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1215693 No.1215693 [Reply] [Original]


5000yen to fuck a 17 year old, bargain, as long as she wasnt too ugly

>> No.1215697

17 year old gets to keep 5000 yen and has nothing happen to her.

>> No.1215702


not a child anymore. I thought the age of consent is 16?

>> No.1215708

Not if you pay for it.

>> No.1215733

17? thats too old and not worth the trouble.

>> No.1215844

It's 13 in some prefectures

>> No.1215848

This is why Japan is superior

>> No.1215854

Only if the 13 year old still looks like OP image. 13 generally is starting to get into the point of tons of pubic hair (since they're asian, that shit appears all at once) and breasts.

>> No.1215909

Cant you just shave her pubic hair anyway?

>> No.1215915

aha oh wow

>> No.1215918

That can look even worse.

>> No.1215926


>> No.1215929

Unless you do it very well, you'll just get dark black stubble, and it'll grow back in a day or two. Not only that, but shaving pubic hair creates an ungodly itch when it grows back.

Why not just get a real loli?

>> No.1215940

So what are the permanent ways?

>> No.1215943

Get a really sharp razer.

Proceed to cut yourself.

>> No.1215945

Take a leaf out of Japanese rape porn's book - one thing you see in that which you don't see in regular rape porn is the rapists almost always shave the rapees.

>> No.1215947

Expensive medical treatments.

>> No.1215961

That does not work very well.

>> No.1215964

ITT: Nobody has ever heard of waxing

>> No.1215970

Oh, that's a WONDERFUL idea. Go ahead and explain to the 13-year-old that you're going to pour hot wax over her genitalia, have her sit and bear the heat until it cools, then tear it off and RIP OUT ALL HER PUBIC HEAR WITH IT. I'm sure she'll volunteer immediately.

Also, to get waxed, I believe there's a maximum length for the hair.

>> No.1215971

But you cant wax some girl that you kidnapped and want to rape.

>> No.1215972

What, it's against the law?

>> No.1215977

But she'll be fine with the rape.

>> No.1215980

You dont really have the equipment or knowledge to do it. Plus its too time consuming.

>> No.1215985


A 38-year-old Maritime Self-Defense Force officer was arrested Thursday on suspicion of violating the anti-child prostitution law for allegedly paying money to a senior high school girl and performing an obscene act with her, police said. The suspect was identified as Kiyoshi Ito, 38, a lieutenant commander, who belongs to the MSDF’s 4th fleet air force at Atsugi base in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Investigations showed that Ito, a resident of Yamato, also Kanagawa Prefecture, gave 5,000 yen to the 17-year-old senior high school student and had sex with her in a car at a parking lot in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, in mid-January, police said. Ito, who met the student through a telephone messaging service, has acknowledged the allegations, police said.

Rear Adm Kazuo Takahashi, commander of the MSDF’s 4th fleet air force at Atsugi base, issued a statement deploring the arrest and said his organization will make the utmost efforts to prevent a recurrence. The 1999 anti-child prostitution and anti-child pornography law sets penalties of imprisonment for up to five years or a fine of up to 3 million yen for those who commit child prostitution.

>> No.1215994

thats why i love nihong

>> No.1215996

We were on the subject of paying 13 year olds for sex, where's rape come into play?

>> No.1216000

You make it sound difficult when it's a very simple thing.

>> No.1216008

Not enough 13-year-olds lining up to have sex for money I guess.

>> No.1216013

I think you're just not advertising your interest in paying for such services well enough.
