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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12038717 No.12038717 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to get into Vocaloid and you guys seem to be the experts. Any required listening?

>> No.12038721
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>> No.12038723

I think /a/ used to have a really comprehensive list of stuff.

>> No.12038737
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i don't like it when people destroy good melodies with this high pitched synthetic garbage

>> No.12038743

This is a great album, thanks.

>> No.12038758

You should really just dig in, see how far and deep you can go.

There's like a hundred thousand vocaloid songs, so the laws of posibility guarantees that you ought to find something you like.

>> No.12038790

>I'm trying to get into Vocaloid and you guys seem to be the experts.
vocaloid is weaboo normalfaggot trash.

>> No.12038805

pretty much this

great vocals = no vocals > average vocals > shit vocals > vocaloid

>> No.12038823

Well they really need to lower the pitch on her voice. I don't know why the song writers pick that high pitch. I have heard much lower normal sounding ones.

>> No.12038825


putting aside whether vocaloid is good or not, how the fuck can someone be both a weaboo and a normalfag

>> No.12038828

everything is possible with trolling

>> No.12038840

How has no one said Easygoing Rider?
OP, this all that you will ever need

>> No.12038843

It's actually pretty common.

>> No.12038848


explain. they seem pretty antithetical concepts.

>> No.12038849

good shit
But this is by far my new favorite.

>> No.12038855

very cute

>> No.12038856

I've been obsessed with this song for the last few weeks


>> No.12038867

I very much like this artist because he manages to make Miku sound like an actual person and not a squeaky mess.


He has at least one album iirc.

I also enjoy this particular song.

>> No.12038873

I think everyone on the jay loves mitchiem, him and that song come up in every thread ever.

>> No.12038944

Not everyone who has something to sing can sing well

that's where vocaloid comes in, and often those people have more interesting things to say than real 'musicians'


>> No.12038949

>interesting things to say
I can only speak for me but all I want is well written music, not someone trying to "say" something

>> No.12039215
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Miku Monday going on now!

>> No.12039259
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Vocaloid and shoegaze.


>> No.12039280

first thing that got posted dude

>> No.12039284
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Awe, lame. Okay, then I suggest Hatsune Kaidan and BiS Kaidan.

>> No.12039329

Anything from the games, anything by supercell, anything by mitchie m, senbonzakura. Required in the sense it's the most popular stuff, basically songs everyone knows, not all of it obviously.

>> No.12039716
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OP and whoever is interested in getting into vocaloid music and such, be sure to drop by this pastebin.

http://pastebin com/PB3dTd4Q

everything you need to know and want is there, including an essential list for vocaloid albums.

Dont listen to haters, only you know what you enjoy. If you enjoy miku music, then don't let anyone get under your skin, especially /mu/, for your interest in vocaloid.


I strongly recommend this album. This album, hands down, is the best vocaloid album that has been released so far.

>> No.12039726

>high pitched synthetic garbage
I'll admit, I like it because it is distinctly nonhuman. Its as if the human voice becomes more of an instrument than it already is.

>> No.12039731

Great albums.


Mathru has some really neat production. The music video and frequent key changes in Bacterial Contamination are kinda creepy, though the opening vocals are so distorted you can hardly tell it's vocaloid

>> No.12039758
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You need to expand to other vocaloids then, if you're interested in digging deep.

Not all of them sound squeaky like Miku and Rin, look further.

Pic related is my favorite.

>> No.12039761

Its either vocaloid or having male otaku sing.
And they ain't choir otaku either.

>> No.12039851

Anything by Kurousa, Kikuo, Deco*27, Tohma, NashimotoP, MitchieM, MikitoP, Dixie Flatline, Keeno and Nekobolo is good. (^ヮ^)

>> No.12039881
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I love how robotic and nonhuman she sounds.

>> No.12040088

Hatsunai Mikuo

>> No.12040099

Hatsunai Mikuo. I was very addicted to this in 2009, Now I just LOL'ed to myself evertime I remember how I was immensed in this normalfaggotry.

>> No.12040097
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>> No.12040108

better try out some poetry slam then
is she wearing varnished socks, long thin boots or some kind of in-between?

>> No.12040112
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I always wanted to like Vocaloid because Miku is hot and everyone is talking about it but Vocaloid music is just so shitty. It works as a good gimmick in a few songs but most of the time I just can't understand why would anyone even listen to it.

>> No.12040207

Dig deeper than the outer layer.

Vocaloid music have become better over the years, as more people got experience with it.

>> No.12040231

For your highs

And for your lows

>> No.12040378

Whoever liked this, also check wintermute's channel, more music like this


>> No.12040393

That (>>12038721) and both Hatsunekaidan albums are just about the best you'll find.

>> No.12040398

That's pretty much the main appeal, yes.

>> No.12040646
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>> No.12040698

Oldie but goodie.


>> No.12040883

people that write off all music that uses vocaloid as weeb shit make me angry
sure 90% is bad j-rock with vocals that try too hard to be realistic but there are some gems out there
it seems like the best artists are the ones that don't try to make "vocaloid music" so much as "music that uses vocaloid" like they already had an idea for the music before they decided to add kawii robot voice =^.^=
some of my favorite artists that use vocaloid are sasakure.uk, pinnochio-p, kikuo, mitchiem, and calla soiled

>> No.12040888 [DELETED] 

I assume this is the vocaloid thread...

I'm really disappointed with project diva f, I didn't know many of the songs and a lot of them weren't that fun... I knew I should have waited for 2nd.

>> No.12040896

What's up with the noise parts. Is this song written by some 12 years of emo kid.

>> No.12040898

>90% is bad j-rock

That's probably why.

I was jaded for a long time too, to be honest

>> No.12040904

>What's up with the noise parts.
It's by a noise band.
Hijokaidan, I'm sure you've heard of them.

>> No.12040909

>it seems like the best artists are the ones that don't try to make "vocaloid music" so much as "music that uses vocaloid"
I'd disagree with that. Vocaloid is an instrument, so it's important when composing music to play to that instrument's unique strengths. If not, then why specifically use vocaloid over any other instrument, or a human vocalist? My favorite composers often seem to "play up" the uncannyness of not-quite human sounding vocaloid vocals rather than masking this unique quality with techniques like excessive autotuning. If the decision to use vocaloid is purely arbitrary, this reflects negatively in the quality of the music. The best vocaloid music is music that can only be made with vocaloid.

>> No.12040916

>What's up with the noise parts
Oh you'd love the other 3 tracks of that album.

>> No.12040940
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>Hijokaidan, I'm sure you've heard of them.

>> No.12041087

I like all of these a lot, I tend to listen to them a lot as far as vocaloid songs are concerned.


I'm also fond of Jin's music, but I don't think that's popular on /jp/ at all.

>> No.12041469

Jin is great, especially Mekaku City Days.


>> No.12041761

Jin's vocaloid tuning is shit, don't listen to him OP unless you're willing to listen to covers. Great rock music, awful vocals. He literally is the worst user of IA, puts her voice to shame.

>> No.12042115

I understood that post as "people use music as an excuse to use vocaloid", as opposed to using it as an instrument like it was meant to.

>If not, then why specifically use vocaloid over any other instrument, or a human vocalist?
A lot of people can't sing (or don't want to) or get a vocalist.

>> No.12042125

Does Otetsu still release stuff? I liked this dude.

>> No.12042128

He does, and I like him too.

>> No.12042164

Anything from Project Diva. Those tend to be the most popular ones

>> No.12042175
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Strange mostly offbeat stuff, various styles ...
specifically NOT "required listening"

Rin, "Closed (Enclosed mix)"

Miku "Rocket Dive"

Miku, "Clarity"

Miku v3 english demo, "Clarity"

Miki & Kaito "Insanity"

IA "Dialing Paranoia"

96neko & Len "Happy Synthesizer"

Gumi "Candy Candy"

>> No.12042190

Everything by 初音階段

>> No.12042227

Vacant World is pretty bad and definitely a step down.

>> No.12043802

Slightly off topic, but does anyone know of a good site for downloading vocaloid songs that haven't had an album release yet?

>> No.12043850

Here's a quick-start guide:

1. Listen to other vocaloids besides Miku. Just because she's the most popular doesn't mean she's the best. I personally prefer Luka and Gumi. Miku's dark append is also pretty good.

2. Check out BuzzG, Yuyoyuppe, Utsu-P, Deco*27, Camellia, Hikarisuyo,Dixie_Flatline, Michie M, Wowka, 40mP, AVTechno! etc. There are tons of ways vocaloid can be used from death metal to pop to EDM to dubstep (rin ginsuke on youtube for best vocaloid dubstep btw)

3. Do not confuse Haku and Neru as vocaloids. They are not vocaloids.

4. Utauloid is a cheap freebie clone of vocaloid. There are numerous amounts of them.

5. Check out the vocaloid page on facebook. Preferably the one with the largest following since those guys actually know what they're doing. inb4 >facebook

6. There are a shit-ton of vocaloids. Well over 50 now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Vocaloid_products

7. Just explore youtube and vocadb.net

Most human covers beat the shit out of their vocaloid counterparts, but on rare occasions vocaloid prevails.


Veteran Vocaloid Fag.

>> No.12043886
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Try to find a producer you like and stick with them. Some people only go with whatever the vocaloid singing is, but the producer is what matters most. A good place to search is Vocadb for producer info, and doujin.us for vocaloid albums.

My personal favorites are Pinocchio-P, Kikuo, sasakure.UK, Kemu, Tohma, Utata-P, Yuuyu-P, Ramune, Rerulili, Powapowa-P, Giga-P, Mikito-P and YM.

Also, try to get an Niconico account, youtube is pretty crappy in finding new vocaloid songs since the english fandom is pretty awful.

Nicosound went down about a month ago, but Nicomimi works well.

>> No.12043891

Thank you. I had been using nicosound for the past couple years and noticed it went down last month. Good to see that there's a replacement. Now to download all the songs that I've been meaning too.

>> No.12043898


>> No.12043961

BiS Kaidan isn't even vocaloid. This is not a Japanese music thread.

I don't like when people just listen to the most popular of Vocaloid music and say that all vocaloid is shitty pop trash.

>> No.12043984

大高丈宙 had a good album. I don't know if わたしのココ is vocaloid or not but it's computer voice and good.

>> No.12044054

What do you think of this guy's works, /jp/?


>> No.12044065

The instrumentals are too harsh for my taste, but his tuning sounds pretty good, though I am pretty biased towards Gumi.

>> No.12044078
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Deserving of a little more attention, discovering producers with little popularity is always interesting, they tend to make either pretty generic music or unique stuff.

Gumi has such a powerful voice.

>> No.12044120

I guess I'll give some suggestions. I haven't really been actively searching out new Vocaloid artists in about a year though, so a lot of my suggestions are older stuff.

Hachi is one of my favorites, though he's pretty much stopped doing Vocaloid music (this being his only song in years). Most of his stuff is unusual in just the right way.

Deco*27 is great too, both he and Hachi are on the must listen list.

Some other songs I like from various artists in no particular order






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwPcD4Zwr78 (This artist is more notable for his lyrics and PVs than for his music itself.)




Also, try not to limit yourself to listening to only one vocaloid. Too many people only listen to Miku or Crypton stuff (not to say that there aren't good Miku songs out there). There is a lot of music out there, and you might have to dig a bit before you find a favorite.

>> No.12044136

Jin has few good songs, but for most I agree with >>12041761.

>> No.12044146

wait, wait what
"My favorite digital pop star Hatsune Miku is opening The ARTPOP Ball from May 6-June 3! Look at how cute she is! http://youtu.be/jhl5afLEKdo 🌟✨"
we're fucked
abort abort

(does this vocaloid is accepted by mainstream normies now then?)

>> No.12044150

You're late to the party. Vocaloid was mainstream years ago, around the time they started having Miku concerts in the US.

>> No.12044159

But I don't see normies parading around vocaloid songs yet
the concerts were attended by weaboos
I guess we're going to see indies and stuffs using vocaloids after Gaga approving it. I think.

(bear in mind im a southeasternasianer not an american)

>> No.12044169

Doesn't matter either way, just avoid the English songs. It's not like Indie bands would use the Japanese Vocaloids. The English fanbase is already pretty terrible, maybe becoming mainstream would be a good thing.

>> No.12044331

The English vocaloids have terrible pronunciation compared to the Japanese ones, which is why the Japanese ones are so much successful. Engloids won't really catch on in the USA. And most Americans are "oooh cartoons" and other shit to really make use of the Japanese vocaloids.

>> No.12044331,1 [INTERNAL] 


anyone else turned on by this
specifically luka and her movements
i dont know why this is so erotic
it must be the music

>> No.12044331,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why is vocaloid so lewd?
It should be called vocalewd instead.

>> No.12044331,3 [INTERNAL] 

ok good thank god its not just me who think this lewd.

>> No.12044424

>BiS Kaidan isn't even vocaloid
It's close enough and it doesn't make much of a difference when Jojo is involved.

>> No.12044458

Good taste.

I haven't heard anything from nekobolo after Dot.

>> No.12044478


>> No.12044545


Depending on how this boils over I may have to finally make my trip to Gensokyo.

Goodbye friends, it's been fun.

>> No.12044593

do not:

-look for vocaloid music on youtube
-look for vocaloid music on NND
-listen to shitty jpop


-download albums from doujin.us and then delete it if the first song is bad
-even if the first song is good, dont assume the rest of the album will be, because they know this secret

>> No.12044602

the live shows with the real instruments and the ese-thru curtain

>> No.12044604

ᆿ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

>> No.12044670

What's /jaypee/'s prediction on the crappy song selection they pick? Obviously World is Mine. I'm guessing at least 3 songs? It's probably gonna be all ryo, so possibly Melt and Love is War. Christ is that boring as hell.

>> No.12044951
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what the fuck

>> No.12044987

Holy shit, what?

>> No.12045019

This looks weird.
Also, Jojo looks really, really thin on that cover.

>> No.12045035


>> No.12045201

ryo and livetune

It's gonna be a boring one, that's for sure.

>> No.12046035

>It's close enough
One is a voice synthesizer
The other is an idol group

>> No.12046389
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That's what 歌ってみた are for, numbnuts.

>> No.12047468
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Is gagarin still here? Instead of waiting for the pain we should at least try to alleviate it and hope we won't have the same old generic songs.

Having said that I suggest:

>> No.12047502

Didn't see Watashi No Koko when I searched, but if you're at all a fan of noise, this is pretty amazing. Free too.


>> No.12047758


>> No.12048180
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I mentioned them. Not like I'm hurt or anything.

And people should listen to Kesson Shoujo first, to get the background of some of the songs.

>> No.12048213
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Oh, I'm sorry.

I like your taste though. :3

>> No.12048362
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>I like your taste though. :3

>> No.12048381


Some guy that makes his own 3D animations for his songs.

>> No.12048497


>> No.12048500


>> No.12048502 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 700x700, yay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go op.



>> No.12048505 [DELETED] 

Umm who the HELL are you supposed to be?

>> No.12048507 [DELETED] 
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dont mind me.

just enjoy the music

>> No.12048509 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.12048510 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12048514 [DELETED] 

Why is sayting "YAHOO' so populaar in Japan?

>> No.12048517 [DELETED] 
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good question.

but isn't it cute?

>> No.12048520 [DELETED] 

Ya-hoo~ Anon-kun! Did you wait long? Gomen ne~

>> No.12048525 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12049687

Anything by Supercell or Kemu is pretty good. This is one of my favorite tracks:


>> No.12049826
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>> No.12050120

How do I download "The End, vocaloïd opera"?

>> No.12050142

I don't speak this backwards ass language.
If you want it badly go to pirateship and find a torrent, or if you're feeling adventerous try google.

>> No.12051390

