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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12039746 No.12039746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pedophilia is otaku culture.
Deal with, moralfags.

>> No.12039752

how can i kiss a little girl

>> No.12039749

How can I fuck a child without getting caught?

>> No.12039756 [DELETED] 

Yes, but /a/ is not otaku culture, that is /jp/.

I bet some people on here just come for the Sad Panda threads and use hentai simply because lolicon is prevalent.

>> No.12039760
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free speech and free thinking is illegal in the united states of the u.s.a. and therefore illegal in 4chan which is based in the land of the free therefore pedophilia is wrong

>> No.12039762

Ooh yes I'm finally awake for one of these threads. I like to walk at the beach with dark sunglasses on to look at the little girls. People slip up all the time, and it's fun to watch them. Only ironically of course

>> No.12039763

I thought /jp/ only loved 2d lolis

>> No.12039765

What do you mean by "people slip up all the time"? Do lolis slip? Out of their bathing suits? What do you mean? It's very confusing.

Both from the beginning

>> No.12039768

3D is disgusting, regardless of form.

>> No.12039771

Well sometimes a loli's swimsuit is a little too revealing, especially when they bend down. And changing behind towels too because they can slip.

>> No.12039773

This girl is pretty cute >>12039650

>> No.12039775

No, that is uncanny.

>> No.12039777

Who fucking cares of they slip on the beach? Are you so desperate that you waste hours of your life to see a child nipple? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Why don't you go do something productive instead? Learn to draw, write, maybe make music. You sick fucks.

>> No.12039780

While I don't condemn enjoying lolis, you don't make it apparent, do you? Like, you don't stand and stare at a loli from behind your glasses, right? That'd be kind of weird.

Doing this kind of thing in passing would be best.

>> No.12039781

Here's what I heard.

>Why don't you go do actual work like me. Learn to work, work, maybe work some more. You sick fucks. Everybody has to be productive and not a lolicon.

>> No.12039782

don't worry they don't actually try to spy in children at the beach

they just pretend to do so on the internet

>> No.12039786

You got a problem with loli watching because it's passive? Would you rather people go loli fishing?

>> No.12039795

>Why don't you go do actual work like me. Learn to work, work, maybe work some more. You sick fucks. Everybody has to be productive

Don't see any problem so far.

>> No.12039793

the only problem i have with these threads is that it sounds like a bunch of people making shit up

like a bunch of middle schoolers boasting to each other about all the pussy they get when every last one of them is a virgin, except with "having sex" replaced with "stalking lolis"

>> No.12039798

The it's all harmless fun isn't it?

>> No.12039802

even if no children were harmed in the making of this thread the whole thing still feels completely retarded, like pedophilia has been made into a status symbol that /jp/sies have to complete for

but do what you like

>> No.12039810

You could always go post in the touhou imagedumps or kig threads or whatever if you don't like it here...

>> No.12039814

Believe it or not lolis are a lot more accessible than a person would think. Female clothing tends to also be cut for a female body, and loli clothing tends to be just female clothing made smaller, so whether you like it or not lolis do end up showing nipples here and there. It can't really be avoided unless she wears a t-shirt. Skirts and dresses are similarly revealing, but not because a loli can't fill it out, but because she doesn't really understand the angles that a person can see up it. Sometimes she'll forget entirely. Now I won't say that I specifically go around looking for lolis who are wearing potentially revealing clothing, but they're often hard to miss even when you're not specifically looking for them.

All that revealing clothing aside, lolis are in general just very friendly to strangers. I'm not trying to brag or anything but I often notice that lolis talk to me very easily on their own, or wave at me, or interact with me in one way or another. That's just how they are.

The world would be a nice place if people acted like lolis.

>> No.12039822

Oh, and also it should be noted that sometimes nipples are visible even while wearing a t-shirt. Large necks or arm holes.

Bikinis are the same, except they tend to slide around because there are no breasts for the cloth to secure itself to.

Basically what I'm saying is that if you're around lolis long enough, stuff like this shouldn't really surprise anyone. It happens.

>> No.12039825

if you're a genuine pedo you're excused but everyone else is just doing retarded mad thad-tier "i fapped to cp the other day it was so hot i am such a deivant" garbage

i don't doubt that you can see these things if you're searching for them since i don't even look at other people when i go outside its a bit hard for me

>> No.12039829

so uh... how can i become a trupedo

>> No.12039833

Why do you guys say loli, when you mean prepubescent kindergartners? If you don't like budding middleschoolers, you can't call yourself a lolicon, you pedo freaks.

>> No.12039835

As for me, seven through ten/eleven. From cute to sexy with some overlap in between.

>> No.12039848
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Ne, ne, oniichan! Asobouyo!

>> No.12039852

It's not.
3D is only otaku culture in form of figurines.

3D children are not loli. Pedophilia is not otaku culture.

>> No.12039872

thats a pretty cute picture.

>> No.12039873

I wish there was some kind of service where I could rent a loli for a reasonable hourly rate.

Not for anything lewd. I would take her to the movies. Or out for ice cream. Or both. It would satisfy both my aesthetic appreciation for lolis, and my paternal instincts.

Why can't there be something like that? Most of us don't want to fuck them. Most of us are just so goddamn lonely, and enjoy spending time around lolis.

>> No.12039878

Wait for robots.

>> No.12039880

>Most of us don't want to fuck them.
Somehow that's hard to believe.

Also, there are always sick fucks who would take advantage of a business like this.
And then one little girl has to pay for it.

Prostitution - Yes, I would go so far as to call it that - comes with a lot of moral questions and problems.

>> No.12039887

>Prostitution (...) comes with a lot of moral questions

Wow aren't you one stupid piece of shit.

>> No.12039890

They could make the customer wear a tracking bracelet for the duration of the rental. If the bracelet indicates that they're heading to the customer's home/another private residence/a hotel , police will be alerted.

In addition, the loli could have some sort of panic button, unknown to the customer, which she could press and the police would be alerted.

It may note be easy, but I think you could make it safe and weed out the real predators from the guys who just enjoy looking at and being around lolis.

>> No.12039894

I think I am decently gifted mentally, but I give you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.12039897

How can you live wanting to treat children this way? Don't you have a little sister or cousins or something? Go have fun times with them.

>> No.12039896

Furthermore, if the loli is not back at the...agency?...within 15 minutes after the rental period ends, an alert will be put out. They would really just have to make it clear that if you try anything, you WILL get caught.

(Yeah, I've thought about this a lot.)

>> No.12039901

>treat children this way
What way? I want to spend time doing fun stuff and just enjoy looking at them (to me, an attractive 9-year-old girl is like a work of art). Wow, that sure is evil.

>little sister or cousins or something
No little sister. Cousins are all older than me, or live far away. I have nieces, but they also live far away.

>> No.12039905

Being treated as a service.

>> No.12039906

That probably won't even be a solution. There'll probably be some bullshit regulation forbidding the manufacture and sale of realistic child androids.

>> No.12039915

And? I still really don't see the problem, even when you put it that way.

It's not like being employed in a factory or some shit. Like I said, you could take them for ice cream or any fun activity. That's a goddamn dream job.

>> No.12039918

It might actually be a good thing for orphans.

>> No.12039921

>I think I am decently gifted mentally
one hundred percent of people who have ever said this turned out to be retarded in the end

>> No.12039925

Whose children are these and why would they be employed to hang out with older stangers?

>> No.12039937

how do you pedos cope with the idea that the girls you love will only be in your range for a couple years before they grow up and become disgusting to you?

>> No.12039938
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it would suck to be an ugly orphan ;_;

>> No.12039941

I grow older, but middle school girls always stay the same age.

>> No.12039945 [DELETED] 


There is still a problem. There are people who plan to die after commiting a crime anyway, because the don't have anything left to live for or are fed up with living. People who are running amok or parents who kill their family before killing themselves - Just a few examples. There have been a lot of cases like that or similar to that. Now the perpetrator doesn't even have to search for a victim, she just rents it. Some people just don't care if they get caught or die.

And then they grow up with a completely twisted sense of work and effort and think they can demand to be treated as something anyone would want to be around.
Work that does not require any actual skills, no learning curve, you just have to be or play (!) nice. That's the same thing this weird high society escort bitches do on a slightly more "genuine" level.

If you really want to be around children, become a teacher or work at a daycare. You can actually do something for the children that will benefit them, too.
