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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 242 KB, 1073x744, TouColle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12040397 No.12040397 [Reply] [Original]

If the KanColles were transported to Gensokyo, could any of them take a Touhou in a fight?

>> No.12040399

Probably not since they don't have any spellcards, so they couldn't fight each other in the first place

>> No.12040405

Kancolle a shit

>> No.12040407


Lots of them fight without spellcards. I don't think Suika uses a spell card when she gets rowdy and punches someone in the face.

I don't think most KanColle can fly though. It'd likely be how things played out in reality; planes (ie Touhous) flying over the KanColles and bombing and spellcarding the shit out of them.

>> No.12040410

And touhou is dead. What's your point?

>> No.12040414

>Touhous flying over the KanColles and bombing and spellcarding the shit out of them

And thus completly defeating the purpose of spellcards?

Spellcards aren't designed to eliminate enemies, much less enemies who can't fight back with the same means.

They are designed for playing

>> No.12040412
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A BIG one

>> No.12040418


You are being too autistic and literal. Even if the KanColles get their clothes all torn up and go "ayayaya" and lose, that's still the Touhou winning a fight. OP never said COULD TOUHOU KILL KANCOLLE PERMANENTLY.


>> No.12040423

To prevent any retardation, I'll assume that in this universe, the KanColle weapons (torpedos, howitzers, cannons, missiles, machineguns, etc) work on the same level as danmaku.

That being said, they'd probably only be able to take down low tier fairies. Most units in KanColle aren't capable of soloing anything; they work as a big fleet.

Although that would make for an awesome fangame. Control your favorite 2hu while you fly through an area full of KanColle ships and planes ala Raiden.

>> No.12040422

>And touhou is dead.

A cursory glance over the previous Comiket's merchandise and the entirety of /jp/ lead me to believe this is a false statement, but I'm sure if you repeat it enough, it'll be funny.

>> No.12040427

The whole topic is severely autistic, so I thought a autistic and punctual reply would be the most appropiate

>> No.12040430
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I don't give a shit about Kancolle, but Shimakaze sure is hot as HELL

>> No.12040432

>entirety of /jp/
If we dismantled generals, then those necrobumped imagedumps wouldn't survive a day.

>> No.12040436


Too flat, but elsewise I'd agree.

But yeah, OP, I don't think loli battleships can come close to the magical spells, gods, demons and other mythical beings' power levels in Gensokyo.

>> No.12040437

I present to you the vast majority of the kancolle fanbase

>> No.12040438

Maybe if you load them with AA guns and turbines they could stand a chance.

>> No.12040439

>Too flat
Scum, you are absolute scum. I bet you also spend you're fridey nights cruising in your chevy listening to Thicke on your way to bang chicks.

>> No.12040441

Dawn Sign "Searchlight Ray"
Thunder Sign "Search and Rescue"

>> No.12040443


Iku is best. Get your flat and please leave.

>> No.12040446
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>> No.12040447
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>> No.12040448

>Most units in KanColle aren't capable of soloing anything
Countless 1-1 runs tell me otherwise.

>> No.12040450
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>> No.12040452
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God do I hate her.

>> No.12040454

Flat is king round here. Pack up back to >>>/a/.

>> No.12040455
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>> No.12040456

I fucking love flat girls!

>> No.12040458
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I hate the franchise as a whole, but that doesn't stop me from jackin it to their porn.

I'm not paying them anything though. This series won't be missed when it fizzles out Idolm@s style.

>> No.12040459
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What a slut

>> No.12040460

I still listen to Idolmaster music regularly, so what do I care when they stop producing new shit. The old stuff is way superior anyway. Fuck you, Cinderella Girls.

>> No.12040461
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>> No.12040465
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>> No.12040468
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>> No.12040473

Why does it matter if everyone shares your preferences? Stop being a baby.

>> No.12040475

The new girls are much better singers

>> No.12040479

Everyone's tastes apart from mine are objectively shit, this is a /jp/ fact.

>> No.12040481
File: 696 KB, 1000x750, a97e259823a5ca89fd886da71a66a1c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?
For I must be traveling on now
Cause there's too many places I've got to see.
But if I stayed here with you, girl,
Things just couldn't be the same.
Cause I'm as free as a bird now ♫
And this bird you can not change ♪

>> No.12040485
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>> No.12040483

So, how did this thread turn into an imagedump?

>> No.12040494
File: 1.90 MB, 2200x2000, questions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the slutty looking Kancolle the kind of character that is loved by all the secondaries yet hated by almost everyone who is genuinely into the series?

>> No.12040495


It is a metaphor for the superior strength of KanColle. Only KanColle pictures are being posted. Touhou has in essence, lost the thread.

>> No.12040498

Months of being forced in a shitty general lead to eruption of autism manifesting in this thread.

>> No.12040499

Only the ones who hate hot babes

>> No.12040500

Yes and no.
She is still a relatively useful ship.

>> No.12040501

>Only KanColle pictures are being posted.
most kancolle fans aren't this retarded, they keep to their own thread and don't shit all over the board. Stop trying to paint the boats with your retardation

>> No.12040502

Wow OP are you fucking serious? 2hus have fucking bullshit powers, what do Cuntcolles have? Hell even Flandre alone can take down ALL of the ships at once, doesn't matter how many.

>> No.12040505

Explain >>12040494

It's just someone posting Zekamashi for absolutely no reason.

>> No.12040509


Pretty much. The problem with KanColle is that units are actually objectively better than one another. It's not like Touhou where only a handful of them have actually been playable and most are just bosses. You actually need to use the girls as effective units for clearing maps.

So sometimes your favorite girls are really shit, and girls you hate are mechanically good.

>> No.12040513

>love KanColle girls, hate the game
>hate Touhou girls, love the game


>> No.12040515

Cirno, Suwako and Komachi are terrible characters but lots of people play them anyway.

>> No.12040518

>Terrible characters
I'm sure they have their fans.

>> No.12040516

Do some modding

>> No.12040517

Does one need any reason? It's still more interesting than same touhou dumps.

>> No.12040519


Cirno is shit though. Cirnofags are the absolute worst, entry level shits. No one cares if people play Cirno.

>> No.12040521

There is already the /a/ thread for this.

>> No.12040523

At least pretend you are not a greentexting retard from /a/.

>> No.12040526


I've never been to /a/, because I do not like animes.

Also, Komachi isn't even playable outside of fighters.

>> No.12040528

That's the point.

A lot of people play her just for the novelty value.

I think Okuu is one of the most popular entry-level characters because you can just 5C everything to death against bad people.

>> No.12040532



Oh, you're talking about the lackluster fighting games and not actual Touhous. Carry on.

>> No.12040533
File: 32 KB, 512x384, stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Komachi isn't even playable outside of fighters.

>> No.12040538
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Nagato's hairy butthole

>> No.12040539

Do you think /a/ is better place for this than /jp/?

>> No.12040541

isn't Murasa's power sinking ships or something?

>> No.12040544

Cirno and Komachi are PoFVs, but since I included Suwako that should have tipped you off from the start.

>> No.12040545
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>> No.12040550

Well look for yourself.

>> No.12040563

>of anime/manga
So we can settle that imagedumping can go to both /a/ and /jp/, right?

>> No.12040567

The "anime/manga" thing is a huge lie, nobody ever bothers with it. They just write that to make it look like the thread belongs in /a/.

>> No.12040570

I might have some respect for Kancolle if it weren't for how disgusting and pandering Shimakaze is.

Anyway, aren't Kancolles gigantic? I'm pretty sure they could step on most Touhous.

>> No.12040580

That's because /a/ is essentially /jp/ with anime.

>> No.12040581

Everybody depicts them as being the same size as regular people.

It's not really clear how much destructive power their miniature armaments have.

>> No.12040587
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>> No.12040590

Why do you dislike a whole game only because of one character.

>> No.12040591

You got me. Almost everyone, then.

>> No.12040630
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>> No.12040642

Because she lacks even the slighest charm or personality. I say this a bunch but she's the pinnacle of design by committee. There's very little soul to Kancolle designs, which is why I don't think it can achieve the same sort of pop culture presence as Touhou. I mean really, slutty cut-down sailor/school uniform with thong and bunny ears? It's tasteless.

Thank you, this is lovely.

>> No.12040660

You're not forced to use her and surely there should be a shipgirl to your liking.
What does soul in design even mean?

>> No.12040709


I suppose he's talking about a mix of cleverness + fancyness when designing a character.

It's true that ZUN has done a better job at creating characters than the Kancolle character designers but said designers had to work with a lot more constraints due to:

- bigger audience to please.
- the characters represent real battleships so they tebd to have a lot of common traits. Uniformity in the military and such.

I'd say given those restrictions they did a good job. What Kancolle really needs is someone daring enough from the doujin scene to create a sattisfying background for the ships. There are awesome non-H doujins in the touhou scene because, as shallow as touhou lore is, there is enough info about the characters to start working with.

The funny stuff is that it would take a good writer AND historian to create something as good in Kancolle. The big info is on the history books but no one tries to adapt that in a clever and amusing way.

Now, I know I'll probably be hated for this but Hetalia did an excellent job of what I described above. Imagine it but with Kancolle and about WWII and maybe WWI. Now that they are including western ships it may be possible.

>> No.12040749
File: 725 KB, 800x800, 672a85024e170d2d1ad7073dadd80e66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could be fun about ships fighting until they all sink.

>> No.12040774

Kancolle designs a character by randomly generating a generic donut-steel moeblob, giving her a slutty (with some exceptions) uniform, and tacking a few metal parts and chibi turrets on to her. There are a few standouts, though, like the chick with the Japanese bow. I like her design.

ZUN takes inspiration from history and folklore to make a loli in a funny dress and hat, and gives her cool powers and interesting personality traits (with some exceptions).

ZUN's characters are more interesting and less formulaic in their concept and appearance than Kancolle girls, unlike Kancolle girls most of them have at least a semblance of personality.

>> No.12040786

I like Hetalia, no homo. But Hetalia was only held together on trivialization and oversimplification. When you went too far into actual dirty historical details, it fell apart. KanColle is more suited to fabularization due to a better subject matter. Ships don't have to worry about context, they have simple purposes, fight and kill or get killed. It may be violent, but it's pure.

>> No.12040799


By making a gag 4-koma telling fun facts avout their design, history of japan and the japanese navy, etc. etc.

>> No.12040802

>But Hetalia was only held together on trivialization and oversimplification. When you went too far into actual dirty historical details, it fell apart.

This is why I despised Hetalia. I felt betrayed. I could put up with yaoishit for the sake of a good historical joke, but it turns out there was only yaoishit. All I wanted was animated Kate Beaton/Polandball.

>> No.12040804

Err, this already exists.

>> No.12040809

This is largely how I feel, but I think one of the main differences is that ZUN's characters tend to have more personality flaws. They're by no means fleshed out, but what traits we know of tend to be things like "not too bright' or "forgotten" or "cowardly". It's what gives them their charm, whereas Kancolles are just sort of...there, and cute.

>> No.12040814


Yeah, that's true but it managed to create characters with interesting and lovable personalities, something which KanColle seriously lacks.

>> No.12040819

I'm >>12040802. A while ago I skimmed the Hetalia wiki reading profiles of my country and that of a friend, and frankly you're right. It falls down as national representation at times, and with historical jokes all the time, but it breathes a fair amount of life into its characters and I don't begrudge people for liking it.

>> No.12040830

>Some of them are bigger than Gunbuster
Jesus Christ...

>> No.12040836

I just noticed that. What the fuck.

>> No.12043776
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I'm actually surprised at how much references ZUN's put in making Touhou characters, like Nitori being a jew and some of that already known.
Even the wiki perhaps have yet to cover all of them.

>> No.12044094

I don't understand how people think it's logical to compare the development of something that started when some of us were 8 to the development something that started not even a year ago because of "lol 2hu is ded fegit" shit.

No, the kancolle girls don't all have the same personality or are "there, and cute." Yeah, some are kind of like that but again, the game isn't even a year old yet, and they tend to be the lesser known ones anyway. Your perception being influenced by the decade+ of fan material that touhou has built up - it's hard not to be influenced. A lot of these things are just part of the characters we grown to know and love now in our minds.

>> No.12044287


>> No.12044292

You also have to remember that kancolles are huge scale

>> No.12044754
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>> No.12044788
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Make me, lord autismo.

>> No.12044814

floats my boat

>> No.12044851

So they're basically giants?

>> No.12045255 [DELETED] 

The only tutorials I can find are for API, but how do I find the OSAPI link?

>> No.12051013

my fav kancolle can beat up yr fav 2hu!

>> No.12051340

>It should be cautious to talk about it given an incident happened between KanColle and Touhou fans, google "東方警察" if u wanna know.

I can't read moon.
Can someone explain, please?

>> No.12051348
File: 516 KB, 909x944, 751f4849ae0cc9f5aac7395d9688122f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch pls

>> No.12051382
File: 78 KB, 201x250, 1301475760474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god is stronger than your god

>> No.12052020

But "DFC ftw loli is leejun XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" mentality is what /a/ does best.

>> No.12052075

what kancolle has the stinkiest vagina?

>> No.12052097


>> No.12052097,1 [INTERNAL] 

oh my fucking god

>> No.12052097,2 [INTERNAL] 

Musashi's pussy stinks
