187361


Have you tried playing Elsword? My friend got me into it a few days ago and it's pretty fun.

>> No.12187373

No, I've just been playing MAME games and wanted to play with other people.

>> No.12187433

>Ultima Online
Fuck, installing again.

>> No.12187814

>Kingdom Under Fire 2.
Im still in shock over their stupidity.
To get the CBT key you need to "like" project page on the FB with your 5 ( five ) FB friends...
All regions other than SEA is ip blocked. You need a VPN, and the client had special protection wich acidentally reacts when you try to use one of those.
It's like devs themselves don't want anyone to play it.

>> No.12187819

What're you playing on MAME?

>> No.12187850
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Has jay pea played Age of Wushu?

I've been getting into wuxia stuff lately and heard about it. Reviews are kind of mixed and I haven't taken the plunge and actually tried it yet. What did you guys think of it?

>> No.12187877
File: 40 KB, 665x870, 36615606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it during its open beta. It seemed like it would be really fun if it wasn't so grossly clunky, and if I had a good internet connection.
The clunk might have been reduced some by now. The combat was interesting enough, and you could fly and shit and that was awesome. It had what was basically real time rock paper scissors, so there were a lot of mixup elements in PvP, and skill combinations could have been pretty interesting.
But ultimately I fell out of it because it just felt like a really halfass game. Again it's probably better by now.
Also class balance was fucking stupid. I was a Royal Guard, and there was a PvP event where each class fights the entire school of another class. We got Shaolin Monks, and it took 3-4 of us using our chain pull on one of them repeatedly to kill them, and one of them could dive into groups of us and rip us apart.
A friend was valley of the lotus or something, and he got Drunken Masters, and reported his entire group failing to kill two of them. When we dueled I could pretty much twoshot him with a chain pull and some OTG thing. I don't remember the specifics but it was brutal.

But again, that was just in beta. I'd assume it's better now, and the politics and systems seemed like they could have been really fun to play with. Particularly kidnapping offline players and selling them into slavery.

For me I'm just waiting on DFOG to go down and come back. The alpha lasted way too goddamn long.

>> No.12187886

Man why can't they just make a sequel to KuF: Heroes that isn't a total shitshow

>> No.12187888

I want to fuck a f.brawler

>> No.12187895

You seem confused. She fucks you. As do sword demon, witch, and f.launcher.

>> No.12187900

W-What if I'm a brawler too?

>> No.12187904

If you're mbrawler she belittles you for fighting like a pussy and having a dick to match.
If you're fbrawler you suplex>lowkick>mount each other ad infinitum until one of you is unconscious and the winner fucks the loser.

>> No.12187923

Freya here, Chief of Aokigahara.
That game stole so much of my life, would it was still a good game, Got away from the slaughter and fell asleep in a bed in a remote cabin behind brick walls, never logged in since

>> No.12190012
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If I EVER saw Hotglue on grid, I would fucking pod them. No fucking lie. They can CONCORD me, I don't give a shit. I'd still do it. To give them pain would be the greatest pleasure on EVE.

>> No.12190031

What game /jp/ used to play together?

Regards, newfag

>> No.12190097
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ctrl+f hot glue: no results
ctrl+f hotglue: phew!

>> No.12190098

>I'd have to come up to with a specific example of girl who has that look and I can't remember any...
Kotomi of Clannad?

>> No.12190116
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I play EVE for over 2 years now, it would be around 3 but I had inactive account. Still haven't figured out how everything works. I want to try some Planetary Interaction, join some wormhole corporation or roam through nullsec in very expensive ships to set them ablaze. Game itself is giving me fun so far and yet there is so much fun to discover.
It's pity I can't grind like I used to, I have job and not so much time to spare anymore.
I play with irl friends, mostly losing our ships to gate camps and I'm considering joining some bigger corpo with them, to have more people in our fleet and to discover other nuances of EVE universe.

>> No.12190120
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1401811944643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMO/F2P games are the cancer of the video games industry. Thank you for prolonging it's stagnation.

>> No.12190121

You can always wardeck them and shoot without worring about CUNTCORD, it costs 50mil ISK for week though.

>> No.12190122

>I have job and not so much time to spare anymore
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.12190128

Thre greatest dillema, to have free time and PLEX yourself to play more or to have a job and pay for fucking game

>> No.12190132

haven and hearth
good times.

AoRF and his friends would keep killing everyone I heard

>> No.12190142

>to have a job and pay for fucking game
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.12190143

pls do not laugh, you make me sad

>> No.12190144

you forgot your spoiler meme

>> No.12190145

and now?

>> No.12190171

Last game I played with /jp/ was Cosmic Break. It was fun while it lasted. I tried playing FFXIV, and I got really far until the only people willing to do endgame raids had to have VOIP. I don't like talking out loud into a box with other strangers.

I wish there was more MMOs without VOIP

>> No.12190177


fucking retard

>> No.12190210

The future of MMORPGs: Fully voiced characters, all music has vocals, and parties/guilds that request you join voice chat to do anything together.

>> No.12190214

But you're doing everything solo anyway, because solo MMORPGs are trendy nowadays. Put some lolis it it and voila, you have TERA.

>> No.12190226

Humble Bundle has EVE 30 day starter for $1 (maybe just penny too the wording is confusing)

>> No.12190256

I hope in the future every MMO requires a loli(and shota) character type to stay competitive. And that they don't combine it inherently with the animal people or elf/fairy race.

They seem to be stuck on the "MMO nerds love big boobed mostly naked chicks" thing they picked up from tabletop players. Once they fully understand otaku and comic geeks play them too, they can better cater to their fantasies.

Maybe one day they'll even make an outright anime-ish game from the get go instead of shoehorning it into a generic fantasy world as if it's some Outbreak Company MMORPG.

>> No.12190646

Just play FFXIV solo. You can pug everything except for 2nd coil. That's what I do.

I HATE voip. It sucks that nowadays it's the norm to use it, even for non-raiding purposes.

>> No.12190662

If only there was a GOOD MMORPG with Elins… I'd play the shit out of that.

>> No.12190816
File: 217 KB, 850x822, 1399091817121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a game with VOIP that used voice changing so that everyone sounds like a loli?
I think people would be friendlier and siller, lewder, and some meaner but you can just pretend they are tsun.

I wanna play mmos with patchy!

>> No.12190826

world of tanks beta !!

>> No.12191221
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1353412222439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry dude.

One day a brilliant engineer will develop a revolutionary voice technology that will change the way mmo interactions will be handled in the future. Everyone will be able to talk using their voice but it will be a voice designed by you for your character. You can have things like voice sliders much like body sliders. If you want a cute girly voice you just need to use a sample of your voice and slide it till it sounds like you want. The chatbox will become a thing of the past and used mostly as a last resort and most of the communication will be done by voice. Your (character's) voice will project from your character for heightened immersion and you can only hear others close enough to you and vice versa. This way when you walk into a crowded city you can hear chatter like you would if you entered a mall or something. This also means you'll no longer be bound to the traditional keyboard/mouse setup and there will be developments in more immersive human interfaces for gaming.

>> No.12191427

That would drive me literally insane. I hate voices in games unless they're just grunts and squeeks to show action is happening. Having to listen to a bunch of people talk would be like being surrounded by people in real life- a fucking horrible noisy mess.

What kind of loli? Anime loli? Annoying lispy rl kid voice? That shit Nyanners barfs out?

>> No.12191454

But what if you have a speech impediment or something. Like stuttering, a voice changer can't hide that.

Everyone would bully you ;_;

>> No.12191744
File: 18 KB, 620x620, 1376433283953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we made our own special MMO?

>> No.12191948

You would sound even cuter!

It's hard not to be friends when you're all lolis!

>> No.12192240

Then it would be dead in a few days, if it's even alive for that long.

>> No.12192444

Warning: Haven & Hearth might cause anxiety disorders

>> No.12192459


>> No.12192470


Not him but between the griefers, struggling to survive in the wild, wild animals, and perma death, it's pretty exhausting to play

I thought it was okay but it was really more of a chore than anything

>> No.12192477

Haven & Hearth and Salem are probably the most stressful games I have played. The game is permadeath and every time I went to bed I would expect my base to be destroyed by morning.

>> No.12192589

The most stressful online game for me was Utopia, one of those online tactical land conquering games where you could build or attack stuff so often and were in an alliance with others. Being scared every time I was away that my area would be attacked and I couldn't do anything about it.

Is your character at least safe when you're logged off or can it be killed?

>> No.12192627

Now that the Dark Elin class came out I might have some incentive to go back to Tera for a bit.

Hopefully the 5 of you who are still active will accept me back warmly if I do.

>> No.12192841

>Is your character at least safe when you're logged off or can it be killed?
Assuming you haven't committed any felonies (theft, vandalism, murder) recently, your character is safe while you're offline.

Your possessions, however, are not. There is good incentive to not mess with your stuff if it's on a claim however; committing theft or vandalism allows players to track you down and kill you even if you're offline, so you only do it if you're behind at the very least a brick wall (though I can say from experience that that alone won't save you) and/or you are a fool.

>I thought it was okay but it was really more of a chore than anything
I feel the exact opposite. Whereas in other games you're just doing the same thing over and over again to progress through a linear path, in Haven there's always tons of stuff to do and you can always progress by doing what you feel like doing the most and/or going for what rewards you most want to go for. Did you play solo or only as part of a group? There's a world of difference between organized player (we need wood, go chop some trees you slacker) and non-organized play (do whatever you want to do, though you won't progress nearly as fast as with a group).

>> No.12192856


I played with a group of friends, and we all specialized into jobs. So yeah, that was probably what did it

>> No.12193935

To the person who knows what I'm talking about:
Your key is in a cupboard in the first house.

>> No.12195035

Has there been a Haven & Hearth village named Gensokyo before? I do vaguely recall something about that.

>> No.12197181

Why don't you come play your favorite mmo?

>> No.12197193
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By which I mean this one of course.

>> No.12197199

Would /jp/ play an oculus rift enabled high quality cel shaded anime style analogue of second life without the normieness?

All the content would be user generated and it would come with great tools to aid in that purpose.

>> No.12197429
File: 1.35 MB, 1753x2480, 16004497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't found an enjoyable MMO in years. I've given up hope in finding one with an interesting world. I'm slightly interested in this thing called Perpetuum, but that might just be because I don't know much about it.

Now I just play coop games like Risk of Rain with a friend or two instead.

>> No.12197449


>> No.12199404

/rog/ faggots can piss off though

>> No.12199419

I preordered Archeage and am going to play it when it comes out, I have a lot of hope in Trion since I loved Rift. I would be down to help start a /jp/ friendly guild, though I am only really interested in being a pirate.

We should get a group together for launch to claim an island for /jp/

I played Perpetuum, it's like EVE but shittier. Though to be fair I didn't really like EVE either, I thought it was boring as hell.

>> No.12199437

/jp/ would never want to be space NEETs with me in Star Citizen.

>> No.12199466

Why not play Salem?

>> No.12199475
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If anyone is interested in playing with a competent group the next time a world rolls over which isn't likely until haven 2.0 or just wants to chat shoot me a message. We were mostly /jp/, around 3-5 people and had better economy than most factions.

Picture is from a raid we had on... a /vg/ village maybe a month or two into the world, ironically, they had really bad security and we were able to palibash into a nearby village that had a minehole and gain entrance to a nearby cave system which we mined through to theirs and had access to their village since it wasn't secure. Then we palibashed a pali securing a minehole that had all this stuff inside.

Next day we came back to see if anyone was around and were able to kill both active players remaining. They joined us after that though.

Later on it just got lonely and boring so everyone dropped off, the early world really is the best!

>> No.12199478
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Picture of a kill, it was funny since they posted about it on the /vg/ thread which let us know they were on.

>> No.12199850

I would join the next world is up, do you know about how long until that would be?

>> No.12199870


Probably not for a year or more honestly, there isn't going to be a reset unless loftar spills coffee on the servers again and haven 2 is still in its very early stages.

>> No.12200070 [DELETED] 

Oh hey, isn't that the guy who led us to our dead at Aokigahara?

>> No.12200072

Oh hey, isn't that the guy who led us to our deaths at Aokigahara?
