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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12020503 No.12020503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ typically spend their Friday nights?

>> No.12020505

Piss drunk crying in my room while either puking on my bed or passing half way into the tub

>> No.12020507

w2c figure

>> No.12020510

Sounds good.
I'd do this if I had enough booze to.

>> No.12020513

Yeah it's basically what I was shooting for since my early childhood days.

>> No.12020518 [DELETED] 

Pretty drunk now to be honest.

>> No.12020519

u wot

Have you ever gotten too fucked up and like spent all night puking while listening to Naitve Faith on repeat?
Shits fucking inentense

>> No.12020523

I threw back 400 mg deal of dxm and had Lain on and that was completely fucked, I generally don't enjoy 2D anything while drunk though

>> No.12020530

why the fuck would you want to get drunk alone

fuck you're pathetic get it together you fucking alchies

>> No.12020532

Off what man

I remember tripping hard off spice and watching Saikano
Good times

>> No.12020541
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I like to be the topical /jp/fag and do nothing with my life but weeaboo my brains out on this board watching anime and wishing I could speak moon

>> No.12020540

Why do you think it's a question of want?

>> No.12020544
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>> No.12020545


>> No.12020549

Getting drunk alone is it's own experience, I highly recommend it to anyone tru if you know wha ti mean

>> No.12020551

Dude what
dude what

dyude what

>> No.12020553


>> No.12020556

Blood..... dude
