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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11905271 No.11905271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

...but were too afraid to ask.

Greetings! Touhou is a huge franchise, with record-breaking numbers of games, music, books and comics, both official and unofficial. As a result there's a lot of different ways to get introduced to it, and new fans can quickly become overwhelmed trying to figure things out. Even veterans can get confused when certain details are obscure, mistranslated or rely on Japanese cultural assumptions.

That's where I come in. If you have any questions about Touhou, post them here and I'll try to answer them. I won't pretend to know everything about the series, but I know a good deal, so hopefully I can make a few anons happy.

First off, three types of questions that I usually won't be able to answer:
1. Anything related to a fan work rather than official content (beyond things like "what is this based on?"). If you're not sure whether something is a fan work, ask.
2. Gameplay advice. What works for one person won't always work for another, and most of it comes down to practice and memorisation anyway. Just keep at it; you'll get there eventually. Or install a godmode patch, whatever. If you're not good at the shooting games then try the fighters, and vice versa.
3. Anything even vaguely lewd or sexual. Even high heels are too lewd for ZUN, so don't expect him to have given many details on this stuff.

You can also try checking out http://en.touhouwiki.net/ - it has general Touhou information, transcripts, and links to various other useful sites.
Ignore the other site at Wikia.com - a lot of sites including Touhouwiki used to be hosted there until they started removing features, and Wikia don't let you delete your site when you leave.

>> No.11905272

Which 2hu wud u fuk?

>> No.11905286

When will 2hu become the next Kancolle?

>> No.11905300

How do I get into the world and characters of Touhou? Are there any particular mangas or something like that that I should read?

>> No.11905313
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why is reimu such a bitch

>> No.11905331

im sure i read most of the stuff on wiki one day, then I just forgot it all

I think my memory is fucked

help me

>> No.11905353

There are a few in-universe publications with details on that kind of thing: Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, and Symposium of Post-Mysticism. You can read them on the wiki.
Or just read the wiki's Encyclopedia pages, though you can expect them to be a little less accurate.

For mangas you have
- Silent Sinner in Blue: A sequel to the game Imperishable Night. The only manga that has a single plotline rather than being episodic. Reading Cage in Lunatic Runagate afterwards is mandatory to get the full story. Also has a 4koma followup called "Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth", which is funny but may not be 100% canon (ZUN left the artist to his own devices more than normal).
- Eastern and Little Nature Deity/Strange and Bright Nature Deity/Oriental Sacred Place: A set of manga about the lives of the Three Fairies of Light, who live near the Hakurei Shrine and play pranks on passers-by. Mostly slice-of-life and random weirdness. Also has a spinoff game, Great Fairy Wars, where the protagonists fight Cirno.
- Forbidden Scrollery: A manga about Kasen Ibaraki, a hermit who helps humans but is heavily implied to be a disguised oni. With an older and wiser cast than the fairy manga, the tone is a bit more serious, and it delves more into the relationship between humans and youkai. Deals mostly with content from Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Ten Desires.


>> No.11905375

>Wikia don't let you delete your site when you leave.

This may not be a Touhou-related question, but do you know how a Creative Commons license works?

>they started removing features

At least they didn't remove the signup feature.

>> No.11905382

- Forbidden Scrollery: Kosuzu Motoori is the daughter of a book rental owner in the Human Village, and best friends with Hieda no Akyuu (author of most of the in-universe publications above). Kosuzu is a bright but somewhat naive girl with the power to understand any form of writing, and her secret hobby is reading "demon books" - books which were written by or about youkai... as well as books which *are* youkai. Forbidden Scrollery has more of a serious/mystery tone, emphasising the nature of youkai as dangerous and alien (thanks partly to the beautiful art). At the moment it draws most heavily from Hopeless Masquerade and Double-Dealing Character, though it starts before them and leads into some of their themes - for one thing it greatly fleshed out the character of Mamizou Futatsuiwa (a mostly plot-irrelevant boss from Ten Desires) before she reappeared in HM.

Oh and for literature there's also Curiosities of Lotus Asia - the memoirs of Rinnosuke Morichika, a half-youkai friend of Marisa's father. Being a noncombatant Rinnosuke has a unique view of Gensokyo, and spends a lot of time musing on the nature of the world... Unfortunately he doesn't get out much and has a bit of a swelled head, so most of his theories are completely wrong.

It's best to read things in order of release if you can, since comics released around a game will often reference events from that game and so on.


>> No.11905425

What's the hardest part of getting into Touhou?

Telling your parents you're gay.

>> No.11905431

She's an implied orphan who's been fighting demon gods to the death since the age of about five, works a thankless but fate-of-the-world-dependent job that she never received proper training for, and whenever she succeeds at anything it causes youkai to keep showing up uninvited to the point where her fellow humans stop trusting her. Anyone in her situation would be a little grumpy - frankly it's a miracle she's still sane.

As confirmed by mind/soul-readers she's a good person underneath, who would never wish genuine harm on another person. But her poor social skills (due to her terrible childhood) mean she is absolutely incapable of keeping her feelings to herself, and will blurt them out as soon as they come to mind. In Japan no less, where keeping your feelings to yourself is one of the central tenets of society, making it stand out even more.

>> No.11905456

Which touhou would be most likely, in your opinion, to adapt into modern society?

>> No.11905464

Is it cheating to say the Moriyas and Mamizou, since they've been living in modern society until recently? Yukari's pretty familiar with the outside world too.

>> No.11905466

>She's an implied orphan who's been fighting demon gods to the death since the age of about five
Holy conjecture, batman. What non-canon fanworks are you pulling this from?

>> No.11905475

>they've been living in modern society until recently

Why do you think they ran away to Gensokyo?

>> No.11905478

Well, rephrase my question then to "which touhou,from those who have had no communications whatsoever with the outside world, would have the least difficulty in adapting to the modern society?"

>> No.11905484
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What's up with that anyway? It's been like that for ages now. Is it supposed to become some secret club?

>> No.11905486

Wikia was a haven for the MY ORIGINAL TOUHOU NEKO SCARLET DO NOT STEAL circlejerkers.

>> No.11905485

People stopped believing in them in the real world. For a god, believers are their life's sustenance, so they moved to Gensokyo, where there would be potential believers.
For Mamizou and other youkai, it's pretty much the same thing. When "mystical phenomena" start to be described by science instead of folklore, youkai lose their power. In Gensokyo, fantasy is reality, and the denizens still believe in youkai (since most of them are youkai themselves).

>> No.11905490

Rinnosuke has some knowledge of outer technology, and would be eager to learn everything and adapt to it. He's my best bet.

>> No.11905497

That was a rhetorical question in response to a statement about Moriyas' adaptability to modern society.

>> No.11905529

>Forbidden Scrollery
>Manga about Kasen Ibaraki

Gee, the memories of the Miare child must have been getting rusty

>> No.11905532

Mamizou went to Gensokyo because Nue calls her. Then she feel that she likes Gensokyo better than her hometown of Sado, so she lives here.

>> No.11905546

If we're not talking about the games, the fanworks or the lewdness what else is there to talk about?

>> No.11905605

What about the music?


>> No.11905613

Okay, I'll look into these. Thanks a lot!

>> No.11905687

The PC-98 games. While they're hard to reconcile with the Windows series and pretty trippy in general, it's canon that Reimu fought Shinki at a young age before the spell card system was introduced.

Vandalism. Some people kept trying to edit in stuff like "Eirin looks and acts like a 6-year-old" and "Kokoro debuted in Perfect Cherry Blossom". You can still get accounts by asking in the IRC, IIRC?


>> No.11905693
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Does Alice do doll shows in public or not?

>> No.11905697


The Kasen Ibaraki manga is Wild and Horned Hermit, anon. There's a list of everything on the wiki front page anyway.

>> No.11905710

This thread should be deleted.

>> No.11905723

Yes, but mainly at festivals.

Rinnosuke would love to see the Outside World, but I can't see him taking to technology very well (he'd just keep leaping to the wrong conclusions about how to use it).
Nitori maybe? Not only does she know technology, she knows business.

>> No.11905735

Is Touhou not Otaku Culture?

>> No.11905758

I would argue that Rinnosuke follows a very logical chain of thought to arrive at erroneous conclusions, having resulted from not being exposed to any of the technology or culture he's interacting with beforehand. He sits down and thinks things through carefully, before arriving at precisely the furthest thing from the truth. I'd argue that his major failing is taking his ability, to tell what any object does, too literally, when in reality it's quite vague and often misleading.

>> No.11905761

Are you from /a/?

>> No.11905765

This is more THP than /a/. /a/ doesn't put nearly as much effort into its posts.

>> No.11905768

>fighting demon gods to the death
>Reimu fought Shinki at a young age before the spell card system was introduced.
How does that fight differ from any modern Spell Card duel? For me it looks like the same bullet patterns but without names to them. And if it was to death, why didn't Shinki die after the fight? Or why doesn't Reimu die if you game over?

>> No.11905781

what ever you got on the "Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project" i can finde is it was shown at the 2010 Animate Ichioshi Bishojo Anime Matsuri. more where i can see it.

>> No.11905844

The point is that a childhood fighting demon gods is not a normal childhood. Reimu is... weary of this shit by now.

ZUN doesn't like it when fanworks look too professional or official, since they could overshadow the original work or even confuse people into thinking they *are* the original work. Touhou Musou Kakyou had to change its name from "Touhou Anime Project" for instance. The Anime Tenchou video crossed a line, so ZUN shut it down.
There are rumours that the video still sees small private showings every now and then, or that Fantasy Kaleidoscope was made by the same team on a smaller budget, but who knows.

>> No.11905877

Marisa was fighting demon gods too when she was a child. Why didn't she turn into a bitch then?

>> No.11905887
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Is this the headcanon thread?

>> No.11905896

Marisa is a bigger bitch that Reimu could ever hope to be. She's just less stuck up about it.

>> No.11905909

Everybody on /jp/ either knows Touhou themselves or are simply not interested in it and already know more than they want to.

There is no need for some tripfag to play the role of the gateway into Touhou.

>> No.11905924

Is showing wings a sign of touhous getting serious?

>> No.11905936

>Marisa is a bigger bitch that Reimu
How so? For example in fairy manga Marisa helped three fairies for free even though she suffered the most from their pranks. And Reimu physically beat them for no fucking reason.

>> No.11905999

What's Alice's backstory? From what I can gather she's a human who used to live in Makai and became a magician and moved to the Forest of Magic. But what happened to her parents? Or was she not a human to begin with?

>> No.11906004

Reimu has to extermine youkai as her job. Marisa just does it for fun.

>> No.11906019

Does she need to exterminate fairies too even if that will harm Gensokyo and it's ecology? And if it's her job why didn't Reimu exterminate (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/exterminate)) a single youkai yet?

>> No.11906032

which 2hus have the top 10 largest racks

>> No.11906041

Fairies reappear anyway, punch 'em, shoot em, torch 'em alive or blow them up with a point-blank magically charged APFSDS tank shell, they'll be there the next day as good as new, kinda like Kenny from South Park only with less death-magnet properties.

As for exterminating, well Reimu is kinda lazy, maybe beating them up in submission is just easier than doing all the rituals and prayers and shit needed to kill them off for good (or seal them in the local "To Hell with You!" dimension if they are the Hell-dodgers type)

>> No.11906043
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I'll still take Reimu, thank you very much.

The most likely explanation is that it's literally impossible.

>> No.11906045

In the PC-98 games, Alice (no surname given) was a non-human magic user living in Makai. There wasn't much to her beyond that, and it's unclear whether ZUN had yet come up with the concept of magicians that appears in the Windows games.

In the Windows games Alice Margatroid is a human who became a magician through "high dexterity", and recently enough that she's yet to shake off all her human habits. It's unclear how much, if any, of the PC-98 stuff still applies. One of her themes is "The Doll Maker of Bucharesti", so maybe she's from Romania, but we have no proof. Another theory is that she's the girl from Dolls in Pseudo Paradise, but anyone trying to make sense of that story is a masochist.

>> No.11906056

>and recently enough that she's yet to shake off all her human habits.

Wait, does that means that attaining youkaidom gradually turns one into a asshole?

>> No.11906060

Seeing as she's less of an asshole than the humans we know...

>> No.11906062

It's all for the greater good.

She is human, and her interests are human. Not to mention her father lives in the human villag, so I can see her being invested in it.

>> No.11906063

>Fairies reappear anyway, punch 'em, shoot em, torch 'em alive
So is it OK if I break your limb? It will heal anyway.
>beating them up in submission is just easier
Then is it OK for police to beat you just so you would be more law-abiding?
>I'll still take Reimu, thank you very much.
Good luck. I hope you have enough money for that greedy whore.
>The most likely explanation is that it's literally impossible.
Then why does she receive taxpayers' money if her job is impossible? Also, how did Marisa exterminate youkai on your picture if it's impossible?

>> No.11906068
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It means she still eats and sleeps, even though she doesn't need to.

Basically the meaning of "exterminate" is different in Gensokyo to everywhere else.

Reimu's job is to maintain the balance between humans and youkai, not wipe out one side or the other. Both are dependent on the other for Gensokyo to survive, but at the same time youkai are also dependent on *conflict* with humans to survive. The solution to this is having fake fights so that youkai can sustain themselves without anyone getting hurt. Not many humans understand this concept, which is part of why Reimu gets so much distrust from the village.

>> No.11906082

I LOVE touhouwiki. Keep up the good work bros!

>> No.11906087
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Oh, and part of youkai psychology is that if you beat them in a fair contest they generally will back down, no questions asked (you can see this kind of behaviour in stories from all over the world). So the spell card system is generally all that's required.

>> No.11906089

>Reimu's job is to maintain the balance between humans and youkai
How does beating fairies maintain that balance?

>but at the same time youkai are also dependent on *conflict* with humans to survive
And how many random gooks from Human village do fight with youkais now? What was the point of Spellcard System if Marisa and Reimu were fighting youkais even before it?

>> No.11906099

The problem with fairies is that they are not quite rational. They are highly emotional and driven by instinct. Whenever something that affects nature happens, the fairies go berserk. They may be weak, but they can easily swarm and overwhelm an unprepared person. This may end sourly for both sides in the long run.

If anything, sending them out of commission may be the more sensible.

>> No.11906103
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Why is Sakuya and Rinnosuke so cute together?

>> No.11906108

What is the best story on TH-P?

>> No.11906109

plaese respond

>> No.11906111

I'll second that.

>> No.11906113

That doesn't answer my question at all.
Some kid can go to his school and kill 20 classmates whenever something affecting his autism happens. Does that mean police should send all children out of commission too.

>> No.11906119
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Where is Gensokyo most likely to be?
How do I get there?

>> No.11906127

Only tha autist ones.

But, in the context of fairies, it would be better to have all volatile sperglords hgihly sedated until the commotion passes.

>> No.11906131

What technological level are the humans at? And why don't they try to defend themselves from the youkai?

>> No.11906132

>how did Marisa exterminate youkai on your picture

It's explained that it did not grow to be a real youkai yet, and it might have just been sent back to its sealed state in the Night Parade scroll, just like what heppened when they exterminated the Enenra.

>How does beating fairies maintain that balance?

That's just working out stress, Anon. It maintains Reimu's mental balance.

>> No.11906135

>Landlocked region of Japan.

Surely is in Japan, and inland too (though we don't know how much).
It surely has at least a mountain and a lake, though these geographical features might be hidden by the barrier.

The only known ways to enter are
A) From the Hakurei Shrine, think of it as a door of some sort
B) Ending up lost innawoods, though is not a surefire way
C) Being part of the "useless people", kinda a broad term that encompasses druggies, hobos, social rejects and in general, people who might as well disappear one day and nobody would notice. HOWEVER this method will most likely end up with one being ported straight into a pack of monsters hungry for their daily (weekly? monthly? who knows how the fuck their metabolsm works) feast, hence your chances of survival are slimmer than a anorexic top-model

>> No.11906139

>Only tha autist ones.
So do you approve of "decommissioning" of 90% of /jp/?
>It's explained that it did not grow to be a real youkai yet
So what is it? Half-youkai? Proto-youkai? It's sentient and it's supernatural. Why isn't it a youkai?
>It maintains Reimu's mental balance.
Why would you hire a mentally unstable prick for such an important job?

>> No.11906145

>Why would you hire a mentally unstable prick for such an important job?

IIRC is because the Hakurei dinasty is the one with this role and all that ability to call in god power an' shit.
So yes, the job is hereditary, and no sisters in sight.

>> No.11906158

So why hasn't Reimu started looking for a nice looking guy yet? In the end she needs to have a child who will become the next Hakurei shrine maiden. And it should be a girl on top of that. What if her first kid is a boy? She would need a second and maybe even third attempt. Seriously, time is ticking, doesn't she know about menopause? Or that life expectancy in the 19th and the beginning of 20th century was 30-40 years?

Worst shrine maiden ever.

>> No.11906171

First: lazyness
Second: >"Canon sex? In my touhou? NO WAY!" ZUN
Third: probabily she'll find a way to extend her life anyway, i mean, she may not even know how to honor it or that's it even there but she still has a god by her side (the one in the Hakurei Shrine).

And after all, we still have Sanae on her quest to reach godhood (but knowing Sanae we just have to hope she doesn't decide to name herself "Slaneesh")

>> No.11906168

>So what is it?

That I could only guess. You'd need to ask ZUN.

And no mentally stable person would take Reimu's job.

She may be stuck with the job the way Akyuu is with hers. You know, there's an old and respected Hakurei family living in the village, and once in a while a special child gets born into it.

>> No.11906218

What exactly happened to Maribel in Trojan Green Asteroid and Neo-traditionalism of Japan? Why did she get consigned to a mental asylum?

>> No.11906231

Somewhere around the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yatsugatake_Mountains
Youkai Mountain is the "fantastic" version of Yatsugatake from the Local Legend section of that page.

>What technological level are the humans at?
Inconsistent. There are still humans entering Gensokyo, but not all of them settle down, and few of those are engineers. There's a lot of modern technologies which the villagers might have heard rumours about but not really understand. Kosuzu's house has a gramaphone and electric lighting, but she seems fairly well-off.

>And why don't they try to defend themselves from the youkai?
They do, when necessary. There's even a whole anti-youkai secret society. At least there was; it was only ever mentioned once, in an article set in the past. An angry mob is bad at solving incidents though, because they usually can't figure out what's causing them.

>> No.11906274

>"Wow Merry, that's a nasty scratch! We'd better get you to a doctor."
>"You have a terrible fever, Miss Hearn. It would appear your MASSIVE CLAW WOUNDS are infected. How on earth did you get them?"
>"Oh, that was when me and Renko used my magic powers to travel to a shrine in a jungle in outer space, but we got attacked by a chimera."
>"I... see. Miss Hearn, your symptoms are certainly... unique. In fact I've never heard of a response like this - I think I'll need to refer you to a more specialised physician."
Something like that.

>> No.11906298

Wait, really? Marry's locked up in a padded cell in current canon?

>> No.11906309

She isn't locked in a padded cell, but she's been confined to a sanatorium in the mountains.

>> No.11906317

That's so sad. What about Renko?

>> No.11906333

It's not that bad.

After Maribel Hearn (Merry) became injured at the Torifune Ruins, she caught an unknown disease. It was diagnosed as delirium caused by a virus that does not exist on earth.
Since society fears things beyond their control, Merry was quarantined under the name of therapy at the Shinshuu Sanatorium. Now, after being informed that Merry is fully recovered, Renko Usami has come to greet her.

>> No.11906516
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Fairies don't die; they're just immediately reborn. If anything about them gets damaged, it's their morale. Without death being a big issue to fairies (and with them not having the mental capacity or raw power to really have any scarring effects), the reasoning behind their treatment is an entirely different animal from the way human people are treated.

As for almost-youkai, objects and living creatures can become youkai under different circumstances. If a cat lives long enough, it grows another tail and becomes a youkai like Orin or Chen. A human who extensively studies magic can turn into a youkai like Alice Margatroid. An umbrella, a localized cold front, a dark patch on the ground, any inanimate object or concept that gets constantly mistaken for a monster or living creature can be born into a youkai as an embodiment of belief. That's not to say that the birth is immediate, since in a fantastical world, there's a very blurry line between people's imaginations and people's beliefs.

>> No.11906577

>Fairies don't die; they're just immediately reborn.
Congratulations, you're the 3rd person in this thread who said that. Do you think fairies don't feel pain? Do you think they say 'ouch' when hit only because of morale damage? And the bump on their heads is just because of morale leakage?
I'll ask it again: do you break someone's limbs since they will heal anyway without any scar?

>living creatures can become youkai under different circumstances [...]
So that creature >>11906043 is an umbrella? Or localized cold front? Maybe dark patch on the ground? Oh yes, it probably is just a dark patch. With eyes. And it can talk.

>> No.11906588
File: 571 KB, 640x480, no projectile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about the application of spell card rules in fighting games? Is it canon or not? because they hit each other pretty hard with kicks and weapons.

Is Spell Card rules completely harmless to the point it won't give any single strain or effect to body? or has ZUN yet to develop this concept and it's open to interpretation? since the only reliable sources is through the characters' viewpoints that is perhaps jaded and full of metaphor and sometimes contradicts with some occurance in canon works.

>> No.11906625

Why are people savagely obsessed with Touhou? I don't get it.

>> No.11906672

>Alice was always a Youkai


Magcian status is done via a spell.

To Alread youkai, it's a prestige class, to humans it changes them into Youkai.

It's basically Lichdom for little girls.

Why else do you think Patchy is in poor health?

Poor girl lost her Phylectery and it's all dusty.

>> No.11906684
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... but that DOES scar people. Fairies don't have much mental capacity for traumatic events to have a great effect on them individually. I'm not saying that they don't feel pain, but there's a difference between breaking someone's limb and just making them feel like it for a second. Besides, since when did anyone say that it was proper to treat them like that? Do you not see a difference between torturing someone and giving them a little swat for being obstructive?

Kogasa is an umbrella. Letty is a localized cold front. The thing in this picture is a dark patch with humanoid form. Who's to say you won't turn your back and hear a whispered voice? In Gensokyo, the difference is whether or not people believe that the thing is a living creature. If enough people believe in its phenomenon, it becomes embodied as a youkai.

>> No.11906702

If anything, I believe Patche to be on her way to full lichdom. The damn woman consorts with daemons and the undead already.

>> No.11906708

Being a lich would solve her health problems. She should do it already.

>> No.11906745

Is Marisa becoming a youkai?

>> No.11906758

I can't take all this fanfic shit anymore. I'm out.

>> No.11906777

What the fuck, no.

>> No.11906812

Devils yes. Undead? Probably not.
There's no real evidence that supports they're the "dead" type of vampires.

>> No.11906833

The only good things about Touhou are the music and the porn.

This is factual.

>> No.11906839
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>> No.11906849

Its like say you and your friend get into a friendly fight that involves padded kickboxing as well as incorperating dance techniques to make it look nice and paintball guns

First to get knocked out wins

You wont get killed but youll get bruised up and broken bones

>> No.11906899

In IM, Mokou says it still hurts dying, so I think Reimu is just killing her over and over until she loses/gives up.

How can danmaku be lethal? How exactly do danmaku work?

>> No.11906939

I don't think anyone is debating this.

>> No.11906966


Is Mokou really all that bothered by being unable to die? There's a lot of stuff portraying Mokou being all depressed about it, but I don't know how real any of that is.

Also, couldn't she die if she really wanted to? If the Hourai Elixir is some kind of super chemical that can somehow completely repair any and all cell damage, couldn't they just toss her in a volcano or something where all the cells in her body were destroyed and thus there was nothing for the chemical to repair? If she could still regenerate from literally nothing, then the Elixir has to have some kind of magical component, in which case she could die just by leaving Gensokyo, couldn't she? The whole reason for Gensokyo's existence is that science and technology were eliminating magic, Gods, and the fears that Youkai needed to survive/have power, right? Wouldn't leaving Gensokyo therefore make whatever magical component of the Elixir become inert?

Also, how come the moonsluts have both tech AND magic? I thought they were mutually exclusive.

>> No.11907041
File: 9 KB, 192x191, Th03Rikako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If magic didn't work outside of Gensokyo none of the youkai who left it could ever come back.

>Also, how come the moonsluts have both tech AND magic? I thought they were mutually exclusive.
Rikako can use both magic and science, so I don't know why you would think they are mutually exclusive.

>> No.11907049

Are the humans in the human village good for anything but being in the background? Don't they have any dreams or aspirations? Don't they ever fight youkai or aim to be stronger? Why are they so bland and colorless?

I mean sure Reimu solves most of their youkai problems but it wouldn't kill ZUN to add villagers that actually fight instead of sitting there content in letting a young girl fight for them.

>> No.11907050

Is Paresee a virgin?

>> No.11907053

Not likely

>> No.11907063


>> No.11907081

>If the Hourai Elixir is some kind of super chemical that can somehow completely repair any and all cell damage

It's not. It's a super cosmic force that preserves your undying immaterial soul, which can then reform the body from scratch at any nearby safe location.

Spiritual and magic forces appear to be integral parts of the universe. Humanity did not make them disappear entirely. They just ceased producing belief, which starved the creatures that feed on said belief.

>> No.11907192

Damn, Uneducated. Yes, the hourai elixer prevents one from being able to die no matter what, and if the body is destroyed, It is recreated, like a pheonix from ashes.
And Moonhu technology is the origin of magic.
All this from That one touhou book written by Akyuu, I think.

>> No.11907243

Unable to die no matter what?
That's gonna suck hard in the long run.

>> No.11907384

Hard to tell. We've seen some physical battles in the manga, but neither they nor the shooting games seem to completely reflect how spellcard duels are described (why is only one person declaring cards?). I just try not to think about it too much.

Nah, a youkai who starts using magic isn't a magician. Just "a youkai who uses magic".

First you have immature magicians - humans who used magic to take away their need for food, becoming youkai in the process (albeit very human-like ones). Some magicians, like Patchy, were born this way - my guess is that magicians pass down the transformation to their offspring, but it hasn't been directly stated.

Then you have full magicians, who cast another spell that halts the aging process. This spell appears to remove the three worms mentioned in Miko's SoPM article, but the name might not be literal.

>> No.11907391
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Why and how does Futo have spellcards in TD? Why and how does Byakuren have spellcards in UFO? How do characters know you want a spellcard battle with them if you never say it? Why would they all agree to such a duel? What happens if someone says no? How is a cloud-man punching someone a spellcard? Why would some characters from the moon be too strong for spellcard duels? How is it a spellcard duel if your character never uses a spellcard? Why do some characters have more spellcards than others? Why does your character have lives? What happens if your character loses a life? Do they just say that hit didn't count? How can your character pick up more lives? How do bombs work? How can your character pick up more of them? Are they actually your cards? If they are your character's spellcards, how come the enemy doesn't lose if they don't dodge them? Why is only your character using the same card multiple times? Why do only you lose if you touch one bullet? Why do only you lose if you touch your enemy? Why is this not the case if an oni wants to party or a celestial is bored? How did the most beautiful spellcard win if all i did was punch the other person? How do you non-lethally get run over by a real train? How is a real train danmaku? Why does Mokou die if it's a spellcard duel? Why does Mokou die if you time out her cards in a pacifist run? Why doesn't any other character die? How is the ghost of a dead girl who manages dead souls and invokes death in people not connected to live and death? Why is Aya suddenly an elf? Why is Nitori suddenly a totally different character who looks down on people, only wants money and is not shy at all? Why is Kasen watching Reimu fight in WAHH even though she didn't do it HM? Why is Marisa suddenly surprised and amazed by the fact that Kasen has a dragon in the stone chapter even though she already saw it and Kasen told her it's her dragon much earlier? Where do random youkai like Rumia get their clothes? How many humans are there?

>> No.11907534

What really is suck being immortal? Most people who like to do edgy stuff with Mokou is that she sees all her loved one dies before her due to aging, but there must be more to it that makes it sucked, because at first seeing your loved ones die is hard, but as you get older, you kinda get used to it and being kinda obvious to it.

>> No.11907565

See >>11906231

"Human villagers" includes Keine, Akyuu, Kosuzu and Sekibanki. Plus Unshou. Unshou is easily the coolest elderly male fisherman in all of Touhou. Marisa and Rinnosuke used to be human villagers as well.

>I mean sure Reimu solves most of their youkai problems but it wouldn't kill ZUN to add villagers that actually fight instead of sitting there content in letting a young girl fight for them.
And this is why Reimu is grumpy.

>> No.11907566

>Are the humans in the human village good for anything but being in the background?
They're dirt farmers. They just feed faith to the supernatural creatures and farm dirt.

>> No.11907631

Nothing about being immortal sucks. The whole "pain of eternal life" is a concept created by the mortal humans to justify trying to live out their short crappy life.

>> No.11907657

I think eternity could get a little boring as soon as the universe dies one way or another. Even earlier if you don't manage to build a spaceship

>> No.11907665

Aren't you forgetting Kagerou? Or does she lives elsewhere?

My god, you people.

Think about this for a second. Hourai being's immortality are absolute, i.e. they are independent of the universe. In other words, they'll be there for the second ice age. They'll be there when our sun goes supernova. They'll be there when our Earth is no more. They'll be there for the heat death of the universe, when our universe collapse, and when the second big bang happens. And they'll be conscious through it all, feeling every single thing, their bodies and minds feeling everything when every atom in the universe is disintegrated. They will be subjected to energies strong enough to create universes. And the elixir will restore them, only for them to experience more and more.

I want you to think about that for a second. Think about it, and tell me that doesn't suck.

>> No.11907696

She lives in the bamboo forest. Lots of rabbits around.

>> No.11907714

Why would a human live there? Isn't that place infested with youkai?

>> No.11907713


Going off the the DDC omake translation on the Wiki, it seems to say that she's from the Bamboo Forest of the Lost and not the human village

>> No.11907725

That's like asking why aren't all people competitive athletes. Regular humans have more important goals to tend to, like working to feed their family or fornication.

Think of it that way - you live in a zoo. A select few of your fellow animals is tasked with performing tricks to entertain the visitors. They get tasty treats in reward, but it requires tedious training and is largely pointless and unfulfilling. Do you want to be one of them?

>> No.11907733

Youkai like her, yes.

>> No.11907736

Well, they don't seem to be too bad off, unless I'm mistaken. I don't know of any famine or plague they've had to fight off. They should have enough spare time and people for other things than the necessities.

Has the human village been expanding, anyway? Any new construction other than the lifts to the Moriya Shrine?

>> No.11907740

As shown in HM, they use their spare time to drink and spectate danmaku fights, in a way not dissimilar to people on our side of the barrier spectating football matches.

>> No.11907744

She's only a youkai for like a night in each month, though. What about the rest of the time? Does she fug the youkai around her so they don't eat her?

>> No.11907753

One doesn't stop being a youkai when human-shaped.

>> No.11907806

IIRC she's half youkai or something.
I don't know the inner workings but think of it as a monthly werewolf.

>> No.11907812

It feels sad that the Hourai would die like that. I feel like their life would at least be connected to the Earth's lifespan or something similar. Might not fill the actual definition of immortality, but eh.

>> No.11907837

>It feels sad that the Hourai would die like that

Worse, they won't even die in the tradtional sense.
Maybe their brain will simply break down and scream "I GIVE UP!" but they'll still be alive and aware.
And what if the universe simply keeps expanding? No rebirth of the universe, no new billions or so of years to experience, nothing, just a cold, lightless, homogeneous, infinite nothing, where you don't live, you just exist, reigning over absolute nothing.

>> No.11907906

btw the fandom ignored him
eventhough he's got a chapter from the manga about him
So, I'm concluding that you MUST be a GIRL for the fandom to appreciate your brief appearance.
Examples: Tokiko, Daiyousei, Momiji

>> No.11907912

They don't die. Not even the death of the universe can kill them. After that point, there will be nothing, an absence of physical laws, and it's anyone's guess on what will happen to them. Perhaps they will die an infinite times, only to be resurrected each time and then dying again. Whatever happens, I am sure it will be worse than any hell.

Maybe they can save themselves by dimension-hopping to other universes before theirs are destroyed, though. Now that's an idea for a doujin, Kaguya and Mokou going through universe after universe to escape their fate.

See, I don't think their brains can just shutdown like that. That would mean a damage to their mind, and the elixir cures any and all damage. Mental illness is an illness, after all, and Hourai beings are stated explicitly to never fall ill.

Even Kars have it easier than those Hourai folks.

>> No.11907970

They create the next universe through sheer will.

>> No.11907975

>They'll be there for the heat death of the universe, when our universe collapse, and when the second big bang happens.
Kaguya has a bullshit power so she can prevent all that from happening.


>> No.11907985
File: 130 KB, 250x250, FS_Tokiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Youki is a girl.

Daiyousei and Momiji are important game characters. Tokiko was the first ever side character, the only one from the golden age of Touhou, and the only one with an original design. She's all-around special.

>> No.11908052

Hello bird Seija.

>> No.11908109

Is because Touhou is kinda a Japanese 40K.
Things get said one moment and contradicted immediately thereafter all the time.

>> No.11908120

How secondary can you be to invent half of that shit? You are better off somewhere else than /jp/, somewhere where dubious people like you will learn even more dubious non-canon psychology analysis of touhous from you. And stop tripfagging, it's disgusting.

>> No.11908127

At least Touhou doesn't take itself seriously.

>> No.11908130

You could at least try throwing out some shit that refutes his points instead of making yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.11908138

What kind of youkai is Hong Meiling?

Does being part human/part youkai like Rinnosuke diminish one's powers? Are powers in Touhou in general removed from the concept of race or does race matter?

>> No.11908144

Touhou is only written by one person though.

>> No.11908145

For example
>since the age of about five
Where did he even get that from? Did he assume that Reimu was 11 during EoSD events (2002) and then subtracted 1996 (year of HRtP) to get that age of 5? That's not how touhou's ageing works. ZUN already said that characters do not age and we should not think about it.

>> No.11908151

Plot holes are common with inexperienced writers even if there is only one.

>> No.11908156

Yeah, but that person's brain is damaged by huge amounts of beer.

>Also, since I've been engaging in Touhou for quite some time, there are a number of things I don't remember: parts missing from my mind as common knowledge, official background material already announced elsewhere,
secret background info conveyed only to friends, or background info completed from the beginning only in my
head. *drinks beer and dies*
And that was in 2004, with only 3 games to remember and just few dozens of characters. In 2014 your ordinary /jp/-sie probably knows about canon more than ZUN himself.

>> No.11908174

Let him be, he's entertaining, and we're not getting much of that lately.

He appears to be taking this more seriously now.

And going full mythology rip-off mode probably helps keeping things in check.

>> No.11908178

It'd be more accurate to call him an amateur writer. He never intended to make an amazingly consistent masterpiece when writing touhou lore.

>> No.11908197

>What kind of youkai is Hong Meiling?
Unknown. The most popular theory seems to be "human who turned youkai because chi".
>Does being part human/part youkai like Rinnosuke diminish one's powers?
I wouldn't say there's a hard and fast rule here. Rinnosuke may be a noncombatant, but Youmu gets all kinds of weird stuff from being half-phantom. Supposedly they're resistant to attacks/diseases/etc. which would affect only humans or only youkai.
>Are powers in Touhou in general removed from the concept of race or does race matter?
Race definitely matters (oni, vampires and tengu are some of the top tiers), but it doesn't mean you can't make up the difference through superior skill/training/age. Tanuki are normally complete jokes for instance, but Mamizou is powerful enough to be considered "the youkais' trump card".

>> No.11908198

Whoops, forgot my trip.

>> No.11908510

That reminds me, what kind of a creature is Rinnosuke?

>> No.11908514

I thought ZUN said that each game takes place in real time and the characters age he just wont be showing that they do.

>> No.11908525

>game takes place in real time
>character's age
Yes, but not necessarily at the same pace. If for example 12 years has passed since EoSD events it doesn't mean that Reimu is 12 years older now. It's just like in a every single long running series, Simpsons for example. It's something that cannot be explained and we should not think about it. Reimu is as old as she looks.

>> No.11908542

How old would you say she looks? Because the manga aren't allowed to show characters under 20 drinking alcohol, and Reimu drinks all the time.

>> No.11908549 [DELETED] 

*whips out dick*

>> No.11908558

>How old would you say she looks
She drank sake in IaMP (if not earlier). If she was at least 20 back then she should be 30 yo now.

But for me she looks ~16-17.

>> No.11908575

>manga aren't allowed to show characters under 20 drinking alcohol

Wait, really?

That'd make all Touhous adults.

>> No.11908607

I guess it's because nobody knows what to make of Unshou. Also he looked like your generic old guy.

>> No.11908620

Are any of the Touhou fanimes translated or even worth watching?

>> No.11908625

I thought he was Taigong Wang at first when i saw him, which i would have found to be a lot more interesting than some random old guy from a story i don't know.

>> No.11908688

One of this days i wanna ask ZUN if he can make more male character. I know in games it's impossible, but at least in side stories like the manga or novels would work

>> No.11909313

Neither did 40K.
The very first edition (Rogue Trader) at least.
I mean, it had things like Noise Marines using literal guitars as a weapon, Space Marines were something more like Space Robocops, Orks were pretty much Mad Max but with more green and in one of the suggested campaign it's heavily implied that the players are going after the Doctor.

The first editions were 80's as fuck.

>> No.11909676

After that much time, when the universe is just a cold homogeneous soup of subatomic particles, there will be nothing from which to rebuild her body.

Unless that magic just pops a new Mokou into existence from nothing. In which case her continuous death and rebirth and resulting mass of corpses might be the only thing that can reverse entropy and restart life in the universe.

>> No.11909859

Kinda late to the party but one thing i can't understand is: what is Byakuren's agenda? And how exactly does she thinks to accomplish it? And Miko's?

>> No.11909905

>Third: probabily she'll find a way to extend her life anyway,
She's so powerful she could probably magic herself into one over the course of ten years so only not wanting to and laziness are holding her back, really.

>> No.11910198

Byakuren's agenda is to use Buddhism to save youkai souls. To which most humans go "WTF that's the opposite of how Buddhism works" and call her a crazy heretic. Her heart's in the right place but she hasn't had much success so far, unless you count Shou. She's kind of vain, so part of her might just like having a cult, but for the most part she genuinely wants to help people. Even saints are only human, or only youkai as the case may be.

Miko is a woman of the people - she wants to provide high-quality leadership to anyone who needs it, but she's not afraid to step down if she thinks they'd be better off without her. As a leader she makes it clear that she's better than you (mostly because she is), but still manages to be somehow charming and respectful. Sort of like a cross between Star Trek's Picard and Fate/Zero's Gilgamesh. When she doesn't have anything to do she studies on advancing her hermitry, though she will pop up if she thinks the people need her like in Hopeless Masquerade.

It's fun seeing them argue in SoPM
>Are you saying it's up to the person? I can only think that when you obtain power, you just get yourself destroyed by desires. Personally, that is what I've come to deeply understand, unlike you.
>Desires are also a part of one's self. The truth is that it is impossible to separate from them. But maybe this is something that can't be understood by a senile old nun who becomes satisfied by merely chanting sutras.

>> No.11910321

>resulting mass of corpses
Her body pretty much just disappears then a new one pops up.

>> No.11912369

>save youkai souls

Define "saving".
I'm not exactly big on Buddhism

>> No.11912946
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Opening their hearts and minds to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

>> No.11912967
File: 630 KB, 807x1000, 1391211255579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly does Remilia's power work?

>> No.11912973

It's only there so her profile looks cool.

>> No.11912981

When do you become an youkai? As in, I know that after a while you study as a magician, don't need to eat or sleep, okay, cool. But when do you start to need their belief as sustenance? Is it when the nearby group of humans start to see you less as a human, but more of a scapegoat to blame because something happened?

>> No.11912986

>senile old nun who becomes satisfied by merely chanting sutras
>byakushit status: FUCKIN REKT

>> No.11913027

Where can I find the translations of Iron Attack Sparking and Poltergeist songs?
Also, what happened with the Touhou mod for Civilization? Is it translated?
Sorry for being such a secondary, I have only 1cc'd every game except for DDC in normal to see the endings, but I give up at the extra stages.

>> No.11913035
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No one knows. According to Flandre she has no powers beyond the standard vampire stuff, and is just chuuni.

>So what Miss Remilia said was the truth?
>About planning for the meteorite? No way. That's just how that girl talks.
>Yeah, that girl acts like she knew everything right from the start. Something about understanding fate or whatever.
>You would do well not to call your elder sister "that girl".
>Oh, how long have you been standing behind me, elder sister?

>> No.11913037

Why are Reimu, Marisa, and Alice the best girls?

>> No.11913044

Basically, her stated goal is to teach youkai self-control, so they can free themselves from the behavioral patterns forced on them by human belief, so they can continue existing alongside humans without conflict. It's not really buddhist in essence, and kinda redundant to the natural process that's already occuring in Gensokyo.

Her original end goal is to assure the continuous existence of youkai magic that keeps herself alive.

>> No.11913056

But her Fate shenanigans are stated on her official profile.

Don't question Milady's power.

>> No.11913064

Does that mean Satori has breasts then?

>> No.11913066

I've heard that a human could advance directly to GO and become youkai by eating the flesh of a youkai.

And that humans can become ghosts through various spiritual chicanery.

Please help.

>> No.11913070

You can become a youkai with just about any strong enough emotion.

Imagine hating the taste of vegetables so much that you become a demon that withers crops.

>> No.11913075

Does that mean /v/ is a youkai who causes people around him to get angry at video games?

>> No.11913077


This is why I avoid /v/, simply going there will make me hate a video game I was otherwise interested in. Powerful evil.

>> No.11913078

There are at least 3 official depictions where she is portrayed as a petite cutie, versus only one where you could deduce the bulge under her clothes in the chest area are actually breasts.

>> No.11913080

What type of youkai is /jp/?

>> No.11913085

An autistic, virgin one.

>> No.11913089

Lewd youkai.
Can make people feel lewd by being near them.

>> No.11913092

An erotic black hole.

>> No.11913210

A bodiless bodhisattva statue that immobilizes people through feelings of sloth, malice, and hollow spite by tricking them into "taking it easy."

Placing the /jp/sie yokai on a life-sized statue or mannequin of a little girl that has no head will "heal" it; the yokai will fuse to the body and be reborn as a benign and enlightened yokai with the body of a cute loli. Some reports indicate that, in extremely rare cases, "Rustle lolis" will appear instead and pledge themselves sexually to their exterminators.

Statues of men and boys will, on the other hand, create crossboarders, while statues of women will create attention whoring drawfags or net idols. Both will slaughter those unfortunate enough to commit such acts.

>> No.11913224
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>> No.11913284
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I've never even had a chance to play Pathfinder but I really love looking through their Bestiaries. They put a lot of love into the details in a lot of the monster descriptions. Plus there's a pretty good umibozu (a.k.a. sea bonze) in Bestiary 3.

>> No.11913745

Oh shit, the Anti Spiral was a youkai all along.

>> No.11913811

Don't expect Pathfinder to be too mythologically accurate. Don't they say that a shikigami is a tiny rock-man who guards signposts, and a yamabushi is a type of oni?

>> No.11913820

Is there any mention of how big Gensokyo is in canon?
I find it really boring how in most stories and doujins and stuff, it's apparently a little shitty piece of land that you can pretty much traverse entirely in less than an hour on foot. I really like to think of it as being at least a few hundred kilometers end to end, so even, say, a bolting Aya can't be everywhere at once.

>> No.11913889

those are mostly the third party books, anyways. the thing about pathfinder is that it's open source, so you get a lot of weird derivatives.

>> No.11913980

And Kogasa's profile says she has the power to surprise people, while Reisen's profile says her power is manipulation of madness. Both are false (Kogasa's utter inability to surprise people is a running gag, and Reisen's real power is to detect and manipulate waves).

All powers in Touhou are self-described, and it's in the nature of youkai to exaggerate. And then you get people like Reimu who are just bad at explanations.

>> No.11913997



If anything, third-party tends to be MORE accurate.

>> No.11914059

Few hundred kilometres end to end would make it wider than the entire Honshuu, so that's already impossible.

It is said that you can see the entire Gensoukyou from the Hakurei Shrine, which reduces its size to that of one mountain valley. However, the valleys around Yatsugatake mountains are several tens of kilometers in width, and the area needs to contain the mountain range itself, so its span is not a distance you can traverse in an hour. A day or two, if you have good legs.

Good thing the Gensoukyouans don't need to walk, flying certainly doesn't take more than an hour.

>> No.11914408 [DELETED] 

Well, that's boring.
You know what, I'm gonna browntewi.jpg that shit. Zun can come over challenge me to a gentlemen's duel if it bothers me

>> No.11914413

Well, that's boring.
You know what, I'm gonna browntewi.jpg that shit. Zun can come over challenge me to a gentlemen's duel if it bothers him.

>> No.11914417

But Reisen can indeed cause madness. The ways she does it isn't the matter. Like how Yamame can inflict diseases but she could use many different ways to achieve that.

>> No.11914753 [DELETED] 

If you want more space then the setting has plenty of stuff outside Gensokyo proper - the Netherworld, the Underworld and Heaven are all fairly easy to access.

>> No.11914755

If you want more space then the setting has plenty of stuff outside Gensokyo proper - the Netherworld, the Underworld and Heaven are all big and fairly easy to access.

>> No.11914885

Does anyone actually care about the backstory and lore and stuff? I just like the games and the porn.

>> No.11916781
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Now, bear with me for a moment.
I remember hearing a long time ago that Marisa is supposed to excel at water magic, but for some reason doesn't use it. Is this true? Because I've read tons of canonical shit and I don't remember it. Could have been in one of the endings though.

>> No.11916791

Maybe it's bigger on the inside.

>> No.11916809

Both Patchy and Rinnosuke have said she's got an affinity with water. This mostly seems to be based on her surname being "Drizzle", but it's magic so that's probably good enough. As for why she doesn't use it... well, Marisa mostly goes with magic she thinks is cool, and water isn't exactly good at making things blow up. Alas, if only fairies were made of elemental sodium.

>> No.11916811

I recall that she has some kind of "affinity" to water magic (something along the line of "her element is water" or close to it) but she doesn't use it because she prefer light and fire magic (again, not really sure about this) because water isn't magic-beam-of-fiery-death-y enough.

>> No.11916830
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>This mostly seems to be based on her surname being "Drizzle"

Yes, this must be it, probably from CoLA. That book set up tons of material that was never used (like the youkai calendar and constellations) so it's not surprising I can't recall most of it. Too bad ZUN can't either.
Thanks for responding either way, I feel this is the most I've gotten from /jp/ in years.

Since SSiB introduced the idea that there's a difference between the real moon and the "fantasy" moon, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that Gensokyo is as big as it needs to be, because it's not located in a specific part of the outside world.

>> No.11916835

> because it's not located in a specific part of the outside world.

Trenton, new jersey.

>> No.11916892 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 675x900, 1346484543236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Remilia? She certainly doesn't have any actual special powers.

>> No.11916897
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What about Remilia? She certainly doesn't have any actual special powers.

>> No.11917006

>and Wikia don't let you delete your site when you leave

Why don't they just start filling it up with porn?
If I'm not mistaken, that's ground for deletion on wikia.

>> No.11917087
File: 65 KB, 600x600, Flandre.Scarlet.600.1039362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can change fate.

>> No.11917103

I'm wondering how much weight do people give the small bits in the fighting games like the winquotes? For example Reisen's over Cirno that she freezes things by taking in heat and must because of that be warm inside. Next to that it seems just her asumption would prove certain problems, for one thing freezing the air would need her taking in lots of energy and unless she gets rid of the heat somehow, the stored heat inside her would rise to ridiculous amounts. I remember that she chills her surroundings constantly and is over 60, that would be an insanely high temperature.
Other question is about wether or not ZUN is trying to rework on some character's fan traits. Like Meiling being lazy and the winquotes in 12.3 or Cirno being dumb and her showing math knowledge in fairy wars.

>> No.11917104

So is Maribel a younger Yukari or is she just a human that has the ability to transition between the human to Gensokyo realm?

>> No.11917127
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For the past 6 days, I've been constantly fapping to Akyu's feet in that image.

>> No.11917382

Cirno could hardly understand the concept of multiplication and she would be leagues smarter than most fairies.

>> No.11918062

She definitely has *some* connection to Yukari, but ZUN won't say what.

Maribel Hearn is named after http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lafcadio_Hearn - one of the first writers to spread tales of youkai to the West, who later became a Japanese citizen and changed his name to Koizumi Yakumo. Yukari Yakumo is also known to have changed her name at some point in the past, with her original name never being stated.

In Silent Sinner in Blue, Yukari obtusely mentions wanting to see the moon long ago and visiting it through its reflection. Now combine that with this passage from Magical Astronomy...
>Merry the magician saw them: Rabbits making medicine; Celestial maidens wearing dazzling dresses, dancing gracefully in the sky. She saw the other side of the boundary through the moon reflected in the water. Seeing this moon, Merry had an idea.
>"Hey, Renko. If the Moon Tour is too expensive, why don't we try thinking of another way to get there?"

With each CD's story, Maribel's powers are getting closer and closer to Yukari's. While she appears to live in the future relative to the rest of the cast, we also have this:

>> No.11918331

Is there any backstory behind the Prismriver Sisters Ghosts other than they were made by the youngest sister?

>> No.11918353

what is going on with autism meme?

>> No.11918511
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What manga is that?

>> No.11919221

Does Cirno really say she's the strongest, or does she use a more "open" quote? Like "the greatest", "the best".

>> No.11919254

When you take into account that she's a fairy and Fairies are weak as shit. Yeah, Cirno is pretty strong.

>> No.11919269

I'm not asking whether she's strong or not, I'm simply asking if, in japanese, she explicitly says "strongest" instead of something more generic.

>> No.11919324

Yes, she does use 最強 a few times in PoFV.

>> No.11919691


>Layla was a lonely little girl.
She lived in her merchant family's wealthy home, along with the three Sisters.
>At the time, the four girls lived without ever knowing anything about the outside world. Of course, they probably really liked their violins and pianos and everything else instrumental, but they weren't a performing troupe (and they definitely weren't anything like what they are now). They didn't dress up all weird like they do now. (They did that after they got to Gensokyo.)
> There was some accident (the cause of which was the Count of the mansion getting some special item from an eastern country. You could probably guess, but this was a magic item from Gensokyo, and related to the origin of Layla's powers) which happened and caused the collapse of Prismriver Mansion.
> After the collapse, what sort of lifestyle Layla and her three sisters had is entirely unknown. Not only is it not related at all to Gensokyo and quite a bit of time passed, so no one really knows about it.
> So, who are the three Sisters who appeared in the game? They're what Layla, Layla's power (and the item) gave birth to: Poltergeists (beings like raw, spiritual energy).
> Those poltergeists from the beginning were nothing more than imitations of how her Sisters looked like and sounded like. After a while, they became able to converse with Layla, and after longer, they started living together like regular Sisters. It was hard for Layla to live in Gensokyo, but the illusionary Sisters were able to help with that and give her some sort of normal life. The three Sisters didn't ever age or grow old, so as you'd expect, they Layla lived out her life and eventually passed on.

>> No.11919698

> But the weird thing about all this was, even after's Layla's passing, the three Sisters never disappeared for some reason. Just like poltergeists, they wanted to keep causing a ruckus (and they thought of a lot of ways), and when they got a hold of some instruments and performed, they eventually became performers quite naturally.
> After this, for whatever reason, while they were on their way to the Netherworld, the Prismrivers started to become known around Ghosts and other spirits. Or, around Ghosts who just wanted to spend every day having fun. They're normally in the Netherworld, but can pass between it and the Living World as they want.
> And everyone was happy.
> ...Er, why'd we go off to the Netherworld to begin with? (Lyrica asked.)

>> No.11919735

Do all of you play the bullet game? or is there other genres?

>> No.11919737

There are three official fighting games and fangames in every genre there is.

>> No.11920276
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Point me to the Touhou mmo.

>> No.11920298 [DELETED] 


>> No.11920302

There are multiple MMOs of any genre with 2hu mods.

>> No.11920396

That's true, but it's still described as a small landlocked arena which you can see all at once, with few landmarks or geographical locations and just one human settlement. It could be stretched with magic, sure - it just isn't.

>> No.11921237
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Please point me to the Touhou mmo.

>> No.11921242
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Someone should remake AI Sp@ce but with touhous instead of VN heroines


>> No.11924689
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I asked it in another thread, but no one answered.

Why did Yukari let zashiki-warashiki to the outside world? What did she mean by "this kind of chance doesn't come very often"? The chance to serve people from outside world? What's good about it? What did Yukari try to achieve?

>> No.11924720

I don't think this is part of some nefarious plan. She's just a romantic at heart.

>> No.11924754
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This is the next panel.
If Yukari doesn't have any plan, then why did Kasen start talking about "ultimate goal of the youkai"? Does she imply that youkai dream to serve people from outside world?

Where's that stupid tripfag when I need him?

>> No.11924763

I lied, I forgot about that part.

I guess the goal is to reemerge into the outside world.

>> No.11924780
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Ok, sounds reasonable... but here is the the next panel. The most famous one. Why did Yukari said it at all? I can't connect it to two previous panels.

- This kind of chance doesn't come very often
- Could it be that ultimate goal of youkai is to reemerge in the outside world?
- Don't think about it. Gensokyo gets enough food to fill stomachs of all youkai from somewhere... (emphasis on "somewhere")

This conversation doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.11924800

They're probably not ever going to take back the night from science. But maybe, the more recognition that youkai have in the outside world, the more power they have to act.

I just took Yukari's advice and didn't think about it very hard.

>> No.11924823

Youkai get their meals from the outside world. If youkai started to emerge in the outside world, where would those outside youkai get THEIR food? Heck, wandering meals may not even make it to Gensokyo if youkai were eating them outside.

>> No.11924844

No-no. Why did Yukari decide to speak about Gensokyo's source of food out of the blue? I guess Yukari wanted to reassure Kasen that there's enough food in Gensokyo to survive even if they fail to move to outside world. But then why did she make that emphasis on "somewhere"?

Hakurei border was created in 19th century. Before that youkai have enough food in outside world with only 1 billion of people. Now it's 7 billion. I don't think there would be any problems with food outside.

>> No.11924848

youkai recognition up
=> youkai power in the outside world up
=> ease of procuring people from the outside wrold up

>> No.11924854

>ease of procuring people from the outside world up
Do you mean that youkai from outside world help with procuring people into Gensokyo? Otherwise I don't understand how rise of outside youkai power would help with getting more people.

>> No.11924859

I thought of it as more of an "overall power level" thing, not a question of individual youkai strength. Where people in general fear youkai in general, the youkai will be stronger when they go to that area. On a engineering university campus, youkai will find it hard to act.

>> No.11924870

That doesn't answer my question: why did Yukari decide to speak about Gensokyo's source of food out of the blue?

>> No.11924871

Because that's primarily what youkai power in the outside world is good for. Catching humans and processing them into tea cake.

>> No.11924907

>Because that's primarily what youkai power in the outside world is good for. Catching humans and processing them into tea cake.
Umm... Actually only relatively small part of youkai eat humans according to both Touhou canon and japanese folklore.

>> No.11924919
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Since youkai are the fantastical embodiment of people's nonsensical beliefs, does that mean there's a Sinterklaas youkai, a republican youkai, and an "it's your baby" youkai?

>> No.11924921

Why is Akyuu such a lying bitch?

>> No.11928974

Why do you hate Akyuu?

>> No.11929031

Was it ever officially explained whether Yuyuko is potentially cold as ice, like other ghosts?

>> No.11929123

I'm sure that line is mistranslated.
>大体 この幻想郷の何処に全妖怪のお腹を満たす食料があるというのよ
>After all, how can you get enough food to fill stomachs of all Its youkai?

it should be something like this.
I'm jap so I can't explain in proper english sorry

>> No.11929128

>After all, how can you get enough food to fill stomachs of all Its youkai in gensokyo?


>> No.11929132

The emphasis is a little bit different, but the meaning is almost the same.

>> No.11929149

Yukari is your friendly "Lord of War", trying to keep good relations with the outside world to maintain Gensokyo "safe" from what happened to the moon.

And now you watch "Imaginationland" episode from South Park.

>> No.11929217
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Thanks. I always figured there was something wrong with that line going by context, but there was no apparent error and I can't comprehend nuance with my crappy beginner Japanese.

>> No.11929234

Explain to me for what reasons did Touhou get so popular.

>> No.11929262

I really appreciate this thread OP, good to see that there are still people out there who care about touhou beyond the silly fan stuff and doujins.
To me canon will always be much more interesting than the things fans can come up with.

>> No.11929270

If we take the conversation Byakuren, Kanako and Miko have in SoPM then the birth of these youkais is very well possible.

Read the "Youkai Disappearing After Birth" section

>> No.11930369
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Who invented the spellcards system and why? Is Maribel Yukari? How Yukari can be more powerful than a Nine tails fox? I know the colors mean things in Touhou, What does each color mean? Is Yukari the only one having a difficult level to herself? Why Sakuya can't stop time? What Youkai is Meiling and Yukari? What is Pyonta and since when Suwako wears it? Without the spellcard system, who would be the strongest? Why is the need for two barries, Illusion and Hakurei? How Marisa learned about western sorcery if obviously her surname is japanese? then how Voile has all those books? Who is hakurei's shrine god and why he/she didn't show like Suwako or Kanako?

>> No.11930384
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Not OP, but Akyuu isn't technically lying, her information is based on the human villages information and viewpoint. However, things like quotes can be taken as factually stated by the other characters. (Like Marisa canonically tries to avoid Flandre when she goes to pillage the SDMs library.) A lot of the details on the characters themselves are mostly speculation.
Flandre, again, if she's usually in the basement by herself, how does she kill people? How do you know she's "going to kill you if she meets you?" For all they know she's actually harmless and wouldn't actually deliberately hurt anyone. Such things are all more or less "guesstimates", their accuracy may vary.

Here, have an Alice monster, because why not.

>> No.11930496

>Akyuu isn't technically lying

She outright admits spicing things up to make her chronicle more interesting. How much she strays away from reality is up for debate, but the fact that she's lying is indisputable.

>> No.11930540

>Who is hakurei's shrine god and why he/she didn't show like Suwako or Kanako?

>> No.11930836

ZUN is the 'shrine maiden' of sorts for the Hakurei Shrine in the 'real world' that Maribel/Renko live in right? What time plane is that on...because I know that Maribel and Renko visit that shrine but it's been abandoned so when was it that ZUN was protecting it?

>> No.11931456

>Who invented the spellcards system and why?
Officially Reimu, but they were written on paper used for "youkai contracts", implying that it was really some youkai. Meaning it was probably Yukari (supported by some of the Watatsukis' comments in SSiB). The purpose was to sate youkais' need for battles without putting anyone at risk, and to force them to fight on terms where their advantages over humans were reduced.

>Is Maribel Yukari?
See >>11918062

>How Yukari can be more powerful than a Nine tails fox?
She's *really* good at Onmyodo.

>I know the colors mean things in Touhou, What does each color mean?
They do? Some characters might attach meaning to colours, but Touhou doesn't have that kind of magic system. So... whatever they mean in Japanese culture.

>Is Yukari the only one having a difficult level to herself?
She's the only Phantasm boss, but some of the less traditional games have Stage 8 and even Stage 9 bosses.

>Why Sakuya can't stop time?
You mean "Why can she"? Sakuya is one of the most mysterious characters in the series. No one knows, though "magic pocketwatch" is a popular theory.

>What Youkai is Meiling and Yukari?

>What is Pyonta and since when Suwako wears it?
Pyonta is a meme that treats Suwako's hat as a living creature.

>Without the spellcard system, who would be the strongest?
Cirno, she told me so herself.
...But seriously there's not much evidence to go on, so while you could draw up rough tiers, I doubt many people would agree on them.

>Why is the need for two barries, Illusion and Hakurei?
What are you talking about?


>> No.11931475


>How Marisa learned about western sorcery if obviously her surname is japanese?
Marisa is a reverse-weaboo. Alternatively, it still exists in the East it's just not as prominent. Alternatively, if PC-98 is still canon she could have learned it from Mima. Alternatively, she found a book or something.
Touhou started off with an "East meets West" theme that was largely forgotten by Perfect Cherry Blossom.

>then how Voile has all those books?
First, "Voile" is not its name. Second, how does any library have all those books? Patchouli's been alive a long time to have all those books.

>Who is hakurei's shrine god and why he/she didn't show like Suwako or Kanako?
It is a mystery, even to Reimu. As for why it doesn't show up, not all gods have physical bodies.


>> No.11931492

A lot of her lies don't really hurt though; you can never be too wary of youkai. Sometimes her interview subjects even ask her to make stuff up so they'll sound more intimidating (when they don't just feed her false information).

I wouldn't take that too literally. Maribel and Renko live in the future anyway, so there's no issue with him being its kannushi right now.

>> No.11931570
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>> No.11931598
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The term is westaboo

>> No.11931607

I think we can say without a doubt though that youkais are definetly still a threat to humans without magical powers due to what ZUN stated about Kisume in the SoPM interview

>> No.11931616

whch 2hu wd fck u

>> No.11931700

I think it's more "caution" you would show towards anyone with any kind of superpowers that could cause you great harm if you were to provoke them. I don't think any of the established touhou youkai girls would outright kill someone for no reason, at least as long as you're not /jp/ and don't resort to ...well, this sort of behavior --->>11931616

Basically, and this is touched on upon by Akyuu herself if I recall as part of her safety tips: Just be respectful, most if not all of the humanoid Touhous are civilized and all sentient life seems to share some form of wanting to be treated with dignity and respect, I imagine they're little different in that regard...
I'm sort of doubting that Rumia and co eat humans and only act like they do "because it's a youkais job." (Aya interview with Rumia) Rather, they must ACT like they are youkai of old so they can retain "their identity" to some extent.

However, the wild/random/non-humanoid youkai are a completely different matter altogether (as the doujin involving Kasen has shown) and some can be considered feral and therefore dangerous.
If you'll forgive this comparison, think like how in Inuyasha you had those random ass generic demon hordes that would go around killing defenseless villages, but the demons themselves would die in one hit to a character with a shred of actual power/or just a regular a human with some means of self defense....It seems to be kind of like that.

Unrelated, but a lot of the transforming types like Foxes and Tanukis love to disguise themselves as Marisa, go figure.

>> No.11931709

One day, the tripfag will answer my question. Probably next week...

>> No.11931746

rapists get the most pussy in gensokyo
you're 2hus are just cum slaves
i know my doujins
i cant wait til i arrive and start mai own raping spree
ill post it over pooshlmer and watch the fgts cry in envy

>> No.11931759
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>> No.11937275

What happens to someone who disobeys the spellcard rules?

They are pretty much selfimposed rules everyone agreed on in order to play, but what if someone decides to fuck the rules, similar to Suika?

>> No.11937367

I'm sure if a Youkai disobeys the rules Reimu would probably seal them away since they proved to be a big danger, and sealing them until they are forgotten is the only way to permanently rid of youkai.

>> No.11937428 [DELETED] 

Why are there so many normie faggots on /jp/ lately?

>> No.11937451 [DELETED] 

Everyone from way back then either left or died

>> No.11937620

Do any touhous just leave Gensoukyou and settle down in the human world and live normal lives?

>> No.11937739

It's rather the opposite I think, see Sanae and Mamizou who lived a normal life in the outside and came to Gensokyo.

Gensokyo is pretty much youkai paradise, why would you leave?

>> No.11937766

Wasn't the barrier made specifically to keep them in? Not that it's perfect though with things slipping in and out all the time...

>> No.11937780

No, it was made to preserve them and make sure they don't die out.
It's like a nature reserve for youkai

>> No.11937796

Do you think Gensokyos inhabitants are very knowledgeable about the outside worlds modern stuff like anime?
One of Sukunas cards is called "Attack on midget", Marisa knows about phoenix downs and soccer is becoming popular

>> No.11937800

A more interesting question is wether or not the inhabitants know about the games.

>"This looks awfully familiar": Reimu after playing EoSD

>> No.11938023

What about the humans that (either accidentally or not) enter Gensokyo and stumble into youkais like Yamame or Rumia? Do they get to battle or are killed outright (either by punches, kicks, laser, super-ebola, boulders thrown at the speed of sound, knives and who know what else)? What about Onis? Most of them dislike/hate those they consider "weak" (that means anyone that can't at least lift a hill) but do they at least have some kind of martial honor meaning that they will at least explain you how to pull a half-decent, cobbled-together danmaku before attacking?

>> No.11938028

A spellcard fight is something both parties have to agree on by declaring spellcards.
So if you are not able to use spellcards anyone can do whatever they want with you I assume

>> No.11938180
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Do other myths 'fade' into Gensokyo too? Chupa Cabra got in, Loup Garou/Werewolf too.

Did Remilia move to Gensokyo before or after the border? Did she move in normally?

How did Mamizou get through the border? How did she heard that Nue needed her help?

>> No.11938184

>Did Remilia move to Gensokyo before or after the border?

>> No.11938186

Is there an archive of doujin music cover art? I downloaded the lossless torrent and I can't find any.

>> No.11938299

Yes, and other than myths, I think foreign books have been mentioned before, so it would seem like things come in from all over the world, but there is still the extreme bias toward Eastern myths and objects, which I don't want to explain in-universe.

>> No.11938363


>> No.11938455

I think you mean

>> No.11938521

Thanks, has what I need.

>> No.11938541

If you break the contract, then you lose its protections.
> http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Draft_of_Spell_Card_Rules
That is, Reimu is free to stay in Fantasy Heaven mode forever in order to beat you down, Remilia can run away to regenerate between every attack, Yukari can gap you into space, etc.

"Shingeki no Kobito" being a reference out-of-universe doesn't mean it's a reference in-universe.
Gensokyoans learn bits and pieces about the Outside World from what crosses the Border, but they usually lack the context to understand them. E.g. Kosuzu once read something about the fall of the Berlin Wall and said "Huh, the Outside World sure has a lot of shoddy construction work". Kogasa thinks all babysitters can fly using umbrellas. Akyuu thought youkai rabbits were vulnerable to Holy Hand Grenades. And then there's Rinnosuke...

Non-citizens are fair game. They're under no protection, and youkai are free to kill or eat them without repercussion.

>It would seem like things come in from all over the world, but there is still the extreme bias toward Eastern myths and objects, which I don't want to explain in-universe.
That bias is because Gensokyo is in Japan; not every international youkai is willing or able to travel there. Youkai don't *need* to go to Gensokyo to survive, it just makes things easier, and for that they could probably hide in some other mystical realm closer to home.

>Did Remilia move to Gensokyo before or after the border? Did she move in normally?
She moved recently enough that Reimu was around, and apparently brought her mansion with her.

>How did Mamizou get through the border? How did she heard that Nue needed her help?
Hasn't been stated. I don't think there are many ways through the border that will work for all people at all times, hence why Kasen seems to have trouble finding one despite seeing the zashiki-warashi passing through it right in front of her.

>> No.11938648

Suika doesn't actually screw the rules, just to mention. She does use very un-danmaku-like danmaku though, according to Marisa; nobody likes fighting her because she prefers to just squash the opponent rather than make something pretty.

>> No.11938657

Yeah that's what I meant.
It's more or less breaking the rules in my opinion since the principles of danmaku play (beauty and being able to dodge it properly) don't really apply to her attacks

>> No.11938685

It's just that breaking the rules pretty specifically means actually breaking the rules, so your Suika example doesn't apply, that's all.

>Non-citizens are fair game. They're under no protection, and youkai are free to kill or eat them without repercussion.
That being said, we know that non-citizens can easily become citizens if they choose to stay, given that they reach somewhere like the Human Village or the Hakurei Shrine safely. In which case, even if they don't want to stay they're sent back out anyways.

>How did Mamizou get through the border? How did she heard that Nue needed her help?
It's generally assumed by how the border is talked about, that it's very easy for youkai to enter Gensokyo while being difficult-ish to leave; whereas it's easier to humans to leave Gensokyo, but not enter. This isn't actually supported, but it seems to be a pretty reasonable conclusion to make.

>> No.11938831
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You're so cute, Ajuu-kun. I want to hug you. Are you a girl?

>> No.11939721

>>Non-citizens are fair game. They're under no protection, and youkai are free to kill or eat them without repercussion.
>That being said, we know that non-citizens can easily become citizens if they choose to stay, given that they reach somewhere like the Human Village or the Hakurei Shrine safely. In which case, even if they don't want to stay they're sent back out anyways.

Well damn.
So, who are the ones that will help you, or at the very least, not make a shish-kebab out of you?

>> No.11939777

From what I remember, Meiling is pretty friendly, rinnosuke too (Except, since he's near the FoM you run into serious risks there). Mokou'll help you if you're lost, but she's not very talkative. Keine and Eientei are human friendly.

>> No.11939824

I am pretty sure that the issue of leaving Gensokyo was explicated a bit recently, either in SoPM or the manga. It's also possible that it was a product of my daydreams. Does anyone know?

>> No.11939854

Youmu is actually very human friendly but is easy to be manipulated to hurt you. Byakuren since her buddhist nature. Hina will help you but act distant (that is due to obvious reasons). Kyouko and Kogasa... well not need to explain.

Anyway the first thing to do or ask for is the human village.

>> No.11939859
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>Mokou'll help you if you're lost, but she's not very talkative
She's just shy!

>> No.11940009


What about Kappas and Tengus and Fairies? The do represent a large portion of the population.

>> No.11940030

Kappa are friendly, sure.
Tengu are horribly reclusive so I doubt they'd be very friendly.
Fairies are probably "friendly" but that won't stop fatal accidents.

I think i'd take my chances at the SDM, at worst I become a vampire snack but even that wont kill me if Remilia is the light eater she says she is.

>> No.11940032
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Kappas will trick you for their own gain, though, or worst they'll take your shirikodama.

>> No.11940045

>or worst they'll take your shirikodama.
I wouldn't mind a rimjob from Nitori

>> No.11940049

Kappas and Tengus according to Japanese mythology aren't human friendly but in Gensokyo they act more as the "Territorial" type, you don't fuck with them and they don't fuck with you.

Fairies are too dumb to label you as friend or foe, fairies like Cirno will beat you just for fun.

>> No.11940075

>Kasen seems to have trouble finding one

That she's even looking for it is just Suika's assumption at this point.

>> No.11940081

She'll take it with mechanical steel arm.
I doubt you want something like that in your ass.

>> No.11940439

Besides TAMusic, are there any other violinists on YouTube that does Touhou music on the violin?

>> No.11940546

Kappas in general or just Nitori?
