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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11963840 No.11963840 [Reply] [Original]

Going from a mattress, how comfy are futons? I've considered getting one.

>> No.11963846


>> No.11963855

Pretty much unbearable as long as you don't have a very soft underlay like tatami.

>> No.11963878

If you're like me who likes firm mattresses it shouldn't be too bad. I find them comfortable. Plus you save space! I will definitely be bringing back a couple when I go back home.

>> No.11963882

They're rather hard but that's good for the back, which is why I got one.
Get a 100% cotton hand made one, avoid wool because wool will make humidity a pain, and those platic ones are shit unless you go for the extra francy stuff.
And please don't go for the western ripoffs marketed as futon, they're not. I'm not saying it's better because it's made in japan™, but because the way it's made is different, something about the material not being even on purpose. There's a lot of shitty ones made in japan as well. Stick to handmade unless you know what you're doing.

Also just buy the 敷き布団、you don't need the whole set. Well if you feel like it buy the whole futon, but you probably already have a quilt anyway.

And an important point, if you want to sleep with more than one daki, don't buy a single long (100x210cm), I'm not even sure a semi-double (120x210) can handle two daki either. I have no problem with one daki in a single-long one though.

And lastly, in the same format (single long, semi double, double, etc)the 敷き布団 and 掛け布団 are of different size, the 掛け布団 being bigger. And don't get a new pillow especially for this, go with a pillow you know is comfortable, like those new material ergonomic ones, they're a good investment (at least in my case they were, can't imagine sleeping without em).

And do some research before buying: don't fuck up the format (amongst other things). And as obvious as it is, buy a fucking cover for it (actually buy at least two sets); because eventhough you can wash them in the same big ass washing-machine you can wash your quilts in, it's not something you should do every sunday.

Carpet, or anything that can fill the tatami's job goes, it just needs to be soft but not too soft either.
Tatami is actually a shitty idea because it will rot if exposed to too much moisture; also tatami reeks of stables.

>> No.11963885

Comparing to carpet, how soft is tatami anyway?

>> No.11963894

Do I look like a fucking weeabo to you?
More importantly, how relevant is the answer? What are you going to do about it once you get an answer to that?
Also it depends on the carpet, genius.
If you want it softer stack several layers of it, and hold it together by making a wooden frame, cheap and easy.

You can go with tatami if you want to, but it'll be out of place; and carpet spares you the moisture troubles. Also you'll need at least three tatami so it'll add up.

>> No.11963940

It fixed my back problems

>> No.11964222

>how comfy are futons?
Not comfy. I sleep on one every night. If you are a masochist, go ahead.

>> No.11964326
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Tatami is comfy and goes best with a kotatsu.

>> No.11964663
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>Do I look like a fucking weeabo to you?
I can't see you so I wouldn't know.

>> No.11965254

Where is the best place to buy Japanese futons if you're a haito piggu in the USA? I've looked at jlifeinternational.com in the past, but their prices seem a little high. Any Advice? Thank you for your time, by the way.

>> No.11965771

I just got mine shipped from Japan because lol Europe.

>> No.11965985

Tatami is kind of similar to the thin padding they use in gym. It's pretty comfy.

>> No.11966001


>> No.11966143
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>> No.11966152

Depends on the quality of the futon.

I grew up in Japan and used a Futon until I was 14 and moved to a place on base and mom bought a bed.

I miss it really. Its great how you can put it back in the closet for the day so you have more space in your room.

Now I'm poor so I sleep on a survival mattress with a blanket on top! It hurts a lot!

>> No.11966453

>Its great how you can put it back in the closet for the day so you have more space in your room
This is exactly the reason why I have been interested in getting a futon, my room is small and the bed takes a lot of space.
But I'm poor as fuck and I live in a shitty 3rd world country, I can't import one...
Anyways, some one knows how realistic is the idea of making one myself by hand? I'm fairly good doing stuff by myself.

>> No.11966504

You won't be able to afford making a quality one, its a skilled trade crafting those items.

If you're poor like me I suggest buying cheap material that can be used as a sleeping pad.

I have a very thin and narrow roll up mattress that can be carried around. Its real light. I also have a sleeping bag that I opened up for use as a blanket ontop of a thin blanket. My room is big enough to constantly accommodate it and I'm too lazy to roll it up and stow it every day. When needed, I just bunch it up in a corner wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Honestly if you're poor you should keep the bed. Maybe you can sell it and buy cheap material?

After a week you get used to poor pads.

>> No.11966541


>> No.11966566
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I also heard the idea of going full caveman and buying a couple (or several, depending on how big you are) sheep skins to sleep in (in many third world countries you can buy those very cheap). I never tried it though but sound like a good idea.

>> No.11966596


You certainly sound like a fucking weeaboo.

>> No.11966747

I dunno but sometimes I often sleep on the floor when I'm too drunk to make it to bed or if there's a bunch of junk on my bed that I can't be bothered moving. It's pretty comfortable just on carpet, I imagine a futon would make it cozy as hell. Also it feels pretty nice laying on the cool floor with the windows open on a hot day.

My semi-related advice to you is to master the art of the slav squat so you can sit anywhere without having to find a chair or get your butt dirty.

>> No.11972610

Spiders are the reason why I wouldn't use these. It's much more probable to encounter one if you're on floor level than if you're in a raised bed.

>> No.11972847

Just buy one of those synthetic mattress tops and keep it on the floor with sheets and whatnot. I've slept on one of those for months and it's one of the most comfortable beds I've ever used. Be a poorfag, not a weeaboo.

>> No.11972865

This is my dilemma, as well.

>> No.11972904
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>> No.11972993

Real otaku culture right here.

Anyways make do with what you have and spend the rest on figures, food, or something actually useful rather than being a gigantic turboweeb.

>> No.11973015

Where the hell do you people live if you have to be scared of spiders?

>> No.11973020

>keep it on the floor
But the whole idea of the futon is to be able to use the space in daytime.

>> No.11973027

If you've lived with a proper mattress rather than a weebton you're never going to pack that thing up in the day. Maybe you'll last for a day or two, but knowing the personality types of your average jaypeer you'll be too lazy to by week two.

>> No.11973025

>Where the hell do you people live if you have to be scared of spiders?
Australia most likely.

>> No.11973053

There's nothing preventing you from folding up a mattress-topper and stuffing it in your closet. You won't though, because what do you want that space for anyway.

>> No.11977658

I'm loleurope myself and I'll move fast and light in a couple years, so I consider buying one of these, but I have no idea where to look.

>> No.11977806

Flat floor, flat on the back. Maybe with a pillow. Why bother setting anything up?
Are your clothes not warm or loose enough to sleep in without covering further? Is your body broken?
I can never fall asleep on normal spring mattresses, futons, couchs, or chairs. Only ever flat floors and memory foam shit has worked. The former happens to be cheaper.

>> No.11977811

Can you just let them lie on the floor all day and vacuum around them if need arises?
I want to get one because I like the simplicity of the concept and it would fit into my empty and soulless room.

Shut up, third world scum.
Try sleeping in a 15C room with no blanket.

>> No.11977816

Grab a coat and some thick, thermal socks/underwear or something.
Why would you ever let your personal room for sleeping drop below 30C anyways?

>> No.11977870

I hope you don't think it's hygienic to sleep in your clothes, since it causes you to sweat more, also some scientist suggests that you're more prone to catching a cold.

>> No.11977879


>> No.11977893

Only if your clothes don't breathe well. I only ever wear pajamas, but surely you could find some balance to keep warm and avoid sweat.
Clothing and sweat have never been an issue for me anyways, due to being able to keep my room around 30-35C and dehumidified. Quite unlike "third world scum", honestly.

Either way, a blanket is fine too. But a mattress of quilts is pushing unnecessary without being anywhere near comfortable.

>> No.11977938

>keep my room around 30-35C
Where the fuck do you live if not in the third world? Do you just have the radiator turned up to 500% load all day long?

>> No.11977939

Are futons a better alternative to buying a mattress and just leaving it sit on the floor? I am moving out soon and will have little money to spend.

>> No.11977975

Something like that. Between the building being small, the walls being insulated well, the furnace being efficient, and the heat my dehumidifier puts out, it's not very expensive either.

>> No.11977978

I feel like I'm dying, literally dying, when the temperature rises above 25C.
I can't imagine living in such a hot room permanently.

>> No.11977998

That's most likely humidity rather than temperature, honestly. But if you don't keep the air clean as well, dry air can be hell.
25C is my limit though. Below that is intolerably chilly. It depends on the person.

>> No.11978006

I guess.
My room is 19C normally, warmer in summer, because my AC is just a fan blowing at me.

What was this thread about again?

>> No.11978026
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Sleeping General?

>> No.11978057
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I keep my room at a toasty 7 C.

>> No.11982298

I don't get get it.

>> No.11982365

Don't listen to anyone else, Futon are the most comfy thing around. This isn't OMG JAPAN IS SO AMAZING, I'm being serious, Futon are comfy as fuck. Get a good pillow though, someone mentioned avoiding wool, which is a great idea, also avoid any silk like materials- just a 100% cotton one and you will sleep like you've just been given amazing oral sex and a massage all over.

>> No.11982481

>like you've just been given amazing oral sex
How would you know what that's like? Are you a filthy unvirgin?

>> No.11982509

are those fukkin miss stains m8?
perod blood?

>> No.11983825

The futon flied away.
ふとん = futon
ふっとんだ = flied away

>> No.11983829

Getting a bj doesn't invalidate your v-card, dude...

>> No.11983837

especially when it's from your neighbor friend when you're 7.

>> No.11983844

wow kawaii

>> No.11983928


They're actually not good for the back. You need something soft enough to fill the natural contour of your back and a futon doesn't do that.

OP, they really are fairly unbearable. Source: Living in Asia for 6 months. All I wanted was a real bed.

>> No.11983969

But what if he looked like a girl? Is that still considered gay?

>> No.11983981

Yes you faggot

>> No.11983986

I sleep on my stomach. Would probably make for a restless night.

>> No.11984000

they keep your back straighter which results in better posture and a healthier spine (less compacting)

>> No.11984063
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No. Your back isn't straight, naturally. You don't want your spine straight like a floor. You want it well-supported in its rises and falls, which is why experts are now suggesting to choose a mattress that conforms to your back well, which is based on a variety of factors. If you're heavier, you want a firmer mattress, if you're lighter, a softer mattress.

>> No.11984083

no man it strengthens your muscles and its absolutely not uncomfortable to sleep on a firm surface

your back will never be perfectly straight but straighter is healthier for your spinal column

>> No.11984101


You are literally broscience or asian right now, I'm not sure which.

>> No.11984265


>which is why experts are now suggesting to choose a mattress that conforms to your back well
> If you're heavier, you want a firmer mattress, if you're lighter, a softer mattress.

More pseudo science from the modern day "scientific" community to normalize morbid obesity.

If you're heavy then lose some fucking weight.

>> No.11984339
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You need to return to your natural habitat. It isn't safe for you here.

>> No.11984340

I sleep sitting up in a chair.

When I wake up all my muscles want to die but a shower fixes that.

>> No.11984345

Futon owner here

I got mine from JLifeInternational got a nice full sized one - my twin size sheets and comforter fit perfectly without any overhang so they dont get dirty on the floor.

I ordered just the futon and cover - Futon is white otherwise and will get dirty on the floor without a cover so i spent the extra cash and didn't regret it

I have like shoulder issues and sleeping on the futon on plain wood flooring - nothing underneath - has actually helped me a lot

Now that is just me.. dunno about you

But yah I don't have anything under my futon and I find the thing amazing to sleep on

make sure you get natural fibers in your futon if you get one at all not any synthetic shit

>> No.11984391

I haven't really heard anything about the aquatic ape theory in regards to blubber. I think a lot of it does make sense though. Humans can swim amazingly well for apes, and we do have adaptations that help us swim. For instance, when we dive and pressure is applied to the eyes, it triggers a release of chemicals in the brain that keep us calm and slows the beating of the heart. We also have some control over the dilation of out pupils to help see better underwater. The reason our hands get pruned after spending large amounts of time in the water is also to help improve grip in wet situations. It's also thought that the lack of hair or lesser amount of body hair in humans is an adaptation to help us move better through water. It's said that the abundance of mussels and other shellfish near bodies of water are why we started hanging around water in the first place. There's supposed to be something with those animals having fats or something in them that helped make humans smarter, or something like that. I haven't read much into that.

It's a pretty interesting theory/hypothesis.

>> No.11984404

It's important to note that for normal humans such as the Japanese, the hypothesis does not stand up at all.

It's mainly referring to whales such as the one pictured.

>> No.11984409

The Japanese do more traditional diving than any other culture and they're not fat fucks. Checkmate.

>> No.11984430

If "blubber" is useful for the swimming ape then why do all of the Olympic swimmers get as lean as possible?

>> No.11984436

Humans on average have much more fat than other animals, like it or not. A "skinny" person might not look fat to me or you, but compared to other animals, we humans are all pretty chubby.

>> No.11984446
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> The Japanese do more traditional diving than any other culture and they're not fat fucks. Checkmate


>> No.11984454

5% body fat is a lot?

>> No.11984452
File: 1.61 MB, 2336x3504, hadzabe-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Humans on average have much more fat than other animals

Most humans have much more fat than other animals because we're the only animal that figured out how to produce such massive quantities of food that we're never really hungry and we end up throwing out food.

If you look at the humans in the areas of the planet where they still have to hunt and gather for their food then they're thinner than other apes.

It's not accurate to compare a person that sits on various comfortable surfaces in air conditioned rooms for the majority of their lives to an actual animal that's living out in the wild. We live in such bizarre conditions, as far as the average living conditions for animals, that our bodies are weak and horribly out of shape compared to what a human in its completely natural environment would look like.

>> No.11984467

Who is this beautiful woman?

>> No.11984471



>> No.11984485

Look at a naked chimp or gorilla and you'll see that humans are still chubbier. That guy may seem fit, and he is, for a human. The skin is still thicker because it's fattier.

Plus there's the whole need of fat in the human body for females to enter puberty. This is why gymnasts usually don't enter puberty (or have very irregular periods and little to no growth) until they stop competing and gain weight.

>> No.11984491

Hoooly macaroni, I would risk HIV for that.

>> No.11984517
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>Look at a naked chimp or gorilla

What gorillas are you looking at?

>Body proportions and tissue composition (e.g., relative contributions of muscle, skin, bone, and adipose to total body mass) were determined through dissection of four adult captive lowland gorillas
>Maximum estimates of body fat range between 19.4-44%.

Human male athletes have 6-13% body fat, so that's probably pretty similar to our ancestors, and anything over 25% is considered obese.

>> No.11984540
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>> No.11984552


From the video description:

> OHMUKAI Misaki (大向美咲) is one of the occupational female skin divers in the northernmost of the world.

>> No.11984562


Is he from a Chinese zoo?

>> No.11984566

Most Chinese don't look like that.

>> No.11984585


Chimps definitely have less body fat than humans, but gorillas?

>Average body fat in Hadza hunter-gatherers averages 13.5% for men and 20% for women. In Western populations men average 22.5% and women average 37.9%.

Humans in natural conditions (not decadent and obese westerners) are the second thinnest type of great ape. Chimpanzees are the thinnest, then humans, and then you've got gorillas and orangutans weighing in at the fattest.

>Autopsies of male orangutans show body fat levels range from 15% to 45%

>> No.11984586

so wats yuor point

>> No.11984587


Most Chinese animals look like that though. The only reason that I don't believe he is from a Chinese zoo is because he has very large testicles and if he was in China then they would have been chopped off and sold in the street as some crazy Chinese virility medicine.

>> No.11984606


That the theory (>>11984339 see this photo)
of humans being some kind of water ape that evolved an abnormally large amount of "blubber" is an incorrect statement because it's based on the blatantly false idea that humans are the fattest ape, which is wrong.

>> No.11984610

>based on the blatantly false idea that humans are the fattest ape

You've got that wrong.

>> No.11984619


In what sense? That humans are the fattest ape or that there's more to this water ape theory than was mentioned in the picture of the swimming morbidly obese woman?

>> No.11984627


>> No.11984959

f-fuck, I've been found out as a unvirgin!

>> No.11984962

too bad we are the most hairy of the apes, just our hair is finer.

>> No.11993041

I knew it, /jp/ is populated by obese monkeys.

>> No.11995120

should you be shocked?

>> No.11995120,1 [INTERNAL] 

Further proof that gymnast gfs really are the best
