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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 110 KB, 850x1211, Taihou_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11960500 No.11960500 [Reply] [Original]

Midway Event, 5-5 and 1-5 pre-emptive hype. Prepare your anus, carriers & fill your bauxite warehouse.

Previous thread: >>11950925

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Please read (before asking newbie questions)
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://imgur.com/a/7HZO7/all

Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/Zharay/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/Zharay/logbook

Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, midway hysteria and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.11960507

None of my Mutsukis ever get hit to 7 health. It's always six. 5-3 a shit.

>> No.11960541

Can someone repost the expedition unlock requirements image?

>> No.11960542
File: 521 KB, 1000x706, 1394584920765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I guess I really must be a retard. I've really never touched IDEs or visual programming, ever, before compiling Visual Studio resources for KCViewer versions recently. Now I'm absolutely shitface-confused at trying to figure out what things to run to even get kancolle_auto to do anything in the first place. Not saying that I'm ready to give up, but some hand-holding would really do me a big favor. My mouth is open for dick-sucking, admirals, I'm willing to learn and I hope pics are an okay supplementary payment.

>> No.11960544

anyone want to trade turkey for pyon?
damn it I have 4 turkey which will end up as food but not a single pyon.

>> No.11960545

Why not just download the compiled version?

>> No.11960552

...Fuck, the ZIP off of GitHub is compiled?

>> No.11960554

Or rather, I should actually ask a better question. Compiled into what? It's clearly not a Windows executable like the way Visual Studio things are.

>> No.11960559

I use the one off skydrive. I'm guessing it's the same thing

>> No.11960560

I've already gotten 3 pyons today from 5-4

Where is my slutsub

>> No.11960564
File: 33 KB, 352x348, kcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks normal to me?

>> No.11960566

He means amylase, not the Viewer.

>> No.11960565

You have... Quite a few extra unnecessary files in there.

>> No.11960568


Facepalming. I'm not asking about KCViewer, I use that shit day and night. I'm looking for more info about the other thing I mentioned.

>> No.11960572
File: 863 KB, 867x1227, 1383570926977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Periodical additional Shigure to keep it real.

>> No.11960573

what rank? I got 5 spare iku too from there.

I need pyon to get out from the curse of meeting lvl1 single flag shit TTK in pvp.

>> No.11960577

I've never used it before, but from the looks of the docs, you need python and http://www.sikuli.org/ installed. Then you just need to run it with python.

>> No.11960581

All S

>> No.11960583

I'm afraid I'm not familar with python's syntax enough to know how to fire it up. amylase has the instructions loud and clear up there, but it goes over my head because I don't know where I'd jam that in.

>> No.11960585
File: 413 KB, 600x510, 1380381509937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11960587
File: 47 KB, 565x800, Taihou_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou boob envy in every thread

>> No.11960588

Open up the command prompt and type in:
cd C:/whereever/the/kancolle_auto/files/are
python processwatch.py sikuli kancolle_auto.sikuli
and that should do it.

>> No.11960593
File: 9 KB, 375x261, Expeditions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11960599
File: 144 KB, 850x1117, Taihou_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga rocks that outfit much better than Taihou

>> No.11960601
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1774, 1394586353134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last I finally managed to marry the flagship of my heart. Now I can lay off on the 5-1 subs, RIP in peace all the Ka-class that made this possible.

If only I could finish the honeymoon though; I love how I can run 5-4 a gazillion times and only rarely have a CAV get critted at preboss node with only air superiority, then I try 4-3 and Maya gets critted straight to red by a Wo when I have air supremacy.

>> No.11960603

Get enough greens to kill all of Wo's planes, then.

>> No.11960605

mind guide me how you marry your DD? mine still stuck at 81.

>> No.11960608
File: 357 KB, 560x735, 1388154630408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armpits>Cancer tumors

>> No.11960611

What was that? I can't hear you over how much of a degenerate pedophile you are, sorry

>> No.11960615
File: 210 KB, 850x1366, Taihou_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Breasted Taihou is the only good Taihou

>> No.11960616

What's the earliest/easiest map to get submarine kills for the daily and weekly?

>> No.11960619

I do 4-4. Just avoid boss node.

>> No.11960623

But Taihou isn't some dumb kid, she takes good care of you and can hold her booze.

Her being flat has nothing to do with this.

>> No.11960625


>> No.11960626

Why is Akitsu even more of a pain to get than Taihou?

They're more or less the same percentage for all of the recipes, despite Taihou supposedly being the rarer one.

>> No.11960627

Python woke up, found and started processwatch, and then stopped because something's still missing.

>> No.11960630
File: 303 KB, 599x427, 9af1b536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11960631

Post the exact error you're getting or I can't help you.

>> No.11960633

/jp/ - tech support for clueless cheaters

>> No.11960635

Liking flatchests pretty much labels you as a pedo

>> No.11960636


>フタサンマルマル 提督は飲みすぎると…あら? うふふっ、寝顔はかわいいのね、うふふっ

So cute.

>> No.11960641

Nope, I have a flatchest adult fetish so Taihou is perfect for me.

>> No.11960643

I was going to say I can't carry more greens, then I realized you actually made me catch my error; I was originally going for air supremacy then I changed my mind and went for only superiority after all (since 5-4 has gone so smoothly that way). Completely forgot about it by the time I got done F5'ing as the compass sends me south 5 out of the first 6 tries.

Keeping her in the flagship spot for every practice battle, running 4-1 for world 4 weekly with her as flagship (that accounted for the least xp, not really necessary) and 5-1, 5-1, 5-1, more 5-1. I do 5-1 for my first 2 sortie quests, then once I'm done with everything else for the day I leave my ASW fleet active and do a couple 5-1 sorties every time I check back on my expeditions.

>> No.11960644

Don't worry, the Kancolle devs will get both the wannabe cheaters and the spoonfeeders who help them in the end.

>> No.11960646

>flatchest adult
Oxymorons are still "in" I see

>> No.11960648

In my dreams, maybe.

>> No.11960650

Australians pls go

>> No.11960651

D:\Python27>python processwatch.py sikuli kancolle_auto.sikuli
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "processwatch.py", line 11, in (module)
File "D:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 522, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
File "D:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 709, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "D:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 957, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

>> No.11960654

Did some quest prerequisites change? I completed the "2 successful modernization" daily yesterday and today, but the "15 successful modernization" weekly quest did not show up yet.

>> No.11960656

You need the Sikuli executable in the same folder.

>> No.11960657
File: 101 KB, 350x489, 8dc090ea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11960658
File: 334 KB, 600x846, Nagato_Mutsu_090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best kancolle couple

>> No.11960661

>yesterday and today
The weeklies reset the day before that, are you sure you didn't just complete it already?

>> No.11960667

Thanks, I'll give that a try for satsuki

>> No.11960668

not canon sorry

>> No.11960669

Executable as in .jar, or executable as in .exe? I've run Sikuli's setup already and succeeded, didn't know there were supposed to be new files I needed to move.

>> No.11960672

They're empress and emperor in official furniture
Doesn't get much more official than that

>> No.11960678

The exe. Actually, you can probably just change the argument given.
python processwatch.py C:/path/to/sikuli/sikuli.exe kancolle_auto.sikuli
This should work. If it doesn't, give the full path of kancolle_auto.sikuli too.

>> No.11960680

Then, Yamato/Musashi is official as well?

Poor Shinano, she'll be the third wheel.

>> No.11960682

Stop right there. I've never gotten sikuli.exe out of sikuli's setup. What the hell did I download...?

>> No.11960684

Pretty much
and yes, poor Shinano
she can be the emperor's or empress' mistress

>> No.11960688

She'll never belong with the carriers, either.

It could be interesting to see a capital ship with a massive inferiority complex, like Fusou except even more self-deprecating.

>> No.11960690

Note that you can do 4-3 instead if you only want to level a single DD, but you'll have to bring CLs or CLTs for the rest of the ASW. I prefer to level multiple DDs at once so 5-1 is the only choice; I ended up getting Satsuki and Nagatsuki into the 50s just from tossing ships in to fill up the rest of the fleet.

I used the 1 BB + 5 DD/CL method, filled Mochizuki with ASW while only putting 1 or 2 ASW on the others to keep their damage down; 1296 exp on Mochizuki nearly every non-F5 sortie.

>> No.11960694
File: 670 KB, 707x1000, Maruyu_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Maruyu can look good if she's not a disgusting flatchest

>> No.11960695


>> No.11960698

I'm not familiar with the program at all, so I don't really know. It looks like you can try running the kancolle_auto.sikuli file with the sikuli ide directly.

>> No.11960699

it's just dolls for a festival, you're reading too much into this

meanwhile me being married to nagato and blowing my load inside her every night is pretty much canon

>> No.11960700
File: 513 KB, 674x745, Laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile me etc etc is canon
Pic very much related
I should post it 20 times because that's how delusional you are

>> No.11960701

boob wars
tech support for scripters
come the fuck on

kancolle thread reaching new height (actually the /v/ thread is pretty interesting)

>> No.11960705

about that 5-1 method, is it where you pass through the storm and gets to subs node and retreat right after? or did you go all the way to the end node?

>> No.11960709

Not him, but yeah, you retreat right after the subs node.

I do 5-1 with 5 ASW ships and a BBV. Stack BBV with seaplane bombers, max out sonars on flagship, put 2 sonars (and 1 radar if I have space, for accuracy, but it also saves on fuel). And there I go. Great for farming Isuzu if you ask me.

>> No.11960710
File: 1.73 MB, 2623x3780, むねねこ - あげぽよ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like wo she is best boob, we help wo instead of flat ship

>> No.11960711

nice comeback yurifag

your delusion still keeping you oblivious from the game's canon?

>> No.11960715

Yes you just fight the subs and retreat.

If you're willing to constantly swap the other 5 ships you can keep spamming it for a while before flagship gets fatigued (unless you get sent SE multiple times), personally I found that too annoying (and originally didn't have enough ASW gear to outfit that many ships at once anyway) so that's why I always did it periodically in pairs of sorites to let fatigue go away.

Also make sure 3 different ships have a radar (any kind) equipped to cut the whirlpool losses and don't resupply your fleet until you've gone through it a couple times since the loss is a % of your current fuel.

>> No.11960717

>kancolle thread reaching new height
On the bright side, this thread is now reaching standard /jp/ quality! I'm so proud!

>> No.11960724

The quality of a /jp/ no-holds-barred shitposting festival on its worst day, maybe.

>> No.11960728

I was sure I hadn't even started it yet. But if no one else noticed something, that is the most likely explanation. Damn my memory.

>> No.11960732

Are you saying /jp/ isn't about shitposting and talking about feet and butts?

>> No.11960734

I did it wrong then last time and I'm low on fuel.

does the amount of radar reduces the loss?

I just need to craft at least 1 more asw equip and all my DDs will have at least 1 unit of asw gear.

>> No.11960733

Personally I just used a Kongou-class (not Kai-2) for the miniscule lower fuel cost, bringing a BBV with seaplanes increases the risk of killing all the subs before your flagship can attack (especially if you get the 4 sub fleet). Not a problem if you're focusing on a CL since it'll attack before the DDs, but it is for a DD flagship.

>> No.11960735

Sometimes they talk about vaginas.

>> No.11960737

nicer than your 'comeback' anyway
Canon? You mean that 'marriage(TEMP)' thing?
Christ, are you trying to kill me by making me laugh myself to death over your stupidity?
You don't even know what your admiral is, forget your gender, if you even have one.

>> No.11960738

When /jp/ starts the flaming it's usually not about completely retarded shit.

>> No.11960739

In the /jp/ threads I go to, nope.

>> No.11960742

So anyone has an idea of what the 3 new girls will be? My bet goes that it will be 1 u-boat, a CL, and maybe a CA or another DD.

>> No.11960743

Each ship with a radar cuts the losses up to a max of 3 (has to be different ships, not multiple radar on one ship)

>> No.11960744

I know the answer to that but I don't feel like telling you.

>> No.11960747

And despite that, red T and fucking RNG critting my ships to red still prevent me from getting an S rank. That's where my BBV comes in. At times my BBV got the last vital hit in that netted me my S rank. On occasion they even managed to steal MVP.

In addition, I find that most of the time my ships need the second shelling phase to kill all the subs. Usually it's my flagship doing the final hit so all's well in the end.

I started off without using radars (was training a bunch of CLs to remodel level together). I saved on fuel by only resupplying them every 3 sorties (fuel at least). Now my fuel is my most abundant resource.

>> No.11960750
File: 1017 KB, 1680x1024, がくしまや - キス島撤退作戦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite dd class /jp/?

>> No.11960752

Yuugumo. Because two of them have boobs.

>> No.11960754

I don't like DDs, a bunch of pussies the lot of them are.

>> No.11960766
File: 290 KB, 600x800, 41536843_big_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutsukis. I do love Inazuma but honestly I'm not all that interested in her sisters. But I love all of the Mutsukis, with Mochizuki being the flagship of my heart.

>> No.11960767

Hey, that guy has half my DD fleet.

I can't decide between Kagerou and Mutsuki.

>> No.11960768

Shiratsuyu. Shigure, Yuudachi and Samidare are really cute. Tried getting Akatsuki class but never really got their appeal.

That said, the Mutsukis are also quite adorable.

>> No.11960770

top lel. what's it like being a super secondary?

the name is an in-joke, doesn't change the fact it's a marriage. you can't be this autistic, you give the girl a ring, sign the marriage documents, and they even give you a bed for "your new life together"
and did you even listen to some of the marriage lines, my fucking god
also I chose my admiral gender as male when I started, so there's that too

but don't worry, delusion is treatable, there is still hope for you

>> No.11960771

Sami who?

>> No.11960773

You lost your crediblity and dignity at 'top lel'
I didn't even read the rest of the post

>> No.11960774


It could be worse. You could be Sazanami.

>> No.11960777

Fusou x Shinano please

>> No.11960778

I'm getting the same exact error as you. Making a quick autohotkey script seems like the way to go now.

>> No.11960779

Now fuck off until you read the wiki more.

>> No.11960781

>top lel

>> No.11960782
File: 246 KB, 638x809, 1394591918055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you talking shit about Sazanami?


Funny, I have never seen her, I think.

>> No.11960785

He was making the joke that nobody cares about Shiratsuyus 5 and 6.

Was she your starter? She scored something like 5 percent. Inazuma ran away with like 40.

>> No.11960787

Now is the picture of the twitter staff a kai-2 , or just a new DD?

>> No.11960788

It's the foreign ship. People think it's a DD.

>> No.11960790

Why did you point me to a blank wiki page? I don't get it?

>> No.11960792


Not really, actually Inazuma was my starter, I just love destroyers.

>> No.11960796
File: 457 KB, 1351x743, wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pls.

>Shiratsuyus 5 and 6
What the fuck.

They're Shiratsuyus 6 and 10.

Because either your Internet is having problems, or you're just plain retarded.

>> No.11960799

I never leveled her up because I just found the goshujin-sama thing weird. Doubly so because I got Akebono a week earlier and they have exactly the same voice.

>They're Shiratsuyus 6 and 10.

>> No.11960800

That's a DD weapon and outfit, I guess.

It's on the White day. Getting another white-haired loli sounds cute

>> No.11960803

>i can't prove my argument since it's not true in the first place, nor can I disprove my opponent's since it's so well-constructed, so i'll just disregard it and delude myself more! y-yeah, t-that will show 'em!

yeah as expected of yurifags.

meanwhile i'll just enjoy myself eating up mutsu's pussy.
which is canon.
the devs said so.
bunch of secondaries.

>> No.11960802

>Anon pls.
Meant to quote >>11960782

>> No.11960806

I'm betting it's more of a CL. Some said on the previous thread its the German cruiser Emden.

>> No.11960812

Your butthurt that nobody is taking your trollbait is showing

>> No.11960815

Still, a white haired loli.

>> No.11960824

Sorry, but I'd have to agree with him on this one. As unbefitting of this thread his post is, his point is a perfectly valid one.

>> No.11960833

Anybody who gives a shit either has autism or should commit suicide.

>> No.11960835

I guess you have a point there too.

>> No.11960851

>also I chose my admiral gender as male when I started, so there's that too
Oh man, that was pretty funny.

>> No.11960859
File: 1019 KB, 1624x1283, the origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those error cats a recycle product of shitty admiral?

the notes said admiral that does lewd thing to their kanmusu are getting serious punishment.

>> No.11960860

What if the girls do lewd things to him instead?

>> No.11960863

As long as you don't fight back, you win.

>> No.11960864

would you run?

>> No.11960869
File: 93 KB, 707x1000, dismantle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this too

>> No.11960870

admiral slaughterhouse

>> No.11960873

The turrets of the Emden looked different (slanted roof, straight down front), it looks more like some of the single gun turrets of the Type 1936 destroyer class. But that's only if the drawing is historically accurate.
I still hope it's Emden, the destroyers just had a number.

>> No.11960874
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 1394595282306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started to play again a few weeks back:
Forever 2-4: four times in a row A-B route.
t-thanks compass!

>> No.11960877

>It's the foreign ship.

It's one of the foreign ships.

>> No.11960879

The design, especially the gun, looked more faithful to the cruisers we have. Then again this could be a foreign ship this time so the design might no longer resemble the cruisers we currently have. There were only a few German ships which have notable achievements or is popular enough to get noticed by the devs. I wish we could have more clues so we can at least narrow down what ship they are pertaining to.

>> No.11960884

Can I fuck those fairies? Especially the one in Shinden.

>> No.11960889

But the one in AP shell is cuter

Reminds me of Hatate

>> No.11960890

If you're an H-doujinshi admiral you can fuck a sanshiki fairy at least.


>> No.11960891
File: 360 KB, 720x841, 53453536457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This slut?

>> No.11960895

She looks lewd, I would fug that.

>> No.11960961

Could someone post the video of the Kumano and Suzuya forest?

>> No.11960966

Was there no maintenance today? Or did I somehow sleep over that info?

>> No.11960969

The wiki.

>> No.11960979

there is, soon.
its an 8 hour maintenance anytime now.

>> No.11960985

I really hope there won't be a 6 sub expedition to unlock the new ships

I have tried daily ever since Hachi is implemented and get none of it.

>> No.11960993

i'm sorry, did you say anything?
i can't hear you over the moaning of my shipwife (canon). give birth to a lot of strong shipbabies~

>> No.11960996

Keep trying. Also, Maruyu works too.

>> No.11961003

Considering Maruyu IS the 6th sub...

>> No.11961006

Oh fuck, you're right, I thought you were talking about a 6th sub expedition or something. But then I read your post again.

>> No.11961013

There's only 4 sub expeditions, though, so that wouldn't make sense either.

It's time to go to sleep, teitoku, you're clearly worn out.

>> No.11961039

I wish they will take it easy and give 5 subs first, given now Iku is obtainable from later maps.

>> No.11961056

Nice, I hope at least one is a submarine.

>> No.11961124

Because its been far too long since this was last posted. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22912280

>> No.11961137
File: 699 KB, 1416x2000, IMG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The normal translator's been out for a while and I've been bored lately. So I got a little carried away with this. But I'm not super confident with translation so I'd appreciate it if you didn't hold back advice. And if you can't into moon then I hope you like AKKG: The Adventures of Fat and Gay.

>> No.11961140
File: 618 KB, 1428x2000, IMG_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you're not into that there's Shimakaze and stuff later.

>> No.11961141
File: 565 KB, 1437x2000, IMG_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11961142
File: 596 KB, 1432x2000, IMG_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of the IJN right here.

>> No.11961143
File: 575 KB, 1408x2000, IMG_0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11961146
File: 601 KB, 1405x2000, IMG_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fast would you scrap her?

>> No.11961148
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>> No.11961150
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>> No.11961155
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>> No.11961158
File: 741 KB, 1419x2000, IMG_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11961160

Wow, it's like some took the worst fan aspects of either of them, turned it up to 10, and made a comic about it. Maximum hilarity, I literally cannot stop laughing out loud.

>> No.11961161
File: 661 KB, 1428x2000, IMG_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night planes for Midway.

>> No.11961169
File: 554 KB, 1426x2000, IMG_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That'd be the joke. It's fun to exaggerate every now and then so long as you can separate fiction from canon.

>> No.11961170

This is kinda sad, poor Naka-chang.

>> No.11961174

Kaga's first line needs to be ambiguous because it's setting up the joke. I suggest "... I'll murder you, and kill myself afterwards!" for both lines.

>> No.11961172
File: 492 KB, 1423x2000, IMG_0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11961176
File: 858 KB, 1000x1000, !Inbox 1878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou the cutest

>> No.11961177

Oh fuck me, never mind. This is one of those awful untranslatable Japanese puns. I'll think about it.

>> No.11961179

The irony is this interpretation of Kaga is still more canon than TTK love Kaga.

>> No.11961180
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Yeah, I feel like revisiting that. But it doesn't really work if the first line can't be misinterpreted.

>> No.11961181
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Such a downgrade.

>> No.11961183
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Now this is some untranslatable wordplay.

>> No.11961190
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>> No.11961192
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These last two bubbles gave me the most trouble. It's like there's an idiom I'm missing.


>> No.11961194
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>> No.11961195
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I bet you guys never once considered their feelings after all the hurtful things you said.

>> No.11961196
File: 928 KB, 1200x1400, ホロホロ - 愛宕さん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atago the fatest

>> No.11961198

3-4 was enough to make me hate them forever.

>> No.11961200
File: 629 KB, 1426x2000, IMG_0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And back to these two.

>> No.11961201

But if we abolish the system, won't they be free?

>> No.11961203
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Could you withstand the horrors of staying the night in the Wo room?

>> No.11961205
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And we're done here.

>> No.11961208

good work, many thanks

>> No.11961213

You fucked the first line by adding an extra ヲ into 目的地, which means destination on its own. 足を引っ張る means "to hold back others from achieving success; to stand in the way of; to sabotage."

So the lines should probably something like, "Today, again, I wasn't able to guide the fleet to the destination... instead of guiding them, aren't I just sabotating them every step of the way..."

>> No.11961215
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Alright kids, speculation time.

So while adding a few new features into KCV I ran into a stat that isn't documented anywhere. It pertains only to torpedo planes and air radar and I'm not sure what its actually for.

Usually the stats are pretty easy to figure out by what DMM called the stat (api_bakku = 爆弾 /bakudan), but this one seems to slip past everyone?

Eh, not like it really matters too much. The better the plane/radar, the better the stats anyways.

>> No.11961220

So she spent the night with /jp/ and /a/? That's some harsh punishment.

>> No.11961223


>> No.11961225
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>> No.11961226

I really should have caught that, thanks. With the rest of her speech I didn't think she'd be so hard on herself.

>> No.11961227


I'd go into the Wo punishment room, but I'll be the one to do the punishing.

>> No.11961234

I had to consult a dictionary for that one. Also rereading the second time, I missed the たち in the second line. So probably, "even we're were supposed to guide the fleet, haven't we just been holding everyone back?"

>> No.11961236

even though*

While trying to correct Japanese I've been failing at english. マジめんどくせぇー!寝るよー

>> No.11961238

Question: What's the best double attack loadout for DDs?

>> No.11961241

10cmx2. There really aren't any options.

>> No.11961242

What should I put in the third slot, though?

>> No.11961245

12.7cmB x2 + Type 33 Radar

12.7cm Single-Mount High Angle x3

>> No.11961246

not him, asw/radar stuff

>> No.11961247

Whatever you want. No really, put anything in there.

>> No.11961248

Don't say dumb shit like that, he'll put a torpedo in it and everything will be ruined.

>> No.11961250

>put anything in there
Please don't condone DD abuse!

>> No.11961252

Thanks for the advice. One more question--should I actually be using a double attack loadout for trying to clear 3-2, or should I go for cut-ins instead?

>> No.11961254

that depends on your DD

>> No.11961257

That's a tough fit so I'm going to shorten it to "Though we're supposed to lead the fleet, haven't we only been holding them back...". But thanks again, and go get some rest.

>> No.11961261

Murakumo (starter), Kagerou, Shiranui, Kuroshio, Shimakaze, Yukikaze

All are level 20, but they're modernized to 4 or 5 stars.

My plan was to equip Yukikaze to do cut-ins, with the rest being equipped for double attack.

>> No.11961264

That should work, max up armor and fire power that's all.

>> No.11961266

Cut-in for Beaver, double for the rest is enough. The boss is laughable easy. The problem is getting there.

>> No.11961289
File: 89 KB, 287x430, 1394612749609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryusei fairy is the best fairy. I want to surf on a plane too.

This is the official dismantling song:


It even comes with the kan kan sound effect.

>> No.11961293
File: 66 KB, 575x800, BTuDSesCIAAhe9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I marry her?

>> No.11961297


She emits true Nippon woman spirit!

>> No.11961299
File: 35 KB, 450x600, Sonar Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that equipment fairies are much hotter than ship girls.

>> No.11961307

How do I unlock the new map?

>> No.11961309

Clear 5-3 boss node with Perfect S.

>> No.11961310
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1389946513039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do LSC first.

>> No.11961323

You have to marry a girl and scrap her.

>> No.11961327

Offer a Taihou to RNG rape dungeon

>> No.11961328

I want to marry Wo, please help me complete my life

>> No.11961343 [DELETED] 

How is this game fun? Please explain in full detail.

>> No.11961351

fun things are fun

>> No.11961352

It isn't. You don't want to play it. And even if you did want to play it, you would only be tricking yourself. But you don't want to play it, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.11961354

E-even my dick???

>> No.11961356

Same reason people play shitty games like league of legends and dota.

>> No.11961359

Just don't forget to take it back if you scrap her.

>> No.11961360 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 734x991, 1372962795251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you play simply because it's popular. Okay, I see now.

>> No.11961361

It's fun if you're M, like collecting cute pokemon shipgirls and love rolling the dice.

>> No.11961362

2hu is ded fuck off

>> No.11961363 [DELETED] 

But I hate rolling die, and the girls aren't cute at all.

>> No.11961364

This conversation is about you, Anonymous.

>> No.11961367

Then it's not for you

>> No.11961373

No but really, was there no new map added? I don't see any new quest or. Map.

>> No.11961376

You didn't even try doing that, did you?

>> No.11961377

Read the wiki.

>> No.11961378 [DELETED] 

But how can something be popular if it's not intended for me?

>> No.11961382

Because you aren't popular.

>> No.11961388

It's not a bad game. I recommend you play it a bit so you know how it works and then you can also understand a majority of the references to it. This will allow you to appreciate the fanwork a lot more.

That said, it is also a very repetitive game that relies almost entirely on RNG for variation (RNG-hate is pretty much shared between all players). Don't feel too bad if you're not too immersed though. Alot of Japanese artists draw BBs attacking subs so it's not like all of them play much either.

>> No.11961391 [DELETED] 

I don't think anyone who likes it or makes doujin of it really plays the games. I only know one guy who actually plays it, and he's the guy in my comic circle who doesn't talk much but whispers everything he says right after he says it. I'm Japanese by the way.

>> No.11961393
File: 79 KB, 618x806, wo bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11961396 [DELETED] 

I wish that my former favorite artists would stop being such drawing prostitutes and go back to draw only what they really want to draw instead of what's popular among teenagers right now.

>> No.11961400 [DELETED] 

that's a nice way of saying they should only draw what I want.

>> No.11961402
File: 98 KB, 511x653, 1392134399781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing this game
>Stuck at 1-4
>use up all 19 development points available in hopes to build an aircraft carrier or sub
>1 Takao, 18 fucking DDs

I do like how Takao seems to have an infinite muso gauge, but that's obviously far from enough for 1-4

>> No.11961403 [DELETED] 

Same here. I actually like Kancolle but even I hate it when an artist I like suddenly switch over to Kancolle, especially if they've only started drawing it late in the game, or if it's clear they don't play the game.

There's nothing wrong with that!

I think this board isn't for you. You'd fit in better elsewhere.

>> No.11961404

I don't believe you used a proper recipe

>> No.11961406

Why not try a battleship recipe?

>> No.11961407 [DELETED] 

Right now they only do it for the money, and not for their love for things.

>> No.11961409
File: 58 KB, 1024x801, 1384657114084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your epic reaction image and green arrow maymay.

>> No.11961410
File: 59 KB, 800x677, 1393524248556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you haven't done LSC, anon.

>> No.11961411


>> No.11961413

You aren't gonna build a CV or BB with that, anon.

>> No.11961414

If you feel like gambling, do a 6572, 100% BB with a chance of Yamato.

(also please avoid maymay and greentexting on /jp/)

>> No.11961415 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 618x900, 1394619603587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I could draw I'd be drawing Kancolles every day and not busted old 2hu broads

>> No.11961416

Please don't post the worst kancolle. You might misrepresent /jp/ for all of the new players.

>> No.11961417

she's not the worst tho

>> No.11961418


>> No.11961419

ill fite u m8

>> No.11961420 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 438x438, 1336351509612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against Touhou? The two games aren't even related.

>> No.11961422

is there other cheap ways you guys handle world 4 boss quest besides subcheese? I just ran out of subs to rotate and 40 minutes is not worth bucket.

>> No.11961424

Wait for 40mins.

>> No.11961431

just do something else while you wait

>> No.11961432 [DELETED] 

Because 2hu is shit and doesn't even worth mentioning on this thread.

>> No.11961435

How about I just stop playing altogether since all I ever seem to do in this game is wait.

>> No.11961442

Nobody cares about a self-important piece of shit like you.

Fuck off.

>> No.11961443

your choice. But it's sad that you don't seem to be able to do something in the game besides that quest.

>> No.11961445

no other alternative fleet set as suggestion?
and the first guy to quote you is a shit, not me.

>> No.11961446
File: 418 KB, 1024x768, 39772638_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well, all this stuff reminds me of talisman farming in MH, except it seems to be armor that I'm supposed to be farming with talisman mechanics

>> No.11961447 [DELETED] 

Is it because Touhou is a fun and invigorating game made by a talented artist and his dreams where the gameplay is the most important aspect but the characters and setting are so interesting that it draws in fans from all over while Kancolle is just a collaboration of pixiv artist trying to make a game to mach their "super original" characters.

Please note that you are a guest of /jp/, so don't overstay your welcome.

>> No.11961448

>now imagining abyss fleet with jho and his bgm
Oh boy.

>> No.11961449 [DELETED] 

If anything KC is Kadokawa flipping the finger at $E with their Million Arthur.

>> No.11961451

Guys please your Touhou vs Kancolle "discussion" to another thread.

>> No.11961456
File: 239 KB, 922x830, 1873abd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why bother imagining

>> No.11961457 [DELETED] 

Why do Japanese like these card collecting games so much? Have they never heard of Google image search?

>> No.11961460 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 674x745, 1389796051055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou is a fun and invigorating game made by a talented artist

>> No.11961461 [DELETED] 

>a talented artist
My sides.

My sister has a good knowledge of /a/- and /jp/-related art and she says his art sucks.

But the rest of your post, makes some sense to at least some extent. Especially the characters and setting part.

>> No.11961477 [DELETED] 

Look at how pitiful you look defending your Touhou in a Kancolle thread.

Your tears are delicious princess.

>> No.11961478 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 1200x1693, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Same here. I actually like Kancolle but even I hate it when an artist I like suddenly switch over to Kancolle, especially if they've only started drawing it late in the game, or if it's clear they don't play the game.

That's a dumb thing to say, Anon. Yeah if I were an artist or musician I'd LOVE to draw/remix the same shit over and over and never move on to new things. I'LL SURELY improve my skills like that.

Besides, it takes hours of your life to create this stuff. The 9 hours they spend drawing Shimakaze's ass is proof enough that they are legit fans. That's how doujin honor in Nipponland rolls, or something. You spend the time, you get the respect. Shit's like prison.

But to be serious, it's like some of you guys have never seen the Japanese switch up fandoms before... You guys paid attention to these wonderful fan-artists/musicians before they were into Touhou too... right? RIGHT

>> No.11961482 [DELETED] 

>My sister has a good knowledge of /a/- and /jp/-related art and she says his art sucks.

You mean because it doesn't look exactly the same as everyone else like the sprawling mass of nearly identical Pixiv artists?

>> No.11961485

Is the KC fad going to end soon? Or it arrived to stay?

>> No.11961498

How do you guys do your drumming and sparkles for expedition 21? Looking at the archive it seems like the only thing anyone has figured out is that they're just like sparkles, but worse.

>> No.11961500 [DELETED] 

>or if it's clear they don't play the game

Good thing there's nothing to play in Kancolle.

>> No.11961502

I've actually watched several doujin artists play Kancolle on nicolive last year.

>> No.11961505

1 drum per ship, no sparkles

not very effective for big success, but I usually just don't sparkle my expedition fleets.

>> No.11961508

How often do you get big success?

>> No.11961514 [DELETED] 

What? Kancolle's artists already don't.

Please stop.

>> No.11961517

feels like less than 50%, but might just be RNG

>> No.11961521

i run with 4 drum + 3 spark and it 90% success

>> No.11961534

I'd love to watch abgrund play with her Yamato.
too bad her kancolle doujin sucks compared to her earlier works.

>> No.11961536

wait, abgrund is a SHE?

>> No.11961540

I've seen my friends play it. All they do is leave it on in the background while they go read manga or play Yu-Gi-Oh/Vanguard or whatever, coming back to change items and go on the next campaign.

>> No.11961564

what was the big success % for one sparkled ship, 16? maybe a drum is half of that.

>> No.11961571

flagship sparkle, 6/10 big success. but probably just rng

>> No.11961573

sorry, I mean with just flagship sparkle.

>> No.11961590

how many ships with drums?

>> No.11961593

when I was still counting the success rate, 5 ship has a drum with them.
now I has a full fleet with drum.

>> No.11961594
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>> No.11961596

your mom lmao

>> No.11961602

But that's not Houshou.

>> No.11961605


>> No.11961607

so 16+5x8= 56 could make sense, not sure if sparkle and the drum on the ship would stack, needs more testing really.

>> No.11961626

yeah, my current fleet had each ship to bring 2 drum but big success still comes seldom.
I only keep the flagship sparkle for no reason, sparkling akatsuki is nice to see.

>> No.11961630

>those "star nipples" on Wa
Not sure if intentional, but I giggled.

>> No.11961674
File: 266 KB, 700x888, 1394629439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga lost some of her appeal wearing that uniform.

There's just something sexual about Kaga wearing the usual uniform and a muneate to hide her slightly sagging boobs.

>> No.11961713 [DELETED] 

State your request

>> No.11961725 [DELETED] 

It's not the switch that I have problem with, bar-chan. It's much more selfish than that.

The problem is that I don't wanna see my favorite artists create something that I might dislike. I like them when they were doing what they did before, but there's no guarantee they'll make a derivative work that I will enjoy when they move on to something new. On the other hand, if they stick to what they've proven to be good with, there's less of a chance that I'll dislike that.

Because of autism, if someone makes something new that I dislike, that new thing can invalidate every single one of his previous works for me. It's like how I wish some groups I like would stop making new music because the new one sucks and makes me unable to enjoy their previous works fully. It's that kind of autism. This has been the case as well with some (but not all) of the Kancolle turncoats.

Although I do really hate it when someone jumps into the bandwagon without having ever played the game, what the fuck is up with that.

>> No.11961735 [DELETED] 

so, a really stupid kind of autism?

>> No.11961736 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 650x909, 40213328_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maya beating up Maruyu

>> No.11961740 [DELETED] 

CAs can't hit subs.

>> No.11961743 [DELETED] 
File: 566 KB, 800x1119, 1394632493460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then Tenryuu?

>> No.11961752 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 998x385, Speed rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenryuu can't bully anyone for nuts.

And even if she can, Kiso will be there to stop her.

>> No.11961762
File: 261 KB, 800x480, rusky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian version.

>> No.11961767 [DELETED] 

Yes, and also extreme elitism.

If someone is capable of making a bad work, then they're not good enough for me to enjoy. It's that kind of idea.

>> No.11961778

Does boosting AA with modernization do anything for CV/CVL?

>> No.11961787

Yes, it increases their AA stat.

>> No.11961785

Carriers defend themselves with their AA stat during the air raid.

>> No.11961789

I think it only matters if they're in flagship slot or have AA guns on them, but not sure.

>> No.11961799

Two viewer crashes and a browser error within an hour. Fukou da

>> No.11961861

I thought I've gotten out of hell when I finally cleared 5-3, but it seems I've been misled. 5-4 is truly the real hell.

How do you weebs bear with this shit? It's a good thing the map isn't hard at all, but how do you stave off that overwhelming depression of getting your 521815th Ryuujou from a perfect S? I thought LSC have steeled me against this kind of bullshit but clearly this crap is worse than LSC.

>> No.11961863

not unless we get international, fag

>> No.11961869

Nothing is worse than LSC, Nothing.

>> No.11961881

What the fuck are you doing? Start preparing for Midway, retard, it will drop everything 5-4 has and more.

>> No.11961890

I'm on my 60th+ LSC craft, I can take everything.

>> No.11961892

With LSC, you'd only do it once every few days unless you're one of those crazy people, so it's not so bad.

On the other hand, with 20+ 5-4 runs a day, the depression sets in much faster. Nothing ruins a good day like getting 5 Kongou class in a row from the boss. Not to mention having to deal with RNG fucking you with Red T, at least with LSC a failure gives you Maruyu.

In the end it's all the same shit, except it's using buckets instead of dev mats, but somehow it feels worse.

It's either grinding 5-4 or the event maps, so it's all the same shit anyway. And with Midway still a month away, I have time to prepare the girls I need from 5-4 so they're ready for the event when it rolls around. Now if only they would just fucking drop!

>> No.11961896

How rare is slutsub at 5-4 anyway

>> No.11961902

I got like 3 of her already, All i want is Turkey

>> No.11961900

>Not to mention having to deal with RNG fucking you with Red T
You have only yourself to blame for not using Saiun.

>> No.11961904

I'm with you.
Boring preparation for midway almost makes me miss the daily craft, it's gonna be such a long time before I get my own Taihou.

>> No.11961908

Gee, how many runs??

>> No.11961910

>Now if only they would just fucking drop!
Which ships are you missing?

>> No.11961911

But a Red T on the second fight is actually good, since it ensures that the twin Oni won't fuck over those cute CVs.

>> No.11961912

20 times

>> No.11961916

lol kinugasa drop like a candy in 5-4.

>> No.11961919

Iku, Kumano and Suzuya.

If they do any CAV compass bullshit for Midway I'm pretty much dead.

I wish I could hate you to death, or at least trade you for the Turkey.

>> No.11961920

I haven't had much of a problem even with a green T against them, it's the Wo that's much worse for me. Nothing like winning air superiority yet they still manage to crit someone to red while the onis do like 20-30 at most.
And from personal experience, it feels like getting red T makes the enemy fleet a lot more accurate even if they don't hit that hard.

>> No.11961922

Just use Mogami.

>> No.11961925

But I really, really like Suzuya and Kumano. I don't want to use the other two if I'm not absolutely forced to use them.

>> No.11961935

I envy those TTKs with 300k+ resources like Kuugen and some of the anons here.

>> No.11961962

People who namedrop are slut whores 100% of the time.

You could probably get them both within 150 standard battleship recipes.

>> No.11961967

who the fuck is kuugen anyway?

>> No.11961971

>once every few days unless you're one of those crazy people
I did it everyday and I got out of it just before valentine day. I am now sitting healthily with 70k/50k/80k/100k bauxite and 500 dev kits.
Best to do it everyday and get out of it fast.

>> No.11961973

yurifag scriptfag assassin-chan from germany

>> No.11961968

How much resource stockpiling is actually recommend for these types of events anyway? Is it possible to get through without anything? Would 10k of everything be enough to do much?

>> No.11961975

For Fall Event, I was perfectly fine with 20K resources each and 250 buckets. You need to manage your sorties and resources all the time during the event

Suffice to say, no one is sure. That event is most likely a major one (1st anniversary), nothing close to piss easy arpeggio. So you better stockpile as much as you can already.

>> No.11961977

why jp care about that kind of cunt? I mean a scriptfag to boot?

I understand the likes of Excelion for his blatant cheat for Yamato, but a mere scriptfag?

>> No.11961979

They don't, she just samefags like no tomorroq.

>> No.11961980

The devs will let you know when the time comes. It's pretty accurate.

Farming for event only drops is an entirely different matter altogether.

>> No.11961981

I did it everyday and haven't got out anyway. It's suffering.

>> No.11961984

as i know, 40k resource and 400 instant repair tools is kinda the average cost of the entire event if you only want to beat the final boss, and the event lasts for a whole month. i think it will be fine to stick with 20k and 300

>> No.11961990

The problem is that while the average clear is pretty easy on resources, there's always the off chance that you'll waste 50k on a single map. That's why people are stocking up like crazy, it's for contingency.

Last event's E5, for example, was a breeze to most admirals, especially after the nightmare that was E4, but it took me 30k+ resources before I could get my sole boss kill.

>> No.11961993

Scrapping rares like Nagato class, Yukikaze, Shimakaze, aircraft carriers and submarines feels so wrong.

>> No.11961998

Use them as modernization material. Then their strength can live on.

>> No.11962000

The problem is everyone that ever sees battle is maxed already, so I can only scrap them to make some space for new drops.

>> No.11962003

I scrap cranes and rare DD on a daily basis. You'll get used to it.

>> No.11962031
File: 119 KB, 316x472, you think you deserve this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- 制海権確保 : 特別戦果
- "bonus map points" (default is 1000) and a medal item ("nesshuu"?) as possible battle rewards, no details

>> No.11962040

Interesting, I wonder if this item will have some good stats

>> No.11962043

Oh, it's a usable item, not equippable.

>> No.11962050

5-3 gunning for the stars please advise

DD - 10cm 10cm Type33
CA - 15.5cm 15.5cm Type14 Goddess
DD - 10cm 10cm Type33
DD - 10cm 10cm Type93
CL - Type32 Type93 TripleCharge
CL - 15.2cm 15.5cm Type22

>> No.11962054

Nigga what. 5-4 is easy as hell. Take the north route.

>> No.11962060


I think you're horrendously misreading what he wrote.

>> No.11962062

Well shit, it's way too late here.

>> No.11962065

It doesn't look to me like this game is fun for you people.

What's the point of it?
What's the point of waiting for events?

I just want to know.
Maybe I could understand it if the characters had a little bit of a personality to keep you going, but...

>> No.11962068

I'm a masochist. I want certain in-game things that require me to sink a lot of time into it.

>Maybe I could understand it if the characters had a little bit of a personality to keep you going, but...
If Mochizuki's idle line doesn't melt you you have no soul.

>> No.11962082 [DELETED] 

Isn't it rather that so many other companis miss the point of art and just go "it should go pew pew and explode" when they design games?

If anyone ever made a good game with good art, we'd play that. But nobody has figued out to mix them.

>> No.11962086

So it's the same reason why people play one of those endless grinding mmo's?

I don't know that line because I didn't play long enough to get all 5834 or god knows how many ships that game vomited out up to this point.

>> No.11962088

What might be the points for. More trophy girls or some equipment?

>> No.11962094

Pretty much. Plus it's cute.

Mochizuki is a trash drop but she didn't get her new lines until a month or two ago. I only found out about it last week.

>> No.11962097

How to farm buckets?

>> No.11962100

Exp 2

>> No.11962101

Keep running 5-2.

>> No.11962102

Farm the wiki.

>> No.11962112
File: 104 KB, 700x421, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame /jp/

>> No.11962116

Well, I have seen much cuter things in not so popular little doujin games, but if you think those characters are supposed to be even a tiny bit cute, that's your problem I suppose.

>> No.11962119

It's the voice acting. Most doujin games don't have the budget for it.

>> No.11962120

What DD should I level? Already working on Yuudachi, Shigure, Yukikaze, and Shimakaze.

>> No.11962122

I see nothing wrong.

>> No.11962124

Did you forget Bep?

>> No.11962125


>> No.11962128

Oh right, I'm leveling her too.

>> No.11962129

The one you find the cutest.

>> No.11962130
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>> No.11962145

Her sister too.

>> No.11962147
File: 180 KB, 700x674, 1394649206504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else bothered by how Ashigara is depicted as some desperate, man-hungry Christmas cake? Ashigara's interests are vested in killing, maiming and burning in the name of her admiral, not this shitty ass marriage nonsense.

Even if she did non-battle related things, it would be something manly and bloody like beagling or jousting instead of fawning over men.

>> No.11962149
File: 686 KB, 700x988, 41833670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sisters you mean.

>> No.11962154

Naganami is the cutest Yuugumo class

>> No.11962156
File: 179 KB, 750x750, pleaserespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are these supposed to be? Youkai? Aliens?

>> No.11962157

They are all cute.

>> No.11962158

Abyss ships?

>> No.11962159

I call those "breasts"

>> No.11962161

It is a mystery.

But probably the grudges of sailors and ships that died or got sunk in WWII. Since a lot of them died shitty deaths, they had enough reason to be really pissed, so there's a lot of grudge to be had there.

>> No.11962162

yes but Naganami is super cute and also has boobs so she is a 12/10
Yuugumo is a 11/10
Makigumo is a 9/10
Akigumo is a 8/10

>> No.11962164

American tits.

>> No.11962166
File: 348 KB, 1200x1730, 0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know but I want to know even more after seeing this doujin

>> No.11962170

How dare you place Akigumo, the smile master, in last place.

>> No.11962171

What fatigue should I switch a CLT out at? When it gets below 30?

>> No.11962173
File: 202 KB, 802x483, futon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass-chan finally let me finish my honeymoon with Mochizuki. Ended up not getting a sub in boss fleet and didn't even need to go to night combat, how anticlimactic. Oh well, spending the battle lazing around suits her better anyway.

>> No.11962177


/jp/ is suspiciously quiet after this was posted. I hope no one is sexualizing Atago.

>> No.11962178
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x1395, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11962179

Akigumo's smile is too lewd for me. It's like she's saying "I'll rape you and beget at least five children, and once your sons are old enough to get erections, I'll rape them too."

>> No.11962181

Akigumo has no boobs
Thus she loses points
And she's not as cute as adorable as Makigumo either

>> No.11962183

She wins points for being grade A tease.

>> No.11962187

She's lewd, but you're over lewdifying her.
Hawawawa wat?
>Admiral, are you beat? Well then, Akigumo will draw a picture of you♪
Tell me m8, tell me how cute that is.

>> No.11962186

that's why she has 8/10
If she had Naganami's boobs, she'd be 11/10

>> No.11962192

Cute is subjective

>> No.11962213

Are you suggesting that she wouldn't tie you down in front of the other destroyers and use your dick to give them a hands-on sex education lecture?

Purest destroyer, would adopt and raise

>> No.11962242


>> No.11962244
File: 30 KB, 528x409, 1393889455187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11962256 [DELETED] 

But Kantai characters don't have voices.

>> No.11962259 [DELETED] 

Try turning on the sound.

>> No.11962264

You must be blind
That studio isn't really creative, so they stuffed random enemies into their product without thinking it through.

>> No.11962271 [DELETED] 

Didn't you read what I said in my previous post? They don't have voices at all.

>> No.11962272

That doujin, It was some bittersweet shit

I didn't know to fap or not

>> No.11962273 [DELETED] 

Try turning on the sound.

>> No.11962279 [DELETED] 

It's a lie that the characters have voices. An illusion.

There was no voice acting for the game, and non of the crossovers with characters from other media makes sense either.

The voices I like don't exist in a game like this.

>> No.11962282 [DELETED] 

Try turning on the sound.

>> No.11962316
File: 144 KB, 274x274, TTrqaYeM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute shota time

>> No.11962318

Aw sheeeet.

>> No.11962320

Do not want.

>> No.11962323

Fumikane Shimada confirmed

>> No.11962327

Looks like another shit will be joining Kaga in the 'sink at Midway' fleet

>> No.11962329

Boy ships should go die!

>> No.11962330

Not before Atago stop you.

>> No.11962331

Going to sink this ASAP

>> No.11962334

and another ship sinking, keep them comming!

>> No.11962340
File: 1013 KB, 533x485, BeB-ef-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some nice tits for a boy.

>> No.11962343

Mogami now will not be alone.

>> No.11962345

Mogami is a girl too.

>> No.11962348

I'm waiting for her voice to judge her, as long as the visual, the chara and the voice are coherent, she can be a lovely ship. Perhaps useless, but lovely.

>> No.11962353


So that naval battle book is getting a second print.

>> No.11962361
File: 27 KB, 239x323, Screenshot 2014-03-12 21.42.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you agree that I should start focusing on 46cms now? I have only 2 of those.

>> No.11962366


What would make one think it's not Fumikane anyway?

>> No.11962375

Too bad for you there are no voices. Ha!

>> No.11962379

I do two plane crafts and two 46cm crafts a day for daily.

Though recently I'm doing some radar ones instead.

>> No.11962381


Zerstörer 1936 confirmed.

>> No.11962388


>> No.11962389

look at a picture of the Emden

>> No.11962390
File: 52 KB, 600x822, BijPEAyCYAABnGv.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for Snuu Snuu.

>> No.11962394
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>> No.11962396
File: 95 KB, 800x536, zerstoerer1936_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11962400

Yeah it must be this.

>> No.11962402

well, the DD really looks closer

>> No.11962408

Meh, nice to see Fumikane but I'm not really liking this one.

>> No.11962420

The possible stats for Z36-chan are interesting.

Larger than Japanese destoryers, radar and sonar from the very beginning, more and better AA weapons... should be one of the better destroyers in the game.
Range was lower than of the Japanese counterparts, so maybe a relative high fuel consumption.

And there is still the Fumikane bonus.

>> No.11962424

So super destroyer team will be complete

>> No.11962427

The gun looks similiar to Shibafu's.

>> No.11962429

>more and better AA weapons
Really ? where did you found that ?

>> No.11962438

why do you think it's gonna be Z36?

besides, 10 AA guns isn't that many

>> No.11962439

Drawing style doesn't look similar

>> No.11962444

I'm not sure. All I know is that some people where not sure who the illustrator was by the first image.

>> No.11962450

>short haired

>> No.11962451

You're disgusting.

>> No.11962454

I'm not supposed to be a beautiful ship girl.

>> No.11962455

So many gay onee-sans.

>> No.11962460
File: 587 KB, 900x1440, 1391160818025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So mean.

>> No.11962462

>10 AA guns isn't that many

way more than Japanese destroyers

>> No.11962464

Short hair can be nice but she looks like a boy.

>> No.11962466

Is there a problem?

>> No.11962474

Those are alright and their hair is not so short. Besides, Hiei is handsome and Yukikaze is cute.

>> No.11962473


>> No.11962475

yes, boys are disgusting

>> No.11962479

This game needs more short haired qt's.

>> No.11962482

That's okay, because it's actually impossible for any of the ships to be male except in fanworks.

>> No.11962496

Is it better to run exp21 instead of exp5 if you're too lazy to sparkle? Since it has a chance of great success with just the drums

>> No.11962497


>> No.11962499

That feel when you send your fleet on the wrong expedition and can't recover it for 20 hours.

>> No.11962501

Expedition recall when?

>> No.11962503

Let it all out and scrap someone.

>> No.11962505

>not doing both

>> No.11962606

Great, I finished the World 2 daily quest with 5 consecutive runs. But since I still had the transport ship quest, those compass rolls were for nothing, god damn it.

>> No.11962620

you only got them because you still had the transport quest.

>> No.11962630
File: 12 KB, 213x304, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I get good bombers, /jp/ ? Is it because I used up all my luck for tons of 46cm, or am I cursed ?

>> No.11962632
File: 268 KB, 847x600, supplies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get to boss node without reds

wo pls

>> No.11962633

Does anyone know if Iku only drops from S rank in 5-4?

>> No.11962636

Bismarck? BISMARCK?

>> No.11962640
File: 887 KB, 1920x1464, 3503742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it wo's fault?


>> No.11962641

Of planned tomorrow "can this" in the White Day update is implemented or new [new waters] and [new expedition / new mission] [new equipment], foreign warship [driving] and [driving] consists of [war] further [new ship daughter of three vessels is a new implementation plan. So stay tuned!
# This ship

thanks google it helped a lot

>> No.11962643

You spent your luck on RKai.

>> No.11962648


Anon pls, 戦 = BB = Battleship.

>> No.11962649

I hope that's what Yoshinori was working on. If we're getting a battleship I guess it won't be something as simple as an expedition and quest reward.

>> No.11962652

Most likely DDs by Fumikane, BB by Yoshinori. The DD will most likely be quest reward, and BB as 5-5 drop.

>> No.11962659

LSC exclusive BB.

>> No.11962661

Fuck you I just got out of Yamato hell.

>> No.11962663

You'll never be free.

>> No.11962669

I'm not free yet anyway (dammit Taihou)

>> No.11962749

If only abgrund was here...

Is that really something to complain?

>> No.11962766

Why, we don't need another Yamato

>> No.11962788

Reverse trap is old and busted, trap and boypussy are the new hotness.

And, i forgot she doesn't draw traps anymore...

>> No.11962794

go away faglord

>> No.11962816

This Kiso I'm leveling is my most unlucky ship ever.

It gets crippled on every first shelling phase.

>> No.11962823

You rolled one with terrible hidden stats, better scrap her and get a new one.

>> No.11962852


>> No.11962855

I wish the German BB will be on par with Kongou class, fast ship, and has a decent stats. Though the main problem lies where I can get her.

>> No.11962859

No, that's a girl.

>> No.11962866


>> No.11962871

But I want her to be a qt boy...!

>> No.11962874

Yeah we don't.

>> No.11962891

You don't speak for me, you gay-ass cocksucker.

>> No.11962897

I don't want a boy in my fleet. I don't want to suck cocks.

Captcha: daughter efianci

>> No.11962906

It's time to enjoy his boypussy, else you'll have your shipgirl NTR'd.

>> No.11962917

What, are you gay? Ewww, disgusting, homosexuals pls go and stay go.

>> No.11962922

The fuck?

I want male TTK x foreign ship girl.

>> No.11962934
File: 329 KB, 783x536, 40326543_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say you hate them when half the girls are lesbians?

>> No.11962930

But you don't want male TTK x foreign ship boygirl and you don't want to suck cocks? What a faggot. Your dad must be very disappointed that his kid grew up to be so gay.

>> No.11962932

Dude, you guys, check out this fag.

>> No.11962936

It's a little late to start complaining about boygirls when Taihou is already a thing.

>> No.11962942
File: 287 KB, 800x1000, 3819015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will people accept Kaga's lesbian love?

>> No.11962955

sorry but not canon :(

>> No.11962958

When Akagi gets changed into a gunboat.

>> No.11962965

Why not though? If they can make an entire comic like >>11961137 and even people like >>11961179 can agree that Kaga is far more lesbian than straight that it can't be canon? The marriage stuff is all bullshit and everyone knows it, especially for Kaga. There's no other reason why she would spend most of her time talking about Akagi, spending the night with her, and then flat out rejecting "night battle" other than she's romantically involved with Akagi. Whatever, idiots will still think Kaga could possibly be not a lesbian.

>> No.11962967

They're more than likely going to get Kaga to be full on Akagi's lover in the anime anyway, they wouldn't possibly make her show any kind of attraction to whatever kind of TTK they put in.

>> No.11962968

Some people don't care for it (which is fine) and some will never accept it as a possible interpretation because they're too stuck up.

>> No.11962972

It doesn't matter if they accept it or not since that's what she is.

>> No.11962975

>If they can make an entire comic
so glutton akagi is also canon, got it

>The marriage stuff is all bullshit
disregarding canon because it doesn't fit with your little fanon is no good

>There's no other reason why she would spend most of her time talking about Akagi, spending the night with her
i do that about my friends but i'm pretty sure i'm not gay. surprise, it's possible for two people of the same sex to be really close and nothing but friends. but yurifags (and shipperfags in general) are so dumb that they will take even the slightest hint of interaction as some sort of romantic cue, huh

>and then flat out rejecting "night battle"
that's the joke, carriers can't into night battle sir

smelly dumb
secondary scum

>> No.11962979
File: 60 KB, 239x357, 678678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glutton akagi is also canon
Pretty much.
And regarding all the rest of the post even if Kaga wasn't in any kind of love with Akagi she still has next to no love for her commander, making marriage or anything like it entirely idiotic.

>> No.11962986

Kaga would be on the bottom end of the canon most likely to marry list if there was one, yet so many people still try to make her into some kind of ideal waifu. I really hope they make all those people look as stupid as they act with more of the official material, anime or whatever.

>> No.11962992
File: 70 KB, 404x404, wtfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates stuff with yaoi subtext
>This anon is gay!

>> No.11962993

Clearly, the joke went over your head.

>> No.11962995

sorry, but nothing will ever compare with Akagi×Food OTP

>> No.11963005
File: 169 KB, 786x1000, usnkanmusu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usnavy kanmusu

>> No.11963010

Where can I find Chinese Navy kanmusu?

>> No.11963013

Nope, US Navy carriers should have flight deck surfboards.

Brace for Cowabunga battle cry.

>> No.11963015

Reminder that any love Kaga has for Akagi is one-sided.

>even if Kaga wasn't in any kind of love with Akagi she still has next to no love for her commander, making marriage or anything like it entirely idiotic
So you're disregarding canon by saying this, and then say that the canon is idiotic because it clashes with what you're saying, when the only way it could be true is if canon was disregarded in the first place? That's some circular argument.

I wish Kaga's hourly lines were released only after marriage was implemented. That way their relationship would've been treated like KitaOoi's and everyone wouldn't be arguing over this.

>Kaga would be on the bottom end of the canon most likely to marry list if there was one
Tatsuta, Chikuma, Chiyoda. To a lesser extent would be Yamashiro and Hiei.

And for your information, Kaga's marriage line is actually rather decent. Also, here's the lines sorted out in order of how the girls reacted.

>> No.11963020

>To a lesser extent would be Yamashiro and Hiei.
After marrying her, Yamashiro actually recognizes you as a living, breathing human being, and actively distinguishes you from the environment instead of regarding you and your office as some irrelevant cluster of non-Fuso objects.

I don't know what else you could ask for.

>> No.11963021

Not this shit again

>> No.11963026 [DELETED] 

I want those disgusting Yurifags to leave.

You don't belong here cis /a/ scum.

>> No.11963027

>their relationship would've been treated like KitaOoi's
Except that even Ooi will outright say she loves you, the best Kaga can come up with is that she's not disappointed.

>> No.11963028 [DELETED] 

How do you know they belong there?

Please leave, Crossboarder-oniichan.

>> No.11963031


>not disappointed

>> No.11963032 [DELETED] 

epic xD

>> No.11963034

To be frank, I'm so jealous of Germans.

>> No.11963046

The most Yamashiro does is acknowledge you. Fusou is still no. 1 in her heart.

Kaga doesn't even mention Akagi (let alone reject you) in her marriage line.

>not disappointed
Anon pls, did you even check Kaga's line?

She tells you that she's happy with it, even though it doesn't look like it since she's not good at expressing herself.

>> No.11963048
File: 121 KB, 131x136, logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Akagi, anyone has this gif sans the kancolle logo?

>> No.11963051


>> No.11963059


>> No.11963066
File: 723 KB, 208x320, nom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11963080
File: 24 KB, 472x472, 1394685217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder why some people didn't choose Fusou instead. it's an obvious and superior choice.

>> No.11963083

Because Yamashiro's Yamashiri.

>> No.11963098
File: 32 KB, 339x455, 1394686659055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Chinese Wo


>> No.11963102

>Chinese Wo
That's like saying ATM Machine or PIN Number.

>> No.11963106
File: 9 KB, 348x187, 1394686963516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11963112
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1394687164257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like Nipa except DFC.

>> No.11963113
File: 342 KB, 800x800, 1391748847694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new furniture?

>> No.11963116

>2-3 Taihou attempts per week since the Arpeggio event ended

I want to give up on her...but I can't.

>> No.11963119

I thought she looks like Lynne if Lynne wasn't a cow and had a haircut.

>> No.11963128
File: 229 KB, 500x666, Bfdw3kDCUAEE11A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSC time again!

>> No.11963129


She looks so soft.

>> No.11963130
File: 152 KB, 542x567, STOP LSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop!

>> No.11963134

So cute.

>> No.11963149

I swear that someday I'll allow them to be something other than floating flak batteries.

>> No.11963185 [DELETED] 

There are a lot untranslated pics in this thread.

Are Kantai fans too dumb to read Japanese just as expected?

>> No.11963188

There are a lot of translated pics in this thread.

Are Kantai fans too dumb to read Japanese just as expected?

>> No.11963193
File: 55 KB, 1600x1600, 1393552217080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11963194

Don't think we didn't notice you fucking up in >>11963185 anon.

>> No.11963205

So I fixed my post, what's wrong with that?

I can still read Japanese better than you.

>> No.11963206

Why I can't craft a ship while I still have a fucktons of dev mat and 10 free slots for my ship girls.

>> No.11963211

..... did you check everything yet? something else that is full besides ships?

>> No.11963212

Read the wiki

>> No.11963216

i hope you have some free equipment slots.

>> No.11963217 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with her ear.

>> No.11963218

What's that sa-ge for?

>> No.11963220
File: 124 KB, 1000x900, 1390185163603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11963223

The game's artists can't draw for shit.

>> No.11963235 [DELETED] 


Three months later, still shitposting in the Kancolle threads is what it's for.

>> No.11963241


>> No.11963269

Their hair color is off though, not to mention Lynette is too fat.
Your point being? Having a red T confirms that nobody would receive crits, and your ships can easily sink the transport ship in night battle.

>> No.11963278

I declined night battle entirely after red cross stopped me from sinking the submarine.

>> No.11963282
File: 60 KB, 943x1200, 1394690902168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is complete.

>> No.11963300
File: 193 KB, 200x200, 1394490551841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What setup did you use to clear 5-3? I'm thinking of aiming to clear 5-3 and farm the shit out of 5-4 before Midway, or should I just wait for Midway?
I have this nagging feeling that they'll nerf 5-4 and I fear that I'll miss it.

>> No.11963304

It's already been nerfed. Enjoy your RJs.

>> No.11963321

Not him, but you really should start farming 5-4 by now. S-rank gives you a chance of getting 1 out of 22 rare ships where RJ and Alcohol are the only Naka. 5-3 problems? Just ignore the sub and use Echelon on the first two nodes.

>> No.11963327

So no sub? a bit disappointing.

>> No.11963334

Guys, what if
What if the new gaijin Battleship
is LSC-only? How much pain would your anus be in?

>> No.11963335


I'm already use to LSC. It'd just be another day of Kancolle.

>> No.11963338

What's the point? They're going to add foreign ships on a regular basis from now on, so it's not like these 3 are special.

>> No.11963339

Time to sudoku.

>> No.11963341

I haven't even started trying for Yamato yet.

And I got some nice things from LSC anyway (haven't gotten Taihou though).

>> No.11963342


>> No.11963343


>> No.11963345

I have got Yamato and this shit would be awful if I had to return, still need taihou.
LSC: you're here forever

>> No.11963348

With Midway this close there's no way that's happening. It'd have to be Arpeggio level difficulty for them to encourage you to dump your stockpile now. Not that she'll be easy to get; just probably more time consuming than resource. And besides, LSC is for getting a chance at old ships, not new ones. Taihou, Maruyu, and Akitsumaru were the exception since again, there was a piss easy event going on that gave older players nothing to do.

>> No.11963350

>It'd have to be Arpeggio level difficulty for them to encourage you to dump your stockpile now.
It's not encouragement. It's a trap.

>> No.11963351
File: 4 KB, 227x55, pure suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11963375

That damned CA requirement for 4-3 is killing me. Is there another way?

>> No.11963378

You don't need 2CAs, you just won't take the quickest boss route if you don't have them. I didn't take two, took <10 tries. Be prepared to hit the bauxite node more than boss, though.

>> No.11963381

do we need to complete that one too ? that's the only one I haven't done yet.

>> No.11963384

Even if you have reached the pre-boss node, there's a 33% chance of getting to the boss node. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.11963386

How did you finish exp.30 without it?

>> No.11963387


yes, and the 48x4 too.. mine just returned for the last run.

>> No.11963391
File: 57 KB, 300x375, 1394513101801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have problems getting to the boss node, as the cut-ins always get me. 10 levels more for Jintsuu to get searchlights before I attempt 5-3 again. Is Echelon more reliable than using Line Abreast?
wiki says its unreliable

>> No.11963393
File: 509 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140313-08454186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, no idea. My bad though, I also miss 25.

>> No.11963397
File: 76 KB, 439x142, KanColle-140313-14473675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, I didn't need to do it.

>> No.11963398

>line abreast
You won't dodge cut-ins anyway, it's pointless.

Real men use line ahead and sink the enemy ships before they can fire. Echelon might be worth it if it reduces the chance of enemy cut-in but I don't believe in it.

>> No.11963403

2CA 2BB 2DD, in that order. Everyone had double attack setups except Shigure and Yuki which had cut-in setup.

Any other setup failed for me. I also slapped damecons on everyone for good luck. Echelon all the way, line ahead on boss. No support fleet except on the last run.

In the end, it depends on if you want the ships now or later, because it's not like they'd be any more common in the event maps than 5-4. But you should clear it at the very least, if it's true we're getting 5-5 or shit like that. And who knows, you might get lucky like >>11961902.

>RJ and Alcohol are the only Naka
No. No. No no no no no no no fuck you.
I wouldn't mind them for AA fodder, but instead it's Kongou classes after Kongou classes. I even got 3 Hiei in one run. They're rapidly climbing up my list of most hated shipgrill.

I've gotten more golds and holos than greys, the actual greys that I want, that nothing makes sense anymore. It's gotten to a point where I start crying in a corner after I log off.

>> No.11963405

It does. You can reduce CA cut-ins and force them to use double attack, which is weaker. If in doubt, you can just use damecon anyway.

>> No.11963407

>reduce CA cut-ins and force them to use double attack
This fucking nigger.

>> No.11963410

I saw it on Nicovideo so it might be effective.

>> No.11963412

>reduce CA cut-ins and force them to use double attack
Wo pls.

>> No.11963413

It's either cut-in setup or double attack setup, you don't turn one into the other. Failed cut-in results in single attack.

If you saw a CA doing double attack it's because elite CAs have double attack setup in the first place, flagship and normal CA have cut-in.

>> No.11963414

Thanks for this anon. I've been using a 1BB 1CLT setup for CLT double attack but the CLT doesn't get to boss node without dropping to red. I'm just aiming to be able to farm Agano-class and Kumano/Suzuya since I got my slutsub from Arpeggio event.

Guess it's worth a shot.

>> No.11963422
File: 28 KB, 380x337, 1394698307619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You can reduce CA cut-ins and force them to use double attack

>> No.11963424 [DELETED] 

Chinese scum pls go chip nong ching nong

>> No.11963425

I'm being retarded, my apologies. That makes more a sense since the CA I saw wasn't a flagship nor had the cut-in setup. I blame my sleep disorder.

>> No.11963439

Wait, 22? Wikiwiki only lists 18.

>> No.11963445

That's not how it works, mate. The drop probabilities aren't equal, so it would be more accurate to at least halve the chances of getting a rare ship.

>> No.11963447

Someone send this Wo back to /a/.

>> No.11963449
File: 97 KB, 607x900, 1388767347017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Wo-tan.

>> No.11963450

It seems probability to the extent that once cut-in is reduced by seven times sortie.
It is good to look at this video if understands Japanese.
I do not being interpreted I do not know English.


18 vessels ship rare, not you leave such as alcohol at S rank.

>> No.11963458

Derp, I counted Kongou class. It's either the effect of losing my 4th fleet or I badly need to go to bed.
Of course not. What I intended to say was they put limited number of ships in S-rank. Meaning, the drop rate is a lot better than any map.

>> No.11963460

Alcohol does not appear it is mistaken, if S rank.
I have mixed with the A rank ...

>> No.11963473
File: 278 KB, 1500x1500, 40097743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Wo-tan, now go to bed.

>> No.11963481
File: 131 KB, 937x575, Bih09P1CMAA6ZKx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry guys we got this

>> No.11963484

that doesn't seem correct

>> No.11963485
File: 120 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140312-19513380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-penis waving, anyone? How much money did you spend so far? Show me those numbers.

>> No.11963487 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.11963489

Your poorfag is showing. Consider suicide.

>> No.11963491

Fuck koff.

>> No.11963493

koff who? Dude, you're high.

>> No.11963495

Fuck off.

>> No.11963497


Why do you hide your name if you're tripfagging anyway? It's like trying to blend into a crowd at night while wearing bright neon lights.

>> No.11963500

I'm trying to use my wallet to love my boatwives, but DMM won't accept my gaijin kaado. Is there some ritual dance that the wiki isn't clear on?

>> No.11963506

That was one of the biggest regrets I made. If only I could change the alias I originally used to 夢まぼろし, I wouldn't bother to edit it in PS.

>> No.11963509

Use the layout in English instead.

>> No.11963528

By any chance, are you Australian?

>> No.11963529

I bought 2 repair docs and 1 extra kanmusu slot, prolly going to buy one more for the next event rewards.

>> No.11963537
File: 610 KB, 800x480, 1394704978119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Line on pre-boss nodes to absorb cut-ins better, aboob on boss node, Yuubari with double attack setup and 2 sonar as flag and 5 DD of your choice, i brought Bep with a sonar for extra asw on the sub and that's it, this way you'll spend very few resources but buckets will still go away like water, i used 80ish to clear it.

>> No.11963539

Ausfag here, I set the VPN to US when I added funds

>> No.11963545

I would be very surprised if the BB was anything other than the Bismarck; it was easily the most famous ship of the WWII German navy. My question is what the destroyers will be...

>> No.11963550

but will they really put the Bismarck just like that with a small patch into the game? They might plan to add her later.

>> No.11963553

Nah, I'm a US in Japan with a US card. I think I'm too stupid to find the english version of the site. Yeah, I'm too stupid to find the english version of the site. My love is thwarted by Japan's xenophobia yet again.

>> No.11963557

It's the first foreign ship; you're going to want to make more of a grand entrance than some trophy destroyers you'll never use. This patch seems pretty big too. The only thing they've hyped this much besides events was Valentines.

>> No.11963564

The teaser art is from one of the DDs, though.
Why don't they go for the BB if it's a really famous one?

>> No.11963565

You'll need the DD to get the BB.

>> No.11963570

How will we be able to get the ships? getting all three of them with expedition quests is kind of easy.

>> No.11963572

LSC. Read the description, it's meant for newer ships.

>> No.11963573

Probably you need to complete a certain expedition in order to get the BB. If so, I'm pretty much fucked.

>> No.11963577
File: 138 KB, 776x467, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. I got this far without spending a single cent.

>> No.11963589

wasn't it just the first one that was tied to expeditions?
Or do we really get 3 new ships from expeditions, where is the RNG in that?

>> No.11963603
File: 21 KB, 355x184, fleetrecords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you folks manage such massive battle/expedition records? Do wolf pack runs really inflate your battle count like that, or are you actively going for ranking?

>> No.11963607
File: 222 KB, 1016x546, 2Taihou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to do anymore

>> No.11963614

Fuck you.

>> No.11963615

Give me one.

>> No.11963616

remodel her for a free Reppu

>> No.11963621

I got Reppus in the dozens

Oh trust me I would totally give her away if I could. It's hard to bring myself to modernize/scrap such a ship

>> No.11963626

How the fuck is kaga stealing mvp from taihou

I rigged her with inferior hybrid planes and mini slot RS-K compared to large slot RS-K and 12A on taihou

>> No.11963630

the answer lies in the RNG.

>> No.11963633

What to do with 7 Makigumos?

>> No.11963634

7 sonars

>> No.11963635

No, but I sparkle DDs all day everyday. Besides you'd only need win ratio in events anyway. As for expedition, we have almost the same count. What about it?
Standard design > Armored
Keep her just like that.

>> No.11963636

Why am I still in the no Taihou club, /jp/? What am I doing wrong?

Also does somebody want a dragon? I'm swimming in them.

>> No.11963637

Throw them onto the expeditions and collect your sonars 2 weeks later

>> No.11963638

remodel 5 to get sonars, scrap the rest

>> No.11963639

Treat them well

>> No.11963642

>What am I doing wrong?
Tell me once you figure it out, thanks.

>> No.11963647

>no Taihou club

Found your problem.

>> No.11963651

Try 4/2/5/7 while praying you'll get a daihatsu in order to trick the desire sensor

>> No.11963655

Why the fuck would you carry on with Taihou recipes after you get her

>> No.11963656

He's probably a bully that likes teasing the no Taihou club.

>> No.11963657

I'm assuming for Akitsu

>> No.11963658

Akitsumaru. She's the only LSC ship I don't have at the moment

>> No.11963659

You can get Taihou from Yamato recipes too.

Best possible failure, in fact.

>> No.11963661

That's a "special" Yamato recipe. You don't need 3k baux for her

>> No.11963662

I wish I got Taihou before Zunbie, lucky fag.

>> No.11963671
File: 107 KB, 688x409, 1394710022134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading 2 Akitsumaru for one Taihou

>> No.11963672

I'll trade 3 pyons for a slutsub right now

>> No.11963673

I know this pain perfectly. Really makes me wish Akitsumaru and Taihou didn't have equal chances to appear.

>> No.11963679
File: 31 KB, 468x374, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading dismantled parts of Akitsu for a Taihou

>> No.11963680

I have 5 Iku right here

>> No.11963683

Try 1 devmat recipes: >>11958154

Point taken, but there might still be other reasons for doing 3k recipes that we don't know about.

>> No.11963687

You're a fucking slut magnet

All I get are little girls crowding to me

4 pachu
3 pyon

All within 15 sorties

>> No.11963688

Can you perhaps add in a spare Yukikaze

>> No.11963691

Loli magnet.

>> No.11963704


Why don't you take a seat right over there?

>> No.11963707

Maybe if you didn't call her a slut

>> No.11963708

You know, I probably should've done that. Next time.

>> No.11963711

Who Ashigara here?

>> No.11963719

if this is real the BB is almost assuredly a Scharnhorst-class BB, note the twin triple main guns and the twin-barreled secondaries. Bismarck-class has 4x double turrets and Deutschland-class has no double turrets for its secondaries.

>> No.11963723

It has been around for some time though. Just like the Enterprise one.

>> No.11963725

It's not real, m8.

>> No.11963737

So tomorrow's White Day in Japan. Have you married the shipgirl of your dreams yet? Did you remember to get gifts for your beloved?

>> No.11963748

I'm single, thanks.

>> No.11963752

I will rush taihou down the last 50k aisle tonight if kaga stops fucking stealing the mvp

>> No.11963753

I prepared 100k bauxite, best planes around and a wonderful bed for my waifu. I hope she accepts my feelings and let me end LSC hell.

>> No.11963754
File: 45 KB, 583x904, 1389368306494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup m8

>> No.11963759

Myoukou class is really underrated.

>> No.11963762

Mah Niggas

Ashigara's night battle performance is superb

>> No.11963763

What girls should I level multiple of? CLTs like Ooi and Kitakami?

>> No.11963765

Makigumo, Isuzu, CLTs, Taihou, Yamato/Musashi, Sendai

>> No.11963768

and Kinugasa, Zunship, Maruyu and Naganami.

>> No.11963769

Ooi and KTKM are good for wrecking people using torpedoes.


>> No.11963771
File: 351 KB, 558x668, 1393035886495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the better Ashigara. over Kancolle Ashigara anyday.

>> No.11963773

Yeah. You never know when they might eat a Wo's crit, so it's better to have few spares.

>> No.11963775

Sadly Ashigara is one of the CA that I use as modernization not a long time ago because of space.

>> No.11963777

There are plenty of ashigara in 2-3 and 2-4. It's not too late!

>> No.11963778

You level those for equipment, not permanent use.

>> No.11963784
File: 100 KB, 1000x694, 1392198935666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidoii teitoku!

>> No.11963797
File: 281 KB, 918x650, 1392062549821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who dares make ashigara cry

>> No.11963799
File: 402 KB, 600x800, 1394714528277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it in time before White Day! My fleet and I worked really hard this past week, and today I finally married the terminally autistic girl of my heart!

I think it's very fortunate that the girl I fell in love with was one that's easy to level. Now it's time for us to drown in our daydream delusions together~

>> No.11963803

who the fuck is that

>> No.11963812
File: 166 KB, 1024x1488, 1394054542555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Zuikaku here?

>> No.11963814

Crazy moe is best moe

>> No.11963817

Arpeggio's Ashigara.

>> No.11963824

Friday soon, who hype?

>> No.11963826
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, 1392194786488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best Zuikaku.

>> No.11963829
File: 105 KB, 960x640, 1392194849866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would go fishing with her.

>> No.11963837

I would cook her squid if you know what I mean.

>> No.11963839
File: 43 KB, 183x99, 1394716356682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11963841

Some /a/non asking something, don't mind if I post a reply here instead.

Both methods are fine. If you want to disregard the sub then send your best hitters and go line ahead at the boss node. Take note that any CLTs you send if you use this method will end up targeting the sub in shelling phase and night battle.

If you want to kill the sub you can bring 2 of the 4: Bep (full ASW), Poi (double attack + sonar), PTSD (cut-in, sonar optional), Beaver (cut-in, sonar optional), and go ring formation at boss node. If you have Bep put her in the flagship slot. If you don't have Bep put a Yuubari Kai with full ASW in the flagship slot instead.

All other slots are filler, but make sure to put at least a CA. Maya is preferred since she has the highest AA out of all CAs, which will come in handy when you fight enemy CV(L)s.

>> No.11963883

Maybe it's one expedition quest for each DD and a 3-2 S-Rank win with those for the BB.

>> No.11963900

Maybe it's LSC.

>> No.11963904

please, I don't want to go back to that before Midway is over

>> No.11963911

How significant is the effect of high AA value in ships vs carrier battle?
I thought slapping high-angle guns were enough for most of the time.

>> No.11963912

It won't.

>> No.11963926
File: 749 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140313-22191200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not you, not you

I want sluts, fucking sluts. Not little girls again and again

You don't even give me a sonar, jesus

>> No.11963927

I'm not sure about that, sorry. Too lazy to do the calculatons myself.

You can check it up on the wiki's combat mechanics page though.

>> No.11963931

get used to it m8.

>> No.11963946
File: 193 KB, 800x702, 1391207530224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11963954

funny how her right hand is angled forward but the gun is behind her head, reminds me of penrose stairs

>> No.11963956

Whoa! Too close missy.

>> No.11963965

I'll show you close


>> No.11964013
File: 41 KB, 480x437, fe38d69a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11964035

3 Hiei's and no Kongou or Haruna. Game pls

>> No.11964039

Mikuma. LSC or 5-2? Both sound pretty bad.

>> No.11964040
File: 737 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140313-23445345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fap to you on pixiv as a victorious gesture

>> No.11964044

Gratz, m8. Take good care of her every night.

>> No.11964060

What's the difference, they're both fucking nutjobs with curly hair

>> No.11964064

How many runs?

>> No.11964071

dafuq, 5-4 drop boss node junyuu desu in 2 consecutive sortie run.
to the anons who said she is not a common drop there, DAFUQ?!?

>> No.11964076

she isn't, you're just lucky

>> No.11964085

She's not a boy? Disgusting.

>> No.11964086

I just imagined fighting a boss that had a damekon equipped, it was some horrible thought.

>> No.11964087

Now imagine it's a flagship submarine. Ha!

>> No.11964088

Or Henderson-chan, how horrifying.

>> No.11964095

A seven wide gauge is already like having six damecons, though.

>> No.11964098

Midway E4 boss: Gray Ghost

Has only 150 HP, but must be sunk four times in one battle to break gauge.

>> No.11964099

Lost count, but around 90 buckets over 4 days

Completed everything attainable over at 5-4 bar xena, CAV princess

"The Handsome One" popped most commonly at 7 times, followed by RJ at 5

>> No.11964103

Shit nigga, that gave me chills. How the fuck can you take something like this out?

>> No.11964109

It's fine, just send some aerial support with torpedo bombers, and put 3CLT and a CV into the fleet.

>> No.11964111

04▼The last one
- new golden DD quest reward: Z1 Leberecht Maass (the shota)
- new quest reward: Zuiun(634空) 2 star floatplane
- new usable item: cookie
- new weapons: 38cm rensouhou, 15cm rensoufukuhou, 12.7cm tansouhou
- 1-5: 5 star map

>> No.11964114

And it's all tomorrow? Sheeet nigga, that's a lot. Can you see what the quests are like? And what does cookie do?

>> No.11964115

>new usable item: cookie
And what does it do exactly?

>> No.11964118


>> No.11964119

Will tomorrow the dolls be removed? I'm still undecided..

>> No.11964120

How about 5-5?

>> No.11964121

>38cm rensouhou
Bismarck confirmed.

>> No.11964122


>> No.11964126

Where is she going to drop

>> No.11964129

He can't see ship info, calm down.

>> No.11964132

>15cm rensoufukuhou, 12.7cm tansouhou
Can you give us the kanji for these? I can't find any info about them.

>> No.11964135

5-5, probably.

>> No.11964136

38cm naval cannon
Ouch, I was hoping for 28cms. These would be a major buff to CAs.

>> No.11964138

Could be and the other DD for 1-5 maybe?

>> No.11964139

Jesus not the new map

It looks horrible to farm

>> No.11964140

Yeah, I guess so.

>> No.11964146

look up german naval guns,
15cm and 12.7cm should come with the DDs, 38cm was used on Bismarck-class.

>> No.11964150

>38cm rensouhou
>15cm rensoufukuhou
Many variants, most likely the DD one.
>12.7 tansouhou

>> No.11964157

Well, it's a Zerstörer alright.

>> No.11964166

White day furniture will be better. I already regret wasting my fairy on the dolls.

>> No.11964168

so Z1 is a real cunt destroyer?

>> No.11964169

Welp, no new ship for me until after the event. I already wasted 20k each on the fucking LSC.

>> No.11964170

I'd rather have freebies like the Valentine's chocolate.

>> No.11964171

I hope, I keep waiting for something so nice looking that I will just have to buy it. Still got 3 fairies.

>> No.11964173

>20k each
Too low.

>> No.11964175

11 star map with Wo hp bar? I don't have 30k bauxite for you yet, Bismarck-chan.

>> No.11964179

That map hates CVs, so you can spare it

>> No.11964180

I mean after the event announcement, not in general.

>> No.11964182

That point where 30k bauxite sounds cheap to you after a million LSC tries...

>> No.11964184

I know that feel.

>> No.11964191

considering she was sunk by a german bomber who mistook her for a british ship, will she be an unlucky DD?

>> No.11964216

what am I supposed to do with a shitty Zuiun?

the cookie is 100% just the valentine chocolate equivalent for white day

>> No.11964217

10% chance for your opening plane salvo to turn around and hit her instead of the enemy ships.

>> No.11964227 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 1004x548, 5-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what fleet comp for farming?

>> No.11964230

1 Airfield Hime, 1 Senkanseiki, 2 Wos, 1 Ta and 1 Yo

>> No.11964233

1BB, 1CV, 2CA, 2CLT. Refresh if east.
2 CL, 2CLT, 2SS, and pray. Refresh if south.

>> No.11964238

>CVB Hime
>4 flag Wo
>flag CVL
There's no hope.

>> No.11964254

5 subs with support fleet, refresh if south.

Post-clear would be 1 CV (3 Reppus 1 Suisei 12A), 2 CAs (Maya with 2 20.3s, 1 sanshiki, 1 AA radar), 1 BB (2 46cms, 1 sanshiki, 1 AA radar), 2 CLTs (2 sonars 1 midget sub each), ring formation at boss node. Refresh if redirected away from boss node.

>> No.11964259

Actually, screw that. Just 5 subs with support fleets anyway. Yeah, fleets. One to exped 33, one to exped 34. A rank still isn't too bad I'd say.

>> No.11964267

But what if we need S for Bismarck-chan.

>> No.11964280

Even after clear there's still a 2/3 chance of not getting the troll sub. Assuming no compass trolling and not having to F5 (hopefully support shows up for ASW node), there's still a 1/3 chance of getting a nice fleet setup for the boss node that I can S rank with night battle.

>> No.11964281

Farming is less effective than 5-4 with S-rank because there's a random starting point and a gold Yo screwing everything up. Bringing Yuubari and support shelling could solve the problem, but the survival rate of your fleet and resource drain would hurt a lot. Seriously, who thought this is a good idea?

>> No.11964282

Meant to quote >>11964267

>> No.11964298

>Farming is less effective than 5-4
No shit, Sherlock.

That's a standard Kancolle map I'm seeing, maps that hold rare drops like event maps, 3-4, 4-4 and 5-2/5-3 can be cruel.

>> No.11964304

Too used to 5-4 being easy, eh, aren't you?

If the foreign-chans drop at 5-5 boss node we're going to have to farm for them, like it or not.

And assuming the above, I doubt the DDs wouldn't drop at A rank so even A rank is not a total loss.

>> No.11964305

I couldn't find a place where you can download or listen to all or most of the voice clips from the game. Is there one?

>> No.11964309


>> No.11964318

I only have 3 ships above level 40. I think I'm fugged for the event.

>> No.11964324

Events are usually made to be suitable for both new and experienced admirals, you can probably do E1-3 at the very least.

You may even end up clearing the event, since the Fall event was cleared by a couple of admirals who joined after it started, but don't count on it. Events are frustrating and the ships they yield can be later gotten from much less dangerous avenues, so it's better not to risk your daughters.

That said, nothing endears your ship girls to you like clearing a difficult event map with them after days of struggling. It's times like this that make you care for your ships.

>> No.11964327

I couldn't find the voice clips too. It'd be nice if people would put the links in the OP instead of letting us waste our time searching for it.

>> No.11964329

read the fucking OP

>> No.11964330

The maps you mentioned except for 5-3 are giveaways. Here, I have to use my main fleet and pray that I wouldn't get hit by random cut-ins in the Night Battle node, not to mention my CV will be a target practice. It's just no fun at all.

This map is like a prelude of what's going to happen in April Event, which makes me frustrated for some reason. I doubt that I would even bother to use trophy German ships, and they'll be like another clog in my limited slot. Are they worth getting at all? Maybe not.

>> No.11964332

People are still falling for that pic?

>> No.11964336

Yes, we are.

>> No.11964337

do you even sarcasm?

>> No.11964341

There's more to difficulty than "random cut-ins in the Night Battle node", like compass fuckery.

>> No.11964343

Not him, but we don't.

>> No.11964345
File: 419 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140313-14390615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally made it back to the boss node in 2-4 but I'm not doing so well, last time I got a C ranking. I snagged this pic right before the window closed. My flagship Shokaku is at 54/62 HP, the bottom-most enemy ship is sunk. Should I risk the night battle or is this enough for a B ranking?

>> No.11964349

Unless you advanced on red, you're not risking anything.

>> No.11964353

I would recommend it but seeing that you have 2 CV in your top positions.

Enjoy that 2 free attacks.

>> No.11964359

Just do it.

>> No.11964360

You're gonna bucket them anyway.

>> No.11964361

Did we hit a new level of stupid somewhere?
inb4 when I started posting.

>> No.11964362

Who cares if you'll lose Akagi, go for it m8.

>> No.11964364

No, just run away for now. Enjoy your D rank.

>> No.11964367
File: 387 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140313-14491916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, finally vanquished. Haruna so clutch.

>> No.11964368

>inb4 when I started posting.

>> No.11964369

Wo pls.

>> No.11964371

Congratulations, you are a man now.

Don't listen to these little girls telling you to do it with subs.

>> No.11964373

Congrats Zikade now go to world 3!

>> No.11964375

Wo is best strategist, he won you see?

>> No.11964377

Congrats on unlocking the lower circles of hell.

>> No.11964380

Congrats on finishing the tutorial.

>> No.11964381

Please teach me more of your Wo ways, Wo.

>> No.11964382

You didn't even follow the links. There isn't everything I'm looking for.

I just want to find the voice clips so I don't have to play the rest of the game for months on end and do something else in that time instead.

>> No.11964383

Always go ahead, no matter what.

>> No.11964384

1. We had idiots here before who asked the very same question you two did, and in all seriousness. Being sarcastic will not work here.
2. "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."


>> No.11964388

Heh, a true man clears 2-4 without a BB(V) or a sub. Such as yours truly.

>> No.11964391

He referring to the guy that posted the screenshot and asking whether to go for nightbattle or not, you dolt.

>> No.11964393

Well shit, need sleep.

>> No.11964414

Wasn't he the same guy >>11964332 which was posted before the screenshot.

>> No.11964491 [DELETED] 

Can I shitpost yet

>> No.11964496

Maintenance in 3 hours

>> No.11964498


Wait till maint begins.

>> No.11964499

We're back! Thank god.

>> No.11964514

Fuck, that's like right before my 48 hour comes back.

>> No.11964520

Just don't forget to leave the quest on.

>> No.11964521

My long-sub expeditions aren't done yet

I hope only the DD is tied to the expeditions and I can get the BB from the new map or something

>> No.11964526
File: 372 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140313-11570652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! FINALLY! Almost got to the 50th try mark... Finally got Hiryuu before this one too. Now I can suffer trying to get Yamato. Kinda wish Zuikaku and Zuihou came out of it too...

Standard 4/2/5/5.2/20.

>> No.11964530

I got three Zuikaku and still no Taihou, wanna trade?

>> No.11964531
File: 20 KB, 393x148, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 30 daily, first time happening this, isn't she kind of rare?

>> No.11964532

You almost made me waste my bauxite. Thank god I don't have enough devmats.

>> No.11964535

Nah that's Ooi.

>> No.11964541

Not at all. Ooi is kind of rare.

Doesn't stop Kitakami from being the best combat ship in the game though.

>> No.11964550

read the wiki

>> No.11964554


I too wished for a zuihou, but got taihou first. Hoping to get to 5-4 in due time and maybe find her.

>> No.11964560

Nah, I need to save bauxite. As you can see, I'm pretty low on it.

I wish you luck when you get enough dev mats, it's been a tough journey.

>> No.11964577

I thought I had some great luck with the 2 exp30 quest, in that it started with 50% after my previous exp30 quest finished. But finishing it still kept me at 50% and I'll actually have to do the second trip.

>> No.11964581
File: 37 KB, 458x107, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I don't even disappointed

>> No.11964586

grats man. easy 50 steel refund

>> No.11964597

You should never do jealousy crafts, anon.

>> No.11964639

I started listening to the voice clips and I was baffled about how few of the voices actually fit for the characters.
I mean, if I see a picture of a super energetic looking little girl then I don't want her to sound like she is half asleep...

The seiyuu are good but badly placed for their roles. I think anime and VNs are where they really belong to.

Anyway, I'll keep grinding through every single line of the voice clips so I'm done with the game and can spend more time learning things.
If you can name me some of the better fitting voices then let me know if you want.

>> No.11964655

Iku's VA is spot on.

>> No.11964664

>I mean, if I see a picture of a super energetic looking little girl then I don't want her to sound like she is half asleep...

Shut up that's cute

>> No.11964677

I went Iku when I heard Iku's voice for the first time.


>> No.11964682

I almost died of a heart attack after her Wedding line.

>> No.11964714

It's more than likely that the seiyuu were told what kind of voice to give them.

>> No.11964742

sadly this actress didn't get a chance to cast a heroine recently. it will be nice if kancolle makes her famous so that we can see her in more anime.

>> No.11964748
File: 13 KB, 144x45, barrellsbulletsmetalandcopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than an hour for a big patch, post them.

>> No.11964751

No one is impressed by your scripting, faggot.

>> No.11964754

That's nice, but I didn't script, and you should learn how to post without relying on ad hominems.

>> No.11964755

It' not that much.

>> No.11964761
File: 8 KB, 190x84, 2014-03-14 01-55-29.986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

res bragging?
res bragging

>> No.11964762

>ad hominems

Anon, I don't believe you're actually using this term correctly.

>> No.11964764

scripting are for pussies. true men get their resources in expeditions and sorties.

>> No.11964767

Google it.

>> No.11964770

Guy who just got Taihou. My friend who got Taihou in under 5 tries just got Yamato in less than 10. How should I murder him?

>> No.11964773

Ask your blog.

>> No.11964774


>> No.11964777
File: 16 KB, 153x69, rss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about that.

>> No.11964779

Tie both of his feet together and throw him in a lake. You can watch him struggle for awhile before he drowns.

>> No.11964783

I hope you have luck on your side if you want a day 1 shota.

>> No.11964785

"Ad hominem" is a logical fallacy in an argument. It does not mean, "an insult". It only applies if the speaker is attempting to make a logical argument in the first place.

>> No.11964786

Suck all the luck out of him.

>> No.11964789

Who would want a shota?

>> No.11964791

He tried to use an insult as his argument, that's an ad hominem.

>> No.11964792

I know how you feel, my friend got Yamato in under 10 tries, then gets Taihou in 3 tries and he still complains about how he lost so many resources crafting them.

>> No.11964795

The people who know that she's actually a qt girl.

>> No.11964800

In his defense, normie, even one yamato try is wasted resources.

>> No.11964802

It's more like a rudely stated personal opinion. An argument generally attempts to sway an opinion one way or another on a specific topic. "Get rekt faget" and the like are more like rudely stated personal opinions rather than arguments, as they're not trying to actually engage the topic in any manner.

>> No.11964814

There isn't much of a difference between replying with "You're a gigantic flaming turd" and replying with "I don't think you are in any place to argue this because you're gigantic flaming turd."

Unprovoked personal insults during arguments should probably quality as ad hominems, unless you're Akebono or something.

>> No.11964819

what do you think people are doing when they script? Make res appear out of thin air?

>> No.11964820

there's a world of difference between the two: one's an insult and the other is a logical fallacy.

>> No.11964821

Pretty much how it works, non scripters make res appear with their mouse, scripters come back from being normies and have a bunch of new resources appear from thin air.

>> No.11964822

You're a gigantic flaming turd.

>> No.11964824

That's nice but you should learn how to post without relying on ad hominems.

>> No.11964825

Well, this all depends if the initial statement that the insult was directed at was attempting to create an argument in the first place. Replying with "Because you suck cocks." to "Why is Kaga the best carrier?" would be an ad hominem, as it attempts to attack the speaker rather than address the topic at hand. However, a post like "Post your resources." isn't establishing an argument or a debate in the first place, it's simply a request. As such, an insult as a reply, while rude, is not fallacious.

A similar exchange often seen is a request for information being responded to with an insult and a demand for the poster to check the wiki, or for a request for a source to a picture being given an outright lie as a response.

>> No.11964826 [SPOILER] 
File: 462 KB, 565x800, 1394754646751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11964828

>ad hominems

Anon, I don't believe you're actually using this term correctly.

>> No.11964829

I play more than you do and script, where is your god now

>> No.11964833

I doubt that, kuugen.

>> No.11964834

you play more than 16 hours a day?
I doubt /that/

>> No.11964835

Well, that original post does claim that the faggot up there had been scripting. So clearly there is some type of argument in there.

>> No.11964836

Come on, scripting? That's not much.

>> No.11964837

I do, actually, I sleep for 6 hours, shower and lunch(30mins), 8 hours later eat dinner (10-30mins) rest is 24/7 2-3 and expeditions.

>> No.11964838

very believable

>> No.11964840 [DELETED] 

And I care what you think why, german hamburglar?

>> No.11964844

The logical fallacy here would actually be the lack of a proof for such an accusation. To accuse someone of scripting is one thing, but the evidence does not add up. First, the actual resources of the poster were far below the level that most scripters post. Second, most scripters are unrepentant and proudly state their fondness for scripting as much as possible in an attempt to elicit an angered response. As such, the accusation of scripting seems to be unsubstantiated. Said poster's faggotry or non-faggotry would have no bearing on whether he is a scripter or not, and what little we can tell seems to suggest that he is not a scripter.

>> No.11964845

Not him but that's pretty much my schedule

>> No.11964847 [DELETED] 

I love it when people try to backpedal like that
If they didn't care they wouldn't respond at all

>> No.11964849 [DELETED] 

You guys are fucking autistic. And not the good kind of autistic that we all know and love, but the shit kind that ruins everything it touches.

>> No.11964853 [DELETED] 

Welcome to /jp/, I hope you've enjoyed your first time here.

>> No.11964855 [DELETED] 

Tell that to people who brags about cheating, that's a whole new level of pathetic.

>> No.11964857 [DELETED] 

people who whine about cheating are even worse

>> No.11964858 [DELETED] 

No not really, if you read their conversation person A says he plays more, person B says he does, explains his schedule, person A says he doesn't believe it and person B says he doesn't care if he's believed or not (presumably because it doesn't make a difference to his schedule if some random person believes it exists or not) i didn't see any backpedaling there, maybe learn to read.

>> No.11964859

/jp/ - logical fallacies and reading comprehension

>> No.11964860 [DELETED] 

The only reason people actually visit /jp/ for anything despite the endless autism is because it's usually the non-completely-retarded kind.

>> No.11964861

Jesus christ, that's the 21st Imuya drop from 2-3. It feels so wrong to use them as food, damn.

>> No.11964864 [DELETED] 

How so?

>> No.11964865

15 minutes till maintenance, time to send your long expeditions.

>> No.11964866 [DELETED] 

9/10 cases they would also cheat if they knew how or were sure they couldn't get caught
9/10 are thus hypocrites

>> No.11964867
File: 451 KB, 1264x900, shimabutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11964868 [DELETED] 

If you don't know how to refresh cheat you're too stupid to breathe air, but some people don't.

>> No.11964870 [DELETED] 

That's spewing even more absurd bullshit and using it as argument, you are retarded and a cunt.

>> No.11964872 [DELETED] 

you sound like I hit a nerve
with a pickaxe
the nerve of being called out on your hypocrisy bullshit

>> No.11964873 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 141x63, 1394761805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, comrade.

Don't assume everyone is morally corrupt as you do.
well, at least you use 9/10 instead of 99%

>> No.11964874 [DELETED] 

No, I sound like you are obnoxiously wrong and childish, maybe you should go back to kindergarten and learn the basics of logic.

>> No.11964875 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that replying to shiposters like Kuugen is a bannable offense.

>> No.11964877 [DELETED] 

Kuugen just sits there and laughs the madman she is when someone takes bait and then someone else jumps into the argument and takes it from there

>> No.11964886

Kuugen can just evade endlessly so banning her at most shuts her up for five minutes

>> No.11964889

If you faggots just stopped replying she'd go the way of Mike or whatever that faggot was called.

>> No.11964897 [DELETED] 

Kuugen knows too well what riles people up
It's her business

>> No.11964898

And the maintenance started (Palau server)

>> No.11964901
File: 1.09 MB, 799x960, 5-3 2hard4me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'll beat 5-3, but not today.

>> No.11964902

Are you a masochist? Where are your top 5?

>> No.11964907

You should probably use a fleet that ignores the sub if that's the most damage you can do to it.

>> No.11964908

that's the start of your true hell mate, goodluck to you and to your ships.

>> No.11964915

Not leveled except Hibiki.

The hime crit my dedicated ASW to red with the first blow.

Thank you. I'll need it.

>> No.11964920

Then fucking get them, retard. No wonder you're all red, you're using the worst ships around.

>> No.11964930
File: 449 KB, 4760x3104, 1381339581216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11964931

The last thirty levels all seem about the same to me, there are some higher-level ships not shown because they were being repaired. I have brought Yukikaze before but she doesn't do that much better than the rest.

>> No.11964933

Except that this is RNG simulator, where user influence is miniscule.

>> No.11964940

Is it server maintenance now??

>> No.11964941
File: 495 KB, 1936x1056, s2s (2014-03-02 at 06.19.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why on earth are you using Mutsuki class?

You're never going to complete 5-3 with just those. Get some actual firepower. In my attempts I chose to completely ignore the trollsub and go 2BB (Kongous) 2CA (Takao class) and 2 DDs (yukikaze/shigure)

it was hell on resource and buckets but I pushed through and cleared it anyway.

>> No.11964942

No, you're banne-
yes it's maintenance, follow the goddamn twitter already

>> No.11964944 [DELETED] 

It's shitposting time.

>> No.11964946

I respect your ship choices, gud luk nig.

>> No.11964949

It'll be easier for you to turn off your brain while doing 5-3. Really helps to deal with the frustration.

Just be careful so that your ship don't get sunk ``accidentally".

>> No.11964966

All the more reason to just go with who you like.

>> No.11964968

You can like girls without putting them to danger for no reason.

>> No.11964970
File: 136 KB, 280x280, 6cI2FTsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11964977

Where's the penis?

>> No.11964982

it's a different girl tho.. and fuck your penis fetish lol

>> No.11964983

Maintenance, huh. It's a good thing once in a while.
>No pants
Just what you'd expect from Shimada.

>> No.11964985

That's the second boat. We don't know what his/her face looks like yet.

>> No.11964991

If Leberecht has the same outfit, then I'm sold. I don't care if it's a boy or not.

>> No.11964996


More Fumikane? Delicious.

>> No.11964999


Yukikaze go home
You are in the wrong nation

>> No.11965052

Fucking shit, I woke up too late and there's a fucking maintenance. I need my dose.

>> No.11965104

Incoming update notes.

>> No.11965120

Even goya has one, where the hell is his penis?
Could someone shoop one into the pics?

>> No.11965131
File: 89 KB, 510x799, 1389247758495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel Kishida ship when?

>> No.11965135
File: 206 KB, 397x837, 1394765059003[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nips made a bunch of edits.

>> No.11965138

A little early, isn't it? They usually give notes when they're finished.

>> No.11965142



>> No.11965144

Question answered here. >>11965142

>> No.11965145

inb4 those are required for night battle

>> No.11965150

Oh man, I really love his designs. Would be nice to see a ship from him.

>> No.11965152


As mentioned by m.

>> No.11965154

Nice one

>> No.11965164

Oh boy Oh boy Oh boy

>> No.11965168

Don't get yourself too excited, the new BB is going to be LSC only. I hope you already got Yamato.

>> No.11965169

>I hope you already got Yamato
Not like this fact would stop him from getting another Yamato.

>> No.11965174

It wouldn't stop him, sure, but it will probably lower his chances of getting a specific ship.

>> No.11965177


New expeditions
Most likely the one that's needed for foreign ship quest.
inb4 3-day full-SS quest

>> No.11965178


>> No.11965180

I already have Yamato.

>> No.11965186

That explains what the new stats are for

>> No.11965192

Explain, please.

>> No.11965200

01 ▼ [new equipment] additional implementation
"Auspicious clouds (six hundred thirty-four empty)" "ninety-seven KanOsamu (nine hundred thirty-one empty)", "Tianshan (nine hundred thirty-one empty)"
And "auspicious clouds type 12" will be added new implementation.
※ We will become available on a monthly basis, such as mission strategy.

>> No.11965202

New stats for those planes?

>> No.11965206

well that 空(sora) means some like "air force", not "empty" for sure.

>> No.11965210


Seems to be squadron-specific plane. Probably have better stats than 'normal' one.

>> No.11965214

ワンオフ(特別任務) × 4種類追加実装
デイリー(週間任務) × 2種類追加実装

New one-time quests x4, daily x2

>> No.11965215

A dedicated ASW Air Group?

>> No.11965221

Yep. Looks like they belonged to the 931st Kokutai. Though they mostly flew B5Ns and were tasked mostly with convoy escort missions, flying from CVEs. Unless this is a different air group or they could have transitioned to newer aircraft such as the B6N and the Zuiun

>> No.11965223

/a/ says it's the Tirpitz

>> No.11965224

Are the servers down or something? Can't log in ;_:

Hope I'm not ban.

>> No.11965228

maint you dumbnuts.

>> No.11965230

Shouldn't have scripted, friend.

>> No.11965232

Fuck off, disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.11965234

Do those guns on the artwork look like battleship grade guns to you?

>> No.11965239

How many specialized air squadron IJN had? I can see each squadron will have their own plane in the game.

>> No.11965245

38cm ? 100% Bismarck.

>> No.11965256

05▼Extra Operation:新海域【#1-5】実装
新海域【#1-5】「鎮守府近海対潜哨戒」が実装されます。本作戦は【Extra Operation】仕様(※後述)となっています。本海域はその難易度/ドロップ内容がゲーム進捗によって変化します。(続きます)

Finally they bring game mech from Christmas event to normal maps

>> No.11965259

Was about to say that. It seems they liked this thing.

>> No.11965262

There were a lot of them and doesn't only cover carrier-based groups but also land-based groups as well. The only notable air group I know is the 343rd Kokutai, an elite unit which mostly operated N1K2-Js.

>> No.11965265

06▼Extra Operation:新海域【#1-5】実装(続き)

So this will be sub farming spot.

>> No.11965266

ASW based map? Now I can see why units such as the 931st plus Zuiuns and B6Ns were mentioned since they were mostly used on escort duties which includes ASW patrols.

>> No.11965274

Not to mention the appearance of 2 × Quadruple torpedo tubes.
Unless this is a pre-dreadnought ship.

what makes me wonder is the Zuiun of the 634th, is there any notable improvement over the regular Zuiun?

>> No.11965281

Sub farming? Which ones?

>> No.11965282

Better fairies?

>> No.11965285


>> No.11965287

I'm pretty sure the second artwork is the other destroyer.
As for the Zuiun, they just improved the engine that never went past production stage. Other than that it killed a couple of pilots training in it.

>> No.11965289

how in the world did you get that many resources? I'm just barely breaking through 30k resources.

>> No.11965291

No more Imuya, please.

>> No.11965292

The Tirpitz had two 2 quadruple torpedo tubes, one on each side.
In fact, that's the reason why >>11965154
is 100% the Bismark, a torpedo BB would be too OP.
That said, there is no new torpedo equipment listed right? That means they are gonna use the same torpedo items for the DDs.

>> No.11965293

why are we getting disgusting boy? do not want.

>> No.11965294

06▼Extra Operation について
新実装される【#1-5】などの【Extra Operation】仕様の海域には海域敵戦力ゲージが設定(時間回復しません)され、これを漸減/撃滅することで、制圧が可能です。同制圧成功で【勲章】が1つ贈呈されます。(続きます)

So that's what the medal is for.

>> No.11965296

Interesting that medal.

>> No.11965303
File: 26 KB, 235x326, Z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cute boy

>> No.11965308


>> No.11965311

10/10, will marry.

>> No.11965314


Not a boy. It's a boyish looking girl wearing no pants.

>> No.11965315

I'm out.
Fucking Nazis

>> No.11965317

My frankfurt, god.
Also, Medal once every month.

>> No.11965319

Why isn't your dedicated ASWer in the flagship slot?

>> No.11965321

Confirmed for same class

>> No.11965324


>> No.11965328

Goddamn it Raeder, you couldn't afford pants?

>> No.11965329

07▼Extra Operation について(続き)
【勲章】は資源等に替えることも出来ますが、数を揃えるといいことあるかも!【Extra Operation】仕様海域の敵戦力は月単位で復活します。※月初に海域敵戦力ゲージが復活し、再制圧が可能です。(続きます)

This will be regular monthly boss that needs to be defeated, then we'll get the medal as reward? Now this is interesting

>> No.11965330

It's a witch.

>> No.11965333

08▼Extra Operation について(続き)
【Extra Operation】仕様海域は、ゲーム進行上無理に攻略しなくてはいけない海域ではありません。各海域とも4つ目の海域を攻略すれば、次の攻略海域への進攻が可能となります。この点…ご留意頂けますと幸いです。

And we'll get that for every area? Sweet.

>> No.11965336

>needing "actual firepower" to clear 5-3
I got my first four kills using Mochizuki, Inazuma, Hibiki (not Bep yet), Poi, PTSD, and Beaver; that included 3 kills in my first 3 tries, one being an S rank.

Final kill I did replace Mochizuki with Yuubari because 1 sonar per ship doesn't cut it against the Yo like it did against the Ka, but I didn't want to give up a double attack either.

I stopped watching the preboss battles early on, way easier on one's sanity that way.

>> No.11965337
File: 15 KB, 415x358, WitchKing.6.30.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of Humikane the Witch King

>> No.11965338

Using the souls of the 634th?
Too bad i don't have Ise or Hyuuga, it would make a lovely reunion.

>Hitler ordered a Court of Inquiry to be convened to investigate the cause of the losses and it concluded that both ships that been sunk by bombs from the He 111.
>The Kriegsmarine had failed to notify its destroyers that the Luftwaffe was making anti-shipping patrols at that time and had also failed to inform the Luftwaffe that its destroyers would be at sea.
Now i know why the kancolle devs pick this ship.
Glad to know the incompetence is not an IJN-specific trait.

>> No.11965341 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 850x1204, 6758646547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965347

09▼Extra Operation:新海域【#5-5】実装
新海域【#5-5】「第二次サーモン海戦」が実装されます。本作戦は【Extra Operation】仕様となっています。羅針盤以外では、現全通常海域の中で最凶の敵艦隊群との交戦が予想される海域です。(続きます)

>> No.11965348

We'll be fucked.

>> No.11965350


>it is waters engagement with the enemy fleet group of the most evil is expected in all of the current normal waters.

>of the most evil

No google, I don't like it.

>> No.11965358

10▼Extra Operation:新海域【#5-5】実装(続き)

Oh boy.

>> No.11965360

re-class, huh?

>> No.11965361

I'm guessing you need to beat 5-5 to unlock extra operation?

>> No.11965362

Re from レイテ

>> No.11965368

Map x-5 is the one that's Extra Operation. From what I perceive it'll be something that needs to be regularly cleared.

>> No.11965372
File: 50 KB, 747x403, Maas-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's ready for some Kraut ships?

>> No.11965373

We are getting two typr 1934 and Bismarck

>> No.11965374

Well there's the re-class. Wonder what kinda ship the so-class will be.

>> No.11965377
File: 497 KB, 848x1200, 1387642257063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake me up when we get USS Enterprise.

>> No.11965379

enjoy your eternal sleep man

>> No.11965382

>American ship
>not skinned like a Native American
My bet is a bazooka.

>> No.11965384

Looks like atago without hat and with a bow

>> No.11965396

11▼Extra Operationの補足
新規実装される【Extra Operation】仕様海域の攻略は、ゲーム進行に必須ではありません。また、同海域の敵艦隊の布陣・航路条件等は、今後変更される場合があります。予めご留意・ご了承頂けますと幸いです。


>> No.11965402

Good thing I did all of those submarine operation quests.

>> No.11965405

Yup, it's girl.

>> No.11965409

What'd I say before? I said it was a boyish looking girl wearing no pants.

Shotacons: 0

>> No.11965411

Am I in vain hoping for some USN lolis instead of Mega Milk blonde sluts for Carrier's and BB's?

>> No.11965413

Mogami will be lonely again

>> No.11965417

I doubt they'll alter the Destroyer loli (or at least young) image. Z-1 at least is a promising sign.

>> No.11965418

Were there actually faggots hoping it's a boy? DMM and Kadokawa would rather make Ikemen Collection for fujoshits than pandering to shotashits.

>> No.11965421


Max Schultz, normal craftable.

>> No.11965423

What could they mean "normal craftable.. under certain condition" ? Just having unlocked Z1 as the condition?

>> No.11965428


>it was a boyish looking girl
>Mogami will be lonely again

I don't get it, the whole joke is that Mogami is like a boy, what's different?

>> No.11965431

Trying to check Pixiv if there's artwork of her already, but no luck. Looks like the elevens aren't as excited about Maas-chan as us.

>> No.11965434

But Mogami isn't like a boy, He is a boy.

>> No.11965436

Still a boy in my heart and in my pants.

>> No.11965437

Do you really expect people to rush home on a workday just to draw a new ship in one hour?

>> No.11965438


>> No.11965440

If you want something drawn you gotta draw it yourself.

>> No.11965442

I bet you guys believe that ships could sink at orange as well, huh.

Past experiences has taught us not to trust the kancolle devs.

>> No.11965443

But that's what happened with 2hu? And considering this is the "2hu killer" of the month...

>> No.11965444

Anon pls, Mogami is a girl.

>> No.11965448

It would be the Big Bang in /jp/ when the day comes ZUN is to draw one of their ships.

>> No.11965450

But girls don't have dicks.

Check mate, athiest.

>> No.11965451


Nagato-tier, huh?

>> No.11965452

We got Bismarck, boys.

>> No.11965453

Right after I thought I was done
Y-you too, devs... ;_;

>> No.11965454


And you fags says it can't be done

>> No.11965456


Fuck, she'll be on LSC too.

I don't want to go back.

>> No.11965457

Alas, my resources, I knew you well.

>> No.11965458


>> No.11965459

Mogami doesn't have a dick.

>> No.11965460

Maybe if it's ZUN from 10 years ago. ZUN's current designs are a total joke.

>> No.11965461

>Nagato-tier, huh?
Fuck, misread the tweet. LSC-exclusive, so Taihou-tier.

>> No.11965462

Now's the part where I laugh at everyone who wanted to get Yamato before Musashi was added.

>> No.11965464

You can't get away. Never.

>> No.11965465

Bismarck Kai-2? Bismarck Kai-2.

>> No.11965466


>> No.11965474

joke's on you i've done jack shit for LSC so the whole thing is just going to be one big candy jar

>> No.11965478

Mr. Bones' Wild Ride never ends.

>> No.11965479

If by "big candy jar" you mean "bottomless pit of despair", then sure.

>> No.11965480

Will they plan on Chinese or other Asian fleets or would they rather not open a can of worms?

>> No.11965483

I've done a lot of LSC but with nothing to show for it before, so for me it's also going to be one big candy jar. Full of needles and barbed wires. And the candies are actually nails. The jar's walls are full of spikes as well.

>> No.11965484

This shit makes me sick.

>> No.11965490

No use keeping my 200k of each resource, time to level Bismarck to 99 by next week.

>> No.11965493


B-But what about midway?

>> No.11965495

what now? do I dump another 100k into LSC just to get Bismarck kai2?
I am not looking forward to getting a duplicate yamato.

>> No.11965498

LSC: you're here forever, FOREVER.

>> No.11965500

I'll have you know there's an M&M at the bottom of the jar. Start digging, Admiral. And viel Gluck.

>> No.11965505

Midway is a joke. Don't believe in it. I'm telling you

>> No.11965510

by the way is yayoi rare? i accidentally crafted her earlier today.

>> No.11965511

There were a few Chinese cruisers that the IJN sank and later refloated for use in WW2. One of them survived the war.

Expect them to come with damecons (and be farmed for them too, because they're otherwise quite useless).

>> No.11965513

Even lower than Yuubari.

>> No.11965515

None of them are except for LSC ships and Hatsukaze

>> No.11965516

Not at all.

>> No.11965520

Yayoi can be crafted with all 30, but otherwise she only drops from boss nodes' certain maps.

I myself crafted her within 8 all-30 attempts. I think my 6th?

>> No.11965521

thanks dudes

>> No.11965553


Defense up for bulges & some graphic fixes.

>> No.11965558

I don't think they directly stated ship will sunk at orange, only that "they are at risk" which considering that they start to get penalty there, is the truth

>> No.11965561



>> No.11965564

There was no dream, anon.

It was always a nightmare.

>> No.11965565

Why didn't they add Musashi? not enough suffering to get Bismarck.

>> No.11965566


Yamato-class seaplane stock equipment is now craftable.

>> No.11965569
File: 32 KB, 622x568, 1389630812399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Ride Never Ends!

>> No.11965571

We should found no-Bismarck club beforehand.

>> No.11965576
File: 83 KB, 1000x1000, 1389976357479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this reality? I'm just dreaming right?

Heh... Hehe... When I wake up everything will be alright!

>> No.11965574
File: 39 KB, 427x442, 1337335311913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it this way. In the time it takes us poorfags to get our resources back up, surely someone would have found a decent recipe for Bismarck.

>> No.11965578

LSC club is now open guys! Get in ;_;

>> No.11965580
File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, 39196170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like you need that many resources for Midway anyway guys!

>> No.11965583

I don't know why you guys are worrying. It's not like Bismarck is going to be necessary for event clearing or whatever. Just wait it out till May like unlucky teitokus without Taihou/Yamato did.

>> No.11965584

I don't get why anyone would do that. My baseline is set at 10k.

>> No.11965586
File: 4 KB, 285x214, 1388581950613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LSC for the new ships

Ha ha ha fucking fuck this shit, maybe I should retire as an admiral and retreat to the mountains to be a farmer again.

>> No.11965588

Just first crafted bismarck-chan, already out of LSC hell again. That was faster than last time.

>> No.11965589


>set at 10k

The best baseline is your resource cap.

>> No.11965591

It's only the BB though.

>> No.11965593

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.11965594
File: 202 KB, 720x402, You are too paranoid..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about Midway admirals!

>> No.11965598

But if you are above your resource cap, you don't benefit from natural regeneration!

>> No.11965599

No Taihou and Bismarck club where?

>> No.11965600

Wow, I didn't know that we have a lot of admirals stuck in poverty right now.

Including me. ;_;

>> No.11965601

Everyone has Taihou already.

>> No.11965605

Y-yeah, fuck you.

>> No.11965606

【Extra Operation】仕様海域を制圧すると、海域制圧の「経験値入手」とは別に、「戦果」が一定数ボーナス加算されます。

>> No.11965607

I don't.

>> No.11965608

Yeah, Taihou is a pretty common drop in LSC.

>> No.11965611

Uhh, I guess we have to turn our clocks to the future? Still got the maint message.

>> No.11965613

>damage control
people actually use that?

>> No.11965616

I wonder, do the devs actually know how excruciating and stressfull LSC is? I bet they've never tested it out, days after days scrounging up resources only to see misses after misses, and they actually think it's easy or something.

>> No.11965617

what if Bismarck is 100% craft rate with both z1 and z3 in your fleet?

>> No.11965615

Read the twitter. You still have an hour.

>> No.11965621

>days after days scrounging up resources
It only takes like a day, 1.5 max to get enough resources and dev mats for anything you could possibly want. Working a day and missing is still bad, but you're over-dramatizing it.

>> No.11965622

If LSC was any easier, everyone would've gotten the sought after ships and then no one will bother crafting forever.

>> No.11965623

Maybe if they knew they'd make the chance higher oh who I am kidding they're sadists.

>> No.11965628

LSC was clearly meant as a way to give a purpose to the huge stockpiles that some people have amassed. It is far from mandatory. If you don't have it, don't do it.

>> No.11965629

How are you getting 5000+ bauxite in a single day, tell me your secrets.

>> No.11965630

I'm sure they know and that's why they do it. It encourages people to play the game all day and spend money for resources.

>> No.11965631

Gathering up resources every day for a failure craft for months is not good to my sanity.

>> No.11965640


I hereby propose this as the official theme song of the LSC despair club.

>> No.11965643

But that's what I'm saying d00d. I guess I worded it poorly, but I mean gathering resources just to see a failure every day or two.

The problem is introducing an LSC ship right before an event. I bet the devs thought it's a good idea and everyone can get the ship in 1-2 tries. Or they fully know and they're just assholes.

>> No.11965644

I never said it was fun, but it's certainly doable.

Expedition 6, anon. This, quests, and daily regen you can snag about 2000-3000 a day, depending if you can be bothered to sparkle a 40 minute expedition,.

>> No.11965645

Why do you guys want Taihou so badly anyway? Stats? Character? Completionism?

>> No.11965646


Finally part about White Day.

>> No.11965647

All of this and for Midway purposes.

>> No.11965650

For an allmin, sure. For a Yamato/Taihou craft... yeah nah you're a cunt m80. Even 24 hour scripted perfect time expedition 6 doesn't get you more than ~3k, quests for another few hundred, and if you actually want other resources to go up as fast (or faster ammo especially for BB crafts) you have to run other expeditions.

Every other day is perfectly realistic for people who do expeditions a lot though. Then you run into devkit issues, and expeditioning for them takes away from other gains...

And all of that is assuming you don't sortie at all. For people grinding 5-4-F there are non-trivial fuel/ammo costs that cut severely into theoretical profits, and if you use 1CV there may be relatively minor baux costs as well.

>> No.11965653

It's not that hard if you're a NEET or a scriptfag. 6 and 11/35 exp all day.

>> No.11965654

I wonder what would be a good recipe for Bismarck.

>> No.11965656

I really only want Taihou because my sister got her, so I want her too. (jealousy)

>> No.11965658


So, resources & Mamiya ice cream.

>> No.11965659

Probably the exact same one for Yamato. She'll likely be in the same class of rarity and it's not like there were miracle recipes for single ships back in regular crafting. Unless you believed in the Nagato recipe or something.

>> No.11965662

And that's it. Anyone can get in now?

>> No.11965664
File: 96 KB, 600x600, 1393541183548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new ships are LSC exclusive
It's time.

>> No.11965670

Only the BB.

>> No.11965675

They said the exact opposite, that there's a slight delay but they expect to be done at the scheduled time.

>> No.11965678 [DELETED] 

hey guys, i'm a mod over at reddit/r/kancolle, please subscribe and come spice up our community. there's not too many ppl right now, but maybe you can join.

>> No.11965679
File: 403 KB, 530x668, re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes the re-class

>> No.11965681

Correction: not dailies, but weeklies.

>> No.11965682
File: 4 KB, 160x40, re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11965683
File: 253 KB, 1300x1018, 1383086807939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go and stay go.

>> No.11965685

That sincere smile. 10/10 would launch my 53cm

>> No.11965687
File: 140 KB, 1000x800, 1393195196240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965688

Looks like BRS' cousin.

>> No.11965689

No thanks, please stay out of here.

>> No.11965690

I'm going to kill myself. bye.

>> No.11965692

Go advertise at the wiki, they'll love it.

>> No.11965693

fuck off

>> No.11965694

I bet the worm is the actual ship and the girl is just a lure to distract your ship girls.

>> No.11965695
File: 6 KB, 310x328, 1390781256684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out you disgusting mongrel.

>> No.11965696

Joke's on it, I think the abyss destroyer is sexier than the girl.

>> No.11965699

how could you give him five replies

the only real question you should have asked yourself is whether to ignore it or report it for commercial advertising

>> No.11965698

she's cute, can I have her?

>> No.11965701

That's her tail. So cute, I wanna pet her tail~

>> No.11965702

The legs look short and deformed enough that I'd buy that they're vestigial or even fake. Maybe she's just a mermaid.

>> No.11965704

She has no feet. Her leg is just a trunk.

>> No.11965705

How does she poop?

>> No.11965706

cuter than Z1

>> No.11965708

I think you're right, the humanoid is probably something like a sock puppet.

>> No.11965713

Hopefully the new ships can get me motivated enough until Midway.

I'm seriously losing the motivation to play the game recently, haven't even opened the game for a week before this maintenance.

>> No.11965714
File: 15 KB, 630x367, 1389427236212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965719

Not even running the long expeditions?
but yeah just stockpiling before Midway is so boring.

>> No.11965720
File: 499 KB, 700x1036, 1392592344583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it, your daughters are safe with Wo while you're gone.

>> No.11965721

You might as well say its just 100k+ worth of Kusou class

>> No.11965724

Truk is up.

>> No.11965725

Yeah, not even running the long expeditions. I think it's actually because of me using two of my expedition fleets to complete those long ass expeditions that made me lose motivation/momentum since I usually use the short expeditions to keep me glued to the game.

>> No.11965726

What...? I was just correcting his pluralization.

>> No.11965736

Rabaul is up.

>> No.11965738

Tawi Tawi up. Let's do this, fellow teitokus.

>> No.11965739

Game is up,
Extra operations are up too.

>> No.11965742

Oh my god why LSC WHY LSC WHY LSC

>> No.11965744

why did I start with Yamato, why

>> No.11965745

So, midway when? Will it start on the 1st, or during golden week?

>> No.11965748

My thoughts, fucking Musashi

>> No.11965749

Is Brunei up now?

>> No.11965752

on the plus side, she's not a Yamato-class so chances of getting her won't go down when Musashi gets added.

on the not-so-good side, I don't want to do 6572 again

>> No.11965755

Yes. You need to time travel.

>> No.11965757

yes, brunei is up

>> No.11965759

So, the catch for 1-5 is: 1 single submarine -> default formation line ahead -> guaranteed orange or even red.

Sasuga devs.

>> No.11965761


>> No.11965762

didn't get big success from six sparkled ships, good way to start the day.

>> No.11965763

Wait, what do I do with 1-5

Ah fuck it it's just a normal map right?

>> No.11965764

expedition 38 lol

>> No.11965768

When in doubt, send subs.

>> No.11965773
File: 472 KB, 768x435, 1394782707797[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that faggot was right after all.

>> No.11965774

Never doubt Wo.

>> No.11965776

Yeah I'm sending UMI NO SNIPAH on a scouting mission

Will post picture

>> No.11965777

>not trusting m
Your own fault faggot.

>> No.11965780

That's 1-5? Or is that the yet-to-be-added 5-5 map?

>> No.11965782

My scouting sub got fucked on the last non boss node of 1-5.

>> No.11965784


>> No.11965786

That's 5-5 i think

>> No.11965787
File: 118 KB, 800x480, 1394784158434[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-5 with a cute Wo background/boss icon to keep you happy.

>> No.11965790
File: 45 KB, 788x465, 1394784182568[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965791

Translation of the new expedition quest please, kind anons

>> No.11965793 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 800x480, 1394784218472[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutie spotted.

>> No.11965795
File: 619 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140314-17065142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Node 1 Red Sub
Second Node 2 Red 1 Blue Sub
SE Big Sub Red Sub Blue Sub
SE Deadend AllFlag CVL CL 3 DD Diamond

Umi No Snipah is going to take a bath after this

>> No.11965796

It's just mostly subs except for the few end nodes that fuck up subs.

>> No.11965798

Why Musashi?

>> No.11965800
File: 814 KB, 802x480, 1394784268126[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap that hp.

I can't wait for doujins of her.

>> No.11965802

BB + carrier like those hime?

>> No.11965803

Waiting for brave teitokus to report how to get Z1.

>> No.11965806

It's stated on the twitter.

>> No.11965808

Would marry.

>> No.11965815

their CVL can attack sub and can crit sub hard. Oh well time for Iku to take a bath

>> No.11965816

No art of Bismarck and the other DD?

>> No.11965818

It's one of the sub quests if I'm not mistaken. I only have 2 SS not sure if I can clear the others.

>> No.11965819

Any idea what the new expedition quest are?

>> No.11965820

SW 4 subs, then W dead-end is 気のせいだった

For normal fleet, 1st node is a bit annoying because of line-ahead formation. The rest of nodes are easy. Now waiting for requirement for compass at pre-boss node.

>> No.11965822

Anyone else still getting hardhat-chan?

>> No.11965823

6DD got sent to bottom right. That flag CVL hurts so much even with 10cm on everyone.

>> No.11965824

Sounds like you were banned.

>> No.11965827

So 1-5-A replacing 1-1-A for solo grinding since it's 540exp instead of 108exp?

>> No.11965828

What's your last two girls?

>> No.11965831

servers are being hammered badly since it's the middle of the day at the beginning of the weekend in japan

>> No.11965832
File: 109 KB, 684x690, 1394782597860[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

戦艦レイプ級 already has an elite version sprite out? Just imagine how much punishment she would be able to deal.

>> No.11965833

1 bucket is almost guaranteed.

>> No.11965835

Wait a second, they changed 5-4.

>> No.11965837

What did they do?

>> No.11965838

Someone on Futaba managed to get Iku from 1-5 non-boss node.

>> No.11965839

The nigh node on the middle is now only subs, the first node is double line with a CA too, I'm still on it.

>> No.11965840
File: 111 KB, 583x467, ss (2014-03-14 at 03.17.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, about that...

>> No.11965842
File: 128 KB, 787x279, gsdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still getting this problem? I tried time traveling and clearing cache.

>> No.11965843
File: 600 KB, 802x481, 1394785168937[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Futaba: 2 DD 2 CVL

>> No.11965846

Nope, easily 1-shot it every time.

>> No.11965847


>> No.11965844

night* And the preboss node is a joke now, but it has a flagship Ta.

>> No.11965850

Hitokappu still down.

>> No.11965851
File: 117 KB, 800x480, 1394785362194[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965852
File: 46 KB, 228x348, ss (2014-03-14 at 03.16.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965853
File: 52 KB, 788x477, 1394785524650[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-5 boss.

>> No.11965855
File: 136 KB, 1185x709, 1-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 runs through 1-5 so far.
All-fast fleet, no subs.

>> No.11965857

Welp. Shit.
I don't know. That elite Ka always makes one ship orange.

>> No.11965858

According to Futaba someone also reported changes to 5-4.

>> No.11965859

Welp, it was good while it lasted.

>> No.11965864

For me, 2nd node is 3 subs, 3rd SW is 4. W end-point is correct.

Guess it really changes depending on T-level.

>> No.11965860

Sounds like it's still subcheeseable.

>> No.11965861

Bets on who's getting Bismarck first?

>> No.11965862
File: 106 KB, 800x480, 1394785684719[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 CL 3 DD

>> No.11965863

No, it's even easier now (or I got very lucky)

>> No.11965865

According to wikiwiki comments the 3 sub nodes can drop Iku, Goya, and Imuya.

>> No.11965866


>> No.11965868

I guess all-fleet should be ASW capable for that?

>> No.11965869

There's a single comment for Hachi from 5-5 boss node, but could be a troll, saw a Yamato comment when 5-4 first came out and no other reports.

5-5ボス S勝利 伊8 -- 2014-03-14

>> No.11965872

Welp. Still stuck in clearing 5-3, guess there's no need to rush then. Aside from 5-5. Agano-class isn't worth it anyway.

>> No.11965879

The problem is, fewer than 4 ships = automatic line ahead = enemy sub opening attack suddenly is nasty instead of all misses.

I hated that fucking sub at first node of 5-1, would crit my CVs and even BBs when I was used to subs on world 4 doing nothing beyond than trolling you at boss node.

>> No.11965880

2 runs, first I went through undamaged and got rank A at boss, second I went to the boss with only Imuya to orange and no one else damaged, perfect S rank at boss.

>> No.11965884

Rules for 5-5?

>> No.11965888

I can confirm 2 DD 2 CVL gets you to 1-5 boss node.

>> No.11965890

It didn't for me, so branching rules are likely random.

>> No.11965891

I've used line ahead before at all-sub nodes (by mistake) and they hit little more than they did when I was using line aboob.

Remember, torpedo accuracy is affected by your own formation more than your enemy's. The enemy's all-sub fleets are almost always using echelon or line aboob so they don't hit your ships as often.

>> No.11965892


>> No.11965894

yes, and one sub (or 3) will automatically chose line ahead, which means 1-5 subs will always shit on you

>> No.11965895

I'm talking about the enemy fleet, the fact that it's a single elite sub makes it worse than if it were something like 1 elite + 4 normal (in echelon or line aboob as they always are)

>> No.11965898
File: 100 KB, 800x480, 1394786450685[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Wo to the rescue.

Gonna leave, hopefully someone would steal information from Futaba while I'm away.

>> No.11965899

3-subs can still make an echelon.

>> No.11965901

Well shit, now that's something to worry about.

>> No.11965902

meant to reply to >>11965891 rather than to myself there

>> No.11965903





>> No.11965907

I see that I-class got a flagship too now

>> No.11965908


>> No.11965909

wo pls

>> No.11965910

Seems confirmed boss routing for 1-5 only uses 4 ships. Combination of DD, CL, CVL, BBV.

>> No.11965913

Wow. That freaking new abyss elite can do opening torp. The devs sure go all out.

>> No.11965916

Holy fuck the bauxite the bauxite

>> No.11965917

You know what to expect from Midway now

>> No.11965921

Anyone have a picture of Bismarck-chan already?

>> No.11965922

Oh god, wikiwiki enemy ship list already has a unfinished entry ready for flagship Chi-class. I don't even want to think about what it'll be like when that gets added to the game.

>> No.11965927

If this is how Midway taste.


>> No.11965929

This shit is just to drain all resources so that you can get fucked at the event

>> No.11965931
File: 58 KB, 791x472, BirNw1vCMAAaPpm.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965932

and then get fucked some more after the event and forever

>> No.11965934

Yes, btw don't forget to craft for Bismarck-chan.

>> No.11965935

I Dont even have thigh hoe nor yamatard

>> No.11965936

They are already in the game in one of the dead end nodes in 1-5, surprisingly they don't have opening strike

>> No.11965938

Ok fuck 5-5, i'm going back to my daily stuffs.

>> No.11965939

Well at least they're honest about it.

How funny would it be if they secretly made Taihou droppable on 5-5 boss node

>> No.11965940

Please don't imply he lost 2 ships during that.

>> No.11965942

He did.

We should offer our condolence to his brave ships that scouted the seas for us.

>> No.11965944

Nah probably throwaway ships.

>> No.11965945

Some reports of Hachi from the boss node popping up now.

1-5-I 完全勝利S 伊8 -- 2014-03-14 (金) 17:48:06

>> No.11965946

it's a silver Haguro
Haguro normal is not silver

>> No.11965947

>no one using support fleets for 5-5
Why oh why.

Which one?

>not using damecons
That kuso teitoku.

>> No.11965948

Is what I thought at first, but those are holo bg Kongous...

>> No.11965949

Are some of the server still not up again? I get the maintenance screen still.

>> No.11965950
File: 104 KB, 534x392, 1393444324205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried LSC for better luck after maintenance, got Shoukaku for 2 consecutive tries for Taihou.

I'm not touching that red button for a damn month.

>> No.11965951

Did the wedding ring always show up in the ship encyclopedia, or is that new?

>> No.11965953

Clear cache TTK-san

>> No.11965954

This one >>11965851

>> No.11965955

I get error cats in flash player and KCvV but not in direct browser. Same for everyone else?

>> No.11965956

Does anyone still have m's notes on the compass rules?

>> No.11965957

>not trying for Bismarck
it's like you don't want to swing around your epeen.

>> No.11965959

Anon pls
that wasn't M
that was Kuugen
and it was all made up

>> No.11965961

We are so fucked.

Now I wish we got Tirpitz instead of Bismarck.

>> No.11965962


>> No.11965963

Don't bully Kuugen-chan!

>> No.11965965

That was some random anon making guesses that everyone took to be true because he didn't say 'what if'.

>> No.11965966

Same here.

>> No.11965968

Wait, the normal Re-class BBs can do torps too...

>> No.11965969


>> No.11965972

Why the fuck are there flagshit CAs in my 5-4-F now? This is some god damned bullshit. You had to beat the rest of world goddamn 5 to even unlock it, what was wrong with it being a slightly better 3-2-A?

>> No.11965974

Fuck, I liked grinding there.

>> No.11965975

Shh, otherwise they'll put CAs in 3-2-A too.

>> No.11965976

Ahh damn, shouldn't have assumed that the guy who posted those compass rules was the same one who gave us the sneak peek of the map.

Guess I should worry about clearing it a week later then.

>> No.11965978



>> No.11965979

I'll doublecheck in a few minutes after morale recovers, but there were 2x flagship CA in the enemy fleet that I'm PRETTY GODDAMN SURE weren't there before.

So... what? Do we just go back to (comparatively) godawful 3-2-A general farming, 4-3 for DD/CL, and 5-3(? can't remember) or just normal 2-3 runs for subs? Still seems bullshit that they had to rape 5-4-F leveling though; not like it was 50 times faster than anything else, just ~20% more efficient than 3-2-A in return for being hard enough that you had to use decent escort ships.

>> No.11965980
File: 79 KB, 795x475, 1-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, got sent straight 4/4 to boss with that set up.

>> No.11965983

three ships for attacking and three ships for soaking up damage. Retreat only if your attackers are damaged.

>> No.11965986

is Parao dead? still can't get in, i get a cat error after loading for a while.

>> No.11965987

It's possible he kept a stock of lvl 25 CA's for moments like these... I considered training a fleet of disposable level 20 CL's before.

>> No.11965988

It was fun though, he made up a detailed composition/requirement for every node in 10 minutes and most people assumed it was a follow-up.

>> No.11965989

it's fine for me.

>> No.11965991

Seems browser log ins work but not KCV/flash for some people.

>> No.11965992

It's not a silver Haguro, the upper right corner is clearly blue, not silver. It looks silver on the left side only because this Haguro is suffering major damage.

In addition, if you look really hard, you can just make out a "4" as part of her max HP. Haguro's max HP is 44, Haguro Kai's is 55. This all but proves that this is just a normal Haguro.

>> No.11965993

Clearing cache should do it.

>> No.11965994

Kuugen a shit.

>> No.11965995

I mean unremodelled Haguro.

>> No.11965996

One could argue it's your fault for falling for it

>> No.11965999
File: 28 KB, 218x300, 50561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Bismarck now /jp/?

>> No.11966000

I'm not that anon, and she's still a shit.

>> No.11966002

Have to see her damaged sprite before I spend my reserves.

>> No.11966003

Is this real? Holy shit

>> No.11966004

So all three ships by Fumikane?

>> No.11966007 [SPOILER] 
File: 162 KB, 998x480, 俾斯麦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a picture of the bismarck

>> No.11966008
File: 109 KB, 785x744, bis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger pics

>> No.11966009
File: 85 KB, 544x684, bis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damaged sprites

>> No.11966010

Look at her smooshed together boobies. I want to rest my head on them.

>> No.11966012

Okay I'm sold.

Sorry Shinano, but glorious aryan race takes precedence.

>> No.11966013

She's magnificent.

>> No.11966014

Are you fucking serious? That would be the worst update if that's true, and I haven't reached the cap for Zuikaku.

She does look like a crossover between Busou Shinki and Strike Witches. Please be a fast ship.

>> No.11966015

>marriage ring
That was fast.

>minimum clothing damage

>> No.11966016

What's the recipe, jesus

>> No.11966017

Holy shit, Humikane is god.

>> No.11966018

Fuuuuuuuck. Fuck this. Back to LSC I go.

>> No.11966019

Unfortunately, I am. Did a few more runs, and every time there were 2x flagship CA (in second and third fleet slots). Guess us filthy gaijin scum are going to have to find elsewhere to level.

I would drink her bathwater. The irony of the first german ship being a glorious aryan goddess is even more delicious.

>> No.11966020

Anyone know the requirement for the new expedition 38?

>> No.11966021

The historical Bismarck had the speed of the Kongous. She should be a fast ship.

>> No.11966022
File: 41 KB, 270x713, 1394790174419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heinrike, what are you doing?

>> No.11966023

Oh my god I don't want to go back there

It hurts in there

>> No.11966024

Case of sameface?

>> No.11966025

No one has a legit Bismarck at this time. There hasn't even been enough time for the new expeditions to return yet.

>> No.11966027
File: 62 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140314-03405033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit. I had to close my KCV immediately after testing. Guess I have to suck it up and go back to 3-2-A. No words can express my anger towards these piece of shit Devs right now.

>> No.11966028

>Please be a fast ship

I would be surprised if she wasn't. The Bismarck was apparently capable of 30 knots in real life. That makes it about 3 knots faster than the Kongou-class ships and about the same speed as the Iowa-class BBs.

>> No.11966029

Bismarck is LSC only

>> No.11966030

You need to get the other two ships for Bismarck to appear in LSC.

>> No.11966031

But I think there are certain quests you have to finish first before she's able to show up there.

>> No.11966032

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.11966033

Kongous did 30 knots fine too

>> No.11966034


Good to know I wasted an attempt while trying to get Yamato.

>> No.11966035

There an ''extra operation'' in world 1.

wtf is that???

The japanese description looks like its some kind of asw mission?

>> No.11966036

see it this way, maybe that means having the extra requirement wont make Bismark as rare as Yamato

Hahahahaha, who am I kidding

>> No.11966037
File: 232 KB, 343x709, 5c3e256a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my lower body reacting

>> No.11966039
File: 30 KB, 413x716, Z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other Fumikane ship.

>> No.11966040

She and Yukikaze are going to be best friends.

>> No.11966041


>> No.11966042

Do you people even read the damn twitter?

>> No.11966044


>> No.11966048

That poker face. Either she and Shiranui might become close friends or rival.

>> No.11966050

Welp, abstaining from LSC is going to be extra hard now.

>> No.11966052

Why is there so little clothing damage? Of his art for Kancolle, only Taihou Kai had a decent amount of it.

>> No.11966053

It's over for me, sorry shinano

>> No.11966054

So is 1-5 permanent or just an event map?

>> No.11966055

It's a read the damn twitter you idiot

>> No.11966057

Think about it, anon. If you're patient you will get both, don't get into the hype now.

>> No.11966058

I still believe in my Shinano.

>> No.11966059

I don't read moon

>> No.11966060


I'm with him. Her stats be damned, Fumikane art ships are worth it.

>> No.11966061


Extra Operation:新海域【#1-5】実装(続き)

>Chance to get submarines

>> No.11966063

What if, just what if, if Shinano will also be done by Fumikane?

>> No.11966064

Pls be Hachi so I can buttblast those faggots who wasted resources for her.

>> No.11966065

Impossible, her design has already been released.

>> No.11966066



>> No.11966067
File: 73 KB, 500x496, 7af8de8c-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinano will be ugly anyway

>> No.11966069

A loli BB too, for that matter!

wo please

>> No.11966070


>> No.11966071


>> No.11966072

Is 2 DD 2 CVL guaranteed boss node? Safe to bring no green planes?

>> No.11966074
File: 122 KB, 628x136, New quests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation anyone?

>> No.11966075

from wiki
150 fuel reward - Send out an expedition to one of the 'Tokyo Express' expeditions (expeditions 37 or 38)

100 bauxite reward - Send out an expedition to the Aviation Battleship Practice expedition (expedition 23)

>> No.11966076

Do expeditions with the mentioned names.

>> No.11966077

4-ship fleet, all ASW capable.

>> No.11966079
File: 578 KB, 800x480, 1377765647665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still cling on the faint hope that Shinano design will be similar to pic related. ;_;

>loli BB
pls no, Taihou is enough

>> No.11966081

is the expedition 38 the same fleet as in 37?

>> No.11966082

I don't think I have expedition 38 unlocked. Which tab is it listed under?

>> No.11966085
File: 86 KB, 718x274, 2014-03-14 18-11-03.313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, what does your anti sub force 4 look like?

Also did the devs say anything more about the medals you get after finishing the boss bar?

>> No.11966086

Fucking shit, I accidentally send my expedition to 30.

>> No.11966087

last one

>> No.11966088

World 5.

>> No.11966089
File: 62 KB, 800x478, 1394791001771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got I-8 from 1-5 S-rank.

This is shit, I just crafted her last week.

>> No.11966091

Thanks. Do you happen to know the # of the one that gets you Z1?

>> No.11966093

It's likely the one that says, "Overseas Expedition" in the description.

>> No.11966095

This is the case where i wish they would implement a retreat button.

>> No.11966096

Do 31 exp with 100 ammo quest ticked I guess

>> No.11966097

Why did I wasted 250+ dev mats for her!?

>> No.11966101

Why did I waste 1k+ devmats for noTaihou? crafting is pure evil.

>> No.11966102

Because you're impatient. Also, you have shit taste.

>> No.11966104

Tried 1-5 4x, with 2x trolled with compass girls and 2x random torpedoed to red.

RNG, why.

>> No.11966106

Expedition 31 is 海外艦との接触, I assume? I don't have that one, as I haven't gotten around to doing any of the long sub expeditions yet.

Time to get started on Expedition 27, I guess...

>> No.11966109

How can i get those quests?

>> No.11966110


Lol same , my 5 destroyers and a CL went into a fleet of carriers and cruisers

>> No.11966111

Do the exp30 quests.

>> No.11966112


>> No.11966117

I would feel sympathy for your predicament, had the devs not specifically warned you about this a week ago...

>> No.11966113

Did you do those long ass expeditions and their quests?

>> No.11966114

I was trying 4 DDs at first, but the first node hit one to red on my first 3 tries.

Switched to Yamashiro(34), Yuubari(71). Zuihou(65), and Bep(88) and has worked for 3 runs so far.

>> No.11966115

>6 ships

>> No.11966116

1-5 boss route is 4 ships only
but getting torp'd to red by first node is a real issue
4 BBV fleet anyone?

>> No.11966119

I just sent mine on the new expedition, so you're on your own.

>> No.11966122

Tried it 3 times with 4 ships and only got sent to boss node once. I just want my easy subs so I can finish these quests

>> No.11966124

Time to get off my ass and level up Iku by two levels so I can finish Expedition 30 I guess

>> No.11966125



>> No.11966126

Try this

>> No.11966127


>> No.11966128

4000/6000/6000/3000 開発資材:20 空きドック:1 司令:97 秘書:Z1_5 結果:ビスマルク 建造時間5時間だった -- 2014-03-14 (金) 19:20:47

First report of her showing up on wikiwiki,

>> No.11966129

I did bring 2 DD 2CL 1CVL 1BB

Is the BBV really necessary? They are still post modernisation level

>> No.11966130

What formations do I use against subs? I've used Line ahead against every single fight in the game because I don't know any better

>> No.11966131

take your bait somewhere else

>> No.11966133

Only 4 ships allowed for 1-5?

>> No.11966136


>> No.11966137


Line abreast...alternatively, read the wiki before asking

>> No.11966135

Do they have to be in that exact order? I want to get my Isuzus to level 12 so I'd like her to be the flagship.

He means you need exactly 4 ships.

Line abreast.

>> No.11966138

You need to use 4 ships, not 6.

Use Line Abreast against subs.

>> No.11966139

Well, considering that the expedition that gives you Z1 should have finished a little while ago, it's possible. Don't you need both ships to craft her, though?

>> No.11966140

I see.

2 blue 1 red 1 yellow for CVL?

>> No.11966141

What makes me wonder, why don't we get the special "marker" for subnodes on 1-5?

>> No.11966142

Order doesn't matter, so far I got 5/5 boss fights with it.

>> No.11966144

what about the solo red sub? doesn't it torpedo the DD or CL to red when it targets them?

>> No.11966148

Sadly yes.

>> No.11966153

The only time I got torpedoed (to orange) was during the boss node where I made the mistake of going to night battle. Everything else has been smooth sailing so far

>> No.11966154

Who else got Hachi from 1-5?

>> No.11966155

I think it's first time they put requirement of number of ship in fleet. Imagine that they put only 1st & 2nd CarDiv as requirement, no less, no more.

>> No.11966156

how do you avoid getting orange/red DD/CLs from the red sub at the beginning?
all other nodes are easy

>> No.11966157

only Iku

>> No.11966158

Only Imuya.

>> No.11966159

I'm probably just lucky, though I do use double line at the solo sub in the hopes it helps mitigate damage.

>> No.11966161

A few more reports of getting her from Yamato recipes with Z1_5 as flag on wikiwiki now.

My Japanese is terrible but didn't the tweet just mention a certain condition needed? Don't remember anything about both ships.

>> No.11966162


Get a BB so your DDs can shoot it twice each

>> No.11966163

they did that with quests already

>> No.11966165

I'm also using double line on the first node, not sure if it helps but haven't been one shot since I switched.

>> No.11966168

Which quest? From what I know, you can still put wild cards in unfilled space.

>> No.11966169

Newbie Here.

Got a KitaKami in 1-5. Lol

>> No.11966171
File: 124 KB, 800x480, Z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4subs quest.

>> No.11966173

What level did you use?

>> No.11966176

Fuck, I haven't even touched the sub quest.

>> No.11966177

the quest with the Akatsuki-DDs

>> No.11966179

So you can get the other DD from normal crafting? anyone tried to get her yet

>> No.11966180

Do you have to finish the ex30 quest 4 times to get the quest?

>> No.11966182

A lot of reports of bismarck coming in with the new DD's as secretaries right now

Yamato recipe as usual

>> No.11966183

all my subs are above 90, so I can't say what the minimum are. extras are level 10.

>> No.11966184

When you get Shota, you can get Kuudere. When you get Kuudere, You can get Bismark.

>> No.11966186

Just re-checked, you're right. Still, is it the first time compass asks specific amount of ship in fleet?

>> No.11966187

Since she's Nagato tier, I expect her chance to be much higher than that of hotel's

>> No.11966189

>When you get Shota, you can get Kuudere.
Which recipe? Rare DD recipe or all-30?

>> No.11966191

Is there a way to take the shorter route on 1-5?

>> No.11966192
File: 56 KB, 752x411, KanColle-140314-19480557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cleared that yesterday.

now to do the expedition 23, does it says 7 times success? wtf, correct me somebody.

>> No.11966193

Nagatsuki from 1-5 S rank. Lame

>> No.11966194

is she fast? A fast Nagato would be awesome.

As far as we know, yes. Though I doubt anyone tested much with less than 6 ships in the fleet except for all-sub fleets.

>> No.11966195

You need total sum >200 for TokyoExpress2 aka expe 37

Jesus, I guess even my big 5 have to go with tatsuta-chan this time

>> No.11966197

Clear 37 seven times

>> No.11966199

From looking at wikiwiki results try 250/30/200/200 with the new girl as your flagship.

>> No.11966200

Has anyone tried 1-5-1 grinding with a level 1 ship?

>> No.11966201

My bad mistype, 250/30/200/30 but you probably knew what I meant.

>> No.11966203

So, sub/rare DD recipe.

>> No.11966204

Ugh why does Ex. 36 need 2 AV? I don't have Chitochiyo AV so I can't do it until they drop for me again.

>> No.11966205

Since when can we sortie with no ship slots free?
Is it a new feature from this patch or am I just retarded and didn't notice before?

>> No.11966206

you get shot to red right away and then deal no damage, D rank

>> No.11966207

You're retarded.

>> No.11966209

ouch.. many thanks.

>> No.11966211

someone repost the Iona recipe please

>> No.11966212
File: 93 KB, 777x474, 2014-03-14 18-55-17.634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we fucking go.

>> No.11966214
File: 156 KB, 800x450, lsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-not that I do it for you, okay?

>> No.11966215

I've never done a map with the boss HP bar thing. Can I still farm it after I deplete it?

>> No.11966217


>> No.11966219

its magical when I still havent completed the weekly 50 transport ship quest, with that thing on I get to boss node easily and clear the dailies boss in an hour.

then 6subs quest while on 1-5, neat.

>> No.11966220

Bismarck voice clips

>> No.11966221

Not that glitch again.

>> No.11966222

how did you get the other one so fast?

>> No.11966223

Expedition 31? Only sent 4 subs?

>> No.11966225
File: 51 KB, 340x394, 1384329238218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should take it easy and wait for the Nips to fully gather information

>> No.11966226

Can we add this to the OP

>> No.11966229

Needs translating first, for the retards.

>> No.11966230
File: 86 KB, 804x484, Screenshot_180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250/30/200/30, right at 1st try with Z1-chan.

>> No.11966234

I don't seem to have the quest for ex.31, do I need to finish all the ex.30 quests or just once is enough?

>> No.11966235

people who can't figure out the IDs won't read the op anyway

>> No.11966236
File: 360 KB, 800x480, 5-5 try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no boss node this time.
I brought 4 Reppuus and still in the opening phase that single one blue plane from the elite Re critted Zuikaku for 44.

>> No.11966237

construction time?

>> No.11966238

Why did they have to add them via crafting? Crafting a shit.

>> No.11966240

clear all the subs quest.


>> No.11966241

24 minutes.

>> No.11966242

who bought those cookies?
its white day.

>> No.11966244

anyone else experiencing massive server slowdown?

>> No.11966245

4 tries, 4 nachis.

>> No.11966249

With the sheer number of people reporting Bismarcks, I was starting to wonder if there was an error in the drop rate skewed in the player's favor. Apparently not.

>> No.11966250

Tawi Tawi just fine here

>> No.11966252

I usually have no issues whatsoever but ever since the patch It's nearly impossible to even get to the main menu
Brunei here

>> No.11966253

Did you spam all the attempts in the same minute?

>> No.11966255

yeah, I'll try separately after I scrap a few.

>> No.11966258

Yeah, the RNG is time-based, if you get unwanted results, best to wait until the next minute starts before you click on the construction button again.

>> No.11966262

So you just need to get the shota and then you can craft Bismarck?

Also what's the requirement for expedition 31? Can you do it with the same sub fleet that you used for 30?

>> No.11966263

No one has actually proven that the RNG is time based. You think the Nips would have noticed it long before we would have, right?

>> No.11966264

Futaba has '流れか?' posts everytime one person posts LSC success result.

>> No.11966265

I tried crafting at 20:17, 20:18,20:19 and get tama, kuma, kiso.

either coincidence or its telling me that its time to stop crafting.

>> No.11966267

I'm pretty sure it's already common knowledge to them by now. And even if it wasn't, there's no way to rig the results in your favour other than to wait out the minute if you get crap results and spam it as much as you can in the same minute if you get great results.

>> No.11966272

me again, next is choukai maya..

>> No.11966274

You have at least two repair docks. Do two crafts in the same minute. Something easy, all 30s. You most likely won't get the same result.

You people sound like someone who rolled a single die twice and got two sixes in a row, and is suddenly convinced that he has magical dice.

>> No.11966275

This is hilarious, I just typed dechi and Goya drops at 1-5 boss node afterwards.

>> No.11966276

I often craft 2 ships in the same minute and I never got the same result twice from it.
Minute-based RNG would be pretty stupid to implement for the devs anyway.

>> No.11966280

why are my foreign ships speaking japanese? if it ever came down to it, will my future burger/bongwaifus be speaking japanese too?

>> No.11966281

And by time-based, we're talking about same class of ships. Like, say, we get Atago, Takao, Choukai in 3 crafts in the same minute. That's time-based with respect to ship class. Or at the very least, ship type.

Are the different results of the same ship class or type?

I don't know why but seems to me like the RNG the devs use has this side-effect.

>> No.11966282

DD, CL, CL, BBV doesn't seem to guarantee a boss fight in 1-5. Worked the first 3-4 times, but have been sent South to G my past 3 runs.

>> No.11966283

What recipe do you guys use to craft turbines?
I can't past 3-2 because my DDs always get hit.

>> No.11966284

Yea whatever combination I try usually gets sent to boss 3 times then it just starts going G every run.

>> No.11966286

Would you seriously want foreign speaking ships after hearing how badly warcrimes-tan butchered German?

>> No.11966287

I-is this Sheryl Nome voice?

>> No.11966288

turbines are placebo.

>> No.11966289

try again, u dont need turbines

>> No.11966290

No new furniture = shit update

>> No.11966291

I'm pretty sure it is. I need her, now.

>> No.11966294

also got CL + DD in the same batch, so no, not the same class at all.
Do you guys really not do 2 crafts at once for dailies regularly?

none, and turbines won't save your girls anyway.

>> No.11966295

H-help, I can't get S rank on 5-2.
1BB 2CLT 1CVl (all blue) 2CV(green+red)

>> No.11966296

I don't even understand German so yes.

>> No.11966297


>> No.11966298

I've heard way worse "german" from Japanese VA

>> No.11966299
File: 34 KB, 214x299, 14-03-2014 12-38-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a quite unpleasant surprise on 1-5

>> No.11966300

Okay...I'm a bit lost here, so can somebody confirm again how does one get Z1 and Z3? I know at least that Bismarck is obtained from LSC after unlocking the former two German ships

>> No.11966301 [DELETED] 

Z1 : Expedition quest reward

Z3: DD Recipe, not sure if Rare or not

>> No.11966303

Fuck, 3 more ex30 to go then.

>> No.11966304

Z1 -> Expedition 31 quest, unlocked after completing all expedition 30 quest

Z3 -> rare DD recipe after getting Z1

>> No.11966305

For 1-5 it seem only 1 DD allowed to get to boss node, need confirmation though.

>> No.11966306

Z1: The sub expedition quest reward.

Z3: (Rare) DD recipe

>> No.11966307

Is there any other composition req for 31 than 4 subs?

>> No.11966308

Then let me ask you this: How many different classes of ships can you get in the same minute?

>> No.11966310


Oh yeeeees, I really do need to get off my ass and level up Iku, good thing shes halfway from 54 to 55!

>> No.11966311

I've S ranked the boss 3 times so far with 2 DD in fleet.

>> No.11966312

There's already a confirmed comp to always reach the boss node.

>> No.11966314

Which? CL DD DD BBV doesn't do it.

>> No.11966316

2 since I only have 2 docks and I don't use quick-build items for 30-alls.
Feel free to run some tests on your own

>> No.11966317


>> No.11966319

4 ships in that order from top to bottom?

>> No.11966322

5 sortie and reached boss node 5 times, pretty much confirmed for 100% boss fight.

>> No.11966323

order never matters

>> No.11966329

Yeah I was disappointed.

>> No.11966333

Can I use CLT instead of CL or no?

>> No.11966336

Uh, what level does the flagship need to be at for Expedition 31?

>> No.11966337

Test it

>> No.11966338


>> No.11966339


....Fuck, guess its intensive leveling time for Iku once she finishes Expedition 30

>> No.11966340

Oh boy, I've just sent out an expedition with a level 63 flagship.

>> No.11966344

It's been completed with a level 62 flagship.

>> No.11966348

So what the new expeditions do?

>> No.11966349

Has anyone used the medal you get from clearing the boss yet?

>> No.11966350

It's lvl 60.

>> No.11966351

some idiot from the wiki did.
>Using it gives 314 steel 314 bauxite 2 dev.materials

not worth using

>> No.11966354

314 bauxite a month how nice of them.

>> No.11966363
File: 143 KB, 771x897, がおー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11966364

Is it accumulative like those furniture boxes?

>> No.11966366

Apparently you can't put 46s on Bismark, nor AP ammo

>> No.11966367

Just put your highest levelled sub

Just 2 hrs anyway

>> No.11966370

Bismarck is fast BB?

>> No.11966375


>> No.11966376

so she is basically like a middle thing between Kongous and Nagato? Fast but no 46cm or AP
personally I think the 46cm (because it shoots planes) and AP shells are more important than fast

>> No.11966377

That makes sense for AP ammo. But 46cm, really?

>> No.11966378

>can't put 46s
So she's worse than Kongou-class?

>> No.11966379

Well, 46 is IJN weaponry, so that kinda makes sense

>> No.11966381

So Bismarck is a fast BB with Yamato's hp and worse attack.

>> No.11966382

What happen if you sink your Z1, /jp/?

>> No.11966383

did you?

>> No.11966384

You hear her sinking line.

>> No.11966385
File: 52 KB, 800x800, 41290008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z1 can't sink.

>> No.11966386

Sink yourself

>> No.11966388

they can equip other IJN weapons

>> No.11966389

>worse attack than Kongo class

>> No.11966390

I tried to sink in her, but I failed.

>> No.11966391

she could naturally have more extra firepower than those 46cm give over other guns.

>> No.11966392
File: 201 KB, 1500x1500, 1394210688185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get a Bismarck.

>> No.11966393

What does the bar in 1-5 do?

And 1-5 keeps dropping DDs for me. No SS.

>> No.11966394

>not worth using

>> No.11966395

that's RNG for you

>> No.11966396

no AA tho

>> No.11966397

allegedly, they give some other benefit when piled up, so let them pile up. some measly res aren't worth using them up

>> No.11966400

Wo pls.

>> No.11966401

Joke is on you retard, that's a statement made by the devs

>> No.11966402

Say goodbye to your Z3 and Bismarck.

Z1 can't be constructed anyway

>> No.11966403

yes, unless the 38cm comes with AA, too

>> No.11966404
File: 62 KB, 669x323, bis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can load 46s just fine.

>> No.11966406

First sortie and couldn't reach boss node with this comp.

>> No.11966407

250/30/200/30 3rd try: Z3
4/6/6/2/20 with Z1 and Z3: Hiei
Well, this doesn't end today.

>> No.11966408

Actually nevermind, I didn't know there are two paths to boss node.

>> No.11966409
File: 625 KB, 1145x1145, 1394800378185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same ones who said that ships sink at orange hp? Wow what a surprise. Retard.

>> No.11966410

good to know

>> No.11966411

the path was locked for me with this comp >>11965980

>> No.11966412

>gives 314 steel/baux

What if the resource reward is based off of the date?

Also apparently Tokyo Express 2: Electric Boogaloo takes 8+ drums, hope you crafted enough.

>> No.11966414

Doesn't change the point at all
Not only was that anon not a Wo but the point of the medals not being worth using to gain res is still true

>> No.11966418

Cute :3

>> No.11966420

So using them at december is best?

>> No.11966421

So at 5-5 D node you can get a Wo kai and at E an elite Re with a super plane that one-shots CLs even if 3 Reppuu kills it.
At least support expedition works.

>> No.11966422

Where did you end up?

! was using DD CL CL BBV. Switched a CL for a CVL for my last run and got sent to the boss twice.

Had to do a 2nd run because Yuubari got hit to red by the gold sub on a green T cross and Bep didn't attack the gold sub.

>> No.11966423

What if it's just a gift from Wo because she thinks youre a qt 3.14?

>> No.11966424

>still true
Yet you have nothing to prove that. Good point assface.

>> No.11966426

I'll quote this post in a few months and then laugh in your face as you have to eat your shitty words

>> No.11966429

Wow, I'm talking to an autist here.

There's fucking NO confirmed information that the shit gives any thing or will result in anything happen whatsoever, yet you're still clinging to your asshatted theory that it'll fucking make it snow in the middle of the summer. What a fucking moron.

>> No.11966431

Stop acting like idiots and just wait 2 hours till the date changes and see if the resources gained change.

>> No.11966433

I'm not arguing the "hurrr based on date" thing
I'm arguing that the devs aren't lying out their ass with the other purpose of the medals

>> No.11966435

All these shitty 1hour timers, I just want my Z3chan.

>> No.11966436

Anything about 23 requirements yet? Should I send all my BBV and wait for results?

>> No.11966438

L50? 最低6隻?。航戦2隻、駆2隻、他2隻必要?、艦隊の合計Lvが200以上必要?/「航戦×2,駆×4」

>> No.11966440

For exp36 (2AV1CL1DD) can I put a CL/DD as flag for the level requirement?

There's no way I have to level chitochiyo to 30 for that right?

>> No.11966442


>> No.11966443

Of course dude, when did order matter

>> No.11966444

1 DD 2 CLT 1 CL 1 CAV 1 BBC can't make it to the boss node in 1-5

>> No.11966445

Thank god my big 5 are high-levelled and can carry my BBVs in levels

>> No.11966446


>> No.11966447

You have 6 ships to put 200 levels into, it's not hard. That averages out to be 34 levels per ship minimum.

>> No.11966448

you don't say
it's almost like we knew that 1-5 boss has a req of a maximum 4 ships fleet

>> No.11966454


>> No.11966455

So did they add the BB in today aswell or is that another patch?

>> No.11966456

try reading the fucking patch notes

>> No.11966457

Im grinding 1-5 and can be 100% sure , 1DD 1BBA 1CV and 1CVL will reach boss node everytime

>> No.11966458

Read the wiki.
Read the twitter.
Shit, just read the thread you lazy shit.

>> No.11966460

how do you deal with the troll solo sub in the beginning?

>> No.11966462


>> No.11966463

How people reacted before the end of the maintenance :

How they reacted 2h after the end :

>> No.11966464
File: 61 KB, 1024x576, 1393331552156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fucking strangle that boss Wo at 5-5 and gut her alive while she writhes in pain.


>> No.11966467


I do not understand your question.

All you'll be facing in nodes will be subs only if you have the correct fleet composition.

>> No.11966469

Any news about new planes?

>> No.11966471


Well I'm using

Yamashiro Kai
Inazumi Kai or Ikazuchi Kai
Random CVL

BOss node everytime

>> No.11966473

confirmed idiot

>> No.11966474

Why Akagi? she's useless.

>> No.11966475

All that hype and drama from new update and I'm still stuck at 3-4 ;_;

>> No.11966476


Only CV I have

>> No.11966477

Boss node. I thought it was wrong because it didn't turn south at the first branching point. Anyway, the gold sub is tough as hell so I couldn't clear it.

>> No.11966478

I went to the voice clips site and I could identify all the voice lines except for line 6. I checked both English and Japanese wikis and none of the lines corresponded to voice line no. 6.

What gives?

>> No.11966479

He's asking how you deal with the lone sub in the first node.

>> No.11966481

You get wrecked by it and go home crying.

>> No.11966482

I just woke up, so correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I read thus far, there's no reason to do the new maps? 2 DDs from quests and BB from LSC?

>> No.11966483

1 DD from quest, 1 from normal crafting.

>> No.11966485

1-5 can drops Iku and Hachi for boss node, Goya and Imuya for normal nodes.
5-5 is for masochist.

>> No.11966486

5-5 is such a pain. I retreated at first node twice in a row.
Also how do you expect to field CVs in 5-5? A full reppu CV can't even get air superiority in the first node.
This increase my expectation of how hard the next event will be by quite a lot.

>> No.11966489

That big red arrow is really distracting.

>> No.11966490


>> No.11966493

May I have a link to other notable boss fight BGM? Such as the 5-4 one, and so on.

>> No.11966498

Alright, so they don't drop new ships, meaning they're only good if you didn't already have hachi (to our current knowledge) I guess that makes uip a lot for putting a ship into LSC.

>> No.11966499

In the boss node there will be a elite Re, a flagship Wo and the boss Wo. Getting air superiority is next to impossible.

>> No.11966500

5-4 normal
5-4 boss

>> No.11966503

Oh hell, now I don't want to imagine what Midway will be like.

>> No.11966505

Airport hime, 3 flagship Re, 2 flagship Wo.

>> No.11966507

Don't forget the enemy support shelling

>> No.11966513

How would CVs be effective from that. If at least devs oriented the event historically, they'll make planes easier to shoot down.
And still end up with one of your CVs shot to red or worse, sunk.

>> No.11966508

Flagship Super Wo, you mean.

>> No.11966509

Thanks, man.

>> No.11966514

Is Buin server really slow for somebody else?

>> No.11966516

Feels bad to have shit luck in crafting, welp enough wasting resources for today.

Anyone got Bismarck here?

>> No.11966522


>> No.11966523

Wait, you can fight yourself in PvP?

>> No.11966528
File: 840 KB, 1200x1200, 39586349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must have added it this update.

>> No.11966530
File: 289 KB, 743x364, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did this fleet fail expedition 31?

>> No.11966533

Total level needs to be >200.

>> No.11966534

Elite Re can shoot preemptive torps. Elite Re confirmed for fallen KTKMs in the fall event.

>> No.11966535

Maybe you need a SSV at least

>> No.11966537

Wonder how many 1-5 runs it will take to get my Kiso to kai ni

>> No.11966540

total level too low

>> No.11966542

That's why 1-5 sucks, it's more effective to just go to 4-3

>> No.11966544

You know why I like 1-5? Because you don't have to deal with compass bullshit to complete the daily submarine sinking quest.

>> No.11966546

Apparently some people in /jp/ managed to pull this off before.

>> No.11966548
File: 100 KB, 223x307, 1394799571452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is decent.

>> No.11966549

I've tried a lvl 85 flagship and failed. Did you guys put your oldest SSs in there or what?

>> No.11966552

Your fleet has to have at least 200 levels in total too.

>> No.11966553

Fleet needs to add up to 200

>> No.11966557

I knew it, fuck.

>> No.11966561

Can it bomb? Kinda useless otherwise.

>> No.11966564

Is it 2CV+2BBV+2?With level 200 total?

>> No.11966565

I think there's no difference. Just better stats & painted squadron number.

>> No.11966567

New TTK here, since I haven't cleared map 3 the 1-5 map becomes really easy.

Base exp = 150
1st node = 1 white SS
2nd node = 1 red SS, 1 white SS
3rd node south east = 1 red SS 2 white SS
Most south east node = non submarine node.

It might be plausible to level up DD fleet here since they won't take any damage and you got perfect S rank every sub node.

>> No.11966568

>+1 ASW and bombing

Wow, so useful.

Not to worry, a week before the event we'll get a wunderwaffe that'll blow any abyss plane clean out of the water.

>> No.11966570

After my avg level 130 fleet got raped again, all I have to say now is: Re class, you are god!

>> No.11966571

My level 90 dd's get hit there, I have no idea how do you not take any damag with your shit fleet.

>> No.11966574

boss 1-5 can drop sub like hachi, iku ,faggot

>> No.11966575
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>> No.11966578

Keep in mind that it's still map 1 tier experience. But yeah, I guess it's safer choice, enjoy it while it's still easy.

>> No.11966579

boss 1-5 drop Iku confirm

>> No.11966582

Like I said, I haven't cleared world 3

The difficulty of 1-5 changes depend on your world clear.

>> No.11966588

I've cleared 1-5 at least 10 times by now and I've gotten hit two times total. Both hits were on my BBV. Using Lv20 Kiso(was 7 when I started grinding), lv27 Shigure Kai, Lv43 Chiyoda Kai with 3 blue/1 red, Yamashiro/Fusou.

>> No.11966589
File: 208 KB, 672x220, exp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help

>> No.11966590

Are you blind?

>> No.11966591


lol what

>> No.11966593

read the thread!

>> No.11966597

Complaining about it here isn't going to make the quest go away.

>> No.11966599
File: 57 KB, 1614x407, z1 z3 bismarck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready?

>> No.11966601

おねがいします せんぱいたち
That allowed me to clear one.
I can't read wikiwiki.

>> No.11966604

more kuso and ise sisters

>> No.11966605

wait, you need Z1/3 as flag to craft her?

>> No.11966607


My resources are fucking owata

>> No.11966610

I already know I'll end up with another Hiei or Kusou, but this is so tempting.

>> No.11966611

I'm staying away from that shit for now.

>> No.11966612

Got a Hyuuga with 4/6/6/3
Dreams and hopes etc.
I guess I'll just wait until after Midway.

>> No.11966614


>> No.11966616

I already blew away my resource. Mutsu, Hiei, Ise and no German insight.

>> No.11966622
File: 613 KB, 864x540, Z1 cutest pussy boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ,Z-1 make higher chance , i guess
first try 4/6/6/3/20

>> No.11966625

I have seen that line way too many times with Taihou. You won't tempt me

>> No.11966626

Dat tiny Yamato chance.

>> No.11966628

Do you have Z3 as well?

>> No.11966638

no, anon i think Z-1 and Z-3 make higher chance to craft
while i still in no taihou club since christmas

>> No.11966639
File: 101 KB, 794x473, attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall I do it as well comrade?

>> No.11966642

>Has those useless resources to spend
>Doesn't even have Bismarck yet
>get annoyed by my greentext

>> No.11966645

I have more res than he does and have never done LSC
Because LSC is for masochists

>> No.11966647

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11966648

Do it fag.

>> No.11966653

Fuck off Kuugen spawn.

>> No.11966655

Looking at the Bismarck stats.
She is worse than the first remodels of the Kongou classes. And can't even use 46cm and AP shells.

I guess I can ignore the three German girls until after the Midway event.

>> No.11966656

She can.

>> No.11966657


>> No.11966659

No, script some more before you do it

>> No.11966660

The hell is with your bauxite count?

>> No.11966661

Doesn't change the fact that she is an joke compared to the Kongou class.

>> No.11966662

Kuugen has a lot more res than that so that can't be her

>> No.11966663

Your jelly is showing.

>> No.11966664

I think so, sounds exactly like Aya Endo.

>> No.11966665

Sour grapes, etc.

>> No.11966666

where do you even have the max stats from?

>> No.11966667

Maybe he did Taihou crafting.

How do I get to that resource count like up btw?

>> No.11966668

What do you even do if you don't do LSC?

I've only been playing since the end of December and the only ships I don't have are Akitsu Maru, Yamato, Musashi, Hastukaze, and the two craftable new ones.

I guess you could farm rank but that's pretty much just as much for Ms and all you get is shitty equipment.

>> No.11966670


shitposting time?

It would be neat to have another relevant battleship.

>> No.11966671
File: 407 KB, 702x720, 1392772907732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-please reconsider, teitoku!

>> No.11966674

How the fuck you people have that 200k+ resources? Do you hate money here?

>> No.11966675

I've been playing since November, and I still haven't done the 80h Exp... It's going to be a while until I see these foreign ships.

>> No.11966676

No they hate bots

>> No.11966677

>fast BB with more HP than Kongou Class
that alone makes her more relevant than the rest of slow BBs

>> No.11966678


>> No.11966679

So subs doesn't really drop from 1-5 and it's all just a big joke to fool suckers like me, right? Because fuck, they're not dropping at all.

>> No.11966681

That stock gun on Bismack is joke

>> No.11966684

I enjjoy sitting on big numbers that come attached with managing lots of cute / sexy girls

It's not that I don't want LSC ships. It's that I'd rather wait several months for them to become dropable somewhere

>> No.11966685

>Not relevant
C'mon man, you're just jealous. Admit it. No need to shitpost about it.

>> No.11966687

>map needs fast battleships

go with Kongou and Hiei

>map doesn't need fast battleships

go with Nagato and Mutsu

Bismarck is a trophy battleship.

>> No.11966688

Been hovering at 95/100 ships for like a week. Every sortie I have to modernize or scrap some girls afterwards. Wish I wasn't missing 1 girl for almost every quest I have...

>> No.11966689

I got 2 Imuya and 1 Iku after around 10 tries.
keep it up. The first Imuya dropped after I cleared 1-5 for 4th time

>> No.11966690

I just vpn'ed for the first time in weeks to get 20 slots in

5-4 spam for 19 gave me more walking sonar lolis than all my time in 2-3

>> No.11966693

we dont even know her max stats after Kai yet.

>> No.11966695

this is my fifth boss run, I got 1 hachi, 1 iku and few sazanami.

>> No.11966696

The HP gap between Kongou Kai Ni and Bismarck is too small to be relevant though.

>> No.11966698

What's your HQ level?

>> No.11966699

So doing a exp37 clears one expedition quest and opens 400/0/0/400.
Apparently exp 31 will clear another.

What about the other ones?

>> No.11966701

Arghhhhh run away with nightmares

>> No.11966702

be a man and do all7000/100

>> No.11966703

Not him but I take it easy. And by that I mean get every ship I like to 99 in my own pace.

I've played the race to get the shiniest ships before, and once attempted to break top 200 during the Fall event when everyone was busy dealing with E-7. And honestly I'd rather not stress myself out again for a brief moment of bragging to literally just /jp/.

>> No.11966704

only 77

>> No.11966705

And I don't have as much resources as both of you have because I'm not scripting.

Suck on it fags.

>> No.11966706

With how scratch damage works, HP is pretty useless.

>> No.11966707

I've gotten Imuya so far.

>> No.11966708

Well, Bismarck would be a good ship if Kongou and Hiei wouldn't have the kai ni remodel.

>> No.11966709

Bismarck is a good BB. Not uber, not a great or magnificent BB, but a good one.

Compare stats:
Nagato Kai:
90 HP - 99 FP - 95 DEF - 99 AA - 160/180 Use
Kongou Kai 2:
82 HP - 98 FP - 94 DEF - 84 AA - 100/125 Use
Bismarck Kai:
94 HP - 93 FP - 93 DEF - 58 AA - ???/??? Use
Haruna Kai:
75 HP - 94 FP - 89 DEF - 79 AA - 090/120 Use

Bismarck has more HP than Kongou Kai 2 but otherwise has worse stats
Especially her low AA make her a bad choice for maps with carriers.
It depends on her consumption from here on whether she will be a good choice in general or a benchwarmer for when you need BCs and more than two of them at that, as she is worse than Kai 2 Kongous but better than Kai Kongous.
Inability to equip AP shells, which are the major reason Nagato class stands at the top due to stats and equip choices combined, really hurts Bismarck if her consumption is good she is still a solid choice for any map not needing Nagatos with AP shells.

>> No.11966710

The best setup I can think off for 5-5 is 5 Fast BBs and Maya.
2nd best being 4 fast BBs and 2 CVs.

>> No.11966711

Where did you get her max stats? And what the fuck is with that AA, especially when we're dealing with an air superiority-centric event?

Is Bismarck an elaborate ruse to make us waste our resources?

>> No.11966712

>even inferior to the non kai ni Kongou girls

holy fuck... not good enough to rape my ressources.

>> No.11966713

Please, take your jelly elsewhere

>> No.11966714

I see. This is the advanced version of the map, correct?

It seems it's just my cosmic miserable luck, since I can't get Z3 to proc as well. I'll try again tomorrow, I guess.

>> No.11966715

My testicles shrank a little when I saw the AA

I'm sorry, maya-sama it is for my midway team

>> No.11966716

>Jelly of being a cheater at a webgame

>> No.11966717

Of course what do you think about the devs? Good Samaritans?

They will entice you into a sweet trap that will induce more despair when Midway comes.

I would rather stockpile for Midway because eventually these ships will be a droppable somewhere soon.

>> No.11966718

Can anyone tell me how much fuel/ammo per bar bismarck uses?

>> No.11966720

I would say she is better than regular Kai Kongous. She has more HP, about as much FP, more def, less AA and if her consumption is good, she'll be a solid choice over Haruna and Kirishima

>> No.11966721

source on max stats?

>> No.11966724

The problem is that the Kongou class is overpowered relative to the reality.

So either they nerf the Kongou class or many incoming battleships will be useless.

>> No.11966725

Bismarck Kai's is 95/115

>> No.11966726

Kongou? Nagato? Shiranaiwa.

>> No.11966727

>nerfing a BB
You mean buff the non-Kongous, right?

>> No.11966728

Why can't they just buff upcoming battleships as well?

>> No.11966729

HP is barely relevant

the armor and firepower gap is too small (1-4 is nothing) and her super weak AA stats are an joke.

>> No.11966731


her AA is 'historically accurate'

go look at Bismarck's AA loadout and you will see its alot less then uh... everything else.

Seriously its pretty much garbage.

>> No.11966734

>because eventually these ships will be a droppable somewhere soon.
Nah, the devs won't be that generous. As you said, they aren't good samaritans.

>> No.11966735

Well, making battleships more powerful would lead to problems with the other ship types.

>> No.11966736

I'd rather just make them buff Bismarck a lot better relative to reality. Hell, they kinda did it with Fuso class.

>> No.11966740

>droppable somewhere soon
Nope I don't believe that.

>> No.11966741

So Bismarck is Kuso I mean Fuso class tier?

>> No.11966742

I guess just different mindsets.

I don't see any point in sitting above the resource cap in normal times. I'm only at 60k/75k/75k/90k and every time I go into the crafting menu I'm tempted to do LSC.

>> No.11966743

Right now, CA is the most useless class, assuming best equipment. What is the second most useless class? You're saying it's not BBs?

The way I see it, BBs are already inferior to CVs, and it shows. Nerfing any of them will only make the class look worse.

>> No.11966744

Looks pretty standard for an early ship of the war - the increase and improvement of AA assets begun after the end Bismarck and similiar events. Way better than Japanese ships.

>> No.11966745

So in the end,

Huh, who woulda thought that.

>> No.11966748


>> No.11966749

Anyone figured out the fleet comp to go the other route in 1-5?

>> No.11966750

Non bear/melon CL

>> No.11966751

wait how they rape late war foreign ships.

>> No.11966753

Thank you
That is a pretty good consumption and on par with her being better than Kongou Kai but not Kongou Kai Ni

Given her consumption, she is still a better choice for maps that aren't heavy on air fights

see below

english wiki (for now) which probably pulled them from wikiwiki comments (for now)
Even if the stats slightly differ, I have doubts they'd differ enough to make her better than Kai 2 Kongous or even Nagatos

I expect any LSC exclusive ship to stop being exclusive about 6 months after it's introduction into LSC. That means Yamato would become a drop somewhere sometime in June, together with Taihou. I don't think I am being too unrealistic here. Of course it'll be a rare drop and a hard map but still.
I'm german but not actually very knowledgeable about our Navy and especially not about our WW2 Navy. Who was the most powerful, not most popular, famous or liked, Battleship of the Third Reich Navy?

>> No.11966754

Do 5-1 drop other subs expect Imuya ?

>> No.11966756

Well as long as Yamato-class exists I doubt they'll introduce anything better strength-wise.

>> No.11966757

I went the other route at first with six ships but then got kinosei'd

>> No.11966758

Then they need a buff too.

The power creep is starting soon.

>> No.11966761

nope, babby version with the normal blue sub at 1st node instead of the red sub.
I heard people with level 90+ HQ are getting cri to orange at the first node by those red subs but I only get those shitty blue subs in all my runs instead

>> No.11966764

Super Yamato is probably gonna be a thing sooner or later...

>> No.11966765

The Bismarck thing is killing my motivation.

I didn't expect that the Bismarck will end as best ship ever but that she got raped by ex-battlecruisers is an joke.

>> No.11966768

I thought Bismarck got a kai ni?

>> No.11966769

Good so there's no rush to get her.

>> No.11966771

>Given her consumption, she is still a better choice for maps that aren't heavy on air fights

Why should I craft and lvl a LCS ship for grinding? Even if I need just two tries to get her - her barely lower consumption will never compensate for it.

>> No.11966772

I'm tempted to say the easier version gives better drops to help out newer admirals, but it's probably just my abysmal luck. I just want Iku, goddamned RNG. Well, thanks anyway!

>> No.11966773

Yea, the solo red sub on the first node is the hardest sub node on the map by far.

>> No.11966774

Hell, the Bismarck got raped by fucking biplane torpedo bombers so you shouldn't be expecting too much.

>> No.11966778

how much did they changed 5-4?
that night battle node in middle is infested with subs.

>> No.11966780

I so far don't see the point of doing 1-5 besides getting Iku.

>> No.11966781

enough to return 3-2 A as the most efficient grinding spot.

>> No.11966782

>not doing 1-5 for Hachi

>> No.11966783

Trophy ships will sooner or later be craftable, that's true. But going further down as rare drop? Nah.

LSC is one of best resource-sink for the devs. Putting LSC-exclusive ships as drop will drastically damage its function.

>> No.11966784

She got "raped" by several 780kg torpedo. Not uncommon for battleships.

Most battleships were sunk by torpedos.

>> No.11966785

Or hachi spare

>> No.11966787

you think other BBs would have fared better?

>> No.11966789

We're comparing Kriegsmarine ship with IJN ship here Anon. Historically, NIPPON is ship superior.

>> No.11966790

Monthly +75 ranking points?

>> No.11966792

even the drops sucks now.. lesser kusou and mic check, more CAs

why don't we have a new submarine? maruyu is useless.

>> No.11966794

If they change the first node I'd probably do my sub daily there, but wasting buckets and fuel/ammo on failed runs is too frustrating.

>> No.11966796

With the new node compositions, I think 5-4 is now even more sub viable

>> No.11966798

Fuck it, I want my grindable first node back

>> No.11966800

Yeah, hunting subs from a night node is very viable.

>> No.11966801

fuck yeah , Iona recipe bring me aganos sister after ton of RJ and drunk monters
the ride never end

>> No.11966802

I'm pretty sure he's talking about sub cheesing it, not farming subs.

>> No.11966803

You don't hunt them, you are the subs.

>> No.11966805

Ah, no doubt about that.

>> No.11966809

so lower consumption isn't even an argument for Bismarck?


>> No.11966812

Yes, dropped by stringbags known as swordfish which is a joke when facing any decent AA, except Bismark's AA is not even at decent level.

>> No.11966814

So it's all Re's elaborate trap. 5-4, foreign ships, extra operations, it's all Re's scheme and she's even revealed herself to mock us personally.

Re bring glory and victory to abyss, Wo is old and busted.

>> No.11966819

The joke is that they even reduced the consumption of the Kongou-class just some weeks ago.

Not even sure how they could decide that a ship which had the most modern 38cm gun of the war should have less firepower than battlecruisers with pre-WWI 35,6cm guns.

>> No.11966820

I want to lick her ribs so badly

>> No.11966821

Fuck you Re and yes still fuck you Wo.

>> No.11966823

So which one of your beloved daughters are you going to scrap to make space for the aryan master race?
For me: Murasame, Yamashiro, Inazuma, Mogami

>> No.11966824

That's not her final form, she'll get a Kai-2

>> No.11966828

>define decent level

Bismarck's AA assets were state of the art at the time of the war. Espencially compared to Japanese warships.

>> No.11966829

What do you call a T-Crossing with a Re-class?
A T-Re X!

>> No.11966832


if you got a pile of turd and and compared them to the swordfish bomber and then saw that Bismarck only shot down (was it 3 of them?) with its garbage AA guns

Suddenly Bismarck's AA stat makes alot of damn sense.


It doesn't matter how state of the art they are if you didn't have enough of them.

>> No.11966833

serve you right for using the Iona recipe.

>> No.11966837

>It doesn't matter how state of the art they are if you didn't have enough of them.

I don't even know what's your point is.

Either you compare Bismarck's armament with other ships of the time or you don't.

>> No.11966839

Seeing her smug face actually made me wish the Abyss ships had their own set of damage sprites.

>> No.11966841

Got Imuya on 3rd node. Guess it's not boss only.

>> No.11966842

AA guns generally were not good in ww2, doesn't explain the higher stats of IJN ships

there wasn't much competition anyway, other navies had 41cm guns

>> No.11966843

Carlos, you're drunk.

>> No.11966851

I got a Shoukaku from that 4 6 6 3 recipe

>> No.11966854

That's actually pretty damn rare, 4663 is a troll recipe

>> No.11966860

How come?

>> No.11966864

You don't believe in Iona enough. She senses your faltering faith and is trying to test you.

>> No.11966865

I think he means how you can get pretty much the whole LSC pool out of it (albeit in small chance)

>> No.11966866

>there wasn't much competition anyway, other navies had 41cm guns

only that the Brits moved back to 38cm guns. Because it was more accurate and easier to handle.

38cm guns reached the sweetspot for battleship armaments. The theoretical higher range and penetration power of 41cm was useless - even for the calculated battle ranges between 20-25km.

>> No.11966867

Bismarck's eyes are so far apart.

>> No.11966868

State of the art? Which one? 3.7cm/C30 which is in essence a single shot weapon? Or the completely useless powered mounts for the 105 C/33 which never works?
IJN 25mm and 12.7cm guns are not great, but still way better than these garbage.

>> No.11966869

You got Wo’d!

>> No.11966871
File: 41 KB, 592x386, nyanpasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11966878

I think people wouldn't give so much of a shit if they would stop giving the finger to slow BBs because everybody is sick of using Kongou-class who doesn't really deserve the stats anyway.

>> No.11966879

Nyanpassu, Hitler-chon.

>> No.11966880

>10,5-cm-SK C/33

Sure, you know your shit.

>> No.11966883

You don't do 4 6 6 3

You do 4 6 6 2 to completely bar out CV/CVL trollrates

4 6 6 3 gives taihou as some elaborate double negative troll though

>> No.11966888

Copy. Did LSC for like 5 times ever since it appeared so I'm not used nor did I look at the past tables yet.

>> No.11966889

Would be interesting if Tirpitz-chan would get a torpedo attack.

>> No.11966895

Every major navy was moving toward 16 inch guns. USN had already adopted 16inch, IJN was to as well under 8-8 plan.
RN did not move to 15 inch, the 14 inch on KGV class is to satisfy requirements of London Navy Treaty, and had WWII not started in 1939, the Lion class under construction is also to be armed with 16 inch. Vanguard was armed with 15 inch because the UK was so short funded that they reused barrels from scrapped ships.

KM was stuck with 15 inch guns because that is all they got, not because it was a better gun.

>> No.11966897

Bismarck will get a kai 2 at least.

>> No.11966900
File: 859 KB, 1116x480, 1394802329982[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like tenderly loving her anymore.

>> No.11966901

Maybe this is what Re is foreshadowing.

>> No.11966904

Meh, typing in bed with a tablet sucks....

>> No.11966905

Anyone cleared 5-5 yet?

>> No.11966906

The Brits hated the 16inch gun. The 15inch gun had the war better reputation.

The 41cm or even 46cm guns were overpowered as naval guns.

>> No.11966907

I want to lick her belly and ribs so badly so badly so badly

>> No.11966908

You'll need at least 3 for a decent Yamato chance though.

>> No.11966911

I don't think so buddy. Why in the world would baux come into play when the target is a BB

My waifu was from isolated recipes 4 2 5 5.2, and if I ever were to do hotel I'd go for 4 6 6 2

Just my take on isolation and most optimal return for resources

>> No.11966920

And no, I am not a fast submarine that eats your resources over the holidays and then goes AWOL

>> No.11966922

Wow, Bismarck in first craft? I sure fucking hope so, 5h craft incomming.

>> No.11966923

lol 3 consecutive run 1-5
first run success;boss killed
2nd run;isuzu miss, kill all shits ss except boss.
3rd run;isuzu miss again, boss survived only.

>> No.11966924

What recipe?

>> No.11966926

mah torpedo

>> No.11966927

RN hated the 16inch on Nelson because they tried the German approach of high MV and light AP round, which turned out to be disappointing.

Lion class were to have a new model of 16 inch guns with proper heavy and super heavy AP rounds. Completely different beast.

15 inch Mk I was one of the finest guns ever built, and there is no shame in admitting that. But compared to modern 16 inch with proper heavy AP rounds like the US Mk6, it its penetration is just not in the same league, especially at longer ranges.

>> No.11966928

Exploding turret

>> No.11966932
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>> No.11966933

holy shit line ahead?

>> No.11966938

You are literally the worst. The worst otaku DD. You aren't cute like the other sisters. You give nothing rare.

Even your damn marriage line is of you drawing porn.

>> No.11966939

Japan and USA's 41cm guns never seen any action which proved the superiorty of the caliber.

Unlike the Brits who had real battleship action against Germany and Italy and there was nothing what couldn't be handled by 38cm guns.

>> No.11966940

You mean Kagerou class or Yuugumo class? The former, right?

>> No.11966943

RE class is god, what else can you say when you are faced with a ship that is like space battleship Yamato.

>> No.11966944

She is cutter than Z1. Would shiperu.

>> No.11966945

Coppied what this guy did >>11966622
Z1 on flagship and then crafted using that recipe.

Bismarck it was.

>> No.11966946

They both look like cute boys.

>> No.11966948

Lucky fag, did the same recipe but nothing

>> No.11966952

I can't into boyish girls, yet Z3 looks really cute.

>> No.11966955

Guess you didn't need Z2 for Bismarck?

>> No.11966956

No, I don't have her.

>> No.11966959

not diamond while hear Z-1 fight line ?
you are faggot

>> No.11966960

5-5 pretty much forces you to run both support expeditions
which will eat up tons of fuel/ammo (and bauxite if you do go for aerial support)
and even them, Re(CKT) class is a fucking troll

Has anyone tried to sub cheese it?

>> No.11966962

Re kills your subs too with the super floatplane.

>> No.11966963

I'm so not looking forward to Midway.

>> No.11966964

Re eats subs for breakfast, she has something like 107 in ASW.

>> No.11966966

What's your fleet composition and what do you use for support expeditions?

I'm not having much of a problem as you're making it sound.

>> No.11966967
File: 357 KB, 2000x1000, 8da19701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z1's damaged pose does so much to my lower body

>> No.11966969


>> No.11966972

what ? she can hit subs too ? with ASW equip or planes ?

>> No.11966976

You mean Z3

>> No.11966977


>> No.11966978

Not-sub: Re kills you with bombing, torpedo and shelling
Sub: Re kills you with ASW

I think the Devs didn't playtest her whatsoever
They saw 5-4 was too easy and decided to go to the other extreme and now 5-5 is too hard for almost anyone to bother

Nagato, Mutsu, Kongou Kai 2, Kitakami, Kiso, Ooi

normal support is 2 DD + Haruna, Kirishima, Hiei Kai 2 and CA

boss support is 2 DD + Ise, Hyuuga, Fusou, Yamashiro all with 4x 41cm

so far I saw the boss once and didn't kill it and retreated 8 times

>> No.11966979

Is Z3 really not wearing any panties at all? What a new level of lewd.

Bismarck receives an Iron Cross sometime before her remodel. How cute.

>> No.11966980
File: 657 KB, 1920x1348, 1392852428432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could be rolling for Bismarck with you awful people right now, but I'm too busy burning ammo with my new Yamato from yesterday.

>> No.11966982

No I like prone, vulnerable positions

Z3 should stop covering up so much

>> No.11966983

>They saw 5-4 was too easy and decided to go to the other extreme and now 5-5 is too hard for almost anyone to bother
People cleared 5-4 in one hour. You have seven hundred hours to clear 5-5.

>> No.11966984
File: 227 KB, 334x673, Z3-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does

>> No.11966986

Thank goodness the world is safe for children once again.

>> No.11966987

I'm starting to think someone in DMM or Kadokawa is angry at something. I mean, 1-5 is annoyingly difficult because of the elite sub at the 1st node and the fleet at the boss node. Then there's the Re-class, which more or less does just about EVERYTHING. It's like the only thing that can probably stand up to the Re-class are the Arpeggio ships.

>> No.11966989

Z1 is the one where you can't see the panties at all

>> No.11966990

Can you get hatsukaze?

>> No.11966992


>> No.11966993

But for what reason would I clear 5-5? It will reset eventually and unless the medals we get are revealed to do something great, it won't be worth the resources

That or unless something very special drops in 5-5

>> No.11966994


I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be ok.

>> No.11966995

Looks like a kid,I sure hope we will not have to meet the parents

>> No.11966997

For the achievement. Why do you play this game at all?

>> No.11967000

your achievement resets every month

>> No.11967002

Any reports what drops at 5-5?

>> No.11967005

enjoy your jelly while people exchange medal for shinano

>> No.11967013

Enjoy getting Re-kt then.

>> No.11967014

WTB> Godmode hacks@@@@

>> No.11967016

1-5 is easier for low level teitokus, it's free 75 ranking points every month for others.

>1-5 is annoyingly difficult because of the elite sub at the 1st node
It never hit my ships.

5-5 is a 11 star map, what did you expect? 3 simple flagship Wo with a hime like on 9 star maps?

>> No.11967018

What are Japan's reaction to the new girls?

>> No.11967021

your delusions of grandeur are amusing

>> No.11967022

Why does it matter?

>> No.11967023

I accidentally did line ahead the first node but the elite sub punched a level 90 destroyer into the red in one blow. I laughed.

>> No.11967024

dam she is cute.

>> No.11967025

Why does anyone anything says in these threads matter?

>> No.11967035

HQ level 41 and I still only have one CV(Akagi). Is this bad luck?

>> No.11967036

Is there a way to get to 1-5 end node without CVLs?

I'm not exactly loaded in the zunbie autogyroes and zuihou does little to nothing to those big subs

>> No.11967039

Did not mean to quote

>> No.11967043

try loading your BBV with Zuiuns and CVL with Ryuuseis + Saiun, then pray to RNGoddess that they can one-shot the smaller subs.

>> No.11967044

My Chiyoda Kai Ni is doing fine with just blues in 1-5. And there's always a chance to get to boss node when you use 4 ships, but compass RNG can still fuck you over 5 runs in a row. BBV CVL DD CL is the only guaranteed setup I know

>> No.11967042

Just use Ryuusei-Kais, Saiun and Seirans instead. Your best bet is that your BBV/CVL target the weaker ones leaving the flagship open to your DDs

>> No.11967048

Unless there's a composition other than DD, CL, BBV, and CVL, nope. Just equip your favorite CVL with 3 Rkai and Sauin. I haven't got Hachi and Iku in my post-boss runs, though.

>> No.11967050

Well, a green T on the elite Re node costs 1500 steel.

>> No.11967051

RS has 4 ASW compared to RS-K shockingly so I'm stocked on them

The first few runs I've done with them melon got hit by stray torps so there goes my one-shotter

Ise goes through unscathed like some beaver just because RNG spits in my mouth

>> No.11967055

There is.

>> No.11967058

What level should I actually start trying for equipment rather than just 10/10/10/10 at dailies?

>> No.11967070

These 5-5 runs are pretty expensive. Maybe I'll go back to scripting again.

>> No.11967073

The 38cm gun is pretty shitty, even worse than the 35,6cm gun.

>> No.11967074

Do you have the normal node BGM from the Arpeggio event?

>> No.11967079

why you need 38cm while you can use 46cm

>> No.11967081

You know what, I'm starting to think this smug little bitch is karma from us abusing CLTs.

She's basically the Abyss' version of exploiting pre-emptive torps.

>> No.11967089

... Shit.

We were led into thinking that the bottleneck will be steel and bauxite for MIdway, right?

If we're going to send support fleets for Midway, and Midway doesn't have many night battles (because most battles were fought in the day), we might still end up using more ammo and fuel than steel or bauxite.

>> No.11967093

Welp most of my nodes in 1-5 have changed to elite subs. RIP ever getting Iku

>> No.11967094

1-5 was godsent for the daily/weekly sub kill quest.

>> No.11967102

The dream of using other girls than the annoying Kongou and Hiei is over.

>> No.11967106

We can still hope for Iowa and Missouri!

>> No.11967105

But Haruna is there for you.

>> No.11967108

Kai Ni model for Haruna is my only hope now.

>> No.11967110

>implying the only foreign fast BB is Bismarck

>> No.11967113

Bismarck kai 2 SOON™.

>> No.11967114

I want mic check more

>> No.11967115

>wanting them to ruin Haruna too
Don't you have enough with two monkeys?

>> No.11967116

Why do you care so much about kai ni, it gives 5 FP, 7AA, 5HP and 5 Armor, no battle will be decided for that.

>> No.11967117

other german BB wouldn't get better stats.

Non-german ships won't come any time soon

>> No.11967122

Bismarck kai 2 will announce at mid Midway event

>> No.11967125

If you love her enough 26 AA or w/e isn't even that big of a deal. The monkey's will shoot down like 5 more planes.

If she can't use 46cms it will be like a 8 plane difference, but reports are conflicting on that.

>> No.11967127



>> No.11967131

Watch Midway having a slow BBs requirement

>> No.11967132

Give her the Tirplitz upgrade with additional torpedo attack.


>> No.11967133

I'm not sure about you, guys, but I get to the boss with CL, BBV, DD, CLT combo pretty easily. 1-5

>> No.11967134

No I'm pretty sure that's the cookie and not the medal.

>> No.11967136


>> No.11967139

Unlikely, the Kongous played quite a part at Midway too.

>> No.11967142


>> No.11967143

Has anyone tried DD, CL, CLT, CAV, BBV, CVL?

Maybe you can't reach the boss node if you have more than 1 of the same ship type in your fleet.

Captcha: iroACi theory

>> No.11967145

torpedoes on a BB won't happen

>> No.11967146


>> No.11967149

>Flagship Wo-class Kai
So Abyss has Kai ships now huh.
I can't even imagine what a Flagship Re-class Kai would be like.

>> No.11967147

>Maybe you can't reach the boss node if you have more than 1 of the same ship type in your fleet.
But I make it to the boss everytime with 3DD 1CL.

>> No.11967152

Re-class proved you wrong.

Torps on BBs soon.


>> No.11967153

Arpreggio laser with 500 firepower and 200% accuracy

>> No.11967154

Out of five times, I went south after 気のせいだった and met some horror there.

>> No.11967159

Re-class isn't a player ship, Abyss just works differently.

>> No.11967156

kai ni remodels were the worst thing that could happen to KanColle.

>> No.11967157

*out of five times, once...

>> No.11967158

I've tried only 4 times so far, but yes.

>> No.11967161
File: 300 KB, 460x652, 5-5 failed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's it for today, started from ~15k resources.
Got to the boss node once in ~15 tries, only to deal one single point of damage to the Wo kai and get a C rank.
Support fleet only for mid nodes: 2BB 2CA 2DD.
Any suggestions for next week other than suck less?

>> No.11967165

Try using both support fleets.

Wo can also battle during night while our CVs cannot.

>> No.11967167

I can't believe I spent 250+ dev mats for Hachi and she drops from the 2nd kill on 1-5 boss.

>> No.11967170

Is there even a point in draining resources into 5-5 before midway? Other than the feeling of achievement.

>> No.11967171

Level up your fleet, or let the big boys find out the compass rules instead before tackling it yourself

>> No.11967168

How about leaving it to the high level admirals instead?

>> No.11967169

You don't even have neough 46s to outfit your girls, stop dreaming of clearing 5-5 scrub

>> No.11967175

But I'm level 101? There isn't much difference in level 80 and level 90 ships you know.

>> No.11967174

That's what you get for trying to craft droppable ships.

>> No.11967178

Who's Yuudachi? Who's Shigure? Who's Bep? Who's Isuzu? Who's Jintsuu/Naka? Who's Ooi/Kitakami? Who's Kiso? Who's Chitose/Chiyoda? (And especially Kiso.)

Well shit, I have no idea then.

All you have to do is just wait, by next Arpeggio event BBs will have torps.

>> No.11967181

Wikiwiki just has E to G/I as random if you don't have a CVL(maybe AV too).
My first 3 runs were CL CL DD BBV and got to I, next 3 went to G.

Also sent out a 4DD all level one fleet and they made it all the way to E, but got sent to G.

>> No.11967182

Not even Bismarck is strong enough to pull me back into LSC hell

>> No.11967179

That's a shitload of 2-3 you've done.

>> No.11967180

Those are pretty low level ships, I suggest you should grind them more and pay for rings. Get some S radars and 46cms too while you're at it.

>> No.11967184

At least bring a married ship with you. Why are you even settling for your lower leveled ships when this is literally the hardest map we've ever gotten?

>> No.11967193

>Kaga's Suisei 12A not in smallest slot
>So many Ryuusei Kais and only 3 Reppus against a plane-heavy enemy fleet
>No sanshiki on Haruna
>46cms shortage
What are you doing? You won't be able to shoot down any of your enemies' planes while the enemy will be free to shoot down yours.

Put 3 green 1 red per CV, red in smallest slot. Best if all 3 greens are Reppus. First course of action is to disable the enemy Wo. If you can't disable her, at least shoot down as many of her planes as possible.

Also, use a support fleet for boss node as well, you'll appreciate it.

>> No.11967209

5-5 is stupidly hard. i think i will wait till they change the pre boss node into diamond formation.

>> No.11967212

>stuka on regular carrier
what the fuck are you doing

>> No.11967214

>Kaga's Suisei 12A not in smallest slot
I switched it with the Ryuusei kai only for the last try.

>So many Ryuusei Kais and only 3 Reppus against a plane-heavy enemy fleet
I couldn't get air superiority against the elite Re with 4 Reppuu + hybrid planes either,
3 is enough to not get critted in the opening phase, Wo is not the main problem here.
Would it really be much better with 4 Reppuu + 2 Shiden K2?

>No Sanshiki on Haruna + 46cms shortage
Yeah, I accidentally sent a 46cm on ex23, also thought that Haruna is better with more accuracy, I will try more sanshiki too.
After fall event the consensus was that sanshiki is not needed with 46cm guns, is it important now?

No more 12A.

>> No.11967215

Put a Saiun there.

>> No.11967223

Steel isn't hard to get

>> No.11967218

See >>11967050

>> No.11967225

CV role in air combat heavy maps like 5-2 and 5-4 is to bring utility and disable enemy carriers, not to deal damage, put 3 reppu on each carrier, a Saiun on one of them and a ryuusei kai on the other, also, you don't need 3 BB, nevertheless 3 Kongous that are less effective than regular BB, unless you need them for branching rules, bring stronger BB like Nagato class for the AP bullet, also use a sub as flagship since it tanks Re attacks.


>> No.11967228

Are 20 devmats even needed?

>> No.11967231


Best 5-5 run I've seen so far, without using any support shelling.

>> No.11967232

Not gonna bother until they find a recipe that doesn't give Yamato.

If they never find one, I'll just wait till she's a drop and farm her.

>> No.11967236

>bring stronger BB like Nagato class for the AP bullet, also use a sub as flagship since it tanks Re attacks.
Are you serious?

>> No.11967237

How the fuck do you beat 1-5

I'm reaching boss 90% of the time but can never kill flagship sub, I have Yuubari/Bep/Kitakami/BBV, non-BBV girls each equipped with sonar+depth, BBV with two seaplanes

>> No.11967240

I knew this update would attract the same retards that plagued Fall Event. Wait, it might be even worse than before.

>> No.11967243

You're the only retard here

>> No.11967246

do you have Isuzu kai ni ? Replace your KTKM with her.
you can just equip your BBV with full seaplanes too since guns are useless there anyway.

>> No.11967249

Looking at the map, best route are all sub fleets so just use full sub equipment on everyone.

If you really need a CLT then it's probably better to use Kiso since she has higher ASW.

>> No.11967252

Thanks, will try these.

>> No.11967254


>> No.11967255

1-5 setup
DD: Three Type 3 sonars
CL: Three Type 3 sonars
CVL: 4 Ryuusei (Alternatively, as many ZUNship copters and planes as you have, at least 1 blue sea plane)
BBV: 4 Zuiun (Or as many Seiran + Zuiun as you have. Any excess Copters from ZUNship go here but at least run 1 Zuiun or Seiran)

>> No.11967258

You know what I meant. Actually, the only non-sub fleet seems to be the dead--end nodes and you don't really care what happens in those so there's no need to prepare your ships for them.

>> No.11967264

What if I don't have shitty ships (BBV)?

>> No.11967266

Then your shitty ass is going to be violated by subs

>> No.11967268

It's worth taking since you get a second shelling phase. Just raise an ise-class to 10, takes less than 30 minutes.

>> No.11967269

Small correction to the CVL
1 slot gets Saiun because red cross on flag sub = won't be sunk

Then you kill yourself

>> No.11967270

Can you post the requirements for the new quests/Expeditions?

>> No.11967271

I knew keeping Ise-class someday will pay off

>> No.11967273

read the thread or the wiki

>> No.11967277

Not him, but wiki has shit all on any of these new updates. It's probably in the thread.

>> No.11967279

All six ships including 2BBV, 2DD, Flagship level 50, 200 levels combined

4 Subs, flag ship level 60, 200 level combined

8 Drums, 1 CL, 5 DD, 250 levels combined, Flagship level 65

I can't type moon so I can't really talk about quests

>> No.11967280

Thank you

>> No.11967285
File: 298 KB, 680x262, 1-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there is. I've easily finished it with this composition:

>> No.11967286

If my subs aren't leveled worth a shit I can pack along two 75 destroyers with the four subs and do it that way, right? Or is it subs only?

>> No.11967287

Meh, I'm happy with my Kongous. I feel more at home with them than these Aryan pigs.

>> No.11967288

Idiot. Using BBV for PVP sub fleets is great. I have both Ise + Hyuuga at 45+ with just that.

>> No.11967289
File: 110 KB, 686x221, bbv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it be a lesson that you should love all of your ship girls. They are all useful in their own way, and now it is the BBVs times to shine.

>> No.11967290

So is Kongou's English worse, or the Germans' German?

Report in, krautfags.

>> No.11967291

Well now that I have 4 subs from 1-5 I guess it's time to never leave 3-2-A. I usually used the time waiting for my lone sub to repair to take a break...

>> No.11967293

>3 Ryuujous
Poor guy.

Firstly, the Ryuusei Kais proved to be useless for the most part. They were only able to sink 2 ships on the way, 1 each in 2 of the battles. This further proves my belief that blues are unnecessary, so 3 greens in the first 3 slots are recommended.

Secondly, not even the Yamato-class BBs could kill any of the Re-class BBs. AP ammo is clearly needed here. But then, that might mean the BBs might miss... it's hard to make a call here.

And finally, support fleet is best.

From what the video shows, yes, 3 stronger BBs are recommended.

Looks like we should ditch the Kongous and use 2 46cms + sanshiki + AP ammo.

>> No.11967298

But then they'll be able to post on 4chan from an early age.

>> No.11967297

do not marry kongou, she gonna teach your children speaking English.

>> No.11967301

>From what the video shows
Yes I see now, though the wiki said that slow ships = night battle with flagship subs, maybe it doesn't apply to Yamatos? I should have brought Musashi with me.

>> No.11967302

As if the English language hasn't been ruined enough by Ebonics and other neger dialects. Kongou speak is at least near and endearing.

>> No.11967305

What's wrong with using stuka's on regular carriers? I have been using mine all this time.

>> No.11967313
File: 154 KB, 294x328, 1360819465720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebonics was a great song.

>> No.11967315

nothing, it's just not as good as suisei 12A but for some people like me, it refuses to comes out of craft so I use the Stuka.
It's also a not bad choice for CVL provided you don't have zunship for ASW.

>> No.11967316

technically that should work but don't take my word for it. not tested.

>> No.11967318

I did that to meet the flagship level requirement for the long sub expeditions before I had them leveled enough and it worked. This one is only 2 hours so it couldn't hurt to try.

Fucking lvl 65 flagship requirement on #38 though, I thought having Nagatsuki at lvl 58 would be plenty (using her as flag on #37 now)

>> No.11967319

That's a pretty shit taste...

>> No.11967320

From what I heard of Biskmarck, not only is her German terribly outdated and archaic, her pronounciation is also all over the place but I've heard much worse german from japanese voice actors.
I'd say it's ever so trivially worse than Kongou's english.

>> No.11967325

>terribly outdated and archaic
As in, like, 19th century German, or medieval German?

It's probably language failure rather than an actual decision, but Nachi and Hatsuharu speak outdated Japanese, I think.

>> No.11967327

So did they nerf Carrier shelling for support fleets? Ain't doing any damage with it.

>> No.11967329
File: 4 KB, 125x48, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 6 6 3 - 20
Kirishima, Zuikaku, Akitsumaru and her. This must be payback for all the bad luck I had with crafting before.

>> No.11967330

As in Nazi German. Of course it's somewhat historically appropriate but it's still incredibly weird.
Nobody, not even the people using formal businessmen German, speak like that anymore or have been for nearly 20 years.

>> No.11967332

Is there anywhere to make suggestions for KCV? It would be nice if there was a way to display the japanese names in ship list next to the english names. Would help with finding duplicates and such while scrapping or modernizing.

>> No.11967333
File: 540 KB, 800x479, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is happening every time.

>> No.11967334

for example?

>> No.11967338

Not him, but I'm looking at the lines on Z1's and what German she speaks looks like elementary but correct phrases like Danke and Gute Nacht. I've yet to hear her speak though.

>> No.11967339

It also says that you can avoid that node if you have 2 CVs and one CVL, which that guy had. The best 2 CVs in order would be Kaga > Taihou > Cranes > Akagi > Dragons, in order of first 3 slots' AA capacity assuming all Reppus (Cranes have same as Akagi but their 4th slot is bigger). Best CVL would be one of the Chitose sisters, or maybe Hiyou/Jun'you.

Which reminds me. Can Bismarck equip AP ammo?

Show your planes. (I wonder if all blues or all reds would be better.)

I got Isuzu hit to orange and Shimakaze to red and I still S ranked that node. Git gud.

>> No.11967342

How? Bep with 3 sonars should kill everything except flag and Yuubari with 4 sonars should kill anything in one shot
Unless yuubari kills a shit sub, BBV and CVL hit flag sub, Bep hits flag sub, then normal sub, BBV and CVL both hit flag sub and then yuubari hits normal sub

I would have to pull up the audio files again. It left an impression but not an actual memory of what words were out of place.

>> No.11967341

I'm using 3x Type3 sonar on my DD/CL, Senran/Zuiun on BBV and Akitsu equip + 2xJu87c

>> No.11967349

They should've had Kakihara Tatsuya speak the German. He is the best at saying Kraut lines.

>> No.11967350

I am just going with the 2* red planes because I'm using the actually good planes on my actual fleet. I remember during the fall event that even those planes were strong enough to put a huge dent in the boss at E-5.

>> No.11967353

Why the fuck are you in echelon formation?

So I believe someone said before you actually only need Z1 and not Z3 to get Bismarck, is this in fact the case?

>> No.11967355

Yes. For the sake of it, I put Z1 as flagship.

>> No.11967358


>> No.11967364

Did you look at the picture? I am using a BBV.

>> No.11967360

Your own fault for using a CVL instead of a BBV.

>> No.11967361

Thanks, I didn't want to go wasting res trying to LSC too early (or unnecessarily spamming rare DD recipe).

Now I just need to get Z1, I fucked up and used up all my expedition fleets without thinking. My steel is nearly at resource cap too, time to build more radars I guess.

>> No.11967362

Red, huh. I wonder if anyone has tested whether red or blue would be better for aerial support, and whether either is better than support shelling.

All I can say is, if you want to use aerial support, you need more red/blue planes for it to be effective.

>> No.11967363

I've gone through Bismarck's voice files and there was nothing in it like nazi german.

>> No.11967366

Nazi German as in German commonly used during WW2 era, which is a bit different than nowadays German
I'm obviously not talking about Nazi Paroles or Racist statements

>> No.11967370

Considering that she was kriegsmarine, wouldn't it be reasonably appropriate for her to use that speech...? Or am I missing something?

>> No.11967368

Is it normal, that a Chiyoda equipped exclusively with planes from Akitsumaru won't attack?

>> No.11967369

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the usual bargain method of using 2 CVL for shelling support. In that case red planes are slightly better (12A > R-K, Suisei > Ryuusei)

>> No.11967373

there is nothing like that in it, give an example already.
Even if you don't hear "Danke schön", "Gute Nacht" or "Guten Tag" very often doesn't make it old german.

>> No.11967376

I don't think the number of CV(L)s matter if we're just talking about whether red or blue planes are better.

If it's shelling support red planes are slightly better, you say?

>> No.11967377

That's the one. However, I noticed that it's been doing almost zero to no damage. Might just be me, but I've seen it missing a lot.

>> No.11967380

Is there any historical significance as to why they require sub expeditions to unlock the Kriegsmarine?

>> No.11967383

how? i cleared that map using the new shota dd as flag with 2 type 3 sonar and 1 dept charge, same setup on a random CL, CVL with akitsumaru copters and a saiun, bbv with 4 lightgreen planes in aboob. gitgud.

>> No.11967384

You need at least 1 normal plane.

>> No.11967385

Submarines regularly traveled between Germany and Japan to exchange technology and materiel.

Yeah I've been getting shit. I've actually been bringing at least 3x Reppu with me on the support expeditions because they do have enemy interceptors but I don't know if that matters at all.

>> No.11967386

surface ships wouldn't have survived the trip

>> No.11967387

Why are we still calling her this?

>> No.11967390

Please don't ask questions you already know the answer to.

>> No.11967394

Germany and Japan were always sending subs back and forth so the British wouldn't notice. Like passing notes in class, except underwater, and across thousands of miles of ocean, and you get blown up if you get caught.

>> No.11967391

Must have had some bad luck, doing much better now.
Appreciated the inputs.

>> No.11967392

If you bring more than 2 CVL (or use CV) it turns into aerial support instead of shelling support, and in that case I don't know how it works (blues are probably better then, just like opening airstrike). Reds contribute more to firepower though which makes them better for shelling.

>> No.11967397

Guys, are we sure about the needing Z1/Z3 for Bismarck construction thing? Has anyone tried without them?

>> No.11967398

Don't think it matters if you go for a shelling version, but I think the damage carriers did for this got nerfed.

>> No.11967399

I don't because it's already been confirmed that she's a girl.

Oh, that.

No one tested aerial support? At all?

>> No.11967400

don't be a bitch and do the expeditions

>> No.11967402

You don't need Z3.

>> No.11967404

The devs went out of their way to say it. So unless you think this is one of those "turbines are useful! orange is risky! depth charges are useful!" developer lies, then yes.

>> No.11967406

Boy, pixiv artists really love Re-chan, it feels like she's getting more art than any of the German ships.

>> No.11967410

>I don't because it's already been confirmed that she's a girl.
And it's been confirmed that Kongou is not, in fact, a monkey, but that doesn't stop anyone from calling her a monkey, does it?

>> No.11967413

It's BRS, of course it's on pixiv

>> No.11967414

maybe it's enough to complete the quest that gives you Z1 and the set her as flagship part might be placebo

>> No.11967415

I think it's the closest Wo that looks legitimately cute instead of an abomination.

>> No.11967417

what if none of those are lies but they're too stupid to code right and thus they all don't work because of shoddy coding?

>> No.11967419

Its a lamia, she has no legs
How is that cute?

>> No.11967421

Ariel support is scary. It feels like you're just throwing baux at the enemies who already have a stupid amount of AA. Maybe if I had like 10 more reppus and or something. From there, you won't kill much considering that once enemies become flagship level, the chance of actually killing anything decreases.

>> No.11967422

Good. I'll take not!Strength over more Strike Witches any day.

>> No.11967426

I somehow get this feeling that they actually fixed the depth charges thing in the latest update.

But at least monkeys can be female.

>> No.11967425

so much love.

>> No.11967427

But Depth charges + Sonar combo really is useful.

>> No.11967430

Nigga she's a fucking anglerfish. the real "body" is what you see on her tail. She's more creepy than anything

>> No.11967435

Thats rude to anglerfish, they're a lot cuter than that

>> No.11967436

She has stumpy legs like Aigis. And I forgot to add that she looks the most light hearted out of the wo's like if we're gonna go there, she just does it, "for the lulz."

>> No.11967437

Monster girl lovers I would bet.

>> No.11967442

So does this confirm that Wo is, in fact, the hat?

The coding is actually pretty fucking surreal, there's all sorts of weird shit.

Like, incoming damage is reduced something ludicrous like 80% when a ship is in "can't sink" mode but a ship that goes down regularly takes 150+ damage, which would have enough to crush it from full HP.

>> No.11967444

You know, despite her being the most threatening mook enemy ship, there's not much on her that suggests insane amounts of fire power. She looks more like a light cruiser or something.

>> No.11967448

So it's been confirmed that you lose planes based on enemy AA? English wiki doesn't say anything about how much bauxite you lose, I can't read moon and translating it gives gibberish.

If that's the case then, yes, reds are better. But reds don't get shot down easily even against high AA so I don't think you lose much bauxite there.

>> No.11967449

I actually want someone to look over the code and discover exactly what things put a ship in "Can sink" mode.
We already know what causes sinking but it would be pretty useful to know the exact conditions

>> No.11967450

Yes, there is one single report of building a Bismarck with Kongou, among the 1509 tries with non-Z flagship.
So no, you probably don't need both of them though.

Current status with Z_ flagships:
4/6/6/2/20 (681): 14.1% Bismarck
4/6/6/3/20 (186): 16.1% Bismarck

>> No.11967454

Looks like an oversight by the devs which would be fixed come the next patch.

>> No.11967456

Naka Kai Ni stomping face in 1-5.

What exactly is the oversight supposed to be?

>> No.11967461

So Yamato/Taihou tier when we'll get enough reports.


>> No.11967463

Fusou Kai, Chitose Kou, Naka Kai Ni, Nagatsuki Kai

Easiest map of my life.

>> No.11967466

That's not surprising, I personally feel that Re has a way better character design when compared to the German ships.

>> No.11967468
File: 64 KB, 703x425, pvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, some have it good.

>> No.11967469

>it's been confirmed that Kongou is not, in fact, a monkey
Since when?

>> No.11967472

You don't even have all of those ships? Shit teitoku.

>> No.11967475

>implying all those who joined after Fall event are shit teitokus

>> No.11967477

You think they aren't? Then you're gravely mistaken.

>> No.11967478

Pretty much, everyone who doesn't have fleet that's atleast equal to mine is a shit teitoku.
And I have all of the LSC ships and Musashi.
Your own fault for not joining two weeks before the fall event, it was enough for me to clear it.

>> No.11967481

I have Musashi but still haven't had the luck to craft Taihoe.

>> No.11967482
File: 6 KB, 440x380, sphaerularia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kind of reminds me of Sphaerularia.

This is a worm that starts off as an average soil nematode, but eventually its uterus takes over, everts out of its body and turns into something probably designed by Erect Sawaru (see image, the small nodules are eggs). The worm doesn't grow after this point and is dwarfed by its massive reproductive apparatus, which infests bumblebee queens and feeds on their blood. There are authors that regard the uterus as the main decision-making center and the worm itself as a degenerate accessory.

The abyss fleet is exactly the sort of company who would come up with the idea of former ships being taken over by blood drinking inside-out demon wombs, so I'll believe that's what Re-class' "tail" actually is.

>> No.11967483

Taihou definitely a shit. Took me 24 crafts for Taihou, 4 for Yamato and 1 for Bis.

>> No.11967486

>inside-out uterus
Jesus christ how horrifying.

>> No.11967495
File: 20 KB, 275x341, lsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty lucky compared to my 60 crafts and still not being free from it.

>> No.11967496

Actually if you follow the logic of ship class design it looks more like Abyss girls progressively "grow" out of monstruous shells, with the most powerful looking almost completely human. That's how I see it anyway

>> No.11967497

What's the best rare DD recipe? I think I used 330 steel when I got I-8 but in 200 crafts with that recipe it only yielded one rare DD

>> No.11967503

What are you going to do if Midway rewards a carrier much better than Taihou? How bad will you feel?

>> No.11967499

43 LSCs for Taihou and counting

I have pretty much given up on Midway at this point.

>> No.11967502

I don't even have Turkey yet I got Thai hoe already. Step up.

>> No.11967504

>Look at me! I cleared fall event therefore I'm not a shit teitoku! If you failed to clear fall event for whatever reason, be it RNG trolling you in the map, RNG trolling you in the lottery, or you only joined because of the crossover with Arpeggio, you're all automatically shit teitokus even if you have every ship in the library except Musashi, and you married at least one of every ship you had in your library!
Then again, judging by where we are, it's not to be unexpected.

>> No.11967506

I'll wait. I don't want to ruin my health and sanity for another Yahagi who will resurface two months later

>> No.11967509

If you give a shit you are a shit admiral.

It's fine, though. Not all of us can be good admirals. Akebono has to be in somebody's fleet.

>> No.11967511

I don't even remember how many turkeys I got from drops, step up.

>> No.11967514

You obviously give as much of a shit as I do.

>> No.11967519

Well, one of us has Musashi and the other doesn't. It's pretty clear, isn't it?

>> No.11967517

I cleared the May event
Where the fuck is your +15 AA plane

>> No.11967521

>If you give a shit you are a shit admiral.
Which means we are both shit admirals whether we have Musashi or not.

>> No.11967524

Does anyone have the Tomato Gummy album Jazz Voyage?

>> No.11967527

I didn't care enough to write out a long pardy complaint.

I'm #3 in Yokosuka, get on my level.

>> No.11967528

Why haven't you gotten Bismarck yet, /jp/?


Even Fatalpulse already has her!

>> No.11967530
File: 253 KB, 800x675, 1390329557612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akebono has to be in somebody's fleet.
She already has that special someone.

They still have a fetish for huge teeth and disembodied hands, though.

They would probably get along well with Kira. Girlfriends that don't rot, how amazing.

>> No.11967539

Who do you think is #2?

>> No.11967540

>100 devmats
Why does he hate them so much?

>> No.11967535

You cared enough to reply to it.

>> No.11967537

How do you unlock expedition 35-36-37? I only see 33 on the world 5.
Is exp 26 (80h) necessary for that, or there is another requirement?

>> No.11967546
File: 138 KB, 431x263, cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the cookie?

>> No.11967542


>> No.11967543

read the wiki

>> No.11967544

I give only half a shit.

>> No.11967545

As you posted that just I got her with Z1 as flagship following >>11966622 recipe.

>> No.11967550

No, that's Mamiya. Please do not consume ship girls.

Cookies are right below her.

>> No.11967551


You're not funny.

>> No.11967552 [DELETED] 

Learn kana already.

>> No.11967557

"i genuinely don't give a shit despite taking the time to write a long retarded parody" - u

>> No.11967553

As do I.

>> No.11967554

You won't trick me to try again nope.

>> No.11967561

You are sad

I guessed much, but 300 for the cookie stuck in my mind for some reason.

>> No.11967562

"I genuinely don't give a shit despite carrying on this retarded argument indefinitely for no purpose other than to shitpost, having forgotten what my original point was"

>> No.11967558

it's not like the pictures alone would tell him

>> No.11967567

My point was that people who write retarded parodies in response to other retarded parodies are shit admirals and retarded. I'm willing to carry on this conversation for another 500 posts if you want.

>> No.11967563

that's indeed a good run, and considering that support fleet cost is almost the same as bringing yamato+musashi he probably saved some resources too, gonna try it too after clearing 5-4

>> No.11967564

It was only a parody because I only gave half a shit.

>> No.11967570

I'm not willing to, I have res to script

>> No.11967571

So how are the german DD's? Considering they've holo background, they're good statwise?

>> No.11967572


It just seems silly to circle the Mamiya, asking if it's cookie, while the actual cookies, along with the image and kana, are right under it.

>> No.11967573

Nobody's uploaded max stats to the wiki yet.

>> No.11967575

They're not cute. Would not use.

>> No.11967578

You're not cute.

>> No.11967579

It's not out on Wikiwiki? Because that's the only thing that matters.

>> No.11967581

At least I'm not a girl that looks like an ugly boy.

>> No.11967584

Check yourself, you fucking tool. That is what I meant.

>> No.11967585

they're cute boys, get it right

>> No.11967586
File: 561 KB, 800x480, Hachi &amp; Friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got your Aryans already?

>> No.11967587

Even worse, you're a boy that looks like an ugly boy.

>> No.11967591


>> No.11967595

Almost, only Z3 is missing.

>> No.11967597


>> No.11967598

I'm sure jp is all ikemen-prince types, you must be mistaken

>> No.11967600

What the hell is with those devkits

>> No.11967603

>seems silly

So what I do with the cookie?

>> No.11967606

you pick it up, and then you eat it

>> No.11967608

He was using excessive amounts so that he would be angry at his failures and take his revenge by drawing horrific Bismarck rape.

But since he got her in his first try, he can't do this anymore. Look forward to pure love love Bismarck vanilla from him.

>> No.11967610

That doesn't sound very healthy.
How about my fleet?Do they get a cookie too?

>> No.11967611

i rarely craft. i started with 1095 dev kits

>> No.11967612

I thought /jp/ were cute little princesses masquerading as angry, disgusting neckbears.

>> No.11967614

That's the rest of /jp/. This is an extreme outlier.

>> No.11967615

What the hell. Every time I try to access the Item page, I get error-cat.

>> No.11967618

Wait, so you eat the cookie? Aren't you supposed to give the cookie to a girl? What's the point then, I can buy a cookie for my lonesome anytime.

>> No.11967621

They can probably add a better carrier stat-wise. But not one that can rival Taihou's cuteness

>> No.11967622

I've been getting a lot errors too. I think the server is just getting hammered.

>> No.11967624

Which servers? I've yet to bump into one on my server at Tawi-Tawi.

>> No.11967625

It's made of steel and bauxite. At the end of the day even if you are the one who receives it you ain't the one eating it.

>> No.11967626

What kind of ship and levels should I aim for to clear 3-3/3-4/4-3/4-4? When I see screenshots of people beating it for first time they're like 80+. That's going to take me forever

>> No.11967631 [SPOILER] 
File: 411 KB, 800x480, 1378949472563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you start the game again? I make around 70 devkits a week pending on penguin rates

R8 me babe

>> No.11967629

You hide the cookie under your pillow and the cookie fairy will take it for you. She'll also leave some resources as thanks for your good behavior.

The resources are determined by compass and vary from candy to scorpions.

>> No.11967630

Sukumo here.

>> No.11967633

The other Raiden was cuter, 0/10 would not field.

>> No.11967635
File: 205 KB, 783x441, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11967640

You need two BBV

>> No.11967646

I started september last year. i started hoarding since january 2014

>> No.11967642


>> No.11967644

BBV, jesus. You mistook the kata

I actually feel sorry for you

>> No.11967645

The language barrier claims another victim.

>> No.11967647


Not carriers?
So 2BBV+2DD+2?

Exp 23

>> No.11967663

I have to conclude the 5-5 is a pointless resource sink.
It's also a good answer to the people who said you can't make a map hard without compass trolling. Well, they managed to do it.

>> No.11967670

Underlevelled Germans shat all over my daily pvp exp.

>> No.11967672

I'm scared if Midway is gonna be like this.

>> No.11967677

Flagship re-kai.
Gonna be delicious

>> No.11967680

Not really, it gives us a taste of what E-3 Midway would be like, without the regen rate.

>> No.11967681

This is a mere taste of Midway.

Abyss is pulling out the big guns now. Be afraid.

>> No.11967684

5-3 was a lite version of Ironbottom Sound's hardest map, so expect Midway to be worse.

>> No.11967688

A rough estimation would make it something along this :
750 HP
250 AP
200 AA
250 Def
250 Torp
99 Luk
Infinite amount of rape

>> No.11967689

I only hope that the boss won't have some nonsense mechanic like "can only be damaged by planes".

I have half a dozen high-level BBs and I'll need to rely on them in shelling support because I can't seem to craft Reppus and all my CVs and CVLs are around level 50.

>> No.11967694

There's no point in putting an indestructible ship in there

>> No.11967695

I'm pretty sure the firepower cap applies to enemies as well.

>> No.11967701

I'm in a similar boat, bad luck crafting holo planes but my CVs are a bit higher than that.

>> No.11967708

I bet you could get it with six cutins.

>> No.11967710

What's the cap? I'm pretty sure we saw ships with higher AP than that.

>> No.11967711

Effective cap is 151.

>> No.11967713

It'd cut in on one of your ships before that. And ruin 1 in the opening and 1 in the shelling phase.

>> No.11967718

Oh, and it's a soft cap, not a hard one.

Also, the only enemies we've seen to date with a value above the cap are the final bosses for August and November events, so we can safely say Midway's final boss will be the same.

>> No.11967720

The annoying part of CVs is that they're hard to level in PvP. Even CAs have no problems plowing through the BBs in PvP, while CVs have to choose between being sitting ducks and costing 200 bauxite per match.

But if Kisaragi and Kiso can handle Fall E4, I suppose a bunch of low-level carriers can take on whatever Midway can come up with too. We'll see in a month or so.

>> No.11967727

>Kisaragi and Kiso can handle Fall E4
Wait, what?

>> No.11967729

I leveled my lower CVs one at a time at 5-4 first node but it seems like they've fixed it with CAs

>> No.11967733

Still hopping mad about that. How was it even broken enough to need patching? It was literally just a MUCH harder to unlock, much harder to beat (comparatively speaking, need a better escort fleet for leveling ships) and slightly more efficient 3-2-A. It's not like you could get a ship 1-99 in a day with it, just ~25% faster than 3-2-A... which was over two worlds back.

>> No.11967732 [DELETED] 

Check pre-Kai 2 Ooi and her marriage line.

>> No.11967735

Boy, 1-5 is easier to fail on than it looks; with only 4 ships (and only the DD and CL likely to kill the flagship Yo) there's not much margin for error. My first 3 runs all resulted in Isuzu having to save the day with the final attack of 2nd shelling phase; twice my lvl 108 Mochizuki whiffed with one attack and the third run she got critted to red.

>> No.11967738

I think they patched the wrong stuff.

Hope it gets fixed next patch.

>> No.11967741

Anyone knows where is a good place to hunt for Asahio? I have been crafting all 30s, hunt at 1-2 and 1-4 for months and I could not find her to complete that composition quest.

>> No.11967742

>lvl 108 Mochizuki
How about bringing an actually useful ship to a map with low exp gain?

>> No.11967739

people are claiming BBV, CL, CL, DD works 100% for boss too and that would help a lot
you risk occasional red cross though

>> No.11967744

world 4 is a good place

>> No.11967748

We can only hope. If they had wanted to make BEATING 5-4 harder, sure, increase the difficulty of later nodes. Absolutely ruining the hardest-to-unlock leveling spot in the game for no apparent reason just seems... arbitrary.

Oh well. Not like it ruined the entire game for me or anything, it'll just make it a little harder to get Atago her last 6 levels.

>> No.11967747

I had no Yukikaze, no high-level CAs and only a single CLT for E4/E5, so I had to wing it with whatever I had at the time. It took two damecons.

E5 was much harder than E4, because dropping that BB princess down is tough when only Kitakami can reliably get through her armor.

>> No.11967753

You talking shit about my waifu?

And I fail to see how bringing a lower level DD with same equipment would change anything.

>> No.11967755

Ended up a G multiple times with this fleet set up.

>> No.11967759

BBV, CVL, CL, DD you mean? This one was 100% for me.

>> No.11967757

Try BBV, CVL, CL, DD instead.

>> No.11967760

that fucking sucks
wish I had some ZUNship planes for my CVL
2 copters, 1 ryuusei, 1 saiun and I'd have okay ASW even on a CVL

>> No.11967761

you are failing to see the point
We were talking about there being almost no margin for error with BBV, CVL, CL, DD and thus I mentioned that someone claimed BBV, CL, CL, DD also worked for 100% boss, which would allow more error margin.

>> No.11967768

I did switch a CL to a CVL, makes the boss fight slightly more annoying, but as long as my 2 ASW ships didn't get orange/red damaged before shelling it's fine.

>> No.11967775

Levelling zunbie is a chore without pvp

Literally can't farm subs and 3-2 is just 500 a pop

>> No.11967778

She really makes you feel like she appreciates all your work for her though, especially if you marry her on top of it.

>> No.11967779

You could send her to 5-3 solo but thats going to do horrible things to your W/L ratio

>> No.11967780

I should heard the devs and jp's advice to finished expedition 30 since last week

>> No.11967781


Just put on a movie and grind. You should be use to this by now, or have found something to do while grinding.

>> No.11967782

Been doing 1-5 runs since servers came out and I can't get an Iku. I just want to finish this sub quest

>> No.11967784


I don't know why you wouldn't want to complete all the expeditions. I mean, sure, most of them aren't that great, but they're the easiest to progress on without any real work.

>> No.11967787

Why is she called the ZUNship?

>> No.11967788

Started in the middle of jan and had only 2 subs before 5-4

Spammed the shit out of 5-4 for 4 subs and now I'm only starting the expeditions

That's just me I guess

>> No.11967789

She looks like she was drawn by ZUN

>> No.11967792

Meat stick legs, funny hat, and other art work choices.

>> No.11967795
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>> No.11967797

There can be only one master of smiles.

>> No.11967798

I haven't started sub expeditions yet and to make it worse I only have 3 fleets.

>> No.11967800

Unlock your goddamn 4th

The game is in tutorial mode until you get the 4th fleet and all subs available. I am being very serious here

>> No.11967806

I've gotten at least 10 Kongou sisters but not Kongou herself. Gave up trying to craft her so my only hope is more 3-2-A grinding.

>> No.11967812
File: 565 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140315-07531433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grind harder, I'm doing it with you too right now

Just hope some lapse doesn't make me sortie imuya to her death

>> No.11967822

Anyone else's fire for the game got reignited with this update? After not playing more than PVP and expeditions for a month I suddenly find myself spending the entire day with Kancolle and how I'll beat Re-tan.

>> No.11967828

The only thing ignited in me is the desire to push Z1 onto a bed

>> No.11967830

I am tempted, but no. Midway awaits, it's better to passively store resources until I can all out.

>> No.11967831

Another ship in LSC is making me feel like shit. But I was pretty excited for this update.

>> No.11967834

I finally got around to doing all those one-time quests.

>> No.11967832

Not really, its actually the opposite.
If midway is going to be all Wo kai 2, Re class and other bullshit stuff in line ahead then its pretty depressing.

>> No.11967833
File: 113 KB, 552x358, 40314134_p12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wasted 7k on another ZUNship. Mood not changed.

>> No.11967840

Guess this means the devs did their job prolonging the longevity and popularity of the game. So it's safe to say it's the "2hu killer" now unironically then.

>> No.11967841
File: 88 KB, 774x385, 5-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-5 is sooooooooooooo hard

>> No.11967843

Please leave Hibari

>> No.11967844

All they have to do is keep it going another 9 years.

>> No.11967848

I'm not touching 5-5 until there is info that it drops something truly exceptional
and even then I'm iffy on it. Might not bother even if it drops good ships unless it's like Yamato and Taihou

>> No.11967850

Would you farm it if it dropped Taihou?

>> No.11967849

They are doing a good job at adding new content at the right pace, albeit German ships are far from impressive.

"2hu killer" stuff aside, it's going well.

I'll keep lurking until I get Taihou too, then I'll go back to 3-2-Autism and plane crafts.

>> No.11967856

depends on whether they adjust the absurd RE class and what strategies are found for it

>> No.11967857

Wow, that yellow sub in 1-5 is unkillable.

Maybe I should really get started on that makigumo farm for type 3 sonar.

>> No.11967858

Fucking 270 hp for her?

>> No.11967859

I'm asking myself now why I'm even trying to do the 5-2 weekly, my resources are plummeting without even doing LSC or 5-5. Three 5-2 runs for no S rank, 1300 steel wasted already, jesus fuck.

>> No.11967867

I just got 6 failed crafts in a row after getting 2 14cm shitcannons trying to make sonars and depth charges.

The RNG is real.

>> No.11967870

1-5 seems like a joke to me now after all the sub node grinding I've done (and dealing with troll subs at boss nodes), but it's probably for newer TTKs like August E-1 was for me.

>> No.11967873

the only place that has a Yo class flag sub is 4-4
Oh, and 5-3.

>> No.11967878

I never bothered to craft depth charges or dealing with troll subs so being put in a situation where you HAVE to sink the yellow sub with 4 ships is tough for me.

Luckily I had a few Makugumos and a Naganami sitting around so I can level them for sonars.

>> No.11967877

The sonar recipe has something retarded like 95% failure rate.

>> No.11967882

Am I the only one who's crafted all of their 10+ sonars? My lone Makigumo's still untouched at level 1.

>> No.11967883

Keep at it anon, I spent about 30 devmats on the radar recipe crafting shit like 12cm and recon planes before the RNG goddess decided to grant me a Type 32. Sooner or later you'll get what you need

>> No.11967885


>> No.11967886

I have 28 type 3 sonars
none of which are crafted
that's 1,21 million exp for sonars

>> No.11967891

I crafted 6 like that too, altough I have a lot more shit depth charges and sonars. Still, it was pretty much worth it since I got holo depth chargers too.

>> No.11967892

When will they add more bauxite expeditions? especially 2-3 hour ones

>> No.11967893

Its better to just farm makigumo/naganami and use daily crafts to craft for holo planes, we're going to need a ton of those.

>> No.11967894

Drum baux expedition please.

>> No.11967899

I have like ten crap sonars and no good sonars, but even so 1-5 is not a problem for me.

>> No.11967901

Can someone who knows Japanese explain expedition 22 to me?

>> No.11967907

B23 「航空戦艦」抜錨せよ! 航空戦艦2隻を基幹とする艦隊で、西方海域カスガダマ島の敵勢力を撃破せよ!

This quest looks like bullshit.

>> No.11967911

Supposed to be for leveling purposes but the exp gain is shit? so it's useless

>> No.11967917

wait, 2 BBV in 4-4? They can't be serious?

>> No.11967916

wikiwiki says it gives 400 exp ( and the BBV quest gives 420 exp )
that's just not displayed

>> No.11967919

they are fully serious
A rank on 4-4 boss with 2 BBV in fleet
best bet is going full sub-ignore with 1BB, 2BBV, 1 CA and 2 DD with sonars and go Line ahead

>> No.11967922

I did that quest earlier, Cleared it in one try with 2 BBV, 2DD, 1CA, and 1CLT. Also I got a B rank and it still cleared.

>> No.11967920

>they can't be serious
hi welcome to Kantai Collection please enjoy your stay

and by enjoy I mean you will beg for the sweet release of death that is so far beyond your grasp

>> No.11967924

So a win is enough, good.

>> No.11967926

>hi welcome to Kantai Collection please enjoy your stay
It's like we're playing dark souls now or some shit.

>> No.11967927

Kantai souls?

>> No.11967929

Just what do you people think BBVs are, anyway? They can blow shit up in night battle and tank damage just the same as any other battleship. You act like they're asking you to send a Cuisinart into combat.

>> No.11967930

Neh Kancolle is much more frustrating than dark souls

>> No.11967932

>Just what do you people think BBVs are, anyway?

>> No.11967935

I'm glad I haven't scrapped my second BBV yet.

>> No.11967936

That's what I mean by August E-1 for me, back then it was an elite Yo to kill but I had never even fought subs yet, had to craft depth charges (and ASW equipment was weaker back then) and level ships just for ASW.

5-2 has multiples of them but not ones that you need to kill.

I don't farm 2-3 so I only have one Makigumo (who I promptly grinded to 30), I only have a couple more type-3 from crafting and one from August E-2 clear reward.

>> No.11967937
File: 54 KB, 500x686, 24fcc0cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get another copy of her, /jp/?

No drop in like a month.

>> No.11967940

If you take 2 CVs to 5-4 and load one with a reppu or two to counter the possible elite CVL, you only have a 1/3 chance to encounter one gold CA

I wonder if that is still worth leveling at.

>> No.11967942

Stop wanting her. The desire sensor works in mysterious ways.

>> No.11967949

Get crafting.

>> No.11967950

They buffed up 5-4?
I guess everyone was right that it was too easy

>> No.11967953

finding a single DD out of God only knows many looks painful

>> No.11967955

You run into cost-benefit issues with that. The beauty of (say) 4-3 for DD/CL or 3-2-A for general fleets is that they're safe (CVL+flagshit CA not safe) and can be done with cheap fleets (DD/CL dirt cheap for 4-3, 3-2-a can be cleared with damn near anything). When you consider the fuel/ammo costs of 2CV, the occasional ammo/steel costs of repairs from lucky CVL or CA-F crits, and whatever else you have to spend to actually clear the north 5-4 node, as compared to just some resource-jewing fleet for 3-2-a or whatever... eh.

I just hope they fix 5-4-F soon.

>> No.11967956

farming rank and boss is still easy on north route but they ultra nerfed the level spot that was 5-4F

>> No.11967957

Can I use CLT to get to boss node on 1-5 or is it strictly CL?

>> No.11967968

10/10 would fug

>> No.11967974

Being a mid-level TTK is definitely suffering. Something as simple as 1-5 is giving me a world of pain.

>> No.11967975

Don't do it unless you need the subs it drops.

>> No.11967977

Exactly the reason why I'm even forcing myself to clear this map.

>> No.11968006

150 devs, still no z3, with z1 as flasgship, I thought she was supposed to be easy to craft?

>> No.11968013

wrong recipe?

>> No.11968015

Bismarck is easy to craft with Z1 as flagship, not Z3.

>> No.11968016

Some poor soul in my pvp list took 320 tries for Hachi.

>> No.11968017

did you get her yet? what recipe?

>> No.11968019 [DELETED] 


I got Z within 3 crafts along with another Snon. It's probably possible to craft Bismarck with less than 10 tries.

Dear god I hope that's the case. I want my Fumikane fleet without the thought of killing myself with every failed LSC attempt.

>> No.11968020

Not that guy, but I got Kaga with the recipe most people used and it has a fucking tiny chance to drop and yet no Bismarck.

>> No.11968022

Do you need both Z1 and Z3 in the fleet to craft her ?

>> No.11968025


Yes, refer to this >>11966945

Also is it just me or is Bismarcks voice not properly mastered and sounds with quite a bit of reverb when compared to every other ship in the game? Really annoys me.

>> No.11968027

I never seen cookies in the store before, is it new? what is the effect?

>> No.11968040

250/30/200(tried some with 330/30

>> No.11968045

Took me 3 tries with 250/30/200/30, I hope you are not planning to craft a Bismarck too.

>> No.11968050

Nah, I'll wait until after midway, hopefully I can get z3 soon because I need dev kits for attempts at R-Kai, only ever got one of those since October.

>> No.11968054

To get Z1 you need to complete exp 30 4 times then do exp 31? I already did exp 31 3 times.

>> No.11968058

its not the expedition, its the sub quest you need to clear. so yes, 30x4

>> No.11968061

Do you have to activate a quest before sending expedition 31?
Or will I get her as a reward after finishing the expedition?

>> No.11968064

I think you just need to have the quest active when the expedition returns, so turn it on if you're worried you'd forget to activate it. When you clear the quest, Z1 is a reward.

>> No.11968066


Oh, then I need to do it once more.

>> No.11968067

What are the resource rewards for that quest?
I'd check on the wiki myself but its not updated

>> No.11968070

to be safe turn on the quest before you send them, then while waiting you can turn off the quest and turn it on again before they get back. the 48 hours is long so make sure you don't forgot

>> No.11968071

Sorry, no idea. Maybe someone else can reply, I'm still doing my third clear of exp30.

>> No.11968072

Wait, if the firepower cap is 151 then what's the best setup for Musashi?

I was using 2x46 cm, Type 91 Shell and Type 22 radar putting her on 199 firepower.

>> No.11968073

I already finished junkers wild ride, I just want to know which one is the Z1 quest but I cant read moon

>> No.11968075

And then she's a drop from 1-5.

>> No.11968077

Just tick all of them.

>> No.11968078

Well to be fair, that yellow sub is really hard to kill and makes you work for that S rank.

>> No.11968079

expedition 31. >>>>>>11966171

>> No.11968080

If you don't have enough ASW equip it will be hard. All my ships were one-shotting subs up to the red one. The yellow could only get one-shotted by either one of the two DD.

>> No.11968085

Np, I did over 400 sub crafts for Goya.
Got two on 1-5.

>> No.11968087

How do you get this quest?

>> No.11968088

Not him, but refresh my memory which equipment increases ASW again?

>> No.11968089

Zombie planes, good red planes, and you know, the blue seismograph and pills.

>> No.11968090

the wiki increases ASW

>> No.11968092

duh.. still no z3. 35 try and going.

do I need z1 to be flag to craft her?

>> No.11968094

This really annoyed my autistic self. You're looking for "mixed" in this context, not "mastered". The reverb has nothing to do with the master.

>> No.11968098

So I wasn't the only one who noticed that.

>> No.11968120

>Zombie planes
Fuck, I completely forgot about those when I was running it, I even removed them from ZUNship then never used them. And it's the perfect map too for actually using them.

>> No.11968124

So whats better if im going to go sub hunting?
Ryuusei kai or 12A?

>> No.11968131

learn to use the wiki

>> No.11968132
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>> No.11968135

for some reason i dont have the quest for doing exp 23 (the 100 bauxite one). is there some prerequisite for that? also, anyone have a translation for the quest you get after unlocking Z1?

>> No.11968150

Oh wow, I didn't even notice until I went to equip her for 5-1 sub node grinding that Z1 has 3 slots unremodeled. That sure makes it easier to MVP her.

>> No.11968163

But Chitose and Chiyoda can attack 5 times too, if there's a BB in the battle. Yes, they only have 29 firepower, 39 armor and 72 base torpedo stat and can only launch floatplanes, but they can attack 5 times!

Re-chan's stats are the real problem.

>> No.11968206

Looks like Iku drops in 1-5, but it seems that there are so many other ships in the drop pool that it's quite hard to get. What is /jp/'s experience so far? Have you gotten many Ikus?

Am I better off going for 5-4 boss node?

>> No.11968208

Only 17 levels until I have a sub fleet that can do E31.

The problem is that most of those levels are going to have to come from Maruyu.

>> No.11968211

I already got mine from 5-4, so I don't even care about 1-5.

>> No.11968216

5-4 is now a new hell

>> No.11968217

Thanks, that's really helpful.

>> No.11968219

Use a filler dd to meet level requirements.

>> No.11968225

I got Iku from S rank at boss, have also had goya and imuya from non-boss nodes. Like 4 runs total.

>> No.11968229

Did they change the north route any?

>> No.11968233

I just checked wikiwiki for 5-4 fleet compo and north route looks completely unchanged

>> No.11968238

Wow. Ive done 10 runs and the only rare drop ive gotten is a goya. I even beat the boss with a Perfect S, but all i got was a kagerou....

>> No.11968242

That's a lot better than me
the rarest drop I got in 5 1-5 runs is Yura
yes. Yura. Fubuki class shit otherwise or no drop.

>> No.11968244

I'm on the same boat (no pun intended) as these guys. Keep getting trash DD's and CL's with no SS's in sight. I think I'm just going to go back to crafting and hope for a Hachi and Imuya.

>> No.11968250

so best expedition now is to do both tokyo express?

>> No.11968251

Which ones are those?

>> No.11968252

37, 38.. I have enough drums to run both same time.

>> No.11968260

Only if you're too lazy to sparkle

>> No.11968263

No it isn't.

>> No.11968264

This one's away but I can't delete old posts. I'm working on the other Kurogane Gin doujinshi too though after that it's back to working from Chinese scans.

>> No.11968269

5-5 boss final form is literally retarded

Wo Kai, Wo Kai, Southern Princess (350 HP boss ), 2x Lee(DD) flag, Yo(SS) flag

>> No.11968280
File: 182 KB, 600x600, 1394853998845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Wo is an admiral?

>> No.11968287

Yes, act like a Chitose, but 10 times more powerful.

>> No.11968298

I got an Iku and 2 Imuya from non-boss nodes while beating it.

>> No.11968305
File: 482 KB, 640x480, 42175978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968303

This lone sub on the first node of 1-5 has crit one of my ships to red three times in a row. What the fuck.

>> No.11968310

those fucking subs have such a goddamn high crit chance it's absurd

>> No.11968311

Really? Ive gone through over 10 runs on 1-5 and im always able to kill it before it attacks me

>> No.11968318

Double line works wonders.

>> No.11968321

you're a low level then
because for highlevels, the lone sub is elite and get's a preemptive torpedo. Before you can do any ASW

>> No.11968323

This is because your Teitoku level is too low.

If you're above level 80, the sub is an elite that launches a pre-shelling phase torpedo.

>> No.11968329

Ah i see. Im level 76. Guess i should find Iku before i hit lvl 80

>> No.11968337

The preemptive torpedo isn't usually something to worry about, I just had a bizarre string of ridiculously back luck.

>> No.11968341


Oh, so that's why i'm not getting any rare drops, only lvl 70. First sub is just some base model with no pre-emptive torpedo. Guess 1-5 is just easy mode leveling till 80 then.

>> No.11968342

That's BS. Your lvl have nothing to do with rare drop, just your luck

>> No.11968344

This wasn't the case in the arpreggio event so it's not 100% impossible that it's the case for 1-5, since the composition does change with admiral level. Like the arpreggio event.

>> No.11968348

But the first sub for me never does opening torp attack (base Ka class), just sits and gets owned by the DD's.

>> No.11968352

Extra stages have level scaling.
Drops and enemies scale with level

>> No.11968353

I used double line, it worked for a few runs, but mostly because the sub didn't crit or missed on those runs. Still generally get taken to red if it hits and criticals.

I did the harder version and all I got was an Umi no Snipah on my last boss kill. I only did 5 runs since I don't need anything but the drop reports on wikiwiki have a decent amount of subs being reported by lower levels.

>> No.11968354

>Drops and enemies scale with level
If that was true, I'd be getting Imuyas, Goyas and Hachis. Not shit like Yura and Furutaka.

>> No.11968362

Maybe it's inversely proportional, making newer admirals who didn't have a chance to get the subs before. Which would be pretty bullshit, but this is Kancolle.

>> No.11968372

whats the best way to stock up on buckets?

>> No.11968378

Grinding the wiki.

>> No.11968379

don't use it for anything less than 2hour

>> No.11968392

got kinugasa as boss node drop at 1-5

>> No.11968436

Is the medal from 1-5 different than 5-5?

>> No.11968440

Another Perfect S at 1-5, Jintsuu this time...

>> No.11968464

Yes, you can.

>> No.11968465

What do the medals even do?

>> No.11968471

give you like 300 bauxite and steel along with 2 dev mats. there's some talk about how you should actually be saving them because of something the devs tweetered but it's impossible to say right now.

>> No.11968472


>> No.11968469
File: 622 KB, 1345x772, noskirtfleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello if you meet me at PvP, /jp/!

>> No.11968470

Resources. 300 something of iron and baux and 2 devkit.

>> No.11968479

Apparently the medal gives you one Supply Ship Mamiya as well... I feel less regret opening it now. Just a little.

>> No.11968494
File: 13 KB, 654x182, ss (2014-03-14 at 09.02.08).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to consistently hit the boss node, which lead to four consecutive boss kills with this set-up, CVL/DD/BBV/CLT.

Ise Kai is 2x Zuiun and 2x Prototype Seiran and Chiyoda has the most powerful blue planes I have.

A buddy also confirms that CVL/DD/BBV/CL works also works as a 100% way to get to the boss node.

Having more than one CLT causes me to consistently go to the end-node on the center-bottom before the boss node.

>> No.11968498

I really hope someone finishes 5-5 from here already and sees whether or not we get a different medal from it than 1-5.

>> No.11968510

Level up your ships more. I was only ever hit to orange.

>> No.11968522

I doubt it. They'll probably just create some reason to farm medals in the future so that you'll want to get as many as possible each month.

>> No.11968527

It could also be bragging right.

>> No.11968543

The four ships I was using were level 111 Yamashiro, 71 Isuzu, 70 Verniy, and 31 Izumo Maru. The only one that escape the wrath of Ka was the slav. That's why it was so weird. It's not like I was rolling out freshly remodeled Mutsukis or anything.

>> No.11968545
File: 552 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140315-02364970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had DDs and CLs over 80 hit to red on the first node. I really need level 90ships for a 5star map?

Then I send out a level 1 4DD fleet and they almost made it to the boss, but got sent south at the pre-boss node. The two damaged DDs each took a single hit in the first 2 nodes.

RNG is fun.

>> No.11968546


gg rankers

>> No.11968555

We've known that since yesterday. And honestly, 75 once a month that's pretty easily obtainable would hardly change the ranking. Now if 5-5 gave an instant 500 points or something, that would be really fun

>> No.11968561

Don't use line aboob on first node, it work for me.

>> No.11968565
File: 68 KB, 690x267, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this fleet. Hyuuga in the third slot hoping that she would get shot at the most (when she got hit, she only went to yellow)
Jintsuu stays sparkled by MVP (she has type 3 depths and two type 3 sonar)
Bep got hit to orange once, but maybe that was just luck.

Anyway, I never had problems with the first node. Failed the first attempt because the order was worse (Jintsuu and Bep first wasted their crits on the weaker subs). Then one later attempt because of red T crossing. Every other time went fine.

>> No.11968570

Quest looks easy enough, just stack 2 BBVs with firepower and it should be enough.

>> No.11968574

You're missing a ship.

>> No.11968591
File: 165 KB, 1158x687, d1b18311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what gives, CVs aren't as important as we thought for 5-5 after all?

>> No.11968593
File: 91 KB, 207x367, 1394864012271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feb rewards time
Akitsu boat and this thing for top 101-500

>> No.11968604
File: 51 KB, 480x285, d1b18311-s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-5 also gives 75 points i think.

>> No.11968615
File: 41 KB, 486x287, re class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By rearranging RE's hair slightly, you suddenly recognise who she really was.... All those who sacrificed their kanmusus during nov E4, do you remember her letter to you all?

>> No.11968610

I know, I'm taking it easy.

>> No.11968627

Yes, by completely changing her hairstyle she looks similar to another anime character. Now all you have to do is change her facial features, body type, and ship class and you'll have conclusive proof that ships you lose re-animate into the abyss.

>> No.11968631

>by completely changing her hairstyle
u wot m8

>> No.11968633

The hairclip and the hair are shopped

>> No.11968637

Looks like the new equipment that was announced yesterday. It's the ASW stat that stands out on this new model.

Torp stat is terrible though. I would still use the Ju87C, since it has a similar ASW stat and gives much better damage, even if it is a dive bomber.

>> No.11968638
File: 247 KB, 960x572, 1394821522653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard him.

>> No.11968639

My bad.

>> No.11968640

So, torpedo bomber worse than Tenzan but ASW stat comparable to Type 3 DC? They're putting more ASW equips, aren't they?

>> No.11968642

21-100 got zuiun 12, akitsu boat and that new type 97

>> No.11968645

Plane setup for CVL in 1-5?

>> No.11968648

Saiun in lowest slot, Akitsu choppa in others.

>> No.11968649

3 Akitsumaru ASW planes 1 saiun.

>> No.11968651

Kagou don't attack subs, guess again

>> No.11968652

looks like a fake picture, 5-5 base exp should be 450, and it says "pvp experience"

>> No.11968655

Read the link that says what the bug is.

>> No.11968657

How come i manage to unlock (and complete) the Z1 quest but not the "航空火力艦の運用を強化せよ!" (100 baux) quest?

>> No.11968658

Yes it does.

>> No.11968662

Good enough I guess. Put the 2x 46cms on another BB only if you don't have enough to put on your BBs.

I was thinking replacing type 22 radar with sanshiki though.

Just Ryuusei on all slots except Saiun on last slot.

Best female admiral.

Wait, who else has no pants/skirt?

>> No.11968667

>Wait, who else has no pants/skirt?

>> No.11968673
File: 45 KB, 600x360, BisTKhjCcAAC1qO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968674

You need to complete B20 to get that quest

>> No.11968683

200? Whoa

>> No.11968684

Welp. No more ranking for me.

>> No.11968685

Oh right.

>> No.11968688

Haha filthy devs

>> No.11968693

No guts no glory.

>> No.11968702

Didn't someone say earlier that you have to use at least 1 normal plane to actually be allowed to attack? I only have 1 ZUNship so I couldn't test it anyway.

>> No.11968720

Yes you need either a seaplane or ASW capable carrier plane

>> No.11968722

lol i get 3 consective haruna while crafting her. She's now called Bitchmarck

>> No.11968723

Aw, that sucks

>> No.11968726

Please refrain from doing this.

>> No.11968737

This one PvP opponent has excellent taste with almost the same 1-5 fleet as me; Zuihou, Ise, and Isuzu with a flagship married Mutsuki-class. Except he married Pyon while I married Mocchi.

>> No.11968744

Mine's Ise, Chitose, Melon-chan and Verniy

>> No.11968749

You mean you're not using 4 DDs? Do you not use Depth Charges too?

>> No.11968751

>not running bbv cvl dd cl

>> No.11968753

>depth charges

>> No.11968754

So KCV has the ability to fuck with the DMM cookie now to allow you to login.

Do you know what exactly needs to be changed?

I'm at work and now the API I had bookmarked here doesn't work and I can't proxy here.

>> No.11968757

CL can equip depth charge and sonar just fine.

Gentle reminder that Melon-chan has 4 slots

>> No.11968756

Do your job!

>> No.11968759

Change your job

>> No.11968761

Depth charges are shit, don't believe the dev lies.

>> No.11968762

I use the same fleet except poi replacing Verny. Almost every torp salvo is aimed at Ise so far and I love it.

>> No.11968763

My job is doing nothing unless someone calls. Which happes once a month.

I need something to do!

>> No.11968764
File: 85 KB, 365x360, 1392877910056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968765

Masturbating to ship girls is probably not appropriate for the workplace though

>> No.11968766

Your API link doesn't depend on cookies, it resets when you relogin into DMM (read: restart KCV). Just fetch a new link when that happens and you're good.

>> No.11968768

Somewhere out there, someone is working in a highly crucial and essential position that plays a role to the overall stability of society but is doing nothing else but playing a micromanagement flash game featuring cute ship girls.

>> No.11968771

I know but that new API is now at home. However if I could circumvent the "youre not Japanese" screen by changing the cookie like KCV does I could just login at work.

So any idea?

>> No.11968773

For starters, does your work place even allow you to directly access DMM?

>> No.11968775

use KCV

>> No.11968778

Yes, it does.

Work PC runs XP

>> No.11968779


So Fumikane already has design for the whole Type 1934, but only Z1 & Z3 that are released into the game.
By the way, how's max stat for those krauts DD?

>> No.11968780

There are command lines that allow you to make the cookies in any browser. Look it up in the archive.

>> No.11968783
File: 11 KB, 401x204, where are you Z3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting Z3 is easy, they said. Just put Z1 as a flagship, they said.

>> No.11968785

The DD stats aren't better than bep/shigure/poi/etc, they won't be something to integrate so much with current DD fleets. They use more resources, too.

>> No.11968786

Try this, works for me.

>> No.11968787

I know. My question is: What cookie needs to be changed to what. None of them are "Allow to play KanColle Y/N"

>> No.11968789

30 ~crafts with no Z3 in sight.
They got her in a couple of crafts they said.

>> No.11968788

>all those Naka-chans
My sides.

>> No.11968790

I did 50 craft, no Z3 too

>> No.11968793

document.cookie = "ckcy=1;expires=Sun, 09 Feb 2019 09:00:09 GMT;domain=www.dmm.com;path=/netgame/";

Did it. Thanks!

>> No.11968794

Do they have more HP than average DDs? I thought it'd be quite useful.Oh well.

>> No.11968797

I think Z3 counts as a rare DD for crafting purposes, so she's likely to drop as much as Yukikaze/Shimakaze.

>> No.11968800

Someone should let Rozen Abe in on the new fad.

>> No.11968804

I bet he's Yokosuka player.

>> No.11968807

I do have so many radars... kind of pointless to collect them. They are pretty useless afterall.

>> No.11968809

I think they are starting with three slots.

I don't know the max stats but they are starting with good ASW stats for destroyers.

>> No.11968810

Wow, I think you just described what I do at work.

>> No.11968819

Working for BugerKing isn't crucial.

>> No.11968823

Fucking Isuzu Kai Ni, a piecie of shit. I equip her with 3 type 3 Sonar, go to the boss node 1-5 3 times, miss the boss first time, deal 10 damage the second time, my fucking Chitose deal more damage to the boss than her. How is she a special ASW?

>> No.11968828

You sure you didn't get T-crossed?

>> No.11968829

What are you doing mate my German kuudere at level 7 killed the boss with 3x type 3 Sonars.

>> No.11968830
File: 188 KB, 600x850, 1391551200795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a depth charge on her.

Seriously though, I don't know; maybe this is RNG's way of screwing with you.

>my fucking Chitose deal more damage to the boss than her

>> No.11968831

Isuzu is shit.

>> No.11968832

I already have Bep as ASW DD, thank to her I killed the boss 2 times
Try and she get crit 4 times on the torpedo phrase pre boss node

>> No.11968833

Is it just me, or is 1-5 full of 80% damage engagements? Can't do enough damage to the boss... Doesn't help that all my ships kill the other subs before even thinking about aiming for the flag.

>> No.11968838

Pretty sure it only says there is Z4 - not the entire Zerstörer 1934 class.

>> No.11968836


>> No.11968839

Why aren't you using Yuubari Ai?

>> No.11968843

it doesn't even say there will be Z4.

>> No.11968841

Well, i will switch to her now

>> No.11968842

Well then, it's because her ASW prowess is compromised because she took damage. If that's the case then getting that kind of damage from her is only normal.

>> No.11968853

nah, everytime she get to the boss node, she full HP

>> No.11968857

Well then, if she got crit in the opening torp phase, then my above post still applies. If not, then it really is just RNG.

>> No.11968864
File: 43 KB, 489x301, dammnit shiranui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's with Taihou and Yamato these days huh

>> No.11968861
File: 62 KB, 331x132, Screenshot 2014-03-15 09.53.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11968862

Tried in it <10 craft, good luck Onii-chan!

Meanwhile I'm still Hachi-less.

>> No.11968867

Shiranui has the eyes and spirit of a BB

>> No.11968869

I have tight hoe, uzuki, hachi but no Z3 or Bismarck or Yamato yet.

>> No.11968871

You don't need Z3 to get Bismarck

>> No.11968873
File: 163 KB, 302x314, KanColle-140315-17585951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You piece of shit

>> No.11968874

yes true but I want Z3 more than Bismarck.

>> No.11968876

lvl20,89 is still better than both top slot is lvl1.

>> No.11968881
File: 224 KB, 1156x1820, 1394874401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiranui best DD.

>> No.11968886

Hmmm, new rewards are even worst than last time.

Also, can we make a new thread anyway? 2500 posts is actually making it really hard for me to scroll, etc.

>> No.11968890

really no point trying to rank and waste resources.

>> No.11968891

Maybe top 100 got somthingn ice.

>> No.11968902

Really? May I know the reason why?

>> No.11968910

She's just as useless, but at least she's cute

>> No.11968913

And cheaper.

>> No.11968915

that nopan, what else could I ask for?

>> No.11968920
File: 738 KB, 600x650, LSC ride never ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968922

Bismarck has nopan too

Maybe you have better luck crafting her first

>> No.11968924
File: 124 KB, 600x650, acbmnqjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck crafting, fuck LSC.

>> No.11968925

why is Goya there?

>> No.11968928
File: 341 KB, 600x650, no bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968930

Adjacent from Naka are ships from 250/30/200/30 recipe. Though maybe later I'll replace her with -gumo.

>> No.11968931

yeah, should be mexicanslut sub instead.

>> No.11968932
File: 506 KB, 600x650, not too bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. one day, I'll get Mikuma.

>> No.11968937
File: 596 KB, 600x650, bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I will get back into LSC after Midway.

>> No.11968940
File: 608 KB, 600x650, Turkey pls appear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I'll get my own Turkey and Zunship

>> No.11968944
File: 643 KB, 600x650, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968945
File: 535 KB, 559x615, ss (2014-03-15 at 09.01.48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968948

Finally someone without a Taiho, I was getting lonely here

>> No.11968949
File: 619 KB, 600x650, Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 1 bingo, oh well. I really should start playing again soon though to get the foreign ships.

>> No.11968951
File: 724 KB, 600x650, notevenclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well not even close to a bingo

>> No.11968954
File: 633 KB, 600x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968956
File: 531 KB, 600x650, 1394876720950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck LSC, fuck 5-4.

>> No.11968958
File: 638 KB, 600x650, one line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm screwed if you replace Goya with Yuugumo. Otherwise I'm safe.

>> No.11968961
File: 648 KB, 600x650, LSC ride never ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made it. Joined Dez.

>> No.11968963

58 crafts and counting :>

>> No.11968970
File: 195 KB, 600x650, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z3 please

>> No.11968976

I'm jelly.

>> No.11968978
File: 735 KB, 600x650, 1394876720950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good I guess, joined in august.

>> No.11968983
File: 121 KB, 600x650, 1394876720950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bismarck should be OK, she's just a CC after all.

>> No.11969002
File: 185 KB, 600x650, lsc never end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is bismarck?
I am sitting on 500dev kits, should I use 100?

>> No.11969004

Same as Yamato.

>> No.11969006

I got her on first try with Z1 as flag.

>> No.11969009
File: 532 KB, 600x650, Kancolle Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined in August but I don't give enough of a shit about this game.

>> No.11969010

4/6/6/3/20 ?

>> No.11969011
File: 60 KB, 699x379, Screenshot_182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized that Mutsuki-class gets ammo consumption reduction for Exp. 21. Also, apparently Noshiro gives ammo during resupply.

>> No.11969012

Only because you haven't touched her since her consumption was rebalanced. It's a one-time thing.

>> No.11969015

Where have you been for 2 weeks?

>> No.11969017

I thought it's random, but when I switched position of 2 of my Mutsukis, they still get lower consumption bar than others.

>> No.11969023

As long as I have my 4 subs, I can add other ships to pass the 200 level req for exp 31 right?

>> No.11969024


>> No.11969027

These million hour expeditions really tick me off

>> No.11969032

what is the timer for z3?
should i just blowtorch all 250/30/200/20 crafts?

>> No.11969034


>> No.11969047
File: 1.12 MB, 718x1304, 1394882889453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I only get 1 Teitoku that does this. Did I lose the lottery or is there a reason everyone's fleets are like this?

>> No.11969048

you just take what you was done

>> No.11969049

I just realized two things.
First, the new Abyss CLT doesn't have a preemptive torpedo strike, which is good.
Second, the 3 abyss battleship class can spell Letalu, which can be how nips thinks Lethal is pronounced, and how it is pronounced in French (Létal).

>> No.11969052

second one is doing that 3-2 sortie quest with the Mutsukis

>> No.11969053

Did you have some good luck before? well it's time to pay back

>> No.11969057

It's what I get for dancing on the way out of the No Taihou Club yesterday.

>> No.11969058

Teach me your ways, senpai.

>> No.11969059

Well shit, time to level my other zunbie

>> No.11969063

As a sign of sacrifice to the RNG God, insert a pinecone rectally every day at 4:07AM

>> No.11969115

How many drums do you guys have? I'm kinda comfortable with 11 atm for exp 21 and 38

>> No.11969134

3, because I can't for the life of me craft more

>> No.11969139


>> No.11969138

8. Feel a bit stupid for pursuing it with almost 100 crafts when in 2 consecutive days I got one from all-10.

>> No.11969150

do the weekly quests

>> No.11969152

quest only so far, so 7.
It's pretty much the good amount for I'll complete next week quest in sync with unlocking the 8-Drum expedition.

>> No.11969163

But then I'd have to do all those other weekly quests I don't want to

>> No.11969167

you don't kill some carriers and subs regularly anyway?

>> No.11969169

the quest tree to get there is like, the easiest to do. It's very likely you get the req done without knowing every week.

>> No.11969170

I only really sortie to 3-2 or send out expeditions, I'd rather not do 2-3 runs if I can help it.

>> No.11969172

That expedition is beyond glorious.
420 fuel 200 steel for 2:55 and chance for small furniture box

>> No.11969173

I don't know what the count is, but I've been actively trying since New Year's.

But, now that I have Z1, I've officially given up on Taihou and am now focusing on Bismarck. You hear that, RNG? Bismarck. I want Bismarck.

That 3.5/3.5/6/6 that I'm going to throw at you in a few hours is an accident and totally a legit Bismarck attempt.

>> No.11969178

you are not alone.

>> No.11969175


Crafting fairies, get the maruyu ready for that faggot.

>> No.11969176

With the new Tokyo Express and Ex21, what is the best expedition to spam assuming I am keeping everyone sparkling?

>> No.11969177

As someone who lacks both Yamato ans Musashi (I started a week before fall event's end) should I attempt Yamato now, or wait until they add Musashi to the pool? I think waiting is a better idea for now.

>> No.11969181

Wait and make the most out of the ships you have, Shinano is likely to be more useful seeing how a big carrier is much more useful than a big battleship.

>> No.11969180

I'm prety soon there too ! My exp 26 is almost done, only 73 hours left.

>> No.11969183

First, it's retarded to sparkle everyone for drum expeditions, Sparkle flagship, maybe one more, and you're looking at around 85-90% great success. And I run both, with exp 5 in addition, or 6 when I want more bauxite.

>> No.11969184

Yamato is pretty much useless anyway

>> No.11969186

check out the hourly gains.

>> No.11969187

still more useful than Bismarck

>> No.11969189
File: 111 KB, 695x406, RIPresources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 more times to go

>> No.11969192

As long as it isn't another Akitsumaru; I am going to need more expedition fleets before I can use any more boats...

>> No.11969191

>Sparkle flagship, maybe one more, and you're looking at around 85-90% great success
That's bullshit.

>> No.11969194

What do you mean 4 times more to go, you haven't killed her. Are you stupid?

>> No.11969195 [DELETED] 

I didn't know that you only need to sparkle the flagship during drum missions. At least that takes care of being lazy to sparkle.
Thanks for the advise.

>> No.11969197

I'm not touching that shitty resource sink again before midway.

I'm constantly running those expeditions and had 3 that wasn't great success. Maybe not the biggest sample, but it's still better than spending time and resources on sparkling semi-short expeditions.

>> No.11969200

5, 21, 37. You can barter the ammo with other resources during sortie.

>> No.11969230

That's scary, so you're supposed to kill the blue Wo flagship and not Re right?

>> No.11969243

Anyone else feeling depressed about Midway if this was supposed to be a taste of it, as well as being stuck even more in LSC hell.

>> No.11969248

Nope, fall E-4 was much worse for me.

>> No.11969258

What kind of retard are you? You need to save up for the event, not waste time on resource sinks. Do you even realize that if you don't make it, you're going to be stuck in LSC even longer, this time trying to craft Shinano and other reward ships? It's a loop of hell and the devs know it, so be a better man and stop taking their bait.

>> No.11969259

5-5 is many times harder than E4

>> No.11969262

5-5 didn't have a regenerating gauge, dead end and no morning battle/support attack if you accidentally kill everything else.

There are harder things than getting your shit beaten in.

>> No.11969266

But I am saving up, just looking at those screenshots makes me scared. Gave up on LSC for now too.

>> No.11969272

You clearly aren't fighting the same Re class as the rest of us

>> No.11969278

But I am. The thing about 5-5 is you have all the time in the world to do it and there isn't as much luck based bullshit involved.

>> No.11969293

Is there any sense to keep more than 1 SS of the same type? Also it kind of feels strange to use rare ships for modernization.

>> No.11969297

The hell I just failed ex38 twice.
First time I failed the combined level 240.
Second time I am sure I got more than >240 but my flagship is at 52. Does flagship matter?

>> No.11969299

By rotating my 12 subs I usually finish the daily quests under 2 hours. Also, you can use them for expeditions that don't require specific ships (2, 3, 6).

>> No.11969303

You need a flagship of 65+ and a combined level of 250+. At least 4 ships with drums, 8 drums total, 5+ DDs out of 6 ships.

>> No.11969306

I wish I could finish all these world 2 boss quests I have so I could scrap the ships it needs.

>> No.11969309

Just do it with lvl1 ships, they are easy.

>> No.11969314

5-5 is easy if you have leveled fully decked out holos equipped BB and CV. I rather do 5-5 than be subjected constant night battle cut-in.

>> No.11969322

I thought you need to kill the flagship like 6 times?

>> No.11969323


>> No.11969334

Should I just try and craft for a Chiyoda? 36 has been mocking me for awhile now and the last time I saw one of her was before the Christmas event.

>> No.11969345

Do we need Chitose sisters to do that expedition, or can I replace one with Akitsu Maru?

>> No.11969349

Akitsumaru doesn't work, trust me, I tried.

>> No.11969357

Well shit, then.

>> No.11969362

I can see the next event has an extra stage with a full Re fleet for the true NEETs

>> No.11969368

Oh wow, I'm glad I didn't upgrade my Chitoses.

>> No.11969372

I've found Chiyoda 3 times and Chitose twice just running 1-5 a couple times

>> No.11969390
File: 381 KB, 570x480, BB_re_elite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just give up for now? I'm down 5000 fuel because of her and I've still no idea what the boss node looks like.

>> No.11969391

Continue, RNG favor the bold

>> No.11969392

Sure, why not? 5-5 isn't for everyone.

>> No.11969393

You should git gud

>> No.11969394

Just buy webmoney and get that fuel back. Welcome to p2w games

>> No.11969396

5-5 is basically a clever resource depletion trap well disguised as a high-level player ranking boost challenge map

People who say shit like "It's easy" are just sadists that want to see others suffer. (That makes all of us.)

They gave us note about Midway too early. People hoarded abhorent amounts of res and 5-4 did not deplete them as the devs might have envisoned. Thus, 5-5 was born.
To perfect the illusion of the trap, 1-5 was created as well, with the promise of four dropable subs.

People might shit on the devs for a lot of stuff but this was quite genius to deplete some of the bigger ress hoards.
Unless of you're you see through the ruse or don't care about ranking.

>> No.11969399

The true resource hole is LSC.

>> No.11969400

>Unless of you're yo
Brain fart?

>> No.11969402

A big one. Big enough to blow away a house.
I got distracted by Boobs and PVP.

>> No.11969404

Evidently it hasn't worked well enough
People who got their LSC trophies are hoarding again and thus they need a new res sink

>> No.11969416

Is it viable to farm 3-3 for Nagato or am I better off doing LSC for it?

>> No.11969420

Nagato? better do normal BB recipes, you can get her that way and it's much cheaper.

>> No.11969424

not really. she drops off the min LSC recipe more often than usual 400/30/600/30, and you can get mikumas / yahagi with it.

>> No.11969425

It's just feels so... jarring that this single non-boss ship manages to stump me, consistently, no matter how many times I sent my elite fleet at her.

Maybe success in Iron Bottom Sounds has inflated my ego, but I thought my fleet could handle anything the game throws our way. Now it feels like if I don't somehow triumph over that elite Re 5 times, I won't be able to come close to beating Midway.

On the other hand, if this keeps up I won't even have the resources to participate in Midway.

Polygamy can't be the only solution, right?

>> No.11969434

And this is exactly how you design a good time and resource sink.

Unless they report Yamato or Taihou dropping at 5-5 boss, it's not worth it, and even then it's questionable.

>> No.11969433

Why dont you just use super ship like Yamato and use your expedition support?

>> No.11969437

No, not really. I used to farm 3-3 for Nagato and it's simply not worth it. It's feels like a roughly 20~30% chance of even reaching the boss node, if my fleet wasn't forced to retreat first.

After 6 months of playing I finally got my Nagato via a Yamato recipe.

>> No.11969436

pretty sure 5-5 was already planned and worked on way before 5-4 was released, so it can't be a response to 5-4 not turning out as expected.

>> No.11969440

You can make last minute changes over the span of 2 weeks to fleet compositions or a battleships stats in response to how the previous update was received.

>> No.11969442

I rather do E-5 for Yahagi all over again than trying to S rank 5-5

>> No.11969447

Maybe S ranking 5-5 is possible if Shinano CV has something like 160 planes total and you load her full of Shinden Kai somehow.

>> No.11969443
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Wait for Murasame, she'll give you tips to clear 5-5 easily.

>> No.11969444

Do you
- sparkle your ships
- use a very heavy support fleet

I get pass the pre-boss node around 50% of the time.

>> No.11969456
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I do full sparkle, though I've forgotten about support fleets since I didn't use them for any of the 5-x maps.
It feels like she either always focus fire her torpedoes and canon fire on a single ship, or will selectively target characters that are already at weakened. Since she keeps beating the snout out of my squishiest characters (hyper duo) I swapped them out for Kongou sisters, and she adapted by always targeting my slowest characters (Kaga/Akagi).
I'm starting to feel like she's actually AI-powered instead of RNG.

>> No.11969461

With proper shelling support, you should be able to get her to half health before the 2nd shelling. That helps a lot.

>> No.11969463
File: 451 KB, 1200x849, 42194899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine any CV ever being stronger than Kaga, especially Shinano of all ships.

Also, I thought it's the troll king sub that's keeping people from S ranking.

>> No.11969464

S ranked the 1-5 boss five times (I don't bucket any damage, not even 4+ hour damage)

and only garbage from the normal nodes. I have not seen even a single silver background there.
admiral level 104

>> No.11969467

I have received my first furniture token and now I don't know what to buy. I'm thinking the kotatsu

>> No.11969468

If you're 104 then 1-5 shouldn't have anything you don't already do.

>> No.11969471

Spare subs are a problem for many admirals, even at his level.

>> No.11969470

I'm not doing 1-5, but didn't that have a "max 4 ships" requirement?

>> No.11969473

He's talking about the drops he got at 1-5 boss node.

>> No.11969475

One run is still cheaper than trying 200/30/250/30 (it's a bit less fuel, more ammo and generally a lot less steel) and saves a devkit

I'd like a fourth Iku (I use two for ex5 teams, one is my main and lvl 117. The fourth would be for ex2, which is Imuya, Goya + 2 DD) and a second Hachi (For ex2, as ex5 needs 1 CL, 2 DD and I run 3 subs with both Ex5 teams and got enough Imuyas to fill up Ex9, Ex36 and Ex38 teams when I run them)
So, I desire 1 Iku and 1 Hachi and it's still cheaper to run 1-5 than try construction
I also have 4 empty docks most of the time which means I can safely just repair whatever damage I incur without buckets and then do other stuff, like sparkling my many expedition ships

>> No.11969476

Oh, my bad then.

>> No.11969480

This is getting annoying. I got diverted to the dead end twice in a row in 5-5.

>> No.11969481

If I don't have any ZUNships should I still try the min LSC recipes or just do the normal BB and hope I get lucky? I don't want it to be like Goya/Hachi where it takes 50-300 attempts then have it drop in a easy map like 1-5.

>> No.11969483

Try Taihou recipe, got 3 ZUN there and still no Taihou. I need to purify my soul to get more luck

>> No.11969487

you will get alot of Kuso and Kongou either way, but min LSC has better rewards than the normal BB recipe, also higher rate for Nagato.
so it's all up to you if you want to spam BB recipe 4 times or try LSC 1 time.

>> No.11969488

I hope you don't have my luck but I've bankrupted my resource reserve 6 times trying to get Nagato via normal crafting. Then I got her on my 5th Yamato attempt. I won't bother with specific numbers but 5 Yamato attempts is far, far less than how much I've spent on normal crafting attempts.

It annoys me to no end that tons of players get her as their first BB craft or as drops, and I've spent probably more than half my total accumulated resources just trying to get my hands on her.

>> No.11969489

What's the easiest way to kai akitsu? Bring her to 3-2 as flagship with two ryuu kai?

>> No.11969493

Dear Diary,

Today I learned that 5-3 has an E node that will randomly and massively fuck you over for no reason.

Shit Admiral

>> No.11969494

Akitsu can't into blue planes, you can only let her leech exp

If someone got Nagato as his first BB-drop, he's pretty unlucky in not getting any other BB in all those maps before Nagato even is a possible drop.

>> No.11969498

read the branching rules

>> No.11969501

I just bring her to exp6. Best way to do it if you aren't in a hurry.

>> No.11969502

Drills and nice people on your server.

>> No.11969506

Dear Diary,

Today I learned that 5-3 has an E node that will randomly and massively fuck you over for no reason, or if you bring the wrong ships, but mostly for no reason.

>> No.11969512

Dear Diary,
Today, I learned the hell of LSC crafting. I will not gonna bother her again.

-Poor Admiral

>> No.11969515

Oh boy. I haven't touched her since I got a few from Taihou attempts but once I saw that greens pop up when you're sorting equipment. If she can handle reppu, why not torp bombers?

>> No.11969518
File: 180 KB, 819x460, feb reward1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot get zunship from min LSC. Just use those resources to get into top500. Devs have been giving out boats since december.

>> No.11969520

Please show me a Akitsumaru with Reppu equipped
You're thinking of the wrong greens. You're thinking of Seaplanes.

>> No.11969525

because, erm, good question. Well, the torp bombers make sense considering she was supposed to support land-based operations

Akitsu can equip fighters

>> No.11969529
File: 222 KB, 472x310, Screenshot 2014-03-15 17.16.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha oh wow

>> No.11969532

What the fuck, does 250/30/200/30 really give DDs? I've tried 150 times now with z1 as flagship, even got a goya and a hachi and not a SINGLE DD, got Ca's, cL's, two subs, not one single DD.

>> No.11969540

only rare DDs like Shimakaze and Yukikaze and apprently now also Z3.

>> No.11969543

So we have a month to obtain the medals right?

>> No.11969544

>Akitsu can't into blue planes
She can but non-kai slots are worth 0 planes...

>> No.11969545
File: 127 KB, 218x330, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold and despair the final form of 5-5

>> No.11969547

At least there's no Re.

>> No.11969550

Re is very weak in the boss node because the ring formation.

>> No.11969551

How do you even sink subs like this?

>> No.11969552

How do you beat a gold sub and still S rank it?

>> No.11969557

pretty sure she only got green planes as an option, can't check it in game right now though.

>> No.11969559

You don't.

>> No.11969560

Mine is coming back in ~5 minutes, I'll report back.

>> No.11969562

Only green planes, aka fighters, but you can see the result here
And I can't even put seaplanes on her. What the fuck?

>> No.11969564

You give up on sinking any other ship.

>> No.11969569

Is there even a point on having pure AA weaponry?

>> No.11969570
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>> No.11969571

You're better off just stacking yellow guns on her.

DDs will still outdamage her because they have torpedos, but at least this way she can kill some stuff now and then.

>> No.11969574

I like how they just put a troll sub as a last resort to cheese people out of their S ranks nowaday.

>> No.11969582

Is one lv30+ SS and two lv10+ SS enough to farm 2-3 for dailies/weeklies?

>> No.11969588

CL(T) with 3+ sonars as flagship, ring formation at boss node. And even then the S rank has a single digit % chance of being obtained.

>> No.11969595

you would want them to be at least lv30+ all with max torp stat first for better result.

>> No.11969598

Oh boy, I so hate that first sub on 1-5. For the 4 time in row, it manages to crit someone to orange

>> No.11969606

You need at least 5, nigga.

>> No.11969608

1 ship at orange is still manageable.

wo, please

>> No.11969609

Just keep going. Not like it'll sink.

>> No.11969611

Not if it's Bep.

>> No.11969614

I got a kill with Bep at orange on first node. It just ups the luck you need for your girls to aim at the right targets.

>> No.11969631

I know the 7 times Ex37/38 quest is weekly, but it said two new weekly quests. Which other one is weekly?

>> No.11969637
File: 567 KB, 600x650, Since September.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since September.
Fuck you too, RNG.

>> No.11969645

Dont be a casual
Play more

>> No.11969646

Naka II at orange has managed to OHKO the 1-5 boss easily.

>> No.11969652
File: 389 KB, 600x650, shitteitoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since late august, I've been unfortunate and I lose most of my resources doing crafting and 3-4/4-4 too

>> No.11969657
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cant complain since I has been playing for less than 2 months so far.

>> No.11969659
File: 619 KB, 600x650, bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since February.
Am I good?

>> No.11969660

I see you got your priorities straight.

>> No.11969662

Image limit reached.

>> No.11969663

Yes but I'm not really using her yet.

>> No.11969696

I can't work OpenVPN on Ubuntu for shit. Anyone can help? I can load the vpngate website, but even google doesn't load

>> No.11969769

Taihou is already better than Kaga.

>> No.11969778

It's easy to be better when you're da bes

>> No.11969775

In case anyone still needs some subs.

>> No.11969786

I don't think I'm going to touch 5-2 ever again, fuck the weekly, fuck getting Mikuma. 9 runs to get 2 S ranks; I got Ta fleet 6 out of 7 times I made it past the subs and got completely wrecked by boss node every time I made it there. 1000 steel for my second S rank after getting green T with the line ahead boss fleet. I would have been hard pressed to suffer more damage running 5-5.

I just can't believe I still have not gotten Mikuma from 5-2 after all this time, nor Pyon from 5-4. I'm never going to have the resources to build Bismarck (nor Yamato) if I keep running them though.

>> No.11969784

How do you even get to node D?

>> No.11969787

All DDs is the only way.

>> No.11969791

How often does it send you to H instead of boss?

>> No.11969795

I think you need to S rank D to even get to the boss.

>> No.11969804

5-4 isn't really that taxing on resources you know

The fuel's not that bad, ammo should be abundant etc.

Probably only buckets to burn

>> No.11969815

I can't believe Re's float plane critted Hiei Kai ni from full to red on a green T. Why can't we have that plane too?

>> No.11969822

God damn it, I'm being bombarded with cats on Brunei.

>> No.11969824

I'm being bombarded by cats too.

>> No.11969827

It wouldn't be if not for the fact that the BBs crit my CVs at the boss node every fucking time. My steel vanishes so fast running 5-4.

>> No.11969831

Fine here, although just idling.

>> No.11969836

Same server, I have no issues

>> No.11969848

>Have Abukuma (阿武隈), Akebono (曙), Ushio (潮), Kasumi (霞) and Shiranui (不知火) in your fleet.

God these quests are stupid, having to farm these shit ships now...

>> No.11969854

If I could post an image I would post Kuso teitoku.

>> No.11969865

It took me forever to complete that batch of 3 quests thanks to all the required Asashio-class that I had gotten rid of long ago.

>> No.11969879

So, expedition 38 is 1CL 5DD with 8 drums, right?

>> No.11969884


>> No.11969888

new miracle Taihou recipe: 63/47/66/58/100

>> No.11969890

Wo pls

>> No.11969892

No thanks Wo.

>> No.11969897

I did it and it works, thank you friend.

>> No.11969906

I am not Wo, trust me.

>> No.11969910

That must be really unfortunate

Enemies in diamond formation pretty much make the BB's hit for scratch on CV's most of the time

>> No.11969908

I got yamato instead ._.

>> No.11969911

got Bismarck, thanks!!

>> No.11969912

so much sameWo

>> No.11969913

Is this for real? I have the baux/mats to do it once

>> No.11969914

Got re class. Oh shit

>> No.11969915

All of my jelly

>> No.11969916

It seems some chineses are spamming F5 in some server, my moon is shit and my server list is outdated, so I can't really tell which one... erm "Kanoya" I think?

>> No.11969921

where did you get that from?

>> No.11969924


From the staff's twitter.

>> No.11969925

Tried four times, got Akitsumaru, RJ, Maruyu and Musashi.

>> No.11969926

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, anons

>> No.11969932

nothing about F5 or chinese there

>> No.11969938

>thinking that dev mats matter

>> No.11969943

I'm literally getting a cat shower on Buin, anybody else?

>> No.11969947


When in doubt, always blame the chinese.

>> No.11969948

Cat shower from Truk here.

>> No.11969949

Nothing here.

>> No.11969953

Palau fine.

>> No.11969954

Why is that elite ka so effective on the first node? Is it because it gets line ahead for being alone?

>> No.11969957

Yes. Same problem as the sub at first node of 5-1.

You never notice it with troll subs because they're always with ring formation boss fleets.

>> No.11969960

yes, that's the reason

>> No.11969964

What is that new 0/300/300/900 red quest?

>> No.11969967

2 BBV + 4 others boss win at 4-4
pretty sure it's one-time

>> No.11969968

If it's weekly then I suddenly care about 4-4

>> No.11969974

the two new weekly quests are expedition quests

1x Ex37 or Ex38
7x Ex37 or Ex38 (combined)

>> No.11969972

Because the classes that spell "Kancolle" get extra bonuses now. In addition to Ka-class and the new Re-class, we're getting a Ko-class heavy cruiser with 100% cut-in rate and a N-class CLT with 149 torpedo attack and pre-emptive torpedoes.

>> No.11969978

I thought the BBV expedition is other weekly

>> No.11969981

I doubt that 1x Ex37 or Ex38 is a weekly quest

>> No.11969984

Any recommended fleet compositions for 4-4? I'm pretty sure I've subcheesed it back in the day.

>> No.11969995

wikiwiki thinks otherwise

Nagato class or Kongou Kai 2, BBV, BBV, CA, DD, DD
I would use Nagato, Ise, Hyuuga, Maya, Bep, Dog
Three BBs with 2 main cannons + ap shell + radar
CA with 2 yellow 15.5, sanshiki, radar
Bep with 2 sonars, + 1 AA gun
Dog with 2 sonars + 1 AA gun

>> No.11969996

This is exactly I'm thinking about.
2DD (poi and ptsd), a CA (Maya), 2 BBV (kusos) and something else. Maybe a sub or CLT. I think I'll pick KTKM

>> No.11969993

You need 2 DD, 1 CA, 2 BBV + one more

>> No.11970010

That's my setup as well. Though I can't decide between line ahead and diamond on boss.

>> No.11970020

Which one?

>> No.11970027

Dog. Dogure. PTSD.

>> No.11970029

I bring them to kill the subs on the way and maybe get lucky and crit the sub to death at boss but otherwise I go line ahead regardless
you need a B or A rank and 3 BB + 1 CA should somehow be able to do that

>> No.11970047

I really hope that 4-4 quest is a weekly. Pretty much free resources.
And node dropped Ooi. I remember going through hell to get her for the first time
