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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12001227 No.12001227 [Reply] [Original]

FAQ: http://www.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender

Previous thread: >>11986521

>> No.12001369

Wow, sixth Oracle. Now I can do that 3x HUR Oracle, Ensemble and Uriel team. Only 53k medals tthough, what to do, probably not enough to get every oracle to an acceptable ATK.

>> No.12001383

Oh my god, maxing a HUR, so much effort.

>> No.12001434

Just drop 99 arcana into each, then they'll be able to reach max dmg when uriel procs.

>> No.12001440

SoWL if you're reading this, get more killers from the spreadsheet. I don't mind killing your regular AW and FAW but it feels bad when I need to use 3+ BP on your FAW because she keeps sharding me.

This goes for some other senders as well, by the way.

>> No.12001448

how many did you kill/poke?

>> No.12001455

That's only about 19k though, and I don't have any of the element buildings yet. Since the regular Oracle at max level hits for ~250k after one buff I'd need both buffers to proc if I want to hit for max.

182 kills now, I think I poked about ~100.

>> No.12001468

>tfw 31 oracles and 121 orchestras killed and still no SR drops.

>> No.12001478

I need 20 more cost. Upgrading one of these barracks only gives +4, what da fuq.

>> No.12001485

Don't worry it took me until maybe 70 Oracles until one dropped, and 190 Orchestras.

>> No.12001510

Anyone know the points for rank ~300 or rank ~500? It'd be nice to know what the average points per day ended up being before the rank page updates now that we have an increased FAW rate.

>> No.12001521

Oh, okay, I will. I don't know how it works from the killer's side, so thanks for the heads-up.

By the way, got my first non-event SR, Hypnos (thanks, Rikka!), and I'm not sure if I need to build a separate team for her or just plop her into my powerty debuff team.

>> No.12001695
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It's almost a miracle to be able to poke when Rikka's online

>> No.12001720

Not the person you were talking to but if you want a fawk's perspective . . .

For FAW, I just want it dead as quickly and cheaply as possible. The only investment I have in a normal free FAW is however many seconds it takes for it to die. While I will spend bp to ensure that it's dead if I get embered, I'd rather just have it dead as fast as possible so I'll get my 12,000+ points, collect my chest, and move on to the next FAW as quickly as possible.

AW however are another matter. If I spend bp, vitality, and time to self feed, I get 2 chest (though the 2nd chest can't contain an SR, only Rs, Swords, and garbage), I have a 100% chance of getting ace, I have a 100% chance of getting the finishing points, I deal 100% of all the damage, and I can go at whatever pace I choose rather than being driven to kill as quickly as possible.

If I know the sender is sending to multiple fast killers, I'll generally ignore it and let them fight for ace/max points. If an AW hangs around for more than 10 minutes though I'll spend my bp if I have it to spare, or if I know I'm the only killer they are sending to so I'm certain that I'll get the ace.

>> No.12001760

FAWK strat: Hit autoattack until buff comes up, hit buff, go back into autoattack until crit comes up, crit, go back into autoattack until crit comes up. If I have to send my own FAW, I send it to 4 pokers and Rikka.

>> No.12002017

Zonz, I'm upset to have logged in finding an FAW of yours at 9 minutes and 100k health remaining. You need better friends.

>> No.12002022

Made 10.4mil points and jumped only 1 rank, this increased encounter rate business is a scary thing.

>> No.12002048

Why did you just kick me Delmesh?
You invited me yesterday.

>> No.12002102 [DELETED] 

Oh, Lastarc. I'm sorry I forgot I did invite two people from here. I sent the invite if you still want to join again. The reason why I removed you was that you need to add a few powerful players to clean up AWs. Sorry again, that was rude.

>> No.12002114

No problem.
You mean i need to invite more killers besides the one form the alliance right? Sorry i just started playing a week ago.

>> No.12002121 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that would be great. I'd like to help by killing more, but my light swords are low.

>> No.12002158

Ha, wow, I got Ensemble from a Ultimate Summon after going for it just last night and that is essentially my exact team right now.

>> No.12002184

Is it normal to get 8 fucking Golden Girls in a single day? I kinda need Slimes more, and I only got one.

>> No.12002308

Got terribly lucky today - saketoke titan flu and my second HSR orchestra

So..oracle-chan you really hate me huh?

>> No.12002460 [DELETED] 

I don't think the game has ever increased ultimate summon percentages, so I should probably go ahead and use mine now. I am pretty well stocked on team buffers, thankfully.

>> No.12002539 [DELETED] 

Eeeh... really! A mobile card game. Only normie casuals should play those. And you don't wanna be a normie casual, do you anon-kun? No, you wanna be HÄRDCÖRE!


>> No.12002572

Yes its normal. The rng of this game is crappy and really prone to streaks. I've had over 12 mechanics before with no enchanters to make androids.

>> No.12002592

Does anyone else share my luck in Super Soldiers? 13 Idler evolutions and 1 Super Soldier to show for it.

>> No.12002601 [DELETED] 

Yes, my very first one even had an accident without me knowing it had an alternate evolution. I didn't deserve it!

>> No.12002608

140 FAW and no UR

i even ace a few, with my new ashera

>> No.12002619


5 Idler evolutions, 5 Super Soldiers.

>> No.12002628


that is insane.

i got a UR on the first try, not getting my hopes to get another tho.

>> No.12002644

I know this is all but luck.. But, try to open FAW chest at midnight in Japan times, so far 300 kills got 7 oracle and 1 NE SR. There is even a day that i got 3 consecutive oracle and i opened all of them around that time.

>> No.12002952

So what's the drop rate for this UR? Around 1%?

>> No.12003012

Personally I'm 3287 aw/faw looted, 49 SR, 41 UR, 31 light swords. Probably ~300 of those loots were AW, I didn't bother keeping track of that.

>> No.12003357 [DELETED] 

Hilarious, you can't ace from the victory screen.

>> No.12003555

I battled over 300 FAW (inclouding assists) and no Oracle so far.

>> No.12003627

Maybe you beat puppies or something, idk. At this point there's no way it's not retribution.

>> No.12003695
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Here goes nothing (I'll be happy either way though)

>> No.12003697
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Yeah ok. She's still gorgeous and Lucifer is the king of darkness and all that anyway so I'm better off.

>> No.12003738

Three SRs in a single day, including Parvati and Snow White, and all of them from Rikka's FAWs. I haven't even played for two weeks, and I certainly didn't expect to get all this from other people's witches.

>> No.12003754 [DELETED] 

You're new? I'll send you some.

>> No.12003757

Yeah i got 3 SR and a OA from other people's witches.
And i started at the same time you did too.

not him but if you want to add me 6ah64.

>> No.12003769

I might as well add myself to the spreadsheet at this point. My ID is 66cw2, but I'm having a break for now.

>> No.12003772 [DELETED] 

Hahaha, you can't trust anyone if they get fed by premium sword buyers.

>> No.12003775 [DELETED] 

brb, gonna go rob walmart to keep up with those swolen whales.

>> No.12003788 [DELETED] 

For increased rates, you guys sure aren't encountering many FAWs! lol

>> No.12003795

Tell me about it, mate. I used 79 vits and only 1 fucking AW shows up, no FAW after that.
It's either me or they screwed up AW encounters.

>> No.12003796

Aaaaand another Orchestra drops. This is crazy, I've gone from being only a sender to reliably 1BPing AWs this event. My drops are:

7 Oracles
6 Orchestras
Snow White
Queen of Amazons

I already medal'd Queen of Amazons and Vampire. Thinking about medaling a few others.

I don't have a team buffer yet. Should I use Parvati? Or should I use an HR of some sort? I'm using two HUR Oracles as my attacks, Ent and Aphrodite as healers, and a single debuffer.

>> No.12003798

Been getting AWs about every step. Granted I've got a Lvl 9 Magic School for +50% encounter rate.

>> No.12003799 [DELETED] 

Whoa wierd, the other guy never responded.

>> No.12003807 [DELETED] 

Hold on everyone, I'm about to pull down my pants and loose an excellent shit. I just want a few people to open their mouth first.

>> No.12003823 [DELETED] 

What deceptive fucking cowards. Maybe you don't like how I run my sphere in this game, but I'm transparent with everything I do. I'll never trust anyone recruited from forums again, and I advise any fledgling alliance leader to do the same. Of course, this advice doesn't apply if you can pay them off.

>> No.12003839 [DELETED] 

How off putting, even the meta game is pay to win!

fuck you Rikka, fuck you Seish

>> No.12003860 [DELETED] 

9.8 million without swords today. Keep sucking daddy's dick for that crack money!

>> No.12003866 [DELETED] 

And I started late january and have an alliance full of faggots. Play hard and you get shit on.

>> No.12003872

This has got to be the slowest and most confusing threadshitting I've seen on 4chan.

Mister Shitter, if you've got a moment, would you mind explaining what you're doing?

>> No.12003878

must be drunk or something he's way too agressive.

>> No.12003880

And now thanks to some lucky drops I'm at 61k, enough to max one HUR Oracle. So, max one or evenly distribute shit to all three?

>> No.12003891 [DELETED] 

Ha, there's no point in pleasantries around here if you won't spend on your senders. What nice guys we have around here! As soon as you start ranking, you are undercut by poorly veiled attempts to win favor.

>> No.12003898
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I officially feel like I'm reading this.

>> No.12003912

Is one of the /jp/ alliance leaders having a meltdown?

>> No.12003919

seems like it.

>> No.12003924 [DELETED] 

So I'm just going to put this out there, but I would strongly advise against joining the alliance "Walpurgis Purge". Reason being, the leader, Delmesh. is pretty much a greedy prick, whose only interest is in self-gain, rather than what's best for the alliance, itself.
Me and two other people in the alliance were active senders of FAWs and AWs, and donated to the goddesses every day, and yet he kicked us out over a pathetic, selfish reason.
Delmesh had kicked out a friend of ours, just because he was a faster killer than Delmesh, even though this friend was helping the alliance and Delmesh, by giving him tips on how to rank, without Seish, he wouldn't even have his current rank. So when he pretty much stabbed Seish in the back, me and the other two told him we'd keep sending to him, as well as the alliance when ever we could. THAT is why Delmesh kicked us out, **because we were sending to another comrade**.
So point being, Delmesh is only interested in what's best for himself, and not the alliance, so I'd advise staying away from Walpurgis Purge and/or Delmesh.

>> No.12003926 [DELETED] 

As I said, I'm completely transparent in my dealings and asked you multiple times to give your opinions on how things are run, which you declined to do.

>> No.12003930 [DELETED] 

Delmesh kills my FAWs. That's all I care about.

This sort of Drama belongs in an EVE thread.

>> No.12003932

Dunno. Somebody mentioned Rikka, so maybe it's not /jp/ alliance?
Anyway, I missed a bunch of opportunities to poke

>> No.12003941 [DELETED] 

I never declined to do anything, Delmesh. If you're so transparent, then why would you tell me you don't care if we send to Seish and that it isn't offensive, and then kick us out the next day?

>> No.12003945 [DELETED] 


>> No.12003943 [DELETED] 

This thread needs to be gassed.

>> No.12003944

Business is as usual here in Empyreal Guard too. I think he's lashing out because FAW events are a game of politics, and whichever killer has the most people who like him gets the most sends. Not sure though.

>> No.12003953 [DELETED] 

And we did nothing wrong, so I think it's bullshit that you'd do that. Honestly, I'm pretty disappointed more than anything though. I mean, what kind of "leader" kicks three active, helpful people out, just for sending to someone other than the alliance. There's no rule against sending outside of the alliance.

>> No.12003954 [DELETED] 

This thread is reaching maximum autist absurdly fast. Jesus christ.

>> No.12003957 [DELETED] 

Never said I didn't care. And I'm not offended, I removed you because having people that don't send to the alliance and instead to a premium feeder, is a detriment. Funny how Seish removed me on skype because he knows he can't out argue or persuade anyone without being sly. Why don't we quit this now and you can go back to the decade old memespitting, Danny choo loving, drug braggart now.

>> No.12003955

Heh, I'm sorta new to the scene so things like these really surprise me.
Has it always been like this?

>> No.12003959

Man, in my little alliance I just send it to everyone there and the five most recently logged in FAW killers.

>> No.12003958

Back when I started playing this game, URs and FAWs didn't exist, so no.

>> No.12003960

He means business as usual for not getting to the poke in time. Alliance drama rarely spills into the thread, and I encourage anyone in an alliance with drama to leave it without asking questions.

>> No.12003963 [DELETED] 

Delmesh is a verified scumbag. Stay away from him. He will just use you and shit on your head when he can't use you anymore.

>> No.12003962
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Stop. Stop the bitching. You hate each other, we fucking get it. Hate each other somewhere that doesn't shit on the thread.

>> No.12003966 [DELETED] 

Ssshh i just got my popcorn, let me see how it ends.

>> No.12003968
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Sigh. Fuck this thread. Dramawhores everywhere.

>> No.12003970 [DELETED] 

In the eloquent words of Seish, "Trollololol".

>> No.12003971

Dammit guys, you're distracting my senders.

>> No.12003973

Yeah seriously, I just wanted someone to answer >>12003880

>> No.12003981

for URs when you max its level you can inmediately evolve them right?

>> No.12003985 [DELETED] 

How is it a detriment? It's not like I ever stopped sending to the alliance. Not my fault if you're too slow to get there first, before someone else can get the FAW.
If you wanted an alliance of senders for yourself, you should advertise it as just that, and not be such a dick about things.

>> No.12003988

If you split it between all 3, you'll have ~19999 on all of them, which is more than enough to max a buffed crit. Go for the split.

>> No.12003990
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, scumbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are greener fields, higher level alliances, and more friendly killers and players out there that will actually use their BP to help you. They will also give you tips to help you succeed in the game. Unlike Delmesh who just kills FAWs and does nothing to help the little guy with their normal AWs. This is the difference between him and I. He will never be as good as me. Enjoy your lowly rank 20 spot you little fgt, that's all you'll ever get. Scum.

Don't believe me ? Look me up 3sn5y

>> No.12003993

>Cost 76
Boy, I was right not to evolve her. Too expensive for my deck.

>> No.12003994 [DELETED] 

I'm highly impressed that multiple thousands of dollars can get you a deck that beats my time by 2 seconds.

>> No.12003995

You can evolve any card at any time. It is recommended to only evolve at max level for anything you plan on putting in your team, because if they are max level, 5% of their stats will carry over into the evolution, which will increase the evolved card's final troop count significantly.

>> No.12003996

Abandon thread.

>> No.12003997

Blame money. Nope! It didnt cost thousands of dollars. You're just trash and you have no idea how to play the game.

>> No.12003999 [DELETED] 

You've no place here, trip fag elsewhere. Today's your first day on JP

>> No.12004004

>name only
You're not helping yourself.

>> No.12004008

When losing arguments, always revert to something irrelevant. Thanks!

>> No.12004010 [DELETED] 

Didn't even sage this shit hole. Can you quote me, please?

>> No.12004012
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>> No.12004013

Wiki says 13910 is max atk, I assume that is max level with succession. 122 per Oracle so that's...65k medals, which I should get to as I upgrade. Managable. I'll start on one of them now as I get more N cards and hopefully finish before next event.

>> No.12004021

once a card reach max level you can't feed it with N cards + arcana anymore right?

>> No.12004029

Yes, you can.

>> No.12004033

Yes you can feed it arcana and N cards. It's recommended to do 1 card at a time with both a 50 atk and def arcana. It's also best if you start feeding it normal cards at level 1 to spend less gold overall as max level 80 cards cost around 1600 gold to upgrade w/ one lvl 1 Normal card.

>> No.12004030

you can. costs more gold, but if you dumped a lot of upgrades into production its a drop in the bucket

>> No.12004031
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I'm in an alliance called Nekonyan Kurabu. Fairly laid-back, but active. I think there's 2-3 slots open.

I am not playing very actively at the moment, I got all the Symphony, Oracle Ascendant, and Nikes I want, but I LOVE to get gangbanged with AW assist requests whenever I log in, and when I'm actively hunting I usually send them out too. Code = 4fchp

>> No.12004051

So the 5% of ascension applies to a full maxed UR before becoming HUR as well? or it doesn't matter if the the is full maxed?
And by full max i mean atk and def, not lvl that's a given.

>> No.12004052

Wiki shows base stats that are found in the collection screen, which is no max level and no succession. With lvl and succession, final stats are something like ~14k in each. Here's my math:

((65000 medals / 180 medal per arcana) * 50 stat points per arcana) / 3 cards to split them with = 6018 points per card. With you being able to put 6k points into the ATK of each card, you'll put them all at around 19k ATK.

You can. In fact, until the money issue with maxing HURs, that was the de-facto way of doing it--max level, then push all the arcana in.

>> No.12004056

*or it doesn't matter if the UR is full maxed?

>> No.12004058

Also, I guess I'll top off the atk to 29999 once I get my x3 Oracle + Ensemble + Uriel AW killing machine going to hopefully graduate to FAW killing some day. Gives me a chance to replace Oracle and the buffers (Juliet pls) as well if a better card comes along.

>> No.12004060

Max level at evolution = automatic 5%
Succession arcana = another automatic 5%

They are two separate things, and only level is considered for one. In short, no.

>> No.12004066

They will never rerelease the wedding chapel ... you will never be able to marry your cards


>> No.12004067

Wiki also shows max stats which was 13910 for Atk so it's about 121 cards to push them to 20k territory.

>> No.12004076
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I'll cope

>> No.12004077

Hold on a second where did these 79 posts come from when it was just 19 when I was away for 8 hours

>> No.12004088

Don't read them.

>> No.12004096

but should i use atk and def arcanas on UR before evolution?

>> No.12004097

Delmesh happened.

>> No.12004099 [DELETED] 

You can start here: >>12003738

It's not worth it, but you can learn about the engineering of senders from either a premium perspective or otherwise!

>> No.12004109

No. The only stat that matters before evolution is max troops, because that is the only one you can't raise back up after the fact. Evolving at max level and using arcana succession will take care of that.

If you spend arcana to max the ATK of a card, then evolve it, you lose all but 10% of what you invested in that card. Then you have to invest again to get it back up to max.

>> No.12004108

No. Only use atk and def arcanas on finished cards (HUR, HSR, etc) or ones you do not plan on evolving further.

>> No.12004116

Sell it so we can all be equal, this is communism brother, communism!

>> No.12004126

I-I won't...!

>> No.12004141 [DELETED] 

You sound like an ass to me

>> No.12004143
File: 948 KB, 1192x674, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, best summon ever! You guys all suck in comparison. Kill yourselves in shame!

>> No.12004150

wow omg u so luck can i you buy lottery me

>> No.12004163

Kill yourself for making such a shitty shoop. You can still the actual cards edges. And the Juliets don't have any lvl attached,like it should be.

>> No.12004165
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1396123455511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was around rank 200 with about 4mil points each but I see people climbing with 3.5mil so I guess that was the average. I stopped playing for the last 2-3 days because of Diablo 3 RoS and I dropped ~100 ranks. Now it's around 4.5mil points a day just to be rank 300

>> No.12004169

I wish there were cards like this in VC.

>> No.12004172

You accusing me of lying? Because I'm totally not!

>> No.12004184


>> No.12004202

There's literally nothing left for me to spend jewels on at this point. I had 3 until this recent building sale.

>> No.12004206

give them to meeeeee

>> No.12004590
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...Wow, I feel like I missed a lot. Oh well. I joke about Rikka getting every kill some times but I love them in a slightly creepy way and don't have any actual hard feelings about it, so... less drama, more cute girls.


>> No.12004618


But Rikka keeps on stealing my SRs!

>> No.12004662

what is Rikka's id? I need more killers on my list

>> No.12004701

I love Rikka in an entirely creepy way.

>> No.12004921

I wonder why R34 fails when it comes to VC.

>> No.12004926


Guys, I appreciate the love for Rikka but please stop mentioning the name. We get it, you like him, he slaps FAWs in 10 seconds stat, cleans up your AWs when you send them, etc...

But this is a board where most posters are anonymous so please respect the privacy of others. As much as killers like him appreciate the thanks they get, the attention can get really creepy and uncomfortable at times to read. So please, don't forget you're on 4chan. Most of you know how it goes. Hopefully. Dropping names can also subject those names to negative attention such as deleted post >>12003839. Giving any sort of name gives flamers an arbitrary target to pick on, and thus a negative association to that name and the stigma that comes with it is born.

His entry in the spreadsheet was deleted earlier today because it was about to be sabotaged by some immature little dipshit that kept writing "penis penis penis" on the entry of one of Walpurgis Purge's kicked/withdrawn members.

But don't bother adding him. He's already filled to the brim on comrades, and the remainder of comrades he adds mostly come from kingdom visits from Chinese/Moon people that come pimped out with 3 yggs and a MS lv 6+. Not as if Rikka's the only killer you can add anyway, however.

On a final note, if anyone's real curious as to which poster might >>12003860 be, look at rank 20 and 21 in daily, and appreciate the fact you're not comrades with them.

That is all. Enjoy the last 2 days of this event, guys, get your OA's in, do whatever you need to do if you're ranking or building your FAWK/AWK team, and let's all hold hands together in a circle and pray that the next event ISN'T A FAW EVENT. Otherwise, newbies can look forward to another 2 weeks or so of their AWs not being cleaned up.

>> No.12004948

I just found an oracle and I'm level 24...can anyone kill this thing?

>> No.12004968

I'm just hoping it isn't a new map event again, I'm still stuck in 6-3. Please let me clear the first celestial realm, nubee. Don't make me use my shoes! (Well, you already did because Nike, spent an hour or so using shoes to get HSR quickly...)

>> No.12004982

Any community is bound to become a circlejerk.
No exceptions.

>> No.12004984

I got an Empress, nice looking card, but into the medal bin it goes since the combination of def down, 1 proc and battle start is just terrible.

>> No.12004988

It gets R34 attention, just not from good artists.

>> No.12005189

Should I invest on Magic School until it's max leveled?

>> No.12005203

Unless you have more jewels than you know what to do with, I suggest stopping at level 6. Level 6 gives you a decent enough AW encounter rate that you'll be able to rank 100-300 without spending shoes without issue. A max level player with all 3 ygg trees and a level 10 magic school has 19 bp, which isn't exactly optimal as light swords round down, so you only benefit from full swords, twitter, and when you first wake up. A level 6 magic school means you'll have 18 bp.

>> No.12005209

How much percent is the AW encounter increase in LVL 6 Magic School?

>> No.12005217


>> No.12005240 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.81 MB, 737x2250, un-BEAR-able.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find all these puns un-BEAR-able. Did nubee try to add puns or humor to other language versions of this game? I'm rather curious.

Spoilered I guess since this is about the last few areas of Celestial map 2, not that anyone really gives a care about this game's 'story'.

>> No.12005250

So I got Soul Eater. Worth keeping for HSR if you already have three HUR Oracles and two buffers?

>> No.12005253


Soul Eater is cute.

>> No.12005274

She's decent on a debuff deck if you don't already have a drain card or you want a passion drain card, but you'd have to ask yourself under what rare circumstances would you use a debuff deck if you already have a good AWK team, if you'd be better off just using a max attack Oracle since she has 29,999 attack rather than spending medals to max soul eater to 19,999, if you'd be better off just using a 30% AoE HSR from your AB team, and if she's worth the card storage space.

You are probably best off just medaling her unless you just can't BEAR to part with the artwork.

>> No.12005296
File: 1008 KB, 1352x385, lost bearings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice that the paths we take on the maps are far more curvy than they should be? Don't these goddesses realize that the shortest distance between two points is a strait line? I guess they kept loosing their BEAR-ings.

>> No.12005301

>which isn't exactly optimal as light swords round down
I never understood this line of thinking. Regardless of not getting that 1 extra BP from each half sword, your encounter rate still goes up. While one person is too busy being a chickenshit over the difference of 1 fight via restoration items, another person can gain the difference of two fights over them.

But I guess it helps to already have all three trees by the time you care about the magic school.

>unless you just can't BEAR to part with the artwork.
listen here you little shit

>> No.12005312

>I never understood this line of thinking.
It's an issue of diminished returns. A level 6 magic school gives you all AW hunting vitality you could possibly need unless you are trying to self feed for the top 50 and the jewel cost for going from level 6 to level 10 is 3,000 jewels. $30 for +1 bp and an increased encounter rate that you don't need isn't worth it for most players, particualrly when that +1 bp only comes into play when you are using full swords, twitter, or having just woke up.

There are other things a person may want to invest their jewels in such as ygg trees, card space, possibly an extra workshop or two, possibly more unit cost, possibly a castle upgrade. That's why I never said that going to ms 10 was bad, just that you might want to put it off until you've bought the other stuff you want with all the free jewels we get. This isn't an issue though for spenders or players who have already bought their other jewel buildings with all the free jewels we get.

>listen here you little shit
I'm sorry, please BEAR with me.

>> No.12005321

Yeah I think I'll just medal, I need them since I'm feeding my oracles atk cards and I need to level my skills.

Now I'm thinking if boosting the third Oracle is worth it since it'll be the first to go if I say, get an AW specific card or something sufficiently awesome, like an unleash card.

>> No.12005334

You might want to just max the attack on your 2 oracles, then the defense of your 2 buffers, before working on your third oracle. Just throwing a healer or turn skipper onto your team can give you a medal cheap option until the other 4 cards of your team are ready.

Also remember that if you medal a card while at 99,999 medals, the extra just go into your presents and presents don't expire, so you can store stuff indefinitely if you'd rather just save your medals until you get something better that you want to max. Just be aware that if you store more than 100 things in your presents, stuff can get BEAR-ied and it'll take time to dig it out.

>> No.12005348

Buffers aren't HSR though (Uriel and Ensemble) so I need to wait for a second for them before I feed them cards.

Only have enough medals to max the atk of one of the oracles, though, with about...10k medals left over I think. I'm still getting more medals since I'm still killing AWs though. Really want to feed them medals at low levels to save on gold since I'm only like castle lv7 with lv6-7 resources.

>> No.12005480

What I do is keep at least 1 of a particular skill around, like suckers, healers and atk debuffers. They might become more useful one day, you never know what the future holds.

That said, Soul Eater is cute as fuck.

>> No.12005487


>You will never have a cute girl suck your soul

>> No.12005627 [DELETED] 

>You will never have a cute girl suck you ****

>> No.12005632

>You will never have a cute girl suck your ****

>> No.12005665


>> No.12005675


>> No.12005825


>> No.12005831

A question about the presents, if I keep more than 100 cards on the presents will the older cards that I kept from before be discarded or will it still be there after I clear out the newer cards?

>> No.12005833

>Also remember that if you medal a card while at 99,999 medals, the extra just go into your presents and presents don't expire, so you can store stuff indefinitely if you'd rather just save your medals until you get something better that you want to max. Just be aware that if you store more than 100 things in your presents, stuff can get BEAR-ied and it'll take time to dig it out.

>> No.12005842


>> No.12005843

Seriously, though, on shit getting buried. I can't see more than a month into the past through all these Arcana Turnovers that I refuse to whittle down.

>> No.12005885

Fucking shitty internet, can't connect to the game again.

>> No.12005889

I saved up 120 Maiden Tickets. Should I try my luck on Ultimate summon? Or is it worth for something else?

>> No.12005898

Swords are a better deal but it's hard to just pass up on an ultimate ticket. Depends on if you want a sure win or that small chance of success.

>> No.12005912

So swords are the second option, huh? Well, since I'm incapable of killing AWs then I guess swords are not that important for me now.

>> No.12005925

>>12003555 again
After 320 FAW battles (most of them with the little golden crown) , I received 2 Oracle yesterday.
I was calculating the probability, and after 300 FAW chances for an Oracle drop must haven been over 80%... still even after 500 FAW kills chances for Oracle aren't 100%.

>> No.12005938

I got three in ~100 kills, and I never did more than 10k damage to a FAW. So drop chances must be ultra high.

>> No.12005974
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-03-30-10-01-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I woke up today and noticed this particularly lucky witch...

The immediate next chest had an SR Sandalphon

>> No.12005994

The first drop of the day is the one that matters most, it's good luck if the first one isn't the event card. Enjoy your Lilim today!

>> No.12005998


Gosh I wish.

>> No.12006093

i just game 4 lvl 27 slimes and 2 arcana training to my OA didn't level to 70 did i do something wrong?

>> No.12006094

I need a FAW killer, I'm level 26 and I've found 2 and can't do anything to these guys, anyone wanna give me a hand?

>> No.12006096

Needs both blessing and training.

>> No.12006118

2 polaris or evolve them?

>> No.12006144

What's your friend code? There are plenty of us here able and willing.

>> No.12006155



unfortunately it's gone though, but i got one yesterday and one today

>> No.12006168


also, how do you "send" FAWs to people?

>> No.12006188

When you hit one and get defeated at the end, select Reinforcements and you can pick your alliance and up to 5 friends to send it to.

>> No.12006454
File: 201 KB, 1191x672, succubus loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12006461

When is this happening?

>> No.12006464

Last few areas of celestial map 2. I can BEAR-ly contain my excitement.

>> No.12006467

How do we get to HSR her exactly? Will she come back again in a later patch?

>> No.12006503

She'll have to

>> No.12006522

I questioned my goal in life when I got a bit sad when a /jp/ comrade remove me from his list.

why though, I thought we are friends!

>> No.12006542

This makes me feel awful, I've been adjusting my comrade list a lot this month. Who are you? It might've been me...

>> No.12006582

Yeah, I know how you feel. You start wondering "Wasn't I autistic enough sending FAWs to him...?"
I guess he's just a BadBitch<3

>> No.12006613

Actually I don't send any FAW. I killed them myself but I thought when he invited me to be one of his comrades, we had look beyond points and into friendship.

>> No.12006717

if you have 1 or two other buffer, evolve them depending on whether or not you want 3 buffer + 2 attacker

if polaris is your only buffer available, keep them unevolved, 2x chance of proc is better than ~2k more HP of the one star version

>> No.12006827

It's like the increased encounter rate works for everyone but me.

>> No.12006924

I find that I get more FAWs when I send to others than when I kill them myself. Probably nothing more than coincidence.

>> No.12006995

checked the presents list.

I have 2 more Orchestras. What should I do with 8 Orchestras?

Also, I'm thinking of medaling a few cards, what do you think?

SR Aphrodite (I have an HSR Aphrodite)

>> No.12006996
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>> No.12006999
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>> No.12007655

Is there a way to set resolution on bluestacks?

>> No.12007688


>> No.12007753
File: 211 KB, 682x438, 03-30_22_20_32 ScreenShot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 FAW events in a row, fuck light swords.

>> No.12007761

When did they introduce FAWs and URs anyway?

>> No.12007768

Fuck everything.

>> No.12007772

First FAW was Cacao, which was 3 Feb 2014, 12pm JST

First URs were December 18th

First UR rank reward was Netherworld Princess during the New Years event December 26, 2013 to January 15, 2014

>> No.12007911

I'll only join if FAWs drop UR cards

>> No.12008071

Don't expect it. I'm sure Nubee is reevaluating their decision to drop URs, even if they';re gimped URs.

>> No.12008089

The news announcement says it's an SR FAW, so the UR thing is likely only due to the 1 year anniversary.

>> No.12008242

The ranking reward better not be good. That's all I ask of you, nubee.

>> No.12008254

We just had an event where nubee gave out a ton of HUR critters, so they have to make back their investment. Perhaps a 15% 250% AoE HUR buffer, cool element only?

>> No.12008275

The competition would be absolutely insane if that were the case, maybe even more so than Tezcat was.

Also, since it's about maids, hopefully we'll finally get that maid on the second campaign map.

>> No.12008379
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>> No.12008575

Nubee is giving us an ultimate summon ticket for logging in 7 days?
Who are they and what have they done to the good ol' money-grabbing Nubee we know?!

>> No.12008578

I have been playing for 3 weeks now. I tried adding multiple people on the spreadsheet and it seems like nobody wants me. I tried applying to a couple of the /jp/ guilds after listing my name on the spreadsheet but nobody has accepted me. I play pretty actively everyday but I haven't seen a decent card in a week now, and it would be nice to have someone to send my FAWs/Leftover AWs to. My name in game is 鷹姓綾子 and my summoner code is 6bumd. I hope someone will add me/accept me/kill FAWs for me. Reminder: I play every single day.

>> No.12008581

I'm getting swarmed by FAW senders at the moment so I won't be able to kill your AW very quickly, but I'll add you.

>> No.12008584

You've reached your comrade limit.

>> No.12008589

Oh my bad. There should be tons of room now. (Cancelled a bunch of my requests)

>> No.12008596

I don't know, but now I have to work towards my login quest from scratch. And I almost got to the rareslot on the table, too...

>> No.12008620

When I see Chinese Characters I assume you're some random. If you added me, I apologize; I probably rejected because of that.

>> No.12008892

I'm BadBitch<3.

Did I remove someone???

>> No.12009169

Yes, one of the few killers that cared not only about my FAWs but about my AWs too. And now that I can kill AWs on my own and thus I'm only sending FAWs you aren't there to repay you and your comrade list is full.

Isn't it sad?

>> No.12009274

I reread this 5 times and still don't quite understand this sentence completely.

>> No.12009275

I removed some people who got inactive for a day or so coz I'm ranking (at rank 51 now).
Maybe you were removed coz of 1 day of inactive or so. Anyway, it is not necessary to repay or whatever. Just enjoy the game coz no one own the others in playing.
As you don't need my help and I can gladly help the others.

>> No.12009678

Oshiri here, you guys got to start sending me those AWs again. I've been getting much fewer of them and keep going to bed with way more BP left than I know what to do with! Wasted 36 BP last night, for example. Had full BP and daily restore left to use.

Been like this all week!

Oh yeah, and for my current senders.. I may not be online nearly as much for next event. It depends on how I feel about things. Ranking two events in a row is a lot of time wasted. (¬_¬)

Third FAW in a row next. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

>> No.12009786

I think this is what Nubee wanted, with Oracle everyone can kill their own AWs now. So maybe FAWs will become a permanent thing now.

>> No.12009813

Ema here! I don't know how to feel for the next event but I'm preparing for it as best as I can, regardless. That includes opening presents while I still have the free time to... nubee should really have a RECEIVE ALL button on the finish page for AWs.

One more thing, is that I level up very soon and have 3 slots open to fill out, so whoever's interested in being comrades with a zombie, well, you know where to find me.

It's okay Artist. BB will never get that Lilim that could have been hiding in one of your FAWs. But he's happy for you. And that's what matters. Congratulations on being able to solo your own AW by the way.

But all your senders are graduating to AW Killer status! Aren't you happy for them? That means you don't have to play clean up anymore!

>> No.12009814

I didn't even get an oracle ;_;

>> No.12009856

Come on guys kill these AWs and FAWs before the event ends.

>> No.12009867

Parvati get. Possibly the worst SR buffer..

So I'm not the only desperate one here.

>> No.12009872

Of couse.
They took it easy today because they got their rankings but for us this the event continues.

>> No.12009874

Holy shit i need to sleep.

>> No.12009875

25 FAW sends in the last 2 hours.
Will I get that final OA?

>> No.12009879

I'll send a few for you, just make sure you catch them.

>> No.12009935

currently rank 295 with only 2million points. I'm scared of dropping out of top 300.

>> No.12009957

I don't think I got enough Arcana turnovers.

>> No.12010049

And that's it. Battery died while it was on charge.
I have 4 unopened chests, w-wish me luck.

>> No.12010059

Rank 1643 with 14464934 points this event. A new record, thanks to OA and the buffers I got. The only member from my old teams on my current AW killing party is Cu Chuulain.

>> No.12010072

I hope we get more free jewels soon, I require a +30 Cost Limit, Oracle is too fat.

>> No.12010083

Only one fucking Oracle Ascendant. On the very last box too. Is a UR OA worth 19999, or should I just medal her?

>> No.12010101

I'd say yes, if you have trouble with AWs.

And she maxes at 29999, not 19999

>> No.12010123

Her troop count is akin to an HSR, and she maxes at 29999 instead of 19999. She's a good investment to a starting team, just dial back once she breaks 19999, in case you get something more worthy.

One of my nip senders gave me an HSR Tetea and a Polaris already... I seriously think drop rates are higher at the beginning of events.

>> No.12010143

FAW only have wave, AW has brew

i got a feeling this event would have more half dead AW than FAW being sent

>> No.12010157

302 with 2.7 mil point before the event finished, your spot is mine!

>> No.12010163

Skills? Stats?

>> No.12010186

Thanks for the advice

>> No.12010187

I can't be the only one who's getting sick of all the progress points and how much effort and time I have to waste at 5-2 all the time

>> No.12010193

I agree, I just wanted a break week

>> No.12010227

Is it a good move if I only stay at 1-2? I'm tired of progressing and wasting my resources.

>> No.12010335

Whats your total points at last update? I didn't do anything in the last 9 hours and a bit worried I might drop out of 300.

>> No.12010350
File: 363 KB, 1296x758, hades fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go!

Looks like I won't be needing any luck for this fight.

>> No.12010355
File: 243 KB, 1296x758, summon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what will the ultimate summon ticket I won from that give me?

>> No.12010360
File: 298 KB, 1296x758, dice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not surprising in the least

>> No.12010371
File: 19 KB, 151x172, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet! You can make gold!

>> No.12010440

around 54million including the 2mil i got today

>> No.12010444

Welp I'm fucked. 55 million and nothing.

>> No.12010516
File: 295 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2014-04-01-02-27-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, I didn't wanted to know the skill proc chance anyway.

>> No.12010539

Which one is better for AB? 5 HSR Hiruko or 5 HSR Tetea?

>> No.12010545

Depends upon what sort of cards the opposing alliance is using. If you are running into a lot of AWK teams, Hiruko will help you win even if you don't proc turn 1. Tetea on the other hand is completely worthless if you don't proc turn 1.

On the other hand, if you are encountering a lot of AB teams, it's very unlikely that you'll make it to turn 2 if you don't proc turn 1, so Tetea is better than Hiruko in that situation.

Ideally you'd have 5 of each until you get your hands on a bunch of 30% anytime proccers.

>> No.12010558

Honestly I haven't paid attention to this aspect of the game since November, and Bubbles was the last sacred treasure card I bothered dueling for.

>> No.12010690

Anyone having their game crashing alot? Especially when someone attacks you.

>> No.12010770

Using bluestacks, but yes it has been crashing 24/7 since patch.

>> No.12010779

Haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. I'm using an android tablet though, maybe it's the patch doesn't play nice with Bluestacks?

>> No.12010859

Oh nice, Elisabeth has a 20% proc chance. Combined with her very good soldier count for a HSR critter, she could be great for the more speed oriented teams.

>> No.12010863

What is her max proc?

>> No.12010868

2, like Oracle.

>> No.12010894

Should I max oracle or elisabeth? They both have the same 2 procs but elisabeth has a higher chance to proc it. I currently have 1 HSR buffer and 1 SR buffer. If I use elisabeth I will have the 15% bonus but if I use oracle I wont have the bonus and I think my soldier count is not enough for 3 HUR oracle.

>> No.12010904

I'd say Elisabeth if you have 2 buffers, since they'll both cap at 999999 damage anyway.

>> No.12010916

Not that guy but what if my second buffer isn't that reliable (Uriel)? I got three HUR Oracles from last event and just maxed the atk of one. I'm keeping an HSR Elisabeth anyway for my collection so is it worth maxing or should I max a second Oracle instead?

>> No.12010937

...you know, I would just like to know if everyone was thinking of the same thing when they first saw her picture

>> No.12010944


>> No.12010965

I'm on bluestacks too. I've crashed twice since the new event started right after the update, but I've gone ~7 hours since then without issue.

>> No.12010988

Too bad her HSR clothes are red.

>> No.12010996

Be glad it was not blue or Nubee will be in deep, deep copyright trouble

On an unrelated and maybe unimportant note, it seems like the limited-time N cards like Grave Keeper and China Express are now in summon pool.

>> No.12011042

Is it worth leveling two Black Knights if I want to get a Paladin? Her stats are still better than Medic's, so I suppose it's not really worth the effort and Slimes.

Also, which DEF reducer should I level between Oneiros and Patrol? There is also Halfelf, but she seems to be medal tier.

>Be glad it was not blue or Nubee will be in deep, deep copyright trouble
It's a Japanese game, they don't care about that.

>> No.12011147

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.12011237

She's cute so yes.

>> No.12011239

Is it just me getting error 113 constantly?

>> No.12011245

or 112 for that matter

>> No.12011250

Now that I actually want the AW cards because I fucking love maids,the AW drops Snow White and Lilim. Why this.

>> No.12011258


>> No.12011274

I'd still go with Oracle, the extra health makes up for the difference in proc chance while the extra attack means you deal more damage on taps and can hit 999,999 more easily if you don't have all your temples and such

>> No.12011299

I swear the drop rate of tetea is really high. I've already gotten 9 tetea already.

>> No.12011317

I've gotten zero, but then again I only have 11 kills with half of that being aces.

>> No.12011663

God damn, the proc chance of wave on this FAW must be like 50%.

>> No.12011704

Killed 30 AWs today, and not even a single R card. Woe is me.

>> No.12011815

that'd only be valid if AW has no field and the buffer procs at the same time

if you have the medal, max the oracle, the extra HP will matter far more than 5% extra procrate

>> No.12011818
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Guess it was enough after all.

>> No.12011843

Speaking of that, I think I'm supposed to get some swords for being in top 15k, but I didn't get anything in the mail. Am I missing something, or I got them right in my inventory? I think I have more of them than I remember...

>> No.12011855
File: 601 KB, 801x450, 04-01_13_02_39 ScreenShot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My defensive AB team is ready, at least until someone uses AoE critters to wipe them all out.

>> No.12011889

Sometimes I go to Duel and use my 5x MAX ATK+DEF Artemis' to wipe teams so they would use resource to replenish their units.

>> No.12011909

i felt sorry for the 301 ranker, he did 6.5 million in the half day and still fell short by ~150k

>> No.12011910
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This ran king was a total failure.
The moment I saw I couldn't even make 2M per day, I decided to not even try to rank for top 300, even if I ended there in the mid rankings.

Sadly, this time is worse, since the FAW is pretty easy and there will be less send.
I know I won't be a top 300 ever again.

>> No.12011939

Which has nothing to do with AB. Also if a player is actually bothering to spend soldiers on duel defense, they probably have everything already built anyways and don't care.

>> No.12011947

Christ, I wonder what's going on, getting tons of disconnects and now somehow I got logged out of my account and I can't log back in via Twitter

>> No.12011977

Anyone happen to know what rank ~500 finished at this event?

>> No.12012373

I got these SR from the last event and i just started recently so i don't know which ones should i keep.
OA x 2, orchestra, birthday, firecracker, komainu friends, nuwa, forneus, mythic knight, cyborg, chronos, parvaty and princess.

>> No.12012378

Parvati, OAx2, and Nuwa would be good for now. Nuwa is the first you want to replace, as her skill only goes off once.

>> No.12012385

Should i medal the rest then?

>> No.12012402

Cyborg, Parvati, OA, OA, Nuwa/Forneus. Make Cyborg your poker.

The rest are scrap.

>> No.12012407

actually cyborg is a bad idea, I didn't notice "near defeat"

Instead of either/or, use both Nuwa and Forneus

>> No.12012409

lastarc, I'm out of BP. Taking a break for a couple hours.

>> No.12012534

I only wish I could fit, "I'm not even trying" into my name.

>> No.12012676


Exactly 11 characters

>> No.12012762

On the archwitch finish screen, is the "void by:" adjusted to my time, or japanese time?

>> No.12012770

An AW lasts for 2 hours. I'm in JST, so I can't answer you with any degree of accuracy.

>> No.12012780

I'd help you test it but I don't have my phone handy atm.

Write down the time a chest expires, exit the game, change the timezone (not just the time, time and timezone are 2 different things) setting on your phone/tablet, then go back into the game and look a the chest. If the expires by date changes, it's going by your phone's timezone. If it doesn't change, it's going by Japanese time.

>> No.12013044

What's the deal with all the lv.80+ in the duels? It's like none of the newbies bother with this new relic, even though there were hundreds of them just a week ago. All I want is a metal slime for some medals, not waiting half an hour because of traps (someone actually uses them?).

>> No.12013055
File: 354 KB, 800x450, 04-02_01_59_56 ScreenShot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't use the traps they end up clogging your presents list.

Hitting traps aren't so bad anyways, you can get light swords or light shoes from them if you are lucky.

>> No.12013080

Some of them just want to finish the quest on duels.

>> No.12013103

Oh, this is nice. I think I'll walk into as many of these lv 120 single gold girl teams as I see.

>> No.12013118

It's either use the traps or they waste space in your overflow, blocking you from pulling other items/cards from it. I at least put all my traps on the October monthly treasures.

>> No.12013538

Got two Teteas before one Elisabeth. Well, I'm just keeping one HSR of each for collection purposes...

>> No.12013598

Fuck you, fucking trappers. And also fuck all you fuckers putting maxed 1 troop AoE cards in your defense line. You're supposed to put one slime as a sign of good faith.

>> No.12013864
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>> No.12013903
File: 270 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish me luck /jp/ !

>> No.12013910
File: 216 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes! Thanks for the luck. Didn't get Lucifer earlier but this makes up for it double!

And HSR Michael is very cute anyway.

>> No.12013945

I'm jealous. That's one of the card I wanted in this game. Best looking card!

>> No.12014015

Can anyone see what points rank 300 is at? I want to know just how easy I can take it, seems like 4.5mil/day already puts you at top 50 in this event.

>> No.12014088

Rank 330 is 3.8 million, the closest I can see.

>> No.12014124

Thanks. Hopefully this will show Nubee that people are getting a little tired of FAW events.

>> No.12014162

So, lets say I can 2BP AWs. Do I have a better chance of SRs if I ace them this way or send them? Sending would mean I can get double the AWs done, but since aces get improved chances I was wondering.

>> No.12014175

The chance of getting an SR roughly doubles when you get ace, however if you can kill an AW with 2 bp, you are probably doing more than 50% damage anyways, so you'll get the ace assuming you can get someone else to finish off the AW for you. Also with killing 2 AW instead of 1, you get more R cards and light swords since you are also getting 2 of the secondary chest.

However Personally I'd just 2 bp the AW. With FAW around, finding players willing to kill AW can be difficult and when you kill your own AW you don't have to wait 5-15 minutes for someone to get around to killing it.

>> No.12014186
File: 313 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 times self buff, dear god Elisabeth! That 's just mean

>> No.12014370

I have all these R cards that I don't need/use, but I'm hesitant to medal them. I'm the only active person in my alliance, so goddess worship is also a no-go. What should I do, suck it up and medal them?

Also, if I get over 100 gifts, do I start losing them if I don't receive them?

>> No.12014392

Either save them until HR or medal them now if you don't care about collection or aren't planning to change alliances soon.

If you get over 100 presents you can't access the older presents until you receive the new ones, but they never disappear.

>> No.12014411

If I'm saving them, should I max level them before evolving them or should I just evolve them without maxing? It takes really long to max one and I don't have any slimes.

>> No.12014429

Don't bother max levelling them. Hell, don't bother keeping them, really, I mean when you start going down that road of 'should I' you start worrying about shit like getting all the friendship events you can and that is just ughhh levels of effort.

>> No.12014540 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 640x896, 774m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, between this and Million Arthur, which game has more lewd cards? Serious question.

>> No.12014553

see >>12004031
Andromeda's pretty lewd

>> No.12014572 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 640x896, 1394824820135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there many cards like that though? I need some motivation to play games again and I'm trying to decide which one would be more satisfying in the long run. I browsed through the MA card database, but there wasn't anything like for VC in the FAQ.

>> No.12014586

If I'm the only active person in my alliance, is it possible for me to make a goddess descend?

Someone pls join my alliance, everyone hasn't logged in over 50 days, the only other active member left, and I just have barely enough to participate in alliance battles. Alliance name is Dokidoki suruI'm lonely ;_;

>> No.12014589

Yeah, I guess. They're not to the nude extent of lewd though

>> No.12014644

Why not just leave that alliance and join a more active one? No point in being in an alliance when nobody else shows up.

>> No.12014646

Your alliance has forsaken you. Press out in search of new company.

>> No.12014647

I created it. It's level 7, and I contributed all the resources. I've grown too attached to it.

>> No.12014662

Find new people who will make your alliance go dokidoki.

>> No.12014664

Well It'll take a while for the whole goddess thing by yourself, but if you must be so attached to it then start getting rid of the inactive members and start trying to recruit new ones. I'd probably join you myself if I wasn't so invested into mine already.

Also I go with a general rule where if someone in my comrades list is inactive for so long then I get rid of them to make room for more active players, you should probably do the same for an alliance, not just for rankings in alliance battles (when they happen), but also to help out with AWs and FAWs as well.

>> No.12014672

>if someone in my comrades list is inactive for so long then I get rid of them
For me, 5 days and you're gone.

Invite my alt. I haven't been on it in a while, but I'm going to start it back up later today after I get it transferred off my phone. 51kc7

>> No.12014675

All of your comrades get the 5 day treatment? I give special treatment to the especially cute and loyal senders.

>> No.12014699

B-but if I did that, I wouldn't be able to participate in Alliance Battles...

>> No.12015093

Not played Million Arthur but we've got
Ribbon Girl
Rambler Rose
click the one star to see her completely naked.
Choco Knight
again, click the 4 star to see her virtually naked.

and some panty/underwear girls like Sleepy Bear

Girls that are pissing

and various stages of slutty

>> No.12015176
File: 897 KB, 1409x849, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone from /jp/ alliance tell me if Aurica is still in the alliance?
I just got logged into someone else account who is in some random alliance and I can see my normal account there as well. What do?

>> No.12015191

Is your account linked via SNS to twitter or facebook? You know, the thing where you click on the Bee in the menu?

>> No.12015255

I did try to log in via Twitter but the game says there is no Nubee ID linked to that account (I did link it since I changed devices once).

>> No.12015260


Send a message to nubee and tell them as much of the following as you are able to.


(From the Original Device/Data)
User ID
User Name
Diamond/Jewel count
Alliance name
When did you start playing
When was the last time you played
Have you ever made any purchases? If yes, including any info like itune or google play, transaction number, amount, what day, ect. They might ask you for a screenshot of the transaction page in .png format
Have you used any jewels recently and if so on what?

(On New Device/Data)
User ID
When did you create this account

Once nubee verifies you are who you say you are, they can manually transfer your old account to your device. I've seen it take them a week to get this resolved, I've seen it take less than 12 hours, it depends on how busy they are and how quickly they can verify your account or not.

>> No.12015299

>I've seen it take them a week to get this resolved, I've seen it take less than 12 hours
No joke, when I had to do this, my initial mail took 3 days to get a response, and when I got back with them on the details above, I had my account back in 2 minutes. Providing a receipt is going to be your strongest proof of ownership. If you don't plan on ever connecting your account via SNS, I strongly suggest making at least one jewel purchase.

>> No.12015305

The main problem I have is that after a few hours I'm getting logged into someone elses account for reasons unknown to me. I'll guess I just install VC on another device for now

>> No.12015307

Sounds like something is jacked up on Nubees end. If you want it fixed you'll probably have to alert them that there's a problem. You should follow the e-mail steps above.

Out of curiosity, what day of the week did you send them the initial mail? If it was just before a weekend or holiday, might explain the 3 day delay. Glad they got you back up and running so quickly though after they finally responded.

>> No.12015309

This has happened to someone here before, it was a topic of discussion in the October-ish timeframe. IIRC that guy just gave up and quit. But if you have access to your account temporarily, tie it up with an SNS account, move devices, and hope that solves it.

>> No.12015311

First contact went out on a Saturday morning, JST. 22 March

>> No.12015314

I'm playing using Genymotion and thought I got someone else Device ID but that doesn't seem to be the case since today I got logged into yet another account - I believe the guy into whose account I'm logged in got my account instead since he joined his alliance using my account

>> No.12015579

3mil users campaign started today, free jewels every day and some SR.

>> No.12015583

How am I supposed to upgrade journalist if they're only giving out one?

>> No.12015592

This is typically done by handing out 1 SR on the first day and the other SR on the last day.

>> No.12015604

More jewels for event again. If I already have 3 trees, a Lv3 magic school and both cost items, what else is good to spend jewels on?

>> No.12015611

Card slots, level 5/6 magic school, collection space, castle level 10.

Step-up is another option if you're feeling gutsy, but the above should have priority.

>> No.12015627

Do you really only have 3 pages for Collection? I have more than 14 White Mages and I can't bear to medal them,but my collection is already full.

>> No.12015634

Yep, I hope they increase the limit sometime in the near future though. At end-game it's near impossible to keep all the girls you like, and they keep releasing new cute girls.

>> No.12015753

This. Why release all those ultra cute cards when people medal them because they don't have enough fucking space?

>> No.12015802

Like when "Birthday" card, first week u get 1, next u get the other.
Btw, how low is the droprate of Elisabeth? I killed her 190 times already and nothing...

>> No.12015815

350 AW kills and got 6 Elisabeth. 93 FAW kills and got 11 Tetea. The drop rate of Elisabeth seems to be quite low.

>> No.12015837

They should have a bank feature where you can't withdraw for a few days until after you deposited your things. This would give us space, while not having the "OP" ability to carry everything.

The displayed page should be organizable by card Rarity, type, Date deposited, etc.

It should also let you store jewels there, since it's so easy to accidentally spend jewels to recover troops or build a structure quicker. That might be intentional, to waste jewels, but if they fixed this it would be nice.

>> No.12015920

FUCK witch brew, it's a recipe for the most embarrassing moments as a killer. I can't look my senders in the eyes like this.

>> No.12016909

Fuck, I'm at ~200 Elisabeth kills and only one SR.

>> No.12016978

Oh god I know. So frustrating.

>> No.12016987

Worst is when none of your girls proc ANYTHING in the 5-7 turns it takes the witch to kill your entire team, so you have to send the witch at like 800-850k hp in a shamefur dispray.

>> No.12017004

I think, more than witch brew, I lower my head in shame when I attack an ally's FAW with my FAW send team of a single 1HP card.

It's entirely preventable, and I could rip the FAW into tiny pieces if only I'd pay attention to who is going into the fight. Then I ashamedly spend a BP to clean up my mess, and now the finish screen says I did 4million damage in two attempts, as if I can't do it in one.

I commit sudoku every time.

>> No.12017097

I'm trying to clear my own AWs with a turtle SW team, and it's amazing how often I don't see a single brew in 100 turns. But when I do, she always uses it twice, so I can't even hope for lucky skill triggers.

I was thinking of this post as I realized how silly the manor map is. No we won't go through this room, there's a table here, let's go through that veranda instead!

>> No.12017110
File: 366 KB, 550x502, 13222242345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Machi, if you're reading this

fix the fucking alliance already!

>> No.12017130

Then don't send it.

>> No.12017136

It happens on their witches too.

>> No.12017168 [DELETED] 

There needs to be a way to ignore and these AWs clogging my screen.

Senders get spoiled too easilly. You can have relationship where you never kill AWs and they will send FAWs, but if you throw a single BP at an AW, then they expect it every time. Even if I have BP I want to throw away, I won't use it on them anymore because of this.

>> No.12017171

There needs to be a way to ignore and dismiss these AWs clogging my screen.

Senders get spoiled too easilly. You can have relationship where you never kill AWs and they will send FAWs, but if you throw a single BP at an AW, then they expect it every time. Even if I have BP I want to throw away, I won't use it on them anymore because of this.

>> No.12017180

BTW, adding ranking killers is dumb. I've never understood why people do it

>> No.12017187

I second this. I don't think he reads alliance chat.

>> No.12017208

Why is the retard rank 1?

>> No.12017230

Who are the best non-ranking killers atm? because the ranked ones think that we can send FAWs without killing the AWs.

>> No.12017238

Anyone who doesn't have 20 more higher priority senders than you.

>> No.12017248

There needs to be a way to ignore and dismiss these Killers clogging my comrade list.

Killers get spoiled too easily. You can have relationship where you send AWs and they will kill them so you can send the FAW back, but if you throw them a single FAW and not the AW, then they expect it every time. Even if I have FAWs I want to throw away, I won't use it on them anymore because of this.

>> No.12017253

Absolutely true, hence >>12017180

>> No.12017275

Is it already shitposting power hour? Take it the fuck easy and focus on the cute girls.

>> No.12017285

Yes, pllease chill out

>> No.12017299

Noob here should i HUR my OA and reemplace with elizabeth, i just got her and i think she's a decente card for a begginer like me.

>> No.12017302

I need to sleep.

>> No.12017314

HUR Oracle is fairly literally a far better Elisabeth. If you have HUR Oracle, I would strongly recommend attack/skill maxing her (skill first, then attack stat) and using her as a primary attacker if you don't have any better multicrit HURs (ex. Spell Master).

>> No.12017327

Not that guy but I just used all of my medals to max attack of 3 HSR Elisabeth. Did I just waste all of those medals? Because I didn't have enough medals to max all 3 of my HUR OA and I got quite lazy trying to grind all those medals. I have 2 buffers but one buff only increases the crit damage up to 570k. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.12017335

So should I go for HR Betelgeuse or Black Hole? I have two maxed

>> No.12017344

Max attack UR/HUR crit with one 200% buff does about 800k (ish) on an AW if not super effective, guaranteed 999999 if it is. Perhaps more importantly, HUR Oracle is -insanely- durable compared to a HSR, can take 3 attacks from a FAW and keep trucking even without defense maxing, so HURs are extremely strong on both fronts. I wouldn't say you outright -wasted- your medals on those Elisabeths, they'll be fine in the interim, but HUR Oracle is much better and will replace them eventually yes.

>> No.12017353

Sorry i didn't explain myself well.
I have 2 OA and i want to replace one with elisabeth so i can HUR them.
Is that a good idea?

>> No.12017358

I guess i'll slowly max them or wait until I get a decent critter then. If I get HSR Snow White(only have one right now) Should I max her or just wait for a better HUR card? Thanks in advance.

>> No.12017399

Yes. HUR Oracle is lovely for how durable she is, and the difference between base stat UR Oracle and HSR Elisabeth is actually fairly small - I think only like 1-2k attack. It's only when you get into attack maxing that Oracle pulls way ahead.

I'm going to be honest here: Snow White is vastly overrated. She was GREAT before HUR critters were a thing, or common for that matter, but if you have HUR Oracles they will do MUCH more for you. Far more durable, hit harder, and the difference between 2 procs and infinite is nonexistent if you use attack buffers (aka, like everyone) and completely irrelevant against AWs anyways.

>> No.12017449

does the shopgirl have a card like oracle?

>> No.12017461

Don't leave us. Come back!

>> No.12017464

Yes, it's the clumsy but cute Alchemist!


>> No.12017497

Its too late to start playing this?

>> No.12017508

If anything, it's an especially good time - couple free-stuff events going on and it's easier than ever for new people to get up to speed. You missed the UR card event but can still get good cards free.

>> No.12017519

It is actually a good time to start now since right now it is the newcomer supporting campaign, you will have no waiting time on leveling up important buildings up to lvl 5.

>> No.12017524
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>> No.12017534

Well since Aurica is now a free agent, want to join us? Aurica

>> No.12017605

Is there a way to reset an account to start from 0?

>> No.12017632

Yeah, I remember it being pretty easy on bluestacks at least.

Make a bunch of accounts, grab these jewels, do the cheap summons, and get yourself a free premium UR dawg.

>> No.12017860

How exactly are you supposed to use Lilim? I recently got it to HSR@19,999, but it almost always ends up buffing my 0* Omoikane or 1* Himiko. I can't replace Lilim with another team buffer either due to my shitpoor total unit cost.

>> No.12017869

When every girl in your team has maxed attack, Lilim shines. When they don't, she's... passable.

She really requires at least a mid-endgame team to actually be as good as a 200% team buffer.

>> No.12017937

What's this advertisement I was greeted by when I logged in? Some sort of three million user celebration? It advertised an unleasher and mentioned a campaign reward.

>> No.12017947

I did this to myself accidentally by reformatting my tablet. They apparently don't tie your account to a hardware ID, which won't change if you wipe and restore.

>> No.12018104

Turn 1: witch's brew. No one procs. One buffer oneshot.
Turn 2: WB, no procs, another buffer oneshot.
Turn 3: WB, no procs, one attacker oneshot
Turn 4: no procs, another oneshot
Turn 5: no procs, another oneshot. Lose.

Literally, worse than Hitler.

>> No.12018250

If I manage to get my account back then I probably will, /jp/ alliance is pretty much dead anyways. I also think I determined the cause - Genymotion devices have IMEI consisting only of 0 while apparently Nubee uses IMEI to save data which would explain me getting logged int o different people's accounts

>> No.12018346

If Witch's Brew procs once, you're pretty much fucked anyway if she isn't down to <50%. If it procs twice, you're fucked in any case. And her card isn't even any good - oh, look, another 2x crit skill.

>> No.12018353

Isn't that skill just 5% more proc chance when maxed? I'd rather max attack first, at least on my debuffer team where she has plenty of chances to proc...

>> No.12018403
File: 290 KB, 1296x758, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT? No!!! She was twice as cute in green!

Goddamn it. Nubee does it again. ;_;

>> No.12018423

Meido sir, Meido! That's all that matters sir!

>> No.12018466

That's as good as AW rewards are gonna get to be honest. You can't honestly expect nubee to give away unlimited elemental critters, lilims, team buffers or unleashers with event drops. They made that mistake once with Auxo, never again.

>> No.12018739

I think your account holder remove your comrades. I can't find you on my comrade list anymore.

>> No.12018801

On one hand I hate this event because FAWs are getting stale, but on the other hand it's so easy to maintain rank that I could spike one day and not play at all for the next 2 days and I'd still be up there. If you ever wanted a free UR/HUR or some tickets, this would be the event.

>> No.12019053

You wouldn't medal your starter girl, right?

>> No.12019062

Maidens exist in VC only to serve you, their master. If she can best serve you by having her body ground up into metal or sold into slavery, it would be cruel not to. Better she serve you than sit unused in your inventory.

>> No.12019196

Is there a faster way to re-roll on Android?
I'm rooted and have Titanium Backup Pro if that helps.

>> No.12019246

Probably not. Just know you likely wouldn't get a premium UR before you reach level100+, and time should fly by.

>> No.12019297

I think at this point I would be happy with a HSR. Keep getting Rares. I guess I'll stop re-rolling after this then.

I don't actually mind rerolling too much, did it for PAD & BF, but downloading data takes really long for VC :/

>> No.12019308

Actually found a quick way to reroll!

>> No.12019335

Rolled a Crescendo. Is she one of the worse URs? I don't see her on the TCGApp Power Level list

>> No.12019353

She's high tier, but requires an all Passion element team. At her worst, she's a 350% self buff, which is better than every other self buffer in the game. With passion element DMG cards, she really picks up power.

>> No.12019354

She is new and that skill is one of the best in the game along with, "unleash skills of all allies."
You did it.

>> No.12019351

She's one of the % element-focused buffers. Will be ok until/if you get a full Passion team at which point she'll be crazy good. Maybe not as versatile as a multicritter or dedicated self attack buffer, but useful in her own right. And she DOES buff herself, so until you GET "real" attackers she'd be just fine as an attacker of her own.

>> No.12019365

Not really. UR self buffers get up to 400%. Crescendo only goes up to 350%.

She IS a fantastic card, yes, but it's not "better than every other self buffer in the game."

>> No.12019360

;__; Feels good man

So now I stop summoning and focus on buildings and stuff?

>> No.12019364

Nothing even comes close to unleashers, but yeah it's still pretty great. Unleashers are broken, though.

>> No.12019375
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x800, 2014-04-05-08-56-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, mang, feels so good. I got the cool version of her in a team of critters and absolutely destroy everything.

>> No.12019400

I don't know what I'm looking at but shit, it's so fucking lewd. Why am I just finding out about this game?

>> No.12019435

She does the same thing Crescendo does, only to a different element. The rest are from the previous event and all do critical DMG. Since you already have an endgame card, try to focus on getting critters. It'll be a little more difficult for you, since you want critters of a specific element. I just lucked into them handing out free HUR critters of the element I wanted.

>> No.12019454

Why would he want crits when he will be hitting for max damage anyway?

And check this out that was supposed to be announced on the 9th. The news said an apology gift would be given to people who did the 10+1 premium summon, but last time didn't they just give the apology gift to everyone?

The advertisement also advertised the new Journalist and Tensen Nyannyan.

Here's to hoping the bonus to purchased jewels will double your jewels so I can spend money and regret when I still don't get an element buff or unleasher.

>> No.12019487

matchi is at like 8 days idle...

>> No.12019510

>Why would he want crits when he will be hitting for max damage anyway?
It will only ever happen against cool element cards. Regular attack damage is capped at ~700k before element modifiers. You can only hit 999,999 with a regular attack on a card you have type advantage over.

>> No.12019531

Sounds right to me!

>> No.12019818

I want to add myself to the spreadsheet, but I don't understand what my "role" as a "sender" is.
Do I send gifts to friends or something?

>> No.12019837

Not as bad as some in my alliance and the leader doesn't want to kick them.

>> No.12019849

You send Archwitches. When you enter an Archwitch battle and can't kill them, at the end of battle there's an option to send to Alliance and comrades.

>> No.12019870

Okay, when you say "and can't kill them", do I just die and then send at the end of the battle? Also, is there a mutual benefit, or does only the "killer" benefit?

Thanks a bunch by the way.

>> No.12019890

Oh I see. I just encountered one (Elisabeth) and tapped "later". No friends to send it to though ;_;

>> No.12019903

No, that's not what you should do. There will be a blue button on the left hand side that says, "Reinforcements". You can send to your alliance, because you can invite 5 comrades PLUS your alliance. It doesn't count towards the 5 comrade limit.

>> No.12019909

Not being able to delete your arcanas is the stupidest shit. Fuck you nubee.

>> No.12019912

Just use them up, It's not difficult

>> No.12019921
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1200, 1396667627487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not? Anything that ends up in my presents gets burried under them within a week.

>> No.12019924

Both benefit. Everyone who participate in battle get reward with a chest individually.

It's quite tedious when you kill a lot of AW. A lot of time spent on fusing cards to use those useless arcanas

>> No.12019927

Okay, so I should quickly join any alliance?

I see. Thanks

>> No.12020015

99 arcanas but a witch ain't one

>> No.12020177

ideally you'd try to get into some active alliance since there is 1 day grace into joining alliance and 3 day grace period for full membership, but i'd imagine you won't be worshipping goddess fully until you can kill shitton of witches, and the R goddess is shit this round unfortunately

gib back nyx ; ;

>> No.12020264

hah, didn't know about the grace period and joined an inactive guild (nobody has logged on in over 200 days). Oh well, I'll search around forums in 24 hours.

>> No.12021418

Are there any N's worth keeping, or should I sell 'em all?

>> No.12021433

Keep slimes, level them up to 27, and use them to max the cards you are using.

1. Wizard (N card) and Summoner (N card) can be amalgamated together to create a Sage (R card)
2. Wizard can be farmed in area 2 and Summoners can be farmed in area 5 of the original world, in addition to them both being obtainable with friendship points or from Archwitch chests
3. Enchanter (N card) and Mechanic (N card) can be amalgamated together to create an Android (R card). Android is unique in that she only sells for 25 medals, rather than the standard 100, making her less useful than Sage
4. Enchanter can be farmed in area area 4 and Mechanic can be farmed in area 6 of the original world, in addition to them both being obtainable with friendship points or from Archwitch chests. This makes creating Androids for R donations more vitality expensive than Sages unless you already have Enchanters or Mechanics from other methods

>> No.12021447

If you're still pretty new, Military Band will serve you well. She was with me for a very, very long time. That's the only really outstanding N.

>> No.12021459


Red Hood evo accident of Shepherd can be your debuffer to help fight AWs if you don't yet have a better way to fight them yet

>> No.12021650

Okay thanks. Really digging Dancer for AW fights, if she procs, hngggggg.

Rolled a Crescendo yesterday, and kept rolling for my second device. I just pulled a "Fairy Princess" with the unleash skill you guys were discussing yesterday, should I go ahead and make that my main, or is Crescendo still better?

>> No.12021669

Crescendo requires you to get good passion cards for her to work well, while Fairy Princess just requires you to get good 'any' cards. Go with the Fairy Princess account, you can't really do better than that.

>> No.12021689

Fairy princess. Irreplaceable in any team ever, unless you get another unleasher that happens to match elements better.

For the record, unleash works on battle start skills as well making it even more ridiculous.

>> No.12021720

5% proc seems pretty unreliable.
Unleashing does seem kinda broken though. Thanks guys

>> No.12021737

Didn't actually know that rerolling is a thing in VC, as well: I thought you can only get a Sword Master, an Aqua Knight or a Rose Knight (and I spent a lot of time rerolling in other mobages). Oh well, I'm happy with my SW account right now.

>> No.12021738

It's 10% upgraded and trust me, I'm using an unleasher as well and it's stupid strong. Once you start maxing stats on your girls she'll become even more useful because she'll get more time to get her proc off. Once she procs in a mid/end-game team the battle is pretty much a guaranteed victory.

>> No.12021753

It's a 10% chance for an "I win" button. Most other cards are you need 2 or 3 15% to 20% cards to proc for you to win.

During different events you get free jewels, premium tickets, ect. Also the first time you do a step up summon its free, and the first time you do a premium summon its 50 jewels. While your starter R cards is from a very select pool, there's other things you get.

>> No.12021788

lol accidentally lost the fairy princess account. frustrating.
