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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 413 KB, 1224x1658, MM14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11904670 No.11904670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for most Hello! Project groups and soloists, old and new. Berryz Koubou and C-ute are not allowed to be posted here because they have their own thread.

モーニング娘。'14 『笑顔の君は太陽さ』(Morning Musume。'14[You bright smile is like the sunshine]) (MV)
モーニング娘。'14 『君の代わりは居やしない』(Morning Musume。'14[No One Can Replace You]) (MV)
モーニング娘。'14 『What is LOVE?』 (MV)
スマイレージ 『ええか!?』 (S/mileage[Do you get it?]) (MV)
スマイレージ 『「良い奴」』(S/mileage[Nice Guy]) (MV)
Juice=Juice 『イジワルしないで 抱きしめてよ』[Don't be spiteful, but embrace me](MV)
Juice=Juice 『初めてを経験中』[Experiencing the first time](MV)
℃-ute新曲MV&Berryz新曲Dance Shot初公開!スマイレージ/モー娘。'14発売イベント、ハロコン舞台裏 MC:田村芽実【ハロ!ステ#54】

The Girls Live 【Episode 05】

Thread population got too big, this is the only way forward I can see.

>> No.11904681
File: 72 KB, 480x481, o0480048112820384778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenshuuseis welcome.

>> No.11904686

New Eripon selfie videos

>> No.11904695

Didn't even know she did this. Unlike the konya mo usa-chan peace raid, there was a lot of talk about it. Based eripon taking matters into her own hands.

But I really miss those segments they had in hpt where they did shit like this.

>> No.11904701


>> No.11904721

Thanks, OP. I really hope we can have a nice thread without someone screaming pedo every time someone posts a girl younger than US federal law considers legal again.

>> No.11904773

shut up, you sick fuck.

>> No.11904779

you shut up, vagetafag. you're not welcome here

>> No.11904781
File: 247 KB, 1200x1604, 834683468346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture of a child.

>> No.11904787

>implying the pedos weren't the ones doing all the cunt talk

>> No.11904792

all i'm really implying is that you're awful company and probably a fag.

>> No.11904796


>> No.11904800

Never has somebody wanted to discuss underage girls vaginas so badly. Enjoy your thread before it gets banned for the inevitable pedo circlejerk.

>> No.11904804

just shut up already

>> No.11904807
File: 280 KB, 1200x1606, 61461246124646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another little child.

>> No.11904810

that was my first post you literal retarded paedophile

>> No.11904813

It's almost like I just want to make you mad.

>> No.11904818 [DELETED] 

What's the matter, your social justice reddit is slow today so you come here?

>> No.11904828

you do know those posts were getting deleted by the mod. That kind of talk about young teen girls isn't even allowed on /tv/ anymore and the sex talk didn't even start until meimifag and the cumonfacefag started shitposting it last fall.

>> No.11904835

probably talking to one of them

>> No.11904839

Nobody here is promoting that kind of discussion. But most of H!P is young teenage girls and any time they're mentioned this guy flips his shit about paedos. It's tiresome and unnecessary.

>> No.11904846

bullshit he didn't start posting until some retards started roleplaying as drunks and posting about cunnys

>> No.11904847

except that everytime a young member is mentioned it's always about fucking her. look at Karin-fag.

>> No.11904851

exactly, it just so happens about 80% of the time a young idol is mentioned its about fucking her

>> No.11904852

your problems will be solved if you post in the other thread where there's no karin or other such young girls.

>> No.11904853

Five posts were enough to set the guy off. Five.


>> No.11904855

how many do you think do you need to set the authorities off?

>> No.11904858

so there should be an entire community before he posts

>> No.11904857

>I'm entitled to my lolicon circlejerking thread

>> No.11904863

I think airifag found a lolicon haven. Have they been sending secret messages about where to talk about "stuff"

>> No.11904864

what are you fighting for exactly? this thread is created not for the discussion of fucking young girls, but to discuss h!p idols sans berryz/c-ute. there will undoubtedly be posts like karin-fag's, but the report button should do the trick.

So what are you trying to get out of this?

>> No.11904867
File: 1.15 MB, 646x345, kanon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you see a post that you think is in violation of the rules, report it. Otherwise, just silently let the mods do what they will. You can meta post about pedophiles infinitely but you change anyone's mind or posting habits.

>> No.11904869

you won't*

>> No.11904870

obviously the report button doesn't do shit. you sick fucks are still shitting these threads.

>> No.11904873

the report button works if you actually use it. do you see the deleted posts about fucking underaged girls in the previous thread? check the archives faget.

>> No.11904875

Do you really think Airibro won't spam this thread for shit and giggles?

>> No.11904876

have you been alive the past few hours?
karin-fag created these threads because he thinks this way he could continue his shit without getting called out.

>> No.11904879

That is wrong, because i made the threads and I'm not karin-fag. Rest assured that if there's any posts that violates the rules I will do my best to report them.

>> No.11904883

I think there's a tiny chance he can be happy with the other Kidsfags and that's really the only chance any of us have at a break from his tyranny.
You've literally nothing but your paranoia to base that claim on.

>> No.11904880

What we really need is /h!p eu/ and /h!p us/

>> No.11904885

airibro's a newfag who recently discovered how to imagedump, is all

>> No.11904886

or lewd and none lewd. This is really the worst.

>> No.11904891

can't we have /h!p/ back and work together?

>> No.11904889
File: 912 KB, 1200x1800, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you are both wrong

>> No.11904893

It's too late for that. You can thank Airicunt.

>> No.11904899
File: 418 KB, 1407x2048, 725372357235735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moralfags are being dishonest. They just hate it when people post young idols regardless of lewd comment.

>> No.11904897
File: 1.29 MB, 1800x1200, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11904898

>implying Airibro won't shit this thread too.

>> No.11904900

just goes to show how much of a spoiled autist he is.

>> No.11904903
File: 2.46 MB, 1800x2700, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11904907
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x1800, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11904908

>2 minutes apart
LEL have fun writing captchas.

>> No.11904910

I think you've officially become more hated than tc ever was now. You've really achieved something with the hours of your life you've spent creating this reputation for yourself. Honestly, congratulation.

>> No.11904915
File: 971 KB, 1800x1200, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something has sprung up
bbl if this thread is still up

>> No.11904923
File: 472 KB, 450x500, 1368810433185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11904925

stop being crybabies

>> No.11904926

go back

>> No.11904942

How long should he have waited?

>paedo spin cycle

>> No.11904945


>> No.11904947

pffft. or what?

>> No.11904949

Does anyone listen to j=j's radio shows anymore? I've kinda missed a lot of them. Fug I'm not even following their blogs anymore. Can anybody update me on their latest adventures?

>> No.11904951

Point is it's pretty fucking autistic to spam 2 1/4 threads just because 2 guys had a brief pedo exchange. He just wants to rule.

>> No.11904955

* 1 1/4

>> No.11904960

what the fuck did they expect with that OP in the next thread

>> No.11904965

>b-b-but the op image is of a 14 year old!!
wow your getting desperate

>> No.11904968

Just because you don't like the OP doesn't give you a right to spam the whole thread. Airifag is a fucking douchebag no matter how you slice it.

>> No.11904976

it was obviously bait retard

>> No.11904981

>understanding bait
Are all the op pictures from previous threads that had du in it bait too?

Unless of course you're saying that >>11904960 is bait because you never know with h!p threads these days.

>> No.11904984

wow. trying really hard to get your loli thread.

>> No.11904985

that didn't answer the question

>> No.11904990

I guess they expected Airifag to spam it. Doesn't make him any less of a douche.

>> No.11904998

that's what i have been trying to say you retarded monkey. i never said he was a good guy,

>> No.11905000

And you never answered my question from before too. What is it that you want? A united h!p thread that can't have discussions about j=j, mm and kss because they're underaged? There's already a thread for that and it's here >>11904640

Even if we do go back to the previous thread, there will still be people like karin-fag shtting it up with his paedo posts. We're doing you a massive favor here by concentrating it in one thread and fighting it off by ourselves so you don't get angry and dump whenever you or whoever feels like it.

>> No.11905003

We all understood what you meant in >>11904960
Did you really need me to repeat it?

>> No.11905006

>A united h!p thread that can't have discussions about j=j, mm and kss because they're underaged?
the last few threads have been fine before the "let's get le drunk and talk about le loli cunny" fag showed up.

>> No.11905012

talk about young girls is not the issue. pedo talk is the issue. you can talk about kss without talking about their vags you retard.

>> No.11905013

No, not really. It was ruined by spamming no question. I've been here since this shit was started and questionable posts like the pedofag's posts have always been ignored or only had a single reply, probably because he was samefagging.

>> No.11905014

Ok then, go ahead and post in that thread, no one's stopping you.
And that's what we're aiming to do here.

>> No.11905015


>> No.11905016

Ok then, go ahead and post in that thread, no one's stopping you.

>> No.11905018

and your point is?

>> No.11905019

>And that's what we're aiming to do here.
by separating the grannies onto their own thread?
I doubt it, karin-fag.

>> No.11905021

the guy is retarded

>> No.11905022

Everyone who doesn't agree with you is retarded.

>> No.11905026

Go post in >>11904585 if you find that this thread is not working for you, I don't know how I can make it clearer than that.
Your 4chan identificator don't seem to be working very well, buddy. Stop trying to protest this and go post in whichever thread feels right for you.

>> No.11905024

My point being that it looks like two autist anons fucked up the h!p threads that's been going on for about a year and a half simply because they both got their feelings hurt by each others posts.

>> No.11905027

it's obvious you are karin-fag trying to get his own lolicon thread by being moderate.

>> No.11905029

How about reporting shit instead of whining and spamming?

>> No.11905033

the last pedo posts were being deleted so why make this thread umless it's to escape airibros sensors

>> No.11905031

>hurt feelings
There's no need to hold any novelty to these threads. You seem to have got your feelings hurt because the thread count has gone back to 1 again.

>> No.11905032
File: 290 KB, 1024x1483, BCvKPXQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, I just saw this cute picture of Karin and wanted to share it with you guys. Looks like now might be a bad time? 仕方がない。

>> No.11905035

there's literally no other alternative! you narrow-minded little idiot

>> No.11905036
File: 260 KB, 1280x1788, 725372357235735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never a bad time for posting Karin.

>> No.11905037

by this point I'm pretty sure airibro and karin-fag are the same person. he uses airibro to piss everybody off and trying to get his way.

>> No.11905038

so you did make the thread for a pedo circle jerk

>> No.11905039

Nope. I'm saying that things were going pretty good for a long time until someone started spamming shit several threads ago. The only time something was spammed before he showed was only to use the rest of the image count.

>> No.11905040

keep saying that and maybe one day it will hold value, little anon.

>> No.11905042

I still don't get why you think you are entitled to this thread because of spam or how it is supposed to hinder it from happening again.

>> No.11905043
File: 798 KB, 2972x3984, marmalade on her face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

momofag started spamming ages ago

>> No.11905045

Don't know. Maybe he'll have a harder time spamming two threads? Why don't we all calm down and find out?

>> No.11905044
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>> No.11905047

You don't have to frame this in terms of entitlement and foolish endeavors. OP was tired of the way things have been going and decided to try something new.

>> No.11905048

Not whole fuckin threads though.

>> No.11905050 [DELETED] 

your newfag is showing

>> No.11905052

going by his posts it is nothing but entitlement to a loli thread and using airibro as a stupid excuse.
having two threads won't change anything about the spam.

>> No.11905055
File: 1.15 MB, 1067x1600, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... h-how about that article that Dawa wrote in the Japan News?


Or how about this advertisement featuring Kudo Haruka


>> No.11905063

It made me like Dawa even more.

>> No.11905064

It made me a raging paedo.

>> No.11905066

>Or how about this advertisement featuring Kudo Haruka

Haruna was just talking on mojo about seeing UFOs and the like. Ayumi seems to be the realist of the group though. She says she believes that there are other lifeforms not from earth but the lights in the distance that Haruna sees every now and again might just be airplanes.

>> No.11905071

these threads went to shit when he first showed up and really went to shit the last time he wanted attention when miyafag was sperging out. karinfag airifag miyafag momofag meimifag Remember when the ikutafags were the only annoying whatever-fags? good fucking times compared to this shit. I'm through with these threads fuck all of you useless autists

>> No.11905074
File: 125 KB, 600x900, Miyamoto Karin-382317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now I'm another object of you're paranoia. Have fun.

>child molesters not welcome here or anywhere
Airifag confirmed for retard, he can't even distinguish pedos from child molesters.

Few drunken post were enough to make shit like this. It's scary to post anything now because some autist can go rage buttmad.
I'll refrain from posting for a week or two so you can have fun with Airi/Momo/Whateverbro only. No "I want to fuck X" posts will surely increase this thread(s?) quality.

>> No.11905079

>implying they are not all the same retard.
>implying that's the biggest problem of these threads.

>> No.11905083

what a hero you are.

>> No.11905088

I want to put maggots under Karin's eyelids.

>> No.11905087
File: 237 KB, 1200x1787, Miyamoto Karin-381982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.
I'll kill you anyway though.

>> No.11905090

Yeah I remember. Ikutafags were getting blown the fuck out, Goldenfags shitting on everything new, Satofags were annoying as fuck too but it was all in good fun.

>> No.11905092

It's spooky how they just up and disappeared overnight

>> No.11905094
File: 600 KB, 1489x2101, Miyamoto Karin-360667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll deal with you later, Kanatomo bro.

>> No.11905097

Still here you know. The thing is you'd never know it was me if I didn't post with an ikuta blogpic. I still don't get why posting ikuta made everyone so mad.

>> No.11905098

>ikutafag disappeared
>miyafag, airibro and karin-fag appeared.
connect the dots

>> No.11905101
File: 219 KB, 1200x1604, masaki is sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you acted like there were multiple of you

>> No.11905105

I don't know. I only did it to for the lols. I kinda like Ikuta now.

>> No.11905106

Don't know if it was a false flag troll or not, but there were a lot of really obnoxious Ikuta posts along the lines of "Ikuta should go solo and everyone else just graduate".

>> No.11905108

if you are implying ikutafag took new identities, no.

>> No.11905111

That was after the whole ikubros thing, and I'm sure those posts were made by the same poster that copies miyafag's posting style to try and garner hate. Before that there was at least one more ikufag posting when I was asleep.

>> No.11905114

>implying that wasn't someone trying to get you to hate Ikuta

>> No.11905120

I, too, posted as an Ikubro. Those were good times.

>> No.11905122
File: 220 KB, 1280x1834, 1392637984968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although you were delusional as fuck, there were a few hilarious posts.

>> No.11905123

Yeah, probably. I remember the jokes about you guys working in shifts, that was pretty fun.
That's what I was getting at. He did a good job too.

>> No.11905124

I'm always here.

>> No.11905127

I have them.

>> No.11905125

Very good times. Anyone else save those lewd as fuck MM pictures a while back? That bath house pic came up corrupted after I saved it.

>> No.11905128

Probably still in the archive. I still have it if you feel lazy.

>> No.11905131

Feelin lazy. Show me the promised land plz.

>> No.11905138
File: 994 KB, 245x190, aewen18830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here but I don't really post as things are as they are right now.

>> No.11905150

Lel it turns out I didn't save them. But the pictures in the archive are still there if you want it.


>> No.11905164


Wow, there's a name I haven't heard in a while. It truly was fun times.

>> No.11905170

>Those Goto posts

Sorry guys, that was me. I haven't looked her up in ages. I feel like a traitor now.

>> No.11905197

who else /readingoldpostsandgettinggoosebumps/ here?

>> No.11905297
File: 94 KB, 480x720, o0480072012848824297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is murotan not in mm yet.

>> No.11905309
File: 403 KB, 1500x1903, 27357235723535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't Ayano?

>> No.11905317

You know I can never tell her, tagucchi and nomura minami apart.

>> No.11905321
File: 235 KB, 960x1280, 4683468436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nomura has bigger eyebags and different bangs.

>> No.11905326

It's easy when you line them up like that but it's a nightmare trying to identify them by themselves. Probably because I don't really follow them much.

By the way have you watched the series of kss 'familiarization' videos posted on youtube? Why are people hyping Ogawa Rena up as the next Kamei? I think her face is too wide anyway to be anything like hers.

>> No.11905338
File: 74 KB, 480x640, 7235723572357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean, there are so damn many of them and several resemble each other. I have yet to learn all their names.

I haven't watched all of them, just my favorites but they were pretty fun. Lots of good backstage stuff. I guess the reason they're saying that about Rena is because she has those downy eyes.

>> No.11905345

>tfw half these girls won't get to see their perseverance paid off

>> No.11905354

It's really sad, but at least they have fun. Hopefully they'll still pick up some useful skills like self-discipline that will carry over to their non-idol lives.

>> No.11905364


>> No.11905367

fuck off retard, you reap what you sow

>> No.11905373

shut up already, karin-fag. you won't get your loli thread.

>> No.11905374

contrary to what you might think, more than one person dislikes you

>> No.11905378

>the loli circlejerk club is strong.

>> No.11905381

Stop shitting up the thread, if we wanted to post in the other thread we would.

>> No.11905383

that's the problem. we have split threads because of the minority of loli shits.

>> No.11905385

no, we're having split threads because of you
literally just you

>> No.11905386

Judging by the post count it looks like the people posting in this thread are in the majority.

>> No.11905390

when I woke up this shit had already happened. stop trying to act victim.

>> No.11905394

it happened because you spammed these threads for weeks on the slightest hint of things happening that you didn't like

>> No.11905397

no. i have been lurking the last hours. I'm waiting for somebody to post anybody besides lolis and see how it turns out.

>> No.11905400

Remember the last time Momusu threads were stopped? There was this one autist...

>> No.11905401

>calling everybody the airibro
great job at trying too hard.

>> No.11905405

Didn't you get the news? There are only 2 people posting in these threads, Airibro and Karinfag.

>> No.11905409
File: 1.31 MB, 448x252, 1388481412360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how many times i got called karin-fag today.

>> No.11905411

miyafag and airibro are karin-fags personas when he doesn't get shit his way.

>> No.11905412

It's also been revealed that they are the same person. But I don't have to tell you that.
