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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 251x251, cirnobyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11956412 No.11956412 [Reply] [Original]

Ear'm the strongest!

>> No.11956417

That looks like a cirno recolor

>> No.11956421

>Ear'm the Strongest!
>looks like a cirno

>> No.11956419

cirno has an icy butt but farts of fire

>> No.11956420
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>> No.11956430

woah that's cute

>> No.11956458
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>> No.11956460
File: 44 KB, 500x707, cherno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur going down mate

>> No.11956466

Is that suwacko? Nice.

>> No.11956485

Dude what

>> No.11956488


whoa man that's a dangerous amount of green, chill out

>> No.11956499

Why "Ear'm"?

>> No.11956505

Ears are the opposite of eyes.

>> No.11956506

Listen, you stupid fucking faggot.

Its fucking burno.

Archi-cirno (The real name for fire cirno) is fire/heat based theme on cirno. Cirnobyl is a play on a Chernobyl which is related to radioactive and nuclear energy, not fire. Nuclear energy is completely and utterly different from chemical energy and using one toim ply the other is completely stupid.

I commend your creativity but its based on a misconception. Burno is more thematically correct, if you don't like it you can think of another fucking fire based name to give her.

>> No.11956512
File: 560 KB, 757x859, 1352016857387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut it, fuckface.

>> No.11956516

Fuck you, idiot. You really think "CIRNOBYL" is a good name? Then fucking fund a nuclear Cirno and create a lava Cirno and be done with it.

>> No.11956521

Your post is so green that I think you might need to get checked for radiation poisoning!
Contact with cirnobyl is not to be underestimated

>> No.11956522

my thread was deleted

are you sub zerious

>> No.11956531

Which was that dude.

>> No.11956535

>Nuclear energy is completely and utterly different from chemical energy

>> No.11956540

Are you fucking retard? Nuclear energy is derived from forces in nucleus of atom. NUCLEar. Chemical engery comes from forces BETWEEN atoms. Idiot. Chemical energy is about the valence shells. Maybe you should go back to middle school and stop trying to push "chirnobyl" on the world, idiot child.

>> No.11956541

You're incorrect.

>> No.11956543

>Chemical energy comes from forces BETWEEN atoms

>> No.11956552

Wanna prove him wrong instead of greentexting like a bitch?

>> No.11956553

Oh shit, now you guys have gone and done it, the /a/ friend is getting mad now.

>> No.11956598

Fuck you I have a biology degree

>> No.11956792

gb2 trevchan.

>> No.11956809 [DELETED] 


-posted from my iPhone

>> No.11956817

Firno is hot.

>> No.11956853
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>> No.11956858

Firno? More like Nvidia sales representative Ferno.

>> No.11956899
File: 265 KB, 767x650, heißfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fire cirno is pretty cool

>> No.11956907

Burno sounds dumb.

Firno is better because it rhymes with Cirno, and also has "fire" in it. And also maybe rhymes with inferno?

>> No.11956908

I'm pretty sure nuclear energy isn't really qualified to be chemical energy. Chemical energy refers to things like burning fuel and battery cells.

Cirnobyl is just a silly wordplay designed to be cute, and should not be taken scientifically.

Fire Cirno vs Ice Cirno, who wins?

>> No.11956915

Fire needs fuel, water doesn't. Water always beats fire. Always.

>> No.11956937

I wouldn't mind watching that hot and wet battle.

>> No.11956938

Cirno isn't a water fairy, she's an ice fairy.

>> No.11956941

Ice is just cold water. Burno doesn't stand a chance.

>> No.11956943

That's like saying ash is just cold fire. It isn't the same substance anymore and Cirno has no power over water.

>> No.11956947

Ash is used up fuel... nothing to do with fire itself. Are you an idiot? Maybe you're burno. Burno is also a baka.

>> No.11956949

>That's like saying ash is just cold fire.

umm no i hope your joking because thats really stupid

>> No.11956951

That analogy really doesn't hold, since ash is the remnant of a combustion reaction and fire is the reaction itself, while water and ice are two different states of a same compound.

But once Cirno turns to ice, she will lose, since she is ice fairy by nature, not water fairy. Fire vs. Ice should be whether Fire can melt Ice first or Ice can produce enough chill to make Fire use up her energy first.

>> No.11956954

>while water and ice are two different states of a same compound.

We are dealing with magic, not science. Having control over ice doesn't give you control over water even though they are the same in that respect.

>> No.11956958

ok sure but but what you said was really dumb and i hope you recognize that

>> No.11956961

Sure, and when the melting ice puts off a fire, you can at least take solace in the fact that Cirno has no control over it anymore.

Also, it's Onric, you goddamn newfags.

>> No.11956963

It's only dumb if you look at it scientifically, which is silly when dealing with fairies of all things.

>> No.11956965

Do you really think normal water that isn't magically empowered will affect a fairy?

>> No.11956967

keep backpedalling baka

>> No.11956970
File: 24 KB, 293x208, 1392434610994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno can just throw ice crystals at Burno and Burno would use up energy to just stay hot without even counter attacking. If Burno wanted to attack she'd have to use up even more of her magic fuel and she'd get tired first. Cirno's ice magic doesn't need fuel... just water which is everywhere.

Cirno wins. Burno sucks.

You can argue that Burno can just burn all the oxygen around her but that's stupid because fire doesn't only need oxygen, it needs fuel too.

>> No.11956973
File: 9 KB, 192x191, your idol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep thinking anyone in Gensokyo cares about science.

>> No.11956977

Rain falling from the sky that isn't magically empowered makes the fairy wet.
Wind blowing that isn't magically empowered makes the fairy's hair rustle.
So, yes. If the fairy's fire-based, it will affect her in some way. Perhaps not as much as magic water, but it'll probably bother her a bit.

>> No.11956981
File: 97 KB, 256x256, face03lo_u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11956982
File: 409 KB, 800x600, 61461c2a3ddc7ccbf94a160a7dc3687f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't this be a more accurate "Cirnobyl"

>> No.11956989

>Rain falling from the sky that isn't magically empowered makes the fairy wet.
>Wind blowing that isn't magically empowered makes the fairy's hair rustle.
>So, yes. If the fairy's fire-based, it will affect her in some way. Perhaps not as much as magic water, but it'll probably bother her a bit.

How do you know this? ZUN never draws these things. Even in PCB, when it was constantly snowing for the first half of the game, nobody got covered in snow. He also fails to draw his sprites being affected by the wind despite flying through the air.

>> No.11956992
File: 8 KB, 190x190, 1368321401716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally how people with autism and assburgers argue.

>> No.11956997

This is a world where little girls inexplicably fly through the air and engage in card battles. I'm not making any assumptions on how things work.

>> No.11957072

suwako a ship

>> No.11957080

Fuel is anything in an oxygen rich environment.

>> No.11957573

What makes you say that fire cirno would need fuel to produce her attacks? Why can't she just produce it on her own? Is it necessary for them to get their power from the environment? Don't they just create it magically on their own?

>> No.11957774

With magic, you can have fire without fuel.

I mean think about it: The whole point of fuel is to provide energy, which heats the surrounding air causing it to ionize and become plasma (the visible flame)

But magic is energy, so why can't magic itself be the "fuel"? It wouldn't produce smoke then.

>> No.11957808

Yeah that's the point I was trying to get across. I always assumed cirno produced ice on her own, magically without need for the environment, so fire cirno would then be the same self-sufficient being.

>> No.11957827

Ice requires matter though. I guess she could crystallize water vapor in the air, like that ice guy from The Incredibles.

>> No.11957872

That's exactly who I was thinking of when I pictured Cirno creating her ice attacks from the environment. I looked it up on two of the touhou wikis and it said that her power is manipulating coldness, not necessarily producing it. So she would need some external factor, like water, to manipulate to produce her attacks, instead of, say, summoning icicles magically. I guess that defeats my point of fire cirno being able to create fire attacks on her own since her power would most likely be manipulating heat. She would still need some energy source to burn, but I think that energy source could be anything that's capable of burning, thus making it more abundant than water. I don't know, I guess you're right, fire is just different than ice.

>> No.11962621

Actually, people with autism usually argue by constantly changing the topic to autism, and accusing other people of having it. Sorry about that.

>> No.11962677

Who is the strongest?

>Advent Cirno

>> No.11962689

What would happen if a Cirno made of lava collided with a Cirno made of ice?

>> No.11964394

What if a Cirno made out of diamond ran into a Cirno made out of iron at 400 miles per hour

>> No.11964411

This thread is autistic as fuck, wow. Good thread.

>> No.11964432

Acirno for sure.

>> No.11964438

What would happen if a bus carrying 3 Cirnos left Cleveland traveling west at 50 m/s while a train carrying 1.5 anti-Cirnos departed Sacramento half an hour later traveling east at 135 knots?

>> No.11964466

The buses would be pulled over for speeding.

>> No.11964543

Let's see you try to light some rocks and mud on fire then, retard.

>> No.11964570
File: 38 KB, 481x304, 1393440657898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no buses in Gensokyo!

>> No.11965176

Obsidian.. right?

>> No.11965184

Obsidian is glass, not some sort of diamond steel alloy.

>> No.11965211

What about "Searno"

>> No.11965248

Firmo would be a good name for a Cirno made out of something hard.

>> No.11965300

She can manipulate opinions

>> No.11967971

okay now THIS one is just awful

>> No.11967994

Interesting. >>11967971 has no sense of humor.

And I'd think Cirnobyl would be in charge of radiation, not nuclear explosions. Imagine Reimu beating her soundly then dying of multiple cancers a few stages later. Yeesh.

>> No.11968062

please dont bully

>> No.11974340

Why do people this bakadly uneducated exist?

>> No.11974357
File: 180 KB, 800x600, 38396757_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno sentai!

>> No.11974364

I agree. She's the best.

>> No.11978789

Ears are the opposite of eyes.

>> No.11978797


I like pika-cirno most out of all of the cirnos.

>> No.11980122

a drawing of a girl in fire is the opposite of a drawing of a frozen girl

>> No.11980123

Cute picture dude.

>> No.11980174

what if a cirno made out of protons collided with a cirno made out of antiprotons?

>> No.11980179

Now all it needs is lightning to be replaced with heart and we can sort of get captain Baka.

>> No.11980237


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11980875

Absolute Zirno

She's so cold, she's absolute zero. She's completely heatdark, and can shoot comets (which are balls of ice if you didn't know) at people.

>> No.11980995

Comets are only required to have a tail of ice, they can be composed of other things too.

>> No.11981208

>Comets are only required to have a tail of ice
And where do you think that icy tail comes from? It's shed from the nucleus when it passes near a star.

Comets contain trace amounts of many different chemicals, but they're like 90% water.

>> No.11981248

I heard things at absolute zero act like waves. Does Absolute Zirno act like a wave?

>> No.11987029

Blue is the opposite of red.

>> No.11987584
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>> No.11987591
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>> No.11987641
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>Blue is the opposite of red.

>> No.11987659 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 428x500, 1392420151373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's quite the star of david you have there.
So where are the shades of white/black mixing into all of those colors then?

also, both red and yellow are the opposites of blue.
as you clearly posted, there's more than one opposite.

>> No.11987691 [DELETED] 

You're not funny.

>> No.11988359

This looks incorrect to me.

>> No.11993563

Why is red vs blue so prevalent then?

>> No.11993571

Because yellow is for pansies.

(Blue vs Orange is incredibly common, however. As is Red vs Green)

>> No.11993594

That is all bullshit anyway. Actual color physics doesn't work like that. Blue, red and green are the only primary colors.

>> No.11993640
File: 10 KB, 220x220, 220px-BYR_color_wheel.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange vs blue is far more prominent. See; dozens upon dozens of movie covers/posters.
What is additive color vs subtractive color? With Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow being the actual primaries for subtractive color.

No one makes color wheels for additive colors, because no one paints with additive colors - it's light. Ignoring the "primary-secondary-tertiary" stuff, the color wheel still shows the relationship of colors relative to each other.

And blue still isn't opposite red in additive color, anyways.

>> No.11998696

Are you what they call color wheel otaku?

>> No.11998837


>> No.11998960

Art students

>> No.12004046
File: 53 KB, 244x408, 1394641935328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the opposite of healthy fairy belly?

>> No.12004121
File: 48 KB, 508x293, hag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat hag belly?

>> No.12004185 [DELETED] 


>> No.12009709

That's disgusting.

>> No.12009730

What is Cirno overcompensating for?

>> No.12013456

You're disgusting.

>> No.12013544


>> No.12014109

Why is Blue in the middle? Red should be the leader, and the leader is always in the middle.
This is a dumb image.

>> No.12015549

Cirno is the Chirico of Touhou

>> No.12017637


No one understands your references, nerd.

>> No.12023561

I agree. Blue is always second player.

>> No.12023612

>shit-colored cirno

>> No.12027620

That's chocolate cirno.

>> No.12027803

Cirno doesn't care what they're going to say, the cold never bothered her anyway.

>> No.12027913
File: 215 KB, 443x879, Cirnobyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12032450

Is this lemon cirno?

>> No.12032458

Lemno the citrus fairy. She's the sourest.

>> No.12032503

Lemons are yellow, yo.

>> No.12035821


>> No.12036763
File: 341 KB, 896x651, a7f8395d990dbc683e2b013a4c82689f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12037119

Is green Cirno the fart fairy?

>> No.12039911
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1390294815770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone reposts my crops

>> No.12039931

I know what you mean. It's a strangely good feeling, even when it's not a very good crop.

>> No.12039958
File: 273 KB, 600x500, 1382303904001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to keep it somewhat SFW. I want this doujin to be fully scanned so much

>> No.12040668

The last time I checked people with Autism don't argue about anything at all, because they're too scared to even talk to people.

>> No.12040671

What if a Cirno made of Protons collided with a Cirno made of positive Antiprotons?

>> No.12040677

>act like waves
No, they don't act at all.

>> No.12040678

Lightfags please go.

>> No.12040702

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.12040821

Blue and unkillable?

>> No.12040829

You're walking down a dangerous road. Cirno's power being "manipulation of coldness" leads you to think she could potentially abolish coldness to create heat, when that's not what she does at all. Cirno is born of a pre-scientific understanding of the world that sees cold as an independent force, not a lack of thermal energy. That's why Cirno makes things colder. She's an ice fairy, not a being with power over thermodynamics.

>> No.12042067
File: 605 KB, 700x700, PatchoulliDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they do

>> No.12042078

All of this autism could have been avoided if OP just named his picture Searno. I'm glad it wasn't though.

>> No.12046979

I like burno better

>> No.12047136

Cirnobyl is still best, though.

>> No.12050295

i knew jews were behind this colour wheel bullshit

>> No.12050327


>implying paint is how light works

Blue still isn't the opposite of red, but humans don't perceive the band of light that produces yellow, and approximate its existence via a combination of red and green.

>> No.12050670


yellow and blue make green.

>> No.12050676
File: 184 KB, 429x600, Why are all my threads stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12050684
File: 521 KB, 800x960, ihatemyselfandishouldbedead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name is Acici

Achi chi
Achi Chiruno

>> No.12050827

can you give me the link?

>> No.12050846

the fire rises

>> No.12050910
File: 19 KB, 335x241, boner2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12050951

that's one tiny fairy vagina dude

>> No.12050961

Hey, I want to get my friend Yuyuko for his birthday (A figurine) but they're all fucking expensive

what's the cheapest yuyuko thing I could potentially buy that isn't a wallscroll, and is a figure

>> No.12051016


>> No.12052332

I want to fuck a fairy so bad so fucking bad

>> No.12052946
File: 32 KB, 273x387, 1389907787500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swer on my mum, someone better buy this doujinshi rignt now and scan it for the /jay/!

Just look at all those delicious pussies :

>> No.12053461
File: 824 KB, 888x1230, 71785147935f2ccc9b9992cfe43a4443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Achi Chiruno

>> No.12053822 [DELETED] 

Learn to summon a tupple.

>> No.12055707
File: 233 KB, 1200x882, 1394435030236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12060767 [DELETED] 

Whats a tupple?
