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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 1024x768, fuckakb48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12138837 No.12138837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everything that is wrong with otaku at the moment summed up in one picture.

>> No.12138840
File: 48 KB, 768x1024, fuckakb48_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kancolle is basically the same thing except that they are battleships instead of singers.

>> No.12138841

They have more disposable income than you?

>> No.12138842

A sad reply for you.

>> No.12138844
File: 90 KB, 768x1024, fuckakb48_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12138847
File: 112 KB, 768x1024, fuckakb48_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese music market is seriously entering its death throws.

This can't be healthy.

>> No.12138849
File: 138 KB, 1035x730, 1210372147590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12138850 [DELETED] 

Please use the Kancolle thread to discuss your profound need to display your autism. It should be somewhere on the first page or something.

>> No.12138853
File: 93 KB, 896x672, 1210261031808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12138856

I like how Momoclo's new single sold like 60,000 copies in its first week, and AKB's new single sold 1.4 million in one day.

Obviously AKB is much more popular than momoclo, but if they just had two versions and no extras like momoclo, I wonder how much their CDS would sell? 200k?

>> No.12138857

I don't see the problem.

>> No.12138858

>buying the same CD single hundreds of times for a popularity contest ballot is no problem and perfectly healthy

>> No.12138864 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12138866

ebin shrektexting, but when has the word otaku ever been associated with being a healthy individual? Are you just saying everything that's wrong with otaku at the moment is the same things that have defined them from the start?

>> No.12138867

Sounds like typical things an otaku would do. I don't see the problem.
Also who are you quoting?

>> No.12138872

Good times.

>> No.12138873

>that have defined them from the start

If by start you mean 2006, sure.

>> No.12138875

More like the 70s

>> No.12138877

What's the problem with some lonely salarymen with no friends or other hobbies spending their money on their favorite idol? As long as it makes them happy.

>> No.12138882

OP is a faggot

>> No.12138891

This is standard for otaku and otaku has never been a word with a positive use. It's always used to describe outcasts who are obsessed with idols and anime.

>> No.12138905

Momoclo had randomly chosen trading card for the last three or so singles. Momoclo also has theamazing property of selling less than there normally are people at their concert.

Also OP is an idiot for not understanding that all these people are private resellers. I wish he'd get out of this board and my hobbies before making retarded post-apocalyptic statements. Thank you very much.

>> No.12138908

It's their own money. They can buy what they want.

>> No.12138919

Idol industry is shit and its aimed only at draining the wallets of mindless hikki failures of nip society? whoa really? that's shoking news man!

>> No.12138922

akb isn't music
that said I do agree that the way the whole idol thing is sold has seriously hurt the Japanese music industry

>> No.12138926

I'd honestly rather support a group of young novices who wish to break into the entertainment world and are at a critical point of their career, rather than the same decrepit living fossils who had been squatting on top of it for decades with all their agency-given privileges.
It's funny how Sugoi Japan Superexperts blame Japan for being a gerontocracy yet you want the "music industry" (which you don't even contribute money to) to remain one forever.
Your vulgar display of rage toward a group of girl of probably your same age is the creepiest thing in this thread, that's for sure.

>> No.12138931

AKB has a bigger musical repertoire than many other musical groups and share the same composers with many musical acts that you wrongfully consider "more serious" (let me guess, you consider Kyary part of the cathegory).

Your second statement is pure retardation, please go ahead and give me a list of all the "serious" groups that AKB or any other idols have put out of business in the last years. I'm curious to know who was on top of their kill list.

>> No.12138939

I can't tell if you're arguing for the idol business or against it because the idol cancer has plagued the Japanese music industry since the 90s and the young novices you want to see break through the mold are unsigned or self-signed indie bands, not literal whores that sell their souls and bodies to get some TV drama spot after years of draining people's pockets and by-proxy damaging the industry.


note: I don't like babymetal's music

I wasn't talking about akb <-> the rest of the idol industry. My comment about akb not being music was obviously a derogative one and as I'm not a fan of mainstream pop. I didn't mean it literally.

I don't consider Kyary an idol and I don't particularly like her music either and I've also grown alienated to Nakata's works in general lately. LEVEL 3 was mediocre and CAPS LOCK was outright bad save for one or two songs.

This is pretty much the same argument people have for mobile game whales. Of course it's their money but they are still ruining the gaming industry with their stupid habits and it's their fault and the fault of the people cashing in on them. It's pretty disgusting what the Japanese gaming industry has become in recent years and the rest of the world is following suit.

>> No.12138945 [DELETED] 

The only thing ruining the gaming industry is the ever increasing cost of producing a game. The rest of the world isn't following suit, it's been there for the last decade.

>> No.12138950

And Japan's way of dealing with it is making heavily monetized mobile trash. On the other side companies like NIS/CH/IF/GUST have started churning out the same shit annually with little or no variation between the games, most of which is made to pander to dumb otas who don't look for anything in their games other than panties of underaged girls.
Home console and handheld sales are dropping every year while mobile game profits are sky-rocketing. PAD makes 3 million every day and it's still only really popular in Japan.

>> No.12138958
File: 35 KB, 325x450, 1320731893844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sounds like what the West has been doing for a while now.

>> No.12138969
File: 158 KB, 200x200, 225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by-proxy damaging the industry
>Literally my enjoyment of a song depends on how high it ranks on the sales charts, if it gets low I literally cry myself to sleep
I wish I had such a superficial and egocentric take on things, I'm sure life would be easier when your brain is so light. At this point, whatever your obscure piece of shit hipster group is, I'll be glad as HELL to bury it into further irrelevance and I promise to do my part next time the chance arises. Now off to listening to DiVA, because sales numbers aren't a life-breaking problem for me.

>the young novices you want to see break through the mold are unsigned or self-signed indie bands
That's why I follow Alice Project and other indie idols, har har.

You need to get a clue and fast, that guy reads like a rancorous electroshit fan. Actually he is, I've often seen whining about Perfume being "overshadowed" by idol groups. Give me a goddamn break, I can't take it all of this stupid.

>> No.12138973 [DELETED] 

Stopped reading there.

>> No.12138974

>Japan invented DLC

This thread is a kaleidoscope of armchair experts who feel insecure about their side being endangered. Go ahead, you're making me smile.

>> No.12138986

I'm glad some white savior from tumblr is here to help the Japs take back Otaku.

>> No.12138992

If DLC was the only problem. Good to know you don't have any idea what you're talking about, though.

And? Do you think that's a good thing or what? Or what is the point of your post?

You basically listen to the Japanese equivalent of 90's Britney Spears. Once you grow up a little and stop being a weeaboo you'll realize what kind of dork you are. Meanwhile enjoy burning your McJob wage on superficial 'elections' made to specifically leech money from braindead retards like you. Then again, since you seem to enjoy this trash you call music you probably don't mind seeing more and bigger idol groups with labels being willing to take less risks and make more of the generic mainstream pop garbage they've been making for years.

>> No.12139005

>posting japan times
Holy shit is the culture editor here
How did Kpop work in in japan bro

>> No.12139006

You see, the problem with these images and this trend is that making good music isn't rewarded. All these sales obviously have nothing to do with any of the music these idols make, nor with their musical talent. They're simply tools for wota to get their favorite idols in a center position. The result is a stagnating music industry that is hardly even about music and more a personality cult.

>> No.12139007
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 4g51qp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to recap, your posts are nothing but:
-Ad hominem
-White unique snowflake delusions

No, really, you gotta stop posting.
Also in case you don't get it, I'm not the reseller who bought those boxes (and who with any chance is currently making big money reselling everything piece by piece on auction sites), so you are barking up the wrong tree.
If a simple photo causes so much emotional confusion within you, I'm really sorry, but you still have to direct your complains at the proper recipient. So go ahead, track down the Jap guy who bought all that stuff and send him a strong worded, pointless post just like the ones you're bothering me with, then see if he cares.
Oh wait, I forgot you don't know Japanese and probably can't even find the idol boards on 2ch even if your life depended on it. You're completely clueless about the situation, in fact, which doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.12139014

Just a few factoids for your consideration:
Koi Suru Fortune Cookie has been the top most requested karaoke song for the last 10 months and counting.
In fact, the most requested songs in karaoke for the last 3 years have been AKB songs.
You're whoefully misinformed if you really think that the popularity thing goes no farther than a couple of anecdotal photos of a reseller buying stuff wholesale.

>> No.12139016

I don't know if you even think about what you write but you just said you would do your part the next time the chance arises. You don't sound very averse to the idea of supporting the idol money-making scheme cancer. Unless that was just an epic jab at me.
And the ad hominem goes both ways.

>> No.12139021
File: 85 KB, 480x640, ゆりあ エビン :DDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this roundabout whining is just because their industry generates more ca$h than your "true artists"?
Then tell your favorite musicians (who live and breath art, I'm sure) that art doesn't need money. Last time I checked all "troo artizts" in history died poor and hungry.

>> No.12139031


just so you know who you're arguing with

>> No.12139033
File: 496 KB, 500x375, EF0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kewl sleuthing job, except I downloaded the image off Google image search, that's why they all have the same filename.

>> No.12139200

>Of course it's their money but they are still ruining the gaming industry with their stupid habits and it's their fault and the fault of the people cashing in on them.

How does people buying these election singles en masse ruin the music industry though? It's not taking sales away from other more talented artists. Even most hardcore AKB fans recognise that the music is nothing more than catchy but ultimately meaningless pop.

>> No.12139205

Reminder that AKB was founded upon an essential pyramid scheme and force fed to the nation until they had no other choice. Japan's music industry is beyond fucked

>> No.12139210

You need to go back to preschool and learn what a pyramid scheme is.

>> No.12139212


>> No.12139214
File: 328 KB, 1440x810, 1395336152718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had no other choice

Awww poor misunderstood hipster shit. Here, have some other idol groups to obsess over. They all exist because AKB helped them exist, once they get tired and pull the plug 95% of those names will die.
I hope they start a massive burned earth campaign before so nobody gets their place.

>> No.12139239 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 630x473, 1400861757512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually thinks that money is being diverted away from his faves even though there's no evidence of that ever happening. The best part is that those kind of egotistical people don't condemn the act itself but who's the recipient of this support so if say, instead of resellers buying AKB goods en masse, they bought some obscure shit country singer CD en masse they would instead experience something close to a female orgasm.
A story of sour grapes and tsundere beggars, basically.

>> No.12139251

He's right, I get 50 dollars on my Swiss bank account for every new fan I bring over at the akushukai. Shit's so damn cash.

>> No.12139278
File: 91 KB, 458x760, 2013 artist sales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Momoclo sells good amount of dvd's / blurays more so than cd's. They have 9 in the top 100 music blurays on amazon right now many of which are quite old. Still its obvious AKB is more popular, they have more mainstream appeal and the scams to sell multiple copies to autists sure don't hurt.

>> No.12139284

Yasutaka Nakata has never composed for AKB you dumbass gtfo

>> No.12139302

and they're all shit lol

>> No.12139303

I'm not talking about him, I'm just making an example of the kind of "artists" that faux elitists like to feel superior about.
If you want a list of the composers and directors who worked on AKB's songs and PVs, nobody's stopping you to go on the Jap Wiki and check yourself. The last thing I'd want to do is spoonfeeding the other side of the argument that's directly opposed to me.
Just wanted to point out how hilarious it is that some people that are brainwashed by peer pressure into disliking something on principle don't even realize that music composers in Japan don't work only on one group's family or one's genre usually.

>> No.12139309
File: 7 KB, 185x185, 185px-Boltman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awww yeah, I didn't know that this thread was going to get filled with illiterates who haven't opened a dictionary once in their lives.
Let's continue with the list of epick boogeyman words, I'll start: terrorists!!!

>> No.12139317

I'll continue: crossies with epic reaction images

>> No.12139327

friendly reminder that if you listen to idol pop you're the weeaboo equivalent of an american jr high schooler listening to jusin bieber and that disney slut

>> No.12139330


It is a scam to manipulate CD's sales ranking on the many charts that track sales which will then lead to even more sales. Its not based on the merit of the CD but the bonuses you may get with it.

>> No.12139339

The average consumer of idol music is in their 30s and has a job, nice try though.

>> No.12139341
File: 56 KB, 788x443, o078804430_1289915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that musical elitists have got to lead some pretty empty uneventful existence for them to base their own judgements over what sort of noise modulation the introduce into their ear canals.

This by the way is also the same reason I can't take /mu/ seriously and regard "music reviewers" as a little more than glorified wage-robbing bloggers.

>> No.12139347

>these people are private resellers
Yeah, if you notice the CDs are still in the distributor's cartons from the replicator. You won't get those if you just buy lots of CDs at retail they wou

>> No.12139348

unfriendly reminder that you sound like some buttmurdered menial worker that is mad that he doesn't get paid for vomiting out his opinions on some website

>> No.12139352

I would guess that AKB has somewhere in the range of 250k-400k actual individuals buying their CDs.

And idols didn't ruin the jap music industry, the industry imploded on its own while wota kept spending like wota so idol groups dominate by default. Everything else just tanked that fucking bad.

>> No.12139353 [DELETED] 

the official fan club can be joined with just a gmail address and credit? Anyone tried having multiple accounts with the same credit

>> No.12139355 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 600x450, 1400865169071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's getting scammed again? Are you fucking retarded?

Adding bonuses to media products never existed before AKB am-I-rite?
I bet you even think AKB invented akushukai, or that's the only group doing it right now which obviously justifies it being exposed to blame.
Get off my case, tool.

>> No.12139367

I don't give a shit about music being "maningful. When I feel listening to actually meaningful song lyrics I listen to IANVA and the like, while you probably listen to a faggot with a earlobe ring and a bad acoustic guitar.

>> No.12139374

It's impossible for any song to be truly meaningful. A well-written song can make you feel something but it can't convey meaning. For that you have to go to a purer art form like literature.

>> No.12139381

Reminder that if your music has lyrics, melody, rhythm, or structure of any kind, it's nothing but commercialized trash. Good job smearing actual shit all over your eardrums.

>> No.12139384

Joke's on you I only listen to dubstep

>> No.12139416
File: 2.29 MB, 636x357, the future.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12139422

kawaii as fuck

>> No.12139438


Why are you so angry / personally offended?
The stuff you are talking about no one even mentioned. You are acting crazy.

>> No.12139448 [DELETED] 

Worshipping sluts who make shitty music and supporting capitalism. These kind of people are a lost cause.

>> No.12139452 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.12139453
File: 79 KB, 500x500, acdchighwaytohell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB are some lame ass shit

Rock and roll is supposed to be about smashing the establishment

>> No.12139458
File: 173 KB, 500x500, 1344733162929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12139459
File: 629 KB, 838x462, AIUTW7G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akekasu are quick to defend their ero idols when it's pointed out that their sales are a sham.

>> No.12139464

Not crazy enough to think a sales chart is suppose to represent music quality and merit and not just cd sales like it says it does.

>> No.12139466 [DELETED] 

go away dad

>> No.12139470

nice sample size

>> No.12139497

Nice 2ch meemies, dude.
Is this a self-parody or am I supposed to take any part of this post seriously?

>> No.12139504 [DELETED] 

*grabs le dick*
*tips le fedora*

>> No.12139521

To say AKBitches are whores and have massively inflated sales isn't very controversial. are you one of those 3rd worlder /a/tards who browse the akekasu threads? The japanese public doesn't care about them and when they go to new york no one cares either because there's no pathetic wota fags to buy tickets.

>> No.12139525

The Japanese media is run by Koreans and gangsters.

>> No.12139540

>New yorkers not paying to see girls in short skirts
Your're not on this planet

>> No.12139541

Great display of childish hysterical autism, so is this an act? Am I getting pranked into responding to you?
I can't believe people behaving like you actually exist on this site.

>> No.12139545

Kill yourself.

>> No.12139546

The average fan only buys one.

The people buying crates are not average fans and there aren't very many of them.

>> No.12139551

At least it's not Jewish Illuminati Reptilians.

>> No.12139557

But otaku are supposed to be like in your pic. If you're not that obsessed with something you aren't a true otaku.

>> No.12139564

Stop self-labeling you pleb

>> No.12140052

>Do you think that's a good thing or what?
I think it's reality, and it has been for a while. What do you think caused the huge jump in average development costs from the 6th generation to the 7th? It wasn't otaku, it was the sudden surge in mainstream popularity. The companies you mentioned have been doing what they are doing since they started. They've always been niche developers catering to a niche audience. They're just doing it faster now because they can't afford not to. You're not going to find anything different anywhere else. Developers can't just eat failures anymore, so they'll do the thing that guarantees them the most money. Is not big surprise.

>> No.12141128
File: 391 KB, 1135x1600, ee0b06e4gw1efd9rsw4yzj20vj18gdqf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they tend to prefer the less overtly sexualized and more musically out-there groups such as Momoiro Clover Z, Dempagumi.inc and now Babymetal.

>> No.12141315

Oh, God, the fucking butthurt idol hate in this thread is amazing, like you want Japan to conform to your excessively high standards.

>> No.12141330
File: 58 KB, 768x1024, BlGxlRUCAAA1kn7.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahah, I'll remember that quote next time I jack one off to Moga's gravure.
I love that guy because all of his fucking articles are like that. He just tries so damn hard to convince himself that his personal preferences are some sort of vox populi, that sometimes he slips up and puts his foot in his mouth.
For all its namedropping it's pretty damn difficult to believe he doesn't know what their members actually do for a living.
Also, when has there ever been a trend toward Denpagumi? Even in Japan it's a just underground thing.

>> No.12141339


>> No.12141348


Do you have any good recommendations??

>> No.12141384

What do you even mean with that?

>> No.12141407



>> No.12141432

That's definitely one way to use a Phantom Omni.

>> No.12141491
File: 135 KB, 1023x806, babymetal_to_europe_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Japanese music industry, on one hand you have super popular idol bullshit and on the other super niche patrician tier stuff like Boris.

I also like Babymetal

>> No.12141846

Games are fine, go back to /v/.

>> No.12141859

You either have big cash projects, ota pandering trash from compile heart or mobile games that nickle and dime you. Companies are letting employees go and developers are closing. Gaming is great!

>> No.12141870

Nah I have amazing games to play, so many that I dont have time for them, shit games have always existed.

>> No.12141876

There are still plenty of good devs.
All I need is Falcom and eroge anyways.

>> No.12142905

the domestic-only Japanese music industry isn't going to give 1/10 of a fuck about whatever these overseas "master race" weenies bitch about idol fandom excesses.

fucking OP should GTFO back to /mu/

>> No.12142980

There are things right with otaku?!

>> No.12143136

the anti stablishment self-employed artist illusion is gone.

Idols factories are just like any other factory, they hire employees, employees produce, the factory sells the product.

They get paid dramatically less than their "western" counter parts, they have fewer rights, get public humilliations if they don't obey the rules, they are easy replaceable, just like any common worker

Will we ever get to see an idol union? Will they ever aquire class consciousness or this they do not teach in the glorious nippon education system?

>> No.12143200

>Will we ever get to see an idol union? Will they ever aquire class consciousness
Factor to consider: This is Japan.
Answer: No.

>> No.12143213
File: 109 KB, 500x280, 098765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just want to make their waifu happy.

>> No.12143506

ken-sama would be proud of your wapanese level

>> No.12143518

...why the left?

>> No.12143521

it's the output of a VR headset

>> No.12143531

No, I meant why is the machine lefthanded.

>> No.12143549


>> No.12144024

Just heard about this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Well, look at the pictures further up.
Those people are mentally ill.

>> No.12144041

While laughing at people getting assaulted makes you totally sane, isn't it Charles Manson? ;^)
I wouldn't be surprised if he was just a faggot wanting to attack AKB just because "HURR DURR STOP RUINING MY PRECIOUS JAPANESE MUSIC". Look at the posts further up, mental illness makes no exception.

>> No.12144070

>private resellers
They throw all that shit in the garbage afterwards. They only want the voting ballots.

>> No.12144094

You're so intelligent, I bet that when you were born you didn't scream and your face was blue.

>> No.12144119
File: 36 KB, 600x450, lovelivesrsbusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least fans of virtual idols aren't that sad, right?

>> No.12144129

>That guy
>A fan




>> No.12144412

I'm afraid you're the retarded one.

>> No.12145298

The machine assumes you're masturbating during.

>> No.12147107

What kind of jobs do otaku have? I want disposable income ;_;

>> No.12147209

So you need to buy the LL disc to get the UR card in the mobage?
People are getting jew just for a fucking mobage?

>> No.12147219

I am a computer science major. I have a meager 6k a month salary, and support my mother and sisters, but I make do and save some cash for my hobbies.

Last month, for example, I bought Kakyuusei anime director's cut pack, two CDs, and about 18 tanks.

>> No.12147257

element of surprise, an enclosed space, a 20 inch serrated blade: a fractured bone and minor lacerations to the hands/arms. otaku, you weren't even trying were you?

>> No.12147266

>a 20 inch serrated blade
that's a disadvantage for him

>> No.12148728

There were a handful of generals here about it, maybe he dredges here for things to regurgitate?

>> No.12148996


You know JPOP lives on a tall fandom, not a wide one...oh wait a lot of good that did to Japan's international reputation. Just a hair trigger away before Americans fund a cultural invasion to destroy Nippon pop culture with dogs

>> No.12149007

That's a tiny bedroom.

>> No.12151175
File: 129 KB, 960x1280, wota1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying fortunes for this.

>> No.12151193
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, BmsdbENIcAAEM3B.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The price of a CD


And these shots are staged in case you don't know. You can ask members to do funny-ah-ah poses for you in case you don't get it, as it's been for years.

Thanks for bumping this thread with your pathetic ignorance, crossie. Please go back when you get a clue of what you're reposting.

>> No.12151194

Maybe she is being held captive and forced to make humiliating poses.

>> No.12151213
File: 726 KB, 640x853, d7dec980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should get a clue, then get the fuck out

>> No.12151225
File: 73 KB, 768x1024, wota2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the price of a CD, you know it very well. And yeah, it's staged, but that dude wanted the "perfect" heart, like this one. If I wanted a relation where my partner is always pretending I'd rather pay a prostitute.

>> No.12151232
File: 106 KB, 768x1024, e4bce16f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not just the price of a CD, you know it very well
Yes, it's pretty much the price of a CD. What sort of funny story have they told you on the other side of the wall? That there's some sort of hidden unwritten contest that you can only access to when you buy 100 copies of it or something. Go ahead, do amuse me with your blind ignorance you stupid piece of shit.

>I'd rather pay a prostitute
That's what I already do by paying your mother, HAR HAR HAR

>> No.12151246 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 600x800, 1401245182974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that dude wanted the "perfect" heart, like this one

You can mind-read now? Wow.
Wait, wait. I'm thinking of a color, can you guess the exact RGB coding?

While I'm waiting for your answer here's another dude being _obviously_ denied a "perfect" heart. Daaaamn, I can't believe he spend his entire family's inheritance for THIS. Those stupid otakus mang XDDDD

>> No.12151250
File: 85 KB, 540x960, cb96e2ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my mind, I'm not thinking of a color anymore

>> No.12151264
File: 105 KB, 1024x976, must feel good being part of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rest my case, your kind is beyond help.

>> No.12151274
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, 65d325c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I rest my case, I ran out of arguments and I believed these photos were unstaged

Feel free to jump off a cliff anytime, you credulous idiot.
I'm not even asking where someone as ignorant as you got ahold of them and could even think of building such idiotic stories as yours. You should know your limits.

>> No.12151318

so damn lewd

>> No.12151321

50 seconds until realized it was a handshake rather than a wank machine....

>> No.12151418
File: 35 KB, 490x343, icx157767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12151428

Cool generic DVD cases you have there, non-bro.
Did you just come back to this thread to show your appaling ignorance to me?

>> No.12152088

Where have you been? People have been doing this for years now. Reminder people will eat up mobage girls with little to no personalities just for some digital cards.
