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12128149 No.12128149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shiki can kill servants.

>> No.12128179

Ryougi Shiki? Yeah.
Nanaya and Touno Shiki? They can't even defend against a servant.

>> No.12128193

Tohno Shiki can kill Ryougi Shiki.


>> No.12128204
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Ryougi wouldn't die even if you killed her.

>> No.12128211

>can't even
Well servants aren't exactly something you can easily job

>> No.12128306

Nostalgic thread. Do people even care about Type Moon anymore here?

The only reason why Ryougi could potentially outclass Tohno is because Tohno's Mystic Eyes was suppressed since an early age by Aoko.
The Tohno in talk/Prelude could possibly outclass her and certain servants.

>> No.12128322

/jp/ nukes nearly turkey handle discussion because it's over discussed so mostly TMfags migrate to /a/ for greener, newer pasture now.

>> No.12128329

All the Fate bullshit over the last 10 years has really killed my hype for TM. They don't even try to branch out the universe anymore and instead rehash the Holy Grail War over and over.

>> No.12128331


Tsukihime remake soon, right?

>> No.12128334

That's funny because I haven't seen much about say, Mahoyo pt1 around here. Guess it only involves the EOPs.

That's true. I guess Nasu can't write a new page in his universe (well, doesn't really need to with how much people buy into his merchandise).

The remake doesn't excite me much either, but if there was a Sacchin route I guess I'll give it a try anyways.

>> No.12128338

I'll probably play it after it gets a port so I can play it with voices. So in other words, probably around 2018.

But yeah, I am certainly hype.

>> No.12128343

Tsukihime, despite being shorter, leaves much more to the imagination. On one side you see the vampire vs church conflict, and then you see asian clans fighting each other and dark family secret, more materials can be explored.

Fate is too overdone now, it's too clear, the mysticism is lost.

>> No.12128358
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You wake up as Shiki.
What do you do next?

>> No.12128362

Rape the maids

Make tender love to Akiha

>> No.12128363

I wonder what would happen if one day Shiki just wakes up and decides to kill everyone.
Like Hisui going in "Good morning, Shiki-sam-"
And bam, slam, she's beheaded.

Would make a good alternate story on how the characters handle a "killer" Shiki.

>> No.12128374

This chair

>> No.12128377
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/SS/UGOI route when?

>> No.12128380

But sensei says she will never meet Shiki again.

Goddamn for some reasons I cried hard at that part.

>> No.12128381

I'd fuck Satsuki

because it'd make her happy
(and not Satsuki Kiryuinn, stupid Kill la Kills xD)

>> No.12128386

You were doing fine until the last part.

>> No.12128399
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>> No.12128435

That was a really great addition to his post, please respect the effort people put into their posts in the future please.

>> No.12128540

Heresy with Butty-sempai!

>> No.12128886
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Tohno can in fact kill servants.

When he killed Arcueid, 17 cuts landed in "an instant".
This is on the same level as 5th grail war Asassin's Tsubame Gaeshi. This is in fact canon. Non only that, but Arcueid was not able to notice she was being followed, nor feel any killing intent from Tohno until the blade already killed her. This is on the same level as asassin servant presence concealment.

In the official Tsukihime manga, Shiki was capable of slicing and killing lightning shot at him by Roa. A low estimate of the speed required for this would land at 96,000MPH, which is the atmospheric discharge of lightning at denser levels (closer to lower altitudes.)

Tying together presence concealment, Zelretch level ability (flash sheath), and A class speed, Shiki could in fact stand a chance against most servants. His trump card that would place him above anything summoned under asassin card would be that he essentially has an instant kill move if he ever gets near, making him a very deadly oponent.

To use concrete evidence of Shiki proving himself time and time again, we can look at who in fact he has killed.

Nrvnqsr Chaos the 10th apostle. In one attack Tohno managed to kill all 666 of his lives.

Michael Roa Valdamjong, said to be immortal by traveling between Akasha and back, "reincarnating". Tohno severed his connection to Akasha, erasing his existance.

It's good to take note here, that Servants are tied to the Akashic record in the throne of heroes, which is what allows them to be summoned in the first place. When shiki kills a servant, they can no longer be summoned. Sounds like just the kind of person Archer was looking for.

In the "Talk" side story for Tsukihime, Tohno manged to kill the forest of Einnashe, the seventh dead apostle. He also managed to kill Einnashe's reality marble.

>> No.12128895

Tohno can rape the maids.

The maids are servants.

Tohno can rape servants.

>> No.12128896

What if, instead of this topic, it was

"Servants can kill Shiki. Discuss."

>> No.12128899

I bet Nasu nerfs the fuck out of Shiki's feats in the remake so he can further wank servants.

>> No.12129104

>Tohno can in fact kill servants.

Q. In the other Type-Moon works, who else besides Arc can fight against Servants?
A. If we're working on the condition of one on one, with an extremely average Noble Phantasm. Generally most of the 27 Ancestors, Kishima Kouma, Aozaki Aoko.
If it's just a defensive fight, but would still be a fight, then Ciel. Shiki (Rakkyo), Shiki (Tsukihime) are no match for Servants....but Ryougi Shiki (3rd personality) might be able to go as far as the Ciel class.

>> No.12129458

>When shiki kills a servant, they can no longer be summoned.

I have to disagree here. A Servant is simply a 'copy' of the original Heroic Spirit located in the Record. Destroying this 'copy' has absolutely no effect on the future availability of the Servant.

>> No.12129468

The sole exception being Saber of course. If she gets MEoDP'd, she's fucked.

>> No.12129552
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Then we would discuss the best girl, as occasionally happens when such question gets asked.

>> No.12129629

Does that mean Shirou is stronger than Shiki because he killed a servant and survived being killed by a servant?

>> No.12129643

No. Nasu agreed, don't bother him about him.

>> No.12129663


In terms of physical capacity, Shirou is much stronger by means of Tracing and Reinforcement, but significantly weaker without using magecraft.
In terms of overall output, the MEoDP deals infinite damage so it can't be compared.

>> No.12129697

Yes, but his compatibility with Shiki is awful since his projections would get killed. Unless he uses some kind of mana burst or snipes Shiki, he would lose.

>> No.12129755


Fate Shirou loses.
UBW Shirou probably loses, as all Shiki has to do is destroy his projections until the Reality Marble runs its course.
HF Shirou would be the closest match.

>> No.12130461

Can Shiki kill his ability to kill things?

>> No.12130469

If he kills the concept of death.

>> No.12130473

He can, he just has to strain his eyes to the point of blindness.

>> No.12130612
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>Arcane Eyes of Death Perception, huh? Destroying that’d be a huge waste, Shiki. In the first place, even if you destroy it, reality will still make you see what you were meant to see. Curses come home to roost too.
I'm quoting Dirty Red. The same probably applies to Tohno.

>> No.12130615

Hmm, I wonder how can he see the lines if he's blind.

>> No.12130625
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> After I was in a coma for two years after that accident, I was able to see things that were "not supposed to be there". As Touko would put it, I am not seeing them, but rather observing them. In other words, it seems that I am able to perceive at a higher level with my eyes and brain.

>> No.12130631

Holy shit, so she feels them? 6th sense?

>> No.12130641

According to them, yes. MEoDP ironically isn't dependant on the user's eyes.

>> No.12130667

If it's not dependent on his eyes, how can glasses block them?

If something he can't understand the death of sat down next to him while he was blind, would it make his brain explode since he couldn't avoid seeing it anymore?

>> No.12130675

>If it's not dependent on his eyes, how can glasses block them?
It's not like the lenses are doing the blocking.

>> No.12130679

Then Aoi should have just given him a mystic eyes blocking wallet or something that can't be easily knocked off his face.
