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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 869 KB, 2048x1536, iidx-ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12056444 No.12056444 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one so I'm making it

>> No.12056505

Bemani only or is discussion regarding games like DJMax, ITG and the various PC sims allowed?

>> No.12056510 [DELETED] 

Take this stuff to >>>/v/

>> No.12056528

Rhythm games are /jp/ related.

>> No.12056529

I'm sure they have a thread already that's just some /b/tard's excuse to mention his own pet project he thinks he's going to make a fortune on the ads on.

Anyway I thought we had a Japanese arcade machine thread, maybe it expired already.

>> No.12056530 [DELETED] 

Arcade culture and niche weeaboo rhythm games is /jp/ related.

>> No.12056583

I'm always too nervous to go on any of these machines at local arcades, all the asians around make it very intimidating...

>> No.12056592

I used to go at like 11am or noon during the week when nobody was around.
Empty arcades are like a glimpse of heaven.

>> No.12056626

>Empty arcades are like a glimpse of heaven

That they are, it's so much more fun when you don't have a bunch of people wandering around watching.

>> No.12056654

I wish I had an IIDX machine near me. I'm really curious about how good the sound system is. I've always just used headphones at home.

>> No.12056691 [DELETED] 

They're not, only normies play outside and you have to be a loser to play with a keyboard or have a rhythm game at your house.

>> No.12056691,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well, are you guys helping or what? I can't wait for Jannie's confused face.

>> No.12056691,2 [INTERNAL] 

le epic raid xD

>> No.12056711

/jp/ has consistently had rhythm game threads since 2008.

>> No.12056711,1 [INTERNAL] 

>You have been banned from /jp/ for posting >>12056691, a violation of Global Rule 6:

>The quality of posts is extremely important to the community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.



>> No.12056711,2 [INTERNAL] 

Stop being childish

>> No.12056711,3 [INTERNAL] 

Childish? Dude, warosu is for meta-shitposting, step it up.

>> No.12056711,4 [INTERNAL] 

le secret raid board xD

>> No.12057517

For the threads to either 404 within 15 minutes or filled with "why don't you just pick up a real instrument???", "wubba dubba dub", "I want to fuck the rhythm heaven girl" and "QTE memotrash lelelelel"? No thanks.

>> No.12057582

It's been like half a year or something since I laid off Jubeat.

Man, that was fun. I didn't get to EXC-ing any of the songs but I could at least get SS for around 90% of the level 10 songs.

ps. fuck guhroovy songs

>> No.12057778

it old game
it geesenn nacinng?
otogee meja flees

>> No.12058235

Same here. I'll probably be taking a trip to France this summer just to be able to play on the real arcade for once. Gon' be exciting.

>> No.12058298

There are 2DX machines in France?

>> No.12058448

I like beatmania IIDX. It is my favorite game.

>> No.12058483


>> No.12058524

Thank you for playing.

>> No.12058548
File: 2 KB, 1359x44, 8j3pF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me to get you a sows invite.
I can get up to 3.

>> No.12058611

Yep, in a place called Neo-Arcadia in Toulouse.
They have some other rare arcades there, too.

>> No.12058613 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 250x146, popn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon,

I just received my NAS, so I can now seed 24/7 ;D
Have already some old bemani games/files I can seed them without downloading.

>> No.12058638 [DELETED] 

banned ;)

>> No.12058727

I can seed IIDX-related files pretty much 20/7, got most of the older styles already anyways, I'm mostly just interested in the games and newer .bms

>> No.12058949

I'm looking for IIDX friends, if people want help or have questions about anything IIDX/DDR related, I'll be here!
I'll gladly help you "get into" the bemani genre as a whole too!
My level is around 6n-7h sp.
DJ DINNY on Psun.

>> No.12058990

Who is your favorite Bemani artist?

>> No.12059014
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>> No.12059039

Mayumi Morinaga
Seriously speaking though, probably MAD Izm* or maybe Nekomata Master. I also really like TaQ, but he left long ago.

>> No.12059264
File: 532 KB, 512x512, insanetechniques.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to be kors k for me.
Boring answer, I know.

>> No.12059522
File: 1.39 MB, 578x980, sdifre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumps make me cry.

>> No.12059534

1. Nekomata Master
2. Dirty Androids
3. DJ Mass MAD Izm*

>> No.12059538

You're making me nostalgic. All pre-SuperNova boss songs are still really great.

>> No.12059671

How would you guys feel if yukacco took over Kanako Hoshino?

>> No.12059760

Why is tano*c in my iidx?

>> No.12059769

Who's the rhythm heaven girl? I hope you're not referring to the interviewer.

>> No.12059773

That's the one.

>> No.12059775

But that's not a Bemani artist.

>> No.12059792


>> No.12059803
File: 131 KB, 768x1024, Bl3oFx-CMAATnUf.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12061850

After playing cytus djmax and some osu

I fell in love with M2U


>> No.12061860

We're trying to get a Bemani community centered around the Benelux and Germany going here.
If you're interested, please join the group/chat/steam discussions on the group page.

>> No.12062130

I'm torn between getting a IIDX controller or a fightstick

>> No.12062421


>> No.12062556

What kind of bemani setup do you have?
Getting a IIDX controller or not depends on whether you have a good setup to play bemani stuff.

>> No.12062579

In what universe? Did he break with bemani or something?

>> No.12062678
File: 30 KB, 300x272, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10 years later and I still refuse to touch that song.

>> No.12062807

Is PW hit with this

>> No.12062843

He was never an in-house artist.

>> No.12063334

I'll suck your dick, really, I will.

>> No.12063427

I remember you from the last thread.

Don't forget to hold your form tight and make really tiny hops to lessen fatigue. Build up stamina and you'll get it soon,

TAG is where it's at

>> No.12063490 [DELETED] 

Does anyone know of a PS2 USB adapter that isn't awful to play Beatmania on my PC? I dealt with this same problem before when trying to hook up a pad for ITG to no avail, so I've already done a ton of research into it.

>> No.12063619

Analscatroemeria is my all time favorite

>> No.12064292
File: 25 KB, 250x250, 13376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any pump it up players here?

>> No.12064335

no pump
no mai mai
no djmax shit

>> No.12064618


Not now. Paseli will be rolled out for PW in a few weeks, and that update should include the new charts.

>> No.12064650
File: 191 KB, 340x285, 936583276502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like these things so they're not allowed.

>> No.12064681 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 550x414, 1346074618605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme arrows /v/ro.

>> No.12064688

yeah why can't we have guitar hero right?
look at the name of the board

>> No.12065015
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>> No.12065091

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.12065161

I'll wait to download the GBs of game data until I get enough bonus points or buffer so that my ratio stays in the clear. I can seed about 16/7 and I won't try to leak private shit outside the tracker. I'm also here for the newer BMS and whatever albums are uploaded on the site.

>> No.12065195

Look at these eager dick suckers.

>> No.12065772

Can't understand why. I mean there's plenty of female characters in that game, some of them probably better looking than her. Don't see how or why people consider the interviewer THE girl from that game.

>> No.12065784

I wish they had 2DX instead of stinky DDR games at my local anime conventions, all of the DDR players end up sweaty and stinky and I like beatmania a lot more than DDR. Pop'n Music is okay too I think.

>> No.12065802

Those are not spoilers, dumbass.

>> No.12067188

Where are you from?
DDR appeals to a more casual audience so it's only natural for it to be common so everyone can play Butterfly and never anything else.

>> No.12067257

DDR cabinets are ridiculously cheaper and more readily available than IIDX cabinets are.

Also as >>12067188 said, DDR has broader appeal.

>> No.12067627
File: 147 KB, 300x279, fadfava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel.

>> No.12067760

It makes me interested.

>> No.12067769

help i can't think of a 駄洒落 here

>> No.12067818 [DELETED] 

tingly in the weiner area

>> No.12067830

Makes me want to beat in reimus face with big brown sticks

>> No.12068062

Where can I download the game Sound Voltex?

>> No.12068268

Lurk the archives. Seriously that's the only clue I can give you.

>> No.12068450


I suppose I'm too late for this, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?

I promise to wait however long it takes of downloading and seeding freeleech stuff before I start getting the things I actually want. I already seed other stuff 24/7, so it wouldn't be an issue.
If you feel it's prudent to talk with me for some time to evaluate my character before taking the risk, that's cool too.
I like to think I have a good track record of torrenting and seeding, but I've only ever gotten into mediocre private trackers so my ratio in those is probably not worth much more than my word.
All things considered, I probably don't deserve an invite, but I get one I'll do whatever it takes to make it so that I've earned it.

>> No.12068453

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.12068466

are you joz

>> No.12068597

freeleech is on

>> No.12068604 [DELETED] 

Sweet. Now I just need to know what to download. Is it hard to use arcade data to play shit on your computer?

>> No.12068746


The newest games are very painless. You'll have to set up your PSun accounts and PCBIDs and whatever, but the games themselves should just work without any fiddling.

>> No.12068751 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty bad at Beatmania. Should I really make the effort to set up everything and play the newer games or should I stick to the console versions for now?

>> No.12068801


HDD is about a trillion times better than playing on console, assuming your controller works with your PC without lag.

>> No.12069145

Beg for an invite to sows, really, thats all there is to that.

>> No.12069151 [DELETED] 

I only have a USB adapter and a PS2 controller. I heard there's input lag this way.

>> No.12069653

>tfw no sows account
>tfw on bandwidth and 1.4mbs up so couldn't seed anyway

>> No.12069808

How do you scratch if you have small hands?

>> No.12069815

Rub the table back and forth according to the gouges on the screen to produce scratching sound.

>> No.12069842

What's my best option for a USB IIDX controller in the UK? Shipping for a DJDAO is almost half the cost of one by itself, and I'd probably get hit by customs for another 20% or something stupid.

>> No.12069859

Still Dao, unless you can make one yourself.

>> No.12069881

I tried replaying EBA after playing osu for a while, and god it's terrible. I used to love it, but it's not aged well.

>> No.12069904

Same happened for me. After playing osu for awhile, I got used to a really high AR; like 9 or 10.

I went back to EBA and the AR was so slow that I couldn't pass one song.

>> No.12069908

>HDD is about a trillion times better than playing on console
I would estimate that 90% of people don't have ideal PC setups for IIDX, so I would absolutely not recommend starting with it if you have access to the PS2 games on a good CRT.

Play the PS2 games as long as you can stand, a couple years at least. That way you learn proper timing and such before you move on to PC, where you will likely need to be able to probably recognize timing issues before you can deal with them. Having CS timing as a reference is invaluable for that.

>> No.12069934

Exactly, yeah. I've started practicing AR9 songs with DT, which makes it AR10.3 or something. You get used to moving to the circle and hitting it almost immediately.
EBA is like stepping down to AR4-5 normal difficulties. I'm finding it hard to follow the rhythm because there's not enough notes and it's so slow.

>> No.12069983

It's tough to put down so much money and not even get arcade buttons, though.

Has anyone had any experience with the Muse-on? I can get one for about half the price of a Dao, which makes it seem like a pretty good mid-range controller.

>> No.12070014

You'll get the same scores with Dao buttons as with Sanwas, most of the difference is in the sound and how the buttons feel, though that's not to say the Dao buttons sound or feel bad. If you order a Dao the most important thing to get is Omron switches.

>> No.12070141

Don't go with the muse-on, turntable and buttons are bad and the turntable doesn't work with arcade data.

>> No.12070145


>> No.12070198

Paseli will literally never be rolled out for PW.

It'll just be released unlocked for everyone if anything.

>> No.12070664


"Paseli (or the dumb name tau calls it on PW) Update!

We will soon be supporting Paseli (or as Tau has named it Credit Points) on Programmed World!

Basically the way it will work is arcades will be supplied with a stack of business card sized vouchers, worth 1,000P each. Each voucher will be sold for $10usd (or whatever your country's equivalent is if you are from foreign land).

Arcade operators can then set the price of games / add-ons in the service menu to whatever amount of credit points they want to charge. Credit Points will be unique per arcade, so say you play at press Start Gaming in Vegas and have 2,000P on your account; if you go to SVGL you'll have 0P there unless you buy Credit Points from their location also. (You will have a separate wallet per arcade). The reason it will work this way is because we don't want to handle any money, so you will pay arcades directly for the points, and that is their money.

This is stilla few+ weeks out, but since Black Anothers were announced in Spada we want to make sure you have time to get your dicks in hand and ready."

>> No.12071130

Is the SDVX II OST available anywhere apart from Sows?

I can only find Booth's.

>> No.12073225


Is that the [DevBreakME] torrent? I really hate the fact that it's on low-bitrate MP3. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers. I'm too lazy to rip the tracks myself, though

>> No.12073826

Yes, Devbreakme. The other one I found was line-in recordings of a guy playing all the songs.

234 is better than 192 anyhow. My preferred songs are on II, which is why I'm after it.

>> No.12077424
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1410, 28952368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12077452

this is me playing MAX300 in a DDR SuperNova arcade in double and expert

>> No.12077480

I remember making fun of you the last time you posted this.

>> No.12077602

lol i dont remember anything

>> No.12078695

this is me playing Walpurgis Nacht: the song on SDVX II @ Tokyo Leisureland in Akiba

>> No.12078779 [DELETED] 

we know who sent you and rough estimate of what you make for it >>12078695

>> No.12079486
File: 435 KB, 600x750, 8bf0625d1a98de6ef318cc9e5650567c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which iidx would fuq?

>> No.12079531

I hate how IIDX torrents have no fucking seeders outside of sows. I felt like burning a PS2 game since I can't find all my old disks, and it takes a day to download a single game.

>> No.12079548 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 300x330, disk-versus-disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12079627

ameto n maud

>> No.12079650


"Disk" is generally used to refer to data storage media. This is seen in examples such as "hard disk drive," among other things. It is also used for "compact disk," hence his usage of "disk" was correct.

"Disc" is a more general word that I prefer to use if I'm ever referring to something that is a circular, flat object, but not data storage media.

I hope this helps.

>> No.12079663

>It is also used for "compact disk," hence his usage of "disk" was correct.

>> No.12079706

Disc is just the shortened form of discus.

>> No.12079867

this is me playing Bahram Attack -猫叉Master Remix- in a beatmania IIDX 20 tricoro PC in single and Another

>> No.12079943


Disk is used on magnetical devices, whilst Disc is used on optical devices.

Things that are optical round are discs. CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays.
And things that function based on a magnetical basis.

Basically it all started back then - the Americans spelled their HDD and Magnetic-things with an K. And they were the marketholder for those kind of devices.
Europe on the other hand were more advanced on those spinning things - like a CD. They wrote those with a C.
They both originate from the discus - why americans would use a k instead of a c is still beyond me.

>> No.12079952

Eh. Tired as hell. You get what I mean - don't mind those typos.

Things that are round are called disC.
Things that hold memory but aren't round are called disK.

You can easily remove a disc from your computer but you can not remove a disk from your computer.

>> No.12080348

You can remove a disk from your computer, what if it's an external harddrive, or you just take it out anyway.

>> No.12080357 [DELETED] 

>you can not remove a disk from your computer
All you have to do is disconnect the SATA and power cables.

>> No.12080956
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, himikoA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it!

>> No.12081060

Someday I will be there too..

>> No.12081062
File: 650 KB, 1308x2275, 41859047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.12081211
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I like this thread.

Haven't play a rhythm game in years, even longer since I last played one in an arcade.

I still have about 2k stepmania/ITG files on an old hard drive. Mostly SMO and faget autistic spread shit.

>> No.12082139

This artist is pretty much the only one who bothers making IIDX art

It's saddening

>> No.12082248

It's private

Do you ever playing fighting games at Leisureland?

>> No.12082264 [DELETED] 

Changed settings so try again.

Nope, not anymore. And theonly fighting game I played was T5DR ~ T6BR

>> No.12082270

Changed settings so try again.

Nope, not anymore. And theonly fighting game I played was T5DR ~ T6BR

>> No.12082686

I miss old DJ Max before it got all OSU on us.

>> No.12082732

I used to love DJ Max until trying beatmaniaIIDX. Now it feels pretty shitty in comparison. Been enjoying pop'n lately. It'd be nice if the online multiplayer was supported on PSun.

>> No.12083209

Do people still play LR2?

>> No.12083257

I like Technika. At least it was trying to do something different instead of "press buttons when the moving lines pass the static line".

>> No.12083270

Hi, gaijin.
I post this comment from Japan 2ch of otoge forum.
Anyone, respond.

>> No.12083296

Has anyone had any experience with building their own beatmania controller? I wish there was more documentation available for how well cheaper buttons perform against the sanwa ones which are 25 bucks each.

>> No.12083299

I don't know how to use this forum.
It's not easy like 2ch...

>> No.12083325

I still come back to doojay mux every now and then. It's a good intermediate game if you hit a wall in 2dx.

>press line when it passes the static buttons
Kinda wish it wasn't dead as fuck by the time I got to it.

>> No.12083487

Yes, I play both LR2 and IIDX on PSun.


>> No.12083505



>> No.12083513

toohoo songs confirmed for IIDX22.

>> No.12083529

It must be morning in USA, musn't it?
It's evening in Japan.

By the way, I like pop'n music.
Sorry, I'm not good at IIDX.

How are you?

>> No.12083566

There's always Q if you have more money than you know what to do with.

Too bad Technika didn't catch on. They should have made a simpler cabinet than that unnecessary two-screen bullshit they had going on.

>> No.12083574


Audio coming out of only one channel is the worst.

>> No.12083586

I've just changed my name.

I completed lv49 including Niente, Scale out, Rinascita.

They're extremely cragy.

>> No.12083587

How do I get good at groovecoaster?

>> No.12083605


The hardest song I ever cleared was Ubertreffen, but that was years ago. There are no Pop'n machines in this area and I lost interest in playing CS so I'm not very good now. I'd probably fail some 47s.

>> No.12083606

For some reason both people uploading Qprogue DX videos are having that issue

>> No.12083610

I play IIDX and low level pop'n. How long did it take to get to 49~50?

Get a DAO and Sunny Park son

>> No.12083618

Uber~ is a song that was written by dj.TAKA in AC14.
Surely, this song was also transplanted in IIDX.

>> No.12083643

I don't know how to reply at any other responses for me
So, I post without replying.

I've played pop'n music when the version was 11.
It has passed for 10 years ago.
There was no lv50 song at this time.

The hardest song were Oi-punk-zero, Grange-des, and Screen.

It's amazing, isn't it?

>> No.12083689


What did you think of Cowboy when 11CS came out?

>> No.12083717

Konami CSpop'n team must be cowboy.

That was my impression when I saw this song.

>> No.12083723

I finally reached fifth dan a while back. It feels so great to know that I'm improving.
Then I went and busted my elbow and haven't been able to play for weeks.

Nekomata Master. God damn I love Far East Nightbird, it's so good. Before that came around Sayanara Heaven was my favourite of his.

I really like Dirty Androids too. Finally getting Tricoro and hearing all the new music since Empress CS, I think they're my favourite new composers.

>> No.12083751

I've just remembered now.
I retired playing pop'n at once for 2 years to get an MA.
But, I refused to be a resercher,
then I came back 2 years later.

This is good decision, not to be Dr.Obokata like.

>> No.12083756

Dr.Obokata in pop'n music.


>> No.12083836

New 猫叉Master+ boss!


>> No.12083917
File: 66 KB, 640x480, HNI_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is test to uploading my picture.

My first masterpiece is this.
This is the best conclusion that I draw seriously.
I've never drawn any picture seriously in school.

>> No.12083922
File: 11 KB, 320x240, BeatmaniaIIDX7thStyle-LastMessage01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12083926

To reply, just click the post number.

>> No.12084525

you're an interesting guy

>> No.12084582

Good morning.
I've just gotten up now.

I'd rathear say good evening?

>> No.12084609

Like this?

Thanks, but I'm not just a ''guy''.
To be honest, I am a ''gay''.
You shuld say ''an interesting gay''.

Sorry, just kidding you.
Don't mind my joking.

>> No.12084613

Most of the users are from America. It is the evening there. I am in new zealand, it is noon here.

Do you like sound voltex?

>> No.12084616

>an interesting gay
sounds interessting :3

>> No.12084782

I want more French House in the games.

>> No.12084838

It's noon in Osaka where I live.
So, It must be evening in NewZeland.

By the way,
I was not interested in SDVX.
But, sometimes pop'n was linked to SDVX to play pop'n more deeply.
So, I have no choice but to play SDVX.

And now, I usually play SDVX.

>> No.12084860
File: 306 KB, 810x944, Kyouko 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you guys not like osu! ?

>> No.12084869

Because it's a shit.

>> No.12084871
File: 490 KB, 1023x1300, Kyouko 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because you are bad at it, doesn't make it a shit game

>> No.12084876

The fact it's a shit game makes it shit.

>> No.12085027

-Your score goes to shit if you don't full combo. It basically discourages playing a song all the way through. That is not fun at all.
-Most of the songs are just anime shit, and all the beatmaps are made by 13 year olds.
-Many of these beatmaps are also poorly made clusterfucks
-The game has awful difficulty rating.
-If you try to submit a map that isn't weeaboo there is a great chance that it will not get accepted.

It's a shitty game, man

>> No.12085032

And one more thing, but important
To get a top score you have to play with mods like double time and hidden. Sometimes with flashlight. Seriously, what the fuck? A music game where it is almost mandatory to speed up every song.

I guess it's okay if you just play casually, but if you enjoy improving and really getting into a game it really is awful

>> No.12085080

I started playing Pop'n Music and SVDX seems fun to play on the side too, so I'm getting a controller.

I'm still a beginner in Pop'n though, I'm working on clearing 43. How hard do you think SVDX is compared to Pop'n?

>> No.12085288

I play osu and I agree to all of these (aside from the last one, I don't know about that), but none of these actually have anything to do with the gameplay.

I've been playing for a year now and I still enjoy playing it every day for an hour or so.

>> No.12085310

Awful scoring system and awful beatmaps have plenty to do with gameplay.

>> No.12085314

I see a lot of non-weeaboo maps too. They are all what you'd hear on a nurutu AMV though.

Yeah, this is by far the most offensive. It sucks to know you're sitting underneath a bunch of people just because you didn't play the game with an assload of handicaps.

>> No.12085325

Why is Bemani so hard to get into?

I want to start playing the games but whenever I ask someone for help on them, they tell me shit like "If you could get what I have, you would already know how. Since you are reading this, you don’t so you should research more."

How the fuck am I supposed to research if everyone just rejects me? It feels almost impossible to get information on any of these games, specifically SDVX.

>> No.12085338

Information needs to be kept hidden where possible to avoid issues with Konami. There is a torrent out for SDVX BOOTH. I don't believe one for Infection has been released yet. Once you find what you're looking for, get your PSun stuff sorted.

>> No.12085443

as far as i'm aware all current bemani games are on public trackers, you need to look better
get your detective hat on

>> No.12085459

Shall I spread any iinformation when Konami released?

>> No.12085465

I am interested.

>> No.12085477


Your question is quite difficult to answer.
I cannot compare difficulty pop'n with SVDX.
It's easy taking care of keys if the player have much experience other rhythm games.
But, SDVX have its own input device.
It makes me confused.

>> No.12085759


If arcade data gets too widespread, Konami will crack down and we'll lose our source, which means no more new Bemani games for players in the west, ever. Getting access is hard on purpose. If you want to get into Bemani, there are a ton of CS releases and simulators you can get your hands on without much effort. The arcade data is (ideally) only available to people we know aren't going to fuck everything up for the rest of us. If you want it, become part of the community, get to know people, and get invited to the tracker.

>> No.12085775
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Besides the horrible maps and scoring system, I won't bash on the gameplay. It's just not my cup of tea.

I like how bemani music games have events that periodically releases new songs. The announcements of updates, new songs/artists and new interesting unlock system is exciting.

I'd rather play charts in which the game throws at me. Sure, I hate playing faxx, pluto and himiko.. but I have to deal with it because it's part of the game.

>> No.12086131
File: 64 KB, 960x480, DSC_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The everyday incident in online vs mode that allow to use jamming.

>> No.12087697
File: 14 KB, 800x600, im really trying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone else start out playing iidx with a strange and wrong hand positioning and have a hard time adjusting to a way that actually works
i started out doing this kind of a "flat finger" type thing where i just laid my hands flat on the keys and pressed 2/4/6 with my fingertips and 1/3/5/7 with the joints in the middle of my fingers using mostly my right hand and no pinkies or thumbs
i decided that it was too sloppy and doesn't really work for much of anything harder than an 8 or so and i never see anyone actually good at iidx doing it that way so i'm trying to relearn it and it's tough because i have the motor skills of a small child (i only use my index and middle fingers when i type too)
i'm trying to work on playing with my fingers generally how they are in this picture and curved not flat
does anyone have any hot tips
i play 1p side on a us koc

>> No.12087712

I introduced a friend of mine to IIDX about a week ago and that's the mode he settled on. Not that he plans to play alot, but I think it is detrimental to one's ability to play the game.

>> No.12087778

yeah it definitely is, it makes it really hard to hit most chords
do you think that the hand positioning in the picture i posted is good or is there anything else i should change?

>> No.12087809

What you're trying to do looks good. That's also known as the symmetrical playstyle. The only weakness of this playstyle is when a scratch comes, your hands are far away from the turntable because your left ring finger is fixed to one button. 1+2 rolls are also difficult.

You could also look into using 1048's fixed playstyle which fixes most of these problems but also has its own weaknesses that you need to overcome.

more info on techniques here

>> No.12087846

i did notice that i had to jerk my left hand over to do scratches a lot, didn't notice the issue with the rolls since i've only been playing really super easy stuff to get acclimated
thanks for the link to the wiki, it's a lot easier for me to think about it with diagrams like that instead of studying from videos
i'll definitely be experimenting more with it to see what works best for me

>> No.12087857
File: 12 KB, 320x160, 20140502_130202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...

>> No.12087870

I'm new man, I'm still learning what suits me best. What I've been trying to do is use left pinky + ring for scratch, then middle index thumb for 123, then just whatever is comfortable for 4567.

That looks hard. I tried to play popN yesterday but I selected 5 button and it wasn't very fun or fast (tune street), so I will try 9 button next time.

>> No.12087874
File: 692 KB, 920x720, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it was with Random too.

>> No.12087897

By the way,
SDVX is often called ''nipples'' by Japanese rhythm game users
cause it has own devices and image charactor.

>> No.12087901
File: 708 KB, 1280x720, tricoroHardClear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that, the tricoro folder is finally Hard Cleared.

Now all that's left are 卑弥呼 and 冥.

>> No.12087912

I'm gonna use that name from now on.

>> No.12087933


>> No.12087975 [DELETED] 

I just managed to set up Pop'n 21 on my computer. I don't have a controller and this is the first time I'm playing Pop'n but I think I like it. Having no turntable seems nice too.

I should see about getting a controller or an adapter or something.

>> No.12088023

should i keep playing LR2 or should i buy some of the japanese ps2 games?
would those japanese games work on an english playstation 2?

>> No.12088026

Do you need a high end computer to run a Pop'n hdd? I can run Tricoro fine I think

>> No.12088033

How does one change the max premium free time?
I only have 6 8 and 10 available.

>> No.12088040

Test menu.

>> No.12088112

jubeat ripples, and
Sound Voltex nipples.

It's gonna be fun.

>> No.12088161

And, my heart will be ''fullfilled''.


>> No.12088176

Yo, apparently you can no longer play the Extra Stage in IIDX without PASELI.
Do you know if it's temporary or permanent?

>> No.12088220


Exactly, you said.
Konami raised cost rhythm game.
Cause, Japanese goverment raised tax.

It seems difficult for konami to reflect cost, so that they had no choise but raised Paseri.

So, permanent? temporary?
Are you talking about PC files?

>> No.12088242

I mean the cost. Will it go back down eventually? It is hard to buy PASELI outside of Asia.

>> No.12088245

Japanese lessen class

レイシスは 大きな 乳を 持っています。
れいしすは(1) おおきな(3) ちちを(4) もっています(2)。
Rasis ha ookina chichi wo motteimasu

彼女の 乳首は 化け物に 違いない。
かのじょの(1) ちくびは(2) ばけものに(5) ちがいない(3,4)。
Kanojo no chikubi ha bakemono ni chigai nai

Rasis(1) has(2) big(3) tets(4).
Her(1) nipples(2) must(3) be(4) monsters(5).

>> No.12088252


Probably not.
The tax will be raised more and more.

5%→8%(now)→10%(in a few years)

>> No.12088276

And, my POKEMON will be bigger.
As big as her monsters.

My pokemon vs Rasis's monsters.

>> No.12088338

How come you got so much swagger?

>> No.12088346



160 PASELI to access the unlock screen might actually be a thing.

>> No.12088374

Does osu count as an acceptable Rythm game

>> No.12088381

My pokemon: Dieno
Rasis's monsters: Zweilous

Maybe, I wll lose her.

>> No.12088393

ctrl+f osu

>> No.12088798
File: 33 KB, 300x135, 3461449438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I figured begging here is my best bet.

I'm looking to set up an Arcade cabinet in my room and want it dedicated to something like Sound Voltex or IIDX but I'd need a sows invite.

Recently got fiber and this is my average speed, of a night time I can get about 90Mbs down and 8Mbs up and can seed pretty much 24/7. Not the best speed, but best I can get here in bongland.

Would love you forever

>> No.12088801

>Sound Voltex or IIDX
they're both available outside of sows
look better

>> No.12088862 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 300x300, 1399049920417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took your advice, found it, thanks man.

>> No.12089529

You're lucky. I get 13 down and 1.5 up.

>> No.12090414

You wanna share that link? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.12090423


That spoiler is a good hint.
Read the archives.

>> No.12090446

Damn, this is becoming one hell of a treasure hunt
The spoiler was helpful in understanding what I need to look for, but I'm still hunting

>> No.12090457

Man it's gonna be even more fun if I didn't cave in and post the password w

>> No.12090482
File: 17 KB, 607x230, article_kfc_postimage_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.12090491

Ideas for ghetto pop'n music controller go.

>> No.12090505


>> No.12090567
File: 20 KB, 280x420, 13986121990001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12090616

got your invite? if not I can invite you.

>> No.12090928


>> No.12091332

>A fourth difficulty, SPECIAL, was added to REFLEC BEAT.
What the fuck?
Is it just a rescale or Rb can actually rape you now?

>> No.12091872
File: 31 KB, 300x135, 3478954889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What about me? My internet is not that good but I promise I'd seed 24/7, and also to suck your metaphorical cock (no homo).

>> No.12091881

Will give invites for nudes.

>> No.12091904

I haven't really been part of a tracker before. What sort of bandwidth and upspeed is required to maintain 0.6?

I live in a country where we have fiber in only 2 cities with bad coverage, and bandwidth is still the order of the day

>> No.12091905

Upload speed doesn't matter at all in a small private tracker where almost everything is well-seeded.

If you get invited and download arcade data thinking you will seed it forever and expect to get any upload back, you're wrong.

>> No.12091911

But surely it must have some impact. Say if one was to grab a new album and upload it, as I've heard the way to get your ratio up is, would that not require a high upload speed in order to download the 30-something gigabytes for Spada when it's released?

>> No.12091913
File: 96 KB, 412x291, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't gotten an invite no, but if you've got one to spare I'd be pretty fuckin' greatful.

>> No.12091924

Yes, but I don't trust anyone here to do this. My first impression is that they will just grab arcade data. "Seed it 24/7". Obtain no upload and dig a hole so deep that they just give up trying to save their account/ratio.

>> No.12092100

It's a better idea to give an invite to someone who already has data, then they already have stuff to seed.

For example giving an invite to someone who already has tricoro data so they save up ratio for when spada comes out

>> No.12092142

I don't intend to ask for an invite, but how is one supposed to get ahold of a final version of Tricoro if they're not tracker?

I'm running the first version (Without Blue Yellow and Red data), so if I were to get an invite, noone would want what I have.

>> No.12092164

i have the latest version of tricoro and i'm not on sows
it's harder than getting vanilla tricoro but still possible

>> No.12092193

did you get it from a chinese site that someone reuploaded on mega?

>> No.12092217

searching for your soul...

>> No.12092292

How many FREELEECH ALLs are there throughout the year?

>> No.12092293


Been playing Osu and Beatmania IIDX. Rhythm games are all I ever play anymore.

I love the controller and gameplay of Beatmania but I tend to gravitate to Osu because of the selection of music and online ranking.

>> No.12092295

IIDX has over 1k songs and online ranking.

>> No.12092311

its 100% because she basically became a meme

people who have never never played any rhythm heaven games think of her as soon as they see the game mentioned

these are the same plebs who want the wrestler to be in smash bros.

>> No.12092321


On PS2? I don't remember seeing any online ranking system.

>> No.12092341

PC, silly.

>> No.12092346

can someone here who has an iidx asc with arcade turntable distance measure it and tell me how much space is between the buttons and tt?
i'm using a us koc right now and plan to upgrade eventually but i'm worried that i won't be able to pinky scratch effectively with my unfortunately small hands, it's almost a stretch to reach it with koc distance
i also had the thought that i should just get the arcade distance and get used to it but i might literally not be able to do it and it's not as if i'll ever play in a real arcade anyway
on a side note, does anyone know of a way to make the turntable on a koc looser? mine is seriously fucking stiff and i mess up a lot of easy scratch patterns because i'm not forceful enough with it/don't get a good grasp on it

>> No.12092385

Wax paper mod helps for the turntable stiffness


>> No.12092400


Yeah I don't play on the PC. I have a NTSC-J PS2, controller, and I collect the physical games.

>> No.12092404

thank you for that link, going to try it out when i can get some wax paper

>> No.12092415


I'm in a good mood, and since I only have 2 invite left, I'll invite you guys soon.

>> No.12092662


I love you man.

Would the best thing to do be download something small and sit on that for points for a while?

>> No.12092702

20th of november because epic meem and 10th of april cause sherl0ks birthday

>> No.12092749

you'll accumulate bonus points as long as you're seeding at least one file. aside from dling something small, you can also dl whatever happens to be the weekly featured freeleech.

>> No.12092875

also christmas

>> No.12092880

Damn, combining these with the fact that an annual update for each game is only like 3~5GB you probably don't even need bonus points.

>> No.12092903

Any chance of getting a DAO invite? My upload speed is shitty, but I'm really only planning on using the forums given it seems like 95% of all information on bemani games is there.

>> No.12092906

DAO≠sows, I must be an idiot.

>> No.12092924 [DELETED] 

I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask for an invite, too. Finding Pop'n or whatever else on my own wouldn't take too long, but I think with my internet I might as well help with seeding

>> No.12092928
File: 16 KB, 293x73, 3479625464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot image

>> No.12093206
File: 2 KB, 578x21, mspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can invite for free, but would be cool if you can trade an invite to other private tracker. Plus you have better speed than mine.
Which e-mail should I invite though

>> No.12093583

don't be stupid and download big stuff that no one else is downloading
I spent 100 points don't go and waste it immediately

>> No.12093589

also, greet yourself on the forum, that makes me felt a bit better to invite someone who knows how to speak up

>> No.12093660

aah i want to beg for an invite too but i know that this is too public a place for that and i think i'd cry if someone invited me and i got banned really soon after

>> No.12093698

Or you post your SteamID so I can get to know you in private chat or something.

>> No.12093733

alright, that seems sensible

>> No.12093911

Any tips/recommended fingerings for somebody trying to do doubles?

>> No.12093977

Practice singles with your off hand only first, and try playing on a lower highspeed than you usually do.
I haven't actually tried this, since I can only do 7's, but that's what I read on a forum.

>> No.12094043

can someone recommend me a good playstation 2 to usb adapter?
this is the one i use now and it lags very badly

>> No.12094083

Is that sows Steam group real? I tried joining but no one really discusses anything there

>> No.12094089

It's real, it's just that it isn't used.

>> No.12094123

not that guy but i've got jpopsuki if you don't have one by now

>> No.12094353
File: 58 KB, 800x600, Pelican PL-6338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Pelican adapter is typically recommended.

>> No.12094427

That will do.

Sent ;)

>> No.12094440

already got one from someone else sorry

>> No.12094446

are you talking about IIDX or DDR?

>> No.12094452

Thanks for letting me know

>> No.12094466

If you're still willing to give out that invite I've got a jpopsuki or what if you don't have either.

>> No.12094470

I'll take What

>> No.12094473

Same e-mail as >>12094427?

>> No.12094482

so do you guys actually play rhythm games or is this just a sows begging thread

>> No.12094507
File: 4 KB, 366x91, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12094509

Sent ;)

>> No.12094527

>>12093206 here

剛力羅 on SDVX
7th Dan SP on IIDX
4000+ skill points on Gitadora G
3000+ on Gitaroda D
Lvl 80+ on DDR (I can clear level 16 Singles and 13 Doubles)

And fuck casual games like Jewbeat/Reflecbeat

PS: I still have 5 sows invites left

>> No.12094545

new omnimix is up
new member should download these for ratio boost.

>> No.12094549

fuck you, jubeat is great

>> No.12094581

w-what is omnimix

>> No.12094632

Adds ALL removed songs + CS exclusives into Tricoro.
So, everything from 1st Style up to Tricoro in one neat package.

Currently has some bugs like desynced videos or volume issues. The community has been working together to find and fix everything.

>> No.12094648

Back in the old days I got 6 goods from a AA on max 300
how the fuck did I do that I can barely get an A now without wheezing like a fat shit

>> No.12094657

git gud m8

>> No.12094662

Haven't played SDVXII since I went to Japan, been craving it since I left.
Damn, I loved that game. Never could do many songs past level 14 exhaust though.

>> No.12094667

is SDVXII playable outside of arcades yet?
i assume it's like spada is right now in regards to availability

>> No.12094684

Would you still send an invite? I don't have any private trackers or anything, though

>> No.12094690

No idea. If I knew, I'd be playing it right now. Don't have a sows account unfortunately.

>> No.12094694

fair enough then
hopefully by the time it's available i will have made my controller

>> No.12094798

I take it its only on sows

>> No.12095557

Is Rb really a casual game? I'm 6th dan on IIDX and I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at here.

>> No.12095795

Sent ;)

>> No.12095804

I always hate that TACKTACK notes sound.
It gives me autism and make it harder to enjoy the music/song

>> No.12095914

I would love an invite, sadly I don't have anything worth giving in return.

>> No.12095919

can you beggars just go
go lurk in irc or something

>> No.12096381

So if I want to make my own SDVX controller, are those Genbu rotary encoders that are about $30 each the best option?

I found the following link which seems pretty good.


>> No.12096395

i think those ones are 50ppr, just check your local electronics store for some
though those are for that guy's personal build, quite sure the actual genbu one uses 24ppr encoders

>> No.12096422

Oh, I see. I'll take a look but I would have thought they are more of a specialized good. What does PPR stand for? I can't seem to find anything that explains its exact definition. I take it to mean something like inputs per radian?

>> No.12096423

Genbu? Those are Copal encoders, and they shouldn't be much more than 15 bucks each if you can find them anywhere.

I figure any rotary encoder should work, but the very cheap ones with only 24 positions are probably pretty clicky instead of smooth. I might buy some 600P/R ones off ebay and see how well they work.

>> No.12096428

>these are the same plebs who want the wrestler to be in smash bros

That was horrifying to read.

>> No.12096447

What P/R would you recommend? I'll try and go by my local electronics store today if I get the chance and see if they have any.

>> No.12096467

Honestly, I don't know. I figure a higher resolution is better, but anything that'll run off 5V will probably work out. If you're looking to use connect it up to a mouse, there might be a maximum P/R it can handle, as well. If I had the arcade data I could see how well the game responds to low vs high DPI, it's possible the arcade boards use a lower resolution to make it easier to spin slowly.

>> No.12096544

pulses per revolution
so 24ppr is a pulse every 15 degrees

>> No.12096620

I have the Booth data, and the Bemanitools allows you to adjust the input sensitivity. I think I would probably go for 50.

Thank you, I didn't consider the word 'pulses'.

I live in New Zealand unfortunately, so most electronics are overpriced. Here is a link to an electronics component retailer; they are selling them for about $40 each
Genbu are selling theirs for about $35 each

I feel slightly more inclined to go for the Genbu ones if I'm going to have to pay a large amount of money for some anyway. Unless there is another electronics store that I can find, but I can't seem to see anything.

>> No.12096654

Those Genbu ones are a Chinese rip-off of http://www.ia.omron.com/product/item/e6b27015r/, which is 1200P/R. Have you checked eBay? There are a bunch of 600P/R Chinese rotary encoders around the 20 dollar mark that are probably pretty much identical, and you won't get fucked by shipping.

>> No.12096682

Oh, I didn't see those when I checked before. Thank you very much, you've saved me alot of money.

>> No.12096775

my only issue with building a controller is getting knobs that look quite right
everything i've come across has the wrong dimensions, i think i'd have to have custom ones made at this rate

>> No.12096880

I'm not too fussed about the knobs honestly, anything with roughly the same dimensions will work for me. Then again, I'm using a IIDX controller mounted in reverse instead of buying all new buttons.

>> No.12096915

i just think that if i'm going to go through the effort of importing the right buttons/switches/springs it'd be wasteful to get the wrong knobs
but tracking down the right knobs is a nightmare when importing too

>> No.12097184

How do you guys feel about mashing through the dan tests? I was able to mash through 6 dan, but I know I sure as hell don't deserve it.

>> No.12097222

mashing doesn't matter if that's what it takes to clear it
the gauge is easier so might as well abuse it

if you cleared it, you deserved the rank but i consider >70% a solid clear

>> No.12098232

Is anyone able to send me an invite for Psun? Hell, even a spare PCBID would be handy at this point, I just want to see if I can get Tricoro and SDVX running.

>> No.12098237

psun is free for signups you know

>> No.12098246

I mean an invite for an operator account. They've got some stupid system where you have to post in an introductory forum and wait for some guy to check his forms, but he's not around and it's been days.

>> No.12098250

every time i've needed a pcbid tictak has been pretty speedy, not sure what's up
how come you need an operator account anyway?

>> No.12098253

I'm not too sure if I need a unique PCBID for 2 different games, or if I can just use the same one for both. Better to be safe than sorry, I guess.

>> No.12098254

you don't unless you run them at the same time

>> No.12098257

Good to know, thanks.

>> No.12098284
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-05-06-20-50-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /jp/ think about Deemo?

>> No.12098306

Any rhythm game that uses touchscreen/panel is automatically a casual game

>> No.12098308

How exciting, another arcade game rip-off that's overpriced and touch-screen based.

>> No.12098309

i don't own an android device
looks kind of uninspired and touch screen for rhythm games is horrible

>> No.12098340

square buttons are still buttons

are you some kind of filthy SEAfaggot

>> No.12098348

Anything more than zero dollars for android shit is overpriced. I stopped playing Cytus on the shitter because they expected me to wait for 30 seconds whenever I chose a song, or spend a couple of bucks.

>> No.12098370

Obviously not as good as IIDX, but damn if it's not a good play. The unlock system it enforces is only good for a first time play, but gets tedious at the long run. Shame that the better songs get pushed in the current endgame.

I like most of the song selections they did. I personally like Magnolia, even if I'm not into wub.

You can always, you know, pirate it.

>> No.12099048

It's still part of the screen though

>> No.12099151

Bought it and played every song once. Decent songs but I still ended up going back to Reflec Beat and jubeat.

>> No.12099886

Just a teaser but http://www.nurijoy.com/project736t/

>> No.12100283

I wonder which game they'll rip off this time? I'm imagining a PSVita SDVX clone, where the face buttons match the left and right buttons, and the sliding the touch screen replaces the knobs.

>> No.12100297

this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.12100487

So SDVX with better music? I'll take 736 copies.

>> No.12100672

Jubeat arcade cabinets don't use a touchscreen. Just a 4X4 grid of clear buttons over a monitor.

>> No.12100872

how so?

>> No.12101224

Not him, but his opinion can probably be attributed, in part, to buttons and hand eye coordination - most people these days are used to using touch screen devices, and playing casual games on them. It could be said that the touch screen cabinets support this (in part) by creating an environment that is similar to what the user is used to, rather than having them look at a seperate screen and coordinate their hands to move in time with what their eyes see on the seperate screen - on a touch screen, they would see the graphics behind their hands, which they are more comfortable with.

Jubeat meets in the middle by having the touchscreen feel of graphics behind hands while still having buttons and not touchscreen controls.

>> No.12101238

I'd personally attribute it to the poor quality of touch screen based controls, necessitating the need for large success windows and games that are programmed in a way to give you the benefit of the doubt over whether or not you actually pressed the correct area of the screen.

Touch screen interfaces will never even beat membrane based controls, let alone microswitches.

>> No.12101266

I want to fuck Ameto.

>> No.12102074 [DELETED] 

