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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1206855 No.1206855 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I'd like to give the touhou games a whirl. Where should I start?

Also, I have a N64 controller, a PS2 controller, and a regular old keyboard. Which would you recommend I use?

>> No.1206866

Imperishable Night or Perfect Cherry Blossom.

Use the keyboard.

>> No.1206870

>ghost slide

>> No.1206872


Don't listen to this man, he is clearly a mongoloid. Perfect Cherry Blossom and the PS2 controller.

>> No.1206873

N64 controller is what real men use.

>> No.1206875

Perfect Cherry Blossom for starters

>> No.1206876

Why do you even have a USB capable N64 controller?

>> No.1206879

Perfect Cherry Blossom with YOUR MIND!

>> No.1206883


Seriously, that controller was crap even with the console it was made for.

>> No.1206889

Perfect Cherry Blossom and keyboard.

>> No.1206894

Perfect Cherry Blossom with keyboard

>> No.1206903


Because I like it, that's why! If I want to play Harvest Moon 64 (The finest eroge known to man.) with the original controller, I WILL DO SO.

>> No.1206905

Wait until someone releases Touhou Party and play it with the N64 controller

>> No.1206910


>> No.1206917


Karen is tsundere drunken moe.

>> No.1206921

Go with Perfect Cherry Blossom or Imperishable Night + keyboard and dive straight into Lunatic.

>> No.1206932

>N64 controller

>> No.1206933


>> No.1206934

ps2 controller if the d-pad is still tight and hasn't been worn down too much. otherwise keyboard.
play Imperishable Night it's the most forgiving and probably the "best" game in the series, as far as overall presentation, polish, and game mechanics.

>> No.1206953
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This is what real men use

>> No.1206976

I play touhou with a flight sim control stick.

>> No.1207001

I know it's simply a matter of personal preference, but it baffles me that some people use a controller instead of the keyboard.

>> No.1207008


Because I play on a couch. Like a normal video game.

>> No.1207018

it's almost impossible to bomb on reflex using the keyboard
using a controller (psx controller anyway), if square is fire and X is bomb, and ur thumb is already pressing down on fire, you can just drop the other part of your thumb down onto X to bomb. This makes bombing during the "life/death border" much, much more reflexive. For me anyway.

>> No.1207051
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Touhou is a mediocre shoot em up game. The only thing worse than Touhou's repetitive shoot em up gameplay is Touhou's laughably art and plot. Oops, did I just say Touhou has a plot? The only thing that ZUN (the creator of touhou) does right is the music.

/jp/pers only plays it because of the doujin aura that surrounds the series.

Fap to the Touhou /d/ doujins and avoid the games like they were the plague. Either that or play a real game like Zelda.

>> No.1207072

butthurt fag who cant get past level 2 on any touhou game.
seriously touhou, for all it's "simple and repetitive" gameplay, has a higher learning curve, and poses more of an engaging challenge than almost any big-budget game made recently. if you want games that hold your hand so you cant lose and let even a lobotomized monkey reach the last level, go play "real games"

>> No.1207099

Don't start with IN - it gives you bad habits.

Also, keyboard.

>> No.1207111

Touhou has a better plot than any other shoot them up, Every other shoot em up LOL EVIL ALIENS R ATTACKING US LOLZ!!!!!!!! Touhou actually has a storyline and every boss has a fucking background and backstory. Touhou is a pioneer game pioneering POC and focus mode. Touhou is without a doubt the greatest shoot em up ever, and don't you forget that.

>> No.1207114


nintendo fanboy spotted.

>> No.1207122
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My first Touhou game was shoot the bullet. I got all the way to Cirno. Then I deleted the game off of my HD. In honor of the lovable tripfriend Cirno, I didn't kill Cirno. I'll admit that Touhou is hard, but last time I checked, difficult != good. All 2D games are hard in comparison to next generation 3D games.

Once you get the hang of it, touhou stops being difficult/entertaining and becomes repetitive/boring.

/jp/ers need to stop living in the past. The days when Space Invaders was cool has long since past. Quit playing granny games and get with the times.

tl;dr Play a real game like Halo.

>> No.1207133
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>play a real game like Zelda.
>Play a real game like Halo.

>> No.1207134
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>> No.1207140

Touhou lacks bloom.

>> No.1207142

>Touhou has a better plot than any other shoot them up
Gee, that sure says a whole lot.

>> No.1207150

Faggots, just let it drop to page 10.

>> No.1207172

If I gave two shits about the plot, I'd read a book.

>> No.1207168

>without a doubt the greatest shoot em up ever
This is what Touhou fans really believe.

>> No.1207187

I would argue that difficult DOES = good. Touhou isn't impossibly difficult, it's actually easy to improve at it if you give it a chance. It takes practice, but the memorization of the patterns is rewarding. Kinda like DDR. It's engaging because the learning curve is sloped just right in order to leave players feeling rewarded for their time investment. And the gameplay is not very simple, the mechanics are a lot deeper than I think you're giving credit for. You need to turn off G4TV and realize that people besides Valve, Bungie, and Square-Enix make quality games.

>> No.1207195

Stop replying to the troll fucktards. You're just making his penis harder.

>> No.1207206
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First of all, I didn't know shoot-em-ups had a plot. Second of all, it doesn't matter if Touhou has a better plot than most shoot-em-ups. The bar has been set so low, that a 12 year old could probably make a better plot than most of them.

By the way, are you some type of expert on shoot em ups? How/why do you know so much about a mediocre genre that never managed to be successful on a next gen console. Shoot em ups were a genre that was created in the past. Games no longer have to be just shoot em ups. I even facepalm when I play next generation platformer games. Even platformers days are over. Metroid for example is a:

1.Shoot em up.

>> No.1207231

OP: Perfect Cherry Blossom, then Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, then Mountain of Faith, then Subterranean Animism. Leave Imperishable Night for last because it will spoil you (specially in the lower difficulty in Normal and that Border of Life and Death; this means there's a short time between getting hit and dying not present in other Touhou games)

I don't know about the controller, because I always use a keyboard. I'll leave that to you.

>> No.1207228

ghost bump.

Even if you do see this bump. Nobody is going to believe you.

>> No.1207237

>Metroid for example is a:

>1.Shoot em up.

Maybe you should look up what these words mean before using them, mkay?

>> No.1207232

Just throwing out that games are meant to be fun, and I find more fun on the Touhou games than on Metroid.

Walking for 3 hours =/= fun.

>> No.1207234

You're too dumb to breath.

>> No.1207241


jesus christ, you are pure, undistilled nintendo fanboy aren't you?

>> No.1207249

sorry, forgot my e.

>> No.1207244

I believe that statement applies more to you.

>> No.1207245

lol fag who only plays mainstream bullshit

>> No.1207246

Trolls sure are fun.

>How/why do you know so much about a mediocre genre that never managed to be successful on a next gen console.

Because 'next generation' gamers are a bunch of casual faggots that lose interest in any game that poses any amount of difficulty.

>> No.1207260


>> No.1207261

>I find more fun on the Touhou games than on Metroid.

I almost raged. Then I remembered the fact that 99.99999% of video gamers aren't as retarded as you. Hence the reason why Metroid is a muilti-million dollar franchise and Touhou's entire net worth is under 90,000.

>> No.1207262


zun tripfag spotted, only he's retarded enough to use that word

>> No.1207270


The "progress" that has been made with video games lately is bullshit. Graphics getting priority over every other aspect of a game is fucking retarded.
I would rather play Super Metroid, FF6, megaman 2, and countless other ancient games than 99% of the garbage that is released today.

>> No.1207275

/jp/ - Video Games

>> No.1207278

compare the development costs to profit made.
Touhou was created by 1 fucking guy
Metroid was created by a billion dollar company

What you are comparing is basically a Indie movie like A Clockwork Orange vs Spiderman3.

Touhou is a much larger success than Metroid, enjoy your fail and mainstream appeal.

>> No.1207285

The only reason it's that popular is because of the old games, Super Metroid was fucking awesome, the new-gen bullshit is not.

>> No.1207284

ITT: indiefags

>> No.1207289

more like cause 99.99999% of video gamers are corporate pawns who eat and breathe advertiser's bullshit. You all see Assassin's Creed all over your TVs and magazines and say "ZOMG THIS GAMES GONNA BE SO BADASS BRAH, LOOK MORGAN WEBB EVEN SAYS SO!"

>> No.1207290

I love oldschool metroid, but all of the primes were great.

>> No.1207303

Don't get ahead of yourself numbnuts. Touhou is hard, but it's not that hard. Especially when compared to older generation games. Mario to name a few.

If difficulty mattered, the old generation Mario wouldn't have sold 40 million units. Mario still holds the record for the most selling game of all time.

Touhou just doesn't sell because it's repetitive/boring.

Plus it has mediocre art/plot to boot.

>> No.1207308

>mediocre art/plot

>> No.1207309

Funny you use that as an example becuase it looked good way before everybody started pimping it out. Of course ubisoft fucked it up.

>> No.1207313

i fucking hate nintendo.

i like sony though.

360 has been pretty decent this gen too, despite the fucking hardware failures.

>> No.1207316

It's enough plot to create a reason for a plumber to go through some fucked up mushroom kingdom. He's saving a princess so he can get laid. Better motivation than touhou offers.

>> No.1207320

It doesn't sell because it's a Doujin game, it doesn't get advertised and it doesn't sell overseas, you can't even find it on stores.

The plot is alright, and if ZUN wanted he could get an artist to make the artwork, but he wants it to stay like that, it's his game anyway.

>> No.1207324

ps3 has no games

>> No.1207330

I could easily say I find FPS games boring and repetitive.

ZUN doesn't sell as much games because he doesn't have the corporate powerhouse to back him up. He staying indie because he wants to.

>> No.1207332
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>> No.1207334

>Touhou doesn't sell
It are fact XD

>> No.1207336

You sure showed me, old boy.

>> No.1207337


Metroid and any Nintendo game MORE than makes up for the cost of development. Do you fail at math or are you really just that stupid? Touhou doesn't even sell enough copies to make of for the cost of distribution.

Nintendo doesn't give a shit about next generation graphics. Have you seen the new Mario kart? Mario Kart's graphics is worst than the previous one. The production budget for Mario Kart was probably only 160,000 thousand at best.

>> No.1207340

now your definitely trolling ...

>> No.1207343


I did, now get back to playing wii fit faggot.

>> No.1207350

I bet you'd be clever if you were on /v/.

>> No.1207355


You're the one spouting off fanboy bullshit, not me, why dont you go back there?

>> No.1207360

Total profit / cost of production = success ratio

Cost of production for Touhou, $300(USD) enough money to get Zun drunk for a month.

>> No.1207368

Funny calling me a fanboy when I'm not the one getting defensive over a sarcastic comment.

>> No.1207372


Nothing defensive about it, I just despise nintendo and their legions of fanboys. I hoped that there weren't any in /jp/ to be honest, despite Nintendo being a Japanese company, they seem to cater more to the casualfag crowd and always have done.

>> No.1207375

>He staying indie because he wants to.
>Bawww he's an indie developer! Bawwww.

Protip: ZUN doesn't have what it takes to compete with the big boys.

Why don't you shed some more tears for me?

I keep hearing this same excuse for defending Touhou's lack-luster sells. You guys act like ZUN is a mythical saint. The world runs on money. If there was a Touhou animu it would dramatically increase Touhou's sells. Who in their right mind would let go of an offer for an animu adaption of your product? Who in their right mind would let down an offer towards a big publisher who could market Touhou?

Warning, if you are a fangirl, the following truth may bring you to tears. Noone has offered ZUN a chance to publish Touhou. Noone has offered ZUN a chance to get a touhou animu adaption. And since ZUN doesn't have enough money to advertise his mediocre product, it will never be popular enough to make it overseas.

>> No.1207380

They did offer him to publish Touhou, stop the bullshit.
And if he wants it to stay as a fucking hobby let him be, if you publish the game the freedom is lost, did you read the interviews at all?

>> No.1207382
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why so /v/ today /jp/?

>> No.1207386
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Sure is marketfag in here...

>> No.1207385

/jp/ - Video Games

>> No.1207402
File: 38 KB, 250x300, 1219889288950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Peter Noone doing in Japan, and why is he going around talking to game developers about anime?

>> No.1207404


More popularity means catering to the masses, hence less difficulty, more fanboyism (the cancer that is killing both /a/ and /v/), and the rest explains for itself

Just as with shitty shonen. Too popular doesn't make them less shity

Also, money means nothing when you don't enjoy what you do. ZUN does indeed enjoy his Touhous

LOL, I've been trolled. Also, sage

>> No.1207409

>Noone has offered ZUN a chance to publish Touhou.
They did. He didn't want to.
>Noone has offered ZUN a chance to get a touhou animu adaption.
For what? So it will become the new Naruto/Inuyasha/Code Geass/Gurren Lagann, with the fanbase full of retarded 10 year olds? No thank you.
>And since ZUN doesn't have enough money to advertise his mediocre product, it will never be popular enough to make it overseas.
Why should he sell the Touhou series overseas? He most likely spends less than 100$ to make a Touhou game, and he earns much more than that.
In gaming terms, that is what is called an "epic success"

>> No.1207413


And that applies to both sides.

>> No.1207419

>He most likely spends less than 100$ to make a Touhou game
Unless you figure the alcohol, his liquid inspiration, into this, of course.

>> No.1207420

>"epic success"

Poor bastard who gets happy when one of his fans offers him a free beer at a local bar.

When I grow up I want to be as successful as ZUN!

Let's face it, you could probably make more money than ZUN by working at Burger King (assuming that we're talking only about Touhou's sells and not the money that he gets from working at his job).

>> No.1207425

The day Zun becomes rich is the day he dies of liver failure.

>> No.1207429
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>> No.1207434

>Poor bastard who gets happy when one of his fans offers him a free beer at a local bar.

Wait, what? So is it possible to be so successful that it makes you unhappy when a fan of your work recognizes you and offers to buy you a drink?

>> No.1207437

How much money does ZUN get from his programming job. If the programmer's pay is anything near the artist's pay then ZUN is only making 20-30 thousand a year from that coding job. Combine that with the fact that he's working for an unknown company - Now I know why ZUN is so skinny.

>> No.1207495


>> No.1207502


same person

>> No.1207505



>> No.1207517

>>an unknown company

Oh you!

Also, to all new-friends: Japanese ZUN is already making videosgames with the big boys; he doesn't give two shits about making Touhou into a major series. Touhou is merely his hobby, and he aims to keep it that way.

>> No.1207522

Why are you saging? Does the truth really bother you so much.


>> No.1207541

What's the name of the company?
