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12036838 No.12036838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ghost/ edition

>> No.12036838,1 [INTERNAL] 

I just took a nice, big shite. I feel better now.

>> No.12036838,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a NEET

>> No.12036838,3 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't eaten anything in 2 days. It's surprisingly ok.

>> No.12036838,4 [INTERNAL] 

One of my only pleasures in life is eating delicious food, why even continue living?

>> No.12036838,5 [INTERNAL] 

What do you do? Flip burgers or something?

>> No.12036838,6 [INTERNAL] 

im watching dirty harry

>> No.12036838,7 [INTERNAL] 

Send me money and I'll buy some delicious food of your choosing.

>> No.12036838,8 [INTERNAL] 

I have 10$ to last me the rest of the month.

>> No.12036838,9 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a Viral Marketing Associate

>> No.12036838,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12036838,11 [INTERNAL] 

I want to be a NEET no matter what.

>> No.12036838,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12036838,13 [INTERNAL] 

This job, in a 4chan context, is a pretty good way of rising in the ranks. With enough knowledge of board dynamics, you make a post about the product you market. You keep the threads alive and they go into your history. You keep doing this until you have so many good threads in your history you get approved as a janitor, unbeknownst to the staff team you're a marketer. You work as janitor full-time and viral marketer part-time, making good on-toppic threads and keeping the board clean. Soon enough you reach mod status. After working for so much time and reaching such an influential spot, you can ask for a raise!

>> No.12036838,14 [INTERNAL] 

A raise from 0$/hr to 0$/hr lmao

>> No.12036838,15 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have prostate problems? I can help, by pounding your boypussy! You'll piss easy no matter what!

>> No.12036838,16 [INTERNAL] 

Who food stamps here?

>> No.12036838,17 [INTERNAL] 

I've been thinking about it.

>> No.12036838,18 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12036838,19 [INTERNAL] 

Please cum in my boycunt!

>> No.12036838,20 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking disgusting. Go back to /ota/ gayfags

>> No.12036838,21 [INTERNAL] 

>head to McDonalds for 1$ iced coffee
>some east indians outside the place with their dog
>try and walk past them everything is going fine
>dog barks at me and I jump a bit
>"yo chill out man"
>they all start laughing at their friends comment
>rush into McDonalds to get away

Fucking piece of shit east indians.

>> No.12036838,22 [INTERNAL] 

lol white people are such fucking betas

>> No.12036838,23 [INTERNAL] 

I just ate a couple of cups of rice and some sausage curry type stuff and mom just called and said she's getting me a few burg to eat tonight is a great night to be a NEET

>> No.12036838,24 [INTERNAL] 

One of my friends that ive known for over 30 years is dating a jew and i went to a party at his house with a few other people we've known forever and she introduced me to her friends as a stranger even though she just met my friend

shes the stranger not me

>> No.12036838,25 [INTERNAL] 

a healthy diet is crucial for a successful career as a NEET

>> No.12036838,26 [INTERNAL] 

that right

*pounds back some of the good Dr P while munching on some chips*

>> No.12036838,27 [INTERNAL] 

is this the setup for a new sitcom

>> No.12036838,28 [INTERNAL] 

No it's my life now

>> No.12036838,29 [INTERNAL] 

Mom came back with 3 burgs and a milkshake for me
Then my grandma didn't want her burgers so I got 2 more on top of that.
Being a fatNEET is great

>> No.12036838,30 [INTERNAL] 

are you soft

>> No.12036838,31 [INTERNAL] 

give me a rub

>> No.12036838,32 [INTERNAL] 

I've been NEET for almost a year now, but I can't figure out how people can be hikikomori. I really really want to be hikikomori but I need to go outside to buy food! Living on food stamps and really little money otherwise, how can I stop being a disgusting normie?

>> No.12036838,33 [INTERNAL] 

My parents buy me food.

>> No.12036838,34 [INTERNAL] 

Why the fuck would you want to be some anxiety strained subhuman? You aren't going to be epically cool like Welcome to the NHK dude

>> No.12036838,35 [INTERNAL] 

NEET life sucks, better to be paid to do something retarded

I have completely automated my job and sit in my office watching anime for 8 hours a day and get paid to do it

>> No.12036838,36 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds pretty NEET to me dude, nice job!

>> No.12036838,37 [INTERNAL] 

Some people have a thing called parents.

>> No.12036838,38 [INTERNAL] 

Not everyone is a normalfag

>> No.12036838,39 [INTERNAL] 

My parents died when i was 5.

>> No.12036838,40 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12036838,41 [INTERNAL] 

Dear NEET diary, today when I woke up my sisters were here to see off a relative who was visiting and they had brought their friend along. As I was in the kitchen with the relative I noticed that the friend kept staring at me and it made me feel very uncomfortable so I moved away into the TV room to watch Gilligan's Island. If she were a few years younger I would have been receptive towards her, but unfortunately she's a teenager and is too old for me.

A few years ago I did babysit my sisters and a different friend, though. That girl was maybe 9 or 10 and was really cute and put a hamster in her shirt and got stuck in the dryer.

>> No.12036838,42 [INTERNAL] 

How does that make you feel?

>> No.12036838,43 [INTERNAL] 

>but unfortunately she's a teenager and is too old for me.

>> No.12036838,44 [INTERNAL] 

Check 'em.

>> No.12036838,45 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12036838,46 [INTERNAL] 

Well it's the truth. I'm always playful towards lolis, but teenagers can fuck off.

>> No.12036838,47 [INTERNAL] 

You could knock her up and make your own loli and then dump her right after wtf d00d?!

>> No.12036838,48 [INTERNAL] 

it must be hard when theyre old enough to be disgusted by you

>> No.12036838,49 [INTERNAL] 

Too much work when I can just walk to the park or something for a loli.

>> No.12036838,50 [INTERNAL] 

You have been banned from /jp/ for posting >>12036838, a violation of Rule 1:

Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

Your ban was filed on April 12th, 2014 and expires on April 15th, 2014 at 20:45 ET, which is 2 days and 12 hours from now.

>> No.12036838,51 [INTERNAL] 

guys me mum keeps bullying me

how do i make her leave me alone and just enable my neet lifestyle

should i fake attempt suicide

>> No.12036838,52 [INTERNAL] 

Did she kick you in the dick?
You should kill yourself.

>> No.12036838,53 [INTERNAL] 

I applied for early separation from active duty military after being enticed by the NEET lifestyle.

The base career counselor said it could take a minimum of 60 days to be approved, but I have to see the first sergeant and commander eventaully and Im really scared and nervous because they're going to ask about my future plans and stuff!

what do I say w-bros? please answer unironically...

>> No.12036838,54 [INTERNAL] 

I've become addicted to those mini donuts. The chocolate ones with chocolate frosting. The waxy feeling of the chocolate is what does it.

I eat at least 5 bags a week.

>> No.12036838,55 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself murderer.

>> No.12036838,56 [INTERNAL] 

Just tell them you're going to college

>> No.12036838,57 [INTERNAL] 

"I wish to seek a loli girlfriend"

>> No.12036838,58 [INTERNAL] 

>5 bags a week

>> No.12036838,59 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12036838,60 [INTERNAL] 

What? That's not even one bag per day.

>> No.12036838,61 [INTERNAL] 


so when will i die

>> No.12036838,62 [INTERNAL] 

My dad likes those. He only eats one bag per week, though.

>> No.12036838,63 [INTERNAL] 

Don't wait for it to come! Be more assertive! Kill yourself!
