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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11926410 No.11926410 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be a Neet?
I'm asking this seriously, not rhetorically or flippantly.
I can't even imagine how it would feel to not have things to do.. I'd die of boredom

>> No.11926422

So you need someone to tell you what to do or else you'll get bored? Babylon has taken control over you.

>> No.11926433

But I keep myself busy on my own prerogative, not because someone tells me to

>> No.11926439

Imagine doing whatever you do in your free time all day.

>> No.11926441

Feels neat

>> No.11926442

But how do you fund your hobbies?

>> No.11926443

Some people have inherited enough to live off. Some people collect money from the government or leech off their parents. Some people work for a while, and then do nothing for a few years before going back to work.

>> No.11926447
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This is depressing

>> No.11926449

It's okay. Gets real depressing when you start running out of money though.

>> No.11926450

mfw I discovered most neets are actually stay at home moms who get bored and do weeb shit until it's time to pick up the kids

>> No.11926451

You tend to contemplate too much about life and humanity in general, hence longer time in showers

>> No.11926452

I feel nothing. I am nothing.

>> No.11926458
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/jp/ - Stay At Home Moms

>> No.11926459

>I can't even imagine how it would feel to not have things to do.
There's a crapton of things to do though. In fact, you have even more time to do all those things because you aren't wasting it working or studying.

>> No.11926462
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My hobbies aren't paying a mortgage like yours is.

>> No.11926537

i am a freeter myself, i have $15K saved up to allow me to not work for a while, i only spent $5K last year so i can potentially last 3 more years without working

i grow indoor vegetables and oyster mushrooms and pay only half of my rent because i made a deal to pay the rest in food

growing stuff is kind of like working, but its food, not money, so i feel better about it

i hated working, its the worst, id rather be a frugal loser than spend 8 hours a day working

>> No.11926569

How can you be such a boring person as to not have things to do when others aren't forcing you.

>> No.11926585
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Mah nigreses

>> No.11926588

how has this treated you so far? I ask because I have a somewhat similar plan. I have been working for a few years now and have close to 10k saved up + a payed off vehicle.

>> No.11926591

Great life you have there, seriously.

>> No.11926593

i'm planning on getting a job

>> No.11926595

are you a mom?

>> No.11926601

are you being sarcastic or something?

>> No.11926604

there is no smug anime girl in his post, No way he is sarcastic

>> No.11926611

No, i'm jelly actually. I had the same plan but some family problems ruined it.

>> No.11926631

Two kids and another on the way.
The oldest has recently been watching Patlabor and You're Under Arrest! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4wOy92J8zI

>> No.11926641

do you or others not consider that some people honestly value having more free time than material possessions?

I have not spent more than $100 on physical non necessitates per year for a long time. I spend my free time on the computer and am content with it.
that sucks, I too wish I was a neet , more than anything but I have obligations that can't be avoided.

one day I will get to stop working and enjoy myself

>> No.11926666 [DELETED] 

*farts in ur face*

>> No.11926917

where did everyone go when they banned the NEET generals from /jp/?

I was doing some crossboard research and found out that /soc/ and /adv/ have been having recurring threads on such, complete with IRC rooms and tumblrs. even the new business board has NEET moneymaking threads last I checked.

>> No.11926922
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I got a job.

>> No.11926936

Having free time to do what you want is actually nice.

It's just a bit annoying when you don't have money or someone to play multi-player geams with.

>> No.11926946

Feels great. Although occasionally I do feel bad for my parents and sometimes I do wish I had a job so I could have some pocket money to spend on whatever but then I think that it's better to have all day every day to yourself then have 2 days off a week to enjoy your money.

>> No.11927017

Overwhelming amounts of apathy and depression that's usually a flattening of the mood and lack of interest in doing things I used to and feel I should still enjoy doing rather than just outright unhappiness, though I recently had a pretty nasty bout of self loathing and horribly potent unhapiness, though in a few days it passed.

Most feelings of discontent with being a NEET come from the feeling I'm failing other peoples expectations, since my family is painfully nice about it since my grandmother had agoraphobia and my mother isn't much better.
I enjoy reading and spending time in my own head though, I've never really enjoyed doing things outside, so don't really feel like I'm missing much, though I'd be lying if I don't have pangs of nostalgia for doing simple things like waiting around to catch a train on a cold winter night.

Mostly /m/ since I watch heaps of old tokusatsu to pass the time.

>> No.11927071

what the...

>> No.11927080
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>mfw I'm not the only mom here

>> No.11927082

Why was Gohan so weak?

>> No.11927088
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Well, you can always stay inside while not failing your parents. Why not be a software developer and work as a freelancer? It earns me some money and doesn't make me feel like an utter waste of space.

>> No.11927098

/r9k/, Wizardchan, and Tohno-chan.

>> No.11927102

Mommy gives me money and wipes my ass

>> No.11927106
File: 1.01 MB, 1552x1294, 1391372594555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, /r9k/ and Wizardchan is just a collective of hopeless men who blame women for all their shortcomings.

>> No.11927110

That doesn't detract from the fact that they're NEET safe zones. Check out Wizardchan's rules. You're not allowed to discourage the NEET lifestyle.

>> No.11927111

great, now I'm scared to post because my mom might see my post.

>> No.11927115

Too bad they're all more depressing than this place.

>> No.11927118 [DELETED] 

You do realise that this is a hobbyist board, right?

>> No.11927125

dont worry m8 shes busy with me d**k atm

>> No.11927126

Any tips on becoming a NEET ? I'm scared I'll end up with a job after university when all I really want to do is continue spending my time online and playing video games.

>> No.11927130

I just moved back in with my mom after. She asks me if I'm looking for jobs every so often, I just say yes and look depressed and she stops asking.

>> No.11927133

convert to judaism

>> No.11927145

Pretty sure they make you clean the floors and stuff. That's work.

>> No.11927144

Live in a Buddhist temple.

>> No.11927155

Don't you clean your home? It's no different. Plus you can call yourself a shrine maiden.

>> No.11927177

What's wrong with Wizardchan isn't their hatred towards women and society, anon. It's the fact that it's filled with pseudo-normals who refuse to talk about anything else that's the problem. It's essentially a site for normalfags to whine about how unsuccessful they are and to blame everybody else for their shortcomings, kind of like tumblr except with straight men instead of gay women.

>> No.11927186

>that entire image
It's like the intro monologue to I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, goddamn.

>> No.11927235

But it's not employment, retard.

>> No.11927238

I want to inquire into the NEET lifestyle.

College just doesn't do anything for me and I don't want to do the work.

Maybe freeter would work out?

>> No.11927244

3D women are pretty awful, though.

>> No.11927245

/r9k/ guys are a bit extreme but I find it funny that everyone always loves to make fun only of those "hopeless men".

I've seen far worse there, /r9k/ women are no better, and we shouldn't even mention this board here to start with. I don't want someone to start the holy gender war in /jp/.

>> No.11927256

Can I become a miko like Reimu?

>> No.11927258

How much money do you guys make from autismbux?

Can you support yourself?

>> No.11927260

It's pretty sad that the vast majority of /jp/ are nothing but useless leaches.

>> No.11927273

I'm a NEEt and I buy lots of lottery tickets. When I win the jackpot (~50 million) I'm going to build a very low-rent apartment building. The homes will be very small, but still comfortable. All /jp/ers are welcome!

>> No.11927275

It feels amazing. I don't understand why or how so many people think being NEET is depressing.

>> No.11927276

Leeches. You mean leeches.

>> No.11927277
File: 616 KB, 800x1059, 1389461111572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work and I wouldn't mind a dating a NEET /jp/sie as long as he's cute, obedient and with good genetics.

>> No.11927279

Will you test if they're /jp/ers or not?

>> No.11927282

I'll show them some pictures of lolis. If they look disgusted, they won't be allowed to live there.

>> No.11927288

Real lolis or drawn?

>> No.11927293

I don't even like playing video games and watching anime anymore. I just do it to fill up the time. At least it's better than browsing the internet. I hate the internet.

>> No.11927290

2D only. What's a good name for the apartment building? Is Hidamari Apartments too cliche?

>> No.11927296

Bates Motel, since you'll obviously be attracting alot of psychopaths.

>> No.11927297

Who r u quot

>> No.11927298

Yes. What about something like Flower View? Sounds vaguely like some lame housing establishment, right?

>> No.11927299

2D only is no good.

>> No.11927303

It would be my dream fifty times over to live in a place called Hidamari. Please, anon, make it real one day.

>> No.11927306

Scarlet Manor?

>> No.11927309

/r9k/ failures are prime targets for trolling because they will always respond to it, no matter how obvious it is that you're just baiting them into a flame war

>> No.11927312

How would you stop people from /a/? /a/ is really obnoxious about this shit and think it's cool to be a pedophile.

>> No.11927314

Sorry, most of us are not obedient and genetically-deficient.

I apologize for our shortcomings, now pls go and stay go

>> No.11927313

this here

>> No.11927320

Why would you want to live in a place called hidamari that's owned by some non-japanese nerd?

>> No.11927323

But I don't like 3D, even though I haven't been on /a/ in years!

>> No.11927324

>Flower View
That's too lame for cool guys like us.

I really like this suggestion.

I'll do my best.

I don't have a problem with /a/ living there. We could divide the building up so that /a/, /jp/, and /m/ all live on separate floors.

>> No.11927333

Fuck that shit I'm out

>> No.11927331

I will only live in a building called Hidamari if the landlord is a single woman in her early thirties who has trouble making ends meet but is surprisingly genki about her station in life

She should be open to the prospect of accepting my seed and carrying my child.

>> No.11927338

>That's too lame for cool guys like us.
Yeah, now I think about it it sounds more like a retirement home... Gives me a whole new perspective on 2hu9

>> No.11927346

Surprisingly cool guy you are.

>> No.11927339

What's stopping me from sneaking into a different floor and murdering someone?
That'd actually be pretty cool, having a murder happen and all of the /jp/sies be suspects. Literally every single one of them would have a motive and have mental issues.

>> No.11927344


I'm sorry to tell you this, but liking 2D lolis makes you a pedophile. And just to make clear I don't like 2D or 3D lolis.

>> No.11927351

I do it all the time. They're easer than /v/..

>> No.11927353

Murdering someone would break the "no bullying" policy. Do you really want to risk it, anon?

>> No.11927354

/a/ tends to dislike actual little girls, so showing them pictures of little girls would make them uncomfortable or disgusted.

They would probably yell that pig meme.

>> No.11927355

I refuse to take mine, I feel like I don't deserve it.

>> No.11927360

Not Jaypee Mansion?

>> No.11927365

>liking 2D lolis makes you a pedophile

so what do I do now that I have officially been designated as pedo scum

>> No.11927366
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I guess my standards would get slightly lower as I get older... They'd still need to be young and cute. Though I'm not sure if any cute young NEET /jp/sies would be interested in an old lady anymore.

>> No.11927368

Same thing you've always done. Nowhere did that anon say anything negative about pedophiles, just that you may be one.

>> No.11927367

Find a loli girlfriend and do silly things with her.

>> No.11927370

And given all the focus on privacy, there would be no cameras or witnesses. Finding the murder weapon would be the only way to break the case.

>> No.11927372

It's only bullying if someone finds out.
I'd wear gloves and conceal all the evidence.
No one will even think that the murder is the black haired fat guy with glasses who is also secretly a martial arts expert.

>> No.11927373

Sorry I don't date fat guys that pretend to be anime girls.

>> No.11927374

And of course determining where the murder actually too place, who's to say the body wasn't dragged around to confuse our ragtag investigation?

>> No.11927377

Great suggestion, anon.

I hope you guys don't mind living in BC.

>> No.11927380

Can I bring my boat(s)?

>> No.11927383

Don't bully the EETs.

>> No.11927388

He implied that being a pedo carried connotations of negativity by saying that he was sorry to tell me that I was pedo!

Besides, I've seen actual real 3D little girls up close and they are not cute at all.

>> No.11927390

Where would filthy crossboarders that regularly browse all three of those boards live?

>> No.11927396

I'm not bullying I'm just saying.

>> No.11927397

They would be cut into thirds, and their sections would lie in the hallways of each of the floors.

>> No.11927403

What if they aren't fat guys?

>> No.11927404


We would have to have a [insert apartment name] council meeting to discuss that.

>> No.11927406

please remove yourself

>> No.11927407

I just don't date guys in general.

I don't date anyone, really.

>> No.11927411
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Would you like to?

>> No.11927413
File: 92 KB, 700x900, 1391308306715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they aren't guys at all? I think it's possible.

>> No.11927418

Sorry, but I'm a skeptic. I'll need to see it with my own eyes.

And then at least 3 pages fully documented peer-reviewed measurable empirical data.

>> No.11927431

Sounds like you've been burnt a few times by some pretending dudes.
