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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12007035 No.12007035 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any competent VN writers? r07 and Uchikoshi are good at writing mysteries but holy fuck they can't end anything with decency.

>> No.12007043

Why would you play VNs for the story?

>> No.12007069

I like murder mystery VN's.

>> No.12007073

No they're actually not, and anyway these things are just cyoa manga done using the computer, they're not novels. They aren't even "lite" novels with pictures, they're shit where you pick which thing to say to the tsun-dere or whatever to get her to take her pixel clothes off in public.

I think expecting too much out of them would be a pretty sure way of being disappointed.

>> No.12007074 [DELETED] 

if i was interested in sex id play ur mom instead

>> No.12007083

Meteo, Sakurai, Mareni, Ou Jackson, Romeo, etc. are usually regarded as good writers.

>> No.12007085

>cyoa manga done using the computer
>pixel clothes

>> No.12007096

With her giant swollen computer-graphic hands.

>> No.12007098
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r07 and good at writing mysteries?

>> No.12007109
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Higurashi had a decent ending to be fair.

>> No.12007122
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rika is the bug queen ending?

>> No.12007148

It's impossible to have a good VN. A book relies on description to make the story lively. A VN is just like a script, there are next to no description, all you have are pictures of characters speaking and moving.
It's like trying to make a story with sockpuppet. Sure, you can try, with it'll be poor because you can't do anything advanced.

>> No.12007150

>there are next to no description
have you ever read a VN in your life

>> No.12007153

But sound novels are VN's. And are descriptive and wordy as fuck.

>> No.12007164

and still they're nothing else than silly anime stories in text form

>> No.12007166

So every Chunsoft sound novel is a anime story? News to me.

>> No.12007169

Don't reply to bait

>> No.12007171

Haven't read a lot of VN since I don't speak Japanese, but the Muv Luv one I read seemed to be quite "anime" in its plot.
>protag remembers what happened before
>is better than everyone else

>> No.12007174

Maybe he just doesn't consider narration descriptive enough. I don't know.

>> No.12007179

expelled from /jp/ for stupidity

>> No.12007180

You need to realize that VN is a medium created to sell stories without having narrative or atistic skills that can wrap them up for the purchaser fruition. the sole reason they keep being produced is the persidtence of this Akihabara ghost in japan entertainment economy.

>> No.12007181

Your wish.

>> No.12007182

Name one that isn't.

>> No.12007187

Gen Urobuchi.

>> No.12007191

Never heard of chunsoft, but for the stuff i read from Liar-soft, Nitroplus, KID and 07th Expansion - it was. Some from Liar-soft were still passable although it's filled with moe moe animal girls and stuff like that.

>> No.12007195

Amazing how VN meta threads tend to attract the worst type of posters into them.

>> No.12007198

After reading his stupid crap, its pretty obvious that the only decent products he worked in have been graced by show's director, that filtered and assimilated his scribbles putting on screen the decent parts.

>> No.12007202

Like you?

>> No.12007207

Have you read Kikokugai?

>> No.12007208

Chunsoft made Dragon Quest up until the 8th one. They've made lots of vn mystery games.

>> No.12007213 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12007218

Like people who try to shit on VNs when the otaku medium is just as bad (see Light Novels and best-selling anime), yet for some reason are still into it. If you don't like it, why not simply go read those really smart and deep literature books from centuries ago?

>> No.12007222 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12007224

Dragon Quest is as close as you can get to being anime and still being an RPG. They even got that Dragonball guy to design the characters.

>> No.12007225

Because I already know why Daisy Armstrong is mentioned in that Orient Express story, who controls the Hound of Baskerville, and how Moriarty dies.

>> No.12007230

that's why i gave up on anime and VN and just consume dignified comments on the jay and play doujin games every now and then

>> No.12007298

ITT: Peasants try to talk about things they have no experience with.

>> No.12007303

Smugfag gonna smug.

>> No.12007312 [DELETED] 

ebin reply /b/ro

>> No.12007329
File: 2.74 MB, 4189x3063, PUSSAAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a better opening pic for when OP wants to repost this topic again.

>> No.12007342
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if you don't acknowledge umineko as the world's best detective story you're not even worthy of this discussion

>> No.12007338

>nigger Mion

>> No.12007339

nigga dat's kawaii

>> No.12007351

lemon girl: worst fruit, worst character

>> No.12007371
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I liked "Groundhog Day" more.

>> No.12007408

I enjoy Visual Novels because they provide me with a very high degree of immersion, one that I haven't been able to reproduce by consuming other forms of digital entertainment. Indeed, I had been sure that this had been the case for most other people, too. Do you not agree?

>> No.12007442

I don't see how it's very immersive when you are constantly reminded that the protagonist isn't you from his narration.

>> No.12007447
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>> No.12007450

Most Visual Novels I've read were translated to first person, so they felt very immersive for me. I wouldn't know how it feels in Japanese, though.

>> No.12007453

First person narration is like standing in front of a guy who is telling you a story about his life. I consider immersion when you are the guy in the story.

>> No.12007461

Huh? Really? For me, first person always felt like I was the "I" performing the actions, while third person felt very cold and impersonal. I mean, it would be another thing if it was dialogue, but it's narration, so it's like I'm reading my own thoughts, if that makes any sense.

>> No.12007465

Maybe he wants second-person narration.

>> No.12007469

That would be like playing D&D or something.

>> No.12007470

I always thought that was the worst possible narration.

>> No.12007471

There are plenty. Some of my favorites are 田中ロミオ, おるごぅる, るーすぼーい, 奈須きのこ, 丸戸史明, 麻枝准, 土天冥海.

>> No.12007475
File: 57 KB, 500x375, komorebi-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you consider good writing? Do you mean good use of language or a well told story?

My favorite use of language has got to be Komorebi ni Yureru Tamashii no Koe

My favorite story for the pleasure of reading is Tasogare no Sinsemilla but everyone has a different opinion on what's enjoyable to them.

>> No.12007481

Use of language isn't going to come across since most people just use translations. Story, on the other hand, can be judged even with the translations.

>> No.12007484
File: 222 KB, 1024x576, pussypussypusspusspusspuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now in isometric, yaay

>> No.12007508 [DELETED] 


>> No.12007884

Wait, isn't the solution to a mystery the most important part?

>> No.12007981

>actually reading mystery for the mystery

>> No.12008019


>> No.12009548

I agree with this.

>> No.12011573

ITT: Pretentious erudite-wannabes.

>> No.12011707

Yes there are plenty.
And VN is the best medium by far to convey a story.
