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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1200144 No.1200144 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1200152

they will give me no dinner then

>> No.1200157

Well, looks like I'm going to have to evolve to a point where all I require is air to survive.


Yup, any minute now...

>> No.1200166

I'll merely point out all of the job applications I've filled out. None of them will produce interviews, since my resume sucks, but they can't hold that against me.

>> No.1200172

Do you want to work?

I suffer from the same problem, but luckily I'm a full-time student with scholarships.

>> No.1200175

It's ok to go outside sometimes gus.

>> No.1200187

yeah me too, without any scholarships

so i need some money

>> No.1200188

It's never okay to go outside. It is statistically proven that 100% of all people that go outside die.

>> No.1200199


>> No.1200203

But it's also proven that 100% die.

>> No.1200229

I do want to work, and, sadly, a number of people with more relevant job experience also do. Stupid economic recession. It's impossible to get a job at Burger King these days.

>> No.1200239

Why don't you go to college? IT'll make it easier to find a job.

>> No.1200260

Fuck that, I'm not going to college just to work at Burger King.

>> No.1200263

And who will pay off the college loans? Like I said, the economy is bad. No guarantee I'll get a job out of college, either, especially with no work experience. That's assuming I pass. It's bad enough that I'm leeching money to pay for my living expenses.

>> No.1200264

i got job.
but didnt pay well.
but at least i can pay my electricity and internet bills, i can live with it.

any doctors/lawyers in here?

>> No.1200265

Oh good God you're an idiot.

>> No.1200280

Depends on what you study. If you're smart and study finance or accounting you'll get a job right off. Start wages are 50K USD for accountants in America.

>> No.1200300

I already walked the 200 feet to the convenience store and bought a coke. I don't need to go out again today thanks.

>> No.1200323


You're right, better just kill yourself before you have to leave what dignity you have left from working at burger king.

>> No.1200316

I'm studying mechanical engineering, will I be able to get a job when I graduate? or will I fail miserably?

>> No.1200327

If I was smart, I would be able to get in on scholarship and not have to worry about money at all.

>> No.1200331

Dude, do you even know what the hell you are talking about? Good colleges are EXPENSIVE.

>> No.1200344

itt people who were deeply affected/made delusional by welcome to nhk

you sound like idiots

>> No.1200335

Mechanical engineers are in demand, I think they topped the list over in-demand jobs in America, with accountants being #2.

>> No.1200337

I'm going to be a professor this time next year. Crappy school, though.

>> No.1200338

Depends where you live.

>> No.1200342

>The Oba-Chan Seducer !7kjGbZlVeg

>> No.1200348

Wonder how your female students would feel about getting a closet-pedo as a professor.

>> No.1200351
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Posting porn in a porn thread.

>> No.1200352

I'm about to graduate with a bachelors in computer science. Will I be able to get a job?

>> No.1200357
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>> No.1200358

Why should they care? College students aren't children.

>> No.1200360

Wouldn't it be wonderful if they were?

>> No.1200365
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>> No.1200378

>computer science
have fun with your worthless degree

>> No.1200379
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Hey the real Sandnigger living in Norway. Stop replying to your own threads under Anonymous. It's kinda pathetic.

>> No.1200382


CS is the most in-demand tech degree (still); if you want an actual worthless degree you'll have to head to a liberal arts school.

>> No.1200385
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>> No.1200387
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>> No.1200391
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>> No.1200396

aren't computer science jobs being outsourced to India + China?

>> No.1200397
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>> No.1200406


That's customer service and tech support.

>> No.1200400


No, programming jobs are. Programming isn't inherently computer science; the kinds of jobs they are outsourcing are the crappy, low-end jobs that you get after graduating from your shitty trade school in a 2 year program to learn $fadlanguage.

>> No.1200401

Nah, low-end jobs, but not the high-end well paying jobs.

I remember seeing a lot of job ads for computer egineers in Japan on the internet.

>> No.1200411
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>> No.1200414

aka: derp and derp

>> No.1200417

computer engineer != computer programming or computer science

>> No.1200423


In practice, they end up doing a lot of the same work though. Part of the degree is learning to be versatile, and not locked into a single language or paradigm.

>> No.1200488

how is it the same work? computer science + computer programming are mostly programming, computer engineering is learning languages that design microchips + processors.

>> No.1200508

Programmer: Knows how to make application programs with a specific language (usually Java, Perl, .NET etc.)

(Computer)Engineer: Knows how does the shit work, and are able to program in any language (given a manual). Programs systems applications.

(Computer)Scientist: Provides the theory base for all the shit like how data can be stored in zeroes and ones.

>> No.1200634

No a computer engineer knows 0% programming, they just know how shit works and they design computer chips, they are more akin to electrical engineers than computer ones because electrical engineers work with Integrated circuits however the complexity that Computer engineers work with are on another level. Most processors nowadays have 2 billion transistors http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistor_count.. The only way to create chips this advanced is to make a computer language. To tell you the truth I forgot what this language was called but basically you write the code and the computer makes the blueprints for how the microprocessor looks.

>> No.1200670

>To tell you the truth I forgot what this language was called but basically you write the code and the computer makes the blueprints for how the microprocessor looks.

They probably specify a few things in a non-procedural language and the chip is tailored to specifications...

>> No.1200667

I'm turning into a normalfag. I can feel it.

Last night I hung out with friends - a few good friends, when in the past I'd maybe have 1 or 2 close friends in my life at a time. We planned to go to a free concert, but missed the bus and didn't get there, but the night turned out to be enjoyable anyway. We basically ended up spending the night drinking.

I can feel that this sort of stuff with other people is getting more important to me. My attitude towards my computer is changing too. I find myself seeing 4chan less as a "place" and more as what it really is, a board. No different really than the BBS's back in the day. I'm starting to use my computer for more interesting things again. I'm getting back into the demoscene, and I'm coding and stuff again.

I mean, I still read manga, and I really dig Silver Forest and I even went to Sakuracon and bought an IOSYS album while I was there. I'm still into touhou and animu and stuff.

I think it's because I've been smoking so much pot. I often go out at night and smoke in the cool air under the stars, and then I come back home, and I tend to dick around on my computer, and what am I doing? Using it the way it's meant to be used, rather than using it as a form of escape from society.

Like, I'll fire up Audacity and mess around with the 500 or so plugins I have installed (every single set in the debian stable repository) until I come across an interesting sounding waveform, then load that into a tracker and work on a tune with it.

Or, I'll use an atari st emluator to run Synthetic Arts 3 and draw all kinds of cool pictures.

Doing this changed my relationship with computers, and consequently my relationship with 4chan and the culture surrounding it.

>> No.1200671

There are a few such languages, the most popular AFAIK is VHDL.

>> No.1200706

ITT: Jobs we'll never have.

>> No.1200725

I’m inrugtn noti a lanamrgof. I anc lefe ti.

Tsal igtnh I ungh uto hitw ndseirf – a fwe dgoo fendirs, nehw ni het pats I’d abemy eavh 1 ro 2 seocl nfseidr ni ym lief ta a tiem. Ew dnalenp ot og ot a erfe tnorcec, btu mdesis het bsu nda idnd’t tge ehtre, tbu het hntig ndrute tuo ot eb anyeebjlo yyaanw. Ew syailalcb enedd pu insdpegn hte tgnih kiindngr.

I nac elef htat ihts tosr fo suftf wtih thore eolepp si ittegng remo ptomiatrn ot em. Ym tdteaiut rtdsowa ym peucrmot si hcnnigga oot. I dfni selmfy nesieg nc4ah essl as a “ecapl” nda erom sa tawh ti layrle si, a drboa. On enefridtf ayelrl thna teh SBB’s kbac ni eth ayd. I’m tnsrtagi ot ues ym ceportum fro mero ngtnersieit ithgsn inaag. I’m ttiengg bakc iont hte ecesdnmoe, adn I’m cndiog nad sffut naaig.

I emna, I sillt edar amgan, nda I rylela igd Evlisr Srtofe dna I vnee nwte ot Socknaaur nda gotbhu na YSOSI almub wleih I aws rehet. I’m lilts itno touuoh nda anmiu dan ufsft.

I thnki ti’s bscauee I’ev eebn komgisn os cmuh otp. I otfen og uot ta gthni dan oemsk ni hte colo rai dernu eth tasrs, nad tneh I ecmo ckab eohm, adn I tedn ot cikd aunrod no ym poutcerm, adn tawh ma I dogni? Ugnis ti eht wya ti’s emtan ot be dues, thrrea hnat uinsg ti sa a mfro fo saceep omfr teisyco.

Kile, I’ll frie pu Adicutay nad smse anodur hitw teh 050 ro os uslping I aveh ldstaeinl (verey slinge ets ni eth nebdai btesla eyooprrtis) tuinl I moec osarcs na tsgerteniin ngsinduo oavmfrew, ehtn ldao atth itno a kacrert adn rkow no a entu hiwt ti.

Ro, I’ll ues na riata ts euotmrla ot nru Thicysten Atsr 3 dna adrw lal kndis fo lcoo rpetcusi.

Ogndi tish hadncge ym taoiplrnsehi iwth omustprce, nda esoynluctnqe ym lrahsienotip ihwt n4hac nda teh rtlueuc rnigousnrdu ti.

>> No.1200764

are you sure AFAIK is a language? I get nothing from googling it other than "as far as I know"

>> No.1200777

That's exactly what I meant. "As far as I know, the most popular is VHDL"

>> No.1200778

>as far as I know, VHDL is one of the popular ones...or some shit like that

there, translated...it wasn't supposed to be a language

>> No.1200782

Way to misread what he said.

>> No.1200989

You could be right, but doesn't a computer engineer design the computer architecture, program operating systems, do the hardware-software integration and those kind of things?
