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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12059910 No.12059910 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12039509
Old thread reached bump limit.

>> No.12060093 [DELETED] 

Yet ANOTHER general thread...

>> No.12060399 [DELETED] 

ainu frend ber
sametime ber eat man

>> No.12060415 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12060435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12060536 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12060578 [DELETED] 

It looks like this might need some more explanation. The post relates to one of the core creation myths of the Ainu people of Japan and Russia. Scholars today also recognize it as a fable representing the weakness of man against the wrath of nature.
The story begins with a migration of people from mainland Asia thousand of years ago. They faced persecution and famine in their homeland and moved east to seek more fertile ground, eventually running up on a great body of water, the pacific ocean. While pondering the continuation of their journey the elders of the group were chanced upon by a bear and thus the real story begins.
It should be noted that in the ainu mythos the bear is an anthropomorphic creature who takes on many of the traits assigned to the coyote by north american natives, namely that of the trickster. The bear's silly grin and open paw belie a being that lives for amusement and personal (bearsonal?) gain. With this in mind let us continue. The bear offered to ferry on his raft the people to an island across the ocean, an offer which the elders were wont to accept. They had only fish and whale meat to offer in exchange, which the bear looked upon distastefully but demanded nothing more.
The ferrying operation was about half complete when the wily bear decided to take what he thought was his just compensation. Once out of sight of the mainland he would gobble up his passengers then return for more, repeating the process until none remained. Having eaten his fill he at last approached the eastern shore where the pilgrims awaited their brethren, and they made to greet their new friend with open arms and adoration.
However, the bear approached the shore and said, "i have shown you this land, but in exchange, i have eaten the rest," and sailed away again.
Thus, the legend of the bear-friend was born, and the ainu people inscribed into their stone records,
"ainu frend ber"
"sametime ber eat man"

>> No.12061294 [DELETED] 

dog eat man in earthquake jap
jap is not resceu dog.die meet ramper

>> No.12062125 [DELETED] 

the fuck?

>> No.12062707
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>Who's your favorite god and what's your class?
>On that topic, what's everyone's stats?
>Might as well include favorite race

Mani of Machine, Ehekatl a close second. Gunner. Even decided to just stick to a cyber dome instead of buying a castle.


Like starting goblin for earlier access to eye of mind, along with almost all the various harvesting skills. I think they only start out lacking gardening and gene manipulation.

>> No.12064385 [DELETED] 


>> No.12064387

Best feats?

>> No.12064398 [DELETED] 


>> No.12064423

How do I gain the cheer action?

>> No.12064431

20 charisma? Is it not on the wiki?

>> No.12064451

Oh sorry, feat.

>> No.12064486

So I need at least 20 charisma so I can select the feat next time I get the chance?

>> No.12064711

No, just pick the Natural Leader (指導者) feat and you'll get the skill. Forget about charisma.


>> No.12064717

What is wrong with me today?

>> No.12064804
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>> No.12064840

Should I try to dominate a gold bell or a silver one?

Silvers seem to show up almost never, so it would be a lot easier to get a gold bell. I was just wondering if either of them had any advantages over the other.

>> No.12064858

Look up both of them in the wiki and check their stats.

>> No.12064882
File: 578 KB, 697x395, newProgress#2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beat Meshera after almost a full week; the time stop ammo really helped, thanks everyone.

These >>12044063 were my stats before, compared to my stats when I finally beat her.

>> No.12064927


I already did that. I noticed that silver is based off of level 3 stats and gold is based off of level 1. I'm wondering if I level a gold bell, will it end up with the same stats as the silver one? Even if it's a minuscule difference I still want the one that's going to be better.

>> No.12064998

Your pet bell will gain stats just like you do, so the gold one won't necessarily wind up with the same stats as the platinum one, and when it does get there its potentials will be lower so it will gain additional stats slower.
The general rule of thumb is that, assuming all other things (AI, abilities, spells, etc) are equal, higher level is always better.

>> No.12065063

Thats a real cute portrait.

>> No.12065433
File: 600 KB, 805x611, WhatDreamIsThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this dream mean? I've been trying to figure out for a while, but I still don't know what it means.

>> No.12065647

Supposedly, it's just flavor text.

>> No.12065836

Not this time, metamorphose. Not this time.

>> No.12065839
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Forgot my image.

>> No.12065849

How are you getting damage numbers in the dungeon?

>> No.12065851

I need something to replace my Dynamic Saber, which I dual wield with the Black Monkshood.

I've been thinking about using the Claymore artifact, or the Unicorn Drill in my main hand, unless anyone else has any better suggestions?

>> No.12065858

Settings, Detailed settings, Damage show.

>> No.12065998

I got the fucking shield tonfa.

>> No.12066611
File: 224 KB, 1295x809, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I wanted to get back into Elona with a new character, but I have no idea what is going on here. All the text always stays secret no matter what. A goes to race selection, B plays the reroll noise and goes to race selection, C-E play the reroll noise. Is there any point to this screen?

>> No.12066638 [DELETED] 

fuck off to /vg/
game generals aren't welcome in /jp/

>> No.12066646

There is no point to that screen, at least in the english version. Your character background and stuff will always stay "secret". You can still roll your character just fine.

>> No.12066721

1. get a cute fairy
2. feed it lots of cooked fish
3. throw cursed alcohol at it in between feedings

enjoy your infinite seeds.

>> No.12066731

We've had these generals for years

>> No.12066751

It's not a dream. Your pet is cuddling with you

>> No.12066755

>implying this is the only general

>> No.12066762 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you shitter, this is jp not your fucking videogame board.

>> No.12066784

You are so new it hurts. We've had the elona threads for more than 6 years now and no one minds them. The fact that the mods/janitors don't delete them shows that they are not against the rules.

>> No.12066794 [DELETED] 

Yeah and now there's no more mods to help your little fucking game threads from being destroyed by /jp/. Just fucking leave, you're not welcome here >>>/vg/

>> No.12066797

They are just shitposters trying to spam the board. Just report and wait for a janitor or mod to come clean up.

>> No.12066819

Did you draw that portrait yourself?

>> No.12066841
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You're arguing about games not being allowed on /jp/ when 3/4 of the board is 2hu and VN games.

Nope, just a bit of editing for the scar and mouth. Source is http://vkyo.web.fc2.com/portrait.html

>> No.12066916

But you're the only person who dislikes them

>> No.12067027

imagine you wake up in Nefia. you are a lvl 1 Tourist, except you don't know how to fish and you're certainly not proficient at travel. all you have is your knowledge of the world and how various things can be exploited for profit. how long would you last?

>> No.12067041

no more than a few hours

>> No.12067178

1. go to nearest city
2. do I Want It quests
3. buy food, try not to die.
4. ???
5. become the little girl

>> No.12067179


Can I just crawl out of my grave no matter how grisly my death, like most everyone else seems to be able to?

>> No.12067205

sure, why not. you lose some stuff at random and -1 to two random stats after lvl 6.

if you contract ether disease and don't drink your potions you'll eventually die permanently.

>> No.12067250


1. Fetch pet from vernis
2. try to do simple, non combat quests
3. get to yowyn
4. spend time lifting in harvest quests til I can actually complete them
5. ???
6. Adventure
7. Try not to die

>> No.12067271

I have always thought it's kinda unfair that there's no permadeath.

>> No.12067274
File: 540 KB, 806x625, Energy Crystal Of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this? A metamorphose just dropped it an a level 128 dungeon.

>> No.12067283

probably this: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Energy_crystal_of_matrix

the most straightforward way to find out is to use it.

>> No.12067302


It does seem to be a thing though in the game, what with almost every single npc being able to respawn eventually, things actually dying for good is a rarity. Though, didn't they add some new game modes that impact some very harsh penalties for dying?


Oooh, the old god gift from mani? I was wondering if it were possible to get it at all anymore short of making a game in an old version and importing it after aquiring it. That it can drop randomly is nice.

>> No.12067315

there's an inferno mode with permadeath.

the beggars and mercenaries don't respawn when they die. same with some of the town children and old people. Anon could be one of those.

>> No.12067318
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I'd most likely go to the cyber dome and play games all day.
I'd also follow Mani.

>> No.12067363

I wonder what Mani did to Lulwy to piss her off so bad...

>> No.12067408


I imagine the same thing that often happens when an attention whore's boyfriend isn't giving her enough attention. They throw a huge shitfit and never speak to him again.

That or his followers were contesting too many of her shrines.

>> No.12067420

pls don't bully

>> No.12067471


Maybe that was a bit out of line, but you have to admit, Lulwy is certainly moody. Maybe she won't be so mad at Mani in a century or two

>> No.12067635

Howdo you know she's upset in this image

>> No.12067645

Not in the image, but according to what she says in the game.

>> No.12067654

Does anyone have any pictures of an eternal force weapon?

>> No.12067796
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Mani also complains about Lulwy disliking him when you talk to him in person.

>> No.12067816

seems to me he did something to offend her and to this day can't figure out what it is.

>"I'm home."

>"Welcome back, Mani darling, would you like dinner? Bath? Or~"

>"That's alright, I already ate. Also my guild's got a huge raid tonight, so don't wait up."


>> No.12067956
File: 696 KB, 806x1208, Eternal Weapon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't tested it much really. I just know that it can be used with (t) to set off something akin to ragnarok, and only once.

>> No.12067973

Thanks. You should really update, by the way.

>> No.12068048

It does ice damage to everything on the map, similar to meteor or a nuclear bomb (don't remember if it hits you or not), then curses everything, you included, with a very short duration death word. Use holy veil before activating, or be ready to dispel it the next turn. You get to keep the weapon, but lose the [the enemy dies] property.

That said, there's no real reason to activate it since the damage is low and named monsters/bosses will most likely resist the death word. Meteor is a better bet for wide area destruction.

>> No.12068080

you guys know about how in the old game, living weapons will bump off a 15th enchantment on level-up instead of adding Bloodsucking?

does this still happen with the new living weapons? seems it could be exploitable now that Enchanting is added.

>> No.12068120

Probably tsundere

>> No.12068148

>The enemy dies.
Well I sure hope so.

>> No.12068417

Recently updated to 1.34R, is there a changelog somewhere? The english wiki only seems to have up to 1.24.

So far all I've noticed is finding a claw in a low level dungeon, and regular citizens having an 'Are you a werewolf?' dialogue option.

>> No.12068480

What's the effect of "your body is enchanted"?

>> No.12068549

You can sort of figure it out with Google translate if you don't know moonrunes. I don't exactly understand the werewolf system, and claws are an armor/weapon hybrid item that can be worn in hand slots to buff up unarmed attacks.

You get that when drinking a blessed potion of restore body, for a long period of time you'll have a bonus to your physical attributes (str, con, ...). You can get a similar effect with a blessed potion of restore spirit (mag, will, ...).

Alternatively, I think you also get this message when pumpkins hit you with disaster potions (the opposite effect, you get a reduction to attributes which can be cured at the healer or with restore potions/spells).

>> No.12069522

1.36R is more up to date

>> No.12069863

What I'm supposed to do with pet eggs? there's nothing on the wiki

>> No.12069891

Cook them?

>> No.12069895

...uh, they're not supposed to hatch or something?

>> No.12069915


>> No.12069941

Okay. geez way to destroy my dreams eh.

>> No.12070144

if you know moonspeak, you could always go suggest something on the forum where that E+ guy is collecting feedback.

I would love to see some sort of egg hatching system, yes. maybe you plant them?

>> No.12070155

I'd love to see a rape system

>> No.12070163

but there is a rape system.

>> No.12070172

has there ever been a speedrun of elona? is such a thing even possible?

>> No.12070178

you can do a speedrun of virtually any game ever created

>> No.12070183

Where and how

>> No.12070220

1. be sleepy
2. have a large bed (i.e. happy bed / king bed / double bed) which you drop on your feet
3. use the Squeeze action on an NPC who has far less Strength than you

rape ensues.

if the NPC is at Soulmate or above, you don't need the Strength check, and it's consensual. this means you could drag just about any NPC into bed. Knowing /jp/, this will likely be done a lot to Kumiromi.

>> No.12070225

grindy games are not easily speedrunnable, since it's hard to optimize.

>> No.12070234

Awesome, thanks

>> No.12070237

I've seen some guy do routing of Elona+ when browsing Nicolive, but that's about it.

>> No.12070277

What happens if I fail the STR check?

>> No.12070366

not a lot. basically the NPC fights you off and it doesn't happen.

having something like God Breaker equipped helps.

>> No.12070480
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That same artist has done other stuff with them arguing as well.

Might be dangerous, since there seems to be some new kind of attribute that won't let you equip certain things now. Not sure if this is based on how much is on the wep or not, but it'd be risky to try with a living wep unless you were modifying it with a debug char and Elosnack.

>> No.12070528

Translate it, weebs.

>> No.12070553


Please, if you are proficient with moon runes, I would like to see a translation as well.

>> No.12070625
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>> No.12070804

Hello everyone, I apologize in advance for the (probably) simple question, but I'm having a problem with this game. After finally getting a hold of the ropes and understanding the interface I'm starting to go on adventures. I chose a yerles warrior so I'm mostly a physical damage dealer, however this really gives magic and elemental damage users (elemental hounds are the worst) the ability to rip through what little hp I have. Also, it seems that evade is a lot less effective with spells and elemental damage. So my question is: What can I do to mitigate the damage my character receives from elemental and magical damage?

PS: I've also been wondering about how to get levels in the attributes, so if there is a convenient way to train those please let me know!

>> No.12070813

Ways to increase attribute resistance include eating corpses that damage you via that attribute (and have a slight chance to train it), obtaining feats that increase resistance to certain ones, or using equips.

As for being a warrior, as soon as you learn Shadow Step, that should help a lot with closing the distance between you and ranged magic users. However, you should start training magic (and learn casting if you haven't already), because if you manage to make it to mid-late game, there's no way you can survive (without massive, massive amounts of grinding) without using magic buffs and attacks.

>> No.12070837

"My choice is correct, kitten-chan." "Plenty cute (...)"
"Don't say stupid things with a straight face!"

>> No.12070879

Although you do get most of your resistances from equipment, it's worth it to know that if you just started that pretty much everything is going to kill you.

You're probably better off not taking the feats since you only get them up to about level 50 or 60. You can't plan around the corpses either, since it takes a lot of anatomy skill before you get a decent drop rate, and even then you need the right ones, and eating them only gives a small amount of resistance.

>> No.12070893

He says, "Ainu frend ber, sametime ber eat man." She says, "dog eat man in earthquake jap, jap is not resceu dog.die meet ramper." The note at the bottom says "the pleasure of being cummed inside."

>> No.12072338

good job killing the thread with your retarded humor

>> No.12072688

>go suggest something on the forum where that E+ guy is collecting feedback.
Now this is interesting. we should do a list of suggestions and have a proficient runemaster deliver them.

>> No.12074236

>spawn Jure in Derphy
>male prostitute sidles up
>they do the dirty
>Jure doesn't have money to pay!
>prostitute attacks Jure
>gets crushed like a bug

>> No.12074279

Stop that greentext shit, we don't want people like you on /jp/. Just spell it out like a normal human being

>> No.12074311

How do I get reliably get moongates to appear? I would like to be able to browse others homes, but since the game autosaves and deletes moongates when they're used its rare that I can ever really explore player homes..

>> No.12074444

>being this mad

you can get runes that are like gates except they weigh 1s each. also there are respawning gates in the battleship in lost irva.

>> No.12074578 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself out of /jp/ fagturd.

>> No.12074709

"Increases chance to perform Critical Hits" affects magic as well, right?

>> No.12074770

I would fish and cook all day.
Get rich, hire all of the little girl slaves and live peacefully in a castle northwest of noel.
Making short trips every month selling fish I capture from the 1x1 water tile I kept exclusively for fishing purposes.

>> No.12074790
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Oh my Yacatect.

>> No.12074857

>I would fish and cook all day.
Can you actually make a lot of money this way?
I'm thinking about learning the fishing skill, I can already cook.

>> No.12075302
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Wow, randart with a name that actually makes sense. How boring.

>> No.12075383

Cheap bait costs very little, cooking is free, cooked food sells for reasonable amounts. You can expect every ~20 you spend on bait to make ~500 in sales if you're a good cook.
The problem with it is it's SLOW, both in real-time and in game-time. Fishing has a long animation, and both fishing and cooking take stamina so you'll be doing a lot of resting.

>> No.12075396

These can be fun too. I had a rock with "It brings an end" and "The enemy dies", and it was called Kingdom Ruin.

I should probably start playing Elona again.

>> No.12075556

Hot DAMN, Ragnarok is a great way to get loot. I'm gonna have to trigger it more often.

>> No.12076077

This however all becomes different if you find the super lure which skips the fishing animation entirely.

Buying the most expensive bait and cooking the very best of fish including whales into sushi can be very lucrative.

Stamina's still an issue though. Somebody suggested sandbagging a monster and hitting them with stamina drain which seems like a good idea.

>> No.12076440

I remember a few patches back fishing and cooking were the best way to make money quickly.
Whale Sushi would sell for like ~25k.

It did require 70+ in both cooking and fishing though.

>> No.12077053

for the amount of time it takes to get 70+ in both and find the machine lure, you're better off clearing lvl 350+ dungeons for 1 million each. The monsters cap out pretty low, and the only monster even close to the dungeon level is the dungeon boss.

>> No.12077110

I've never gotten to those levels myself.
I generally just fuck around.

How abundant are lvl 350+ dungeons?

>> No.12077116

Keep clearing high level dungeons, and the level cap on dungeons will keep increasing.

>> No.12077117

I have like over 50+ in both fishing and cooking from gear equipment sets alone. Seriously if you stockpile gear you get a lot of it very easily.

The machine lure is just luck though. You can find it in your first dungeon and you can not find it even after being at the point of clearing lvl 350+ dungeons.

>> No.12078239

I finally kicked Vesda's ass. the dowside is that gaining superb fire res means also that my attribute skill will always give fire element, and its not a good thing

>> No.12078261

Thanks to his gloves? You can always take them off,activate Attribute and then put them back on. You'll get the element you want that way.

Be nice though if you could just choose which Element to use though. I foresake mine a bit so I can always get Magic attribute going on with the Asteroid Belt.

>> No.12078269

I ate him...
but I noticed that it does more damage even aganist fire esistant enemies. its not that the amount of elemental resistance is added to the martial formula or something?

>> No.12078430

70? I was making loads of money off of fishing/cooking at 30-40 once I found the super lure, and that wasn't *that* many patches ago, unless they changed something recently?

>> No.12078441

I remember the last time I tried to play that game.
I ate some beggar meat, became insane, and died after a cold shower.

>> No.12079736

Its best to eat or offer Corgon and Quruiza corpses? also there is something strange with the steel ring. using Lulwy's trick with the ring equipped and removing it, speed gets a pretty huge increase, only to return normal when I exit the menu.

>> No.12079774

Would resistances still get trained if the corpse was cooked?

>> No.12079788

Eat, favor is pretty much effortless to keep maxed unless you're praying over every little thing.

>> No.12079986

It gets trained either way, whether it's raw, cooked or rotten.

Eat them, there's no other easier way to gain resistance to elements in a permanent way. Not sure what's wrong with your ring problem, but I don't know why you'd equip something, use Lulwy's Trick, and remove it afterwards.

>> No.12080774

if you eat it, eventually you'll lose it to a bad dream. the best thing to do is to feed it to your pet, since they can keep it permanently.

>> No.12080800

You probably think it's a huge increase because The steel ring reduces your speed. Removing it just gets you back to your 'normal' + Lulwy speed.

>> No.12080833

...until you replace the pet

>> No.12081129

Oh boy, Meshera was tough. Now off to hunting some gods hehe.

>> No.12082567

Mind taking a screenshot of your character so I can see your stats? I'm having a bit of trouble myself.

>> No.12082773

I read somewhere that the cannibalism mutation halves the xp you get from nonhuman meat. If that's true, it's not as good a mutation as I thought.

>> No.12082776
File: 123 KB, 480x270, 1381713801122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you even hear that from?

>> No.12082781

The decreased level req for astral light pens opens up an interesting new possibility: at lvl 65 you can recruit a copy of meshera's final form...

>> No.12082785

I think I read it on the japanese e+ fanwiki (not the official e+ one)

>> No.12082813

This holds true for other special/god NPCs, like Frisia the Catgod, Gwen the Pitiless, Zeome, etc.

Tough, strong non-god NPCs are most likely the better choice since they won't suffer the god penalty.

>> No.12082817

Honestly, it won't matter much since you could just avoid human corpses and monster, dairy, veggie, and fruit foods are just as abundant. I'd rather have the mutation so I don't worry about insanity.;

>> No.12083234

frisia gets the god recruiting penalty. zeome would suck since he's a caster and casters are unreliable pets. gwen and meshera the deformed angel are both good options, though.

>> No.12083237

meat is the best source of strength/endurance xp, though. and everybody wants higher str/end.

>> No.12083255

I'm saying that if you don't want to eat human meat, there's no need to do it, since there's literally an endless amount of other options you can choose besides cannibalism.

With a high enough anatomy skill, you'll find enough corpses from monsters that you can easily sustain yourself even when the shelf life expires for one, since 3 more show up afterward.

>everybody wants higher str

Gunners, mages, archers, throwing users, and basically anyone that uses ranged physical/magical combat would beg to differ. Especially in late game, when you can't go up to every monster and pummel them.

>> No.12083303

strength is good for a lot more than damage. stealing, for example. it also determines how much you can carry.

the main problem with not having the feat is that you get it when you drink blessed potions of evolution. it's hard to get all positive evolutions and not this one, since this is marked as a positive too...

>> No.12083307

I think you're missing the point here. If you don't want to eat human flesh, don't. There's plenty of other meat alternatives.

>> No.12083310

I want higher everything, not just str/end

>> No.12083324

it's not about whether or not you want to eat human flesh. it's about whether or not you end up with the feat, and its benefits or lack thereof.

>> No.12083327

like in real life, you need a balanced diet.

or just eat a lot of herbed food. the real-life equivalent is becoming one of those vegan health nuts, probably.

>> No.12083332

I mentioned in the last thread that the best way to get lots of herbs is to feed fish to a fairy then throw cursed alcohol at it until it pukes. continuing from that, the best food for making Herbed Food with is probably vegetable/fruit seeds, since you'll get 20 of these for every herb seed you get.

>> No.12083341

Not the guy you're talking with but sounds like bullshit that you'd lose the stat gains that because you -prefer- eating flesh over going insane, till I see actual proof with someone testing it I'll just keep eating whatever.

>> No.12083383

If I have two herbs, should I make 2 herbed steaks or 1 herbed herb?

>> No.12083401

2 herbed steak.

though once you have huge quantities, it's better to use something that doesn't rot as the base food. hence seeds.

>> No.12083534

when you dip a food in herbs, does the output get the benefit of both the food and herbs?

>> No.12083580
File: 2 KB, 80x112, chara409[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must have brought over 100 little sisters to the strange scientist. I wonder what happens to them?

>> No.12083598

She's totally not selling them to the slave master in Derphy.

>> No.12083612

From where you think the silver haired witches come from? gene engineered littlegirl-monster crossbreed.

>> No.12083810

she eats them

>> No.12084219

She eats little girls to remain young forever? cute.

>> No.12084642

Glad to see /jp/ still avoids Western games like Bioshock like the plague.

>> No.12084817

What's the quickest way to clear Lesimas without reaching level 3?

2+ Silver Bells with randart guns?

>> No.12084836

Mutant playthrough? Inherit a gene with monsterballed pets and xp drain equipment. Get riding. Also remember to inherit an astral light pen for gwen...

>> No.12084843

Little Gwen or Pitiless?
For a level 100, her stats seem lack luster.

>> No.12084850

Little gwen, obviously. If you miss the chance in act 1 she disappears forever.

>> No.12084851

Her level increases by 10 every time you kill her pitiless version.

>> No.12084856

Nope. She reappears as a boss in the void after the main storyline in North Tyris.

>> No.12084857


I want to do the legendary 24-handed Mutant build.

>> No.12084865

I'd rather get Meshera recruited, but you can revisit any special NPC boss once you reach the Void and Lost Irva.

Hope you're prepared for lots of savescumming.

>> No.12084875

Savescumming is pretty much obligatory as Mutant.

But really, just having a level 1 Mutant South Tyris save file will be nice purely because I'll be able to play around with every limb combination.

I have my heart set on 24 hands though.

>> No.12084943

I cheated in my limb slots on a test character.

You start getting ridiculous penalties for all those hands. Something like a compounding -300% hit bonus.

>> No.12084950

So? You'll be making so many attacks some of them will get though, and you'll MURDER anything you can hit easily.

>> No.12084980

Free attacks are free attacks, even if they're inaccurate as fuck free attacks.

What I'm curious about is how crit interacts with accuracy though.

And really, what else would you use the slots for? The only other really worthwhile slots are Torsoes (pretty damn good really) and gloves (more or less interchangeable with tonfa/claws anyway.)

>> No.12084990

I was thinking more ring/neck slots.

Maybe you could put on like one sword and 20 Shield Tonfas?

>> No.12084999

What would rings/neck be used for? I mean, they're convenient to swap but the actual stats-per-slot on them is much lower than most other gear.

>20 shield tonfas
If only it were possible to get multiple of each tonfa. One Smash Tonfa is worth like 4 pairs of gloves.

That said, I don't know if claws are still really crappy in the current version. They might be decent now.

>> No.12085024


Not so much throwing users I'd think. Doesn't throwing use tactics, which scales off str?


Are you going to call yourself gilgamesh? Any plans for what weapons you'll wield?


There are claws now, which are kind of tonfa lite. Perhaps he'll find some good artifacts?

>> No.12085034

Earlygame would probably consist of using as many artifacts as possible, since they tend to have better stats than any genned equipment for a long time.

The ultimate goal would be Living Rubynus Lightsabers in every single slot though.

Alternatively, all tonfas/claws for the ultimate punching build. I just wish having more hands granted you extra unarmed attacks like dual wield does.

Gilgamesh is in the air because I'd obviously be playing as a little girl.

>> No.12085075

Any weapon with +dual wield and/or +weapon skill would be absolutely huge as well.

Even if it's complete garbage and of the wrong weapon skill, you can just throw it into one of the off-off-off-hands and enjoy the free boost in accuracy.

I don't know what kind of batshit insane Long Swords/Dual Wield skill it would take to get something in the 20th+ hand to be positive accuracy, but having the ridiculous number of equipment slots of a Mutant who got to Gavela at level 1 would be a significant boost toward that end.

>> No.12085078
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Then call yourself Monoko. (Gilgamesh only had two arms in mythology anyway)

>> No.12085358

What exactly determines the damage that the ball does? I want to use the Unicorn Drill for free ball spell procs, but I don't know if it'll always deal the same amount of damage or it scales with a stat/skill.

>> No.12085647

Should I go with Lityou or a Nyarlathotep for a mount? Lityou works better with the riding skill, but Nyarlathotep has twice the HP...

>> No.12085659

I liked the second a lot though. it had a really different feel than your average fps.
too bad I couldn't finish it...

>> No.12085767

I want to know as well.

>> No.12085951

whichever gives higher speed when ridden, after all gear has been taken into consideration.

eventually you should upgrade to a Mra. then to Panic quest monsters.

>> No.12085959

on mutant multihand: every attack has a chance of hitting, no matter how low the hit percentage. when you're proccing 20+ hits per turn, even if the hit percentages are negative you'll still score more hits than the average dual-wielder. you can even disregard the hit percentage altogether.

>> No.12085962

the void version is not recruitable. I tried.

>> No.12086116

Whoa, didn't realize the Mra had such a high speed. I just got one now, thanks for the tip. When grabbing Panic quest monsters, I should be using a rod domination, right? Monster balls don't seem to preserve their altered levels...

>> No.12086660
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Hmm, I got the Bow of Vinderre from a cupid of death on the Challenge quest.

>> No.12086675

I wanted to play a thief or something a month ago and started with a weapon that was chaotic. After I died it disappeared. After that I ditched that character and went for a fairy but why was that? Can someone explain?

>> No.12086682

Starting items are randomly generated, though I'm pretty sure they'll always be made of certain materials, such as bronze for weapons.

I'm not sure if there's a cap on the quality level they can be.

>> No.12086706

When you die, you drop some of your items. If you died in an static area, they'll be waiting for you to pick them up again, but if you died in a randomly generated area like a overworld encounter or the puppy cave you're shit outta luck.

>> No.12086757

I was rather thinking about why the fuck do I start with a chaotic weapon?

>> No.12086776

Got really lucky.

>> No.12086779
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Very late but here. I'm using Twin Edge, Smash Tonfa, Gemini (very high chance of multiple attacks), nether damage weapons, time stop ammo, and luck.
And yeah, killing gods is impossible. I can barely complete Lost Irva dungeons.

>> No.12086790

Are some elements more common for starting weapons than other ones? Or do all elements have the same probability?

>> No.12086822

They are probably talking about using an astral light pen. It'd be awfully tough just to pick one up just for Gwen, though.

Rods can work, but Domination spells seem to be a ton easier to use now. The rate that the stock is consumed is a ton lower, and you can pick up a lot of the books once you read one in the spell writer shop. For the literacy, I personally save-scummed a living weapon, using the Void for xp, to stack the skill. You can collect equipment for it as well, but it's kind of a pain to equip it all before you do your reading.

Additionally, equipment with "enhances spells" attributes seem to increase the level at which you can recruit monsters. Since you can stack equipment with that attribute now, you can really use that to your advantage when going after higher level stuff.

Some person on the wiki posted that they got an Ether Dagger from a necro doll, so something strange seems to be going on with some of the weapons. I don't understand why they would put the two of those on random encounters, since it's pretty easy to find both of them in Party Time quests.

>> No.12086827

I don't imagine it'd be any different from other randomly generated items.

>> No.12086841

Well, duh. You're trying to melee things. Stop that shit and start using magic.
PV means that everything and it's mother ignores 90% or more of your melee damage, but resistance caps out at 75%. That's over two and a half times as much getting through.

>> No.12086871

Whoa, but isn't it like too late? I'm gonna try.
Also are lightsabres the way to go if i'm gonna melee?

>> No.12086873

Not unless you use 100% pierce weapons.

>> No.12086881

It's never too late to sit in your house spamming magic storm.

>> No.12086890

is there any point to raise any other stat than Speed?

>> No.12086912

Doesn't the pierce% only affect the numerical reduction though?

Also, how is elemental damage from weapons affected by PV? If I use say, a sword with magic damage, will it be based on their PV, magic resistance, or a combination of the two?

>> No.12086914

I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but you should be training all your skills regardless of whether you want to or not.

>> No.12086919

If I was extremely careful I think I'd survive quite awhile. I mean it would be really difficult, travelling between cities since that would actually take a few hours, or days, but it would be do-able.

If I stuck it I want it, harvest times, and maaaybe before it's too late quests, then focused on things like gardening and negotiation instead of dungeons, it might actually be great. I'd probably get to level 70ish before even stepping foot in the puppy cave.

Can I see my stats? My hunger/health? I guess I could go to an investigator if I can't see them myself.

>> No.12086925

still, high speed is the most useful stat there is. you can get extra attacks per round and run away before the enemy can retaliate. bandits? pffft, i'll be gone before they can even react.

>> No.12086942

The best way to get more speed is to get a faster mount. Your intrinsic speed will never beat the speed of a good mount. Regarding your bandit example, if you get a fast mount and grind up your other attributes you can kill the bandits and take their blue capsule drag. You will never be effective in elona with speed alone.

>> No.12086955
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Just found out these generals existed. I'm really glad they continued on here.

Got into it again awhile ago. I just downed Doggod, and two of the chaos fort 999 bosses yesterday. I have no idea what I'm going to do about Siba The Destruction though. He's insanely fast, and unlike the catgod, hits very, very hard. Fairy wizard, I only have two pets and I put them away during bosses because money.
Excuse the low fame, I've been throwing myself at danger a lot recently

Also is there anything to actually do in the third continent? Seems to me like it's more a skeleton for content right now, with precious items that don't drop on death and incomplete quests. The only quest there I could find that seemed to be finished was the dragon one.

>> No.12086983


>PV means that everything and it's mother ignores 90% or more of your melee damage

It sounds like they REALLY need to rebalance this game. Yikes

>> No.12086993

The main part of the game seems fairly balanced to me. It's just most of the balance drops off when you take things to extreme levels, like fighting inner gods or deep in the void.

>> No.12086995

At what point can you really fight the gods? Not stag gods but Mani or Lulwy.

>> No.12087021

Wish for Lulwy. Attack Lulwy. Now you are fighting Lulwy.

>> No.12087024

I meant actually stand a chance against them. As far as I can tell you'd need to combine a bunch of near-exploits to even scratch them.

>> No.12087034
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Not me, but I saved this character sheet from a couple threads ago that the 750-hour guy posted. He said he could take on all the inner gods at once.

>> No.12087038

How the fuck would you even get that fast.

>> No.12087044

>That accuracy


>> No.12087047

>75959 max HP

Oh my

>> No.12087051

Spam meteor in the void, buy AP.

>> No.12087058
File: 579 KB, 1296x806, Cthugha 2 strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give that a shot.

Speaking of meteor, really glad I leveled contingency.

>> No.12087067

Also, it'd be worth equipping the Fetter of Earth. You're killing everything in one hit, so speed isn't going to be an issue, but it'll get you AP a lot faster

>> No.12087074

Smart, how strong does my meteor need to be? It's only at level 15 right now since I rarely use it. I have 1300 stock for it though. I guess I should just keep buying scrolls of wonder to keep stocked?

>> No.12087118
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Once I summoned Cthugha and Yomagntho in Palmia and they started to fight each other (both can use meteor). It was so fun, I died thrice while trying to save my items, then I sided with Cthugha and captured the other guy. Cthugha still lives in south-west Palmia and does not despawn.

>> No.12087125
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What's a good level 150+ ranged pet? Preferably a bow or gun user, not a magic user.

>> No.12087190

Why is the wish spell so useless? Use it once and fail, oop it's level 10 and impossible to cast, great work.

>> No.12087212

What's the point of getting pets if they can't keep up with your leveling? having them before high levels is just a waste of time

>> No.12087259

A distraction for enemies.

>> No.12087265

Get Quicklings and Bells and then give them throwing weapons. The get, like, a hundred attacks per round.

>> No.12087279

Mostly as a distraction. Once you get a level 100ish pet you'll be able to keep it around though. I've had my Destroy Boar forever, I love him.

speaking of which, your pet's potentials matter in how many stats it gets from leveling via gene engineering, right?

>> No.12087325

>speaking of which, your pet's potentials matter in how many stats it gets from leveling via gene engineering, right?

I would like to know this as well.

>> No.12087335


In order for your pets to gain stats from gene engineering, the monster's gene it's getting it from must be a higher level than it, as well as one or more stats. The most you can gain in one fusion is 10 per stat.

>> No.12087348

Oh ok, so to make my boar stronger I should try to add things closer to it's level first before adding the higher level stuff?

Oh and another thing; how does martial arts work with more than one weapon? I only gave my boar one hand so he could use the smash tonfa since he has no dual wield. If he had another hand and used the shield tonfa as well, would his lack of dual wield impact him?

>> No.12087350

>175 lvl bell of termination with the GAU-17 Custom

>> No.12087351

Nope. Martial arts 'weapons' don't count as weapons in a technical sense. He could have any number of hands, and as long as none were holding anything that wasn't a shield, claw, or tonfa, he'd punch just the same. MA and DW can't be combined.

>> No.12087352

...what purpose exists in keeping away exp points?

>> No.12087359

Oh ok, so I should go to the scientist, give up a point of life, and give him another hand? Sounds worth it. How exactly does that work anyway? Will I need to give him back all his additional limbs?

Depends how you play. I'm a fairy wizard so I started out getting destroyed by physical attackers. Having a beefy pet able to block hallways was extremely useful. The first pet that was actually useful in combat was one of those evolved grudges that throw potions. He wasn't useful for long but having someone spam disasters against bosses was fun. Maybe I'll dominate a panic/void Pumpkin.

>> No.12087364

So the receiving pet's potentials don't matter at all?

>> No.12087374

Because you can get through the majority of the main story without grinding if you just pick up a couple of really good pets and ignore your main character.

>> No.12087378

I think it still does. I added a level 75 monster to a yeek the other day and he didn't gain any stats.

>> No.12087525

>...what purpose exists in keeping away exp points?
How are you having trouble gaining EXP?
Literally everything gives you EXP in this game.
You can't fucking walk or fart without gaining EXP.

>> No.12087572

So these little guys cast healing rain on top of a bunch of hexes and a dart spell. Anyone use one? I think it might make a nice replacement for my Ouroboros. It'll be a lot less tanky though, but the hexes might be worth it. I guess I could just load it up with rubynus, but it still wouldn't have super regen like Ouroboros.

>> No.12087575
File: 818 KB, 1296x806, Mucencab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woop, forgot my picture.

>> No.12087589

Isn't the guy in the pic on a mount though?

>> No.12087591

Oh ya you're right. What could he possibly be riding?

>> No.12087631

Is there any way to prevent Meshera the Deformed Angel from using SuperRegen? I've been slashing at her for a half hour...

>> No.12087646

Not as far as I know. Whenever I've killed it I've used a big burst attack at the last second to finish it off.
You could get charge attack or a pet with charge attack, that's what I did this time around. Destroy Boar works well. You could also get a giga bomb rock as a pet and have that finish it off, though I've never tried that. Get creative.

>> No.12087662

What a few of the people in the general have done, myself included, is to ready a ranged weapon with time stop ammo at hand. Right before she uses Super Regene (you've been hacking away at her for a while, you'll know when this is), use the time stop ammo and blast her with everything you've got. As soon as it ends, fire another one and keep it going, until she's finally gone.

>> No.12087679

Thanks for the tips! I couldn't find my time stop ammo, so I ended up spending the 1000AP for charge and hit her before she used it.

>> No.12087682

about that 75% magic def, when i look up monsters at the wiki they usually don't have or have a normal res against magic
so does magic dart spell have magic attribute?
is it good to level up?

>> No.12087686

I had a hell of a time killing Siva with another character and just murdered Yerleswood, but on my current one it was the other way around. Siva raped my pet army before, so I used the Frisia strategy and let him kill himself by reflecting his damage with the Shield of Thorn. The shield should be under your weight limit, but I don't know how you'd boost your PV high enough to survive between hits.

There's another quest that doesn't have a name that lets you do some artifact fusion, but you do need scrolls of gain attribute for it, which makes it fairly useless with how rare those are.

There's a summary here if you need it: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:11920#11

Generally, if the monster you're combining with your pet is at least one level higher than it, you will get a gain in one or two stats when it combines. Using higher level ones can get you HP on your pet quicker, but you do miss out on the stat boosts because of the limit mentioned by the other guy. That being said, it takes quite a while to hunt down stuff that you need after a while when using multiple pets. Using the wiki bestiary pages helps, since you can sort by level to find what you need.

The only big problem with using the gene engineering is that you're out of luck for skills. Recruited high level pets come with high level skills, too.

The level based magic resistance was added after most of those profiles went up. Most magic users use magic ball/bolt.

>> No.12087699
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What do

I think magic dart and crystal spear are magic attribute. My lightning bolt is at level 248 and I really regret leveling it instead of crystal spear since I need to elemental scar anything to do decent damage.
I do know magic resist is for hexes though. So it may only be for that, but pretty sure dart and spear are also magic.

My holy shield is pretty high level but it only lets me survive one or two hits from him. I think I might need to summon a god on his ass, but I'll try alternatives first.
Wait, the artifact fusion system is up and running? I got the quest but I read it was unfinished, so I used the 11 gain attribute scrolls I had saved up. Well that's upsetting. Thanks for the link, hopefully I can find some more scrolls.

As for the pets, the one I plan on keeping permanently is my Destroy Boar. As far as I know he's the highest level boar species, and his AI is great. He shadow steps like crazy and his charge attack is useful, he's also extremely durable. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.12087725

Technically the fusion system works, but it doesn't actually fuse artifacts. You can use the crap you craft like Icarus wings for some things, or the stuff you get from Awakened dungeons, described here: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Black_gemstone_of_Wake_up_of_nefia

I've only gotten the gems from 100+ dungeons, and they are a real pain since I think every monster on the floor is always alerted to where you are, so you are always surrounded. The jewel cores you can get when you beat the dungeon boss have a random stat or skill your can see when you examine them. You'd probably have to do a ton of them to get something useful, since I don't think they can be save-scummed. There is also some sort of limit to how much can go on an artifact, so some stuff like uniques can't add anything at all when you try to put something on it.

>> No.12087737

I didn't know you got anything from awakened dungeons. Now I'm really upset I gave up all those scrolls. I could have made a completely customized artifact with all those.

Any other bits of content I might be unaware of? You've been really helpful.
I tried to mana burst the bell but contingency didn't activate, RIP

>> No.12087755

Does anyone know how I can pick up wishes now? I used to just rely on random Wizard Harvest spells, but now I have no luck finding any rods. I have a few books, but they are far and away harder to read than anything else.I still want to try to pick up the god rewards, but I've had to stick at max favor for a while since it's been so long since I've found a Rod.

Uh, as far as Lost Irva is concerned, I don't think there's that much. The boss in the Cradle's 7th level can drop a fairly useful Claw that enhances spells, and once you beat him you can get an easier port back to North Tyris from the Guardian shrine. I just personally found out the 8th level is open there, but haven't remembered to go down further yet.

>> No.12087768

What do you think about wishing?
After few potions of evolution and happy bed I don't really know what else to wish.

>> No.12087776

Just went and checked, but nevermind, the end of the 8th level has "In development" once you reach the stairs. I have a debug character for some stuff, and couldn't get past the 7th floor for him, so I have no idea what removed the "chaos barrier". Maybe the undersea palace quest or something?

I personally like secret experience of Kumiromi, since they are pretty rare and you stop getting feats around level 50 or 60. You can also use them to summon gods for the special rewards once your favor is maxed. The rewards are mostly useless, but if the trick with the fetter or earth mentioned above worked well, it could help a lot. I remember people describing ways to use the stat penalties on them to train other skills before as well.

>> No.12087789

Alright, so yeah, you have to kill Nine Head Dragon in his special map that you get to from the Undersea Palace to be able to get to the 8th floor of the Cradle, but you still can't get beyond there yet anyway.

>> No.12087805

So not much else, alright. Once I beat the Siva I might be just about done then.

I've had really poor luck with wishes too. When I first played I pulled up enough rods of wish from my farm to collect all the gods in my warehouse since I was convinced wearing all the 4th rewards unlocked some easter egg. The spell is pretty useless too, since it actually lowers in cast chance as it levels up. My wish is level 12 and I have a 1% cast chance at 110 casting.

Does he drop anything neat?

>> No.12087818

It's not a reliable method, but I buy tons of useless potions and mix them at wells whenever possible.

>> No.12087826

Doesn't that screw over your stats?

>> No.12087829

Not him, but I have a dedicated well-drinking pet.

>> No.12087839

I don't think Nine Head drops anything besides claws and some random crap. His map is a total pain in the ass as well, with an effect that makes you more insane the closer that you get to him each time it activates. When your sanity reaches a certain level, it kicks you out of the map. He's surrounded by tsathoggua that spam eye of insanity, too. It helps to teleport close to him. I had a double-evolved little girl that I took with me, who can use rain of sanity, so that saved me there.

>> No.12087842

Does wielding a Shield in one of your off hands still break Dual Wield skill training and the multi-attack proc chance?

>> No.12087843

I'm not totally sure about the multi, but it stops training it still yeah. Even though tonfas and claws don't count as shields, they also do the same thing.

>> No.12087845

God fucking damn it Japan. Is fixing a single bug so hard to do?

>> No.12087856

So are mages just intended to carry around 5 rods of mana?

>> No.12087865

It probably wouldn't be as frustrating if you couldn't add extra hands to normal characters now using Doctor Gavela. The claw thing is especially frustrating, but for some reason having one equipped when dual wielding gets rid of the dual wield spell penalty.

I've read before that those using magic as their primary offense take Itzpalt as their god, and use the magic restoring special action. Regeneration restores stamina faster, so the combination of the two should work alright, although it seems like it could get dangerous in long fights.

>> No.12087898

The benefits of the bug such as getting rid of the offhand weight penalties and spellcasting penalties most likely outweigh the loss of multi-attack, since it can just be replaced with Gemini, Smash Tonfa, or some other multi-attack artifact, but not getting Dual Wield EXP is really fucking annoying.

That said, there is no reason to actually wear tonfas/shields while grinding DW, but for actual combat they're amazing.

>> No.12087917

Speaking of Claws, how much is the base Unarmed Skill bonus on them anyway?

>> No.12087979
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These custom maps are pretty insane.

>> No.12088208

How often does Elona+ get updated?

>> No.12088259

Is Magic Storm writable by the mage's guild? Otherwise, how do you go about getting a lot of charges?

>> No.12088262

Yes, it is. If you invest in magic shops, they'll sell it a lot more often, too.

>> No.12088267
File: 384 KB, 588x365, GimmeDemSpellbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What rank do you need? I've got it up to rank 201, but still no option for magic storm...

>> No.12088270

Wait nevermind, just had to finish reading an entire book before it showed up.

>> No.12088330
File: 463 KB, 811x633, Did someone drop this what is this i dont even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It does seem like almost everything in the game can potentially show up somewhere, somehow, if not in the way it was intended to. I even have a screencap from when I found the ether dagger just lying on the floor in a dungon as part of the random loot littering the floor when it's generated.

>> No.12088394

They can make good mounts.

>> No.12088437

Apparently you can't train a skill to a level higher than the level of the corresponding attribute. Can someone confirm this? If this is true, the Green God Thorn is super useful.

>> No.12089570

Will the Elona+ changelog ever be translated?

>> No.12089594


>> No.12090000

So how the artifact would be useful? I do not see how decreasing specific skills helps in to make the attribute expand. care to elaborate for an dumm?

I mean, If this is a calculation that considers all the skills of an attribute for that then form a limit/barrier to prevent training these skills over of the attribute, then my pc is not normal.

>> No.12090013

I think he means he can train the skills more by reducing them to 1 by wearing that, regardless of his con/magic stats.

I don't think it works that way though.

>> No.12090017

My meditation skill just stopped training at some level (pretty close to my Magic stat). When I took off my meditation+### girdle, it started to rise again. If I cast high-level Divine Wisdom, it levels up just fine, even with the girdle.

>> No.12090020

I'm not sure I understand you.

My CON is 53 yet my Healing skill is 81
My CHR is also 102 but Performer only 43

This is 1.36R as well.

>> No.12090023

Ohh... now I get it. It's a nice theory.

>> No.12090076

I think it's got more to do with the ratio of meditation and max mana.

>> No.12090095

there are two ways of fast mana regen in the lategame: Itzpalt's special action, and mana rods.

the first one is dependent on Favor. the second is dependent on Magic Device. IME the first one is easier to train up, since you can get a set of Faith++ gear, get your Favor up, and then go back to your normal gear.

Panic Quest monster, obviously.

The best way to catch those is with the Dominate spell. Dominate rods also work, but it takes a LOT longer to train up Magic Device.

You'll want +spellpower gear that gives a total of +200% spellpower, which is the max. You'll also want the Medium Armor special ability that gives 1.2x spellpower on top of everything else, so you end up with 3.6x spellpower. The max level monster you can capture, then, is spell-level * 3.6.

FYI at ~lvl 1000 some monsters will have 2000 speed. Some are faster than others - it's dependent on the base speed for races.

>> No.12090103


look at the damage dice and the huge stat bonuses. those are god weapons. I carry them for statgain and am careful not to melee.

>> No.12090107

I suspect that melee attacks are capped to 4 attacks max now, even with many arms. can anyone verify that for me?

>> No.12090115

think of them as disposable meatshields.

>> No.12090194

I think the game can be significantly improved if
1. a good portion of the capturable monsters are cute little girls
2. they have huge moe portraits
3. the portraits get clothing damage as they lose HP
4. they gain stats just like neutral NPCs on levelup
5. pet deaths are permanent

I'd play the shit out of that.

>> No.12090206

Please god no. Why the fuck would they nerf Mutants when nobody plays Mutant in the first place?

>> No.12090218

>a good portion of the capturable monsters are cute little girls
I would suggest you the monstergirl spritesheet, but I can't find the link to the latest version.

>> No.12090231

It's in the archives on an earlier, recent thread, along with someone posting a mega pack of custom sprites, NPCs, portraits, and interface.

If you check /vg/'s roguelike general, they have multiple music packs inside the Elona+ pastebin.

>> No.12090381 [DELETED] 

sorry, I've been kinda out of it the past few weeks.

I guess I should update it for the newest version, give me a bit.

here's the one for 1.35 in the meantime

>> No.12090390

Did 1.36r2 fix the corpse drop bug? I've been out for a bit and considering moving over my save from 1.35 but I don't really want to if corpses are bugged.

>> No.12090402

Actually, I'm an idiot and forgot I had already done it and just forgot to upload it.

So here, take this instead (For version 1.36r2)

>> No.12090420
File: 1.39 MB, 840x1183, 42981757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, the conversation above about multiple arms seemed wrong to me, but I figured that maybe it was because I hadn't played Elona for a while. Usually the slots you get for a mutant get capped out at...level 39? 15 total, counting the body, shoot and ammo ones you're forced to have. Additionally, Gavela only allows you to go +2 over the normal 13 slots as well. So, are the people talking about reaching 30 slots just misinformed?

Yes, it's fixed. There don't seem to be any new major bugs in the newest version. Nothing harmful, anyway.

>> No.12090422

This game is only need one thing and it's H-content.
This is stupid, really can't understand why they didn't do it.
For me it's just like only half of the game and when I play it I always feel this emptiness.
Sometimes just can't play the game because lack of H-content makes me depressed.
Because it's just not complete, not perfect.

>> No.12090428

Even if it had more of that stuff, you're dealing with extremely small sprites and semi-roguelike gameplay. If you want your porn fix, there are probably better places to get it. Some spriters have gotten a ton of detail into some small sprites, but they'd have to be at least double the resolution to bother with something like that.

>> No.12090460

it's not about the H. TBH considering E+'s art talent even if you get H-scenes they're gonna be shit-tier H-scenes. also if you play for hundreds of hours you'll be looking at the same scenes ad nauseum.

all I want is something like Cancolle. Hell, if someone can figure out how to import cancolle pictures (big ones, not tiny portraits/sprites) into E+ that'be super sweet.

if you make it into South Tyris without hitting lvl3, you can Gavela your way into 11 extra limbs (hitting the 15 slot limit). After that you'll still get your standard complement of 12 Mutant limbs. Total slots = 4+11+12 = 27.

>> No.12090464

the engine supports cutscenes. the problem is getting a set of high quality h-pictures together with a consistent art direction.

>> No.12090471

Gavela gives you slots up to 15.

Mutant starts with 4 slots.

If you can get to Gavela without reaching level 3, you'll be able to get +11 equipment slots, then the +12 you get from leveling up as a mutant.

In the end you'll have the Hand, Torso, Shoot, and Ammo you start with, and 23 other slots in whichever loadout you want. (11 of which are capable of being additional torsoes)

Granted, you'll have like 30 Life after buying that many slots from Gavela, and be pretty much incapable of going fast without Riding due to ~14x Complicated Body, however it'll all be worth it to make 24 hands a possibility.

>> No.12090493
File: 1 KB, 48x48, up4647_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been pretty tough to find replacement sprites, monster girl or otherwise for some of the new stuff. I might want to suggest this one for the necro lancer, although from the place I got her I suspect she's from some game rather than being an original sprite.

If you're going with Selvaria for the Chaos Paladin, maybe you should go with two other Valkyria Chronicles sprites for the Hunter and Shaman. Those aren't very common, but that same artist did an Alicia as well. I can throw that up if you want, although I don't think there's a decent third one to go with them.

Still seems kind of silly, but thanks for letting me know it's possible.

>> No.12090508

>5. pet deaths are permanent

Are you trying to make little girls cry?

Elona would be better to me if the story was actually translated into English,the grind died down and there was a limb system.

Speaking of that do any of you play on Overdose mode? How is it?

>> No.12090517

It starts fast, but it pretty quickly falls into the exact same grind. You gain XP 20 times as fast, so your potential drops 20 times as fast. Pretty soon everything's hopeless and single digit, and stats only really goe up when you get potential, which vanishes really quickly.

>> No.12090520

I want to make people take better care of their pets and have stories about the pain of losing them forever.

also I want a super sad cutscene every time you abandon a pet / sell it to the slavemaster / sell it to raphael.

>> No.12090527

go for it. I'm always open to new sprites, and if push comes to shove, I'm pretty good at editing and piecemealing them together. Mostly just going through pixiv and the uploader, seeing any that are similar and throwing them in. I've got a few I want to re-replace though, but oh well. All in due time.

>> No.12090530

limb system?

>> No.12090571

So magic is a thing in this game now? When I played it over 300 years ago magic was like "dont-even-bother" bad.

>> No.12090631

Well limb damage system. I forgot that technically Elona already has one. But imagine smashing that fucker Siva's legs and killing his speed.

Well if its just Potential thats the problem and the stats increase just fine it doesn't sound -too- bad...Just like down a bunch of potions of potential or something.

>> No.12090679

It's actually extremely powerful, but it makes building your character quite a bit more difficult. Your actual character is hideously weak, with Snail-tier Speed and Fairy-tier Life, but with 12 more slots than any other species you can more than make up for it and become one of the strongest offensive and defensive powerhouses in the entire game, at the same time. The hard part is actually getting to Gavela, getting such a large quantity of usable equipment, and getting Riding going.

>> No.12090683

there's also a problem with equipment weight: 27 pieces of equipment have to fit under 35s if you want medium armor. that's almost Fairy-like restrictions on weight. heavy armor in this case would mean giving up magic.

>> No.12090715

Well yes, if you're going to be a dedicated caster you'll probably be using a lot of pope robes and possibly even jewelry. However, is Heavy category completely prohibitive for magic in the first place? I've never played much with magic in Elona in general.

>> No.12090735

Honestly, part of what makes Mutant so cool is not only the number of slots you get, but being able to optimize them however you want. With max slots You start with slightly less Life than a fairy, but you can get lazy and slap 3 Rubynus Amulets on him, and you suddenly have more. After that you can do whatever you want with the other 24 slots: 12 pope robes, 4 boots, 20 girdles, etc.

I mean goddamn, could you imagine what 12 miracle/godly Spirit Silk Pope Robes would be like? You could have like 700 DV at 0 Evasion skill, and that's without using even half your slots.

>> No.12090741

Or you can not be a fag and not reroll your slots like a non-fag

savescumming casuals

>> No.12090755

Yeah man, you just rolled with the extra Girdle/Neck that Gavela gave your 300+ hour character. Don't worry anon, I don't think your 4 arms are anything but legit.

Your highly time-invested Mutant with completely random equipment slots also totally exists. I really respect you anon.

>> No.12090781

I fucking did you faggot

savescumming casual

>> No.12090801

there is only one way of settling this dispute.


>> No.12090808

I believe you anon, you're a true hardcore Elona player. Possibly the most hardcore Elona player of all time.

>> No.12091028

what a dick

>> No.12091291

It's not TOO bad, but stat potential is actually a lot easier to keep up. You just can't get plat fast enough to focus on more than one or two skills.

>> No.12091294

Heavy armor with 2hand gets you fairly reasonable success rates. You can't count on spells always working, but they'll go off more often than not.

>> No.12091517

Are Blessed Scrolls of Growth not so good anymore? I seem to recall them being amazing.

That said, there's not much point in playing Overdose if it's just going to turn into playing the Potential game anyway. All it'll do is make the earlygame a bit easier.

>> No.12091543

They're GOOD, but you can't get enough of them without abusive medal farming tricks. Also, they spread out the potential so much it makes it hard to do any focused growth, so you wind up with a shitload of skills you'll never care about at high ranks.

>> No.12091578

After so many years /rlg/ is dying.

Hold me /jp/

>> No.12091597

It's been dead for a while now, just casual scum playing Shit Soup. I haven't seen a single post about any real roguelike getting any meaningful discussion started in months.

>> No.12091656

Yeah, but even when it's Thinly Veiled DCSS General it's a pretty regular occurrence for a new FotM to crop up, and for all those casuals to pick it up. It's not uncommon either for the surge in popularity to revive old/dead roguelike development.

All that dies if /rlg/s stop being made. That said, the reason it's dying in the first place is because there hasn't been a new FotM since IA and people are getting sick of the extended DCSS overdose.

>> No.12091792

Alright, I'm starting from scratch again.

My only goal for my first character is to make a suitable gene to get a level 1 Mutant to South Tyris, and maybe some Rubynus claws so that he can actually survive after getting his limbs. For this I suppose I'll just need some Monster Balls and poison (to capture a pair of Silver Bells), a couple good guns, (ideally with Nerve damage) and maybe some EXP-draining gear so I don't get accidental levelups from being attacked or other things. Maybe a few Rubynus Claws so my mutant doesn't die instantly against everything if I actually do get him.

How do you think I should go about doing this? I'm thinking my best bet is to make a Juere meleeguy abusing the Shield Tonfa. I'd like to avoid doing the Black Market grind but I have no idea how I'm supposed to get good enough guns otherwise.

Also does the new option that comes up after selecting your title do anything? The one with nothing but "Proceed" and 4 "Reroll"s, with everything else hidden.

>> No.12092212

Character background. Always hidden on English version. See: >>12066646

>> No.12092443

So, how do I get my artifact seeds to grow things that aren't just miracle rings and amulets? I don't even want rings or amulets anymore.

>> No.12092542

that's like asking how to get vegetable seeds to grow fruits instead.

go invest/savescum blackmarkets like everybody else.

>> No.12092711

Then why do they even exist? Who gives a shit about miracle jewelery, and who the FUCK would spend medals for them?

>> No.12092894

>baawww I spent medals on useless shit

has these threads taught you nothing? herb seeds are the only seeds worth getting, and the way to get it is by bullying a fairy.

>> No.12092925

Do magical seeds still give rods of wishing sometimes?

>> No.12092958

if it does, I haven't seen it so far, and I've been farming quite a bit.

the best source of wishes is scrolls of wonder.

>> No.12092962

They seem to have nerfed gardening a lot. I remember a few years ago I got enough rods to summon all the gods and try to have them brawl it out, as well as get my other wish needs fulfilled.

But the wish spell is impossible to cast. With over 100 casting you still only have about a 25-30% chance to cast it. Then it levels up and becomes a 1% chance.

>> No.12093011

Well, veggies can at least be grown into Kumiromi offerings.

>> No.12093021

you need a whole set of +casting gear, including lvl 15 living weapons that has all bonuses on casting.

>> No.12093025

How much casting do you get from a level 15 all Casting living weapon?

>> No.12093034

That's just fucking silly

>> No.12093042

Are there any redeeming factors for Claws whatsoever?

They seem to have worse PV/DV than gloves, worse Damage/Accuracy bonus, and no Skill bonus on top of that. On the other hand, Thick Gauntlets give ## Martial Arts skill at base, which is pretty fucking huge.

>> No.12093052

Don't claws go in the weapon slot? They're still pretty bad compared to tonfa, but I don't think they compete with gloves.

>> No.12093060
File: 155 KB, 640x640, 36657218_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're also a reliable way to put cooked food in your shop in the early game if you don't want to bother with fishing. The extra gardening training you can get from harvesting multiple farms helps out, too.

Well, you equip them on hands instead of arm slots, so it's kind of a bad comparison. Equipping a claw on your 3rd or more hand while dual wielding gets rid of the dual wielding casting penalty currently, too. This might be a bug that's fixed later, but it's the main advantage right now. It's still probably not worth using a hand slot on a claw unless you're using the Otogiri for casting, though.

>> No.12093103

Yeah, normally you wouldn't compare the two but in the case where you're considering hands vs gloves on a mutant, or for any character that visits Gavela, it really becomes apparent how garbage Claws are.

For the purposes of dual wielding there's no reason not to use a shield or tonfa instead, as they actually have worthwhile stats. The only thing I think Claws might surpass Gauntlets on is +damage, but even that is so low it's pretty dubious. I can't say I've seen what kind of stats you can get on top-end non-precious gauntlets or claws though.

>> No.12093183

you get 1+5*level, and you level up 14 times, so you get +71. It can get pretty crazy if you do this with a mutant.

the other way of doing it is to spam Oracle and power-level your Casting.

>> No.12093185

I wish there was a fast way to destroy items. It's a pain in the ass having to travel out of my house just to get rid of some junk.

>> No.12093209

if I were to build a Mutant:

1. you'll want some slots for PV. Body is best here. Get several.
2. you'll want at least one ring slot for Aurora Ring.
3. similarly, you want at least one leg slot for Seven League Boots / fetters of earth
4. everything else goes to Hands. You can use a shitton of living weapons to do all sorts of things: damage, shore up resists, +spellpower, etc.

I wouldn't bother with Gloves, since the hit penalty is huge and there's a min chance of hit no matter how low it gets. also I would take a serious look at the ether diseases that require giving up slots. if you don't have slots, then you're not giving up anything.

>> No.12093235

When do we get arrow spells which explode in ball form.

>> No.12093688

When you start using ranged weapons with ball invokes.

>> No.12093732

Lame. I want to blow shit up 100% of the time, if I don't fail casting.

>> No.12093853

Then shadowstep in and start spamming ball spells.

>> No.12093885

First solution: hire a shopkeeper, sell items directly

Second solution (preferred): buy a shop, set up next to house, sell items there

>> No.12093887

Don't you use explosion ammo?

>> No.12093895

>influenced via casting

I don't think you understand how invokes work.

>> No.12093921

I don't think you understand anon's point, he want D&D "fireball" style spells, where you cause an explosion centered around a point other than yourself. A ranged weapon with invokes will not blow shit up 100% of the time if he doesn't fail casting, it will only blow shit up when the invoke hits, which is why it is lame.

>> No.12093990

I think if you want to make a completely optimal mutant that's certainly the way to go. Several Torsoes + One shield will make your PV (and DV) so stupidly high that you'll probably outtank any other species in the game, even if you have like 60 Life. That said, even if you went Gauntlets (for instance on a Martial Mutant, wearing 20 Thick Gauntlets would give you +160 Martial Arts before even getting into potential artifact bonuses) with some Hands for Tonfas + shield, the sheer number of slots would very likely put you into above average PV/DV, with silly resistances as always.

Although I've heard that both PV and DV are of severely diminished usefulness in the lategame because enemies start to have stupidly high damage/pierce/accuracy thanks to their stat and skill totals. Stacking several torsoes may or may not pay off in the end. I can't say I've experienced this myself though.

Aurora Ring seems like it would be worthwhile if you want the convenience. With a total of 27 slots, using one on an aurora ring would probably make a very unnoticeable difference statistically and a very noticeable difference convenience-wise.

Same more or less applies to Seven League, but to a lesser degree. The only real use I can really think of for them is getting plat for delivery/escort quests, but all the non-Noyel ones should still be doable once you have a bit of Speed. I don't know what kind of speed you'd need to do Noyel's quests without them. Overall though there's pretty much no reason not to get them.

Fetters on the other hand seem completely redundant, as 27 slot Complicated will nuke your speed whenever you aren't riding anyway.

As for ether diseases, pretty much the only body slot one you'll be looking at is Thick Neck. Feathers/Hooves would be cool if not for the simple fact that your own speed will always, irreversibly, be horrifically low. For the same reason Bone Plates would be useful, the speed hit doesn't matter so it's pretty much free PV.

>> No.12094017

There's the -DV/+damage ether disease as well, but that useful on pretty much anything.

>> No.12094018

That said, I still think I want to make a pure Hands mutant just for the hell of it, unless not having aurora/leagues ends up making me really want to kill myself. Ring is actually a pretty solid slot because you can wear Ring of the Steel Dragon when you don't need the Aurora, whereas Leg has no good artifacts and you're basically expected to wear Seven Leagues at all times.

Other slots worth considering would be Head for Mag-abyss, Girdle for Crimson Plate into Asteroid Belt, and Arm for Vesda into Blue Spirit.

Even taking into account Living Weapons, it's really hard to match high-end Precious artifacts in terms of the sheer number of overall stats they offer.

>> No.12094041

Feathers would still be useful because it's basically free Float, which is otherwise difficult to get without a Back slot.

Among the potentially useful diseases in this situation: Desire for Violence, Thick Neck, Heavy Carapace, Feathers, Four Eyes, Dog Ears. I don't know if there's any other useful muts added in E+.

>> No.12094101

If you're lucky in an artifact, you could end up having the "It floats you." line.

Also, people are saying that riding great for improving speed, but has anyone tried improving speed on their own terms? I'm nearing 500 speed on my own and it seems according to the wikia, there aren't many other monsters that are good rideable pets and have that much or more speed.

>> No.12094145

Void monsters have insanely high speed at insanely high levels, dominate them for great justice.

>> No.12094194

Well, >>12087034 is using riding.

Also, if you're a mutant you pretty much have to use Riding out of pure necessity due to Complicated's speed nerf being percentage-based.

>> No.12094214

I'm using a vanilla non-mutated character.

>> No.12094216

Didn't they nerf the void so that you can't capture monsters in there regardless of the method?

>> No.12094219

Does Astral Light Pen still work?

>> No.12094263

In that case you're fine without riding, since your speed caps at 2000 just like pets'.

Riding is still slightly advantageous, since it allows you to disregard speed equipment and just toss it all onto your pet, as well as allows you to get extra limbs from Gavela without penalty, but it's not that big of a difference. Riding is probably a considerably longer grind than just AP grinding your own AP up as well.

>> No.12094285

Wait a second, how does >>12087034 have +300 damage on his weapons? That strength and the base modifier on god weapons should only account for around +100 shouldn't it?

>> No.12094379

I'd bet it's the +damage -EV ether disease.

>> No.12094439

Ah, that makes sense. It'll give 2/3 of his level in damage, which is a fuckload when he's almost level 400.

700% evade seems like a lot, but it's actually quite a bit below normal for someone at his level.

>> No.12094698

Actually, this is kind of odd. Went to try this out since I didn't remember if it worked on normal enemies, and it didn't work. Ran down to the next dungeon boss, Loyter, and didn't work on him either. Tried the nefia dungeons too, which also didn't work. But then I tried some normal enemies too, and it still didn't work. Enemies you could dominate normally. They changed how the pens work several times at the start, but this isn't how I remember it the last time I tried.

It did still work on unique characters and the boss I tried, though.

>> No.12094976

Does anyone know if the dedicated mounts such as Horses or Little Girls require less Riding to be used effectively?

If not, what does the cHorse flag even do?

>> No.12095399

creatures in the Void can't be recruited. same with awakened dungeons.

also, remember you need to be at Soul Mate and have the proper levels and AP.

>> No.12095402

it gives +50 to the speed limit (not the speed).

>> No.12095510

I know the steps, and I'm sure that I had the requirements. It's just that I recall testing it before and thought I was able to recruit a boss from there. While my memory may have failed me on that one, the fact that it didn't work on a normal, dominatable enemy surprised me.

>> No.12095648

Quite a bit? My only character is a 50+ level fairy and I have just as much. The fairy bonus must be huge.

>> No.12095674

It is, but it's ultimately pretty pointless. I think I can get up around 1500% and it's not particularly helpful against level 300+ stuff.

>> No.12095786

Has anybody tried starting out as a caster with the somewhat recent changes to magic? I'm thinking about trying it out but I'm still worried about how it's going to go pre Mages Guild or even Festival of Jure for the sandbag.

>> No.12095846

Thread does not have much longer to live.

I was trying out a sand bag a bit, and it seems like you can't train skills on captured monsters at all. This includes gaining levels on spells, and casting. The start would probably be tough anyway even with the reduced spell stock cost.

>> No.12095850

Basically a novelty item now, as you can't earn xp from attacking the sandbagged mob. People talk about using it + blood drain for fast stamina regen though.

The other changes make magic much easier to do, though if you start without a gene (or if your gene doesn't have a lot of ancient books to inherit) you can basically measure your effectiveness in terms of how often you find magic dart spellbooks.

>> No.12096298

Elona+ 1.36R2 is up, but that changelog under translate is completely moon. Anyone care to help

>> No.12096301

My bad, didn't mean to reply.

>> No.12096397

I don't see it being particularly useful for stamina regen either, since you can just use your pets. They're a lot easier to get into position, you don't need to carry them around, and they're easier to obtain.

>> No.12096462

Yeah its a shame about sandbags.
Magic Dart books aren't particularly rare or anything, although lately i've only been finding fire bolt after fire bolt.

>> No.12096542

What's wrong with fire bolt?

>> No.12096568

It's not magic dart.

But seriously, it starts fires, destroying items and hurting your retarded pets because they don't consider it in their pathfinding. Creatures that are wet take reduced damage from fire. It seems to me that it's best suited to controlled item destruction, like when you want to reset wells or altars in town.

>> No.12096626

>it starts fires
Is it really that hard to check line of fire before casting, and relocate if there's something you don't want roasted in the way or just extinguish the fire with a trash potion?
>wet creatures
So avoid water levels and don't fight in the rain

>> No.12096711

Relocating is much harder than it sounds, especially if you're (god-forbid) relying on fire bolt in late game.

Honestly, use magic dart, then level magic storm as soon as possible.
