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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 453 KB, 921x1400, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12008249 No.12008249 [Reply] [Original]

who TRUEneet here?

>> No.12008266
File: 26 KB, 509x459, 1342876375013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had an onii-chan to spoil me.

>> No.12008406

Please lay out the qualifications for being a TRUEneet. Additionally, if you could explain the steps one can take to reach TRUEneetism, it would be appreciated.

>> No.12008524
File: 135 KB, 464x732, 1396276341836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you work you lose

>> No.12008533
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>> No.12008553
File: 573 KB, 886x498, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12008570


Don't work, don't study, don't enrol in any form of training. Don't even try to improve yourself or your situation in anyway.

Accept that your living conditions are likely only going to get worse, until you die alone and unwanted, grieved by no one expect maybe that strange person who added you on Skype one day out of nowhere, who is most certainly masturbating at least once a day to your [cute little anime girl] profile picture.

So enjoy the moment, with Sadpanda, erotic games and /jp/.

>> No.12008570,1 [INTERNAL] 

-Official /jp/ reminder-

If you are currently employed, enrolled in education OR receive a welfare check you do not belong on /jp/. End of story. If you are in the aforementioned categories, please evacuate the premises immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

[Additional message] Please ignore falseNEETs who try to plant doubt in your minds. This is and forever will be the truNEET golden rule, those who disagree don't belong.

>> No.12008634

>[cute little anime girl] profile picture
How did you know?!

>> No.12008634,1 [INTERNAL] 

I study in university and work 10 hours a week. Whatcha gonna do about it, weeb? NEETs were officially banned from /jp/ the moment your disgusting threads were banned. You are the ones who do not belong here. Vacate the premises immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.12008959

janitor is unsure whether to delete this.

>> No.12009149

I have a onii-chan. It's the greasy perverted neet otaku kind but he's such a nice person. I'm a fuggen huge tomboi trying hard to be a kawaii yaoiz uke but i dress up like a cute loli just for him. i also act tsun with him a bit. nothing sexual though,we have a gf and a bf.

>> No.12009153

We're both neet as well.
>mfw that feel when no money for anything
>mfw i'm still young,being 18 but looking like 14

>> No.12009153,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I study in university

Stopped reading there because I knew the rest of your post would be the usual eternal underaged frustration shitposting. Maybe one day they'll invent a time machine so you can not be forever underaged and a perma-newfag.

>> No.12009153,2 [INTERNAL] 

>work 10 hours a week
You're pathetic even by normalfag standards

>> No.12009384
File: 281 KB, 637x900, 1392697693210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatNEET here

>> No.12009387

I fatNEET here.

>> No.12009413

I am literally a NEET

>> No.12009423

if any NEETs want to join our skype NEET support group add malik5950 on skype

>> No.12009426 [DELETED] 


>> No.12009441

I just play my music whenever I feel like it and people throw money at me, does that count?

>> No.12009444

thank god i stopped being truNEET long ago, now i can buy all i want and take it easy

>> No.12009452 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 617x576, 1393550611250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate those threads full of fake NEETs.

Good riddance that Janny is deleting them on sight.

>> No.12009481

Hikikomori here. I only go out to see the doctor and I'm malnourished. I eat one tiny meal, every day. I do snack on peanuts and raisins, that's all though.

>> No.12009505 [DELETED] 

mfw your feels are epic :^)

>> No.12009508

oh hell yeah neet thread today im going to eat ice cream and drink tea and i dont know what i want for dinner

>> No.12009525

same here dude but I'm not a NEET

I'm gonna make bourbon ice cream milk shakes tonight now that's a man's drink

>> No.12009530

help me come up with a skype username

>> No.12009531
File: 74 KB, 660x440, 1899234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought meido killed all the NEETs.

RIP Sudo at least you probably became delicious bacon.

>> No.12009532
File: 26 KB, 763x562, shittyjsfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12009533

god what the fuck that is a disgusting drink this is just ice cream

>> No.12009534
File: 12 KB, 290x290, 1396303855124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing disgusting about it I've got premium grade ice cream no corn syrup and gonna make my own choicolate sauce from this guide on the internet. It's the NEET's adult beverage of choice.

>> No.12009538 [DELETED] 

no thats fucking sick you cant even pretend youre sharing that with a loli because thats illegal

>> No.12009554 [DELETED] 

what if you wanted to get the loli drunk

then it's perfect you can barely taste the alcohol

>> No.12009552
File: 94 KB, 600x358, neet-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The media is doing a good job sensationalizing NEETs as dangerous murderers. Maybe one day they'll be rounding them up into chain gangs or sticking them in camps.

>> No.12009563

Your profile picture doesnt make you look like a neet. Are you really malik5950?

>> No.12009564
File: 63 KB, 450x450, 1390038256356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is with all this blonde half-foreigner stuff?

>> No.12009568

you seem like a rapist

>> No.12009573
File: 564 KB, 1273x900, 1395346825072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatNEET feel when the bowls in your house are too small so you have to go up and down the stairs to get refills

>> No.12009589 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 1395265683764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not participating on glorious wizardchan instead posting here where the thread gets deleted in short amount of time

>> No.12009630


>you will never have a soft bodied oneesan to spoil you or refill your bowl of slop for you

why is life so unfair?

>> No.12009638

I'm not a rapist. Do you want to join our skype support group?

>> No.12009636
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 1379734684030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you did something real shitty in your past life if you believe in that stuff? Or maybe life will make it up to you for the shit treatment so far later? When the reality hits you though...

>> No.12009644

Nobody said you're actually a rapist, but you went ahead and denied you being one. Care to explain?

>> No.12009658

Forget about I said it bro. I don't do rape. Lolis in particular.

>> No.12009657 [DELETED] 

Who neat NEET here?

>> No.12009660

As if Wizardchan wasn't overmoderated as well. But really, the Wizard part is just a joke that for some reason is still enforced. Lots of repressed desire to talk about relationshit there although lots of them are really just wizards by choice. All functional and successful enough EETs to get a hooker or pay-for-relationship.

>> No.12009668
File: 41 KB, 477x427, nudeln.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow your own brains out or quit whining and get back to work. One or the other.

>> No.12009670 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 827x1169, 1396307237305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get a loli to let me choose her clothes for her? How can I get her to let me dress her?

>> No.12009704 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.12009728

What about Sudo, Moetron and Arc?

>> No.12009753

I am unironically happy that Sudo finally killed himself. He shit up /jp/ too much.

>> No.12009760 [DELETED] 

Why is he still on IRC then if he dead?

>> No.12009772 [DELETED] 

There was a fakeNEET on earlier then someone called him out and he started throwing a huge temper tantrum

Thats what he gets for being a fakeNEET

>> No.12009771

> I do snack on peanuts and raisins, that's all though.
I bet you even crack the blinds to let a little light in. FalsHIKI pls go.

>> No.12009792

Says they're a truNEET

"Like yeah I fucking hate my job and Casey can be such a dick"

-Fake NEET Girl

>> No.12009792,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the actual fuck

>> No.12009792,2 [INTERNAL] 

do you want to join my skype support group?

>> No.12009792,3 [INTERNAL] 

Wish I had a NEET gf...
Wish I had a gf.......

>> No.12009792,4 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I had a loli girlfriend.

>> No.12009792,5 [INTERNAL] 

A loli gf would be fine too..
Any gf would be good......

>> No.12009792,6 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I had a cuteslav gf


>> No.12009792,7 [INTERNAL] 

no /jp/boy bf...

>> No.12009792,8 [INTERNAL] 


green one

>> No.12009792,9 [INTERNAL] 

This is a hetero board, fuck off to /ota/

>> No.12009792,10 [INTERNAL] 

I could probably seduce you

>> No.12009792,11 [INTERNAL] 

Just try it, I'm not dickslirping boifag.

>> No.12009792,12 [INTERNAL] 

God damn every single time, this girl is extremely cute.

>> No.12009792,13 [INTERNAL] 

You have been banned from /jp/ for posting >>12009554, a violation of Rule 1:

Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

gimme a break

>> No.12009792,14 [INTERNAL] 

as requested, here's your three-day break

>> No.12009792,15 [INTERNAL] 


> TRUEneet

KILL yourself.
