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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12116490 No.12116490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is my new baby fox. I call her Ran. Say hi to Ran, everyone.

>> No.12116497
File: 117 KB, 158x160, Assuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow let me guess, her last name is Yakumo.
How fuckin' original.

>> No.12116499

Are you a fox otaku, OP?

>> No.12116503



>> No.12116513
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, ranandyakumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, but her sister's name is Yakumo.

Ran is on the left, Yakumo is on the right.

>> No.12116518


someone actually bought a fox because of Tohou, wow

>> No.12116521

You must be new in this planet.

>> No.12116536

Most people I see with foxes are furries who I assume commit sexual acts with their foxes.

>> No.12116553

did you save it from a farmer?

>> No.12116559

Hello Ran, this is from a fellow anon on this website be aware of your big friend over there. If he tries to make you do funny things, or tries to insert certain material inside you from a certain area. You can call peta on him.

>> No.12116566


This almost never happens, and that is an ignorant assumption.

>> No.12116569

>this almost never comes to light
fixed that for yhou lol

>> No.12116570

You'd be surprised of how often people commit bestiality.

>> No.12116577


Yeah, but most people don't fuck their dogs or cats and most farmers don't fuck their sheep regardless. It doesn't come to light because it's not common by any means.


See the above.

>> No.12116592

the demographic that owns foxes is not the same as the demographic that owns normal pets, or farmers

>> No.12116594

how did you get the fox? i am unable to respond to any replies right now. i will read the responses on the archives.

>> No.12116596

Seeing that you already have a fox, are they good small dogs? My apartment is a bit small for most of the dogs I'd want, but I'd be ok with a fox. Most small dogs suck to be honest.

>> No.12116619

In the middle east probably a lot in the States only a few mainly curious women using peanut butter and hungry dogs

also it's legal in some states/countires so if he lives in a state where it's not outlawed he can do as he pleases to his fox

>> No.12116621


From a breeder who bottle-fed them. This is important.


Foxes do not make good long-term apartment pets. They require a lot of cleaning up, and you should get an outdoor enclosure.

>> No.12116626

Or not get a pet. I've got a job and school. If I can't leave a pet at home for long periods it's not happening.

>> No.12116629

What does the fox say? Plz, I must know.

>> No.12116637


They have 64+ different vocalizations ranging from woofing to warbling to gekkering to screaming.




>> No.12116638

The fox says AWOOOO.

>> No.12116640


>> No.12116645

this is a shitty blog thread but i like it

>> No.12116647

how would you describe the way they behave?

on videos they seem like big kittens

>> No.12116699


Mannerisms of a dog and the general mentality of a cat, along with being pretty ADD. They're like a cat-dog.


>> No.12116702
File: 68 KB, 600x300, Nickelodeons-CatDog-to-DVD-in-CatDog-Season-One-from-Shout-Factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12116704



>> No.12116704,1 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are trolling that goddamn janboi good with all these furry bullshit.

>> No.12116725

jesus that show had some really extreme ups and downs, sometimes it was good others it was complete shit.

>> No.12116725,1 [INTERNAL] 

cute post dude :)

>> No.12116743

On one hand cute, on the other hand I'd be fearing for my life

>> No.12116746

foxes have about as much potential to do harm to you as a cocker spaniel, would you be fearing for your life? really?

>> No.12116746,1 [INTERNAL] 

5 days ago

"Ah man, look at the fluff" Stop teasing me! D=

wtf lol

>> No.12116746,2 [INTERNAL] 

fucking furries...

>> No.12116764
File: 12 KB, 500x500, 1349477609281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive always wanted a raccoon as a pet.
is that a terrible idea?

i used to be a caddy/shack worker at a golf course, and those little bastards would ravage our trash cans.
one day i just sat outside the garage with a bit of a sandwhich i found in the trash and waited for one to come.
One little guy came right up to me, searched my cargo pockets, and took the sandwich.
ever since i just think if you could domesticate, theyd be awesome to have.
Theifing little fuckers im sure

>> No.12116772

imagine domesticating it and making it steal stuff from your neighbours
total bro animal for sure

>> No.12116772,1 [INTERNAL] 

Imagine your 35 year old son bringing home a fox because it reminds him of his favorite character from a child's game.

>> No.12116775

Kinda? My dad once had a squirrel as a pet and that was a terrible idea, raccoons aren't as bad as that.

>> No.12116780

and most are afraid to fuck with them because of the teeth and rabies.

but seriously, they seem smart, why isnt this a thing?

>> No.12116781

You'd have to get them as babies, otherwise it wouldn't happen

>> No.12116784

There's been of fox threads on the jay lately. I wonder why.

>> No.12116785

well of course, i wouldnt take an adult wolf from the wild and expect him to not fuck my face.

>> No.12116800

get a fucking cat

>> No.12116816

I'm allergic.

>> No.12116833

Where is a good place to live, if you're going to do this? Please don't say Russia.

I can't imagine it working well in the states, unless you have no neighbors and live out in the country. Even if it does nothing wrong, even if you have all the papers, your neighbors will still call animal control on you. People are nosy as FUCK.

>> No.12116816,1 [INTERNAL] 

AoC would be proud of this touhou babyfur.

>> No.12116833,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wasn't AoC that huge Yuukafag

>> No.12116833,2 [INTERNAL] 

Touhou babyfur is an ancient meme by AoC.

>> No.12116847
File: 285 KB, 777x777, 1349604175884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cute post, dude
hope you can take care of them
please post about them again in a few months or so, so we can see how much they've grown

>> No.12116869


>> No.12116909

People have Coyotes over there and those things are way more dangerous than a wimpy fox.

>> No.12117984

How much does a fox hide make?

>> No.12117997

Not much, but you need six for the class change quest.

>> No.12117999

It's been shown pretty conclusively that the tameness and nature vs. nurture thing in the case of animals like foxes/wolves/dogs is almost entirely hereditary. You'd have to start several generations back if you want actually tame raccoons.

See http://www.americanscientist.org/issues/feature/1999/2/early-canid-domestication-the-farm-fox-experiment/2 for the definitive long-term study in the field.

>> No.12118003

me too also

>> No.12118006



Why would you want to hurt one of these fellows anon? Are you a sociopath?

>> No.12118018

make this thread on /an/

they'll probably all hate you

>> No.12118173

can you post your old baby fox, her name was Yukari am eye right?

>> No.12118255

Please do not get a raccoon, they have enough power to remove your entire face in seconds if they go berserk ONCE. Only one time is it necessary for them to get freaked out and you are faceless. Your nose entirely removed and both of your ears.

>> No.12118271

People who fuck around with wild animals more or less deserve to be mauled.

>> No.12118305

OP are you a furry?

>> No.12118429


>watashi wa megitsuneeee

love it with all your love op! dont ever do mean stuff to it or else!

>> No.12120020

Why would they hate him?

>> No.12120065


Because they know an otaku will sexually abuse his pet

>> No.12120075

>dont ever do mean stuff to it or else!
