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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 382 KB, 968x679, blhyugfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12141625 No.12141625 [Reply] [Original]

Why did pixiv think it was a good idea to localize and make the site gaijin friendly, again? No matter what you search for there is some shitty western drawing of some obscure paraphilia assaulting your eyes.

And that's all foreigners ever contribute. Fuck, I'm starting to feel like a xenophobic jap.

>> No.12141628

Hasn't it been always like this?
From what I remember pivx always had tons of shit drawings, and whether they come from westeners or japs doesn't makes much of a difference

>> No.12141630
File: 266 KB, 897x900, 43390819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because shitty proportions is all they can do. Worst of all, there are people there who praise them as if Jesus and Buddha themselves came down and personally uploaded the thing.

But Pixiv does this to be able to sell account. I can't blame them, but I wish the shitty western artist disappeared disappeared.

Mind you, not all of them are bad. Like Genzoman and co.

>> No.12141634

There are tons of Japanese uploading shitty art too.
You just probably notice the shitty western art more because you are western.

>> No.12141639

Because they want foreigners to buy Pixiv Premium.

>> No.12141640

They're a for-profit business, and more users usually translates to more money. They'd take over the entire deviantart crowd if they could.

>> No.12141646
File: 976 KB, 950x1200, 29406999_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he notices the shitty western art the most because of the shameless traces and obscure paraphilia.

Hell, it is the first thing you notice when you see his pic. The western steaming turd standing out like a diseased thumb.

>> No.12141645

Yeah, it's nothing new, but it is getting worse constantly.
Also not saying there isn't plenty of jap shit, but the western stuff always sticks out.

>But Pixiv does this to be able to sell account

I can't imagine they sell very many premium subsctiptions to gaijin.

>> No.12141662
File: 47 KB, 573x650, 1396804457714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not think they sell that many to the japanese either. But even if only one in a thousand buys one, it may actually improve their income, if you consider that the only thing that they are investing into is a translation for an already existing website.

In short, they got nothing to lose. And the way I see it, they are easier to use and more useful than deviantart, and if it gains strength, they will overpower it.

>> No.12141669


Does Deviantart allow porn?

>> No.12141675

Deviantarts sole purpose is pretty much finding pictures of really obscure fetishes, like inflation or furry

>> No.12141821

It's good for fetish-related photography, but the artwork is pretty much always shit.

>> No.12143158

join nico-seiga and nijie bandwagon OP...
