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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12118023 No.12118023[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

NEET thread?

How are the /jp/ hikis doing?

>> No.12118030

Am I still NEET if I'm in online education or would that be called half neet?

>> No.12118034


>> No.12118038

Do you mean those free courses like on edx? I don't think that counts, since no one actually finishes them.

>> No.12118040
File: 301 KB, 639x520, 1383709234212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118044

I lose my apartment in under three months.
Don't know what to do, decided to practice my drawing and Japanese skills instead of getting a job.

>> No.12118051


No it's through Blackboard.

>> No.12118057
File: 701 KB, 600x1066, 1394269450720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you NEETs like stuff?

>> No.12118064

Oh, like enrollment in an actual university? That's kind of EET-ish but certainly less so than showing up to a classroom. What are the subjects?

>> No.12118066

I keep forgetting to eat, my sleep cycle is fucked, I haven't spoken to a real person in over a month. I make sure I at least spend an hour a week outside though.
I'd say I've been at least a half-hikki for 2 years now. I'm only worried that when my parents die or give up on me I won't be able to afford basic necessities to live.

>> No.12118070

Some basic computer classes and math.

>> No.12118082

Are you guys happy being a NEET?

Asking TruNEETs only, falseNEETs (fags planning to work and lazy baccalaureate graduates) need not apply.

>> No.12118083

That's reasonable. You could have saved some money doing the free stuff though, there's a lot of good resources for math and computer science.

>> No.12118084

Time for a change?

>> No.12118088
File: 199 KB, 500x666, 1391961243722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude it's bliss

>> No.12118090

I wish I could.

>> No.12118094

Really? How long have you been a NEET?

>> No.12118101

i was a neet all weekend

>> No.12118105

Nah, you wish you did. You can.

>> No.12118132

I've been NEET for 4 years. How do I get a job?

>> No.12118133

Why is blackboard so shit

>> No.12118139


I think they make it shit on purpose.

>> No.12118141

I'm browsing /jp/ at work. Feels good to be productive member of society.

>> No.12118144

You get paid for browsing /jp/? Damn son. Where do I sign up?

>> No.12118147

I have no idea either, and I'm being threatened with my autismbux being taken away.

>> No.12118147,1 [INTERNAL] 

So, neet threads are allowed again?

>> No.12118147,2 [INTERNAL] 


As long as it isn't obvious bait posting like what happened right at the peak before these were banned then I don't see why not.

>> No.12118147,3 [INTERNAL] 

somebody hurry up and start dumping garbage in this thread

>> No.12118147,4 [INTERNAL] 

Are you janny?

>> No.12118147,5 [INTERNAL] 

the mods can't babysit this thread without looking like fucking morons so essentially it's a free-posting zone

it's the chance of a lifetime!

>> No.12118170

our time comes when its due

just be sure to save enough to buy a gun and some ammunition. thats my plan if i ever run out of money or get really sick

>> No.12118174

Work in the government

>> No.12118174,1 [INTERNAL] 

i was permabanned for making this same exact thread like two months ago lmao good to see some consistent moderation on jp for a change huh...

>> No.12118182
File: 609 KB, 1268x1920, ACS stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i join the national guard and only drill one weekend a month while living with family can I still call myself a neet the other 28 days of the month?

please respond this is important because reasons

>> No.12118183

He works for Taco Bell's viral marketing department.

>> No.12118187

former neet here, after being locked up in my room for 4 years, i went out and got a job. 1 year into it, its not too bad.
also my grandparents passed away and I inherited a small house.
I spend most of my time at werk browsing /jp/
(government job)

>> No.12118188

I drill you'er mom every weekend.

>> No.12118194

I'm feeling psychologically broken again because I spent 3 weeks with family for a funeral and a baptism, and this is like after 3 years without any real social interaction. And I was just starting to feel better too. I will never be able to have a normal life. I literally cannot interact with people without losing my own identity and just becoming unaware and braindead

>> No.12118197

What is that job and how did you get it?

>> No.12118200

Why on Earth would you baptize a corpse?

>> No.12118205
File: 130 KB, 645x987, touhou reimu 6dd74b7a5f44c7af390be0ed78316de4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) IT
b) I applied

in unrelated news, raymoo is mai waifu

>> No.12118205,1 [INTERNAL] 

So do it yourself.

>> No.12118210
File: 24 KB, 640x360, dead_goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking goyim, man.

>> No.12118213

whats you clearance level?

>> No.12118215

Just apply to shitty job in factory. I was a NEET for 2 years, because a lack of money I had to work so I applied to few job and now I'm killing chicken for a meat factory. Job is shit, it's cold I work a lot and it make me depressed. I wish I could be a NEET again.

>> No.12118219
File: 182 KB, 190x190, 1396915322863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money do you make a year?

(before taxes that is)

>> No.12118228

You're supposed to comfort me not make jokes

>> No.12118229
File: 1.68 MB, 3072x1728, 947_7272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post 'em

>> No.12118232
File: 129 KB, 430x346, Marisa-vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118237
File: 471 KB, 708x708, touhou reimu 373703209b2d32101685167b6989b057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around 35k

>> No.12118243

Is it hard? I don't know much about programming, but I can make a mean calculator. And I was an admin for my highschool's computer network, but we didn't really do much.

>> No.12118245
File: 19 KB, 171x179, 1393353334743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my goodness

>> No.12118247


why not just take that out along with the trash?

>> No.12118250

I deploy PCs, no programming

>> No.12118251

Semi-neet here, I am home a lot due to depression and so on, but occasionally I am going to attend classes...

>> No.12118256

Do you drive a fun car with that kind of money?

what do you spend it all on? normie stuff like retirement plans and furniture for your house?

I like very much talking to people who have been NEETs and are not in the workforce and vice versa, it seems people who have only been one thing since high school have a very biased view.

>> No.12118262

a) subaru
b) the house and cons and fumos
c) i just started there are no plans other to see where life goes before ending it

>> No.12118263

those bottles are so hard to pee in. you have to put your dickhole exactly where the opening is and keep it pressed there, and even then my pee spurts out. you need vitamin water styled bottles.

>> No.12118263,1 [INTERNAL] 











>> No.12118263,2 [INTERNAL] 

you've had yer fun

>> No.12118263,3 [INTERNAL] 

these kind of f/a/ggots ruined NEET threads

>> No.12118263,4 [INTERNAL] 


You mean the complete opposite
nobody want's to see that shit

>> No.12118263,5 [INTERNAL] 

no I mean the people who turned these threads from fun NEET discussion to depression/help me find a job general

>> No.12118263,6 [INTERNAL] 

this kind of post is what kills the thread. it's a NEET thread. not a /soc/ normie talks about his job thread

>> No.12118263,7 [INTERNAL] 

NEET threads actually were depression general before the funposters arrived.

>> No.12118263,8 [INTERNAL] 

these are high school students pretending to be NEETs threads

>> No.12118263,9 [INTERNAL] 

The reason NEET threads were put on the block is because the 4chan normie college kid staff felt alienated

>> No.12118263,10 [INTERNAL] 

NEET threads were iced because they were conquered by retards pretending to be NEETs.

>> No.12118263,11 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck neet threads were banned because some mod didnt like them and he asked moot if he could ban then and moot said lol w/e who gives a shit about /jp/

>> No.12118263,12 [INTERNAL] 


It was the fault of /q/ really. A bunch of people pitching in what they want happening to boards they don't visit. But these threads got so bad it had to go.

>> No.12118263,13 [INTERNAL] 

dude i literally had the same thought

the W is the only place where TRU/jp/er's hang out. /jp/ is just generalfags who now post in other threads and a few f/a/ggots.

>> No.12118263,14 [INTERNAL] 

Janny started deleting NEET threads left and right because he felt like he wasn't a part of the cool /jp/ NEET club. It was only after he sucked the cock of his local modmaster he was able to get the rules changed to suit his tastes rather than the community's. Moot's response in his infinite wisdom was an EPIC zany board name change.

I like how after /q/ had sufficiently ruined 4chan it was removed because people were starting to band together against the staff.

>> No.12118263,15 [INTERNAL] 

>This post was deleted before its lifetime has expired
I dropped out of college just to shite on /jp/. What now?

>> No.12118263,16 [INTERNAL] 

>cool /jp/ NEET club
this plus >>12118263,10 is pretty much why the threads were deleted

>> No.12118263,17 [INTERNAL] 

just make neet threads "hikky culture thread" and for loli threads "japanese lolita otaku discussions"


>> No.12118263,18 [INTERNAL] 

people tried this ten times a day for ten weeks but it didn't work

>> No.12118263,19 [INTERNAL] 

Why janitors and mods weren't forced to response on /q/? And why janitors couldn't post there publicly? /q/ would've been less shity that way.

>> No.12118263,20 [INTERNAL] 

you can't lose an argument you refuse to participate in

>> No.12118263,21 [INTERNAL] 

Unless you defend yourself anonimously, right?

>> No.12118263,22 [INTERNAL] 

Its unfortunate because this is something I actually like to discuss, that is people who have experienced both NEET and EET life for extended times, not just college normies who took a few months off or NEETs who have always been supported by family/welfare.

I know that despite the ``unironic pretending to be NEET online meme'' there are in fact legitimate NEETs and formers on warosu, have any of you been in the workforce/NEET lifestyles for more than a year or so?

>> No.12118263,23 [INTERNAL] 

What's to discuss? He got an overpaying government job probably through family connections. Then his grandparents died and he got a free house.

Some people have it made.

>> No.12118263,24 [INTERNAL] 

I have an exam today, guys.
Wish me luck!

>> No.12118263,25 [INTERNAL] 

tru as hell dude good luck

>> No.12118263,26 [INTERNAL] 

Better be an examination for disability and not some normalfag shit

>> No.12118263,27 [INTERNAL] 

Good luck with your HIV test, dude.

>> No.12118263,28 [INTERNAL] 

God fucking damnit. I was here in bed, nice and drowsy, ready to go to sleep, when I move my arm and immediately it feels as if I brushed it past a razor. I get up, turn on the light, and see a scorpion crawling down the side of my bed. The little shit stung me right as I was about to go to sleep. At first the sting felt like razors cutting my skin, and then it felt like burning, and now it just feels like burning and like something is pinching/crawling on the area that was stung. I'd like to sleep but I don't know if there are more scorpions in/under my bed or what, and I it seems as if adults usually don't need treatment, but how long do I need to wait?

>> No.12118263,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12118263,30 [INTERNAL] 

why am I alive

>> No.12118263,31 [INTERNAL] 

the bad old days...

>> No.12118263,32 [INTERNAL] 

oh god i ujust crushed my middle finger in between two cabinet doors holy shit
it doesnt hurt that much it just feels really hot but i heard a super loud CRUNCH when the doors collided on my nail holy fuck im scared there's no crack or anything though any doctors here please help am i going to die

>> No.12118263,33 [INTERNAL] 

good times.
