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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 300x300, truth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1210620 No.1210620 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /jp/ so attracted to the idea of 'innocence' in a girl? I've noticed that a lot on here, even among non-pedos.

What is the 'cut off point' you'd say exists for girls where they lose their innocence and become sluts? I'd say it certainly differs dependent on age, but at 20 more than 3 guys just irks me a little bit.

>> No.1210626
File: 63 KB, 525x306, japanese women.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's somewhere before this stage.

>> No.1210630

over 16

>> No.1210633

lol japan

>> No.1210636


>> No.1210637

Probably around 3 or 4.

I can't tolerate women who say they have 'fallen in love' with 20 or 30 different men. It's just ridiculous. Grow up.

>> No.1210638

it's attitude, there are some sluts that look very innocent, so they're still good to go
The thing is just normally sluts don't look innocent.

>> No.1210644

nah that's still good, she really knows what she's doing at that stage.

>> No.1210645

It's a reflection of Japan's fetish regarding women with immature, child-like personalities on the weeaboos obsessed with their culture. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.1210647

I'd say she's worn out at that stage.

>> No.1210649

13-15. Women are more social than men, so even if they aren't sluts they won't remain oblivious for quite as long as guys will.

>> No.1210652


>> No.1210653

In the pooper it is, then.

>> No.1210656

If that's your own opinion, then what is the flipside? Are women who sleep with a lot of men 'mature' and 'grown up' because of it? Hardly, they have the emotional maturity of a 10 year old which is precisely why they sleep around so much.

>> No.1210648

There's a fine place between "slut" and "virgin mary" that I'm perfectly fine with.

The problem is that too many girls think "slut" is the easiest way to lean.

>> No.1210658


>> No.1210665
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>> No.1210666

And what of men who sleep with many women? It takes two to do the deed.

>> No.1210670

Yeah, that's how they solved him not being "first"

That storyline had me laughing, not fapping.

>> No.1210671



>> No.1210675

Ah, so you're a woman. Regardless, it is usually a woman who makes the decision whether or not to have sex.

>> No.1210677

There are more threesomes in this world with 2 women.

>> No.1210680

Nitta Jun - Prefectural Centre For Sexual Guidance

>> No.1210681

Suddenly, I'm reminded of that Roman history thread we had a long time ago.

>> No.1210686

the only people who get butthurt about stereotypes of purity and virginity amongst women are women who sleep around, simply because they want the best of both worlds.

they want to be fuck every guy they see yet maintain the allure of innocence that some other girls have. in reality, life isn't that fair and you cant have it both ways.

>> No.1210687
File: 215 KB, 701x728, 1219943503122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1210694

>but life is fair so you can't have it both ways.

>> No.1210695

Goddamnit I love this pic so much. I don't like the racing though. Needs to be something like mario, sonic, or something like that

>> No.1210697

I don't want a relationship with a guy, though, so I don't really give a fuck how many places and where he's stuck his dick.

There's a big difference between being sexually experienced and dropping your pants for every guy you meet at a frat party for 4 years just because you want to be part of the "in" crowd or for some reason think that's what you're supposed to do.

>> No.1210699


well yeah, that would be a more apt way of putting it.

honestly, if you're a woman and you get butthurt at this 'double standard', then you're just confirming to everyone else that you're a whore.

>> No.1210703


Well, are you asking for the 50% or the 95% cutoff? 50% is easily 13-15. 95% is probably closer to 21.

>> No.1210706

Nope, I'm a man. And a virgin at that. But I'm not an idiot, and it gets tiring to see so many threads holding up draconian standards for potential mates.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: normal people date and break up with many partners before finding a match. It's precisely that so many shut-ins wait until they know absolutely everything about a girl that they never get any dates. You have to take chances and risk getting burned. And if you're not compatible with who you're dating? Try again. Love is a matter of trial and error.

Your model assumes that a women can never recognize that the relationship they're in isn't working out, and that they need to try to find someone else. Would YOU want to be locked in with the first girl you dated?

>> No.1210711

hey guys, what happened to 3d pig disgusting?

>> No.1210713

We're talking about women that skip the relationship phase and go straight to "I WONDER HOW MANY COCKS I CAN FIT IN MY MOUTH AT ONCE?" as being sluts.

Or at least I am.

>> No.1210715

Who gives a shit about love? I just want to make enough cash to have one of those $10000 sexdolls from moonland.

>> No.1210718

Not sleeping with more than 3 guys at 20 years old is draconian?

What the fuck? Seriously... what the fuck is wrong with some of you idiots?

By the way, you're obviously a girl. This confirmed it for me:

>normal people date and break up with many partners before finding a match.

I bet you've been in 'love' twenty or thirty times, right?

>> No.1210725 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 180x162, 1219943922845.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it you will lose

>> No.1210728

Abstinence, ever heard of it?

>> No.1210731


Fucking lol'ed.

>> No.1210732


>> No.1210738

you've touched on the purists of /jp/, and no, sleeping with more than 3 guys before 20 is kinda slutty...
sex wasn't invented for entertainment

>> No.1210735
File: 51 KB, 207x386, 1219944022608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1210746

Wait, are you serious? I didn't think you were being serious before. Because if you are, I've found the trolly grail: a way to reliably trick strangers on the internet into thinking I have a womb!

Fuck this thread, I'm off to get my scam on. See you in the funny papers!

>> No.1210748

Also, you refer to yourself as a male virgin and then refer to 'shut ins' who 'cant get dates' in the third person.

God damn it women are stupid.

>> No.1210741

Not today's youth.

>> No.1210749

Haha, what? Sounds religious, bro

>> No.1210752

Uh, there's nothing wrong with having more than three partners before 20, if you're actually talking about relationships.

Meet-for-sex or fuckbuddies are a different story.

"Love at first sight" is fake. The only way you're going to find that "special somebody" is by going through a lot of people that you're probably going to not pick up after the first date or break up with when you reach an irreconcilable difference with them.

>> No.1210758
File: 30 KB, 360x529, 1219944287329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys.

>> No.1210764

>The only way you're going to find that "special somebody" is by going through a lot of people that you're probably going to not pick up

Female slut logic at it's finest.

You could, you know, actually get to know people for a few months before you fuck them and see how you click together. But I guess that would be too rational for you.

>> No.1210766

love and freedom, there is your problem.

>> No.1210769

>Relationship thread

>> No.1210775

What a fucking whore.

>> No.1210779

I didn't say fuck them on the first date. I said "date" them. Not that there's anything wrong with sex in a relationship. If you're actively monogamous with one person, I think that's fine so long as you don't breed offspring and then not take care of them.

Also, I am a man, before you accuse me of having a pussy and breasts.

>> No.1210785

I know, no girls on the intraweb

>> No.1210788

Here's the thing, I'm not as extreme to be opposed to sex before marriage. But how about, you know, as opposed to relationships being spin-offs of one night stands from clubs and bars and being hammered out together on an ad hoc basis people actually got to know each other for a few months before screwing?

>> No.1210790


Ugh, her and Messalina were human garbage.

>> No.1210794

my last girlfriend was really innocent and kinda prudish
but i loved that about her.

>> No.1210799

>my last girlfriend
time to leave.

>> No.1210802


>> No.1210807

Troll sense...tingling...

>> No.1210810

ITT: Virgins wish the rest of the world was virgin too.

>> No.1210812

Because innocent girls seem like virgins, fitting for anybody here.

>> No.1210813


woman spotted.

>> No.1210819

I wish your mother was a virgin.

>> No.1210822

Stop accusing random people of being female just because their view doesn't match your delusional one. I have a penis and I can only get hard when I see tears of despair on a girl's face.

>> No.1210815


same fucking whore.

>> No.1210824

As long as she's not a virgin, nor a slut, it's fine.

Virginity is a hot fetish, but it's really not that fun to play with in reality - especially not if you're the one with experience, and she's the virgin.

No thanks, experience is better.

>> No.1210826

>Virgins wish the rest of the world was virgin too.
And that's bad, how?

>> No.1210828


>> No.1210831

Cry more.

>> No.1210833

This is truth.

>> No.1210840
File: 118 KB, 447x331, 1219945243371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my first girlfriends got together with me almost immediately after her last boyfriend.

We broke up because she was ridiculously immature. However later that year I found out she sucked the dick of her boyfriend before me and would've gone further had her mom not come home early.

She was 2 years younger than me, at that time I was a junior in High School.

That seems a bit young to be doing that, but I wasn't surpised. People have done stuff like that even younger. I was more concerned with this: Did I suck his dick as well?

>> No.1210841

Anon never said it was. Have fun jumping to negative conclusions you pessimistic cunt.

>> No.1210843

Sometimes I wish I were a shota being molested by a hot teacher. Sometimes I wish to be the little girl too.

>> No.1210848

>Did I suck his dick as well?
Now that's a silly question. Of course you did and you enjoyed every minute of it.

>> No.1210849

I've had some girlfriends that had 10+ partners and some that have had no partners. It really makes no difference, all that really matters is if they actually love you or not. To be honest the ones that I connected with better were the ones that had more partners. I know that my current girlfriend had 6 before me, and I really don't care about that.

>> No.1210845

Great thread, guys.

>> No.1210854

>As long as she's not a virgin, nor a slut, it's fine.
This. I'm glad my first (and only) girlfriend was a virgin, that way none of us knew what the fuck we were doing so it wasn't too embarrassing, but come on, it was pathetic. I wouldn't mind a girl with a little more experience, as long as she isn't a slut.

>> No.1210857

Actually, giving the context of this thread, he pretty much is.

>> No.1210858

>Did I suck his dick as well?
You don't remember stuff like that? You should go see a doctor.

>> No.1210853

swallow random men's jizz more.

>> No.1210859

>I've had some girlfriends

/b/ is back up now guys.

>> No.1210862

>my current girlfriend

>> No.1210864

Doesn't matter, stop being such a negative cunt, smile.

>> No.1210867

Haven't been to /b/ in years. I've been in /jp/ since its creation. Hard to imagine, but some of us actually do go outside and do other things from time to time.

>> No.1210870

Cry more.

>> No.1210871


Yeh, you love to tell us about it too.

>> No.1210872

>10+ partners
Sorry, I couldn't look at someone who has slept around that much and tell her I love her honestly.

>> No.1210874

>Hard to imagine

Damn right.

>> No.1210876
File: 46 KB, 500x353, 1219945667830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1210875

Delete this thread, OP.

>> No.1210879

All we wanted when 4chan was around a few years ago was one little place on the internet to chat about our interests and stuff and post imagedumps. Then 4chan got mainstream, and you girlfriend guys came along, so we said 'we'll let them have /b/' and moved to /v/ (along with /a/), but you took /v/ too, so we moved solely onto /a/, but then you moved into /a/ en masse too, so moot made /jp/.... and here we were for a blissful few months before you decided to move in with us.

Fuck off if you have a girlfriend. Fuck off if you're a girl too.

>> No.1210880

Assuming only 1 leap year in that six year window, she averages:

4.69 vagina
3.70 mouth
0.56 tit
2.99 hand

per day, seems like your average womyn.

>> No.1210882

agreed, if she has no self-control as far as sleeping around goes. she has no self-control in general.

>> No.1210884

>a few months

More like a few days.

>> No.1210886


>> No.1210888

At 30 years old you will find that most women have slept with more than that.

>> No.1210889

Hey, here's a new topic for discussion:

Anyone else realised how slutty cosplayers are?

>> No.1210893


>> No.1210895

protip: They're women.
