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11959622 No.11959622 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>11949507

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11959639

I definitely agree that some parts dragged on way too long, but they still managed to fit what I felt should have been a much bigger part of the game in less than an hour. It was almost a bit overwhelming for me.

>> No.11959648

You're thread sucks. You forgot the subject. We don't even know its about VNs.

>> No.11959650

Clover Days and Daitoshokan in 17 days!

>> No.11959658

I'm looking forward to Sakigake ⇒ Generation!, just finished its trial.

It's my first untranslated VN. Well, my first VN overall, since I never actually read any translated ones. Right now I'm pretty happy with myself.

Some people spoke negatively about its artstyle in the previous thread, but I liked it. Especially characters' eyes. And I can't help liking the video game setting.

Now I'll read some moege, probably Daitoshokan, seems like a good choice.

>> No.11959662

I like the art.
And the boobs.
I thoroughly enjoyed Kamikaze Explorer with its rather flimsy superpower plot anyways.

>> No.11959742

Thanks. That's why I said in the last thread if someone is bothered make a new one. also, the majority of the people here have the thread on auto update/thread watcher.

>> No.11959753

Just finished my first run of Kamidori Alchemy Meister

Anyone know if I should remove the enemy cap or leave it off? I managed to grind all my characters to level 75 in the Deadbeat Dungeon

>> No.11959765

>Sakigake ⇒ Generation!

The characters were the main point for me. Always a breeze of fresh air when you find out they aren't just reduced to some archetype cliché. I hope they don't delve midway into some half-assed plot and concentrate on the character interaction.

But yeah, the video game setting is also pretty cool.

>> No.11959806

Try going through some classic titles after playing Daitoshokan, since you're starting out.

>> No.11959812

Hmm, certainly can't hurt to check some classics.

>> No.11959822 [DELETED] 


>> No.11959839

Senshinkan question. Why Dan Karu, being head of Ministry of Divinities, is surrounded by buddhist demons and uses buddha statue as his base? Seems like I missed something, but he should hate buddhism and be follower of pure Shinto, doesn't he?

>> No.11959898

Well the ideological separation of kami and buddhas only happened a few years before the ministry institution and wasn't entirely successful, so maybe it's supposed to show the hybridism that existed before? I haven't finished ayumi route yet though so maybe they go more in depth.

>> No.11960014

I mean, 神祇省 was notorious for its oppression of buddhism and christianity. Even featured in game 鶴岡八幡宮 was significantly damaged due to their policies. Kinda weird that he would burn down buddhist temples and at same time stick to their practices and lore.

>> No.11960139

Yeah, I agree there is definitely some sympathy mixed in with liking Setsuna. If you like Kazusa, you'll definitely like coda. Even though I prefer Setsuna, I do quite like Kazusa too, and you'll be getting a lot of her.

Yeah, even though I enjoyed Chiaki's route she is probably my least favourite heroine. I feel that for Mari's ending he was rushing a bit, when all he had was a year left of university anyway. I suppose it may be something of "love is really strong", but the way it was expressed made it feel a bit more he was rushing just because of lust. Then again, lust is fairly strong and it brings around the point of people not always making the most rational decision.

My favourite side-heroine was Koharu, although her route got a little annoying at times with both of the main characters hating themselves.

>> No.11960174

Koharu was my favourite too, she's too damn cute.

As for Mari's ending, I'd disagree with the lust part. He wanted to dump Setsuna early in the route, and him leaving with Mari was more out of desperation as she left him that call. In fact, Haruki was probably least annoying in this route because he was actually decisive in regards to what he wanted..

>> No.11960201

Okay people, looking into pre-ordering the English version of Steins;Gate but I have never bought a VN before. I live in the UK and have no clue where I should get it from. Should I just import it from JastUSA?

>> No.11960236

You should buy the original and actually help the developers.

>> No.11960279

Surely they will get royalties for the localized version of the game. I'm not going to torrent it and patch it into English.

>> No.11960287

Not him but I'm pretty sure 5pb does well even without dirty gaijin dollars.
That and buying the localized version instead of the original probably helps them EOPs get the attention they want from localizers.

>> No.11960292

He said to BUY the original, not torrent it.

>> No.11960304

Yeah, I get that. I was just confused as to why they implied I wasn't helping the developer by buying the localized version. I was comparing it to something that obviously doesn't help the developer.

>> No.11960302

The P stands for people, right?

>> No.11960306

When you need it to.

>> No.11960397
File: 282 KB, 1300x782, shogi time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished senshinkan, being a slow reader I am (and had difficulty with some lines).

Enjoyed it very much, it's far more rounded experience than I expect from normal action style. Characters are given their bits in relevance and spotlight scenes, and not outrageous impossibility. The other sides are like anti-heroes rather than enemies, for their intended purpose. The amount of interactions from them with the hero side surprises me, making them less one-dimensional and smarter than common baddies. Considerable time just talking, taunting, without throwing a punch.

The narrative style makes sense to me and there is a good progress flow where you don't have to sit long between lines before the next bit. It also had a rather "warm" feeling to it, even with the frequent descriptions of disgusting imageries. In contrast to say, Bradyon Veda, which consistently having a cooler feel. Not that I find any problem with either, just something that springs to mind.

Picture related is the sort of character I wish in other VNs more often.

>> No.11960420

I'm stating tsukiOtsu now, but it's more of a place holder before Clover Days is released.

>> No.11960598
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Finished Gleam Garden no Shoujo. It was totally what I expected: plenty of really grim and dark themes, cool MC with steel testicles and cute girls with sad past. Writing is good, phrases flow smoothly and somehow poetic, pure pleasure compared with previously read Leyline. Music is good, OP is godly and probably my favorite. I was not interested in routes of three main girls, so read through Chitose route and skipped Izumi and Kusunoki. Shirayuki route is my favorite: one of the best girls, good drama and ending+epic moment in forest. Luna route was good but could be better. Very predictable with this obvious twists, rushed interactions and out of place h-scenes, repetitive narration, but has a hell lot of CGs and nice action, not to mention a heroine HHHHHNNGGGGG I'm dying.
Overall it's solid and kinda exciting but has it's own flaws so I won't say must read. Really enjoyed it. 8.5/10.
Seems like next one will be Izuna Zanshinken.

>> No.11960713

>Izuna Zanshinken
Interested to hear about that one, it looks like it'd be the VN equivalent of a good action flick.

I liked Luna's route ending a fair bit better than Snow White's, I found Shirayuki's a pretty big anticlimax after bringing in the squad of what looked like the X-men they just kind of vanished afterwards instead of the all-out battle on the school/research compound I was hoping for.

Still fun to read, though I got really sick of that whole narrative device where someone says something dramatic, fade to black, skip ahead to after the conversation ended, and then the MC goes "oh yeah, that reminds me of what she was saying..." and then it flashes back to finish the other half of the conversation except now it's in sepia.

Which is okay except they did it for almost every other speech more than 3 minutes long.

>> No.11960718
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I know Akane was the most popular in polls, but still.

Admittedly, Akane's mother's obvious attempts to get her daughter laid were hilarious.

>> No.11960731

Man, I've had that game sitting in my backlog for a while. Gonna give it a try.

>> No.11960772

Because loyalty is paid by the localizing company, even if nobody buys the game. So buying localized games really only helps getting more localized games.

If you want to contribute, put a preorder on the latest game the company makes, anything else is of little importance.

>> No.11960914

Just finished some January releases (キスアト, 世界と世界の真ん中で, 12の月のイヴ).

Can't find anything interesting from February, and I'm seeing low scores in EGS. Any recommendation from February releases?

>> No.11960918
File: 14 KB, 757x55, ErogameScape -エロゲー批評空間-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I'm seeing low scores in EGS
You should get that checked ASAP, its either blindness or mental disorder.

>> No.11960920

There's always Majikoi. Pretty good, but the previous stuff was better.

Innocent Girl also has some pretty funny moments.

>> No.11960962

Oh I completely forgot about A-3. I was thinking of giving Innocent Girl a try too. Thanks.

I think I was polite with my question, no need to act like a fucking cunt.

>> No.11960971

Play something short because March release is near.

>> No.11960982

There's still two weeks till only worthy march release.

>> No.11960998

He was asking for something interesting kid.

>> No.11961001

>Because loyalty is paid by the localizing company, even if nobody buys the game.
You clearly don't know what royalties are.

>> No.11961016

> something interesting
> 12の月のイヴ 世界と世界の真ん中で キスアト
Ow wow, so minori not only buys votes on EGS, but also pays for posting on /jp/ now? How are the rates?

>> No.11961065


No, Celia was the most popular in the polls, what are you on about?

>> No.11961129

I don't know what kind of paranoid stories you're listening to, but Yuki's route was quite decent.

>> No.11961217

Anyone happen to remember the name of a doujin game that came out maybe 1-2 years ago, one with an elaborate chuuni plot set in some kind of sci-fi facility, and high production values if I remember right? I've been wanting to find it for ages now but I haven't come across it on VNDB.

>> No.11961224

Do you mean this: http://vndb.org/v11990

I wonder if it ever got uploaded somewhere. I think one of the people who bought said they would upload it later if it was never uploaded back when it was released. I heard it was going to be a trilogy so I never bothered looking too much into it

>> No.11961235

I thought Yuki's route was the worst actually. It felt like the writer wrote himself into a corner and had to rely on bullshit magic time travel to get out of it. There were also some things unexplained like why the two were able to time travel, why was Yuki talking to some kind of hallucination of herself (during her first hospital scene), and what time travel had to do with candles.
The whole thing with Yuki suddenly becoming the child of some random people the story never even mentioned before was silly too.

Also, breast milk in the ero scenes when they're not even pregnant.

>> No.11961271

That's the one. Thanks a lot. I also remember hearing something a trilogy.

>> No.11961570 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11961576
File: 1.02 MB, 1180x1300, backlog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i just finished sengoku koihime from baseson,it was pretty fun and enjoyable (at least for a big harem lover like me).Now i think i will start something new from backlog but im not sure what to play since i have a goddamn big backlog.So i thought asking my backlog to you guys would even better.So which ones of those must play,which ones enjoyable and which ones i should delete? it would be a really big help if you guys could rate at least some of them.

>> No.11961578

if you are asking for source of the image,its gleamgarden no shoujo from Cosmic Cute.

>> No.11961579

I went through your chart three times but I couldn't find a single good VN in there, sorry.

>> No.11961582


>> No.11961585

Beware of the Daitoshokan defense force.

>> No.11961589

Fureraba is the best vn there and I would uninstall at least half of those.

>> No.11961591

yes i know at least half of them is pretty bad since im downloading vns just with feeling,but since i dont know which ones i should delete i thought asking would be a good idea. Also thank you very much,i guess i will start furereba now.

>> No.11961601

Haru uru, parfait and daitoshokan are better. You should play all 4 of those and tenshin anyway.

>> No.11961608

daitoshokan isn't

>> No.11961609
File: 126 KB, 1018x279, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about mine?

>> No.11961612

Delete random things.

>> No.11961616

Delete everything but senskinkan and Kajiri Kamui Kagura

>> No.11961617


But then he wouldn't be able to read Reminiscence.

>> No.11961619


>> No.11961620

The F there is because I already did.

8 or 80?

>> No.11961634
File: 310 KB, 800x600, capture_013_27092013_181425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls be Ambitious is really nothing special apart from having half-decent male sidekicks. Your average comedy pure love game, with some horribly dull drama in the actual heroine routes. The exact same "we're from different social classes, we can't date!" scenario is repeated three times.

Haruka ni Aogi is a better ojousama heroine pure love game, but also suffers from some repetition in form of the protagonist having to solve his own trauma in 5 out of 6 routes. As per the usual pure love routine most of the drama comes from the characters simply not talking to each other about their feelings, so the enjoyment may vary depending on how much you're willing to stuff that type of scenarios. The heroines themselves are generally really fun characters though. There's two different writers and I generally enjoyed the first three routes more than the second half.

Play Baldr Sky if you want great gameplay.
KKK assuming you already played Dies Irae, Senshinkan if you long for even more chuuni after that.
SubaHibi for denpa and mindfucketty mystery.
LxC2 is also good if you're looking for zero plot ichaicha and some pretty lewd stuff.

>> No.11961683

Agree, Shirayuki's route has a wasted potential. Quite disappointed that characters from secret society have so small screentime. Also, I was kinda struck that there is literally no mention of Luna's ears. When MC thought how she resembles his sister he says that they differ only in hair and eye color

>> No.11961685

Anyone got any idea what tool I should go about using to extract bgm from senshinkan's malie system?

>> No.11961694


>> No.11961724
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>> No.11961759

What is the name of the characters in the picture, and where can I find more of them?

>> No.11961761

Should I play rance quest or ikusa megami verita yes I've played the earlier instalments and I want to be ready for April.

>> No.11961771

Its sobamon from senshinkan.

>> No.11961772

Upload it when you have it, I deleted my folder already.

>> No.11961774

I prefer verita because quest, in my opinion, killed what VI and Sengoku did right.

>> No.11961776

>sobamon from senshinkan
No, I mean the girl. Is that her name, or the monster?

>> No.11961779



>> No.11961777

Yes, you should play both. Why do you even ask?

>> No.11961780

Monster and girl are same thing.

>> No.11961788

Really? That's awesome! What is the anime they originate from? I would like to learn everything I can about her.

>> No.11961783

I'm asking which one to play first.
What do you mean?

>> No.11961791

>sobamon from senshinkan
Are you retarded?

>> No.11961792

No! Nothing comes up from the Wiki.

>> No.11961793

Go with Verita then.

>> No.11961809

You sound pretty retarded to me

>> No.11961823

You'll have to forgive me, because I don't watch anime. Do you have a link with more content about her? I need to know!

>> No.11961824

Go with Rance Quest, Rance 9 looks a fuckton better than the remake of IM1

>> No.11961826

How can you know? There isn't even a trial out so it will probably be rushed as fuck.

>> No.11961827

The Hellman plot is something they have been building for like 20 years, there is no way it's going to be bad

>> No.11961830

Judging from how bad rance quest was I'd say there's a large chance for that.

>> No.11961834
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>> No.11961836

Except Rance Quest was pretty great

>> No.11961839

Ok now you're just trolling, there is no way a person can hold that kind of opinion.

>> No.11961838

I have yet to play 2.

>> No.11961841

A fuckton of people have the same opinion.
What the fuck are you going for? Get over yourself

>> No.11961844

The overall opinion was that it was worse than the earlier instalments. You can disagree if you like but there was a clear drop in quality from sengoku.

>> No.11961845

Vanilla rance quest was so, with magnum it become somewhat good

>> No.11961846

And now I'm going to tell you that I think anything from Light is complete garbage. Are you surprised too?

>> No.11961847

Habluka, is that you?

>> No.11961848

Yes why would you think that? Light games are pretty great.

>> No.11961849

>The overall opinion was that it was worse than the earlier instalments
Worse than Rance 6, Kichikuou or Sengoku doesn't mean much since they are pretty much considered masterpiece.
It's still considered a very good entry.

>> No.11961850

>Rance 9 looks a fuckton better than the remake of IM1
Not really

>> No.11961852


I thought 2 would be the last one even if the story wasn't over yet. You never know how well this episode stuff fares.

>> No.11961853

IMM trial was pretty good, and there's still no trial for rance.

>> No.11961858

Yes it does.
Especially since IM1 doesn't really have a good story in general and the remake doesn't look much better especially with its bloated interface.
I'll be far more excited about a remake of 2 but anyone who would take it over the Rance in Hellman game probably just doesn't follow the Rance series at all.

Rance Quest Magnum has a median of 85 in egs if you want to go for these arguments.
The vanilla version of RQ had a lot of problems I agree but with Magnum RQ is definitely a great game.

>> No.11961864
File: 694 KB, 1570x2000, 1394631269011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a better rpg to be excited about this year

>> No.11961866

I dunno, I'm still mad about that bullshit ending from the first one.

>> No.11961867

> ps3

>> No.11961868

Yeah no.

>> No.11961873

It was just a bit worse than the ending of FC.
At least we only had to wait one year

Get out

>> No.11961876

What happened to the supposed Trails in the Sky I and II PC release, anyway?

>> No.11961879

Yeah I know that, but FC wrapped up it's part of the story and at least didn't have an unwinnable boss fight (there is nothing I hate more than a game treating you like you lost even though you won)

>> No.11961884

Fie and Arisa sure look slutty in these outfits.
That's great

What happened? Angry you can't use agth with a ps3 game?

>> No.11961887

This delusional. RQ is an awful game in any means and magnum only made it look okay, compare with the previous games at least two steps below, don't even try to argue, also no trial whatsoever and Hellman? Please, indeed plot wise the overall setting of RIX says it will do is better, the execution? Not even close.

>> No.11961901

>don't even try to argue

Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea you didn't even want to hear other people.

OK, you are 100% right. Yep.

>> No.11961906

I am looking forward to 英雄*戦姫 gold this month! I hope the knights have h-scenes this time around.

>> No.11961909

I just hope the writing won't be so fucking horrible this time.
I had enough of smegma for a lifetime

>> No.11961917

They changed the writer I think? It was that woman that wrote the rance games now.

>> No.11961926
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I'm a little late, but if you guys could also tell me which games from my backlog are shit and which are good(aside from the obvious ones) I'd be really thankful.

>> No.11961927

I hope this doesn't become a trend.

>> No.11961933

Why can't people just play whatever they want? It's not like others know what kind of taste you have.

>> No.11961945

1.) Count the exact number of folders you have there
2.) Go to random.org
3.) Input the number of folders (i.e. you have 34 eroge folders) on the homepage and roll
4.) With your rolled number in mind go to http://www.random.org/sequences/
5.) Input max amount of folders as largest value, refresh three times for max randomosity. Remember the number you rolled earlier. That will be the eroge you will play
6.) ???
7.) Get out of /jp/

>> No.11961978

I just play games I find interesting. I don't care what others think of them in this thread.

>> No.11962021
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Postponed f

>> No.11962066

Throw darts at your screen.

>> No.11962069

But that would destroy it!

>> No.11962115

Use Nerf suction cup darts.

>> No.11962277

/vg/ anon, /vg/...
This is a thread about visual novels, not videogames.

>> No.11962287
File: 279 KB, 1099x482, natukoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remember Love-ressive? Funny faces from last year? They released a trial for their new game. I hope it's funny. I hope I fall off my chair laughing this time too.

>> No.11962351

Could have fooled me with the discussion about things like the Rance and Ikusa Megami series, nerd.

>> No.11962352

Oh god please no, I don't want more shit locked behind the servers only available for a month.

>> No.11962356

Does /vg/ even know about IM or even anything from Eushully besides Kamidori?

>> No.11962360

Red's voice samples are horrible.

>> No.11962362

They are visual novels though.

>> No.11962367

Only if you consider anything with anime characters and porn a VN.

>> No.11962369

egs disagrees with you, nerd.

>> No.11962370

You could make a case about the Kiseki series being VNs too.
They even have narration and more text that you can hold

>> No.11962371

You call me nerd when you are the one posting in the wrong thread?
What a turbonerd, just go to /vg/ if you want to talk about videogames.

>> No.11962373

egs disagrees with you too, nerd.

>> No.11962374

It's called ErogameScape, not VisualNovelScape

>> No.11962378

That's just moving the goalposts and you know it.

>> No.11962380

My original point is that VN != eroge, so, no, it's not moving the goal posts.

>> No.11962382

Erogamescape has non-ero games.

>> No.11962383

Ok, ok you win. In the future we ban anything you don't like from being discussed in this thread.

>> No.11962385

Yeah like Touhou.
Egs isn't some kind of authority with absolute opinion or something

>> No.11962412

Why does this thread gather more activity when someone decides to be autistic?

>> No.11962418

Because then people actually have something to discuss.

>> No.11962419

Because autistic people have no regard for other peoples feelings, this usually results in them getting upset and thus more active.

>> No.11962478
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Majikoi A-3

Lee route: Holy shit is this really Majikoi?

>> No.11962490

That must mean that route is actually pretty good then?

>> No.11962498 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 802x601, toolazytostitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lee, age 7

>> No.11962508

Edge in my majikoi?

>> No.11962535

Then Gakuto catches Tachibana (A-5) while fishing. Who then actually gets flustered when he hit on her.

>> No.11962551
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1394664267696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Love la Bride.
I was planning on posting about how absolutely terrible it was halfway through, but I'm glad i had the patience of a buddha, because the last route felt like a different game.
While on the first 4 the mc was a complete piece of shit that had to be pulled along by the heroines, and the route's best part was them calling him trash, in the main heroine's route he even managed to be a little manly, and wasn't the cause of the drama.
Overall, I wish I could go back in time and punch myself until i swear to only read Misaki's route.

>> No.11962553

MCs in harems are usually worthless pieces of shits, makes it easier for the losers reading it to self-insert.

>> No.11962561

I'm glad I didn't bother with it then. The OP almost reeled me in. Chuablesoft is shit.

>> No.11962568

Not like wish-fulfillment playing as Mr. Gary-Stu or some genre-savvy smart-ass is any better.

>> No.11962570

I prefer protagonists with a personality, as rare as they are.

>> No.11962571

MCs not having a voice are already an obvious attempt at making the audience self-insert.

>> No.11962577

>is any better.
But those are, a super competent person who at least will do something, and this means anything, during a route, is always better than generic hetare even if they both are terrible characters.

It's also more expensive in general considering males cost more and the MC has the most lines.

>> No.11962583

Being a nice person and the ideal househusband isn't a personality?

Apples and oranges, but I'm personally sick and tired of a lot of folks ragging one over the other yet the Yamato Nadeshiko archetype gets better treatment.

>> No.11962581

The absolute worst is when a competent, go-getter sort of MC turns into a Takayuki tier piece of shit during the character routes.

>> No.11962582
File: 108 KB, 764x265, aoiro rinne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like protagonists who are just as pathetic as I am, but most of the time, they're pulled off terribly.

>> No.11962588

I honestly prefer those over a guy who spends an ENTIRE route on the whole "b-but shes my sister..."

>> No.11962589

Don't fuck your sister dude that's gross as HELL

>> No.11962596

In eroge is just boring most of the time, they never have a reason beyond what a normal childhood friend would give most of the time.

>> No.11962595

Thing is, he had fucked her in every possible hole but the baby-baker and still hadn't gotten over it

>> No.11962598

It's like how nuns have sex. They consider themselves virgins and pure until they get the rod in the V.

>> No.11962602

This is what probably gets me annoyed the most in moege.

If it happens before anything lewd happens, it's a good bit more palatable though.

>> No.11962603

I didn't completely hate it because I like anal, but it's some pretty shitty(heh) logic.

>> No.11962605 [DELETED] 

Which VN?

>> No.11962610

Which VN?

>> No.11962612

It's somewhat common or at least used to be.
A fairly recent example off the top of my head would be 星ノ音サンクチュアリ.

>> No.11962617

Love la bride, on one of the worst routes. It's not worth it, trust me.

>> No.11962618

They somehow convinced Tori to come out of retirement to write it, so it should be pretty good.

>> No.11962638

So, since /vg/ isn't too helpful, I recently got a tablet. I notice now that some features are hard to access, like conversation logs and such. I did find out how to use the menu, but other than that, not much else.

Does anyone know if there's a workaround for keybindings on tablets?

>> No.11962753

You're talking about a Windows 8 tablet, right? I don't have one myself, but I know there's a program that basically turns your entire screen into a giant laptop-style touchpad so you can use it like a mouse.

>> No.11962757
File: 268 KB, 1023x960, 1388056391705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you, too, can play kantai collection while playing your eroge.

>> No.11962759

You'd be correct. Dell Venue 8 Pro, to be exact.

>> No.11962764

Can't you just get a bluetooth mouse or something?

>> No.11962771

I guess I could. Was just wondering if there was a workaround without having to buy more things.

>> No.11962773

Then you could try one of those smartphone apps that lets you use a phone as a touchpad/mouse.

>> No.11962775

Man, how far technology has come. I had no idea those existed.

Do you have suggestions? My phone is an android, by the way.

>> No.11962781

Sadly, I use a Windows Phone, so no idea about Android apps. But since Android pretty much has everything, a quick google should let you know what you want.

>> No.11962786


5 seconds with Google.

>> No.11962860


>> No.11962931

Is it really OK to write out that kind of constraints in job descriptions in Japan? Don't they have laws against recruitment discrimination?

>> No.11963280

Oh HELL yeah.

That's too bad, but it also gives me some hope that it might be something decent.

>> No.11963286

1 death already in the trial.

>> No.11963650

>you won
I don't feel like winning when I spend about 20 tries for it in Nightmare 1st playthrough

>> No.11963865
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, LovePotion_13032014_102630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Lovepotion Sixtynine and I'm pretty damn surprised. For the developers first game, the quality is incredible, and it's actually pretty funny. The best part so far was the music though

>> No.11963872
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, capture_004_08122013_140355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was written by the same guy who did Color of White and a couple other things for that group, so he isn't completely new.

>> No.11964016

Reading 12eve is making me wonder to what degree sage time influences review scores. I start thinking "hey, this isn't so bad" and then two sex scenes and a cold shower later I can't even get three lines in without rolling my eyes.

>> No.11964104

Shouldn't we add it in the beginner chart?
It's rather simple and short after all.

>> No.11964155

There's already more than enough in that, but if you want to make your own, there are probably better ones to include.

>> No.11964236

what's your opinion then? I think that it is decent enough game. not on the level of ef or eden*, but still decent.

>> No.11964246

is the latest majikoi good? played A-1 and it doesn't feel like the original or S. I'm waiting for yoshitsune which is still in 1 year time.

>> No.11964252

Not even done the first route yet, it's kinda straddling the line of not good enough to engage but not bad enough to drop. Picked it up due to spoilers for the last route though, which sounded so delightfully batshit loony I had to see it for myself.

>> No.11964263

majikoi was never good

>> No.11964289

Will I get screwed over at some point in GnK 2 if I just skip all battles? I would play them were the interface not so terribly clunky and the turn progression so slow.
Which of the endings leads into Verita? And why did nobody at Eushully realise how awfully creepy those uncanny blinking sprites are?

You have to consider that follow-ups like that one usually receive higher ratings, as only those who liked the product in the first place pick it up, which naturally amounts to a much lower total amount of people with a badly received title like that.

>> No.11964294

Majikoi won't be good until they release enough sequels to span the entire alphabet. And even then it'll only be good because of how hilariously bad the quality would have dropped.

>> No.11964321

The neutral end 2 leads to verita I think.

>> No.11964334

true route

>> No.11964338

Considering how much the quality dropped in the first game from the common route to the actual routes, there's not much further down it can go.

>> No.11964340

So, balance between Law and Chaos? Are there any time limits to watch out for?

>> No.11964385

It's been a long time but iirc it's basically the easiest to get as long as you balance both values. Getting the machine doll character basically guarantees you have enough chaos for it.
The Law end is the one that has very specific requirements, but it's not canon and is everything goes well happy end so you can just do whatever you want.

>> No.11964580
File: 1.21 MB, 800x600, CG000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then. I hope cooperating with those thieves wont screw me over in the long run. And will the game ever stop reminding me that the parents of Louie/Louis/Riui are dead?
Unrelated, but I really liked the CG in pic related. VNs et al tend to not have darker colour palettes like this anymore, which is a shame.

By the way, did anyone else have this issue in the IMM trial where the direction keys were permanently stuck upwards? I thought it might have something to do with all the new mouse problems caused by those changes introduced in W8.1.

>> No.11964737

I haven't hit Lee's first h scene yet but it's been pretty awesome so far. Last time I read Majikoi was whenever Benkei's route came out.

>> No.11964753

> Will I get screwed over at some point in GnK 2 if I just skip all battles?
No, all battles are skippable, except append bonus maps, which aren't available on first play.
> Which of the endings leads into Verita?
Any of law-non-Irina.
Here's good walkthrough:
Get law flag 2 but not law flag 3 and you will get proper ending.

>> No.11964763

I really should've played at least one battle before putting GnK2 on hold. Now that I know I don't need to play it's time to start.

>> No.11964895
File: 405 KB, 1024x576, Verita_24022014_120411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be sincere, Louie is a bitch.

>> No.11964912

He's cool guy, don't bully. At least in law route.

>> No.11965014

Lee's good, Stacy's... weird, haven't tried either Tsubame After+. Better than A-2, anyway.

Though I was disappointed in Lee's route when she saved Yamato from being gang raped in public by Momoyo and Tsubame.

>> No.11965016

I disagree, A-2 is easily the best A release sofar with only A-5 being able to possibly rival. A-1 only had 1 good route and 2 average routes. A-2 had 3 good routes, and A-3 had only 2 good routes and the after routes were average at best

>> No.11965489

can anyone point me to the beginner chart? all i can find is the /vg/ one which is for translated stuff

>> No.11965499
File: 622 KB, 1293x1905, beginner chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965517
File: 1.45 MB, 1820x2048, 1393710932506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965530

Tokeijikake no Ley Line isn't too difficult for me to read, and I've only read one easy moege prior to this. One more for the plot-related pile, perhaps?

>> No.11965547

There are hundreds of VNs that are easy to read. The image is intended to spoonfeed retards, and not to be a comprehensive resource.

>> No.11965563

Fine with me. The less gems EOPs beg translation for, the quieter.

>> No.11965582

thank you

>> No.11965604

Why spoonfeed retards though? We went years without these dumb charts and I see no need for them now.

I don't mind helping people but the idea of a chart like this one irritates me because charts inspire a type of groupthink I don't want here (wait until people seriously start thinking these titles are the definitive starting moonspeak eroge) and because if someone is too fucking lazy to even be able to just pick an eroge that interests them (because that's all you need to do to choose your first Japanese eroge) they are scum who I don't want in this thread. Don't call me an elitist because I'm setting a very, very low bar here.

>> No.11965618

Because having a chart is easier than having a shitstorm every time somebody asks for a recommendation, as much as i hate spoonfeeding i prefer it over a 100+ reply argument

>> No.11965632

Anyone know where I can find Inda no Himekishi Janne 1? All torrents I look for on nyaa and tt seem to be dead.

>> No.11965634

Consider it a trade-off for warding off the mentally feeble before they incessantly ask for suggestions.

Most of us who are serious about moving onto the untranslated territory usually have the bottom line individuality to pick out a title that interest them, whether it be recommended or generally dismissed as bland moege known only for its cutesy art.

>> No.11965636

I completely agree. Just making it even easier for retards to filter in. These threads have been becoming shit for a couple years now so I've pretty much given up though.

>> No.11965637

Clearly, the argument happens even with the chart.

>> No.11966415


mimimi, I'm having bad dreams again! someone, hold me!

my parents are deeeeaaad. give me your condolences!!!

whats this, have I been NTR'd by a little boy?

I want to create a place where I can be accepted, and I will realize this by invading all of the west!

its not my fault I'm raping you! its society's for lynching my mother!

dont expect me to treat you nice when you called me a demon!!

~louie in a nutshell

>> No.11966417

Well he is a demon

>> No.11966470
File: 457 KB, 249x121, hahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11966502
File: 842 KB, 800x600, saya-says-hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just end Saya no Uta for the first time (also my third VN after MGQ and KS) and I've loved it, but there is something I still don't understand: Did Ougai (Saya's summoner/ father) put the nanomachines in Fuminori' head so he could see and love Saya? Or it was really a screwed up of other doctors? (An awful explanation for such a important plot point).

Also, why didn't Saya cured Fuminori madness AND transform herself in a human woman, so they could be happily together? (until she destroy the world), or cure him, transform him in another eldritch abomination and go back to her original dimension. She doesn't look like a "super intelligent being" to me...

Still a great novel, few plot flaws, truly terrifying, disturbing and lovely at the same time, and the best Lovecraftian-like story I've enjoyed, after Alien, The Thing, and Dark Corners of the Earth.

PD: Any good political thriller VN out there? I want more VNs now but all recomendations seem to have very characters focused plots, and I want something more of "bigger scale" right now.

>> No.11966609

> I want to create a place where I can be accepted, and I will realize this by invading all of the west!
Did you even follow the plot? Western block was gathering troops for invasion, he had no choice but to attack first. Moreover, in true route most of countries actually ask you for help, so its peacekeeping mission rather than invasion, just like USA does.

>> No.11966632

>peacekeeping mission

>> No.11966634

>so its peacekeeping mission rather than invasion, just like USA does.


>> No.11966646

>its peacekeeping mission rather than invasion, just like USA does.

Thanks for the laugh, i really needed that

>> No.11966654

if he wanted to have peace, why did he assassinate that court magician and flee from the scene of crime then? checkmate, atheists.

that post wasnt exactly meant to be all that serious, you know

>> No.11966730

I'm convinced that either you're basing all your judgment off EGS rankings or you have an irredeemably poor taste in VN.

>> No.11966746

Those are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.11966766

That looks to be the case for a lot of people around here to be honest.

>> No.11966817

The game is awful, first of all ends worst than an akagoei ending, the main heroine VA is terrible to say the least and when their take on the chuuni and background effects are almost laughable. Side routes? Hahaha. The sd/character art is fine though.

>> No.11966838

It's not like any of us had a good taste to begin with since we ended up with a hobby like this. Applies to both us and our Japanese kindred spirits. But who cares anyways? At least I don't want us to become /v/ for visual novels.

The second one is much better, though the non-canon side "routes" suffer from same shit as the first one. I agree that the first game's final ending felt like an ending to some generic daytime anime's beginning episode. If you're willing to forgive those shortcoming I'd still heartily recommend trying to stick through the second game.

>> No.11966847

Any other empty comparisons you'd like to make, anon?

>> No.11966862


>> No.11966861

I have great taste in everything

>> No.11966874
File: 666 KB, 1360x768, capture_029_09032014_195017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it I'm really itching to watch these but haven't finished the game yet.

>> No.11966887
File: 45 KB, 1290x726, LovePotion_14032014_124515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Lovely potion 69.
I just picked a random short game from my backlog, and didn't expect it to be this good. It has the same kind of humor as fureraba and hitotsu tobashi, which really hits the spot for me, and the soundtrack was pretty nice.
I liked Reon's ending more than the poliamorous one, since not only my favorite girl succeeds in world peace and love, I'm to possesive to share a girlfriend with another person, even my own other girlfriend.
I was starting to get disilusioned with moege after playing a few shitty ones, but this got my hopes back. Since it's so short, I definitely recommend a read.

>> No.11966913

Damn Hana-chan, great make over.

>> No.11967032

Is there a romanized map of Ikusa Megami's continent? I have trouble remembering all these random names, countries and places.

>> No.11967046

All locations are described in info -> terms in every game. Maps are also included there.
You can't read kana?

>> No.11967083
File: 176 KB, 700x650, raulbhach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find the Japanese western names really hard to remember. And I want the whole continent, not just a part of it.
Like picture but more detailed.

>> No.11967104

I dont know what is worse, the ludicrous kana combinations Eushully comes up with or the latinisations they give for them. Just thinking of stuff like "Macl" makes my brain melt. Alicesoft also has their share of ridiculous names and such, but at least you know most of the time what they are trying to convey.

>> No.11967120


>> No.11967130

Personally I like Macl better than マクル. Yes, both are pretty bad.

>> No.11967128
File: 619 KB, 800x600, CG000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only

>> No.11967138

It's foreign and it's not like you can't pronounce it.

>> No.11967217

Often times I don't like the way Eushully romanize names and places so I just call them what they're spelled in Japanese. I think they had some extremely retarded romanization for Eclair.

>> No.11967230

Her name is Ekria, because エクリア and not エクレア.

>> No.11967239


Damn it the spoilers but damn rawrrrrrrrrr, Hana-chan!

>> No.11967253

Her name is Ekria because the creator did like that, the first one can also be used for Eclair. in fact the first one suits more.

>> No.11967257
File: 111 KB, 1000x711, Éclair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging from their kana renderings of Louis/"Riui" and Celica's surname, they evidently dont know shit about french spelling. not that I think eclair would make for a particularly good name.

>> No.11967263

But エクレア is the one that actually gives you results in google for Eclair. hell, the first few pages of エクリア are about her and a company by the same name.

>> No.11967275

Yes, I'm aware of that, but if you actually say/heard the interactions Eclair is a closer definition, at least in my book, than Ekria.

>> No.11967278

How about Eclear?

>> No.11967300


>> No.11967304

How about エクリア?

>> No.11967307

Ekuria sounds nothing like the proper pronunciation Eclair.

>> No.11967310


>> No.11967312


>> No.11967335


>> No.11967340

Speaking of this topic, I have been wondering for some time how シルフィル should be properly rendered in Latin letters. From in-game information, we know that this is supposed to mean "son of the wind", and while フィル is obviously supposed to be French "fils", the シル part is less evident. Obviously they have been thinking about "sylph", yet that doesnt exactly fit, nor does it really work in that context.

>> No.11967344 [DELETED] 

lrn2superior balkan script

>> No.11967345

Why not? Sylph is the spirit of wind after all

>> No.11967348


lrn2superior balkan script

>> No.11967352

But then you are lacking one /f/ sound. And jumbling Neo-Latin with French doesnt sit well with my autism.

>> No.11967359

Your autism is simply going to have to accept it!

>> No.11967379

My pride as an etymology-otaku will not allow it, I'm afraid. Until further notice my headcanon will register it as "Sylphfils" or altenatively "Zeffils"(though that might be stretching it a bit too far).

>> No.11967381

Sounds way too close to syphilis.

>> No.11967395

that only fits the character all the more then.

>> No.11967438
File: 137 KB, 1516x636, ss (2014-03-14 at 04.51.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something I'm missing, here? I some kind of configuration required? All lines are like that.

>> No.11967447


>> No.11967452

Oh, I heard about that, but I didn't need it last VN I tried using hooker with, so I didn't even use it. Thanks, sorry for the dumb question.

>> No.11967650

Except "fils" sounds nothing like フィル. The 'l' is not pronounced, making it sound like "fiss".

>> No.11967704

I'm aware of that, I just dont think Eushully was. People unfamiliar with the language typically assume that the last letter in a word is silent if a consonant. Most likely フィル is simply what they assumed the pronunciation to be like.

>> No.11968343

I can't understand the humour. It's not that I don't get the jokes, I can't READ the jokes.

>> No.11968488

Not gonna lie, I had to slur the katakana for methamphetamines a good 5 or 6 times, and google search the word in english just to know how to spell it.

It ain't easy being a literary scholar of this magnitude.

>> No.11968559

You should try Color of White if you haven't. It was written by the same guy, and even though its presentation and art might be a little worse, I'd say it's definitely worth reading, especially considering it's only 105 yen.

>> No.11968580

You make it sound like people actually buy these.

>> No.11968600

> like people actually buy these
I do, for example.

>> No.11968628

I like to buy the doujin games I play, especially when they're reasonably priced. I'm not enough of a jew to not be willing to pay a dollar for a couple hours of decent entertainment.

>> No.11968732

I want to play underwater ray romano, should I get the psp version or play the dvd version? Does it matter?

>> No.11968740

I can't speak as to the quality of the port, but if it's the H-scenes you're concerned about, they're really lame. You don't get to fuck the loli, either.

>> No.11968747

I'm just wondering if it's like Tears to tiara where they added a bunch of shit to the console version to compensate for the removed for the H.

>> No.11968995

I don't really enjoy yuri, but I'll probably try it because I really enjoyed Lovepotion. What about the sisters game?

>> No.11969014

Is this voiced?

>> No.11969085
File: 152 KB, 1275x715, flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pretty and bright, maybe a tad too bright, but I guess it's going for a white look, because yuri.

>> No.11969096

At least I hope it's worth paying for since I preordered it.

>> No.11969099

Is this a doujin game?

>> No.11969102

The gameplay has been almost completely revamped, it's much more like an actual game in the console version.
There is also a few new missions

>> No.11969105

There is also no sex so fuck that I want to hunka dunka with the ladies.

>> No.11969108

It's the newest title from I.G.

>> No.11969109

Innocent Gray new title

>> No.11969113

>Innocent Gray
Picked up at the speed of light.

>> No.11969118

Its all-ages shit.

>> No.11969120

It's shoujo ai, sorry.

>> No.11969122

Fucking dropped

Why are japanese so large homophobes

>> No.11969124

Then they wouldn't have girls being lesbians at all.

>> No.11969129

According to them, it's because many of the yuri fans are teenagers.

>> No.11969125

Innocent Grey making an all-ages yuri game? Interesting. Since it’s all-ages I guess there’s no gory scenes like in their other titles. Pretty atypical game then.
Will play.

>> No.11969130

They have this delusional idea that lesbians are something that only exists in teenage years and when they grow up they marry icky men

>> No.11969131

I’m pretty sure many regular eroge fans are teenagers actually.

>> No.11969132

You can include quite a big amount of gore in all ages, as long as it is +15-17, just not the usual stuff, they can still look pretty and dead though.

>> No.11969135

The game is all-ages or 17+?

I still hope there will be a lot of "fuck you" bad ends.

>> No.11969137

Still minority. No sure about western though.

>> No.11969143

That's what goes on in their idealized catholic schools, marimite is a pretty good example, they all went and married guys at the end.

>> No.11969144

I'm feeling too lazy but this will give you a good idea of things.
>ミステリィではない Innocent Grey = 百合! さらに一般向けでサスペンスもなし!
そんな衝撃の、ある種納得の発表だった本作 『FLOWERS』。
>ユーザーからの 「ミステリィ作品以外も作ってほしい」 という要望に応えた作品で、謎解きはあるものの犠牲者は出さない。というスタンスで物語は綴られていく。
>Innocent Greyらしさはそのままに、新たなジャンルへと挑んだ意欲作!

>> No.11969146

Wait, this is out already?

>> No.11969148

Trial, it's out mid next month, before the usual releases.

>> No.11969151

It's like nobody reads news or blogs here.

>> No.11969154

/jp/ is my blog and news feed.

>> No.11969155

It's like people are busy reading eroge! Shocking, I know.

>> No.11969157

>Implying /jp/ reads eroge

>> No.11969161
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, FLOWERS_オープニングムービー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not /v/, anon.

>> No.11969164

Oh, right. Sorry, just me being stupid.

And hell, the trial is only 113 MB. This is refreshing. Been sick of trials being huge as fuck recently.

>> No.11969165

When I finish my backlog I'll start accompanying eroge matome.

>> No.11969198

I can't stand Chiaki either. The love she has for Haruki at the end of her route comes off as disingenuous, honestly. It wouldn't surprise me if she were so deep into her actress persona that she believed she was in love with him for real. It seems like the kind of thing she'd do.

Agreed. It's like the original situation presented towards the end of IC done right. Setsuna kept evading meeting up with him because she knew what was coming. The old Haruki might have left her off with it, but the Haruki in Mari's route has gained the conviction to let her down completely and force her to face reality. So as a result, he's able to leave with Mari without holding any Setsuna-shaped regrets, as such.

>> No.11969301
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, FLOWERS 2014-03-15 19-35-30-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does this Ringo sound just like a certain Ringo in a currently airing anime?

>> No.11969311

the girls look like they're in their late twenties but their clothes look like kindergarten uniforms

>> No.11969312
File: 239 KB, 1555x816, Imperial_Stormtroopers-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11969316

Character art doesn't seem to be the best thing around.
Now I haven't played KnS, but from the screenshots I've seen of that, the character art seems to have taken a dip.

>> No.11969343

That's the equivalent of Lillian making a dark rape and death version of Twinkle Crusaders. Which I would totally be interested in playing if anyone was wondering.

>> No.11969432

A dark version of kurukuru with Synn behaving as an actual maou would be cool.

>> No.11969466
File: 279 KB, 1024x641, coolcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this except not as a joke CG? Count me in.

>> No.11969536
File: 323 KB, 800x600, capture_002_10042013_151505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must have seen that CG a dozen times but I only noticed his right hand now. Is that Bernard?

>> No.11969554

Most likely.

>> No.11969610

I've been reading Hapymaher, aside form the atrocious first chapter, it's been a pretty neat read so far now that I'm finished with the common route.
Maia really is best girl, with Saki not that far behind, love her brand of childhood friend.

>> No.11969700

>they all went and married guys at the end.

Are you serious?

>> No.11969735

It's how all that 'onee-sama' stuff always ends, they get over it and marry a guy that can provide for them.

>> No.11969736

what little tarts

>> No.11969740

If you come from a rich family and go to a school for rich girls, you marry a rich guy even if you fool around for a while.

>> No.11969744

But why does a rich girl need a rich guy? She already has money. I'd assume such a girl would rather look for a fucktoy.

>> No.11969748

Because she won't inherit the company/whatever her father directs. Instead she can be used as a chip to deepen relationships with other companies or to get ahead in social status.

>> No.11969752

She will inherit it if she's the only child, though.

>> No.11969756

You are implying you can't disinherit someone and leave all your assets to someone else if you want to in your will.

>> No.11969760

You are implying that it's a common occurence.

>> No.11969761

I didn't enjoy it nearly as much, but you can give it a try if you want.

>> No.11969764

Well to be fair many of them marry rich guys and then keep fucktoys on the side.

>> No.11969768

Supposing it's japan we're talking about where one person of the couple needs to get adopted into the other's family, yes, I'd say a really mad father would, especially ojous like the marimite ones.

>> No.11969934
File: 29 KB, 400x319, 1336709094115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know anything about japan
>implying you know anything about the mindset of the wealthy

>> No.11969966
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Is this thread limited to new releases? Are people like me who have yet to develop sufficient Japanese skills to read without a translation permitted?

I suppose it might have been a bit foolish of me to expect anything from Sekien no Inganock other than a fairy tale ending (in the folk legend sense rather than the Disney sense), but goddamn, that ending...

>> No.11969970

Learn japanese and suddenly that title will be much better. Seriously. Also, they're permitted, but expect elitism and backlash from some people here who redirect everything to /vg/. On a side note, I was glad the end was like that. The VN felt quite vague and if it wasn't like that, the fantasy aspect would be less intense.

>> No.11969971

As long as you don't post English translations. Also no gameplay VN's like rance or Ikusa megami.

>> No.11969976

>Is this thread limited to new releases?

>Are people like me who have yet to develop sufficient Japanese skills to read without a translation permitted?

Elite secret club for members only.

>> No.11969980

Bitch, please. I've watched anime with rich girls and their ojou-sama shenanigans. I think I can figure both of those out by myself.

From my extensive research, I can tell it's something like Richie Rich, only gender-reversed and comes in two flavors of either the Western variety--frilly dress, tea parties and all, or of the traditional Japanese--with their dainty waifs and flower arrangements. Also, girls born into those families who are of marriageable age unanimously have terrible tastes in men, opting to pick the ordinary middle-class shomin over handsome, fabulous rich guys while pushing aside the prospect of becoming inherited if she so much as brings up the idea of marriage with the logically inferior option.

>> No.11969985

Disinherited, rather.

>> No.11969997

Well, I'm working on my Japanese - I have formal instruction, but it's been a while and I've been trying to make time to memorize more of the kanji. Good to hear that my suspicions of translation interference were well-founded. The elitism/backlash is something I'd expect.

I can certainly understand where you're coming from on the ending and that's why I'm of two minds on that point. On the other hand, I can get rather attached to characters, Thus, while that ending is certainly appropriate, it doesn't make it any less depressing.

>> No.11969999

You have the web novels translated and the steampunk fandisk for when you know jap, not that it actually talks about the ending of the game, but some of it is heart warming.
Inganock together with Valusia are just so horribly vague most of the time compared to the rest of the series.

>> No.11970032

>no gameplay VN's like rance or Ikusa megami.

What? People discuss Rance and IM here all the time without much problem (Zero being the most recently discussed).

>> No.11970061

I suppose that will have to go on my to-do list. The steampunk fandisk for when I know jap, and the web novels for when I think I can go back to heartwarming things for Sekien no Inganock without pangs of remorse about the ending.

>> No.11970165

They are a pretty good follow-up, especially for Sharnoth since it ends in a pseudo cliffhanger and the webnovels tell you the rest.

>> No.11970259

I am personally kind of looking forward to Helman Revolution too.

>> No.11970519

What do you do when you want to keep reading a nukige but your dick hurts from just getting hard? I've probably fapped 8 times today.

>> No.11970532

That is why edging is more of a common practice than you realize.

>> No.11970541

It fells disrespectful not cumming once every H-scene. I fucking love Luxury.

>> No.11970552

If readers were obligated to masturbate to each and every H-scene, they would spend an entire month trying to finish a typical nukige. Better to edge through a several until you come across a particularly good scene, lather, rinse, and repeat.

>> No.11970597

I usually do that, but I'm liking every single scene. Nukige is a whole different experience when you pick it based on your fetishes.

>> No.11970652

I'm going to be stuck with only phone internet for quite a long time, do you guys know any good LNs or books? I've never tried actual japanese literature before, so I'm kinda interested.

>> No.11970655

Why the fuck are you asking this in a VN thread.

>> No.11970656

Install PDAnet and download VN instead

>> No.11970675

Because you guys know Japanese and I trust your taste.
It's more of an issue of not being able to download anything too large without waiting for hell to freeze over.

>> No.11970697

so you don't know japanese
and you're asking for japanese books


>> No.11970705

>Because you guys know Japanese and I trust your taste.

Light novels are the absolute lowest among the wish fulfillment media filled with hackneyed plot developments bloated into hundreds of pages of lengthy drivels which deliver nothing of interest. Also, the lack of pretty pictures and sound at every corner to compensate, compounded by the sheer audacity of the authors who expect you to shell out money for their word vomit, further amplifies the already shittastic medium. Shitty J -> C -> E translations are just the tip of the iceberg.

Try looking for some historical novels or anything else that has basis on reality and/or sanity. I can't guarantee their quality, but they're at least than the eye rape light novels would subject you to.

>> No.11970711

My main problems with LNs tend to be their main heroine syndrome and how they just keep adding characters by the volume because the writer obviously doesn't know how to keep things fresh with the same cast.
Otherwise they are basically anime without pictures and voices.

>> No.11970712

>they're at least than
at least better than*

>> No.11970717

Of course I know Japaneae, but I can't exactly ask for recommendations from people who don't
I was more interested in the books part anyway. I guess I'll download Genji or something.

>> No.11970718

Die Leiden des jungen Werther.

>> No.11970725

I've been getting into LNs these days and so far I liked Zaregoto, Jintai, Aura, Saredo Tsumibito ha Ryuu to Odoru, Iriya no Natsu, Hadzukirion no Teikoku and Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

If you want good writing you can't go wrong with what I cited, though I tried several other LNs but most ended up being complete trite with horrible writing and especially the romantic comedy ones always end up being shit so I'm not really the biggest expert about that media, but usually if it takes place in a school you have to avoid it, hard.

For actual novels it's more complicated, there is a tons of pretty interesting books.
Personally I'd start with Ogawa Yoko, I always liked her writing style but there are some other good contemporary writers.

>> No.11970734
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>> No.11970741

I quite enjoyed Sister Act as well.

>> No.11970747

That makes me wonder if anyone here actually plays VNs for wish fulfillment. I never had any interest in that personally, I just find them entertaining.

>> No.11970755

Yeah I never cared about wish fulfillment either, I just want to be entertained.

>> No.11970760

Wish fulfillment IS my entertainment.

>> No.11970765

Isn't all porn wish fulfillment in a sense?

>> No.11970785

I don't play them exclusively for that, but I really enjoy VNs about marriage, since I've already given up on trying to find a wife as good as the ones there.

>> No.11970787

Depends on how you define wish fulfillment, I guess. I mean, if I had any sort of a love life I probably would not play nearly as many moege, but I don't really self-insert or anything.

>> No.11970802
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Try the ones Sakurai has been writing. 殺戮のマトリクスエッジ has probably one of the most adorable characters she's ever written and is actually quite good.

>> No.11970857

Anything famous that isn't Murakami shouldn't hurt, but
> I'll download Genji or something
That's really a bad idea for beginning.

>> No.11970985

Yukio Mishima

>> No.11971025
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>> No.11971587

Sakurai has been moving a lot into the LN field hasn't she? I think she wrote a Fate spinoff too and there was that steampunk series novel I never got around to buy.
What site do you guys use for books purchases?

>> No.11971604

There's an ebook version of satsuriku if you want, but as far as physical books are concerned, I just use amazon most of the time. The shipping is supposedly ridiculously expensive, but I haven't had problems with it, since it usually ends up being around $20-30 for me and is pretty fast, which is a lot better than some other sites/services I've had to use for other things.

>> No.11971614

Did you register your e-reader as japanese or use some particular site to get it? I tried to purchase ln and other ebooks off amazon but there's region lock bullshit
(Sorry for the slight off topic, but Sakurai stuff is relevant to my interests)

>> No.11971624

I bought it here http://www.ebookjapan.jp/ebj/book/60204031.html
I don't think there's some sort of region lock since it actually worked for me.

>> No.11971631

I'll try and see how it goes then. Thanks for the info!

>> No.11972222


New Thread

>> No.11972404

download tons of stuff now, play it later?
