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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11958587 No.11958587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ do you think that life would be any harder for you if computers did not exist?

>> No.11958589

I want a future room like Choo

>> No.11958590

I think I'd be happier and more successful in life. Although I'd probably not like going outside, instead I would just read books.

>> No.11958591

I guess I'd probably just being doing something else with my time.

>> No.11958613

Faggy Choo, get out. Fag.

>> No.11958615

Please do not bully the Choo.

>> No.11958620

You cant miss what you dont know.
So if they were never invented, we would just live as we would.
You could specualte that it would be less stressfull, slower and people would be more communicative.

If we would wake up with empty desks tomorrow and no comupter anywhere out of a sudden. Damn son. I can see the terror in my dreams. Life would collapse so soon, leaving only a few behind.

>> No.11958621

Realistically, I'd probably off myself if I were forced to live without a computer. This thing is my raison d'etre, I'd basically have no reason to keep on going without it.

>> No.11958625

you might be right. I guess that applies to many people, including me.

>> No.11958634

I don't know what I would even be. Programming is what I do all day, it's what I am.

>> No.11958642

Don't be a hater

>> No.11958644

I'd have a loli girlfriend if computers did not exist.

>> No.11958656

Why? He's the world's most successful otaku.

>> No.11958689 [DELETED] 

What must go through a man's mind to decide that he should own that many Mackintoshes?

>> No.11958700

The most upsetting thing about this image to me, as a pop otaku, is how he's drinking Dad's Rootbeer. There are so many more better rootbeers out there and he chooses to settle for that garbage.

>> No.11958703

>do you think that life would be any harder for you if computers did not exist?

Hell yeah. I'm American and without computers, spying on the European industry would be much harder. You see the Germans invented MP3. May I tell you a secret? They single-handedly invented MP4/AAC, too. However, this time we copied everything fast enough to register the patent here. I wonder how stupid their faces looked like when they discovered it... Most of Apple products were invented in Europe too, but Apple donated a lot to the US government and put a lot of backdoors in their stuff, so they received a lot of our stolen goods.

>> No.11958709 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 328x483, 1377973758781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why does he have a box of tissues under the table?

>> No.11958739

if i had to live without a computer i'd just kill myself

>> No.11958818

He is a fake otaku. Also a chinese nigger.

>> No.11958836
File: 160 KB, 700x700, fev_and_g.e.c.k..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but go ahead and try to change the laws of physics if you want there to be no computers. Go on, now. Try it.

If by your offtopic thread subject you meant to ask "what if computers were never such a 'thing'?" I'd have to answer that model-builder/military otaku were among the first kind of otaku, and cartoonists and RPG authors and such also have been able to do their thing without using computers. This specific board would be gone and you'd have to find something else to do with yourself, of course, but that'd be your problem.

>> No.11958839

Does that mean he is chinese and black?

>> No.11958847

If you had four monitors, you would need tissues just to make sure you don't sneeze on one.

>> No.11958850

I would probably have a panic attack and consider suicide but after a while I would probably just read books and go walk around outside. I would most certainly get drunk and high much more often as opposed to almost not at all since I have com-puter and inter-net to distract me from how miserable life is.

>> No.11958853

>Dad's Rootbeer.

What else would he drink? Choo Sr. is loaded.

>> No.11958855
File: 62 KB, 640x480, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I only have a couple of monitors (and only one when I don't have my craptop parked here)

I use an awful lot of paper towel not just kleenex cleaning up after I choke my chicken again. And again.

>> No.11958861

Or you could get drafted as a slave to go work in the mines to line some rich guy's pockets. Have fun dodging cave-ins while he dances through the romantic hedge maze with his rich lovely fiancee.

>> No.11958859

I think I'd have a life in stead

im so sa

>> No.11958866


But eventually I would dig so deep and hard I would find a huge diamond, after the cave-in happens on my way out and I avoid death countless times I make it back to the surface world with diamond in hand and escape the clutches of the slave-driver while stealing his waifu and using the diamond to buy his vast holdings and slavemine operations, freeing the slaves and creating a world of happiness where no one has to be a slave for the man, just like in my chinese optical tomes!

>> No.11958867

They'd just steal your diamond and throw you back in the pit.

>> No.11958869

Deep. And hard.

>> No.11958870


True End ;____;

>> No.11958874


My descendant will get revenge in the fan-disc.

>> No.11958878

Pretty much this. I used to read.

>> No.11958881

My only hobbies that don't involve the computer are reading history and trading card games.

>> No.11958882
File: 443 KB, 606x1000, 1355374666046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't have two midterms tomorrow, both of which I haven't begun studying for. I also wouldn't have been abandoned by a few of my best friends recently when they found out I got into anime and saw some of my Yuri pictures on my computer...

People are pretty accepting of things, just not when they're mixed with anime. Lesbians in real life? Totally fine. Yuri? Not a chance.

>> No.11958885

You're seriously a fucking creep

>> No.11958889

Get away from me and my family you freak

>> No.11958888
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Don't be like that, I know you don't mean it.

>> No.11958891

I would be some normie loser, getting laid and working a dead end job with no education.
4chan made me self conscious enough to care about being better than everyone else and not being a naruto headband wearing freak, only a naruto headband wearing freak in the safety of my own home where others cannot judge me.

>> No.11958894

Cartoon porn is always iffy, keep it to yourself. And you don't need to capitalize "yuri" unless it's the first word in a sentence. Your midterms are toast, I hope you've at least been attending lecture. Good luck. (get the heck off jibberish forums until you get your gpa back up, seriously)

>> No.11958899

What did otaku do before otaku culture?

>> No.11958901

They lived in lavish manors in Europe's countryside, or in luxurious apartments.

>> No.11958902

What a nerd.

>> No.11958904

Yeah I've been attending lecture, I'm on campus anyways working at my lab. I'm in a graduate program so my GPA isn't all that important, it's more that it would be pathetic to fail my electives. Yeah I guess I don't need to capitalize a genre, my bad...

>> No.11958907

what are you studying and you're major

>> No.11958908

Gay Studies

>> No.11958910
File: 679 KB, 1200x1303, 1349039230895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I majored in Biochemistry and that's what I'm currently doing grad school in. I only wanted to post about this a few times so we shouldn't get anymore off topic.

>> No.11958913 [DELETED] 

No, we're really interested. Seriously, you are such a celebrity.

>> No.11958915 [DELETED] 

You didn't have to talk to me you know.

>> No.11958917

enjoy the unemployment line
Thats what my mom majored in, had a 3.6, the only job even related to her field she has landed has been because of her chemistry credits, something with sampling gasoline.

captcha called me cynic.

>> No.11958918

Hence grad school, basically have to do it if you want to get anywhere with such an academic degree.

>> No.11958923

I would be your friend!

>> No.11958931
File: 331 KB, 500x382, burd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Dan Choo so rich?

What allowed him to become something else?

>> No.11958934

Hard work, original ideas, and charisma.

>> No.11958941

Isn't his father loaded.

>> No.11958942

What does his father do?
No man gets rich working hard

>> No.11958946

I have no idea, just hear that any time the Choo is brought up.

>> No.11958955

I don't know much about this man but I dislike him just by this pic.

>> No.11958958

He's pretty ugly, I'll give you that.

>> No.11958960
File: 64 KB, 500x336, 1436952245_1ea8b853d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11958966

What is with that hair cut? Does he just not do anything with it, leaving his bangs completely straight?

>> No.11958970


He's not actually an otaku. He just uses it in the same way girls try to use hobbies and interests to try to be somebody's. Like when a girl says she's a girl gamer and has a bunch of posters on her wall to prove it, but if you ask her about any of it, you can tell right away she's just faking it. That's who that guy is.

>> No.11958976

Everything is better when people just keep stuff like to themselves.

>> No.11958977

I would get extremely depressed since the source of 90% of my entertainment and fun is gone.

>> No.11958978

So you're in the suicide group too?

>> No.11958990

Yes. Being the 10% is suffering.

>> No.11958991

I dont think Im in anything of that sort.
I just wouldn't have anything to do, almost my whole life I've been invested in something on the internet in one way or another.
Without trying to be melodramatic, there wouldn't be much of me left if it was gone permanently, if you get what Im saying.

>> No.11959077

What would cause people to look at that guy and think "Wow, what a cool guy"?

>> No.11959211

His money. Yellow fever. His parent's money.
