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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11941455 No.11941455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why does Kancolle have so much foot fetish fanart?
Is this the next 2hu?

>> No.11941456

Why do you type like a retard and post samples?

>> No.11941457


Kancolle fan

>> No.11941458

i come here for touhou...

>> No.11941461

I think everything has lots of foot art

Feet are beloved

>> No.11941464

It'll only be the next 2hu if it lasts until, say, C87. Otherwise it'll just be a flash in the pan.

Incidentally, I like Kancolle but I don't like the English-speaking Kancolle community. It's almost shittier than /jp/.

>> No.11941653

It's about what you should expect from a mobage community. If you've ever seen the people that play Valkyrie crusade, IM@S CG, Ayakashi or the like, they're pretty much the most unpleasant people imaginable.

>> No.11941662 [DELETED] 

Are they as big of shiteating retard as warhammer/mtg players?

>> No.11941671

I've never actually found a "community" I would call not shit, so I never know what people are using as a metric when they say certain ones are like it's not just the natural order of things.

>> No.11941672

Silly OP, the next 2hu is TH15!

>> No.11941687

Why do people still think it's a mobage?

>> No.11941689 [DELETED] 

Because it's shit and only faggots play it, therefore it must be one.

>> No.11941693

Is 2hu a mobage now too?

>> No.11941697


>> No.11941695 [DELETED] 


>> No.11941696

I play it on me mobile so yeh

>> No.11941700

Kancolle is pretty much the first browser game or mobage I've played. I was hoping it would be a bit more like the Touhou community. Not that the Touhou isn't a bit shit but it's not nearly this shit.

I think MtG community is less shit but I only ever visited.

>> No.11941704

You must be a masochist.

>> No.11941707

You must be very selective in what you few if you think it's only a bit shit.

>> No.11941708 [DELETED] 

I think you lack the proper qualifications to make that claim.

>> No.11941709

I post in /jp/, I have low standards.

>> No.11941715

Anyone who plays Touhou with a virtual keypad is a masochist and I never heard of a smartphone with a USB host for gamepads. Maybe if you said you played it on a tablet it would be more reasonable.

>> No.11941721 [DELETED] 

I still think you need to provide the proper credentials before you go around claiming other people have masochistic tendencies, papers first kiddo.

>> No.11941725

You being a masochist is common knowledge.

>> No.11941726

I'm going to suck Shoukaku's toes

>> No.11941730

Don't we already have one of these fanbase circlejerk war threads?

>> No.11941731 [DELETED] 

Your assumption that I am the same person as the mobile player is incorrect.

>> No.11941737

The fact that you would take insults for another poster just further proves your masochism.

>> No.11941735

Now we have two.

>> No.11941743 [DELETED] 

Uhh... I wasn't "taking insults" for that other poster, I was just stating that your claims are unfounded because you lack the credentials to make them.

>> No.11941748

It's only natural that you would be confused for the other guy and you would be called names. Just accept your desire to be humiliated.

>> No.11941749 [DELETED] 

Not at all, you were the one that inaccurately concluded that I was the same poster, I don't think it is naturally that your powers of observation are insufficient for even posting on /jp/.

>> No.11941753

This one is just a shitflinging thread.

Nobody from /jp/ cares about Kancolle anyway.

>> No.11941755

I didn't mean that it was a mobage by technicality (although you can run on phone), but rather that it was a mobage in terms of the gameplay, or lack thereof itself.

If there isn't any actual interaction in combat and the game consists of collecting cards, it's a mobage.

>> No.11941763

I'm not sure how you've convinced yourself of something so obviously untrue, but whatever makes you happy.

>> No.11941767

The hundred immigr/a/nts posting in the general thread don't count.

>> No.11941774

You know what? I think you are the same poster.

>> No.11941776 [DELETED] 

Go the fuck back to /a/ faggot.

>> No.11941786

Watch out, these ebin oldfags have been here all week.

>> No.11941792

Nobody in those threads actually visits /jp/ for anything other than the Kancolle thread.

>> No.11941809

While that's untrue, there really isn't any reason why someone should unless it's for the VN general.

>> No.11941813

Obviously /jp/ is should just be VN General + Kancolle General. Fantastic.

>> No.11941822

No you're right, the image dumps threads are definitely worth it.

>> No.11941827 [DELETED] 

No one in those degenerate generals actually browses the jay.

>> No.11941830

Kancolle General isn't worth a shit either.

The fact is that nobody in /jp/ who didn't come exclusively for Kancolle gives a shit about Kancolle.

>> No.11941834

You can't just pass off your fantasies as fact, dear.

>> No.11941838

"Nobody" is an exaggeration, it's maybe like, three people. Based on your obstinate whining of them are you and me.

>> No.11941839

Kancolle community is shit because of the stupid "one thread" thing so that everyone is forced to be together.
If people were spread out and made threads about what they liked, there would probably be fewer bitch wars.

>> No.11941845

Thanks anon I'm glad we could come to an agreement

>> No.11941848

Imagine if the janitor actually looked past the opening image.

>> No.11941849

I humbly apologize for my overstatement. "Almost fucking nobody in /jp/ who isn't here exclusively for Kancolle gives a shit about it." There.

>> No.11941863

He's not even here right now.

>> No.11942015

>>It'll only be the next 2hu if it lasts until, say, C87. Otherwise it'll just be a flash in the pan.

This is what hipster otaku actually think.

Meanwhile the rest of us have already bought stock in Kancolle, because we know the shekels are going to flow once the anime airs soon. Kancolle is probably only at 30% power right now.

Everyone said the same thing about Touhou back in 2007 on /a/ anyways. Then the people who talked shit about that eventually became its biggest fans, so I'm sure it will happened again with Kancolle.

>> No.11942024

Kill yourself, bar.

>> No.11942027

You mean stock in Kadokawa that's the name of the company.

>> No.11942075
File: 381 KB, 752x812, 1371531656019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAIT WHAT. That's not what the guy in the anime alley sold me...

>> No.11942374


I'd give it until at least C89 if I were you. The anime is supposed to air sometime this year--We've got to give it plenty of time after it ends airing to see if the franchise perseveres or falls out of the loop like many other anime-turned franchises (Haruhi, Higurashi, Umineko, Lucky Star, Nanoha, etc).

Plus, considering how incompetent DMM/Kadokawa had been with handling their server issues, not to mention preferring to focus on merchandising Kancolle rather than improving the actual game, we have no idea how long they'll continue to support the game itself.

>> No.11942385

They're releasing new material and new events, which is honestly probably enough on the game side. It's a browser game, it's only going to get so interesting. Nothing short of a complete remake will make it more interesting than it is.

>> No.11942427
File: 67 KB, 618x900, 1393927289007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a fun Kancolle thread, why does it have to be 2hu vs kancolle all the time?

>> No.11942428
File: 553 KB, 1323x1500, 1393927358192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealousy from having all of their artists stolen.

>> No.11942449
File: 120 KB, 570x760, 1393928041838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about all the 2hu inspired characters?

>> No.11942451

>Nothing short of a complete remake will make it more interesting than it is.

They will probably bring the VITA version to PC or something.

It's so weird that it even pops up to begin with.

>> No.11942455

Seeing ZUN!bar shitpost is so nostalgic.

>> No.11942475
File: 350 KB, 631x1017, 40516223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not shitposting man. This is like Rozen Touhou Maiden all over again.

>>HAHA that Touhou thing will never stay popular, you only like it because of the IOSYS flash video (I'm quoting Anonymous from 7 years ago so don't ask me who I'm quoting).

But yeah, time flows like a river... and history repeats. Shitposting repeats.

Don't forget the music bros too.


I remember when TAMUSIC did his cover of Phantom Ensemble... Time sure flies.

>> No.11942482

Touhou and Rozen Maiden are both good. Ship girls is a Newgrounds flash game that doesn't deserve to be compared to either. Heck, even calling it a Newgrounds flash game is insulting to Newgrounds.

>> No.11942484

I'm thinking about putting together a "where are they now" list of Touhou Project circles. There's a lot of them are putting out Kancolle books at the present or simply vanished cause hobbyist cartooning doesn't pay the bills.

Game sucks, I'm in it for the secondary content.

>> No.11942537

The second something is called "the next ___", it's doomed to never will be.

>> No.11942542

Japanimation is the new Disney.

>> No.11942585
File: 49 KB, 408x408, tuxmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys look at this hilarious Sailor Moon meme I found.

>> No.11942600

When were you promoted to magistrate?
