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11944788 No.11944788 [Reply] [Original]

Do Touhous have any sort of formal education?

>> No.11944793

When it comes to low level or beast youkai, probably not. For everyone else, there's the school in the human village, tutors and apprenticeships.

>> No.11944801
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I assume it's a case by case basis. If they want it, they could get it.

>> No.11944819
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What do they need it for? They're not out looking for a 9-5.

>> No.11944829


You need to be able to read, write and do simple arithmetic. Otherwise, you're Rumia.

>> No.11944835

Rumia knows the decimal system.

>> No.11944896

Why would anyone in Gensokyo need to read, write, or do simple arithmetic?

>> No.11944904
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i'd like to learn math from yukari-sensei

>> No.11944916

I'm going to get that book just so I can read it to a loli one day.

>> No.11944924


So you don't get robbed blind shopping in the human village or accidentally drink a clearly-labeled poison.

>> No.11944928

arithmetic is a necessity for trading and without trading the 2hus are pretty much cavemen without proper clothings, hats and hairstyles

>> No.11944929
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Did you forget one of them is a teacher?

>> No.11944932

Who needs trading when you have magic, though? They could just danmaku their own food and clothes.

>> No.11944931
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SICP is so horrendously outdated that you'd only read it for a historical perspective on the subject. It belongs on a shelf next to Sinclair's The Jungle.

>> No.11944930
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>So you don't get robbed blind shopping in the human village
They probably barter

>accidentally drink a clearly-labeled poison.
It probably has a big skull on it.

>> No.11944937

The Jungle still accurately describes working conditions in modern sweatshops.

>> No.11944979

I want Keine to teach me history in private.

>> No.11944982

I assume Ran could easily get a PhD in Mathematics

>> No.11944988
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I want Utsuho to teach me nuclear physics. If its her teaching, I am certain I'd be able to master it!

>> No.11944993
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I want Sanae to give me lessons in Sex Ed.

>> No.11945025

I want to teach Utsuho sex ed.

>> No.11945031

She's probably been taught that. Though the teachers called it "playing doctor" and penises were "syringes".

>> No.11945035
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>> No.11945046

So, does Okuu emit deadly radiation or not?

>> No.11945049

She emits deadly moe

>> No.11945079

she is asking what is sfx you perfert

>> No.11945080


It stands for special effects.

>> No.11945086

i'm not okuu

>> No.11945090

They are stuck in the middle ages.

So no.

>> No.11945179

Okuu is a dork though

>> No.11947712
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Then you clearly don't know about the subject. Only low level technician would say this. Tomorow's computer science is built thanks to this.

>> No.11947730


Let's all learn COBOL while we're at it.

>> No.11947734

How much of the outside world's history and matters do you think they can teach?!

>> No.11947739

Probably a lot of Japanese/Chinese history and not much about the modern world.

Although, if you ask, Mokou will tell you about the time she was accidentally elected Holy Roman Emperor.

>> No.11947750


no, no, see COBOL is still used for (legacy) stuff that matters

>> No.11947809

This is true. Same with Fortran, because it's so fast (it's still used for supercomputing, LAPACK, weather prediction, etc.). The average programmer is likely fine with knowing good old C though. C is like the Reimu of programming languages: occasionally annoying and bitchy, but in the end practical and reliable. This makes me think...what programming languages woud different Touhous like the best? I feel like Yukari would use something like Fotran or Lisp/Scheme because she's old and good at math.

>> No.11947812

What is the half-life of a nuclear hellcrow?

>> No.11947834


Okuu is all about the solar fusion, so the worst she can do is give you a bad sunburn.

>> No.11948100

>hmm skulls

I'm quoting how my brother died

>> No.11948197

>accidentally elected Holy Roman Emperor


>> No.11948211
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Well, why not ? As >>11947809 and >>11947750
said, some older languages are still used because they are semantically closed, and are easy to prove right (which is fastidious with as little as the standard library of C).
maybe OCaml for Yukari for its upper level typing and category modeling and reserve Lisp for Eirin. I'd see Java for marisa post MoF. Python for Sanae. PHP for Cirno, Fortran for Shinki and ALGOL for Alice. Assembly for both Shiki and Komachi (respectively MIPS ad ass backward x86). Pascal for Yuyuko, COBOL for Mima and finally dreamy pure typed lambda calculus for Yuuka.

>> No.11948338
File: 719 KB, 1446x1037, Balduineum_Wahl_Heinrich_VII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got into an argument with a Prince-elector and it just sort of snowballed from there.

>> No.11948347

>"Fine, why don't YOU run the empire?!"
